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Poll - Why A New Class?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by llllllllllllll, Apr 22, 2017.


More Classes?

  1. Yes.

    93 vote(s)
  2. No.

    38 vote(s)
  3. Undecided/Willing to wait for more points.

    19 vote(s)
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  1. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Alright, before we start a little disclaimer. I would have put this in Nemract's Bar, but that section in for non-wynn stuff. So I decided that here would be the second best place. Also the reason I have thrown POLL in the title is because we don't have a prefix or subsection, but I've made a suggestion here (shameless self promotion). Anyway, no flamewars, respect each other of race, age, gender, belief, opinion, etc. and have fun.

    My Perspective
    So, why a new class? Imo, I'm all for it. I think it would help sharpen the variety and gameplay of Wynn. But I see your point, it'll turn into a mess. It'll be much harder to counter another class in a duel because what can take what. I'll throw in my dead and in the works suggestion, the shielder. The shielder was supposed to counter assassins and archers, being a mostly AOE and crowd control class. The way I see it, the original 3, (excluding assassin because pre-gavel it was only unlockable after lvl 75) counter each other. Mage beats archer, archer beats warrior and warrior beats mage. I may be wrong, but that's for you to figure out. So back on topic, the Shielder was to meant take out 2 at once, but having a disadvantage as having to play VERY strategically, or that's how I planned it. So it added a ton of variety into the game, but was heavily disadvantaged alone.

    @Crimson Corsair 's Perspective
    The most important thing, which everyone is missing out, is that the four lasses we already have are the foundations of the gameplay, and are also important to lore;
    Bob was famous for mastering all the classes, and they have been directly called "the four arts of WYNN"
    Therefore, any additional classes should be special unlocks, maybe for completing the game with one class or something.
    and they should be derived from a martial art of another province.
    i think that if there is a class added, it should be a martial art of another province E.G a necromancer from Dern, or a Paladin from Gavel, or a Druid from Bloomi
    it should be a mix of meelee and ranged attacks, so for example a Druid can use both spears and staffs/wands, or a paladin which can uses both spears and bows, or a necromancer that can use both Daggers and staffs. I would make a seperate thread, but these things are suggested everyday. i do like the druid however, as far as i know it is original.
    @SPYROHAWK 's Perspective
    Let me tell you a thing...
    So I personally would like another class, but I don't think we need it. It clashes with the lore, and as you stated all playstyoes are taken. But, I have some things to say about that.
    Firstly, the lore. This is the biggest thing standing in the way of adding another class, I think. As you said, all the lore speaks about the four classes of Wynn, Bobs lost soul requires the four weapons, etc. Adding new classes would really need changing of lore. That being said, it can be done, it just needs to be recognized.
    It's the second point that I think everyone is stuck on. That all playstyles are covered. The thing is, I think that's actually why we need more classes. Each of our current classes is so broad, it does not really fill it's niche. Let me explain. Here is what we have:

    Mage: Low health, low normal damage, high spell damage, healer
    Archer: Low health, high normal damage, high attack speed, range
    Warrior: High health, medium normal damage, crown control/AoE, tank, buffer
    Assassin: low health, high normal damage, (intended at least) maneuverability, debuffer

    Everything is covered, but everyone has things that they don't need to cover. See here:

    Mage: take away heal, make another high damage spell, now it's purely a caster
    Archer: fine how it is actually
    Warrior: take away some of the crowd control/AoE, take away the party buffs, stack up health, now it's a tank
    Assassin: take away debuffs, actually shove in maneuverability, increase health a tad bit, now it's an actual assassin

    Then, we have the possibility for more classes. Things such as:

    - A Cleric type thing that gets their mage's heal and warrior's buff, purely meant for party gameplay
    - A Summoner type thing, since we don't have any summons
    - A Shaman or Necromancer with the assassin's debuffs and warrior's crowd control/AoE, mainly meant for helping take down groups
    - A Witch Doctor or something based around DoT and traps since we also lack that.

    Now this is just a spitball idea, but my point is the fact that all gameplay types are covered is not so good. We have so many things mashed into 4 classes instead of spreading it out and focusing each class on a specific play style.

    -Forever changing Meta
    -Better variety
    -Easier teamwork, depending on what new classes they put in.
    -(I will add more to the Pros section, when you guys point it out)

    -Hard to catch onto Meta
    -Kills Selvut
    -Makes Wynn Confusing
    -All Playstyles Taken
    -Lore doesn't make sense unless we change it
    -(I will add more to the Cons section, when you guys point it out)

    So, leave your perspectives and such, and I'll and them into the main thread if you wish. Make sure that they are about why we should/shouldn't have more classes, and not just which classes to add in or whatever. Please do not talk or refer to other class suggestions badly, unless they are yours. Do vote in the poll and remember, don't flame, and don't reply to flame comments, but instead report them.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2017
    coolname2034, Jaymon and Dohdo like this.
  2. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Wrong section I think.
  3. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    did you read the disclaimer
  4. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    No. :D
    Just read it, still think this should be in suggestion.
    Pokextreme likes this.
  5. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    In my opinion, there isn't really room for another class.

    Firstly, specs. Each class has 5 stars in something, and it would be awkward for two classes to have 5 stars in def or something

    Another issue is that there isnt room. Daggers/Swords taken buy assassin. Spears/Scyths taken by warrior. Bows taken by archer. The only thing left is an axe which doesnt fit to have its own class.

    Thirdly, most playstyles were taken, Glasscanon/damage by assassin, defense by warrior, scummy snipers by archer, and teamwork by mage.
    I cant think of anything other styles.

    Anyhow, in my opinion, nah
  6. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    It wouldn't fit because it's half rant and half opinion. I'm not suggesting anything either.
    Opinion respected. But there's a hole in your argument/opinion.

    Do you mean the specs as in the rating when you try and pick a class? If so, those are just a general rating for players to see how they play. It isn't something to refer to, just an overview on the class playstyle.

    Your second point highly depends on what type of class it is. My suggestion, the shielder used shields where all there was was a texture for it, no weapons. Also, this isn't why there can't be a new class, it is why there should or should not be a new class.

    This is also the same story as your second point.
    Stag2001 and Dohdo like this.
  7. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    Opinion respected. I will build points off of this tomorrow after school, gotta go to sleep for now. Gn
    llllllllllllll likes this.
  8. Ahpi

    Ahpi somy guy

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    DISCLAIMER: To all the people's posts I link, I'm not dissing your ideas

    TL;DR: If a new class were to be added, it needs to be an Earth-adept class, needs to have a unique playstyle, needs reasonable lore.

    _Firstly, I feel if a new class were to be added, the class would have to cater to a certain element, probably earth as the other elements are already taken by the other classes. Secondly, It would honestly need to be something truly unique so we could actually get the feel of a whole new playstyle. Warrior is the epitome of "Leeroy Jenkins", Archer is dynamic in it's movement, Assassin is Lil Yachty's "Peek A Boo" and Mage is kind of a control class.
    _Like, you could make a "Cleric/Healer" class, but that's your medic class, and wouldn't have high damage output and would be to reliant on a party to be fully effective. Maybe a monk class, would definitely fit the earth element but it would probably just be a mix between warrior and assassin where it'd be justified to just rush the enemy, but you would still need to lay back a bit. I finna list some examples of class ideas and why I think they may not be valid.
    1. Your "Shielder" idea is actually kind of cool but, the first thing that confuses me is that you said it specializes in the earth element which is Strength (Damage), but it's 5/5 Fire (Defense). The idea is pretty much just a naturally tanky mage. I get a kind of alchemist vibe from the idea, but I just don't see "Shield class = High damage output", maybe a shield bash?
    2. @VolcanicIron 's idea for a cool Necromancer/Death angel class. The issues with this idea are that it's pretty much just a god class and doesn't really stick to the whole "necromancer" feel, like, wings? If you got classes like this, it would just open a gateway to a plethora of fun, but crazy class ideas, pretty much Hypixel MW
    3. @#BlamePoke 's idea for a Monk class. Although the post isn't even really finished, a monk class is already familiar to the MMORPG setting, lore would for a monk would be super easy to make, would fit in pretty easily just as a nomad or the Wynncraft "Messiah". The problem is though a monk playstyle would be a bit to similar to Warrior, Assassin and Mage. Since we're talking about a MMORPG, this would a battle monk, so, it would probably have an aggressive playstyle while still being semi-reliant on skills like Assassin, or a paladin/spellsword.Since Monks are spiritual individuals, it would probably have a "Meditate" skill while would be aight, but it could also have a healing skill-we don't need another mage.
    _Maybe a paladin class, but just a 50/50 Warrior-Mage, same with a Spellsword. A spell sword class could make sense, but this means it's probably just a typical warrior, who happens to be as adept at magic as a mage, which means the backstory would probably be "Fruma Soldier". This may be a problem because you could say "Why not just teach all the Fruma recruits magic like this", which makes sense, but, a stretch could be that the Spellsword could be an experiment in a way by the Fruma Monarchy to see how 50/50 Mage-Warriors work on the war against The Corruption and to see if it's worth it socio-economically to send out troops with the knowledge of such magic (It's Fruma).
    _A Paladin class would honestly just be the same as Spellsword, but less offensive and maybe a healing factor-the biggest difference would be lore. Possibly these paladins would be special troops in the Fruma ranks and could be part of a whole plotline where Fruma starts to advance out to either confront Corkus and/or Wynn to either support/conquer these provinces (Corkus isn't a province "yet", or, maybe Fruma is beginning to take advancements into The Realm of Dern.
    _The paladins would act as a the vanguard for the Fruma army. They would be in the frontlines of the Fruma army, but not as cannon fodder, so it would make sense for them to be adept to the Earth element, leading the way and dealing heavy blows before other soldiers come into support.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2017
    Saya likes this.
  9. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    I have to go now, but I skimmed through your ideas. What we're discussing is why shouldn't we have more classes. Not which classes. But like I said, I only skimmed yours, so give me a bit of time to really go through it
  10. kolleden

    kolleden Bop Bop VIP+

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    There was a very early sketch idea for a necromancer class, it was teased at even before gavel was released, sadly the idea never came to be, probably because it will take a fuckload of coding to do that.
  11. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    There's a rumour going around that they're working on a necromancer class.
  12. _Sephyr_

    _Sephyr_ Obvious satire HERO

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    Im going to have to disagree axes could easily be used as main weapon by a class, here are few examples: Barbarian, Gladiator, Berserker and Bandit.
    Triverr likes this.
  13. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Well, you never know. It could always be possible. Besides, it's only a rumour, and we're getting off-topic here.
    XPhaze_ likes this.
  14. XPhaze_

    XPhaze_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Nah im fine.
  15. kolleden

    kolleden Bop Bop VIP+

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    i could show you the teaseres if you like they are all easter egg in pre-gavel builds, some of them got removed tho. besides, what part of "early sketch idea that got cancelled pretty quickly" didnt you get?
  16. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Reasoning? You're not very helpful to the conversation.
    T-Flex and XPhaze_ like this.
  17. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    I don think we need another class we already have enough play styles
  18. Hallowynn

    Hallowynn fresh prince of garbage photoshop editing VIP+

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    why's kill selvut a con ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  19. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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  20. Hallowynn

    Hallowynn fresh prince of garbage photoshop editing VIP+

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    nothing, but i like the idea of a new class. the old plain 4 classes kinda gets boring after a while, a new class would open up opportunities for new playstyles
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