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Haxforums Should Be Limited On Territory Influence

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Tntdestroyd, Mar 1, 2017.

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  1. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Brutally honest VIP+

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    Its apparent that there vast control now and resources that they have acquired a long with there taking advantage of the broken guild system has clearly killed the guild system for everyone else and should be forced to relieve there influence and control to a limit to allow other players to at least have SOME fun with the guild system as it is now, its entirely to un-fair that they be allowed to control the guild system the way they are considering how much they have, to allow competition to come back into play. As of right now haxforums needs to back off and let there be some game in the guilding system. I don't see where they feel controlling everything all the time is any fun at all, they dont like a challenge? I certainly do, but not when no matter what u do you cant control anything cuz the freaking thing takes to long to get to work, back off hax, seriously.
  2. memethyl

    memethyl the king of shitposting VIP+

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  3. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Hey guys, these people put in hard work, time, and effort to accomplish a goal! Let's make it worth absolutely nothing!

    no, not a good idea, and not the right section
  4. random guy

    random guy oof VIP+

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    Lol we actually put in a lot of effort to be number one. If you were in hax 100% chance you wouldn't be saying this.

    "Hackforums should be limited on territory influence"
    But of fucking course jumla is going to make it so that ONLY hackforums is limited on territories, just for you.
    7Red_Dragon7 likes this.
  5. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Brutally honest VIP+

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    Hax has so much are you serious with that? Limiting hax just to allow competition back into the game will not harm hax in the slightest you have to be joking when you say that, I agree though, having controlled as much as the map as they have would be an accomplishment, if it not be by means of abusing a broken guild system to which they have used there vast resources to implement control without means of being overtaken, its kind of like a monopoly, they cheat the game with there control and need to be broken up. plain n simple. or forever will the guild system be broken in the way to which nobody can do anything. GOOD JOB HAX you won, you accomplished that recognition, but its time for a reset or break, either on your guild or limit set to FIX THE SYSTEM!!! stop taking advantage and let some game back in.
  6. Drew1011

    Drew1011 Former Viceroy of the Foxes / Reviver of Kingdoms HERO

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    As soon as guilds are fixed, I predict that Hax will lose most of their territories. The reason that Hax is able to hold so much is because, to put it simply, nobody is trying to challenge them.

    Before Gavel, when guilds *somewhat* worked, and most active guilds did guild wars, it was difficult for an alliance of 6-8 guilds to hold JUST the Wynn territories. If a single guild can now hold all of the Wynn territories and quite a lot of the Gavel territories, all that means is that people are not trying as much as they used to. When people begin trying again (most likely when guilds, or at least guild wars, are fixed) it will become very difficult for Hax to maintain control of the 100+ territories they currently own.

    Although I dislike a single guild or alliance having such a monopoly over the territories, I have never, and will never support the limiting of guild territories. If a guild can manage to take it and hold it, then props to them. Their success should not be limited just because other people are upset.
    XavierEXE, motoki1, Foxey and 10 others like this.
  7. orange0401

    orange0401 Fortified with Vitamin C HERO

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    No outright no. This is not a good idea, and should NEVER be implemented.
    Everybody in hax knows that I have a vendetta against hax, so don't try to disqualify me for association.

    Here is a list of why:
    • Nobody is competing with hax right now, guild territories are pointless
    • Hax worked hard to achieve their goal, and there should be no direct game code to work against a single entity.
    • Hax, while being hax, is not invulnerable. Should guild territories become actually USEFUL in the future, it is literally impossible for hax to fight off all of the guild warring that will ACTUALLY ensue.
    Here are questions I have about your reasoning:
    • Why do you want this?
    • Why does this even matter?
    • Why are you specifically targeting hax? are Lir, BLA, UXs somehow exempt?
    • Why do you think this is justified?
    XavierEXE, Relflow, Mrs Sara and 3 others like this.
  8. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    Again? They're all still here. Don't listen to them HaxForums, you're your own person, you can make your own informed decisions, they don't run you, they don't know what you've been through. They know your name, not your story. Don't let the man tell you weather or not to cap your territories, it's your call, it's your right, this is your country, and its time to rise against the oppressors that are, the other guilds. So if you decide to cap your territories, so be it, but do not let others make that decision for you. #HaxForums2017
    XavierEXE, Spu, Parademepheum and 2 others like this.
  9. colin350

    colin350 The Best Admin (duh) HERO CHAMPION

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    Guilds may or may not have been discussed and could be or could not be being worked on (quoting from Jumla).

    I get it you are upset that you feel as though you can't hold a single territory because within a few hours Hax will retake it. Everyone gets it. Hax is a strong guild, and with the broken guild system, they are stronger.

    I can tell you, no one is going to aid in limiting Hax's current power, nor will the administrators/developers put Corkus on hold to fulfill your needs. There is much more on the todo list, and Guilds aren't an extreme priority as it's not a map expansion; it's a feature for the community. So unfortunately, you're going to have to suck it up, and deal with it.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  10. memethyl

    memethyl the king of shitposting VIP+

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    tbh guilds aren't about territory anymore, they're about having a community to chill with

    which is why i say that when a guild you're in gets too big, you gotta get the hell out of there, cause the bigger a guild gets, the worse its community gets
  11. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Brutally honest VIP+

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    Then forever will the guild territories be unfair and like everyone says, pointless, because of the belief that a strong guild that has monopolized the guild system by means of exploiting the usage of a glitch, should be allowed to keep abusing the system for there monetary gain. We all see they won, the system obviously isn't going to be fixed anytime soon, so many people want to make do with what is currently available but cant because everyone in hax forums and couple regulars are saying even if the system is broken and nobody ever will be able to get a foothold on the map with with what the current flawed system is that there shouldn't be anything corrected that can be until the guild system is truly fixed. I'm suggesting this for the system we currently have, if you don't nothing will ever come of the guilds with whats available now, thats irrational, greedy, and seriously unfair. This block on them shouldn't be permanent, just implemented until some type of competition can have even a chance, and also so that other people, not just some regulars and members of hax forums, can also at least have some fun with the guild system because lets face it, ITs BROKEN, but that doesnt mean that it cant be temporarily altered to accommodate some of its current issues.
  12. memethyl

    memethyl the king of shitposting VIP+

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    the glitch you're talking about is guilds.
    guilds ARE the glitch. guilds are a giant mess that can't be fixed without a total rewrite of the guild code. everything about them is buggy, but guilds aren't #1 on wynn's priority list right now, so you'll have to wait.
    again, guilds aren't about territory anymore, because that's a pointless effort. guilds are mostly about the community now, so until this magic territory fix you want comes along, you're just gonna have to deal with it.
    XavierEXE and Woraxe like this.
  13. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Brutally honest VIP+

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    Not to be disrespectful but is the mods or staff of wynn saying that or is a member saying deal with it? I think i have a pretty valid point on the matter, and the guilds although the community part is great, ppl are spending shit tons of money on them but not getting anywhere with it, its not the same case for every player so no, i wont just deal with it, i will press the matter, for i have the right to until staff says otherwise and i will gladly rest the case. Thanks for your opinion though memethyl.
  14. Simplers

    Simplers Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Most people who are old players b4 guilds broke honestly dont give a fuck.
    it wouldn't be fun if they did something to hax.
    What needs to happen is for guilds to be fixed, or for some of the staff to stop showing favouritism (TNA has been glitched for 2 years, still stuck at -78% xp and lvl52. We requested to be fixed/lvled up multiple times, never happened. Hax and a few other guilds, but mainly hax, is getting manually levelled up, which is unfair towards other guilds.
    And I honestly dont give a shit about guild system, until they fix it. What you propose won't bring any more "fun" into the broken guild system.
    Tomix likes this.
  15. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Brutally honest VIP+

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    Wont bring anymore fun for who? You, a person in a high already established guild ? This is what I'm saying, of course if your already up there before the issues had come about or have a good player basis, yea you have your issues with the guild system that apparently extend further than i realized, but what about ppl that do see the claiming of territory or name recognition as being fun or want a chance, they cant because of this, thats not fair, so why not make things a little do-able for ppl that still are willing to make do with whats available. I'm sry an old time member like yourself dont find it worth while or not fun, whatever, but what about the people that do but cant because of this.
    I propose since the system is broken to set a territory claiming limit for all guilds, that means EVERY guild, then this allows there to be some fair play in the claiming of areas, especially key areas of interest, then when the guild system is fully fixed and ready to be re-implemented into the system repaired and updated, reset all the claim areas for up to grabs with the limits removed for an onslaught on the territories. That seems to be a lot more fair and allows guilds to see some type of action rather than none at all other than the ever so resentful haxforum and larger guilds apparently. I want fair play man, i dont care if this makes me a enemy of others, i just want a fair even playing field for everyone, not for the select few.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2017
  16. aayl

    aayl Famous Adventurer

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    Third sentence "monetary gain" Guilds make no money from claiming territories. Rather, they lose money buying mobs to defend.
    Fith sentence last few words "nobody will ever be able to get a foothold" my guild (beasts) once took over the entire jungle, deltas and its surrounding territories and nesaak and held it for around 3 days, so yes it is certainly possible. It's just that no one bothers. And really, what will getting a foothold win you? Bragging rights? It's just not worth the mods time
    Eighth sentence "irrational, greedy, and seriously unfair" how so? As for irrational, sure! The Guild system is irrational. Why join guilds in the first place? You pour your money into your guild, blow hours on wars just to have your territories claimed a few hours later by more irrational people. Greedy? Maybe. But what is greed? Is greed really that bad? That's a real philosophical question. Cause on another point you of view what Hax is doing might even be noble. Taking territories so no one will ever need to contest them and waste time and emeralds. Seriously unfair? Absolutely not. Hax doesn't receive a special bonus when they go into war. Their players don't take less damage. It seems legit to me.

    I see that you are going along the lines of utilitarianism. While this might be nice, but like @LordXzyle said, most of wynncraft really couldn't give 2 shits (including me). Really, what's so bad with Hax owning everything? The players who WANT to challenge Hax are probably too weak to do so. The players who COULD challenge Hax have other things to do. Do consider the fundamentals of the guild system. Until war is fixed, guilds are for fun times other cool stuffs like challenges or boss fights. Remember, it's just a game.

    PS typing on iPad is painful
    Simplers likes this.
  17. Lycqn

    Lycqn ☽ Carpe Lupis ☾ HERO

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    I've read through some of these and yes, guild wars are pretty broken but it DOES work eventually if you keep attacking! My guild is rising up through the ranks (currently 5th..?) and we're challenged pretty many guilds like Blacklisted, we're not gonna stop just because everyone else stopped. I believe it's a bit unfair for HAX to get a limit JUST FOR THEIR GUILD because what.. they're too good? They worked hard to attack and defend their territories but I do think that when guilds aren't broken anymore we're all going to loose and gain some, guys it's all a game. Have fun about it! Do your best, there IS a somewhat way to bypass the bug (texture pack disabled, attack territory, if mobs do not spawn change server and try again until movable do).
  18. NeonRider

    NeonRider Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    It's cute that you guys think that my guild is super op but in reality it's only me doing wars and we're down to 1.7mil emeralds.
    qqcora and Simplers like this.
  19. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    you keep saying hax is abusing glitches. how so?
  20. qqcora

    qqcora Professsional mythical pokemon :3 CHAMPION

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    OH LOOK ANOTHER ONE *goes back to sleep*
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