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King Of Ragni Is Evil (theory)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SPYROHAWK, May 31, 2017.



  1. Convincing evidence, it totally makes sense

  2. I guess I see it

  3. Eh

  4. I'm not really feeling it

  5. Too much speculation, not enough evidence

  6. You should have told Tato you were writing this...

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    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Soooo hey! I have a new theory to share with y'all! I made it with conjunction with @Original_Potato so its like 50% me and 50% him.

    Except I'm writing this without really telling him sooo... sorry Tato...


    So a while ago I was on a bus to New York City for a school trip and I was talking to Tato on discord and he asked me to explain Wynn Excavation to him, and the Twain Lore. Naturally this ended up including stuff about The Eye, Dern, Bob, the War of the Realms, some of my past theories, what whatnot.

    But the more we talked, something did not add up. And our math ultimately added up to the King of Ragni being s tyrant, an imposter, and an agent of Wynn Excavation. How, you ask? Well, let's go!

    Reminder that this is not 100% for certain, we still don't have full evidence.


    So, where to begin!

    First of all, he is a villager. Why is this important? Well...

    Back before the timeline was set to 1000 year portal open and 100 year villager arrival, we had a smaller timeline. Portal opened 100 years ago and villagers arrived 10 years ago. This led to some fella who's name I can't remember for the life of me to make a thread asking a key question:

    "If the villagers arrived in Wynn 10 years ago, and the king of Ragni is more than 10 years old, how is he a villager?"

    And this question left a lot of us stumped, until we got the new timeline. Villagers coming in 100 years ago makes more sense. For political reasons it makes sense for the king of Ragni to marry a villager to improve relations, causing a villager offspring, who became the new king. This was backed by the fact that the king's grandfather was royalty in Gavel.

    And this was the accepted answer for a while, until now. Because it seems that no one bothered to ask the question after the Hidden Cities quest.

    In Twin Cities we found out that any relationship between a Villager and a Human is highly frowned down upon, and mating is considered absolutely taboo. With this being such a riding principle, there's no way public figured would break it, especiallly royalty, as it would mean the loses of support. Furthermore, it's been shown in the same quest that even if this taboo is broken, the offspring is neither a villager nor human, but a strange hybrid.

    So under no circumstances would it be realistic for the King of Ragni to be a villager, as relationships are taboo and offspring are hybrids.

    (I don't feel like I need to say this, but just in case. The kingdom was all human when it came from Fruma and until the villagers came. The royalty of Ragni had to have been Humans at some point. Don't argue that it wall always villager.)


    So, that alone should alert you that something funky is going on. But let's continue. For our theory, Wynn Excavation placed him as king after dethroning the pervious, human, king. This means I need to prove a few things; Wynn Excavation Is involved, The previous king was dethroned, The new king was placed there, connections, and motives. That's a lot to cover with no real starting spot. So... Wynn Excavation!

    Wynn Excavation is a branch of Gavel Excavation, as we know. Their task is to find the 4 ancient crystals of Wynn which through irrelevant reasons is connected to Dern and The Eye, which they worship. However, Wynn Excavation did not know the crystal locations right away.

    No, they had some dead ends. There are crates in the Abandoned Mines, although this may have been on purpose trying to reach Dern. But there's also an empty temple in the jungle which has Wynn Excavation crates (labeled Site E if I remember correctly) but no crystal. And from the quest 2000 leagues 1000 feet under, we see that although funding stopped after the hit dealt to Wynn Excavation, Gavel Excavation has interest in other mysterious crystals other than the 4 main ones.

    Why does this matter?

    Because of the Ragni mines. The abandoned mines have a big opening, but then they turn into small tunnels. Troms, which used to be the mining center of Wynn (constituted by their symbol being a pickaxe) also only has small caves for evidence of mining. Even the various other mines around Wynn, such as just outside Nivla and Tavernes, are very small tunnels. But the Ragni mines are hughe throughout. Tall ceilings, wide mouths, they are giant compared to the other mines, So why the heck are the Ragni mines so big? It's simply unrealistic.

    Keep that thought in the back of your minds for a second. Now, there's a detail that is usually missed when level 1 players go through the mines. But anyone who goes through again with a second account, not knowing that crystals are important, will catch the detail. There is a crystal in the Ragni mines. Now this could have just been found while mining for ore, but... I don't think so.

    Remember my comment on the Ragni mines being unrealistically big? It's unrealistic if you are trying to find small pockets of a substance spelcked thrughout an area, like ore. But if you are trying to find one specific object in an area of rock, then sure, mining out a large area is how to do it. Which begs the question, was the crystal found while mining, or what the mining to find the crystal?

    If they mining was to find the crystal, then that reeks of Wynn Excavation involvement, seeing as we have already proved that they have interested in all kinds of magic crystals...

    But in order for them to have the mines built like that, they would need some ties to the Ragni throne to have the orders put through. And it's not like Wynn Excavation has any ties to the Ragni King...

    ...oh wait, that's what I am trying to prove!


    Now, as we have seen, royalty typically try to defend themselves against Wynn Excavation. The king of Troms resisted at first, but was powerless when his inner circle turned against him. What if the king of Ragni had a stronger resolve. He continues to resist Wynn Excavation. Eventually Wynn Excavation gets tired of this and just does away with him. Now they can't just kill him, no, that would make a power vacume that Wynn Excavation could not be sure they could fill.

    So they dethrone the king, and put an imposter on the throne. As we stated at the beginning, there's no other way a villager could have ended up on the throne. But that's not all.

    Firstly, in a house in Ragni there is a stone throne staring out the window at the castle. Now, this was first pointed out in the same thread that asked why the king is a villager. The guy who commented about it said that what if the new king kicked the old one off the throne, and the old one now lives in that house in Ragni, sitting on that stone throne, longing for the life he once had. Sounds realistic?

    Secondly, way back when, we knew that the king of Ragni was a good guy. In the twain lore, one of the kings or Ragni grew increasingly worried as death tolls climbed during a ravine jumping contest, so much so that he hired the Twains to stop the cause of these deaths. Yet this current king we know is a bad guy. Ooni, the guy in the Ragni prison, is part of a resistance again the king, being such a tyrant. Now why would a family of such good rulers suddenly turn sour? Sure, "I am not my father" and all that, but it's a really durastic change. What if... it's not the same family, but an imposter? *gasp*


    Now, let's sum up what we have so far.

    Wynn Excavation wants to take over royalty, so they have reason to want one of their guys on the throne of Ragni. They also want to get to that crystal in the mountain, so they don't have time to slowly take down the king. They dethrone him, setting him in that house in Ragni with the stone throne, and put a new guy on the throne. This new guy is really bad and people hate him, but eh, he is just a pawn of Wynn Excavation.

    Now, this leaves a few questions with rather short answers.

    Why a villager?
    Wynn Excavation is run by Gavel Excavation, a Gavel company (secret society). They would feel most secure with a villager on the throne of Ragni, as Gavel/Wynn Excavation a villager run company.

    Why did he recruit you in the first place?
    Well, Wynn needs people to fight the corruption. Even if Wynn Excavation does not care about the people of Wynn, the corruption is still annoying to them. And they need SOME public image of the king.

    But the king said his grandfather is royalty from Gavel!? So he is royalty!
    Royalty of Gavel, maybe. But remember, villages and humans don't mix like that to easily make him king of Ragni. He could be lying, but let's assume he is telling the truth. Who else for Wynn Excavation to put as a fake king, but someone with real experience being royalty! I mean, high and mighty of Gavel is the definintion of Gavel Excavation, and surly Gavel Royalty counts...

    But the king opposed Wynn Excavation!
    And THAT is our last bit of info...


    Every good argument needs a counter claim. The king of Ragni opposes Wynn Excavation at the end of Site D and helps you destroy the crystal shards. So how could he possibly be working for them? U no mak cents!

    Well, now to refute the counter claim. The answer is... Publicity.

    He needs to keep up the appearance that he is not with them. Now that they have fallen, showing that he was siding with them is bad for publicity, so he needs to seem like he was opposed of them. He already has a bad rep within Ragni, so he can't risk anything more if he wants to keep his throne.

    Plus, he melts the shards, fine, but Wynn Excavation still has access to the whole giant crystals. It's not like he actually helped you do anything important. If anything, he stopped you from harnessing the power that Amadel failed to control.

    Furthermore, you talk to him after beating Amadel. How the FUDGE did he know where you are gonna be, or what was up with the crystals in the first place. Unless he was actually part of Wynn Excavation itself! If he knew they were a threat, why did he not do anything about it with all these new recruits? If he did not, once again, how the FUDGE did he know to find you after?


    So yeah. This is my theory.

    Wynn Excavation, in an attempt to take over the leadership in Ragni as well as get to the crystal in the mountain, dethroned the original king and put up the new tyrant villager in his place.

    I'm sure there are other explanations to why the king is a villager, but when I was talking with tato this one just... fit...

    So yeah, feel free to comment I would love to hear your thoughts!

    Al Simula



    Edit 1:

    @SilverMirror pointed out that since only a pure person can collect the crystal shards, then that's a reason for Wynn Excavation to secure a spot with the throne of Ragni. By recruiting people from Fruma, it garentees more pure people coming into the province which helps Wynn Excavation


    Edit 2:

    @NPCGrian has informed me that there used to be an Easter egg in the Ragni Outskirts saying that the king of Ragni was a fake. It no longer exists, but BOI


    Edit 3:

    Apparently the quest is called Hidden City, not Twin Cities, but I'm too lazy to go back and fix it. So yeah.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2017
  2. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Also there used to be an Easter egg in ragni outskirts saying the king was fake
    Malkavian, hmtn, Pokextreme and 5 others like this.
  3. RojoM

    RojoM Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    But they don't. During Wynnexcavation Site D, Amadel says that the whole point of luring the player through all the sites was because they needed someone pure of intention to get the crystals, meaning that anyone who had any idea of what power the crystals held would not be able to gather them.

    I really like where you're going with this theory, though. I wonder what implications it could have on Fruma, the player's home province.
    coolname2034 likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Wait... WHAT? TELL ME MORE!

    Oh... but the player still had gathered them. Not until they were already gathered did the player learn, so that's kinda moot.

    IDK what this could mean for Fruma, I'm unsure if Wynn/Gavel Excavation with link in, but since it already connects with Wynn, Gavel, and (in theory) Dern I would see why it could connect Fruma too, I just don't see how
    Wait but legit dude half the time Easter eggs are actually real things. BOI
    Malkavian and coolname2034 like this.
  5. NinjaPro8000

    NinjaPro8000 Famous Adventurer

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    this wall of text is greater than the great wall of china.
    SuperTheFlugel and ThomAnn100 like this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I've made theories before that extended the word limit and had to use a comment.

    Also, I've been to the Great Wall of China, and tripped down the stairs on it. Let me just tell you, the staid on that thing are hard to climb. I hope this theory is easier to get to the top of.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I do understand that. And that makes sense. What do the powerful care what the weak think as long as it makes them more powerful? Except in this case it's not like that. In Gavel is straight up illegal for trans-racial marriage to occur (if my memory serves me, I could be wrong). Not just frowned upon, and I doubt anyone in the high power of Gavel would attempt such a thing. Even if the Human king would, I doubt the Villagers would agree. Remember, the Villagers almost left Wynn to the corruption, only agreeing to help because Wynn had Emeralds. I agree the king may be desperate enough to mate with a Villager, sparking anti-new-king propaganda and the rebellion, but I doubt it from the Villager side which does not really have anything to benefit from it... Except Wynn Excavation may...

    And your second to last sentence/paragraph I'm gonna add since it's a good point
  8. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Sorry, I can't find any record of it. I remember it only being in jamdoggys database, but since they're ded, the site is offline. In addition, 9/7 prevents me from unearthing evidence. I can guarantee it existed though, I remember. I never saw it, as I believed it was removed before I joined, but it was accessed through a waterfall in the tutorial and had a sign saying that the king was fake. Maybe someone else can back me up?

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I'll add the edit just in case
    coolname2034 likes this.
  10. Jekron

    Jekron Skilled Adventurer

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    Ooorrr the developers where to lazy to change him to a Human after they made custom NPCs?

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    But it's not something that would happen without Wynn Exe causing it...

    So either way, Wynn Exe has their hands on the Throne of Ragni in some way or another
    No because they were very specific about who was made human and who stayed Villager. Someone as important as that could not have been an oversight. Especially after they made Twin Cities
  12. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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    spyrohask lol

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I edited that already, it's been fixed
  14. Jekron

    Jekron Skilled Adventurer

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    What about Troms' king?
  15. RojoM

    RojoM Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Not sure I made my post clear, sorry ;-;. If the king destroys the shards the player gathers, then Wynnexcavation loses their only set of usable crystals because the crystals can only be acquired by an "innocent" person like the player. If if the king is truly with Wynnex, why would he do that? They've invested so much time and manipulation on this player to get the shards, and now that the player knows, it's not like they can manipulate the player to gather them again, because the gatherer has to be pure of intention to do so, according to the dialogue in Wynnexcavation Site D. Why destroy the key to all their power once it was gathered? For me, all the thing you said about the king being illegitimate with the original king dethroned make sense, but I don't see how the king could be on Wynnex's side if he destroyed the crystals they were looking for. It's not like they can get the crystals back easily again because they would need to get another gatherer who is pure of intention, yet talented enough to get them all.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I'm not actually sure if Troms king is a villager or human. Either way, we already know Wynn Exe already got to him
    You do have a point. And I have two answers. And it all depends on if Wynn Exe is still "alive" after you kill Amadel.

    If Wynn Exe is still up and running, and my theory is right that the king of Ragni is a pawn of Wynn Exe, then he could just do that to look more trustworthy. Wynn Exe would STILL control the means of recruiting new people from Fruma. They could always get another happy-go-lucky Fruma recruit to help them out.

    If Wynn Exe is dead, then all the king really cares about at that point is saving his own skin. His bosses are gone so he does not care about the crystals any more (remember, he's just a pawn), just not getting kicked off of the throne.
    Malkavian likes this.
  17. RojoM

    RojoM Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Ah, makes a ton of sense. Let's see how deep this goes...
  18. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    When reading through the quest dialogue, I noticed something that would explain this: the crystals are never explicitly said to have been destroyed in the lava. The dialogue just says that the king drops them in, and watches them sink. It's possible that the crystals aren't actually destroyed and just sink into the lava, in which case they could just use a mage to pull it out or something. We also know that the crystals can withstand high temperatures, as the site C crystal is found in the heart of a volcanic island.
  19. NonMask

    NonMask Fluttershy <3

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    The lava is fake for sure.
    coolname2034 likes this.
  20. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    So, um, I think the theory is basically flawless, assuming your assumptions are correctly assumed, but I had a thought.
    "10 years after the miners of Nemract wrought the nether curse upon the Wynn province" ... "a woman who never said her name, nor where she had come from (she certainly wasn’t one of Ragni’s own) gave birth to a baby boy" - Bob.

    So 2 things, one, the king may have died trying to protect ragni, (or may be hiding, being Nilrem) and 2, this foreign, possibly princess, gave birth to bob. There is a small chance that bob was the heir to ragni's throne, and that is why Momo, Ragni's poorest resident, adopted him and brought him up, and the 4 masters trained him(Side-note, 3 of the 4 master were near wynnexcuvation sites. Chak in the desert, Mael at the twain mansion, Ethe in the Nivla Forest, and Fier at Troms It is possible that the reason the crystals were destroyed is that they weren't the right ones.).

    tldr: possibility that Bob is heir to ragni, site C is in Nivla forest.
    C4rdiaK and ThomAnn100 like this.
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