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Discussion in 'Featured Wynncraftian Suggestions' started by T-Flex, Aug 2, 2017.

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  1. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    Why SilverMirror?

    Because it's about time that someone who is actually good at the game gets a spotlight. Since the start of the FW, we never had an amazing player talking about their experience in Wynncraft and how they gained their wealth, which is disappointing. I'm personally interested in learning how they did it, from having 3 emeralds to collecting mythics, where do they find the motivation and what they do in-game.

    Yes, but why SilverMirror?

    1) He is a skilled player.
    • Total level 1010.
    • 3rd on PvP leaderboards.
    • broke the exp limit
    2) One of the richest people I know, very relevant.
    3) Constantly participates in build and game mechanics discussions.
    4) Made an accurate DPS ranking guide.
    5) Found a skill point cap.
    6) Has a great understanding of the game.
    7) Wealth expert!?
    8) Veteran
    9) Understands FW isn't a prize.

    Taking all efforts into consideration, I think he should be rewarded with the FW.

    Community contribution

    Now, this is a tricky one. People that just roam the forums may not agree with me, but he contributed a fair share towards the part which focuses on the game itself. DPS guide and skill point gap are an awful help for those who play the game frequently. He also made several non-common build guides and often participates in discussions regarding game changes, game mechanics, economy and builds. All that to me is considered as a community contribution as it helps the players.

    The questions I'm interested in reading about
    1. How did you found out about Wynncraft
    2. Favorite class and why
    3. Your thoughts on the economy and wealth distribution
    4. The progress of earning your wealth
    5. How did you find the motivation to get 1010 levels
    6. What do you do in-game
    Just some of the questions I'd really like to see answered, mainly how he earned everything he owns, the motivation and what he does in-game. If those questions and answers are structured in a particular way, his interview could provide a lot of useful information gameplay wise, thus being another community contribution. I understand magician never reveals their secrets, but I'm hoping he can share something at least, to help players like me.

    No poll?

    No poll. Polls are biased, mean nothing, and most importantly, I couldn't care less what you think. This is my sincere nomination, you are free to share your thoughts, but ultimately, it's Pretzule who gets the last call.

    Final thoughts

    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
  2. Toy__

    Toy__ Well-Known Adventurer QA HERO

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    100% agree
    Allamak, helpmehdude and SilverMirror like this.
  3. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Sure, except that's not even close to what the FW is for
    Only 4 and 5 are relevant here. Everything else is either useless or too minor to mean anything.
    For once, I do think that the combination of all of these counts as a contribution. So, good on you for finding a guy that's done something, but you really should be including a detailed, if not complete, list of what he's done, rather than just saying it. I know you've already included the threads from 4 and 5, but those alone are a bit on the edge for being a major contribution.
    In all seriousness, not including a poll because it's "biased" is just stupid. If it's really up to Pretzule like you claim, then there's no reason to not include a poll except for it having a probability of showing negative results. And if it does, then there's likely a reason.

    All in all, it's an all right submission at best. The DPS and Skill Point threads by themselves aren't enough to count as making a large contribution to the community, but with the addition of lots of Builds and plenty of advice, it certainly does qualify. In the case of Builds and such, though, quantity is going to matter a lot. If he's only made a few, then it doesn't really push his contributions from handy to super useful.
    Stag2001, Undiscovered and orange0404 like this.
  4. Gort

    Gort His Royal Pimpness CHAMPION

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    I don't think you understand what FW is
    Hyco and Undiscovered like this.
  5. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    find a mythic then resell

    also nice tag
    Stag2001 and orange0404 like this.
  6. dead zeffe

    dead zeffe Guest

    At World's End likes this.
  7. orange0402

    orange0402 I got exposed by pyro VIP

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    I was so confused at the poll part because it kept saying pool .-.
    Pepo likes this.
  8. funnysillyman

    funnysillyman lil uzi fan VIP+ GM

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    add a poll
  9. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    not exactly
    others have gotten more than him, its only his exp was glitched
    add a pool
    actually i got u
    +there are others, who in my opinion have outdone the great silvahmirror (Yes wow amazing uwot m8) ex. the great motoki69
    I'd be in full support if we had an fw (for once) of a choinese
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  10. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    Being featured wynncraftian isn't about someone that is the best person in the world, it doesn't even have to be a superstar. If I can ask them questions and have an interesting interview with them, I would consider them to be featured wynncraftian material.

    Silvermirror, from what ecto has described, is someone that can be interviewed and prove to be interesting. Especially given his experience with the game and how much he's played.

    Please, don't shut down every single featured wynncraftian thread out there just because they might not be someone that is extremely popular, they can still be asked interesting questions especially if they've been doing a decent amount, as what echo has described. It is incredibly demotivating towards the ones that suggest and the ones that get suggested to constantly get shut down.
  11. orange0402

    orange0402 I got exposed by pyro VIP

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    silvah had the most on 1 class tho
  12. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    Surra has 1399% on 1 class.
    EDIT: Looking at the thread earlier (where silvahmirrors xp was glitched) I remember his xp was pretty high and forgot that he broke the 32 bit integer limit
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
    Undiscovered likes this.
  13. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    Oh wow woke up in the morning (afternoon) (#godofallnighters) and found out I've been nominated for FW, I'm really flattered, thanks @ectoplasmaticgoo

    Sure some might say my contribution to the community are "underwhelming", becoz I'm not the one who go around making glamorous events or giveaways and stuff, but if anyone is involved in the community itself you'll notice me dotted around everywhere, especially for people that actually play the game. I don't want to expand too much here coz if you are here to judge, you won't agree anyways, but if you are here becoz you saw my name and wt I did interest you, I'm sure you'll agree

    One thing to add, I want to point out that, funny to say this, @ectoplasmaticgoo and I arent even close, tbh I think we've never actually had a private conversation or even met each other in game. But it is this kind of mutual respect in the community that we should have when nominating each other and appreciating their work.

    Thanks again for the nomination! I'll be pleased to answer your questions if I ever get the chance to be interviewed I'm sure I can tell quite a story
  14. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Yeah, that's my point.
    To be fair, having interesting questions is going to take a topic, and it doesn't get more relevant than a contribution to Wynn. It would be pretty difficult, say, for me to have an interesting interview because I've done zilch for the community. Hell, even most of the questions proposed in the thread aren't much more interesting or different than questions you could ask to anybody at all.
    Well, I guess we've just got different ideas on what's interesting, then, so there's not much to talk about here.
    Please understand that that's not what I'm trying to do here at all. I want the exact opposite, somebody becoming FW just because they're super well-known or popular isn't going to create any more interesting content than asking a lesser-known player.
    I'd like to believe that, but the questions listed on the thread really don't seem interesting to me. Only a small number are actually geared towards Silver as a player, the rest could be asked to just about anyone with similar results. The main point of my original response was really to just get ecto to list more of what Silver's done. If he's got an extensive list of builds or discussion threads, why not list a few? Just the two big threads and word-of-mouth isn't a lot to go off. As of the current state of the thread, I find it difficult to find interesting questions from Silver's contributions, but that may just be my opinion again.
    Constantly agreeing with everything anyone says isn't going to get anyone anywhere. Pointing out flaws or problems is the best way to improve. Do know that I'm not trying to shut anyone down here, or say that Silver hasn't done anything, or claim that what he has done is meaningless. I suppose it may have worded a bit harsher than I intended, but what I'm trying to do here is improve the thread. Patting each other on the back forever isn't going to bring out the best in anything or anyone. Hell, I myself think that Silver's contributed enough to get FW. It's not the player, it's the submission.

    Basically, the goal of what I originally said was to encourage cutting out the fat (removing the irrelevant nomination reasons) and adding in more meat (reinforcing the good nomination reasons and creating more). Not trying to shut anyone down. Not trying to demotivate people. Not trying to do anything but improve the thread.

    I don't know how you got the idea that I didn't think Silver was good enough to qualify for FW, so I'll say it here once more: the nomination is great, but the submission is lacking.
    Undiscovered and orange0404 like this.
  15. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    For once I actually agree with you...
    Undiscovered likes this.
  16. Kaelan~

    Kaelan~ RIP VIP

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    Nice Nomination!
  17. AscendedZombie

    AscendedZombie kinda busy atm HERO

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    I would find an interview with silvermirror interesting as well (i just wanted to be another voice in the community that raises to show how the general opinion on this topic is). I personally think that creating as much as one big thread is enough, if there is as much as a bit of work in it, that is relevant to the community in any way. And at last beeing a "superstar" or a very or the most experienced player is nothing bad, or something that alone ould qualify someone for fw, but still contributes to the qualities of his answers very much, because he has quite some game knowledge to share in an interview. I hope i will soon be able to read an interesting interview between @Pretzule and @SilverMirror , thats all i have to say for now :D
  18. China

    China you used to call me on ur banana VIP+

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    SilverMirrah for FW
  19. Risu

    Risu Famous Adventurer

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    mir.png .-.
    Tisaun, gkc, Stag2001 and 2 others like this.
  20. Smartboard

    Smartboard That one guy who has VET but is only VIP rank.

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    sure why not hes a pretty chill dude
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