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[rp] Legends 2 [10/10] Closed.... For Now

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Sep 30, 2016.

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  1. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    Is this me being Devirra or me being possessed by Devirra?
  2. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    This is a... difficult question. Devirra is possessing you, but this is not control possession, meaning you are not being controlled. Devirra somehow saw fit to give you his power. (same goes for @Florfy5 and @Vansil )
    Sorry for all these chapterlike replies. It's time for strategies!

    hm. So there is a powerful barrier around Nicolas. Nicolas can also release those white orb-thingies that explode in contact and deals extremely high damage. He can also move extremely fast.

    In return, you have some of the power of the Raijin. You can create enormous bolts that deals high damage, and your drums can make powerful shockwaves. you can also fly around.
    Mortem's wheel is almost unbreakable, and he can travel extremely fast. If he uses his turning wheel as an attack, it can deal a lot of damage. The only thing is that once it loses control, Mortem's wheel is extremely hard to stop.
    Katherine can use Light magic. Her original power was light magic, so Luminos's magic made is stronger. She can fly (due to being healed when Luminos gave her her power) and use her sword as an attack. She can use any Asssassin spells (spin, vanish, multi-hit, smoke bomb) and projectiles made of light.
    Ronan has power over water element. He compresses all the moisture into water, so there is a limit to how much he can summon in dry grounds. See what you can do with that.
    Bailwolf has a way stronger fire magic. He can now release fire into the earth, melting rocks and making magma. His fire is very high in temperature, so be careful.
    Drandel can focus her summoning magic into purple energy that can be used as attacks, as well as many other things, such as using as a shield, holding stuff back, etc. Inside the stone, though, Drandel does not have enough space to actually summon something from thin air.
    Vocthar can use his archer spells (Arrow storm, escape, arrow bomb and arrow shield). His daggers can be charged with Light energy to deal extra damage.

    All of these powers, however, are just about a match to Amageln's power. Good luck.
  3. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    "Hot potato!" I yell as I start throwing fire balls and globs of magma at Nicolas while running around the room.
    Life happens
    Malkavian likes this.
  4. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    Is Devirra like the Oni in traditional Japanese folklore?
  5. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    "This fight is not being won with brute force alone. Whatever power Nicolas has is as powerful as our's, and we do not have forever to overcome him. We'd best be more strategic about this." I prepare to strategize.

    I'll start by trying to use shockwaves to damage the barrier and/or disrupt his concentration.
    "Katherine, maybe you could make a shield of smoke bombs outside his barrier so that he cannot see us?"
    "Mortem, perhaps you could use short bursts of power at the barrier, but stop after the attack to avoid losing control."
    "Bailwolf, would you be able to melt the earth under Nicolas, or do you need contact?"
    "Drandel, try watching for his attacks. Try to block them with your power."
    "Ronan, would it be possible for you to liquify the moisture inside his shield and send a highly concentrated bolt of it at him?"
  6. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    anything is worth a shot
  7. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Sorry guys. It's been so long since I replied.

    Devirra is Oni from traditional Japanese folklore. Brutal strength, durability, and strong hides.
    Devirra is a godlike monster who can only exist in this world through possession. Asyra is being possessed by Devirra, but Asyra has major power over his body. Devirra can control what the body does to some extent, like talk, and move an arm, etc. At least to this point.

    Let's go. Now.
    Pyrs and Naragath snap out of their shock. Devirra/Asyra takes a step forward. He raises his sword, and it starts to glow red in power.
    "Dodge!" Pyrs shouts. The three throw themselves onto the ground just as spikes of black energy fly in all directions. Fortunately for the three, the attack misses.
    Asyra yells and starts running at the servants of the Eye. "You will die!" Asyra shouts.

    Asyra swings his sword in a vertical line, straight at Shade. The elf sidesteps, and the sword hits the ground.

    The stone cracks. The rubble of the Twain mansion shakes, then all explode into the air at the same time.

    In the ashes, Shade sees a pair of glowing red eyes. The elf manages to dodge as a heavy swing of sword misses him.

    Shade grins. He's slow. He tells Pyrs and Naragath. He is powerful, maybe more than us, but he is slow.
  8. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @Vansil @sonickid3003

    "Got it!" Katherine shouts. She points her dagger at Nicolas. Multiple white particles appear in front of the angel. They fly at Nicolas's barrier. Upon contact, the Smoke Bombs explode and sends smoke all over the place.

    Ajnin charges a powerful force of lightning and releases it at Nicolas's barrier. It hits it but does not pierce it.

    "Mortem, now!" Ajnin shouts. Mortem yells and takes off. His wheel leaves the ground and hits the barrier straight. Mortem waits until the point where the wheel starts to turn too fast and releases the attack. He continues to the point where he starts to feel the barrier starting to weaken.

    "He's hitting it at the exact same spot over and over again!" Katherine says. "Ajnin, send a bolt at the place!"

    Ajnin nods and raises his hands. Electricity starts to charge inside the six drums, and they start to expand. With a yell, Ajnin releases the attack. It drains a lot of his energy. But it's successful.

    The barrier cracks. Mortem runs into the crack with his wheel one last time, and it shatters. Mortem charges straight at Nicolas.

    Crap. Ajnin shouts, "Mortem, stop!"

    Mortem realises something is terribly wrong. He tries to stop his wheel, but it is already going too fast.

    Nicolas sidesteps with incredible speed. Mortem and Nicolas meet eyes for a split second.

    Nicolas brings one fist at Mortem from the side of the wheel. With a cry, Mortem's wheel shatters and the boy is sent straight into a wall. The boy drops to the ground, limp.

    Bailwolf roars and brings his fist onto the ground. The ground beneath Nicolas starts to steam. All around the man, pillars of fire rise from the ground, completely surrounding him. The ground explodes into molten rock. Nicolas tries to rise up, but he loses balance and falls into the lava. For some reason, the heat does not seem to affect Nicolas.

    From inside the smoke and lava, white orbs shoot out. Drandel jumps up along with Katherine, and with incredible speed, they deflect almost all of them into the wall on the other side. Vocthar rescues Mortem's unconsious body and carries it to safety.

    Ajnin staggers up, and shouts weakly, "Ronan, now!"

    Ronan concentrates. The moisture in the air and the rock above Nicolas starts to come together. The Legends suddenly feel as if invisible particles are being pulled towards the air on top of Nicolas and the lava. Ronan yells and opens his palms. With a tremendous roar, water rush down on top of the melting ground and Nicolas. At the same moment, Bailwolf releases his magic. With a deafening hiss, steam covers the entire cavern. The Legends all bury their faces into their clothes, shielding their face from the heat.

    Ronan collects all the moisture from the steam and returns them to their original place. The air clears, and the Legends stagger up.

    The ground where Nicolas stood has now turned into obsidian.
  9. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    I look at the obsidian. "I'm guessing he's dead... *sigh* He wasn't capable of being saved anymore, it had to be done, else we'd die. What is one person's life, weighed against millions?"
  10. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    I quickly but powerfully send a strong blast of energy towards him and prepare to dogde.
  11. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "He's probably not dead." Mortem says weakly. "If he was, I would feel his soul leaving to the Death Realm."
    Ajnin turns around, and see Mortem being supported by Vocthar and Ronan.
    Drandel sighs. "he survived that heat. I guess he would also survive suffocation."

    Katherine looks down at the ground. Drandel looks at her, worried.
    A tear drop onto the ground. "I...." Katherine whispers.

    "... will kill Nicolas." Katherine says and looks up.

    The ground rocks. The obsidian starts to crack.

    Ronan starts to look around. "What do we do?"

    Ajnin looks at the ground with wide eyes. "I have... no idea."

    The obsidian explodes into a hundred pieces. Nicolas, his armour in tatters, jumps up. Blood covers half of his face.

    Katherine yells and starts to run at Nicolas, her dagger drawn. Nicolas opens his palm, and the shards of obsidian start to circle him. White energy starts to crackle as it forms a barrier, surrounding Katherine and Nicolas.

    "No!" Ajnin shouts and runs at the barrier, but is sent back flying.

    Katherine gives a cry, which is cut off by the roar of the wind. The obsidian shards fly straight at Katherine.

    Katherine screams as the shards hit her armour, some finding their marks into flesh. The Legends watch in horror as Katherine drop to her knees, black rocks shooting into her.

    Katherine arches her back and shouts something. Blue particles start to appear around Katherine. They start to multiply and surrounds Katherine from all directions. They start to turn at an incredible speed, sending the shards and white energy away from her. In Katherine's hand glints a small gemstone.

    Ronan and Bailwolf both remembers something. "It's the gem," Ronan says. "Luke and Nicolas had one, too. They hold a lot of raw energy, that can be used to cast huge spells."

    Bailwolf frowns. "Luke said that Nicolas used his in battle against Darznog, and Luke in Olux. He said that Katherine used it against someone named Qira."

    "Maybe he was lying." Ajnin whispers. "Whatever the case, she still has the energy.
  12. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    "Hopefully it will be enough to stop him... What is this power he's using? Why does it have no weaknesses?"
  13. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    I run to Naragath and harm him brutally.
  14. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    "Hey if we all pour energy into Katherine it could help?"
  15. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    "It could help, or it could backfire horribly... She'll likely die if we don't aid her, but can we even give her our power in the first place? I'm a tactician, not a mage. I know little about how this kind of thing works. We cannot use all of our power, though. If she fails and we'd used up our power, we've basically lost."
  16. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    "Good point. Guard me?"
  17. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    "Drandel, I think shielding is your department, is it not?"
  18. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    I should call Naragath cannon fodder by now....
    I tell Naragath to engage Asyra. Keep him distracted using holds and grapples and things like that. If possible, get his sword away from him.
    Shade, attack Asyra from above if possible while he's distracted. I'm willing to bet mentioning Salomnis or Mael will get him angry, so if you can taunt him and say like.... idk, they were weak or something like that that would be great. @WhettoWen
    I'm going to try to freeze Asyra's feet so he can't move, then blast him with all kinds of elemental magic. If that doesn't work, I'll go in closer and try to engage Asyra with my arm (you know which arm I'm talking about).
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Shade jumps and dodges Asyra's sword again. The elf charges his hand with dark energy, then bring it at Asyra's chest.
    An explosion covers Asyra and Shade. Shade jumps back, grinning ear to ear. A whish of air sends the dust apart.
    Shade's grin fades. Asyra rises from the ground, looking unharmed.
    How is he unfazed? Shade thinks. That was an attack from point blank range! How strong is this guy...?
    Asyra swings his sword again, and Shade dodges clumsily. As the sword hits the ground, a force of energy flies back straight at Shade. The distracted elf doesn't see this coming, and is sent back.

    Asyra starts towards Naragath. Naragath blocks Asyra's blow with his own fiery sword. Asyra's speed is equivalent to Naragath's. Each blow sends a force of energy outwards. Naragath fakes a blow, then swings his sword from under. Asyra uses his sword to block the blow.

    A huge crack fills the air. Naragath's blade lands onto the ground, disconnected from the hilt.

    Naragath, using the speed of his fist, punches Asyra's right wrist. The boy grits his teeth and drops his weapon.

    Shade comes on top of Asyra, and kicks the boy on his head. Naragath prepares to punch Asyra.

    "You will lose, like your brother!" Shade shouts mockingly. "Weak, he was!" Naragath's punch connects to Asyra's chest.

    Shade blinks. He looks down at his legs, and see his left one caught in Asyra's grip. Asyra's right-hand holds Naragath's wrist before his chest. Asyra pulls Naragath to the ground to the side, then throw Shade onto the ground without releasing his leg. Asyra beats Shade's body into the ground until the ground cracks and Shade goes limp. He throws the unconscious elf into the rubble.

    Pyrs shouts a spell. Asyra swears as ice forms around his feet. The wizard walk to in front of Shade. He casts a spell, and Shade's eyes flash open. Shade is pulled up by Pyrs.

    Pyrs grins as he face Asyra. "That is not normal ice." He says. "That ice is reinforced with my Magic."

    Naragath walks up to the wizard. Asyra looks at Pyrs, then grins.

    The ice cracks, then shatters. Pyrs's eyes widen in surprise. Then the wizard throw his staff to the side and starts to charge his arm with Dark magic.
  20. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Don't you dare mention my character like that! >:(
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