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Shop ˙·٠•●« Tнє Fσяgє »●•٠·˙ | Lvl. 5-100 Prices Falling W/ The Leaves Of The Season! (100+ Legendaries)

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by HappyLanding, Jun 23, 2017.


What can I do to build a better shop?

  1. Refurnish the place! There is always room for improvement.

  2. Include prices.

  3. Update your catalog and offer newer things.

  4. Nothing can save it! Abandon ship!

  5. Other (message)...

  6. NOTE: Item prices have been included!

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  1. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    The musician of Kandon-Beda once again enters the Forge, this time with the intention of purchasing a spear. This is a new hobby of his - he is new to the warrior class, having always preferred to use a bow or a wand. Spotting one that suited his skills in the art, he approaches the counter, but his eyes fix themselves to the rack that, on his last visit was filled with accessories. Only three remained. Saddened by the lack of stock, he reaches into his own pockets to see if there is anything he can contribute.
    'I will take the Fierce Thunder' he says to the smith, who is polishing an elaborate diamond chestplate behind a desk. 'I also cannot help but notice that your stock of jewellery is low. I happen to have some that I do not need. Would you be interested in taking a look?'
    He patiently stands at the counter, waiting for the smith to look up from her work.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  2. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Crossing a leg over the other as the Smith relaxes in her chair, she smiled in return for the gentleman-like gesture the apprentice blacksmith committed. This sort of chivalrous behavior was hard to come by these days, and she was glad that at least a few characters still exhibited well-mannered qualities. However, before she could continue on with appreciation, the shopkeeper looked about the warm, yet rustic furnishings of the shop in an clear endeavor to pinpoint a sole article that would serve as a reminder to one of her many adventerous accounts throughout the years. Though as she continued on searching for what had seemed like millenniums, the pewter gaze of the Smith landed on a weapon leaned against a far wooden beam towards the back shelves of the store; causing a starlight smile to edge across her lips.

    She remembered that weapon well, and especially the tale that led to its commencement.

    "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell you the tale of the Nautilus?" Erin laughed a slight bit before clearing her throat to begin the tale. "This particular venture took place on a small sail ship during my exodus out of Siegward."

    Despite being a part of that scarring event, the merchant had no issue revisiting the memory of it. It was one of her proudest moments; her and the sea in an epic battle, each opponent at a disadvantage that leveled them out.

    "So, I was out on the open ocean some two days after leaving Siegward shores. Already, navigating a ship-- no matter the size-- was proving to be über-difficult with one arm, but somehow I managed. Paying no mind to the rough waters and oncoming storm, all I could think of was finding land, any land." Erin allowed more memories of the trip to surge into her brain, it alloted more detail for the story. "On this wise, I didn't even notice the beast before the piercing sound of a screech breached my ears, and I was hurled into the ocean by something, something big. But whatever it was that hit me, it left me winded and I was barely able to come back up to the surface as violent waves crashed upon me."

    The marketeer remembered this moment, it was hard to forget. Even though she had been a good swimmer for the better part of her young life, helplessness was the only thing she felt at that moment as the young merchant looked frantically about the waters.

    "Finally, after treading the dark seas for what felt like hours, the creature that had attacked me decided to show itself...and it wasn't pretty," the Smith shuddered at the memory of it. "As a child, we were instructed to steer clear of the ocean for fear of the unknown lurking beneath, so I didn't know the sobriquet of the beast until I arrived at Wynn. But, for the purpose of barding, I'll have you know that it was called the Kraken."

    The name on its own sent shivers down Erin's spine despite having survived a dash with the beast.

    "As I was studying the monster, I noticed that it was missing one of its ten arms. Knowing it was either fight or flight from there, I chose to fight; there was nothing I had to lose anyway. Continuing on with the story, the Kraken submerged us both into its elemental domain of water. I should've drowned there but for some reason, I didn't, I couldn't. So, as the creature sunk us both lower and lower, I grabbed the closest thing I could find, which was a broken post that flew off the sail ship, and chucked it at the monster."

    Erin glanced over at the weapon again.

    "The calamarine creature must have been either week, or off-guard, because the post hit him right between the eyes and he just died there," her eyes were stilled clouded with the same confusion she felt that day. "Of course, it didn't go down with nothing, a trident was belched out of its mouth and hurled towards me. It all happened so fast, but I was fast, as well."

    Another smile edged across her face as she went to retrieve the weapon from its place on the wooden beam.

    "I caught the trident and brought it, along with part of the post, to the nearest land I found and forged it into a proper weapon: my first creation, the Nautilus."
    As she polishes a number of wares laid out upon her old oaken desk, a winterly-attired adventurer approaches the Smith with a curious stare in his eye while he glanced back at the powder shelf across from the desk. He then, with no hesitation, began to inquire about the prices of such item-enchancers.

    "Ah, so you'd like to learn about the pricing of powders, eh? Well, the market values of each tier powder are:

    T1 - 0.375 e
    T2 - 1.5 eb
    T3 - 6 eb
    T4 - 24 eb
    T5 - 1.5 le
    T6 - 6 le
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  3. 01101001

    01101001 01

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    May I say your literacy skills are beyond anyone's I've seen! It is absolutely amazing.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  4. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Looking up to meet the gaze of the Kandon-Beda musician, the merchant throws him a kind smile while placing the diamond article in hand onto the desktop. She politely listening on to what the recurring adventurer had in mind before nodding, her smile widening even more.

    "I am always glad to provide the famed musician of Kandon-Beda with wares! And, I am also eager to have a look at the mentioned jewelry-stock!"

    Setting aside the linen-cloth polisher, Erin glances down at the list of scheduled appointments.

    "It seems that my next available meeting time would be from the open shop hours on Wednesday! Would this be alright with you?"
    Subsequent to the short powder presentation, the adventurer returns the shopkeeper's smile whilst complimenting her erudition. In response, Erin stands up to take a slight bow, her smile widening.

    "You are a kind flatterer, adventurer. And I do hope the information provided will be proved useful in the oncoming future!"

    Seating herself down again, the merchant couldn't help but grin everytime her written competence was noted.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
    01101001 likes this.
  5. 01101001

    01101001 01

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    'Why thank you very much. This information will serve my needs perfectly. I do hope to cross paths again, Erin. Farewell for now!'

    Chris walks towards the exit, looks back at Erin for one last time, smiles a warm and gentle smile, and leaves the shop.

    I would do better but I'm on my phone..
    HappyLanding likes this.
  6. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    (Oh geez Erin...! I forgot, do you have these pre-written or do you just make these up on the spot? Because that was a great read! Geez!)

    As she words 'the tale of the Nautilus' left her lips, a grin cracked itself across Jeff's lips. He leaned forward in his chair, almost on the edge of it, hands folded and pressed to his lips; and his elbows resting on his knees.

    Jeff felt his heart slow down to an aching chill as she described the scenery of this event. "She was in retreat from her hometown after losing so much... including her arm...? And then this happened!?" He let out a slow, deep breath to try and return his calmness, but it had set in already.

    His breath shook slightly from the adrenaline that surged through his veins. Another shock shook him.

    Taking another deep breath, Jeff entered her world. It was approaching evening, the warm colors of the sun dashed their way across the sunlight. Looking beneath him, Jeff's slowed vision glazed upon the rough waters; interrupted by movement within. Across the way; a landscape dotted buildings caught ablaze, and a looming shadow of dark chaos dangling overhead. It could only be described as hell on earth.

    Another deep breath.

    The vision continued. As his feet floated there above the crashing waves, he saw a boat. Wooden of some kind. Not military, more of an escape boat. As Erin's words danced about him, there was painted such a creature. The Kraken. Jeff had heard of this beast, but only as a legend, or myth. Its ear-splitting screech echoed across the watery grave, blowing through Jeff's ear drums. But as this trance continued, Jeff felt no need to cover his hands. As each tentacle ripped itself from the waters below, plumes of salty brine rose with it. And with just one of these muscular tendrils, the Kraken snapped the escape boat, taking a girl with him. Jeff nearly broke from his position, nearly took a step forward, he had to go after her!

    As Jeff sat in his chair, he white-knuckle clenched his hands, still interlocked. He studied his bard with more intensity as her tale picked up.

    Jeff allowed himself to watch the horrors that just unfolded in front of him. But, as if on command, the beast emerged from the water in a furious rampage, a long spear-like projectile lodged between its eyes. The girl, launched from the water in the chaos, rolled onto what remained of her boat, and stood to face her victory. As the Kraken disappeared into the abyss, the girl managed to grab back the spear, and a tri-pronged piece of metal that came from the belly of the beast. Both in the vision and in her chair, Jeff grinned with delight.

    Allowing himself to ease back into his chair, Jeff gave a warm round of applause.

    "I am very impressed, Erin! Bravo! Bravo! Your bard skills are to be heavily envied, you are quite the storyteller! And, of course, one of the bravest of adventurers that I've heard from in years!" Jeff temporarily recalled all the stories he'd heard, whether in a bar or at the Red Iron Forge when his Master Smith still lived. Indeed, Erin's courage and bard skills were something of high value, especially to Jeff. "Thank you for your story, as always, it was a definite treat!" His blue eyes seemed to shine with delight as the great tale of the Nautilus concluded.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  7. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    (This particular tale was made up on the spot. It just took a while to reply because it didn't save the first time, and I was pissed.)

    The merchant stood before offering him a slight bow. She was glad that he enjoyed the adventurous account as it was a joy to tell anyway. But, as she sat back down, she couldn't help but recognize the undertone of inquisitiveness in mind as she studied the other blacksmith. Are there any tales the human warrior wouldn't mind recounting himself? Erin was sure he had gone on a number of adventures judging by the worness of his armor during their last encounter.

    Leaning back into the chair, a curious quirk arose to her grin as she placed her gray gaze in his blue one.

    "Are there any tales you wouldn't mind sharing, Jeff? You seem to be quite the adventurer yourself."

    Smiling again, she patiently waiting for a reply while crossing her legs over each other once more; the Nautilus story gave her the chills.
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  8. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    (Oh I gotcha... geez I'm sorry to hear that :P that really sucks. But on another note; you really are a magician if you can whip this up twice! Haha)

    Jeff leaned back in his chair, juggling the question over and over mentally. A knot twisted itself in his stomach as he recounted how he arrived on Wynn - more like who he was with... Everything after her was adventuring with his brother. There were plenty of great tales to sift from; ranging from the comedic tales of getting lost deep in an ancient mine (thanks WynnExcavation), to the horrors experienced under Olux with the Iron Golem factory... that still scarred him.

    However, his mouth just seemed to move on its own. Jeff smiled softly.

    "You acclaim me of such an adventuring pristige, and I couldn't be more thankful. However, my story revolves around when I wasn't an adventurer at all - before Wynn even. Indeed, before I was a Warrior, I was just an Apprentice Blacksmith with a thirst for adventure."

    He recalled these memories fondly. Listening to the fables displayed by customers always left Jeff feeling excited, but cooped in the Red Iron Forge... Jeff shrugged.

    "But don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have traded smithing for adventuring, at least not then. I was far too inexperienced with independence; and most importantly, combat." Jeff mentioned, shaking his head at his own inexperience. "Shoot, this couldn't have been more than a few months ago, yet now I'm here."

    "But as fate would have it, I saw my opportunity to gain such experience. When I was out mining iron ore for my Master Smith, I saw my chance. There was a young sheep, perhaps even a lab, that was under threat by a predator wolf. It couldn't have been closer than thirty meters, but I felt like I could reach out and touch them. The lamb noticed me watching and dove behind me, and the wolf was willing to go through me to get its prey."

    Jeff watched the scene unfold before him as if it was happening over again. He felt the weight and texture of the lamb's wool against his pant leg, facing down-range with a looming, snarling beast. It's rugged gray fur standing up like bristles, and it's teeth sharp and covered in drool.

    "I was too terrified to make the first move, so it ran at me. I recruited the help of a nearby stick; one could even call it a staff, to fend off the beast. It kept at me, getting up over and over... but eventually I struck it so hard on the head that it simply collapsed."

    The young smith smiled, pleased with the following events. "I never knew sheep could 'baa' happily, but this little guy was ecstatic!" He chuckled in recollection. "It was the start to my confidence in my ability to at least hold my own. Every time after that I went to the mine , I found myself fending off wolves from sheep, and I became quite proficient at it, too."

    He relaxed himself, sighing. The bright light from his blue eyes seemed to fade. His voice dropped, but the mood was different than it's norm.

    "When my Master Smith died from a plague, I was recruited by a girl - and old friend and crush of mine, to close down the Red Iron Forge and join her for adventure in the province of Wynn. I did so, promising my Master I'd bring the name of the Red Iron Forge with me."

    His smile returned, finding itself in Erin's company. "Then I eventually found The Forge, and a lovely woman who taught me much about smithing... and she was one heck of an adventurer herself, which I highly enjoyed." His voice dropped, in its regular fashion. "And she was a fine looker, too!" He couldn't hold a smirk, he laughed to himself.

    "And I suppose that's how I ended up here from Starter Town!"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  9. 01101001

    01101001 01

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    I'll buy 2 tier 4 air powders please.

    (Can't be bothered to rp right now)
    HappyLanding likes this.
  10. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Scooting closer in order to listen to a greater degree, the marketeer crossed her legs again and laid a pair of folded hands atop her lap. With elbows leaning against the chair's armrest, she shifted them a bit as the story progressed through each movement. Erin smiled at most parts, laughed a couple of times, and frowned at the mention of his deceased mentor. Though, as the merchant clapped in appreciation for the story at its close, she couldn't help but wonder a number of things: Who was that girl he was with? What was the Master Smith like? And what ever became of that stick?

    "I could recognize many of the components to the concept outline of the Hero's Journey. And I enjoyed it quite a bit."
    (Don't worry about it, I understand :) )

    Tilting her head up to meet the winter-attired adventurer, the Smith fixes the goggles set atop her head to keep them from slipping before listening to the traveller's inquiry. As he finished, she flashed him a smile.

    "Of course. When would you like to pick them up?"
    blasterdud97 and 01101001 like this.
  11. 01101001

    01101001 01

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    In the next few days (I'll tell you exactly when then) because I need to get the money. (I don't know many great methods to earn huge amounts of money, hence it taking so damn long..)
    HappyLanding likes this.
  12. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Nodding, the Smith takes the two powder sacks and sets them aside to be reserved.

    "I look forward to this encounter! Though, I do recommend venturing to the Seavale Reef off the coast of Selchar for some quick cash!"
    01101001 likes this.
  13. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    (hahaha The Almighty Stick will go down in history. Sadly, it was lost in the sands of time - as in he literally lost it.)

    Jeff rose to his feet, giving Erin a bow before plopping back down in his chair.

    "I understand it's not as exciting as taking The Kraken on head-first in a battle of life and death!" He noted with a smile, further admiring Erin's accomplishment. "In fact, until I got to Wynn, it didn't get much more exciting than that! At least on my end, I'd heard plenty of stories of grandeur - still lacking in comparison to fighting mythical beasts, however." Jeff chuckled, easing further into his chair and laying his forearms on the arm rests.

    "When I got to Wynn... Things picked up their pace. I remember a simple quest when I first arrived here; I was helping some baker in Ragni gather materials for their cake. After that..." Jeff trailed off, lost in some memories of nightmarish quests he partook in - things he saw in particular. Jeff smiled, trying to prevent Erin for taking note and growing concerned. A smile, almost of relief, traced across his lips as he felt the warmth of The Forge grace his skin. "It got a little crazy. But everyone's gotta start somewhere. Live and learn, right?"

    He shrugged. "The past can suck sometimes," yet he found comfort in the Makeshift Marketeer, "that's why I keep in the present with a goal toward the future." "God, I must sound like an elderly Buddhist Monk right now, but that's the best way I can word it."
    HappyLanding likes this.
  14. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Flashing the human warrior a smile in return, the merchant was trying to decipher the sentiments behind his quick change in facial expressions as she listened on. After he had finished, however; she chuckled in amusement.

    "You don't give yourself enough credit, Jeff. The tale was wonderful, and, I'd like to add, much better than the pathetic stories of my beginnings here in Wynn."

    She spoke truthfully; memories of the firsy day flowed into her mind. They were laughable, indeed.
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  15. Viertuoso

    Viertuoso it's epic HERO

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    Disco Oppulenity Bovine Killer
    HappyLanding likes this.
  16. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Weaving their way through the rows of imported, though ancient, Nemractian shelves; an adventurer well-acquaintted with the shop after numerous visits browses through the organized items glittering and gleaming from their spots. Though, after finding a few items that catch his eye, the adventurer makes his way over to the Smith in order to tell her of his interest.

    "You're interested in the Bovine Killer, Disco, and Opulenity, eh? Well, allow me to polish them overnight and deliver them by hand tomorrow from the hours of 7 AM to 1 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST)."
  17. Mrten

    Mrten Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I'd like Dark Shroud #2 for 1.75LE. When can you meet?
    HappyLanding likes this.
  18. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Humming a small tune on her way out from the stables, the merchant looks around the shop of bustling customers admiring her arrangement of wares around the forge's rich-wooded interior. However, before she can make it over to the large desk on the other end of the store, Erin is approached by an adventurer pointing to a certain pair of leggings set along with other armor pieces.

    "Hullo, traveller. Welcome to the Forge!"

    With a smile tugging onto her lips, the marketeer proceeds her listening to @Mrten.

    "It would be my honor to equip you with such a weapon that matches your repertoire! And in reponse to the question, I am available to meet during the shop hours of 7 AM to 1 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST) on Mondays through Fridays."
  19. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    Simple Geometry?
    Jeff leaned forward in his chair again, raising an eyebrow and wearing a playful smile.

    "Oh? Now I have to hear this! What was your first time in Wynn like? You narrowly escaped death on several occasions just getting to Wynn! I don't think your 'humble beginnings' story will be as 'pathetic' as you make it to be!

    "In fact, I may have made some of her exact same mistakes... or even more pathetic. I make blonde mistakes all the time; especially when I first got here... yeesh." He thought to himself, readjusting his now-dried dirty-blonde hair by running his fingers through it and styling it once over. (Yeah I try to style my shorter hair as much as possible. It's just up and over in the front - kinda makes this arching wave. haha I think it looks good with the hair I got!)
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
    HappyLanding likes this.
  20. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Averting her gaze downward to hide her slight embarrassment, the Smith recalls the poignant endeavors she had upon entering the province after a stint in the neighboring land of Fruma. Erin could easily compare the illustration to a young bird learning how to fly...and miserably failing during the lesson.

    Why did I even bother mentioning it...?

    Letting out a deep sigh while looking up, the marketeer shook her head; deciding that the recount didn't have to be so detailed.

    "As I had said earlier your tale is much better than the asinine, as well as gladly clipped, one I'm about to tell you," shutting her eyelids for a quick second, the merchant allows the rather ridiculous memories surface. "Three years ago, a couple of acquainttances and I were sent to the land of Wynn in order to aid in their fight against the growing hordes of monstrosities."

    The marketeer shook her head again while fixing her goggles.

    "Long tale shortened, I-- despite having parketaken in numerous ventures-- was too afraid to leave the walled city of Ragni, and only completed one quest as a turnout for that year. While my friends blossomed, I stayed behind like a coward until I finally mustered enough courage to arrive at Detlas where I reside today."
    blasterdud97 likes this.
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