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Assassin/Ninja The Experiment Is Over. Say Hi To Inferno.

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Sku, Jun 14, 2017.

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  1. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    Oh my god.
    his build took me way too long. So much sweat, so many tears and so many broken objects in my house. Rest in peace, objects. And house. But after all the planning and grinding for the items the build is finally done and I'm really happy with how it turned out.

    you guys wanted to be tagged when the build is ready so here goes
    @SturerElch @bloww @CapitanoJames

    Inferno is not a PvP monster. It is very restrictive and its general concept does not work too well with the current PvP metagame. You will surely have some PvP success with this build, you will outlast and incinerate any unprepared foe with ease. But if you are an all-in PvP player, Inferno is not a dagger for you. This build cannot stand too well against some the most hardcore PvP-tuned machines out there.
    But it sure can do other stuff.

    Keep in mind my original quest was to create a build that is ideal for Inferno, not necessarily the best tank assassin or anything like that. This build exists to prove Inferno is garbage can be used to great success with the right build in the right situation. I wanted to bring up Inferno's best sides and try to minimize the bad ones.

    What is Inferno good for then? I managed to bring together a build that is incredibly fat with at least decent elemental defense, very high health regen, decent damage, good mana capacity- and regen and some walk speed. What I managed to do is a fully self-sustaining PvE tank assassin that is not infuriating to move around as. And it can also do some PvP. Basically an all-arounder that fills up my second assassin class slot really nicely. And most importantly, it is something unique.
    Some items in the build might not seem to make much sense at first, but it will come together in the end.

    Let's get into the actual build, shall we? c:


    Inferno. People still feel like this dagger is terrible, and I really cannot blame them. They're partially right. The skill point requirements and the negative IDs are very unreasonable; the dagger ruins your agility and takes away a considerable amount of health regen. We have to play around them somehow.
    But Inferno is far from terrible or useless, it is still technically the best fire weapon for assassin with really good and versatile positive buffs, natural access to Courage and good base damage although not amazing.
    The cool thing about Inferno is you can use both spells and melee and be effective with both; you are not a one-trick pony.
    Your first ID priority is to aim for a -0/4s mana regen. Nobody wants to have less mana than they possibly could. You will not be overflowing with mana, so you have to take everything you can. Take the other IDs as bonuses, most notably look for health and fire damage.
    Courage is your best friend, charge it up all the time and abuse it the best you can.

    Btw, I'm quite positive I just reIDd the best Inferno in the game. Feast yer eyes upon this beauty:

    2017-06-15_00.02.46 (2).png

    As suggested by @Pokextreme , you'll lose nothing carrying around a Flameshot Hilt to break Wybel a bit easier.
    As usual, feel free to have any assassin weapons with you that fit your skill point requirements. Rewind for mana, Slider for neutral damage and walk speed, Poison Touch for disrespect, Yahya's Nail Clipper for memes. Anything you fancy.
    Morph-Stardust. The skill points are necessary, the mana regen is necessary, the elemental defenses help. It is just the best option for a helmet. I considered Anima-Infused Helmet but Stardust is just... better. The damage advantage Anima would give is very marginal and you're better off with more skill points and mana.
    Add fire T6s for absurd amounts of bonus damage when hit by a bunch of mobs.

    2017-06-15_00.02.35 (2).png

    Hetusol. Believe it or not, it is honestly perfect for this build. Hetusol gives some much needed defense points and extremely crucial mana and health regen. The elemental defense setback will be dealt with later.
    Add fire T6s for absurd amounts of bonus damage when hit by a bunch of mobs.

    2017-06-15_00.02.36 (2).png

    Hephaestus-Forged Greaves. These are like made for Inferno. Walk speed is crucial when playing assassin, health regen is very much needed in this build, fire damage is nice. They also give massive elemental defense in fire, air and thunder (to counter the negative thunder on Hetusol) and on top of that they give a massive health boost.
    Add fire T6s for absurd amounts of bonus damage when hit by a bunch of mobs.

    2017-06-15_00.02.37 (2).png

    Suggested by @fLARE2b and @bloww , If you want more punch for PvP, feel free to use Fire Sanctuary. It will boost your spin damage to 6.5-10k, and put your health at 13 555. Keep in mind when using them you will lose the defenses, the health regen and the walk speed that come with Hephaestus. It will fit the same skill point setup, so you can carry both around and use whichever you feel like fit at the time.


    Gaea Hewn Boots. Solid boots overall with everything we need. High health, fire damage, some melee damage (considering Inferno has melee buffs of its own), no considerable downsides. The elemental defenses are warmly welcome. Even though Inferno will take away a large chunk of your water defense, you will still end up with some because of these boots.
    Add fire T6s for absurd amounts of bonus damage when hit by a bunch of mobs.

    2017-06-15_00.02.38 (2).png


    Quite orthodox choises here. One Prism ring for the added skill points and the small elemental defense boost. Try getting as high total skill points as you possibly can afford. One Vapor ring for fire damage, or alternatively one Concentration/Moon Pool Circlet for mana regen. Prowess for skill points (won't go to waste). For necklace I chose the new jewel from The Fallen Factory; Gigabyte. I think I am in love. This thing has everything. Skill points, walk speed, damage and very good raw health regen.

    2017-06-15_00.02.40 (2).png 2017-06-15_00.02.41 (2).png 2017-06-15_00.02.42 (2).png 2017-06-15_00.02.44 (2).png

    Skill points:
    Put on Gigabyte and Prowess. Take 20 in each stat, put on Stardust and Prism. Take 33 skill points in each stat, put on Hephaestus and Gaea-Hewn. Take 55 defense, put on Hetusol. Take 45 int, put on Vapor. Take 115 defense to use Inferno. Take 68 int to get -50% spell costs, this is extremely crucial. You will end up with 25ish leftover points that you can use in either agility or dexterity, depending on if you want to have some dodge for PvP or pack a bit more of a punch.
    You will end up with either:
    33/58/68/115/33 when using dexterity OR
    33/33/68/115/58 when using agility.
    Keep in mind Inferno will take away 10-19 effective agility that will not count towards skill point requirements. I've not calculated it in here.


    Stats (using Hephaestus-Forged Greaves):
    - 5000-8000 spin damage without courage (no Endurance powder special)
    - 12 500 max spin damage using courage (no Endurance powder special)
    - 1300-1900 melee damage at fast attack speed (no Endurance powder special)
    - 5/4s mana regen and -50% spell costs; you can cast spells quite freely without running out of mana.
    - 18 055 health when holding Inferno
    - 500 health regen when holding Inferno
    - 30% walk speed
    - Elemental defenses when holding Inferno: 385+9%=420/215+16%=249/505-59%=208/830+57%=1303/349+18%=412 (will vary a bit depending on your IDs)
    - 115 defense (3-13 extra when you count in the defense on Inferno), meaning very high immunity to neutral damage on top of the good elemental defense. For example, you will take sub 1k damage from Qira so you can heal that back with your regen. It will take time, but you can slowly solo Qira with this build. That makes it great for bossfight helping; you can cast courage and tank Qira while your friend only has to help a little bit with dealing damage.

    I'm really happy with how this build turned out. It is perfect for grinding dungeons, doing quests and fighting bosses as the assassin class. The fire armor powder special, Endurance, is gives crazy amounts of bonus damage when fighting lots of small mobs. So far I only have it on my helmet and I slice over 12 000 damage spins without courage after a few hits taken.
    On top of this, you are fully self-sustaining, meaning you will not need any potions because of your high regen, defense and decent mana (if you are at least half sober), and you also have walk speed so you can move around with ease.
    DISCLAIMER: If you now feel like pointing out how "You do not need a PvE build and any half-decent build can handle that", please spare me from that garbage. That is a very narrow-sighted view; if there is a better way, why not? It's fun to strive to get better.
    Again, this build exists to prove Inferno is viable, even very good given the right situation. I cannot think of a better dagger for an assassin build like this. Maybe Hive Infused Dagger with fire powders, but that is bland and boring.

    I hope you guys like the build, I sure as heck do! :)

    -Madib00 out
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
  2. orange0402

    orange0402 I got exposed by pyro VIP

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    y tho
    coolname2034 and Sku like this.
  3. Snerp

    Snerp Grand Terrainer Modeler HERO Builder

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    I like it
    Might eventually use this lol
  4. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    The build looks nice, but the fact that the helmet didn't come first, but came after the leggings, is going to bug the fuck out of me.
    Allamak, coolname2034 and Sku like this.
  5. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    I did not want to ruin the exitement by posting the most boring helmet ever first. :D
    coolname2034 likes this.
  6. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    So basically you're telling me that in order for this build to work, I have to put Morph-Startdust on my kneecaps.
    coolname2034, Tisaun and Sku like this.
  7. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    It is pretty sad when you do Fallen Factory 4 times to find out all the tokens have glitched out of your inventory
    Or I guess you can just put your hat on after your pants and your evil diamond shirt from hell
    Ok ok I'll change the order, I kinda get your point
    coolname2034 and Cruuk like this.
  8. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Thank you good sir, and yeah build looks nice.
  9. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    Thank you c:
    I'm glad you like it c:
    SeaOfPoison likes this.
  10. SeaOfPoison

    SeaOfPoison Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    so you managed to make a good build with

    That has -Regen [ Strike 1
    That has fast attack speed [ Strike 2
    And -Agility [Strike 3

    Inferno is a fire dagger with all the ids that are the opposite of a normal fire weapon, And you still made it amazing,


    If i ever finish my archer and i go assassin i will have to consider this!
  11. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    Inferno is the best fire dagger really tells how bad fire daggers are

  12. Stag2004

    Stag2004 I lost my faith in humanity long time ago

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    Can you stop make the best builds that can exist for every wepon you make this forum irrelevant
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2017
    coolname2034, Hephaestus and Sku like this.
  13. Giames

    Giames Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Ty for the tag !
    I'll try this with Vaward because i've not the hive pants :)
    coolname2034 and Sku like this.
  14. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    I actually used a build just like this when I tried inferno... only difference was no gigabyte, cuz it didn't exist. I used master, and it worked fine. Glad we agree on this build Overall, I still think hive+fire poowds is better because it actually beats infernos damage(I believe) without the downsides, mabye just a damage bump for inferno (◕‿◕✿)‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2017
    coolname2034 and Sku like this.
  15. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    Yep. That is sad news for Inferno, but at least Inferno is close, has some walk speed and max health and a cooler weapon skin. I think everyone would rather have a good Inferno than a Hive Infused in the end, just for the feeling.
    You might also want to try Fire Sanctuary if yo6 want more damage. :) You have health to play around with.

    All jokes aside, I'm happy you like it. :)
  16. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    One thing I would add is to carry around a flameshot hilt, to deal with orange cybel and wybel
    Sku likes this.
  17. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    That was my goal, to prove Inferno is viable. I managed to make Inferno a bit like Guardian for assassin while still keeping its spirit and feeling like assassin.
    I'm really happy you like how it turned out. :)
    Sure, that's a great idea. :)
    I'll add it in there.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2017
    Pokextreme likes this.
  18. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    its not like theres a ton of fire daggers anyways
    and do you really think any old rare/legendary will be better than a mythic

    anyways nice build, i wouldve used fire sanc for sure though
    19k hp pls
    Sku likes this.
  19. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    Yeah. I can still see a damage buff coming Inferno's way at some point, especially after the Courage nerf.

    I thought about that, I just liked the walk speed and the added beef. Mana and life steal won't go to waste either.
    But sure, Fire Sanctuary is the option if you want more damage. :)
    bloww likes this.
  20. Flare2B

    Flare2B What if? VIP+

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    I've tried both Hephaestus and Fire Sanct with the same exact build (except I used a Moon Pool instead of Vapor for more mr)
    I'd suggest using Fire Sanct, as the damage difference is actually insane. I think it's best to go for damage instead of ele def/more health, as Inferno's IDs fix that problem.
    297 others and Sku like this.
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