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Shop ˙·٠•●« Tнє Fσяgє »●•٠·˙ | Lvl. 5-100 Prices Falling W/ The Leaves Of The Season! (100+ Legendaries)

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by HappyLanding, Jun 23, 2017.


What can I do to build a better shop?

  1. Refurnish the place! There is always room for improvement.

  2. Include prices.

  3. Update your catalog and offer newer things.

  4. Nothing can save it! Abandon ship!

  5. Other (message)...

  6. NOTE: Item prices have been included!

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  1. DragonFire_Natsu

    DragonFire_Natsu Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    how much for thunder powder
    HappyLanding likes this.
  2. RogueAeterna

    RogueAeterna Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    The girl from a few days ago walked in slowly, donning a full set of new armor and walked over to where the power was stored, seeing the sign, she spoke up confused, "What do you mean by market price?" Before getting an answer, she moved over to the weapon racks to inspect the bows and wands hoping to find a new one for either her or her friend.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  3. CorruptedB

    CorruptedB Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Nvm I withdraw buying it, hope i didnt cause any trouble :p
    HappyLanding likes this.
  4. RogueAeterna

    RogueAeterna Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    After some deliberation the girl motions the shop owner over and points at two items, "I would like to buy these two, but how does 1LE and 48 EB sound? I also have two items in my possession you may be interested in?" She checks her bag, pulling out two of the Glare staff, "They aren't the best but they should sell well and the haven't been rerolled."
    (I have the money now.)
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
    HappyLanding likes this.
  5. Remy777

    Remy777 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I'd like to buy [35] Waves Raiser | md. +6% sd. +15% 38 eb
    I can meet in Detlas
    HappyLanding likes this.
  6. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    (Oh, haha. I'm only "5'8")

    She offers him a sidelong smile as he passionately limned on about his efforts towards the completion of his merchant post. From what she could tell, despite the exhaust the heralding work harbored in by the work, Jeff was genuinely excited for the emergence of the future shop. He then began to toss light compliments towards her own shop, and she only laughed more.

    "It is good to hear that ship of construction sails on opportune, though at times rough, waters. And it is even more so pleasant to know that you take in inspiration from this humble merchant stand."

    The pin-striped marketeer smile while fixing the goggles on top of her head.

    "However, I'd also like to ask how you're faring. I know firsthand how the preparation of a shop demands."
    Yawning as she stands to fight against the sandy clutches of shut-eye, an certain adventhrer eyeing a couple of wares placed carefully along the shelf-line of armaments. The shopkeeper then begins to move across the floor, flashing a brilliant smile upon reaching them.

    "Hullo, traveller! Welcome to the Forge!"

    The visitor then tells Erin of their interest in a couple of items, and her smile falters into an apologetic grin upon knowing that another individuals holds mutual regard for the pair of diamond-alloyed boots.

    "I would be glad to equip you with the Forgery #2, however; it is a more difficult tale for the Anchoryl. It seems that another Wynncraftian adventurer holds interest in the same pair of boots! I also believe that the both of you are tied in the offer for the item, so in good fashion, the weekend reserve spot will be saved to the highest bidder!"
    While approaching the female figure posturing towards the two items, the merchant throws them a humbled smile as she listening to what she jad to say. Though, upon mentioning a certain item, the Smith frowns a bit before replying.

    "Ah, yes. I would love for you to leave with both items, however; another shop visitor holds interest in the same boots! Currently, the bid is tied. But whomever offers more earns the right to purchase the item."

    The adventurer then asks Erin the meaning of 'market value' to which she gladly reponded to.

    "The term 'market value' the current and accepted trading price for a certain item in Wynn."
    Instead of sitting at her usual place by her desk, the merchant stands atop one of the high rungs of the shop's incoordination-inducing ladder; replacing the lost firelight of a certain candle in the warm candle ring chandelier casting its bright glow in the forge. As she is successful in relighting the blown out taper, she quickly makes her way down in order to avoid the onset of clumsiness. This time, she is greeted by an adventurer interest in purchasing a certain one of her wares.

    "Ah, the Waves Raiser. It is a powerful wand believed to have been used by ancient wizards wishing to submerge the world in water."

    Walking over to its shelf space before carefully taking it down, she then makes her way back over to the visitor while presenting it to him.

    "Allow me to polish it over to weekend. It will be available for pick-up on Monday."
    Just as the shopkeeper is about to take off to her private quarters, an adventurer approaches her, inquiring about the price of a certain elemental powder. Smiling at him, Erin flipped the pages of her large, magical book before quickly looking over a certain page of content before looking back oveer to the guest.

    "I believe market value currently a T4 Thunder Powder at 24 eb!"
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
    RogueAeterna likes this.
  7. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    Jeff smirked. The poetic vocabulary that left her lips felt slightly different that normal; and were some of those slurred? Jeff fought a grin.

    "I don't think you give yourself enough credit, Erin! You're growing in popularity every day, and one day you'll just skyrocket!" "Skyrocket? What does that mean? Where'd that come from?" "Er - you'll take off like an airship!" He laughed off his own twist of tongue.

    He thought for a moment, breaking from her gaze to lose himself in thought. How far had he gotten into Erin's suggestions? [Which I copy/pasted into a Word document as 'Advice from Erin'] He had the place built, now what was left? Jeff's eyes returned to hers once he had the answer, almost losing his train of thought when he saw those silver eyes looking up at him.

    "I have a buddy, a Mage more-or-less, in another Province who dabbles in some interesting arcane arts. In fact, 'arts' is a good word for it. His magic involves capturing a moment - an entire scene and freezing it to be pasted on a surface. It's hard to explain; he's like a painter, but his 'paintings' are so clear and accurate it's as if the moment was saved forever!" [He used to be an animator for a year or so. I'd like to have him help me with a logo and a picture for the cover page of The Red Iron Forge. I know what I want to do, I just need his help to make it.] Jeff took a deep breath that faded away into a sigh. He let his voice drop to emphasize his next words. "I also need to acquire enough wares to fill in inventory. It's coming along, but quite slowly."

    Straightening himself up, his face lit up with a smile of confidence. "But it's not to worry about! If I keep at it like I'm doing, I'll be up and about in no time!" His voice dropped again, but this time it still held his vigor, and his voice was painted much smoother. "And if you don't mind, I'd love to stop by a few times during my progression. Work's nice and all, but it's good to reward hard work!" He broke character and chuckled, dimples tracing the corners of his mouth.

    The young blacksmith always felt relieved whenever he'd even walk by the forge. There was one day where his ax snapped in half from excessive use, and the shops of Ragni sold cheap, low-effort tools. After a grueling, frustrating trip to the city's capital for an ax, Jeff had passed by The Forge; his curiosity driving him to peer through the windows. Inside, he watched as Erin smiled and assisted another adventurer with her market needs. This led Jeff to recall his own time spent in The Forge, and suddenly his trip to Detlas felt much more worthwhile. Smile freshly grown on his face, he continued down the path to purchase some new tools; thinking about that potato the dwarven potato that sat near the chopping block at The Red Iron Forge.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  8. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    She smiled at his enthusiasm. Already, the spirit of inquiry invaded her thoughts as she attempted to guess what might his shop's future logo might look like. As he continued on, she learned that these visits to her humble shop was a sort of reward to Jeff as he continued on with preparation. Though, as he grinned, she grew a bit wary; afraid that Jeff might notice her slightly buzzed state, and she glanced over at the bottle of white set atop the rounded table by the hearth in contempt. Wine was her poison, and her need for it grew after the happenings of tragedy forced her to leave the motherland. Though, despite that certain bottle having helped her last night, she disliked its variety. She liked her teeth stained red.

    "Of course! I never mind these visits to the Forge. In fact, I look forward to them. They're just as pleasant to you as they are to me."
  9. RogueAeterna

    RogueAeterna Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Hearing the news of someone else being interested in the boots she panics, "In that case I would like to make my offer 1LE for the boots making my total price 2LE"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  10. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    As the girl replies back to the Smith, she smiles before nodding. She was glad that the bid war proposal was accepted; they didn't always fare well upon mentioning. The merchant then broke away from her thoughts to pen down the offer in her seemingly boundless book of knowledge.

    "With the bid of 1 le, you are now the top bidder! Though, if all goes in your favor, you will be able to purchase the Anchoryl tomorrow!"
  11. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    The smell on her breath confirmed his suspicions, and her teeth, normally shining white, also eluded to his conclusion. His following smile was quite peculiar; it was a mixture of pity, a pinch of sadness, and empathy. "Drinking to forget, huh? Yeah, I've been there, too."

    "Hey Erin," he began, a lighter smile beginning to shine across his lips, "do you ever have time to relax while at work?"

    He quickly scanned the area around him; there didn't seem to be any immediate customers.

    "I can confirm that the chairs set up by the fireplace are much better of a stress relief than standing and dreading about how tired we are!" His eyes returned to hers, a smile growing larger. "Who knows, maybe I can make this visit as much of a reward to her as it is myself...!"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  12. drangonriderwill

    drangonriderwill DragonKin Adventurer

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    drangonriderwill upon hearing of the bid war he decides he needs those boots enough to bid 1le 16 eb for the boots so 2le for the boots and helm
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
    HappyLanding likes this.
  13. RogueAeterna

    RogueAeterna Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Seeing the other person's bid, she speaks up, "I would like to add two items to my offer, Glare wands to be specific. If I remember correctly, you were selling them for 1 LE a piece, and I'm not a mage so I can't use them. So lets make a deal 2 Glares plus 1 LE for the boots and 1 LE for the wand I'm buying?"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  14. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Fixing her brass framed goggles upon her head she nods at his question. Another smile, this time small and even a bit mischievous, tugs onto her features as she recalls a few of escapades during leisure time in an empty forge.

    "My rest is solely dependant on the activity of the shop. I'll admit, on occasion you could find me commiting some rather interesting escapades."

    She then takes this chance to look around the vicinity, again finding the usually thick number of visitors to be thinned out.
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  15. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    Quite intrigued, Jeff smirks and raises an eyebrow. "A girl this sweet? 'Interesting escapades'?" He folded his arms.

    "Oh come now," He began, dropping his voice in pitch and volume to match her mischief, "you can't just leave me on that..! Tell me, Erin, what kind of 'rather interesting escapades' you've taken part of?"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  16. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    The goggled merchant sits at her desk polishing a few wares to the cleanliness of reflection before the Dragonkin adventurer approaches her, informing the Smith of his decision to increase his bid for the rather popular pair of heavy diamond-alloyed boots.

    "Hu-oh! You have decided participate in the bid war, as well? Well, heh, with a bid of 1.25 le, you have been made to be the top bidder for the Anchoryl."
    The grin on the shopkeeper's lips falters a bit at the offer. Despite her eagerness to accept the proposal of liquid emeralds and weapons, she knew that the Forge just didn't have enough space to accomodate new additions of wares to its inventory.

    "Unfortunately, I would like to respectfully decline to the generous offer of two wands and a liquid emerald. I just don't have enough storage to properly contain the items!"
  17. RogueAeterna

    RogueAeterna Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Checking her money, she looks sad, "I step down from the bid war and would like to pull back my offer on the wand I was looking at as my friend has decided he does not want it. But I'll be back in the future to possibly buy more items though."
    HappyLanding likes this.
  18. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    The pewter eyes of the merchant twinkled in delight, clearly she was lamenting a few exploits she had hosted in the wooded walls of the forge. She looks back at Jeff, sorting through a few of her shenanigans before choosing the one she would recount to him; eventually deciding on an instance a bit silly, even for herself.

    "I suppose I could detail at least a bit of that time I held a Wynncraftian version of the Olympics," she chuckled upon receiving a memory of her clumsiness during the event. "In terms of participants, it was only me and that rather playful sprite that wreaks its havoc upon this establishment. But nevertheless, I enjoyed schooling the creature in each running, throwing, and jumping event. Though, I would also like to mention my terrible defeat in the sword combat event. That glowing ball of color was just too skillful."

    The bright smile upon Erin's face widened again as she glanced around the memory-filled room that served both as a place of business, and as a containment of her stunts.
    The marketeer nodding in understanding as she let up a kind smile. Erin recognized the hardships centered around finances as she started off as an adventurer with little amounts of emeralds to her name. She then offering @RogueAeterna a slight bow.

    "I understand, friend. Just know that you are always welcome to return to the forge. I enjoy company."
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
  19. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    [Y'know that old meme of the stick figure staring at his computer, mouth pressed against his folded hands as he just stares at the screen? That was me trying to figure out how to respond. Go look that up. That was me.]

    Jeff practically burst into laughter. "Olympics? In the forge? With a sprite?? - Wait, there's a sprite?" Jeff's eyes slightly widened in search of this fairy creature. His lightened expression returned to Erin.

    "I never thought one could get so bored as to organize an Olympic tournament within The Forge! I'm very impressed!" He chuckled again, trying to imagine a sprite in a throwing competition... or even a jumping competition... Doesn't that thing have wings!? "I'm curious how a little ball about yay big," he cupped his hands, holding them slightly apart to form a 'sphere', "could let alone hold a sword!"

    "Speaking of which, where is this creature? I haven't seen it ever since I first set foot in The Forge..." He questioned to himself.

    [Edit: I found it https://openclipart.org/image/2400px/svg_to_png/215664/Computer-Guy.png ]
    HappyLanding likes this.
  20. drangonriderwill

    drangonriderwill DragonKin Adventurer

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    The Dragonkin adventurer hearing he won the war of bids inquires were he can travel to meet the Forge's Smith
    HappyLanding likes this.
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