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[rp] Mortal 11/11

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Mar 14, 2017.

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  1. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Don't die, I still want to meet you in this campaign (if possible)
    Tisaun likes this.
  2. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Why , thank you!
    Linwood Welheart likes this.
  3. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I want to meet basically everyone here , but maily @Vansil character bcuz
    Malkavian likes this.
  4. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    I was mentioned ^^

    Oh earhm yeah my name...
    I was talking about names with a friend and he came up with this, then I was like: "That is actually quite a fine name. I like it ^^" Then later he told me what it was.....
    I tottally wasn't just too lazy to change it :P
    Linwood Welheart and Tisaun like this.
  5. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Seems about right
  6. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    "Hmm... I should've seen that coming... No matter," I say, controlling the illusions to leap on her while she's not looking, silently (illusions don't need to make noise). This includes the fire encased in them, so they'll burn her back.
  7. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    @Amun_Ra are you still hosting this thread?
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  8. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    Are you still accepting people for this RP? Just want to know before I try to make an application...
    Tisaun likes this.
  9. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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  10. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    Name: Vyrdiin

    Backstory (Read this first, little else makes sense without it): Once a powerful shadow spirit, Vyrdiin was expelled into Talmnátia and bound in mortal form for a long forgotten crime against the more powerful of his kind. Embittered, he wandered the world, slaying anything that dared cross him. Though he was confined to a mortal body, his demonic form still followed him as his shadow, and he eventually learned to draw upon this power, using his demonic legacy to grow strong. Vyrdiin believed himself completely independent, and, thus, was greatly surprised to find he had grown rather attached to a human girl... Alas, his demonic legacy betrayed him, and his attempt at companionship ended in a brutal beating that nearly killed him. He now wanders the world, full of contempt for humanity, and preferring to be alone.

    Age/Gender: Unknown age. He prefers to think of himself as male, as that is the gender of his human form, though whether shadow demons possess gender is up for debate.

    Race: Spirit demon (shadow).

    Class: Spirit demon (shadow).

    Affiliation: Neutral, with a general disregard for the affairs of kingdoms.

    Personality: Quiet and observant, tends to be a bit cynical. Despises lesser demons for their weakness and foolishness, and other spirit demons for their freedom.

    Weapon of Choice: Shadow shaping: Vyrdiin's magic-infused shadow can be shaped into various weapons and attacks, made from pure darkness. The more over-the-top the weapon or spell he forms from it, the quicker he tires while using it.

    Secondary weapon: Shadow weaving: As a shadow demon, Vyrdiin can command dark magic to manipulate the fabric of reality, using the shadows to teleport , become invisible, or even weave terrifying illusions. These powers, especially the weaving of illusions, are very draining, and not used lightly. This power can't be used if he is directly exposed to bright light (ie. standing outdoors at noon, standing in a spotlight), and can only be used to its full potential at night.

    Description: Average height, slim build. Completely colorless hair and pale skin, with lilac eyes, the pupils of which are slightly slit-shaped. When truly pissed off, he can enter a semi-demonic rage form in which he absorbs his shadow, turning his hair completely black, and his eyes into empty voids.

    Others: His shadow is unusually dark, and often seems to move on its own. He is rather sensitive to sunlight.

    Preferred starting point: A camp somewhere in the Kurnnot Mountains.

    Feel free to make any balance changes you think are necessary.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
    Linwood Welheart likes this.
  11. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    We already have a Shadow Spirit demon. I don't think that it will be a problem, but our characters have many similarities :/
    My character is a guy possessed by a shadow spirit demon so some of our powers are similar.
  12. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Sorry guys, been busy IRL.

    Vysticia hears the medusa striding towards her. She closes her eyes so hard, the inside of her eyes hurt.

    "We have met before... Have we not?" The medusa asks. Vysticia stays quiet. Hissing sounds come from right before her eyes. The little girl tightens her grip of Vysticia's hands.

    "Who is this little girl, I wonder. Your sister...?" The medusa whispers. I feel the medusa coming into extremely close proximity to me and the girl.

    "You can have a little peak." The medusa hisses. Vysticia tries to warn the girl, to stop her from looking. She finds that no voice come out from her mouth.

    The girl tightens the grip even more on Vysticia's hand. No... Don't!

    With a sigh, the girl's skin starts to get colder, and harder. With a final crack, the girl completely solidifies into stone.

    Vysticia screams. Without opening her eyes, she swings Mist, which rests in her left hand. She feels the blade sinking into the Medusa's skin. The monster shrieks as she jumps back. She hisses. "Foolish girl. You shall die!"

    Vysticia yells as she pulls out her right hand out of the girl's grip. Drawing Veil, she swings both daggers as she hears Medusa approach. A swish of air, and Vysticia feels the air getting knocked out of her, as something collides into her stomach. Sharp, small teeth sink into her stomach through her clothes. She screams and falls to the ground. The wounds on her belly burn, as the poison spreads around her body through it.

    The medusa places one of her boots on Vysticia's chest. "Open your eyes, girl, or else the poison will slowly melt your body from the inside."

    Vysticia screams. Suddenly, she feels the pressure lift from her chest. The medusa cries, and a man grunts.

    "Run, all of you!" A man's voice, who Vysticia identifies as Jastorel, shouts. "Rogues, proceed your plans!"

    "No!" Vysticia growls, getting up. Her legs give out under her, and she falls to the ground, to her pain. She opens her eyes, and see the Medusa fighting Jastorel, who has his eyes closed. The medusa starts to turn, and she closes her eyes again. Someone helps her up. Sylvia.

    Vysticia hears something sink into flesh. Jastorel gags behind her and Sylvia. The medusa laughs, then shouts, "Because this man has attacked me, I am free to kill you all!"

    She hears screams as the medusa starts attacking the fleeing villagers and Rogues. She screams; just as she feels sharp nails sink into her flesh, where she was bitten by the medusa's snakes. A voice whisper in front of her face, "I've got you." Medusa.

    This is the end. Hate fills Vysticia. She opens her eyes, to look straight in the Medusa's eyes.

    Something stings her heart with a pang, and Vysticia feels her body getting colder. Her breathing starts to get slower. Still, she stares into the medusa. She smiles.

    Sounds of hooves thudding onto the ground fill the village. A single horse neigh, making the Medusa look back.

    There is a flash of blade reflected by the moonlight, and the medusa's head drops to the ground with a thud.

    Vysticia no longer feels her skin getting colder and harder. However, she still feels her body getting weaker, her sight getting dimmer. Sylvia grasps Vysticia's hands as breathing gets harder for her. "You can't die, Vicia!" She cries.

    A cold presence fills the air. Behind Sylvia, a dark shadow blocks the moon and the light of fire around. Sylvia freezes in fear. A hand grasps the girl's shoulder and pulls her back. Sylvia falls back, as if her limbs had stopped moving.

    Vysticia looks up with her dimming vision. She sees a single figure clad in dark, smooth coat, holding an enormous scythe. Blood drips from the curved blade.

    The figure does not have a head on his neck. Instead, he holds a round object with two red eyes in his free arm.

    Vysticia. A voice whispers into Vysticia's mind. The voice is cold and stern but has a tone of kindness in it. You shall not die, yet.

    A wall of shadow engulfs the headless man and Vysticia. She sees the two glowing eyes, then her vision goes black.
    The demons leap and attack again. More soldiers fall from their horses, to be stabbed by the mortal demons. Out of the eight riders, only three remain alive. The blonde boy, swings his halberd, beheading a demon. He pulls the reigns on his horse, making the horse rear up on its hind legs. The two others join the boy, only to be surrounded by the remaining nine demons.

    Jack yells. The soldiers and the demons look back, to see the boy running up, shadow surrounding his body.
    The man smiles. "It is none of your business. Though, we will be taking him to our mistress."

    The boy purses his lips. Rathius keeps talking, looking around to find any way to escape. "Why didn't you take him when I asked you to this morning?"

    The man clicks his tongue in disgust. "This human host resists. Despicable, honestly; he finally stopped a few minutes back."

    "Human host?" Rathius wonders out loud. The man smiles. "Yes, dragon; I am no human." He spreads his arms, and purple and black patterns starts to appear on his skin. From the sides of his head grows two thick horns. His mouth extends to the sides, his teeth growing longer and longer. The monster arches his neck and laughs.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  13. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Don't worry about it ^^

    "We gotta make an opening. You wont survive if you don't flee!" I shout as I leap over the demons while shooting shadow projectiles at the demon I am leaping over. Then I land in the middle of the demons with the soldiers.
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    So you're unconscious?

    Princess Remilia yells as she blocks the devils' attacks. She sees the two weapons lying beside Tisaun's unconscious body. She jumps and kicks one of the clone's face, then starts running at them. She takes the dagger in her free hand, which starts to glow with white energy. With a cry, she swings the blade, sending a force of white energy right at the three clones(Another one has been killed). It knocks all of them to the ground. Remilia cries as the dagger starts to smoke. She drops the weapon, which disintegrates into ashes.

    The devil rises from the ground, staggering. His clones have been killed by the attack. Remilia readies her sword against the monster, to finish him, but the vampire reaches her first. She screams as she swings her hands down at the princess.

    The harpy screams and staggers back, her wings flailing as if to keep the fire away. Asakeryu approaches from behind, then his hand shoots at the girl's neck. The harpy gasps, then she collapses onto the ground. Asakeryu sighs and releases his magic. He looks down at the harpy, who lies on the ground, unconscious.

    Fen'ris and Scar heads to the vegetable stall, just as Wyrmin starts shooting arrows at the vampire, to distract her. As she breaks away from the princess, Basil comes in with his dagger, swinging the blade at the girl's neck. The vampire is too fast, though, as she kicks Basil's legs under him and making him fall.

    Smoke fills the air, along with a strong smell of garlic. The vampire gasps and she staggers, her face suddenly pale.

    "STOP!" She screams as she swipes her arm at the vegetable stand. A force of shadow scatters the shadow away, clearing the smell of garlic. Fen'ris and Scar charges at the vampire. Her eyes flash red, then a ball of shadow falls upon Fen'ris. He lifts Scar's limbs to protect him, just as the force hits him.

    Agh! Scar cries in Fen'ris's mind. She's an A class! I can't hold the attack!

    Fen'ris gasps as pain shoots from his back. Inside his mind, Scar screams. "I release you, Scar!" Fen'ris shouts. A flash of purple energy shines as Scar appears beside Fen'ris. The shadow knocks the two down to the ground.

    The clone devil appears again, bringing a wooden crate. Asakeryu recognises it: the vampire had been carrying it this morning.

    "Watch out!" He shouts at Fen'ris and his company. The devil opens the crate, and takes out two small spheres, which glows with green light. He throws each of them at the direction of Fen'ris and Scar, and at Wyrmin and Basil. Green gas fills the air, as all of them suddenly freezes. Fen'ris grits his teeth. His body doesn't move.

    Paralysis. He thinks.
  15. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Rathius: "You're not taking this kid! I'll protect it with all might if I have too."
    Rathius(thinking): "Are all six of them like that?"
    *I ready my sword even more.*
  16. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Was I in the paralysis range, or..?
  17. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    RIP didn't realize this. I will think about other options.
  18. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Nono it is fine ^^
    Let us see what @Amun_Ra says, before you start making another, shall we? :)

    I just don't want to waste the time you used on making the character because of that :/
  19. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    What do we have actually?
    -Varphil or something (Scar and Basil)
    -Some light demon (the one fighting the Balrog)
    What more?
  20. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Vilphan I am pretty sure.
    *Fire demon*

    You forgot me ;_;
    I am a possessed boy. I am possessed by a shadow spirit demon.

    Also we have a lightning panther and a ninetailed fox (Forgot the name just now, sry)
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