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Shop ˙·٠•●« Tнє Fσяgє »●•٠·˙ | Lvl. 5-100 Prices Falling W/ The Leaves Of The Season! (100+ Legendaries)

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by HappyLanding, Jun 23, 2017.


What can I do to build a better shop?

  1. Refurnish the place! There is always room for improvement.

  2. Include prices.

  3. Update your catalog and offer newer things.

  4. Nothing can save it! Abandon ship!

  5. Other (message)...

  6. NOTE: Item prices have been included!

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  1. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    The marketeer squeezed him back before taking a step back.

    "I believe I'd be available at from 3:30-5:30, according to your time."

    She wouldn't be too busy for the beginning portion of the day, anyway. And an adventure with a visitor would always be a treat.
    The Smith goes about the homely-decored shop picking up loose items and trash laid around the area after a certain visit by a party of rather rowdy adventurers, but judging by the smile playing at her lips, it seemed that she didn't mind all too much.

    "Those guests were sure lively! I do hope they return."

    Letting out a light chuckle, Erin then starts up a stride towards the garbage chute set near her desk when she is appraoched by a wand-seeking traveller with feline roots.

    "Ah, hullo."

    Not long after the greeting, the visitor makes their business intentions known, and the merchant nods, letting up a kind smile.

    "The Waves Raiser has caught your fancy, eh? Well, it would be my honor to equip you with such a weapon."

    Walking over to bring the blue-hued stick with swirling effects around its peak, she then pulls out a linin cloth.

    "Allow me to properly polish it overnight, however. I wouldn't want any guest of mine walking around with a dusty ware!"
    The shopkeeper stands by the old phonograph set at the counter dividing the shop's designated halves with a vinyl record in hand as she whistles a rather southern-sounding tune.

    "I can't see a reason for further to this exquisite music!"

    Erin smiled to herself while placing the thick, black record into the apparatus, and the sound of music began to fill the lively store room. However, before the merchant could sing-along and dance, she is appraoched by a Mushine-traveller pointing to a certain helmet lined along the shop's shelves.

    "Ah, the Aries #2? I would love to have another fine adventurer such as yourself leave with it! Though, I believe it would be best for me to polish it overnight before the official trade."

    She then let out a light laugh before continuing.

    "A dullness would shame the craftsmanship of the helm!"
    Whilst making her late night rounds in the separate stable-wing of the shop, the merchant spots an adventurer lingering nearby the area, staring at the 'mrfing' horses surrounding. Deciding to assist him, Erin then put on a humbled smile before approaching.

    "Hullo, and welcome to the Forge! How may I assist you today?"

    The visitor then pointed to the chattering horses while telling her of his inquiry, and a frown soon pulled at the Smith's features.

    "I am sorry to say that each chestnut horse has already been sold. You have my sincerest apologies."
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  2. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    (My apologies for the late reply! Your message had gotten overwhelmed in the violent sea of reponses.)

    The Smith stands by the shop's rustic wooded counter while stacking the remaining teacups left by earlier visitors. However, as she turns to place the porcelain ware atop a nearby trolley, she is met by the returning presence of an adventurer she had prior dealings with.

    "Hullo, what brings you back into the Forge?"

    She flashed him a bright smile while listening on to what he had to say, nodding as the inquiry came to its close.

    "I would gladly reserve the Morph-Amesthyst for you. Allow me to just place a reserve tag on it once I am finished cleaning up here."
  3. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    Jeff smiled, as he did so often around Erin.

    "Alright, I suppose I'll see you then! I appreciate the hospitality as always! Among many other things."

    He smirked and broke into laughter once more before making his way through the large oaken doors and out into the bustling city about him. He felt refreshed from his visit, but he has work to do.

    But hey, at least work today has a definite reward at the end. ;)
    HappyLanding likes this.
  4. TheAsusGamer

    TheAsusGamer Well-Known Adventurer

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    can i buy The Forgery
    HappyLanding likes this.
  5. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    While she was nailing a new flyer on the shop's bulletin, a gaming-guest walks over to Erin with a gleaming iron helmet in hand. Turning to him, the shopkeeper put on a friendly smile.

    "How may I assist you today?"

    Patiently, she waited for him to complete the inquiry before nodding.

    "Of course! The Forgery is a fine helmet, indeed! And it would surely find a good home with a decorated adventurer such as yourself!"
  6. DagrMstrYT

    DagrMstrYT Travelled Adventurer

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    As soon as the Smith finished her reply, he stated.

    "Thank you. Well, I suppose I'll be back in about a days time or so to buy it.

    He starts to walk out the door when he stops and turns to face the Smith. He then says with smile.

    "And 'till we meet again, have a wonderful day."

    He then turns and walks out the door and into the world of Wynn.

    (You don't need to apologize, cause it gave me time to start collecting emeralds.)
    HappyLanding likes this.
  7. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    "Farewell, my friend!"

    Erin laughed a bit while waving goodbye to the rather polite adventurer. She wished him prosperous tidings until the next encounter between the two as she retreated back into the comfort of her beloved shop.
  8. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Walking down the stone-graveled path to the store with a large, brown sack in tow, the Smith glances back at the ware-filled bag with a breathy laugh. The view of it was rather humorous; armor lumps, spear-heads threatening against its fabric, and a swirl of particles whirling around it from the stock of wands and bows.

    "What an abundance of wares! How am I going to cram this all onto the Forge's shelves?"

    Chuckling a bit more, Erin lamented the tidings in which she acquired the items-- either through running, or through the donations of a rather gracious Wynncraftian whose appelation would like to remain anonymous. However, as she pulls away from the thoughts, the merchant then began to lug the heavy sack down the path again, and into the shop's interior.

    "If this doesn't please the visitors, then I don't know what will."

    *Large restock to the shop's shelves

    Undiscovered likes this.
  9. BidoofTheWarrior

    BidoofTheWarrior Travelling Animal

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    Black Smith near Ternaves: Whats with the young wynn soldier carrying that huge sack of supplies?

    Ternave Civilian: I heard she just came from a grand journey through fire and ice, from province to province.

    She passes by Ternaves with a fine grin, greeting passing merchants that offer her wares unneeded.
    She goes through the trail that leads to Detlas and stores her wares that she found on her previous journey.

    Detlas Banker: For your next journey, where shall you go?

    ErinLaSavage: I don't know *sealing her sack* where ever I must go to sell new adventurers supplies.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  10. AwesomeAsher1O

    AwesomeAsher1O The Official Lizard of Fruma VIP+

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    ill buy the cascade!
    HappyLanding likes this.
  11. AwesomeAsher1O

    AwesomeAsher1O The Official Lizard of Fruma VIP+

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    Unless it's still reserved I'll buy the morph amethyst
    HappyLanding likes this.
  12. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Arriving back into the interior of her shop post-adventuring, the merchant smiles before traversing around the stop, greeting customers on her way to the old oaken desk on the west wall of the room. Though, before she can even sit down, a Lizardian-adventurer approaches Erin with a friendly smile.

    "Hullo, what brings you to the Forge?"

    Returning his smile with a kind one, the Smith nods whilst listening to his inquiry about a powerful wand in the store's holding.

    "Ah, yes, the Cascade. It had once absorbed copious amounts of magic during Mage Island cataclysm, but has since taken refuge in the Forge."

    Taking the wand from his the visitor's hands to rub it a bit with her trusted linen cloth, she throws a wider smile at the wand-seeking adventurer.

    "I'm sure it'll find a good home with you. However, I would first like to polish it overnight before the trade. Perhaps it may absorb more magic with a little more gleam, haha!"

    (Unfortunately, the Morph-Amethyst is still on reserve. My apologies.)
  13. Jorts

    Jorts Turtlecoin Savant HERO

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    hi, nice shop! could i buy your chained pixels?
    HappyLanding likes this.
  14. AwesomeAsher1O

    AwesomeAsher1O The Official Lizard of Fruma VIP+

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    The Lizardian-adventurer nods his head as he takes in that he is not able to purchase what he would like, but being a former shop owner he understands that a shop owner must be loyal to its customers if they are to have the loyalty of there own costumers.

    Well although having that Morph-Amethyst would have pleased me, I am content on just the fabled elemental scepter known as Cascade.

    After taking one last glance at Cascade he leaves the hall of wonders some call The Forge and heads out on his trusty black horse, ShadowSteed. Just before leaving though he shouts,

    Thank you for your time!

    Then he rushes out in search of somewhere he may settle for the night as he awaits the item that will soon be his.

    (Dude I suck at this but your pretty good!)
    HappyLanding likes this.
  15. jgc062911

    jgc062911 Failed Build Maker VIP+

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    Love the shop! Only thing I would suggest is making the font colors a bit different (sorry, I'm a dark theme user and its a bit hard to read :/)
    HappyLanding likes this.
  16. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    While whistling along to another one of the phonograph's tunes, the pin-striped marketeer moves around and switches a mulitide of shelf items in order to accomodate more wares. As she does this, however; a Pusheenian-traveller makes their way over to her with a certain pair of leggings on hand. Glancing down at it, a bright smile soon spreads across the shopkeeper's lips as she meets the gaze of this guest.

    "I see the Chained Pixels have caught your eye, eh?"

    She let out a chuckle before listening on to @Alpha_v2's inquiry, as well as compliment, before smiling even wider.

    "I appreciate the appreciation, good sir. It is always nice to hear compliments from visitors-- not that I'm fishing for any."

    Clearing her throat to leave where she left off, she sets down a rather large spear in hand while turning to face the feline adventurer.

    "I would love to equip you with the pants. But allow me to polish it overnight and deliver it to you tomorrow. A dusty pair of leggings makes for a rusty adventurer after all, heh!"

    Letting up small smile as she notices the adventurer's disappointment, Erin nodded back while quickly penning down the appointment with this gracious guess on the 'morrow.

    "I wish you the finest of tidings in the time between our next encounter!"

    Waving at the Lizardian-adventurer as he temporarily parts ways with the forge's grounds, the shopkeeper's smile only grows wider, knowing that she had just met another kind Wynncraftian-- a rare breed in recent days. Though, as the view of him and his mount disappears from the eye, Erin retreats back over to her desk to continue on with written shop work for the time being.

    (Nonsense! That was a joy to read! :) )
  17. jgc062911

    jgc062911 Failed Build Maker VIP+

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    Honestly, I wish I was this creative...
    HappyLanding likes this.
  18. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    The merchant sits at her desk, softly humming a classical strain, as she stacks a large portion of the almost-always scattered number of papers splayed across the surface of her old oaken tabletop. Not long after setting down the stack, though, she is met by the smile of a formally-attired adventurer returning from a long Wynncraftian journey.

    "Hullo, welcome to the Forge."

    As she shoots a grin back at the adventurer, he first compliments the establishment before telling her of his concern with the choice of paint-coloring the shop holds. With a finger placed thoughtfully on her chin, Erin nods, understanding the viewing struggles some visitors face.

    "Work will soon be put in to reformatting the colors, if it would ultimately aid some guests! You have my gratitude for the suggestion!"
    jgc062911 likes this.
  19. jgc062911

    jgc062911 Failed Build Maker VIP+

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    Wishing he saw upon neatly ordered shelves a helmet by the name of Cumulonimbus, this adventurer turns to the oak desk.

    Perhaps when you get a new shipment you could alert me to its presence upon your wares."
    "The helmet I seek is both shiny and sleek, with it comes spell damage (%), thunder damage (%) and a low reduction in strength and defense"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  20. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Casting her gaze up, another smile edges across the lips of the shopkeeper while she listens to the inquiry. Quickly, she glances over at the gleaming line of helms propped in their places along a shelf row before she nods.

    "I would gladly inform you if and when a Cumulonimbus makes its way through Forge doors!"

    Swiftly, she scratched down a reminder to acquire such a shiny helm for this kind adventurer in near tidings onto a blank page of a small notepad tucked into her dark smithing apron.
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