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Art Cenpy's Art Dump (chainmaille, Hand Doodles, Patterns)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Cenpyla, Jun 13, 2017.

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  1. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    Hii this is my art dump :D

    I don't do a lot of art shit, but I occasionally make chainmaille jewelry, doodle on my hand, and make repeating patterns in Photoshop. So I thought I'd just throw them all in this dump.

    I'll start with chainmaille, since I don't have a lot of it.

    Weave: 4 in 1 European
    Weave: Dragonback
    Weave: 4 in 1 Spiral
    I had these cool twisty copper rings sitting around so I made this and I really like it
    For a commission
    For a commission
    For a commission
    For a commission

    Now a huge dump of my hand crap
    This is called an art dump for a reason
    Also I'm not posting the actual photos bc of the photo limit and also they're huge

    cake - Link (it's called "cake" because it has like ten layers of different colored inks on it. i slaved over that color.)
    bloody fingers - Link (disclaimer: doesn't actually look like blood)
    cherry vanilla ice cream - Link (this has nothing to do with ice cream)
    circus fingers - Link (2nd fav)
    cool wispies - Link (i hate cool colors)
    dumb post skin doodle hiatus - Link (i did this after not drawing on my hands for like five months)
    fiyer - Link (it was supposed to look cool. it doesn't look cool.)
    flower vines - Link (3rd fav, but the black lines got messy)
    forest - Link (nothing to do with a forest at all. also the bottom thing was a mistake)
    hand vines - Link (4th fav)
    not a rainbow - Link (i did the pink, orange, and blue first, and i realized halfway through drawing the green that i couldve put it in rainbow order but i DIDN'T and then i hated myself for the rest of the day)
    red blue green gem - Link (boring)
    tree portal - Link (i tried to do something related to Light's Secret. this has absolutely nothing to do with it.)
    wow amazing - Link (fav. i have no idea why it's so aesthetically pleasing to me but it IS)
    eye see u - Link (this started out terrible but turned into something great)
    wynn city symbol (forum thread) - Link (still love these)

    And last but not least the patterns!
    I sometimes like to make repeating patterns in Photoshop. I haven't done a lot and I'm not super good at it, but hey, whatever.
    I'll put the single tile versions and the repeated tile versions of all the things. Except one, which I lost the single tile for. Oops.
    If you wanna use these for a background or a header on anything, feel free, credit is appreciated but not necessary <3
    Also like even though I'm not fantastic at making these if you ever want me to make one with a specific (easy) design for your tumblr blog or something hmu

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (this isn't as impressive as it looks, there's literally a brush in photoshop that's the saturn shape)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (look at the big photo and scroll up & down on your browser real fast)
    (you're welcome)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (yes this is my most recent one can you tell)
    (it's less terrible than the rest of them)
    (but still terrible)

    So yeah that's my art dump
    Ik it's not impressive, it's called an art dump for a reason
    Nobody can compete with Yuno's godly dump
    Yuno tell us your secrets
    I know you're reading this you practically live on this website

    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
  2. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    How do you do the chainmail thingies?
    Oh my, you'll make me blush. What do you want to know?
  3. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    You can get chainmaille jump rings from sites like TheRingLord or Chainmail Joe, and you can get pliers from places like TheRingLord or from your grandmother's old jewelry kit, and you can find weave tutorials online or on M.A.I.L.
    Then you scroll through all of the weaves and cry bc they all require multiple ring sizes and rings you don't have and they're so EXPENSIVE, and then you find weaves you can actually make with your limited supplies and spend like six hours on it and then once you're done you can show off your creation like freshly shaved legs. :D
    But fr it's hard to explain it's just opening and closing jump rings and putting them together + lots Googling stuff lol

    And Aaah you're just such an amazing artist, I need your kinda dedication and patience in drawing ;D I love your geometric 3D lookin thingies on the graph paper, so aesthetic
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  4. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    I love your hand art, when I draw on myself it's usually small drawings made in a single color ink
    Cenpyla likes this.
  5. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    bump bc i added stuff yayyyy,,,

    new stuff is all chainmaille
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