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Guild | ♕hackforums | [☆☆ Hax] | Level 93 | Community Guild | Level 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Mrussell75, Feb 1, 2016.



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  1. qqcora

    qqcora Professsional mythical pokemon :3 CHAMPION

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    yasssss go tell them girlfriend
  2. SebXD

    SebXD Province leader VIP

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    IGN: XDoodlesNight
    Highest Class & Level: Mage 97
    Why you want to join: this is an awesome guild and some of my friends are in it! :D I want to be with the best of the best cause that's where I believe I will fit in! :D
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc) Any role you asign me to I don't really care I'm very pliable! :)
    Timezone: Mountain standard
    How active are you? Very active I get on alot! 4 hours ever day! :D
    Anything else we should know? Not really but I have very good gear ;) I also have skype!
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)? 8
    What Guild were you previously in? WynnExplorers
    Why were you kick/left said guild? Cause this guild looked way better and I'm better off not messing with the low levels in that guild. Also it was very inactive so I left cause no one was on.
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft?: I'm not sure around 40 probably.
    how many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): I haven't changed my name
    "Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs *lvl 90/89 mobs: answer (yes, no, I am not sure)" I am not sure but possibly yes I am a very good fighter! I can also heal the people while they rush to the front lines I know you guys have been looking for a tank mage that can heal the strongest players for war! :)
    " how many wars are you willing to do per day?: as many as you do! And I'm always up for a good fight I'll war whenever you need me too!

    Thank you for considering me joining your guild I hope you look at this application and decide that I will soon be a new member of the best guild in the whole Wynn craft server I hope you guys keep going strong and thank you!

    - Doodles (XDoodlesNight)
  3. CaseyPlaysMC

    CaseyPlaysMC That stupid Dutch guy

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    IGN: CaseyPlaysMC
    How old are you: 15
    Highest Class & Level: Class: Mage level 99 Assassin level 80 Warrior level 60
    Why you want to join: Because i want to meet new friends to play with.
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc.): Farming and helping.
    Timezone: UTC+1
    How active are you? (Hours/day and what days you can be on): Around 4 to 5 hours on a day.
    Anything else we should know? Not alot
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)? 7
    What Guild were you previously in?: Imperial
    Why were you kicked/left said guild?: People are inactive, so there is nothing to do.

    How many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): I have 0 name changes.
    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: Answer (yes, no, I am not sure) Yes! for sure
    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: How much u want can i do with the war.

    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
  4. qqcora

    qqcora Professsional mythical pokemon :3 CHAMPION

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    Alll accepted! msg a recruiter+ in game
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2017
    Spider5002 and Chino like this.
  5. Robby_Pro_7

    Robby_Pro_7 Needs more leh HERO

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    Is it possible for me to know the reason why I am denied. (maybe I can work on that characteristic)
  6. SebXD

    SebXD Province leader VIP

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    Why? My application was good.
    The only reason that was there was because I got kicked for lack of being online that was only because of winter break and now most of my free hours are for wynn and I wont be away that much anymore I will be very active and participate more please read my application again and reconsider
  7. qqcora

    qqcora Professsional mythical pokemon :3 CHAMPION

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  8. ArctiKdiabloz

    ArctiKdiabloz Frozen Adventurer. VIP+

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    TBH, concidering that you were impersonating us,
    and reading trough it, there is alot of improvements that can be made.
    so i would see why you were denied,
    You can reapply in like a week.
  9. Remdawg15

    Remdawg15 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    IGN: Remdawg15
    How old are you: 18
    Highest Class & Level: Archer 83
    Why you want to join: I have been a member of wynncraft for a long time(Vet) and I was wanting to join a OP group.
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc.): All around player, I like to do everything.
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you? (Hours/day and what days you can be on): All week 4pm-10pm on weekdays, 9am-11pm Weekends.
    Anything else we should know? N/a
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: To be honest 2.
    What Guild were you previously in?: GroundZero
    How many total hours do you have on Wynncraft (as shown on your official stats page):
    30 hours Joined 3 Years Ago.
    How many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): n/a
    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: Yes
    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as needed.
  10. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    I'll frankly admit that I like stalking your guild page just to see countless people wanting to be in the rank 1 guild and made up some emotional reasons to justify that
  11. GodlySinbad

    GodlySinbad Inactive

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    Minimum level is 90.
  12. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Accepted, msg Recruiter+ in game.
  13. SebXD

    SebXD Province leader VIP

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    The only reason I was "impersonating you" was because I got kicked for lack of being online that was only because of winter break and now most of my free hours are for wynn and I wont be away that much anymore I will be very active and participate more please read my application again and reconsider
  14. ArctiKdiabloz

    ArctiKdiabloz Frozen Adventurer. VIP+

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    we dont really reconsider, wait a week and re-apply.
  15. Foxxtar_

    Foxxtar_ Idk, I like magic in fantasy HERO

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    IGN: Derysed_
    How old are you: 14-15
    Highest Class & Level: Warrior lvl 97
    Why you want to join: Because i love this guild... i was in this guild before winter and i was kicked because i did winter break... but i had some good relations with people in there
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc.): farming, attacking and Questing :D
    Timezone: UTC+1
    How active are you? (Hours/day and what days you can be on): i'm active almost everyday, but i could go off for festivities for like 2 or a maximum of 3 weeks but i'll be active almost every other day for i think like 4 or 5 hours (maximum)
    Anything else we should know? I'm working on my level 94 mage and on my archer lvl 43
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: 8 i've done many wars :D
    What Guild were you previously in?: xXThE GrEmSyXx
    Why were you kicked/left said guild?: Because it was a very small guild and we were only like 4 friends... also i wanted to return here so... here i am :D
    How many total hours do you have on Wynncraft (as shown on your official stats page): 110 hours :P
    How many name changes have you had:DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): 2
    Pasduify87(i can't find the date(also original ign))
    Derysed_ 28/11/2015 @ 22:03:52 (my name in this moment)

    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: Yup
    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: at least like 7 or 8... it depends on how many ur gonna do per day... it also depends on if i'm in mood or not xD
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
  16. _Saiom456_

    _Saiom456_ Travelled Adventurer

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    IGN: _Saiom456_

    How old are you: 14-15

    Highest Class & Level: Warrior 94

    Why you want to join: from when i started playing on wynncraft i always wanted to join the best guild of this server

    What role are you more attracted towards?: farming and attacking

    Timezone: UTC+1

    How active are you?(Hours/day and what days you can be on): 6/7 hours i also have to study for an exam rn so i'm going to be as active as possible i can go on every day but not always at the same time

    Anything else we should know?: i don't think so

    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: 4

    What Guild were you previously in?: xXThE GrEmSyXx

    Why were you kicked/left said guild?: because there wasn't almost anyone in the last guild we were 4 friends ad i'd like to join hax ;)

    how many total hours do you have on Wynncraft (as shown on your official stats page): 37 hours

    How many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link name mc to your acc): i haven't changed my name

    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: yes

    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: at least 7
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
  17. Insane Koval

    Insane Koval Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    @coralialia Hey I don't know if didn't see my post from a few days ago, but I saw you denied/accepted a few lads. Just wondering you missed my post. (Page 70)
  18. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Accepted, message a Recruiter+ next time you're online.

    Any other applications are still pending, thank you for your patience.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
  19. darren2211

    darren2211 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: Dhcy2211
    How old are you: 16
    Highest Class & Level: 90 (gonna hit 91 real soon) Archer
    Why you want to join: i want to join as i would like to experience to be inside an active guild. I also would like to experience the feeling of the way wynn created guild and be in the best guild in the server. I also would be happy to interact and learn from the other guild members and gain experience.
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc.): Farming
    Timezone: GMT+8
    How active are you? (Hours/day and what days you can be on): 2-4hrs depending on hw
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: 5?
    What Guild were you previously in?: UXs
    Why were you kicked/left said guild?: Inactivity due to exams
    How many total hours do you have on Wynncraft (as shown on your official stats page): 61 hrs
    How many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): darren2211
    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: Im not sure as i havent war for a while alr
    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: As much as i am possible and if time permits.
  20. Remdawg15

    Remdawg15 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    IGN: Remdawg15
    How old are you: 18
    Highest Class & Level: Archer 90
    Why you want to join: I have been a member of wynncraft for a long time(Vet) and I was wanting to join a OP group. I also don't have many friends my level.
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc.): All around player, I like to do everything.
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you? (Hours/day and what days you can be on): All week 4pm-10pm on weekdays, 9am-11pm Weekends.
    Anything else we should know? N/A
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: To be honest 2. I want to learn.
    What Guild were you previously in?: GroundZero
    How many total hours do you have on Wynncraft (as shown on your official stats page):
    33 hours Joined 3 Years Ago.
    How many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): N/A
    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: Yes
    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as needed.
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