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Community Event Over: Creating Stories Out Of Items///win Prizes///have Fun

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by AwesomeAsher1O, Aug 12, 2017.


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  1. AwesomeAsher1O

    AwesomeAsher1O The Official Lizard of Fruma VIP+

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    So the other day I was thinking about how the different names of items throughout WynnCraft has expanded my vocabulary, when an idea sprung to mind, what if there was a challenge to create a short story using the names of twenty different items. So here is the thread about it...

    I am challenging anyone out there to come up with a creative short story about anything, but there's a catch, you need to use the name of at least twenty items of any kind in your story. I will also be selecting winners!

    Rules: No NPC names only items(Weapons or Armour)
    Keep it PG!
    Don't make it insanely long(I wanna hear your story but I also would like it if I didn't have to spent 20 minutes reading it)
    You must use at least twenty items names in your story
    You must use the name of at least one MYTHIC in your story
    Make Sure To Either Underline or Bold The Item Names

    Please only post one story so it is fair
    Be Creative!!!
    (I'm not that rich so I cant reward you with as much as I would like but here we go)
    1st Place
    - A whopping 7 LE plus three legends from my bank

    2nd Place
    - 5 LE plus two legends from my bank

    3rd Place
    - 3 LE plus one legend from my

    How To Become A Patron...

    If you think this is a cool idea and you wanna support me start a private conversation with me and tell me how much you wanna donate.

    Ends: This event has already ended!

    Well I can't think of anything else to add so start writing stories!
    - AwesomeAsher1O
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
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  2. Reti

    Reti Marquis of the Foxes, King of Memes VIP+

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    This took way too much work, but I want that sweet sweet LE. So, here ya go!

    A Study In Black

    Harry Holmes, son of Sherlock Holmes, was on the scene for yet another case. A pure, innocent kid, who lives with his grandmother because his dad was too busy getting involved in international intrigue, this was his first case, and it showed. He was twitchy, timid, and while some things may had been crystal clear to others, in his state, they were quite muddy indeed. This was made blindingly obvious by the fact that he had tripped over the step leading up to the house, and this added to his worsening mood. As he headed up the stairs, almost an inferno of rage, he stopped himself. After a few deep breaths, and a little self-help, he entered the room with revitalized energy and concentration.

    When he arrived in the room, the officers were there. They had cordoned off a section of the small space for investigation, and after a few minutes of explaining his duty, Harry set to work. As he worked, he relaxed more. This was his element, and he planned to make the most out of it. His mind went as fast as a ice cube in a vat of hydrochloric
    acid. He realized that the victim was killed by a puncture wound, but by what, he couldn't tell. But then he saw a metal arrowhead lying on the ground near the victim. Harry picked it up and knew exactly who he had to take it to. Before he left, he saw a strange black swatch of fabric. He looked at it for a second, snatched the cloth, and went to see his friend.

    Harry, being so
    adventurous, met a lot of people on his journeys. Among those, he had met Johnathan Sharp, a bow-smith and crossbow maker. As he entered the shop, John saw Harry, and was absolutely ecstatic. Harry was one of his best friends, and he wanted to talk to him as much as possible. After talking for a while, John discovered that the arrowhead was actually off of a crossbow bolt- a crossbolt, if you will. He also mentioned that this particular bolt was from an ancient battle crossbow, the only one in existence. It was owned by a medieval reenactment group. Knowing this, Harry set off to a medieval reenactment, and was determined to figure out who the killer was.

    As Harry walked into the building of the medieval reenactment group, the place stunk of antimony. Wondering what the smell was, he looked to his left and saw a horse stable, along with a open veterinarian kit. Shrugging it off, he continued until he found the head of the group; William Falkland. This was told to him by the man himself, who conveyed it through song. Sadly, the man sounded like a broken harp, so Holmes cut to the chase and asked to see the old crossbow. At that point,, William denied the fact that the crossbow existed with shocking audacity. Holmes was suspicious, but he hastily agreed and set off to leave. But as William turned to leave, Holmes saw something very peculiar; a patch of missing black fabric, in the shape of the piece found back at the crime scene.

    Seeing this blank patch put all the pieces together in Holmes' mind. After figuring this out, and seeing Will deny it to his very face, he became very angry once more. Before he could stop himself, he turned into a monster of pure rage, and his vision began to warp. He launched himself at Will with such rage that they both flew back into the nearest wall. Holmes promptly produced a pair of handcuffs and slapped them on William's wrist.

    After he turned Will in, he returned to his home, where he discovered that his father had left again on another mystery. Harry sighed, and wondered if his father would go to the aurora before he came back to his family. However, he was fine with this, and he let himself believe that his father wasn't starting another world-ravishing cataclysm. Harry went to get a glass of water, and went to bed.

    The End
  3. Gort

    Gort His Royal Pimpness CHAMPION

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    What if I made one using only words that are items
  4. AnimeWithSushi

    AnimeWithSushi AnimeWithSushi HERO

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    Yep... i give up.
    Reti likes this.
  5. Reti

    Reti Marquis of the Foxes, King of Memes VIP+

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    You can definitely do better than that. Good luck!
    AwesomeAsher1O and SizzlingBacon like this.
  6. AwesomeAsher1O

    AwesomeAsher1O The Official Lizard of Fruma VIP+

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  7. Paks

    Paks Spy Main CHAMPION

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    Reserved post for when I actually think up of a plot that doesn't fodderize the antagonist.
    AwesomeAsher1O likes this.
  8. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Perhaps I would be ;)
    AwesomeAsher1O likes this.
  9. Slime1480

    Slime1480 Slime Shady Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    I don't have much time, i'll try my best (8:57 pm here)
    Anyways, i don't want the reward, i'll come back with a story.
  10. Stag2004

    Stag2004 I lost my faith in humanity long time ago

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    Pure isnt a mythic 0/10
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2017
  11. El Magica IV

    El Magica IV Travelled Adventurer

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    Alkatraz Breakout
    I never thought that i'd be in the big house. I don't know what happened. I was summoned to court, and hours later i was in a cramped little cell. I had a bunkmate, a big, burly guy, like the next Diablo or something. He didn't seem like a total acrobat, but he was real friendly with me, like in the Shawshank Redemption. I'd probably like it here if it didn't smell so vile, so rotten.

    I looked out the window. It was dark and foggy, and the whole sky slowly turned to a blur. I sighed. Subtly, sure, but my bunkmate heard me. "Hey, little dude," he called. "Betcha miss your home, huh?" I nodded. What was the point of hiding it when we all missed home? "Listen," the big guy said. "The name's Ivory. I got a plan to break us outta here." Ivory handed me a nail file and a... butter knife? He whispered something into my ear, a secret plan, maybe. We planned to break out at lunch.

    Ivory plopped himself down at my table with a plate of mystery meat sliders. I gave him mine. They were revolting. I looked around for any exits nearby. No exits, but I did see a guard. He watched the prisoners like a hawk. No way we could break out with that third eye glaring at us every five seconds. Ivory gave me a hand signal, picked up some meat, and quietly, hucked it at the guard's face. "Go!" I scampered away while the guard cleared his face off.

    Back at my cell, i picked up the nail file and started sawing away at the bars. Not a big rush. Only 45 minutes till lunch was over, and no guards were by the cells. I keep hacking away at those bars until all that's left is a big pile of metallic sawdust. Of course, it felt good, but I kinda felt guilty at the same time. A cascade of emotions flowed through my mind. Panic, fear, guilt. But all of that didn't matter. Ivory was counting on me. I was practically wearing a mask of fear when the prisoners started filing back into their cells. I took the butter knife Ivory gave me and wedged it into the window. Hopefully the guards wouldn't know the difference. I remember Ivory telling me not to escape till midnight on the dot.

    Ivory woke me from my slumber with a slap on the face. Talk about a rude awakening. "Let's go." We leaped out of the prison. It'd be a lot easier if it weren't for the stalagmites littering the outskirts of the prison. Fortunately, Ivory landed safely. I fell right on top of him. We looked up. Praise the lord, the guard at the light tower was asleep. This reminds me of the game I always played when I was little, 'Don't wake the sleeping beast.' Of course, this was real. Ivory lead me to a boat. I got in, and Ivory followed suit. Suddenly, lights went on. Ivory jumped out and shoved the boat onto the ocean. "WAIT!" I called. Ivory responded "Don't worry, I got this! Paddle!" I grabbed the paddles and started rowing like a lightning bolt. I don't understand what Ivory was doing. That was like suicide. Wait... Maybe he was too heavy. He was twice my height and probably three times as heavy. He knew what he was doing. He could beat those officers into a pulp. I rowed away, with a little more confidence than before. Home was only inches away.

    (By the way, which legends do you have? I could use a Cancer.)
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2017
    AwesomeAsher1O likes this.
  12. AwesomeAsher1O

    AwesomeAsher1O The Official Lizard of Fruma VIP+

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    Nice job so far guys, can anyone top them though...
  13. AwesomeAsher1O

    AwesomeAsher1O The Official Lizard of Fruma VIP+

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  14. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    Something was off… something…. arcane… lingered in Jathem's mind, he found it unsettling as he wandered these ruins. A blackness that stilled around him put the young adventurer even more off as he wandered deeper… it looked like his head was surrounded by a Blue Mask, the way the darkness looked.

    Jathem was not exactly the type to jump into ruins filled with destructive skeletons and a rumored "godlike Mage" however he had to, how else would he support his family without the money the hermit at the entrance said he would give him if he investigated these ruins? It's 128 Liquified Emeralds, that would support them for millennia!

    He went in protected of course, a Wind Mimic, Ragni's Mail, Fire Wire, Helmet of The Blue Stone, Troms Kid Badge, Jester Necklace, and a Sequencer.. some Health and Mana potions…. and a hope that Bob's might would protect him…

    This still did not put off his uncertainty, just this place's air… didn't feel right. Like the earth itself was telling him this was a bad idea.

    Something was even more off, the deeper he walked, his chest felt tighter, his mind felt like a Cataclysm, his arms could barely hold up the bow he held in his hand, his Maelstrom, without that spearheaded arrow that it so beautifully drew and shot, it was like he was instead sent out on a mission to go greet Death itself and shake it's hand, only to be washed away into infinity along side Ethe..

    Then he heard something, in the nothingness that was this ruins, he found something that was a little less nothing than the nothingness around him… just a skeleton. He somehow had the strength to fire a shot with his bow and destroy the skeleton for the second time. Then he moved on.. it had a nice wand though, Diablo...…
    Jathem reached a StoneWall (pun), with some words on it… looks like one of those ancient Frumian puzzles, of course… align the words in order and make them into an exactly correct poem that would open the door……. (later) He was so intent on fixing this puzzle he didn't even notice that he was sweating, panting heavily, and his movements were slowed. It wasn't even just exhaustion from physical work, as he's done much longer things than this without getting tired. He suspected a dark magic was draining him of his strength, until he collapsed, his soul trapped here forever and his body feasted on by the arcanity of this place… the thought of this… filled him with fear. That his fate would be tied to this place forever, his family driven into ruin because he couldn't finish this one mission...

    Who knows how long it took? But what was important to Jathem is he did the puzzle….. the poem read…

    It was a godlike being
    A single eye
    No face
    No arms
    Wielding a staff that shook a whistling Wynn with it's presence
    Ethereal and destructive.
    Only a being
    Conjured by the most horrible of horrors
    Sent down by the ancient forces
    To create chaos among Fruma
    And drive this world into

    The door opened… finally..

    What opened up to him? Something that horrified him. Terrible, disgusting, horrible, scary, fear-incuding. A Mask of Fear went over him..

    A mage in a robe, its back projecting the worst perversions of men, and his worst fears and nightmares that had ever existed.. along with a ball of light, that had a face, it's creepy and distorted smile filled him with even more FEAR.

    And…. a Gaia, was melded in its hand…….

    When it raised his… no when IT raised its head, it smiled. In a way nothing that was sane, sapient, or alive could smile.

    "A victim…. hahaha… Jathem… your soul is really special. Mind if I take it? Akumu is starving" (side note, Akumu means nightmare in japanese)

    Jathem could do nothing but watch in absolute TERROR as the mage walked closer… and an arcane bolt of magic struck him into nonexistence….
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
    AwesomeAsher1O likes this.
  15. Tezzeret

    Tezzeret You dare bring light to my lair? You must DIE! VIP

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    Ternaves' End

    Sigbert's awakening on the fateful morning was a slow one, as the sunrise shone through the window in their house. He sat up and looked around the room, seeing his familiar home. He heard the shout of his grandfather from downstairs. "Sigbert! Wake up already!", Magnus shouted. Sigbert shook his head, stood up, and headed down to where Magnus waited.

    On the ground floor of the house, Magnus saw Sigbert and looked at him. “It’s already almost noon!” The boy mumbled “Sorry,” but Magnus wasn’t finished. “Go pick up some venison from the butcher.” Sigbert nodded, and headed out of the building. He walked around for a few minutes, and headed into the butcher’s shop. The large man stood up and turned to look at him, holding a butcher’s cleaver.

    He began to speak. “So, Sigbert! What do you need?” Sigbert replied, “My grandfather asked me to get some venison…” The butcher shrugged. “Sure.” He looked at a box in the room, and pulled out a piece of meat. “Don’t get it dirty on your way back home!” he said, as he handed it to Sigbert. The boy waved goodbye as he carried it out the door.

    Outside the butcher’s shop, Sigbert noticed a small cave in the distance. After giving it a bit of thought, he decided to go there. He spotted a butter knife on the ground, sitting on a tinderbox, and picked up the blade as he headed toward the cave. At the entrance, he saw that the cave was dark, so he headed back, picked up a hollow branch, and lit it with the tinderbox to create a torch. With that, he headed back to the cave.

    Inside the entrance, he heard the rushing of a waterspout, and headed towards it. However, he slipped on a leaning log buried in the dirt, and plummeted down to another section of the cave. He looked around, but the roof began to collapse, and he fled forward to another area. There, a small treasure chest lay, buried in the dead sand, next to a small underground fountain. Sigbert ran over and pulled it open, finding a pure gold coin, but as he took it out, it began to hiss.

    A gigantic monster rose out of the chest, and roared. “I was imprisoned within that sealing coin... for 741 years… but now, I will have my revenge on the puny villagers that imprisoned me!” The cave shook, as the demon’s will grew in power, and with a movement of its jaw, it turned Sigbert into a digested corpse. It then burst out of the hilltop the cave was beneath, and set its malevolent eyes on the village of Ternaves.

    As it charged toward the village, a soldier charged out with a silver short spear, knowing that silver was effective against demons, but the creature swung its claw and cut down the soldier. Its fiery breath burned down houses as its teeth devoured the villagers of Ternaves. As the last remnants of the village were destroyed, it grasped Magnus in its maw, and as it dropped him into his mouth, he shouted down, “Sigbert, did you get my venison?” The demon’s teeth then closed on his neck, and he never got an answer.

    Eventually, the knights of Wynn were able to seal the demon away once again, and Ternaves was rebuilt as a larger town, but the residents of Ternaves still tell tales, of the demon deep below the town’s earth that devoured it long ago, and a small underground cave hides an odd coin, buried under a bat's nest and shining in the darkness.

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
    AwesomeAsher1O likes this.
  16. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    Tfw you're so good, you write a few without even noticing.
  17. El Magica IV

    El Magica IV Travelled Adventurer

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    oh that
    lol i just forgot to underline that
  18. AwesomeAsher1O

    AwesomeAsher1O The Official Lizard of Fruma VIP+

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    Wow that gave me chills!
    P.S. I think your in the lead ;)
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2017
  19. Tezzeret

    Tezzeret You dare bring light to my lair? You must DIE! VIP

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    To be honest, I don't like this one very much. It uses the item names as just the items, which I feel is a bit of a cop-out, and the item names aren't properly underlined or bolded. I also find the actual story rather boring, but that's personal preference.
  20. El Magica IV

    El Magica IV Travelled Adventurer

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    Attack of the Rabid Leprechauns from Space
    It sure was one heck of a storm out there. I could see a thousand thunderbolts a second. I sure was glad to be cooped up at home. I took a watering can and nourished the little fern by my desk. It was a gift I had gotten from my friend. He said it lived forever. I took a sip from my teacup. It sure was nice to lay back and read a book.

    A crash rang out like none other. That couldn't have been lightning. I heard scratching at the door. Looking through the peephole, I saw a tiny man with a green hat. A leprechaun. It had to be. I opened the door for him, maybe he'd give me some of his gold. Of course, that was out of the question. He leaped at me like a frog and clung onto my chest. He tried to take a bite out of me, but I peeled him off. Ugh. He smelled putrid. Looking at his teeth, those were no ordinary teeth. They were sharp, total skin tearers. Each tooth had a hook at the end. This little leprechaun was dangerous, so i opened the window and flung him out. I thought to myself, that was odd. I didn't know leprechauns existed, let alone bite people. I peered out my door, and I noticed a meteorite in my front yard, with leprechauns swarming it. Maybe that's where they came from. Maybe they came from space.

    I grabbed my phone and dialed up Dr. Az. I can always count on that guy to research mythical monsters. 30 minutes later, a truck came up to my house and a man with a Kevlar hazmat suit appeared at my doorstep. That's Az, all right. Mad scientist alert. He came inside and took off his hazmat suit. "What seems to be the problem, sonny?" Az asked. "Leprechauns that bite. Didn't you see the meteor?" Looking outside, Az saw the meteor again. "No, I suppose I didn't. Are those leprechauns?" Az took out a fishing hook, hooked a chocolate coin on it, and sent the coin right smack on the meteor. A leprechaun bit the hook and tried to run away, but that rod had an iron string. Az reeled it into the house and tossed it into a dog carrier. Az examined the leprechaun's mouth. "Hmm. that's quite a chomper. Pure ivory, it seems. Look at that mouth foam! You may just be looking at a leprechaun with rabies. That's something my nightmares would run away from! A bite from this sucker could very well be fatal!" I suppressed a snicker. A rabid leprechaun? Reading my mind, Az explained all about how leprechauns are real and how this meteor may be a radioactive substance. Of course, i'm no scientist. All this monster stuff is quite the brain smasher. I was about to fall asleep when the door slammed in front of me. Turns out Az left. Now how am I supposed to get rid of these leprechauns? I didn't sleep all night.

    The sun rose at about 6:30 AM, clearing the sky of black. The leprechauns hissed and retreated into a hole in their meteor. I headed outside and peered into the hole. All the leprechauns were asleep. I went back into the house, got my radio, and played a lullaby inside the meteor. Maybe the leprechauns would stay asleep. Wrong. All the leprechauns at one woke up and tore the radio to bits. That's when they started chasing me down, with a glare that said "I'm gonna rip out your spine." They were about to catch up to me when the leader tripped, bringing the whole leprechaun gang down with it. Good thing he did, it gave me enough time to retreat into the local seagazer. Once the sun was in full bloom, the leprechauns just kind of vaporized.
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