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Discussion in 'Your Services' started by Sku, Mar 13, 2017.

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  1. Gummy56

    Gummy56 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Hello again.
    I would like a class build for my archer class level 91.
    I prefer being tanky and fast
    Thank you for your time :thumbsup:
    Sku likes this.
  2. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    That is an interesting combination. This might end up a bit gimmicky but I'll try to create something. You'll need level 92 for this build, as that makes choosing items much easier for me. 92 gives you access to a lot of good ws/tank stuff.

    For your weapons, you're going to dual wield Return To Ether and Hellstrand. Use whichever you feel like fit for the situation. RtE has mna regen and air damage, Hellstrand has life steal and fire damage. Both really good PvE bows, yet very different, granting you lots versatility.

    Blue Mask for your helmet, it is going to be necessary for the skill points. You'll need lots of them. The more skill points on the b-mask the better, try to get 75 or more in total.

    Libra for chestplate, unmatched tankiness at level 91 and a nice damage buff to all damage you do.

    Heat Sink for pants, they are a reward from the Corkus dungeon, The Fallen Factory. Exactly what you wanted from the build, walk speed and tankiness.

    For boots I would choose Scorpio for the walk speed, huge health and added poison damage. You can also use Ceramic Shell Greaves for a lamer Heat Sink effect.

    For accessories I'd probably take one Concentration, one Raging wind, then most likely a Royal Cyclone Amulet. For bracelet you should probably choose between Follow The Wind and Relend's Refrain, both should work fine.

    Skill points:
    First put on B-mask. Then take enough skill points to wear the items in the best way possible so you do not waste any, I think you got the idea from the last build post I made. c;
    //Then check if you can get 68 int. If you can, take exactly 68 int and put the leftover points into agility. If you cannot, take 47 int and put the leftovers to agility.//
    ^ Pro tip: this is what you should do with pretty much any build you make.

    Using this build you'll have around 10 000 health with high agility, high defense and good walk speed. You'll have decent mana capacity but lack some mana regen, so watch out for that. Your damage is pretty good and also pretty versatile as you are dual wielding weapons.

    I hope it works for you. This was just a quick theorycrafted build but it looks quite unique, interesting and fun to use.
    Gummy56 likes this.
  3. Egigua

    Egigua Well-Known Adventurer

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    is CSST good and how do u find the party/players to do so?
    Sku likes this.
  4. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    It is really good, eapecially past level 80 or so.
    If you cannot purchase the dungeon/xp bombs and shouts yourself to put up your own party, look for shouts by other players in the chat. You'll need some luck finding a party but that's just how it is, there is no shortcut.
    I wish you luck. :)

    Happy xp farming!
  5. Allamak

    Allamak Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    What Mythic would you recommend? Well I tried a lot, some just a few minutes, some a few days, some a few weeks, but I didn't really have much fun with most of them. What Mythic is good and pretty fun what you could recommend me?
    Sku likes this.
  6. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    [This is going to be a long message of me talking to myself and drifting siderails, you have been warned]

    I know the feeling.
    What I did was I went through all mythics in the game (excluding the unreasonably overpriced strati and warp) and then went back to the ones I liked the most. Of course I feel like switching here and there but you'll just have to keep in mind you probably wouldn't have much more fun with the other mythic. Remember that grass always seems greener on the other side, people always want what they do not have.

    I ended up with mythics for different purposes.
    I have a Gaia for PvP, boring but very effective. It used to belong to Jacky, one more reason to never sell it again.
    Then I have my Nirvana, which is obviously another mythic I'm never going to sell. Plays quite similarly to Weathered (the first big mythic I actually used), but is a bit more "high skill ceiling" -type weapon with Curse and Concentration. It also has a much more unique wibe to it and has slightly different build options.
    Lately I've been using my Inferno build a lot as well. It has become my go-to PvE dagger for pretty much everything. Underrated, cheap to buy, looks badass, barely ever used, extremely strong with the right build.
    My other mythics are more or less for gimmicks. I have a Thrundacrack to use with my poison hybrid warrior, just because I can. Then I recently bought a crappy Idol to make a water warrior build. I had the exact same Idol at one point and really liked it, but eventually grew bored of it and decided to sell it under the pressure of a crazy offer.

    Those are the mythics I currently have and the reasonings behind them. For you the ones you grow emotionally connected to will be totally different.

    Some mythics I've used but not liked include ones like Grimtrap (ridiculously overpowered, grumpy and boring, I like my assassin a bit more snappy, not a Volvo truck like Grim), Lament (LAMEnt, a pretty good wand that has absolutely no soul or anything special to it. A medium damage wand with lots of mana steal. With a mythic tag. Great.), Cataclysm I actually really liked but it is way too expensive, I'd rather have 5 smaller fun mythics than one Cataclysm.
    Honorable mentions for good mythics that I just do not have right now have to go to Monster and Fatal, I really liked them but I have to prioritize, I do not have infinite wealth.
    The other mythics I find more or less meh.

    IF I could only have one mythic it'd be Nirvana, hands down. That is what people know me for, and that is the mythic I'm the most attached to. After that it is definitely Gaia, mine still holds the soul of JackyKit and I like my mage slow but ridiculously powerful. My top three are Nirvana, Gaia and Inferno.

    Yours will be different. Try to find the ones you feel connected to, the ones you have memories with, the ones that mean something to you. (I know this is getting a bit too deep considering we're talking about virtual items on a minecraft server) I don't use my mythics because they're the strongest or the most fun, I use them because they feel like they're mine. It is impossible for anyone to know what you will consider yours. My tip is to go through all of them until you figure out which ones you like the most.
    And eventually, when you have used your favourite for some time and feel like switching mythics, going to the other side to eat the oh-so-much-greener-grass, just... don't. You'll save a lot time and work and you'll avoid regret.

    Regretting is crap.
    Allamak likes this.
  7. Allamak

    Allamak Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    Oh wow, that's much, but it helped, thanks!
    (◕‿◕✿) kiitos!
    I hope it was even right, if not, google translation fault.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
    Sku likes this.
  8. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    Eipä kestä. (◕‿◕✿)

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017
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  9. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    Bump b4 bed, I'll be answering the possible questions tomorrow! :)
  10. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    Gib me a gud thrunda build please
    Thanks in advance
    Sku likes this.
  11. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    I'm not quite sure what to use with Thrunda. You could try an updated variation of what I used with Cataclysm:

    Boreal-Patterned Aegis
    Hephaestus-Forged Greaves
    2× Summa
    Prowess/Arc Bracer/etc.

    Take 100 dex, 68 int and fill in with agility. You should be able to get 90 or so.

    Scorpio is an excellent item for this build. It covers your earth weakness a little bit and boosts your thunder damage, thorns (you're a tanky warrior with hp regen from hive legs, mwahahahah) and even gives some walk speed. The interesting thing with poison on warrior is you get one free poison tick in the middle of uppecut, when they're midair. So you basically get 4 ticks of poison everytime you cast it.

    I'm not sure about the damage but it's going to be on the higher side. You have 8/4s mana with -50% spell costs, around 14 000 health and really high elemental defense.

    Give it a try, writing this down actually made me want a Thrunda a little bit. c;
  12. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    Master token fine
    Have everything except
    if you didn't know I actually wish that fallen factory never existed, that dungeon is the bane of my life. It bugged 9 times in a row and wasted 4 hours of my life
    How much damage dos it do?
    Sku likes this.
  13. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    I almost killed myself when getting my Gigabyte. Replace it if you wish.

    I'm not sure about the damage, I've only used the build with Cata. Average-High when comparing glass cannon's and full tank's damage.
  14. RainbowLegend

    RainbowLegend Well-Known Adventurer

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    I’d like a Warrior build, lvl 85. I’d like to be tanky but still be able to do a fair amount of damage.

    I have a few things that I think would work well with it, because of the universal elem. defense: the Gernalds Amulet, and the Nii Shako. I don’t know if these are actually good for being tanky, what do you think about it?
    Sku likes this.
  15. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    I'll look into it. My holiday just ended so I have a bit less free time now, I'll try to do the build this weekend.

    You could try combining Nii Shako with other raw elemental defense items. Morph-Steel, for example.
  16. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    Alright, I crafted you a level 85 ele tank that should do the job quite well.

    - Corrupted Nii Shako
    - Morph-Steel
    - Kratke
    - Determination
    - Morph-Topaz
    - Concentration
    - Morph-Amethyst
    - Morph-Ruby
    - Pretty much any spear you want to use. Apocalypse, for example.

    You'll end up with extreme tankiness for your level, quite massive health regen from Determination, a tiny bit of mana regen, decent damage because of Kratke and just enough skill points to use all of it.

    You'll have the following stats:
    ❤ Health: 7350
    ✹ Fire Defense: 392
    ❉ Water Defense: 257 (you'll have more if you do not use Apocalypse)
    ❋ Air Defense: 343
    ✦ Thunder Defense: 343
    ✤ Earth Defense: 343

    As you can see your health is a bit low but your elemental defenses are crazy. Pair this up with high defense skill points and war scream and you're extremely hard to kill. You can replace some of the items as you level up, there will be some really good rainbow items later in the game. Libra, Gravity, Vaward etc.

    I hope the build works out for you. If you have any other questions, you know where to find me. :)

    Last edited: Aug 11, 2017
  17. RainbowLegend

    RainbowLegend Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hey again!

    Is there any other spear besides the Apocalypse that may work well? I might be able to get it later, but at the moment I don’t know if I’ll be able to afford it. What do you think about Bobs of the Blade of Purity, as I already have those?

    Also, how should I allocate my skill points? I’ve never really been good with that.
  18. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    You can most likely use any spear you like, rainbow builds tend to be very versatile in that regard.

    Basically, put on all items with no skill point requirements first. Then (at least in your build's case) check what item has the lowest sp requirements. Take enough sp to wear that. Rince and repeat.

    After you have all your armour and accessories on, choose your weapon and take enough sp to use it. After that, check if you can get 68 int. If you can, take that much. Otherwise first aim for 47, if that is impossible too, take 34. Int works in mysterious ways and it is a bit hard to explain. Basically those values give the right spell cost reduction%s (68=-50%, 34=-33.4ish% etc.). After that put the rest of your sp to agility for more durability or to dexterity for more damage.
  19. Scythelong

    Scythelong been here. VIP

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    Hello, is it better to keep bob's spear neutral?
    Sku likes this.
  20. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    In my opinion, yes. You can use some other elemental spear as uour main weapon but better save Bob's for neutral as there are not that many other good neutral options. And neutral damage is almost required for killing some mobs.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2017
    Scythelong and tortellini like this.
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