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Shop ˙·٠•●« Tнє Fσяgє »●•٠·˙ | Lvl. 5-100 Prices Falling W/ The Leaves Of The Season! (100+ Legendaries)

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by HappyLanding, Jun 23, 2017.


What can I do to build a better shop?

  1. Refurnish the place! There is always room for improvement.

  2. Include prices.

  3. Update your catalog and offer newer things.

  4. Nothing can save it! Abandon ship!

  5. Other (message)...

  6. NOTE: Item prices have been included!

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  1. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    (How particular.)

    The Smith nodded as even more capers flooded her visions. Looking back now, she realized how ridiculous they were and she instead replaced the her images in her mind of the many times she spent reading long novels, fixing up the place, and creating the identification tags of each item. Copious amounts of time and love were put into the shop, and she enjoyed the place a lot more when it was filled with the chatter of visitng adventurers from across Wynn and more.

    "Without the bustle of travellers, the Forge could get quite boring. Though, I'd like to know, how does the great Jeff of the Red Iron Forge pass time in the state ennui?"

    Erin was truly and genuinely curious. Apart from the surface, she didn't know Jeff all that well. With this lack of knowledge, she decided that it would be best to change that; lest she would end up conversing with a stranger during these visits.
    Despite the heat summer brought, that warmth ever rarely made an appearance in the rather breezy part of town in which the forge was situated in. So, to make up for this, Erin stood by the crackling hearth, tending to its fire by throwing in a few cherry logs. The pyro flames flickered in her eyes, and she smiled at the sort of magical properties to such a common, yet vital thing. Though, the marketeer was pulled from her thoughts when the Dragonkin adventurer approached her with an inquiry.

    "Due to some matters that interrupt my ability to conduct deliveries, I am not available to appear at a trade today. However; I will surely be able to meet up tomorrow in between the hours of 7 AM to 1 PM (PST)."
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  2. drangonriderwill

    drangonriderwill DragonKin Adventurer

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    The DragonKin adventurer having his inquiry answered will be awaiting The Forge's Smith tomorrow
    HappyLanding likes this.
  3. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    "I will find that sprite. If it wreaks havoc on the store that often, maybe I can catch it in a jar as a gift for Erin!" He thought.

    With a newfound heat to his checks at the emphasis on 'great', Jeff temporarily made eye contact with the floor. "Two can play this game."

    When his head raised back up, a sense of playfulness cocked itself across Jeff's smirk.
    "Well, I normally spend my free time taking casual naps in the yard's of pretty blacksmiths with stunning silver eyes," he didn't break composure, not now; he was on a roll.

    Lost in natural curiosity, he took a step back to think about what he actually did when he wasn't working.

    "Sometimes I'll visit my brother to see if he wants to adventure... although these days he seems to have grown weary of our daily adventure routine," he noted with a sigh, "Other than that, though, I will spend my time visiting friends, exploring some of the beautiful landmarks around Wynn, relaxing around some of my favorite nature spots, getting lost in town, or catching up at the local pubs for some grand stories of adventure!"

    The young blacksmith chuckled to himself, smiling as the flashbacks of several blissful days danced through his consciousness.

    "Heck, sometimes I'll do a couple of these in one day! I'd love to take you someday." He was still lost in thought, and didn't mean to let that last sentence slip out.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  4. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Erin laughed a bit at the retaliation, but overall enjoyed the rest of his delineations of leisure. To her, his days sounded peaceful; ones of relaxation and merriment. In her mind, however; she saw the broaching statement as a ludic act of war, and intended to reposte the affirmation. As early as this, the shopkeeper was already brewing a remark while she flashed a deviled smile at the man across from her.

    "You lead a pleasant life, Jeff. And, to address your offer, I would gladly accompany you on one of those 'ventures if you'll have me," she then waggishly added. "After all, it had always been a dream of mine to rendezvous around Wynn with a six foot, blonde-haired, blue-eyed man who enjoys the subject of mathematics."

    She took advantage of his accidental slip but brushed it off anyway, the reply she gave wasn't even as strong as she had intended; but it would have to do for now.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2017
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  5. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    Jeff smiled softly at the life she portrayed. Temporarily, thoughts of certain people and certain quests still haunted him. He'd seen and felt too much to be perfectly at peace, but sometimes it's good to feign so.

    When Erin finished, Jeff grit his teeth slightly, trying to fight the heat that rushed to his face. He hadn't expected any sort of retaliation, or one of that caliber. "I'm still in this; just play it snarky. If she asks, my face is red from recent work..."

    Another sly smirk crept across his face as he shrugged, breaking eye contact temporarily.
    "Isn't that every girl's dream? And what about The Forge? Why so quick to jump on adventure this time around?"
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2017
    HappyLanding likes this.
  6. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    She was cunning, and that underlying trait was confirmed when the apprentice blacksmith's face flushed a bright red. Soon, a sweet smile surfaced to her face as she tilted her head just slightly while a sweet expression of curiosity crossed her features.

    "It seems that you've turned a bit scarlet over there, Jeff," humor seeped into her voice as she studied his expression; trying to find any hiccup in the composure he held up.

    Though, she couldn't help but feel a bit of respect towards him. After all, it took some serious gird to retort, but of course, she had the dare as well.

    "And to answer the latter question, it's because the adventure is with you."
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  7. Erythen

    Erythen Elf of Haelun'or

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    Entering the shop, Erythen sees Jeff and Erin talking together. Leaving the two alone for now, the Elf looks about at the many wares adorning the shelves of the Forge. Seeing the Infinity bow, he walks over to the shopkeeper.

    "I am sorry for interrupting what seems to be such an...(Noting Jeff's flushed expression)...interesting conversation, but unfavorable circumstances have once again brought me to your shop. While I was on an adventure, I was defeated, and in my escape I lost my trusty bow. However I noticed you have the bow Infinity on your shelves, and I would like to purchase it from you. If you are able to meet now, we could also trade for those items I offered you last week."

    Turning to Jeff.

    "It is good to see you Jeff. I hope the items I gave you are suiting you well. I look forward to visiting your shop when it opens."

    Bowing to Jeff, the Elf turns to Erin once more.

    "I must go withdraw some emeralds from my bank, so I will meet you at the Detlas Bank promptly. I will be waiting with 55 EB and the four items you requested."
    blasterdud97 and HappyLanding like this.
  8. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    As the elven figure approaches, Erin turns to him as a bright smile envelops her lips. It was always a pleasure to have Erythen in her company; he was always a gracious guest. Turning to face him, she listens politely to his inquiry before nodding and taking the elegant bow down from its place.

    "It would be my honor to equip you with such a bow that matches your repitoire. And I am also available to meet right now."
    blasterdud97 and Erythen like this.
  9. drangonriderwill

    drangonriderwill DragonKin Adventurer

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    The DrangonKin adventurer wishes to know if the Forge's Smith could meet in detlas
    HappyLanding likes this.
  10. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    As the Dragonkin adventurer enters the shop, the shopkeeper's head looks expectedly to him before she walks over, offering him a slight bow.

    "Hullo, my Dragon-blooded friend. I am available to meet at the moment. Allow me to find you."
  11. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    Jeff grinned, still fighting the heat that now surged through his face. "Another hit, dang she's good. Just hit her with what I planned originally, that's a good way out."

    "Eh," Jeff started smoothly, shrugging his shoulders, "it's getting hot out." "THAT'S NOT WHAT I PLANNED AT ALL!"

    The front door bells ring as the large doors gracefully open, causing Jeff some alarm. He quickly spun around to face the customer.

    And it was Erythen!

    Jeff returned Erythen's bow.
    "Please, the pleasure is all mine to see you again! And thank you, I appreciate your kind words as always." Recalling Erythen's previous words, Jeff's brightened smile disintegrated into a frown; eyes slightly narrowing. He folded his arms over his chest. "Who defeated you and stole your bow?? Take me with you and we can beat back your enemies and retake your bow!"

    Jeff recognized this was a business deal, but it bothered him that Erythen had been beaten in combat.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2017
    HappyLanding and Erythen like this.
  12. Erythen

    Erythen Elf of Haelun'or

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    After finishing his deal with Erin, Erythen answers Jeff's concerned question.

    "To be honest, it was a poor decision on my part to try and defeat the undergrowth ruins alone. There were too many enemies for a lone archer to handle. Although I do not believe I will ever see my bow again, perhaps I could bring my new Infinity and we could defeat Slykaar together."
    HappyLanding and blasterdud97 like this.
  13. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    Jeff grinned; the thought of a new challenge stirring his heart up.

    "Yeah you got yourself a deal! I have a few keys stored up, and I hear one can purchase Tier 4 powders there from a shady man that guards the entrance. I think it would be a good investment."
    HappyLanding and Erythen like this.
  14. Erythen

    Erythen Elf of Haelun'or

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    "That is good to hear!"

    Thinking to himself: "Perhaps we could even convince Erin to leave her shop and come adventure with us."

    "It would be helpful indeed if we could get a mage to come along on this journey. (Glancing at Erin) It is too bad we do not have one in our company. Jeff do you know anyone who would be willing to come along with us?"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  15. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    Catching onto Erythen's wit, Jeff grins, folding his arms.

    "Well, there's this one girl I know," He began, circling around Erin like a shark circles prey, "she's quite good in combat; very witty, and quite intelligent! She'd make a very nice addition to an adventuring party!" He smirked, his voice dropping slightly. "Wonder what she'd say if I asked her..."
    HappyLanding and Erythen like this.
  16. El Magica IV

    El Magica IV Travelled Adventurer

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    The Smith noticed a note on her desk. It appeared to be from the stranger.

    "Meet me in World 4, Troms, with the powders."
    HappyLanding likes this.
  17. Eru

    Eru Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll buy! now this is a really nice shop
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2017
    HappyLanding and Erythen like this.
  18. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Erin smiled at the interaction between the two adventurers as she looked back and forth after each exchange. However, as they continued, it wasn't hard to tell that curiosity burned more intensely in those pewter eyes of hers than the red of the human warrior's face; she wondered how the characters met. Perhaps they spontaneously bumped into each other? Maybe they both liked math? Either way, she thought about how their meeting was bound to happen anyway as both individuals were kind, adventure-inclined Wynncraftians; similar in more ways than not.

    Though, Erin is soon pulled out of her short period of assessment as the friends looked expectedly to her, and Jeff begins to orbit around her person. Her eyes followed him as he obliquely mentioned her, the act bringing another sidelong smile to her face while she ran a hand through her head of brunette hair.

    "That girl you speak of seems like an exemplary individual; there is no doubt she is both an intuitive and remarkable character. Otherwise, perfect in the minds of many," she began with a mirthful tone. But alas, she knew another activity would be holding her attention at a similiar time, causing the upturned corners of her lips to falter a bit. "But unfortunately, and she says this with a profusion of regret, she is rather occupied and would not be able to attend such a thrill."

    She then offered the elf and human a remorseful smile. Indeed, her schedule was filled with various other things that required a substantial amount of attention. However, perchance; she would be able to enlist the help of another mage to make up for the vacant spot?
    The shopkeeper sauntered over to her desk site after returning from a day filled with sales, meetings, and even a substantial amount of ware-organizing. Though, as soon as she sat down, a little note left atop her desk grasped her attention, and she quickly brought it up; reading the words it carried, before placing it down again.

    "It seems that the adventurer has forgetten about the delivery scheduling! Perhaps I should pen the availability hours down for him!"

    Grabbing hold of her large quilled feather, she starts to scratch the time account of accessibility onto a small slip of parchment, and sending it off upon completion.

    Hours of Availability:
    Monday from 7 AM to 1 PM (PST)
    Tuesday from 7 AM to 1 PM (PST)
    Wednesday from 7 AM to 1 PM (PST)
    Thursday from 7 AM to 1 PM (PST)
    Friday from 7 AM to 1 PM (PST)
    With a brown, feathered duster in hand, the merchant stood in the centerpoint of her shop, taking in the sight before her. Despite being relatively clean and tidy, there was still an thin layer of dust to some parts of the building, and with an attitude of determination, Erin set out to complete the task of ridding her beloved forge of the fine particles of aerial dirt.

    "Prepare your knees, dust! ErinLaSavage is coming!"

    For a good chunk of time, she travelled around the vicinity battling the dust with her feather weapon, eventually finishing about an hour later. Now, as she stood by the shelves of the forge, the admittedly most dusty area of the store, content with her work. Though, she is soon approached by an adventurer who requested to purchase a certain one of her items.

    "Ah, yes! I would be glad to equip you with such a powerful wand. Just allow me to polish it overnight and deliver it to your person tomorrow. There may still be dust latching onto the surface of the weapon!"

    She laughed at her own statement while throwing the adventurer a kind smile. Always, she was happy to meet with adventuring Wynncraftians from across the province and more.
  19. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    Jeff knew he could get at her with just a little more prying. After all, she did just tease him with her presence for adventure. His smirk slightly broke into a sweet, admiring smile as Erin ran her fingers through her hair - but quickly snapped back into character.

    "You are correct! This girl described previously is phenomenal! It's a shame she is unable to attend during regular hours..."

    The young blacksmith kept his swagger as he kept eyes on her, looking for changes in facial expression or body language.

    "But what if I offered her to adventure at her leisure? Perhaps after her work one day?"

    He stopped right in front of her, letting his voice drop.

    "I think it would be a nice change of pace, least for this adventure." He felt his cocky smirk grow into a sweeter smile, unable to help it.

    [I sometimes fondness myself breaking character after I hit someone with what I think is the ace up my sleeve haha. Also I do tend to sleep around 5:30-6 you're time as I work early in the morning, but I do still want to do this.)
    HappyLanding likes this.
  20. El Magica IV

    El Magica IV Travelled Adventurer

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    The powder deal is being cancelled for now. My summer school really clashes with your schedule.
    HappyLanding likes this.
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