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[rp] Everyone's John (5/5 Players)

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Malkavian, Aug 2, 2017.


Would you like to see more Everyone's John with twists?

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    11 vote(s)
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  3. I want to see how it goes before answering

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  1. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Hello everyone! First of all I’d like to tell you that this RP is gonna be pretty different from the other RP’s in this forum. Mainly it will be shorter, simpler and easier to get into. It is also less serious than most other RP’s and more focused on doing weird and fun stuff.
    Also quickly I'd like to say that once we begin others won't be able to join.

    Also as little side note. This is a sort of experiment for me. I've for a long time wanted to GM a roleplay here but I've been struggling to figure out what I'd like to make. This RP is a way for me to answer a few questions I've had for myself. Am I a good GM? Do I like to GM?
    Besides that part of the experiment I'd also like to know if people enjoy Everyone Is John and if it could work in a forum format. If this is a success I might make it into a series and make sequels with twists. Examples of twists are Everyone Is Superman/Bob the Wynnic hero/or other iconic known characters like that. I just wanted to keep the first one simple.

    Now that the small introduction is done,
    welcome to Everyone Is John!
    Everyone's John picture.png
    Everyone Is John is an RP where I will be controlling a person named John. John is for the most part an average guy. Not very good at anything. John isn’t quite normal though. John has multiple voices inside his head. You play as these voices. You each have some goals you’d like to accomplish, known as Obsessions. To complete your Obsessions you take turns controlling John, by telling him what to do.

    Obsessions are goals you’d like to accomplish. They come in three levels, not very creatively named 1, 2 and 3. The levels are based on how hard they are to complete. You get to choose one for each level.
    • Level 1 obsessions should be easy things to accomplish. They will often only require one roll and won’t need much effort. Examples include: Eating candy, punching someone and yelling in public.
    • Level 2 obsessions are a little harder or more dangerous to complete. They will often require 2 rolls or a bit of planning first. Examples include: Running a mile in a stolen pair of shoes, collecting and throwing tennis balls at people and robbing a store.
    • Level 3 obsessions are the really good stuff. These are reserved for horrible/diabolical stuff. Examples include: Suicide, blowing up buildings and swimming in excrement.

    Completing an obsession gives you points. How many points you get is based on the obsessions level. A level 1 gives 1 point, a level 2 gives 2 points and a level 3 gives 3 points. It’s quite simple. They can be completed multiple times.

    Obsessions should be kept secret from other voices.
    John’s actions (other than walking, breathing and stuff like that) will require rolling a die. I will make the roll for you. I will roll a D6 and you will need a 6 to succeed in most occasions. There are two ways to lower the requirement. The first is with specialties. Each voice chooses 2 specialties, or 3 with a penalty which I will explain later. If you make John do something you are specialised in, you will only need 3+ on your roll.
    Specialties should be at least somewhat specific. Examples include: Shooting, Eating in excess, driving, talking to children, talking to adults, sneaking, lockpicking, performing, etc.

    Like obsessions, specialties are also to be kept secret.
    Voices start with 10 willpower unless you choose to have 3 specialties, in which case you only have 7. Both have positives and negatives. Your starting amount of willpower is also your max. Willpower is usually represented by tokens, but we don’t have that luxury here. Willpower will be numbers.
    Willpower has two functions. Taking control of John is the first of them. All voices offer a number of willpower and whoever offers the most willpower gets control of John and loses the amount of willpower offered. This will be done in secret using spoilers.
    The second thing you are gonna use willpower for is improving your rolls. You can spend 1-6 willpower to make the requirement for a successful roll 1-6 less. Yes. Rolls can be secured to automatically succeed by spending 6 willpower (or 3 if doing something you are specialised in).

    Everyone gets one willpower when control of John switches and you can’t get more than your starting amount of willpower.
    Remember, you are only a voice in John's head. You cannot do anything yourself, but talk to John or other voices. So the way you get John to do something is by telling him to do so. This might take some convincing, but you will be able to make him do anything. That is why this game is so fun.
    Also in conversations both John and you will be able to interrupt each other. Please do this by deleting the rest of the quote of my post and start your reply with something like: “I cut him off.” Please consider how much you do this though and in which cases you do it. If you do it too much and without reason I will have to stop you.
    You lose control of John either when you fail a roll, John gets unconscious or you earn points by completing obsessions. (sidenote: It is possible to get control twice in a row if you are the one who offers the most willpower both times.)

    While a voice has control of John the other voices might not know what to do, but you are encouraged to talk both to John and other voices. This could be for banter or something else. You can't speak to a specific person in secret. Everyone will be able to hear what you are saying.
    This RP will be centered on the real world with no supernatural elements. If I make more of these RP's though, there are definately gonna be supernatural elements.
    Obsessions (In a spoiler):
    Specialties (Also in a spoiler):

    I can ask you to change something if I want to.
    • Clearly state if you are talking out of character by using “OOC:”
    • Please use quotations marks to indicate when it is your voice speaking like this: "I am a voice and this is an example...."
    • Please don’t say “I make John do this.” Instead say “John do this.”
    • Don’t interrupt too much.
    • Keep your Obsessions and Specialties a secret from everyone but me.
    • Everything that you want to talk to me about without the other voices knowing should be written in spoilers with titles like: “For SansWolf only”
    • No peeking in spoilers that aren’t meant for you.
    • Write “42” in your application so that I know that you have read the rules.
    • Be nice to each other. Remember that this is supposed to be fun ^^
    Name: The Fourth Voice
    Player: @captainRawb
    Current amount of willpower: 8
    Max amount of willpower: 10
    Not yet public
    Amount of points: 0

    1. Persuading people that are normally hard to persuade.
    2. Not yet public.
    Name: Reason
    Player: @Erika & Ephraim
    Current amount of willpower: 4
    Max amount of willpower: 10
    Not yet public

    Amount of points: 0
    Not yet public
    Name: Horatio Granville Gondola Dave
    Player: @Hodsonius
    Current amount of willpower: 10
    Max amount of willpower: 10
    Not yet public
    Amount of points: 0
    Not yet public
    Name: Inactive
    Player: @Bailwolf
    Current amount of willpower: 10
    Max amount of willpower: 10

    1. Spend time doing nothing
    Amount of points: 1
    Not yet public
    Name: The Thing
    Player: @AlexisPlay
    Current amount of willpower: 4
    Max amount of willpower: 10
    1. Lick a random person.
    Amount of points: 1

    1. Do gross things.
    If you do something interesting or special I will add it to the list of achievements. If I make sequels the achievements will be carried over.
    • First player to both apply and join: @captainRawb
    • First Voice to get control of John is The Fourth Voice played by @captainRawb
    • First player to loose control because of inactivity is The Fourth Voice by @captainRawb
    • First person to complete an obsession is Inactivity by @Bailwolf

    Now that you know all that you need to know. Let's begin ^^
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2017
    Jaymon, sdkgjnio, NinjaWizard and 5 others like this.
  2. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Name: The Fourth Voice
    Obsessions (In a spoiler):
    1: Get a person to soil themselves.
    2: Tame a lion, giraffe, or any other African animal.
    3: Summon and tame Satan.
    Specialties (Also in a spoiler):
    Mind Control
    Reading Ancient Texts

  3. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Okay first of all. What the hell is up with that name? It seems funny to me.
    Your obsessions are fine except the last one. For this first Everyone Is John I'd like to keep supernatural stuff out of it. I'm sorry. I know that I wrote "Sacrifice a Virgin to Satan" as an example but that was a bad example on my part.

    And your first specialty I can't accept because it is also supernatural and it is somewhat also not how specialties are supposed to be used.
    As a final note that everyone may read. While I like the idea behind what you've tried to do I can't accept it because of the supernatural stuff. Unfortunately I'm gonna have to deny you this time :/

    Also for everyone I'd like to say that this first version of Everyone Is John is supposed to be set in a normal world with no magic or supernatural stuff. Also you can't use specialties to give John new powers. It has to be something that it is already possible for him to do however improbable it is for him to succeed.

    EDIT: I still don't want people to look at Rawb's application even though it was denied in case he wants to reuse something from it.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
  4. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    Obsessions (In a spoiler):
    1: Spend time doing nothing
    2:Steal candy from two different children at least under ten
    3: Sit on top of a building for at least an hour
    Specialties (Also in a spoiler):
    Is good at making people lose the will to do anything.Is good at stealing from young children.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2017
  5. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    First of all. Hey Bail ^^
    WTF is this weird thing you've made? XD
    You have to change your second obsession to something harder. What you'vee chosen would fit a level 1 obsession much better. Sry ^^
    I'll accept or deny you after you've done that ^^
  6. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Alright, thank you for notifying me.
    Well, seeing as how the players are technically voices, might as well have the name of the voice be The Fourth Voice.

    Name: The Fourth Voice
    Obsessions (In a spoiler):
    1: Get a person to soil themselves.
    2: Tame a lion, giraffe, or any other African animal.
    3: Stage a coup on any privately-owned building/grounds/land
    Specialties (Also in a spoiler):
    Expert Persuader
    Reading Ancient Texts

  7. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Well I'd like you in this RP so not notifying you would be a bad idea.
    There's not really a reason for this to be in spoiler. Names are public after all. I forgot when I commented on your name before. My bad ^^
    But you are so very right. It was just not a name that I was expecting ^^
    Completely normal human names are acceptable and actually the norm for names in this RP.
    Thanks for changing the things I talked about. And also thanks for showing that you have read the rules. I forgot to say that earlier.
    I'd like to know exactly what you think when you say "Stage a coup on any privately-owned building/grounds/land".
    Other than that you are as good as accepted ^^
  8. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Basically, seize control. For example, John goes to a restaurant and takes over it.
  9. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Ah thanks ^^
    Then it is with pleasure that I can accept you in as the first player of the RP.
    Rawb likes this.
  10. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Name: Logic
    1. Spoil a child's innocence (nothing explicit here, just so long as I ruin their childhood)
    2. Interrupt a pastor mid-preach
    3. Convince someone else to commit suicide
    Logical reasoning - (good at convincing people if it requires lots of logical reasoning to do.)
    Running - Good at fleeing the scene

    42 is my favorite number btw.
    Jaymon likes this.
  11. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    The voice of logic lol. I like it though there is one small problem :/
    (I really feel like you should be called Reason instead. Because then I could call you the voice of reason XP)
    it is about your second obsession. I have two problems with It. It seems a bit too easy to complete because you could literally just open a door to where he is and that would interrupt him.
    Also how many pastors are you expecting to meet that are preaching at that exact time? ^^
    This is an RP that I think will be too short for you to really utilize that one.

    Also thank you for showing that you have read the rules.
    Otherwise I like your voice.
  12. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Reason does sound better. Can I do that?

    And I'll try and fix the other thing-
    For the second obsession: Publicly speak about and convince some people that we should cull the weaker populace.

    Tell me if that's still too easy.
  13. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Yes of course ^^
    that should be fine ^^
    If you'd like to have that one. Though I'm gonna have to warn you, you're gonna have to come with seriously good arguments.
  14. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Yay, this will be fun. I got this.
  15. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    Hey, this sounds interesting. I'll be a voice.

    Name: Horatio Granville Gondola Dave
    1 - Throw money down a drain.
    2 - Pour hot tea on his grandmother's head.
    3 - Murder a beggar by pelting them with coins in public.
    1- Handling money
    2- Talking to adults

    I hope this is a good addition to John's mental landscape...
    Malkavian likes this.
  16. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Great to hear that ^^
    This reminds me of one of my characters names which has sort of become a meme in a friendgroup of mine. Mine was Adalbern Hermenigild Bastian Ralf Sponaugle the Third...
    WTF? I love these. These are great and to be honest really hilarious XD
    And I don't see any problems with them.
    the first one maybe should be more specific but I'm not sure.

    Oh. Don't worry I'm sure this will be great for John...

    And also unless you want to change what I've pointed out you are accepted! ^^
    Hey Rawb. Do you think we could make this one more specific in some way? Like: Persuading adults(or another age group), persuading males, persuading with calm people, or stuff like that. You can come up with your own ideas too. ^^
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
  17. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Alright. To be specific, it is Persuading people who are normally hard to persuade.
  18. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    yeah. That's better. Thanks ^^
    Rawb likes this.
  19. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    changed it
  20. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    since obsessions can be completed multiple times it doesn't make sense to write "three or more"
    I'd probably change it to "steal candy from two different children under ten" ^^
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