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Shop ˙·٠•●« Tнє Fσяgє »●•٠·˙ | Lvl. 5-100 Prices Falling W/ The Leaves Of The Season! (100+ Legendaries)

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by HappyLanding, Jun 23, 2017.


What can I do to build a better shop?

  1. Refurnish the place! There is always room for improvement.

  2. Include prices.

  3. Update your catalog and offer newer things.

  4. Nothing can save it! Abandon ship!

  5. Other (message)...

  6. NOTE: Item prices have been included!

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  1. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Just as she guards a couple of reserved thunder powders by her desk, another adventurer interested in powders of a different element makes their way over to the merchant.

    "Ah, yes! I'd be happy to barter off the water powders to you! When can we meet?"
  2. McAndPvp

    McAndPvp Well-Known Adventurer

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    now bump 10 chars
    HappyLanding likes this.
  3. El Magica IV

    El Magica IV Travelled Adventurer

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    The Smith noticed a man loitering by the stables. He looked confused. She decided to see if everything was okay with him.

    "Is everything alright here?"

    The man turned around and saw the Smith.

    "Oh, yes. I was just looking at these Brown Horses here. They're really nice!"

    The Smith was pleased to hear that, she flashed a little smile, just as the man inquired of the horses.

    "How much for one
    Brown Horse?"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  4. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Taking a glance at the horses gathered around the water-filled trough, a smile tugs onto the face of the merchant as she laments a memory of obtaining them.

    "Despite having loads of character, these horses go for the same price as the ones you can find in Ternaves, and are untrained. Usually, I would sell them to fledging adventurers who do not have the ability to buy them from there."

    After a second of thought, she looks at the adventurer again.

    "Though, if you wait a bit, I'd be able to fully train a few of them!"
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
    El Magica IV likes this.
  5. MadAcer_

    MadAcer_ YeeT VIP+

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    im interested in buying the Morph Amethyst#1 for 30eb?
    HappyLanding likes this.
  6. El Magica IV

    El Magica IV Travelled Adventurer

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    The stranger appeared in the store. Not at 4:45 like promised, but he was there.

    "I'm here to pick up my powders."

    The Smith turned and reached for two sacks of powder.

    "Wonderful. Where would you like these addressed to?"

    "World 25. Llevigar Bank."
    HappyLanding likes this.
  7. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    After returning from a short getaway, the marketeer walks back into her shop, eyes sweeping the area to make sure everything's in place. Upon finding nothing out of the ordinary, she seats herself by her desk to continue paperwork before an adventurer walks into the shop. This traveller then approaches the merchant informing her of their interest in a certain bracelet.

    "Of course! Allow me to polish the morph accessory over the weekend. I wouldn't want anyone walking around with a dusty armament now, would I?"
    MadAcer_ likes this.
  8. El Magica IV

    El Magica IV Travelled Adventurer

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    It was closing time, and it seemed like the store's population was slowly dispersing. Only a few people were left in the building when a tall man with a suitcase barged through the door.


    One interested customer reached for the lone Tier 4 powder when the man swatted his hand away.

    "Hands off, chum. ThIs
    PoWdA iS fOr ThE mAnAgEr!!! Say, where is the little lassy? Ahl come back sumtahm tomorrow."

    The man made a slightly over-dramatic turn for the exit, and marched right out, as stupidly as he did in.
    HappyLanding and blasterdud97 like this.
  9. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    That man's been 'sniffing' a little too much of his own powders. :P
    HappyLanding and Erythen like this.
  10. El Magica IV

    El Magica IV Travelled Adventurer

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    ...and trust me, it's never a pretty picture.
    HappyLanding and blasterdud97 like this.
  11. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    The sun above seemed to paint the rest of the surrounding sky; the afternoon had just arrived. A quite familiar young male pushes past the large doors of The Forge; his hair more of a bronze color and skin slightly glistening from a recent bath. His clothes, however, described how badly he needed it. He wore an old set of brown overalls; his normal chain shirt took the place of an undershirt. Instead of his iron boots, he had tall, dark brown working boots. There seemed to be no sleeves upon his overalls or shirt, and hard leather gloves covered his hands.

    Jeff grinned with the familiar ringing of bells that The Forge offered him when he first arrived. The hand he used to push open the double doors quickly returned behind his back, joining his other hand. His smile hinted toward the slight satisfaction of mischief, and a quick glance hinted at whatever was behind his back.

    "Good Afternoon, Erin! Shop's looking fine as ever, and you as well as its humble host!"

    As he approached, he pulled out what was behind his back. It appeared to be slightly larger than his fist, and a little wider than a perfect sphere.

    "I wanted to bring you something special; a memento from our last adventure. A necklace of Harpy claws? A Bugbear rug? Nah, I decided to go for something I knew you would appreciate!"

    He tossed the object underhand toward Erin, careful not to hit anything else. As it flew threw the air, she could smell the thick scent of coal, rust, and molten fire radiating from its surface.

    It was a potato.

    "I know how much you love Dwarven culture," he sarcastically noted with a grin, "so I figured I'd pick you up one of their highly-coveted exports! I give to you the Dwarven Potato!"
    I'm sorry you had to see that. Are you his caretaker, or a very concerned adventurer?
    HappyLanding likes this.
  12. McAndPvp

    McAndPvp Well-Known Adventurer

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    can i buy thunderbolt
    giant step chained pixels giants bracer
    HappyLanding likes this.
  13. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    It was a light, warm summer day. Adventurers from all walks of life bustled into the grounds of the inviting shop, before filing out again with armfuls of wares. For hours, the events grew into a cycle of routine; attend to the visitors, collect the emeralds, and wave as they go by. Eventually, the shopkeeper quite wearily shuffles over to her large desk by the western wall of the forge, allowing herself a bit of rest before facing the visiting travellers with her famous smile. As the number of guests began thinning out, Erin took the time to lean against a tall, wooden beam near the accesory rack.

    However, upon seeing the opening crack parting the two doors, she straightens herself, preparing herself to greet yet another lukewarm presence. Though, the figure stepping fluidly into the homely, rustic interior catches the marketeer by surprise. This was no ordinary guest, this was a friend.


    Taking a step forward in approach, a bright, genuine smile soon surfaces to her features as her expression depicts a wild mix of both surprise and joy. The apprentice blacksmith then greets her, before pitching a rounded, though lumpy object whose dwarfish scent interupts the slight smell of coffee brew in the air. On instinct, she catches the spuded tuber with one swift motion. Her mind dripping recollections of her childhood days when she and her father stood in the grassy expanse of their backyard where he shared his passion for athletics as her mother shook her head disapprovingly, wishing her daughter would take up an activity more elegant. Though, as quickly as the memories came, they are again placed into the storage hold of past events, and she looks at the object in hand while Jeff details how he had obtained it.

    "Ah, yes. The most admirable of civilizations and values," she chuckles at the unintentional venom of sarcasm leaking out in her tone. "However, I'm still grateful for the gift. I just wish I had something prepared for you."
    Stretching out the ache of her arms near the stables of the forge, a familiarized adventurer turns to part from the display of desired items before him to inform the merchant of his interest in buying them. Politely listening, Erin nods, smiling at the traveller who had returned to her shop.

    "Yes, of course! Just allow me to polish the wares over the weekend. They will be available for pick-up on Monday."

    Remembering something, she then adds.

    "We also have received a new shipment of the water powders that you held interest in, if you're still looking to obtain more."

    (Which Giant's Bracer and Chained Pixels would you like? I have two of each of them.)
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  14. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    [I wish I could like that twice, I didn't expect to grin this much! Haha]

    Jeff chuckles, a smirk creasing his lips, "Prepare something for me?" he said, teasingly, "Erin I gave you a potato! I think just watching your reaction was payment enough!" "Surprisingly enough, the most rewarding part was not the mischief in presenting her with an object hailing from a culture she despises," he thought to himself as he began strolling across the floor toward his silver-eyed friend, "it was the way her eyes lit up upon catching the object. She had no idea what it was, but it almost seemed like she enjoyed the activity... Eh, I'm overthinking this."

    As he moved across the floor, he felt the warmth and tightness in his arms, back, upper body, and legs - essentially his entire being. His mind shot him a warning that tomorrow, he's going to be in some serious soreness. After chopping wood for a couple days and remodeling the house, he was physically exhausted. Still, it was finished. He enjoyed the reward of Erin's company.

    Jeff took a deep breath to hide the fact that he was slightly winded from work, his heart still pounding, but cooling down. He threw his arms around Erin and embraced her.

    "Indeed. Although between you and me, you might want to put it in a smaller compartment. I don't care if you boil it and throw it in a soup; I'd feel some minor regret if I made The Forge smell like short bearded men bathing in lava."
    HappyLanding likes this.
  15. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    She let out a short laugh while squeezing the fair-haired figure back, and taking a step back to smile at him. The marketeer studied his dress appearance, noting the tiredness to him as he took quick, vital lungfuls of air. Already, curiosity of whether his current presence was brought on by the need to be casually-clad, or because of grueling construction work for his shop. She decided it was the latter as his exhaustedness shone through the light of his voice while he explained his lack of concern for the future of the potato, and she chuckled.

    "Oh, I believe I may have a few bright ideas for the tuber."

    And with that statement, the shopkeeper grinned with a plan in mind, before she looked back up to meet Jeff's blue eyes.

    "It's a pleasure to see you again, Jeff. I was beginning to think you turn tailed and ran from by dullness."

    Letting her hands drop, she shoves folds them in front of her, intertwining her fingers while doing so.

    "So, how is the shop coming along?"

    (I'm just going to guess that Jeff's taller than me, haha.)
  16. MadAcer_

    MadAcer_ YeeT VIP+

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    I can come on right now :D
    HappyLanding likes this.
  17. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    (Well he/I am 6 feet even lol so most likely... also I laughed a fair amount from 'the lack of concern for the future of the potato' haha)

    "Dullness?" he questioned, "Nah, you're one of the most spirited individuals I've met here in Wynn, and there's nothing here but adventurers!" He smiled sincerely as he folded his arms. "I've been working on adding some layers to my house to make it a full-fledged forge!"

    He looked down at his forearms as he felt his heartbeat surge through them, then rolled his shoulders. "Yeah, I'm going to be feeling the full brunt of this tomorrow..." He grumbled to himself

    His eyes traced back to hers,
    "So I figured I'd reward myself with a journey to Detlas, and specifically The Forge." He couldn't help but laugh at his own cheesy word choice.

    "I've still got some work to do with stocking my shelves, but such things can't be too rushed; I need inspiration before I develop new armor and weapons for the shop!" [Also known as; I need to game more, level up, and acquire legendaries] He grinned, already accounting for his new set of cheese. "And what better place to look for inspiration than from the Master Smith herself?"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  18. CorruptedB

    CorruptedB Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I'll buy the first Morph-Amesthyst, pm me and we can negotiate
    HappyLanding likes this.
  19. drangonriderwill

    drangonriderwill DragonKin Adventurer

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    can u go 1.5 le on anchorly and the forgery 2?if so when can we meet
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017
    HappyLanding likes this.
  20. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    While filling out more paperwork, the adventurer who she had encountered yesterday makes another appearance into the shop. This time, they tell her of their availability, but sadly, its not mutual.

    "Unfortunately, other matters call me away from delivery. But I would surely be available Monday through Friday."
    MadAcer_ likes this.
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