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Shop ˙·٠•●« Tнє Fσяgє »●•٠·˙ | Lvl. 5-100 Prices Falling W/ The Leaves Of The Season! (100+ Legendaries)

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by HappyLanding, Jun 23, 2017.


What can I do to build a better shop?

  1. Refurnish the place! There is always room for improvement.

  2. Include prices.

  3. Update your catalog and offer newer things.

  4. Nothing can save it! Abandon ship!

  5. Other (message)...

  6. NOTE: Item prices have been included!

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  1. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Erin studied his expression for a bit before throwing him a sad smile. The question was probably too much for him, it would be best if she didn't press on.

    "Ah, you'd like to know more about my friends? Well, I'm not sure if they'd appreciate a reveal of their identities, so I'll just say that you've met one of them. And he is a renowned author around Wynn."
    After walking back into the shop from the stable door, Erin is greeting by a Seal-ian adventurer looking to buy a few wares.

    "I'd gladly oblige! Where would you like to meet?"
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  2. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    "One day I really need to tell her... heck, it might even be good for me."

    Jeff's face lit up slightly, his lips curling into a smile.

    "Ah, yes... I know of whom you reference. I keep a copy of his short stories in my bag with the adventuring gear!" He laughed off his fanning, slightly shrugging his shoulders and breaking eye contact. "It's something to read on multi-day quests; when you're out in the field, fire's made, and you're waiting for sleep to come."

    "And I respect your decision to keep your friends confidential," he added with a nod, "I will not press any further."
    HappyLanding likes this.
  3. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    The sad smile adorning her lips grew into a delighted one at the mention of her Cato. She was proud at his accomplishments in Wynn, and looked up to his rather articulate writing even though he was stood on the younger side of their age gap. It brought an even wider smile to the marketeer's face to know that two kind acquainttances of hers-- one new and one old-- were able to meet each other.

    However, knowing that she would soon slip into a lamenting state, Erin pulled away from her thoughts and reconnected the two blacksmith's gazes.

    "Oh please, don't assume it's a sensitive subject for me," with a mischievous smile, she chuckled. "They just haven't given away my information yet. But if they ever do..." the Smith snapped her fingers, "I wouldn't hesistate telling embarrassing stories in an instant."
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  4. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    Jeff returned her pained smile; always sucks hitting a sore spot... Or was it?

    Folding his arms over his blacksmith overalls, Jeff smirked in response to Erin's. He didn't know what was coming, but he knew he'd like it.

    "Like how you can't seem to find your way around a map?" Jeff poked, slightly leaning in to emphasize his words. "And now I really hope they spill some of your worst stories; I'll get to hear two for the price of one!" Jeff belted into laughter at the thought. "Who wins in the end between Erin and her old adventuring buddies? Me, I do! So this is what it's like to have an adventuring party. Even after it disbands, you still hold these strong bonds with each other? Interesting." Despite his thought process, his cocked smirk never faded.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  5. DiamondSted

    DiamondSted Lvl 80 Archer <3

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    Can I sell some things to ya? I got some legendarys, and other stuff :P
    HappyLanding likes this.
  6. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    As soon as the blonde blacksmith let up a complacent smirk, the merchant felt the tincture of regret whisper insults in her mind's deep depths. However, hitherto the attempt of a remark, Erin noticed the slight bewilderment in his expression at the detailed bond nature the old adventuring company shared; Perhaps he wasn't so accustomed to such arrangements? Now that she thought about it, she had never seen the fair-haired adventurer in a questing group with multiple people. He seemed to always be alone when not accompanied by his mentioned brother.

    Next, the warrior then mentioned her rather unskilled method of traveling: becoming lost or giving up. It was embarassing indeed, but the pewter-eyed pin-striped store proprietor would not allow the rather chagrin sentiments show...too much.

    "I will admit, navigation is without question the weakest of my Wynncraftian skills."

    Another smile eased onto her face.

    "But I have no issue in forever concealing those friends of mine from your corrupting presence."
    Yawning her way past the oil-burning lamps down the gravel and slabbed path leading to her beloved shop, the Smith removes the thick, velvetine cloak draped across her shoulders after an evening caulked with surprises. However, with the consistency of events the day brought, another surprise was in store as an archer approached the Smith with an inquiry.

    "Ah, yes! I would just have to view the items before a trade. Would you be available on Monday?"

    Flashing a kind smile, Erin patiently awaits a response from the bow-wielding adventurer.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2017
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  7. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    "Oh, that's rude."

    Jeff raised an eyebrow.
    "From my corrupting presence?" He pressed, "If anything, you were a negative influence - I haven't done anything!" "Yet"

    Jeff had to admit; when Erin wasn't in adventuring gear and swearing like a sailor, it was hard to throw insults at her - even in good fun. "If I'm going to continue making fun of her, I gotta be sly with it. Bluntly poking at her almost feels wrong when she looks this good..."

    "That's alright though," the Warrior added, letting a sweeter smile fall across his lips, "I'm sure you all balanced each other's strengths and weaknesses - that's how the party system works, right?" He nostrils slightly flared as a slight laugh escaped as a puff of air.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  8. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Chuckling, the shopkeeper leaned back into her chair a bit when she noticed him staring at her...again. Erin was by no means a stranger to gazes-- she never vacated the store without that well-covering cloak of hers-- but with reasons unknown, the merchant didn't mind Jeff's stare all too much. Sometimes it was comforting.

    Flickering her eyes over to him again, she was once again brought down memory lane at the mention of her old adventuring party.

    "Ah, yes. We balanced each other out quite well. They could actually hold their own in battles while pitted in PvP arenas."

    She really needed to stop embarassing herself; that was her friends' jobs.
  9. PatrickIsAdopted

    PatrickIsAdopted My name is jeff HERO

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    Gimme that dagger 1 le
    HappyLanding likes this.
  10. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Whilst organizing the items displayed across the store's shelves, the marketeer soon runs into a shear-seeking adventurer and several wares--luckily not weapons-- clatter onto the lacquered wood ground.

    "Hu-oh! Forgive me, I've always been rather clumsy."

    Throwing the visitor a kind smile, she then sets the brown sack toppled with armaments aside.

    "What brings you to the Forge, traveller?"

    As the adventurer began their inquiry, the Smith's smile grew wider and she nodded.

    "It is always a pleasure to equip adventurers with my wares. However, me to polish it before the trade. It will be available for pick-up on Monday from the hours of 7 AM to 1 PM."
  11. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    "Geez, was I staring again? I need to stop. I never do this on adventures... The heck man?"

    He slid his forearms along the sides of the chair, letting them sit at ease alongside him. He raised a hand to signify his confusion.

    "What do you mean 'could actually hold their own?' You can fight pretty well! I've seen you fight before, Erin." He smirked. He saw Erin lose one time to a young archer, which was kind of hilarious , but every other fight Erin has blown up with ease... Jeff coughed as he remembered all the smoke and dust Erin kicked up with a couple of her explosion spells.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  12. DiamondSted

    DiamondSted Lvl 80 Archer <3

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    She Replies "Yes, I would! What time?".
    HappyLanding likes this.
  13. deserted_drago6

    deserted_drago6 God Mage Rayshyroth's Apprentice VIP+

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    Hello Erin, can i buy your squidword's clarinet? It's so i can ice snake in li without doing any dmg, and i thought it would be funnier then using a depressing one. Thanks!
    HappyLanding likes this.
  14. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    She remembered this short dash he was alluding to. The beginning was an accident on its own, she hadn't intended to start a duel, but it happened anyway, and ended in her opponent's approbation. And that was only one example. Perhaps she was seen as excellent when having to face non-intelligent entities? Either way, the compliment made her laugh; once again wadding the forge up with the joyous sound.

    Moving in her chair a bit to somehow get more comfortable in an already plush chair, the Smith's twinkling gray gaze met the warrior's sharp blue one.

    "I'm grateful for your awful taste in combatants, but if anyone saw my standing in rounds of Sheep Quest, I would be chased away from the Wynn army with a stick."
    The shopkeeper purses her lips in thought before walking across the rich-wooded flooring, and over to the large oaken desk by the store's western wall in order to retrieve her schedule amongst the scattered papers atop the wooden surface. Turning back to the adventurer after scanning it, Erin then flashes her another smile.

    "I would be available from the hours of 7 AM to 1 PM, according to Pacific Standard Time (PST)."
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  15. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    As the merchant stands by the burning hearth to warm herself up on a cold Wynncraftian night, a magic-using traveller enters the shop with the intentions of locating a certain wand. Glancing over at them, Erin smiled as she always enjoyed the adventurers' presences in her humble shop.

    Though, after a good long while of searching, the Raysharoth apprentice draws toward the hearth to tell her of their interest in the
    Squidword's Clarinet.

    "I see the clarinet has taken your interest? It was once owned by a rather grouchy clamarine but has since resided in the comfort of the Forge."

    Smiling again as she walked over to take the wand down from its shelf, and back to the adventurer; the pin-stripe attired marketeer presents it him.

    "It would be my pleasure to equip another Wynncraftian with my wares. However; I would like to polish it over the weekend before the official trade."

    Nudging over to the scheduled nailed onto the shop's bullentin, Erin chuckled.

    "It will be available for pick-up from the hours of 7 am to 1 pm on any Monday through Friday, according to Pacific Standard Time."
  16. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    Jeff's smile warmed when he saw his compliments well-received. He loved watching those silver eyes sparkle.

    He gave quite a hardy laugh - probably more than what was necessary for her self-jesting.

    "Ohh come now, your combat expertise has kept me in perfect fighting condition on many of our ventures!" He leaned in again, cupping his chin on his fists, one laced over the other. "But you always tease me with curiosity... So please, explain what happened during the Sheep Quest." He took a hard swallow, ignoring the ache as it slid down his throat. That was a smirk waiting to happen, but he had to keep composure, this sounded interesting.
  17. DiamondSted

    DiamondSted Lvl 80 Archer <3

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    The Archer listens to what the Shopkeeper says and replies "Okay, How about 1o AM tomorrow?"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  18. deserted_drago6

    deserted_drago6 God Mage Rayshyroth's Apprentice VIP+

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    That sounds perfect, the electricity fatal wizard is happy with this trade, and is available through out the week. Oh and also if you are still buying the stuff on your buying list, i can knock off 4 items for you, i have blessed wrappings, anchoryl, maltic's old spear and bovine killer!
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017
    HappyLanding likes this.
  19. Chipmunk_Rage21

    Chipmunk_Rage21 Always willing to help! :)

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    how much are you selling the powders?
    HappyLanding likes this.
  20. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Laughing a bit more, the Smith then raised a hand to adjust her brass-framed eyewear once more.

    "I believe you've heard enough stories from me today. Another time then, my friend."

    From the way he inquiried about 'Sheep Quest' almost seemed like he pictured it as a sort of quest rather than the leisure activity it is. Oh well, she thought. Sheep Quest was always underappreciated anyway.
    Looking down at the handwritten parchment schedule in her hands again, the shopkeeper then nods before flashing another smile towards the diamond-stealing adventurer.

    "That would be a perfect time. And I look forward to this meeting."
    The merchant throws the Raysharoth apprentice a bright smile while chuckling.

    "This encounter is something that I look forward to."

    Next, the traveller addressed the issue dealing with her need to obtain certain Wynncraftian wares, and the Smith nodded, listening politely.

    "Ah, yes. I would very much still like to obtain those items. I suppose that trade will be dealt with during our meeting."
    As she thumbs through the pages of the mystical book at her desk, a Chipmunk-an traveller approaches the shopkeeper, inquiring about the powder prices.

    "Hullo, and welcome to the Forge! How may I assist you today?"

    Listening to him, Erin then flipped several pages of the book laid out in before her.

    "Currently, each powder sells for 24 eb."
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017
    blasterdud97 and deserted_drago6 like this.
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