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Lore/Story Province's Tale - Wynn Province Collection

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by andydreww, Nov 13, 2016.

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  1. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    *He didn't realize you were standing there and quickly turned around, laughing awkwardly with a smile across his face.*

    Hello Fellow Members Of The Wynn & Gavel Province! (I Believe?)

    My name is Katoshii, an Archer mostly on the sever and even a generous merchant or bargainer if you cross paths with me! Although somewhat not active online, I do hope to see out some of you online some time!

    This thread is mostly going to be a starting point for some writing I have been currently doing, and I was hoping (very sincere ;-;) to see what the community though of it? Yes? No? Hopefully so?

    Anyways, like above, this is where I'm going to put the "First Quest" (A.K.A The Tutorial One For A Player When They First Log On) as a reference.
    ~~~~~Although some things may or may not be the same as the quest (I do not know, apologies!!) I do hope how you still enjoy the writing and maybe even offer a few pointers to me!~~~~~

    But now, sit back, relax, get some food or a drink, and (Per chance) enjoy the story!!!!

    ~~~Story Key~~~

    "Text" = Dialogue

    "Text" = Secondary Dialogue / Separation For Better Reading

    "Text" = Action Dialogue

    "Text" = Secondary Action Dialogue / Separation For Better Reading

    "Text" = Quest Titles

    "Text" = End Of Chapter Notes

    "Text" = Author Notes

    "Text" = Secondary Author Notes

    Sylvania - Quest 1

    *The caravan bustled and creaked as it drove over the gravel and cobble-stoned ground, several crows cawed as they were sent into the air from the ruckus it created. The day was a pleasant one - the grass swayed gently from the breeze and butterflies graced the canyon landscape by fluttering in the far horizon. The caravan driver, a villager nearing his ancient age, was smiling as he reigned the two chestnut horses to a halt - their neighing echoing across the rocky walls. A sign that read “Ragni Castle - 3 Miles” was pinned across a boulder to the left of the continuing passage. The villager turned around and looked back at the traveler - a woman in her early adulthood with a spear laid out on her legs, the design made of simple wood and iron. He cleared his throat and spoke out to her as she looked up at him.*

    “We have arrived, traveler. From now on you will have to cross the canyon ridge by yourself. I am not capable of providing any further accommodations.”

    *The woman gave a soft smile and nodded her head, descending down from the caravan and walking up to the front of the ridge. She peered down the path - several trees dotted the land in which they rose high above the rock walls as well as a pond with several lily pads and sugar cane. She looked back at the villager and dug about her small satchel that crossed her body. She retrieved several emeralds and placed them in the rider’s hands, the old villager slightly taken aback from the kind gesture. He gave her a smile and tipped his hat to her, wrapping the rope of the horses to a wooden stake on the ground. He sighed softly and turned to her, a look of slight concern played his expression.*

    “Be wary, young Sylvania. Rumors say this passage is filled with dark creatures. Best be sure you put that spear of yours to good use.”

    *She gave the villager a bow and readjusted the basic armor she had on her - simple leather straps that coursed together, styling a formidable padding.*

    “Thank you again, caravan escort. And thank you again for your hospitality. May the Ragni King smile upon you and your path.”

    *With that, the woman took up her plain spear and continued down the path towards the castle, hopeful she can prove herself to become a Knight of Ragni. The old villager took back to his caravan, a drink in his hand as he watched her traverse under the overgrowth of the pathway, a smile forming as he pondered over the woman’s path.*


    *Sylvania walked cautiously down the canyon ridge - high above her the canyon structure loomed ahead, crows flew high above and their caw clearly audible to her. She eyed a young knight - a man who seemed to have just been initiated into the Knighthood, attempting to crawl backwards from a zombie - the rotten piece of man had a leather breastplate across him along with a simple dagger in his hand. She dashed forward and threw her spear at the zombie before it struck down the Knight, the head of it pierced the zombie’s breastplate and it shrieked from the pain. The zombie dissolved into black smoke and all that remained was the breastplate, a visible hole was pieced out from Sylvania’s spear-head. The young knight got up and picked up his long-sword, making eye contact with her through his silver helmet.*

    “I thank you, warrior. If not for you, I would have become one of them and my fate would have been sealed. Please, there are bound to be more loose here, we must make haste.”

    *Sylvania gave the man a swift nod and picked back up her spear, the head of it dripped slightly of the black liquid of the zombie. Quickly, she recovered as well the breastplate of the zombie and kept it within her knapsack, curious to see if a seamstress would be able to sew back the hole. As the knight darted ahead of the path, Sylvania followed in pursuit, wondering if this man would recommend her to the King himself.*


    *The duo approached a wide gap in the canyon pathway - a tall and study tree was planted beside the gap and down below, rocky spikes and crevices were severing down into the ground. The Knight tapped his chin and laughed out with an idea. He turned to Sylvania with a spark of curiosity in his eyes, her own face grew slightly concerned over the man’s ambition.*

    “Perhaps this may work; Warrior, I’ll knock the tree down with my long-sword. When it begins to fall to its side, throw your spear at it to shift its weight. It should be long enough for us to cross the pit.”

    *Sylvania raised her eyebrows slightly in shock but agreed to the plan. As the Knight hacked away at the tree, a zombie groaned behind Sylvania and she twirled around, slicing the zombie’s head off. The puff of black smoke astonished Sylvania as a few emeralds laid down where the zombie was slain. She quickly collected them as the Knight called out to her,*

    “Now Sylvania!”

    *She looked back at threw her spear at the falling timber. The spear lodged itself within the oak and re-directed itself towards the canyon gap, the crash of the tree sent a devastating sound across the canyon walls. Crows cawed out in fear and even the rocks at the gap trembled and began to break down from the shock-wave. Sylvania retrieved her spear from the tree and gave a wild smile, already seeming to grow on the Knight.*

    “Well thought out. But please, we should hurry, who knows what we may attract now that we exposed ourselves.”

    “Agreed. The castle should not be too far from here, we only have to now cross the canyon mines.”

    *They both walked across the tree bridge - the wind slightly picking up as they approached the entrance of another canyon cave. The interiors were decorated with large wooden structures and faintly lit torches, the echos of clashing steel and shouts echoes to them. The Knight grew scared and sprinted down the pathway, yelling out to the other Knights while Sylvania trailed after him.*


    *Several Knights gleaming in their silver armor clashed against the zombie wave, their daggers and bows old and decayed after centuries of being buried underground. Sylvania gasped as he saw her own Knight escort clashing against one, the zombie moaning as the man cut off one of the arms. She quickly parried a dagger that was aimed at her and faced a zombie herself, another dagger in its grotesque hand. The zombie lunged forward only to collapse on the ground several feet from Sylvania, where she used the opportunity to bash the zombie’s head into the Earth. The black liquid pooled around the zombie and it dissolved into the smoke, leaving behind a pair of small leather boots. Sylvania creased her brow, curious as to why this strange land offers to her such interesting rewards, and retrieved the boots. She glanced up and saw the Knights pushing back the zombie attack and smiled with pride - the zombies fleeing from them, collapsing to the ground as the Knights herded them to the exit of the cave. The Knight from earlier stepped up to her and took of his helmet, his short black hair almost gleaming in the sunlight.*

    “I do believe we have arrived, young warrior-”

    “Please, do call me Sylvania.”

    “Sylvania. Very well, let us make haste to the King then.”

    *The Knight led Sylvania out of the cave exit where the other Knights happily cheered, clanging their swords and shooting arrows in the air as a mark of victory. Sylvania smiled proudly as she gasped in awe after looking up from the cave exit. A brilliant stone wall and wooden gate stood in front of her and the Knight, along with a red and yellow flag that flew gracefully from the wind and guard towers where archers looked out towards the horizon. The Knight approached a guardsman and motioned back towards Sylvania - the guard gave a curt nod and whistled loudly at the wall tower above him. The gate began to draw upwards and revealed a main hall of the castle, the King sitting prominently on his throne. He raised slowly and gave a soft smile to the Knight - his eyes going to Sylvania, rose slightly as he pondered who this woman was. The Knight knelt before the King and as the King chuckled softly, he stood again.*

    “Knight Tobias. A pleasure and well being to see you again. I see to it you took care of that outbreak we had within the canyon mines. And who is this?”

    “My King, this is Sylvania, a fierce combatant who provided us aid as she was traveling by. I request of her to become a member of our warriors and help our province during this tough time. She has the spark of hope that not all warriors have and she may even benefit from our training. I insist on this, my King.

    *The King took a look at Sylvania, thankfully after her blush from Tobias’s compliments faded away. He pondered over the woman’s ability to fight, but if Tobias said how she should be worthy of being a part of the travelling fighters across the Realm, then that must have meant that Tobias is serious about this. He finally nodded his head in approval and dug under his great robe - pulling out a small bronze medallion, the crest being of an emerald encircled by vines and a mage’s language that was unknown to Sylvania. She gasped softly as he held his hand out to her, the crest on his palm.*

    “By my word, King of Ragni, I pronounce Sylvania as a fledged member of our Wynn Province. With this oath, loyalty, kindness, and justice will follow you wherever you travel and the expectations of this Province shall be mastered. Come forth, and accept your oath.”

    Sylvania slowly ascended the several steps leading to the King’s throne. She whispered a quick thanks to the King, promising she shall try her hardest. With the pin in her hands, Sylvania clipped it to her tunic, standing much more taller and prideful than she had ever done before.*

    *The main hall exploded with applause and cheers - several guards even nodded their heads in approval at the sight of the woman being deemed a warrior. Villagers threw emeralds and flowers at Sylvania, blessed on having another warrior to defend their homes while still being able to stay loyal to the King. Sylvania gave the small gatherers a wave and glanced to Knight Tobias, whose smile was wide and glowing with satisfaction from her. She continued to learn more about the history of the Province later on and wondered what other kinds of adventures and friends await for her in this strange yet magnificent world.*


    That is all for the first Quest!! I do hope you enjoyed it and feel free to leave me some feedback, I always love to hear what people have to say about the stories!!
    Until then, Safe Travels, Fellow Adventurer.


    Last edited: Mar 26, 2017
  2. icebreaker

    icebreaker Retired YouTuber & Full Stack Web Developer Media HERO

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    Rip dark theme users
  3. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Here Is Quest Two, Enzan's Brother! This took me about an hour or so to come up with a decent idea and plan for the writing, so my apologies if it seems a bit off!
    But now, here is Quest Two of my Quest Timelapse Writing Challenge. I hope you enjoy!!
    Trention - Quest 2 / Enzan's Brother
    *The next day, a Mage began to wander about Ragni’s castle walls, enjoying the fresh air and feeling of the spring season. He used his staff as a walking stick, the sturdy piece of bark had several leaves on the edge on it, still providing the Mage with power. He sighed as he looked off into the horizon, flash-backing to when he boarded the ship back at his home village to journey to the province of Wynn.*

    “Please do write us back! Oh, my little Trention, an adventurer! Have a good time at Wynn, Trent!”

    *Trention blushed slightly and gave a small smile, his Mage attire bearing checkered patterns of white and light blue along with a badge of a tree on his chest, his symbol of his home village Tirolean. He gave his mother a final nod and boarded the ship, joining the other adventure-thirsty people who desired glory and fortune. As the ship sailed away, he could still see his mother’s red apron, where she was waving a white handkerchief at him, a broad smile played on her face.*

    *Snapping back to reality, he heard a shout at the end of the gate towards him and he took a curious look. He eyed a villager waving at him, motioning for him to talk with him. Trention muttered an incantation and within a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the villager, the man’s expression filled with surprise made Trention smirk*

    “Yes? How may I assist you, villager? Will you be another one of those pesky citizens who send adventurers on wild goose chases?”

    “Ah! You’re tongue is as sharp as a sword Mage. Perhaps you could do yourself a favor and listen to what I may say without your little attitude of yours?”

    *Trention growled and crossed his robed arms, gritting his teeth as the villager smiled warmly and began to talk about his favor.*

    “Now! My name is Enzan, an old Knight of this here kingdom and I understand you were one of the new recruits here? Perhaps this old man can point you to a worthy direction. I have a brother who has several crates of Powders with him beside the entrance of the Nivla Forest. If you may be so kind and return to me a Fire Powder, I will reward you handsomely.”

    *Trention gave a nod and turned on his heel, making his way down the path towards the forest - the villager called out a final warning.*

    “Oh and be careful! My brother is not fond of….new recruits! Yes, new recruits!”


    *Trention walked down the “Emerald Trail” leading to the Nivla Forest, several adventurers were already combating the nearby zombies, raising their voices in pride and happiness as they leveled up. He came to approach a younger villager beside the Powder crates, his expression already having a demeanor of annoyance as Trention came up to him. The villager gave a sigh and sat up from the ground.*

    “New recruit? Hmph. Therck, Enzan’s brother, and I’m assuming you too wish to have a powder?”

    “Indeed sir. I do hope you could allow me to have a Fire Powder, I would be very thankful.”

    *The villager eyed Trention suspiciously, seeing the Mage as not much of a talker, he decided to let the him end the conversation there. Raising, he opened one of the Powder crates and rummaged through it until he held up a small grey pouch, a hint of a red aura seeped out of the end of the pouch. Seeing the Mage’s surprised face, he allowed himself a small smile and held out the pouch to the Mage.*

    “Be wary, this powder is very prominent to be wild with adventurers. Best be sure to put it to good use.”

    *Trention gave a nod and took the pouch, placing it in one of his robe pockets and gave the villager a bow. He gave Therck a final smile and went back down the path to Enzan, wondering what this errand was for. As he walked, Therck gave a huff of laughter as he saw a faint puff of smoke emitting from the Mage’s robe.*


    *Trention reached Enzan at the front of Ragni’s main gate and held out the pouch to him, the red aura still clouding the small pouch*

    “Here’s your Powder, Enzan. Now, my payment?”

    *Enzan chuckled and reached inside of his pocket, taking out a small emerald block and placed the block in Trention's outstretched palm with the pouch, giving a warm smile as he looked at the Mage’s eyes.*

    “Keep them. You have much to learn, and so much more people to meet. This is the beginning of your adventure, Trention. Put it to good use and who knows, perhaps you may need help one day as well.”

    *Trention opened the pouch of Fire Powder and with curiosity, he poured the powder over the staff he uses as a walking stick. The staff flared a bright red from the powder and began to darken in several places, the leaves falling off and replaced with a darker edge of wood. He gasped as he took a look at his staff, although a darker color of brown mixed with black, he still felt an aura of power within himself as he held it. He saw a zombie walking towards them and he shot what would have normally have been a puff of magic, is now actually a puff of flames, the zombie burning to ash as the fire crumpled it to the ground. With an expression filled with power and cheer, Trention gave a final glance at Enzan, thanking him as he ran towards a small group of adventures battling zombies, his fire spreading around the staff. Enzan gave a final look to Trention’s running figure and gave a nod, returning back to a home near the front of the gate and filling himself a cup of water, slightly parched from the Mage’s fiery attitude.*


    Until then, Quest 3 - Thieving Rodents - Will hopefully be up later this week!
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
    HappyLanding, XavierEXE and Zitrine like this.
  4. Duelodyc

    Duelodyc Ok HERO

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    Great work! I would actually love it if you wrote an entire series documenting the adventures of a warrior in Wynn
    andydreww likes this.
  5. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Although I did say I was going to put up a new Quest Writing later this week, I realized how perhaps I should write more often now that it is Thanksgiving Break.
    So with that, I present to you Quest 3 - Thieving Rodents! This took about more so a quarter less than an hour, so I do hope you enjoy it!

    Flarena - Quest 3 - Thieving Rodents

    *An Archer was practicing her marksmanship at the large Training Garden in Ragni, firing arrows at the large targets that loomed above her as she dodged similar shots from Ragni guards. Firing her last arrow from her quiver at the target, the arrow landed firmly on the button, the target lighting up a lamp that glowed faintly in the midst of night. She smiled to herself and went to the targets to collect her arrows when one of the guards, a man in his late years of age, went up to her.*

    “Pardon me, Arch - Flarena, but may I ask a small favor from you?”

    “But of course Guard Brelon! What is your request?”

    “Please, do however keep this hidden from other guards, it is about a certain predicament one of the farmers has.”

    *He beckoned to Flarena to follow him - the duo stopping in front of the bank of the kingdom, villagers bustling about the shops and castle whilst keeping the festivity spirit of the kingdom going.*

    “It is about Farmer Kelri. He told me a day ago that he had misplaced his wedding ring whilst he was tending his crops. He wears a glove now to hide the truth, but he has begged me to search the ring for him. Whilst I have no ability to do so, it would be very much gracious of you, Flarena, to assist the old villager.”

    *Flarena gave a thought about the request Guard Brelon told her - she just began making a name for herself in the kingdom and perhaps this could be another deed to help improve her reputation. After a moment, she gave a nod with a bright smile on her face.*

    “Well, Guard Brelon, I shall take a look at this problem. Where is Farmer Kelri?”

    “He has a farm west of the main gate of Ragni, a large area of the land will be his farm and most certainly you should be able to find him there.”

    *Flarena gave a last smile at Guard Brelon and began to walk towards the castle gate, Guard Brelon seeing her off and smiling to himself, thankful for the young Archer’s heart.*


    *Flarena followed the path until she came to a small cottage where a large piece of land to its right was filled to the brim with wheat, several scarecrows doting the landscape to contend with the crows. She eyed a villager in gardening clothes rushing about ravenously, his eyes slightly pink from what she assumed to be crying. Flarena approached the man as he looked up at her, a wave of relief filled his face and he rushed forwards to her.*

    You must be Flarena - Oh how thankful I am to see you! Please, Guard Brelon had told me you are a brave adventurer to face my rat problem!”

    “Wait...rats?! I beg your pardon?”

    “But indeed! Did he not tell you? I lost my wedding ring due to that pesky rat that has been ravaging my crops for the past several days! He’s about as large as a fist Flarena, a simple poor farmer like me can’t be able to aid that problem! I know this was sudden, but would you be able to kill that monstrosity?”

    *Flarena sighed heavily and gave Farmer Kelri a curt nod*

    “Very Well. Allow me to solve this, Farmer Kelri.”

    *Flarena traversed through the fields of wheat, several smaller rats scampering about and even some of them began to attack her. She growled in frustration as she attempted to fire her arrows at them, the wheat defending the rats as the arrows would be tangled within the crops. Flarena eventually spotted a small cave composed of dirt and hay, peering down, she gagged at the atrocious smell of the interior of it.*

    “Let this be known how I am an adventurer, not a mercenary…”

    *As Flarena descended down the cave, she came across what she assumed was the Rat Farmer Kelri spoke of - the beast was at most as large as the width of her bow! She gasped as the Rat flashed its beady black eyes at her and squealed a sharp cry at her - the Rat rushing at her with incredible haste. Flarena took an arrow from her quiver and fired at the Rat, the arrow puncturing the belly of the beast and it flailed to its side, black smoke puffed out and through the mist remained the wedding ring Farmer Kelri desired. She walked forwards and took up the ring, a simple band of gold with silver engravings, and made her way back up the cave, dusting herself off from the dirt and compost that she trekked through.*


    “Ah! You have found it! Praise the King and you as well Flarena! I bid you thanks for your help, Oh, now I can wear the ring with pride now!”

    *Flarena offered a fake smile, grateful for the challenge, however displeased with the fact that Guard Brelon did not tell her of this grotesque task. “The nerve of him!” she thought to herself. However, as she bid farewell to Farmer Kelri, a woman within the cottage called at her and Flarena approached the woman, who wore a simple red gown with golden silk embroidments at the edge of the fabric.*

    “Hmph! The old man didn’t realize how I was not as dumb as I looked?! Of course I knew he lost that ring, that man has never worn gloves as he worked in the fields! Never mind that then, thank you, adventurer. Please, take this as a token of gratitude.”

    *The woman dug within a small chest on a table and took out a small sack that tinkled with what Flarena assumed Emeralds. She gave the woman a bow and accepted the bag, quickly making haste to the Weaponsmith in hopes of purchasing a more sturdier bow.*

    *Meanwhile, Farmer Kelri took off his glove and smiled at the ring, putting it on his finger. He glanced up and saw his wife, a furious expression played on her face which only made Farmer Kelri freeze in his tracks. She gave a quiet laugh and went inside the cottage, taking back up her book and looking out the window, pondering what ways she should yell at the clumsy man she called a husband before giving herself a small smile at the man’s naiveness*


    Thank You for reading Quest 3 of my Timelapse Challenge! I sincerely hope you enjoy reading these dialogues and Quest 4 - Prison Story will hopefully be written soon!
    Although I do believe it could've been a tad better, I still hope that you enjoy reading these Writings!
    Happy Thanksgiving Break Adventurers!

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
    XavierEXE and Zitrine like this.
  6. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    And now finally for the last main character - Quest 4 - Prison Story!
    **I have explained what the future will hold at the end of this writing - hopefully it can make some form of break for me!**
    With that, please enjoy the last main character reveal of my Wynncraft Quest Timelapse Writings!!

    Relin - Quest 4 - Prison Story

    *In the middle of the night, villagers would swear that they see a shadow moving swiftly throughout the city, as if it were a ghost or some form of spirit. What they did not know was that it was actually an adventurer, more so an Assassin. The Assassin jumped from rooftop to rooftop in the Ragni kingdom, keeping only to himself as he went about the city. Finally, he approached the Ragni prison, guards patrolling around the building with slightly lit lanterns that swung lazily in the breeze. When the patrol went to another section of the kingdom, the Assassin swiftly climbed down the cottage he was on and rushed inside, eyeing an old villager in a cell to his right.*

    “You must be Ooni...part of the Resistance I believe?”

    *The old villager jumped up from his makeshift bed of hay and gave a nod. The Assassin was still confused as to what this “Resistance” was actually against, but he held his tongue and listened to the villager who spoke in breathless whispers.”

    “Indeed, young one...Listen to me, and listen close..I have almost managed to escape this forsaken prison, but a Rat took the key of this here cell to the sewers of the city...If you could perhaps retrieve it from there, the Resistance would be most grateful for it..”

    *The Assassin gave a soft sigh and stood up, making his way to the door when the old villager called out to him again.*

    “And do not forget, young Relin...the Resistance still knows what you have done…”

    *Ooni gave a malicious smile as Relin froze in his tracks, shaking his head slightly as he sprinted out into the night, the cool breeze was harsh on Relin’s face as he ran, but he ignored the pain and eyed the sewer tunnel that was above the moat of the castle. Gritting his teeth, he traversed down the cliff-side and took out a dagger that he stole from the Training Garden, decorated elaborately with crests and symbols.*

    “That rotten old man still hasn’t forgotten...no matter. I hope he gets caught again...no one needs to know…”


    *Relin gagged at the stench of the sewers, rotten corpses of rats and other grotesque objects littered both the side path of the sewers and the water in it. He cupped the lower portion of his face with one hand and clutched the dagger with another, making his way down the sewage paths with careful grace.*

    *Hearing a high pitch squeal, Relin froze and looked down the corridor path to his left. A small rat, with light grey fur and feet that barely poked over its body, was nestling the cell key against a few rocks. Seeing Relin, the small rat squealed in surprise and scampered down the sewage path, knocking against the key which splashed silently into sewage water. Relin growled and went down the corridor, holding his breath as he moved his hand through the sewage water, hoping that the key was still there. Gripping the edge of the small key, he held it above the water and frantically took out a cloth, wiping his hand clean of the foul water and threw it in a pile of trash that probably a villager piled. *

    “Huh. That lonesome creature of a rat followed the old man? And even managed to swipe the key from him? Hah!”

    *Relin smirked at the thought of the clever rat and sheathed his dagger back into its holster, placing the key within his cloak pocket as to avoid losing it. With swift elegance, Relin retraced his steps through the sewers and went back to see the old villager.*


    *Dawn began to break as Relin approached the prison, guards snoring loudly from their posts as Relin silently crouched behind a stone pillar several feet away. Quietly maneuvering himself through the posts, he stared at Ooni with a blank expression, who looked back at him with delight - seeming as if he were expecting Relin.*

    “Well done Assassin...perhaps the Resistance would be willing to take you back...if you make your amends?”

    “I told you before and I will say it again, I refuse to become a part of your pathetic resistance. Now either you can take this key or I will throw it back down into the sewers where it belongs.”

    *A guard shuffled in his sleep and Relin held his breath, not wary that he was that audible to the men. He threw the key at the old villager, who managed to barely catch it with his wrinkled hands. From his pocket, he took out a key of his own, slightly battered from age and also bearing a crest of the Ragni citadel.*

    “Perhaps this will appease to you..assassin? There are stories and myths in that sewer, but also treasure to those bold enough to find it. Fortune does favor the bold, Relin.”

    *Relin snatched the key from the ground where Ooni slid it from his cell and made his way his way back to the rooftops of the cottages, refusing to allow himself to think of Ooni’s propositions of fake rewards and glory. He clenched his dagger holster as he walked briskly past villagers, who stared back at him with confusion - sensing that something wasn’t at ease with the adventurer.*

    *Ooni smiled fondly at the prison as he quickly walked to a local tavern, appeased with the idea that his freedom was given back to him. Entering the tavern, he saw the man that he was looking for - a figure draped in black garbs with a scar that ran down his left cheek, seeming to have been healed from time before. Ooni took a seat across from his as two cups of water were placed in front of the duo.*

    “It seems there are a few adventurers who have peeked your interest? Should we perhaps look into them?"

    *The cloaked figure waved his hand in the air, dismissing the idea from the conversation. Ooni creased his brow, slightly angered as to why he would not think of this as an important matter.*

    “Let them follow their paths. We shall see when they will cross paths and then take it from there. This is no matter of a scavenger hunt Ooni...more so, as a hunting session.”

    *The black cloaked figure silently laughed to himself as Ooni looked out of the window of the tavern, wondering how these adventurers would face the troubles that are out for them. He took a sip of his water to clear his thoughts and went back to paying attention to the figure, listening to him as he discussed his plans for these “Fortunate” adventurers*


    End Of Act 1 - Insightful Beginnings


    Thank You for reading Act 1 of my Wynncraft Quest Timelapse Writing!

    This is supposed to set the stage for what is to become the main focal point of the Questing, Act 2 - Heroic Adventures.

    I sincerely hope you have enjoyed the writings so far and are content with the characters, there are of course another batch of classes to contend with!!

    Until then, potentially later on this week I will provide the next few quests of Act 2 and maybe even coming up with plans of the other class characters.

    With that, have a fantastic and cheery Thanksgiving everyone!

    Sincerely, From An Aspiring Author,


    *He closes the book...for now.*
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
    XavierEXE and Zitrine like this.
  7. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    This is awesome! Can't wait to read the rest! :3
    andydreww likes this.
  8. PadfootNBlack

    PadfootNBlack Memerific mage and Retired ??? Gunter

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    This is pretty good! You have an interesting style between separating the quotes and actions/appearances, it's cool!
    The only thing I can think of as constructive criticism is work on comma splices. I have only had time to fully read the first and skim the rest, but work on implementing some semi colons or some of the other methods.
    But seriously tho, this is good.
    andydreww likes this.
  9. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Ah, my thanks! I have been testing it out in the writing I'm currently doing as a start for Act 2; Noted and Thankful for the advice!!
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2016
    Zitrine likes this.
  10. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Well now that I have taken far too long of a break (My apologies as well, life is slightly made of trash ;-;),
    I finally managed to create some writings. Granted how just today I finished this one; apologies again for my delay.

    But now and hopefully, I'm back writing my Wynncraft Timelapse Challenge, a challenge I set myself for being an Aspiring Author. So now sit and relax and perhaps enjoy the beginning Quest for Act 2 - Heroic Adventures.


    Act 2 - Heroic Adventures


    Flarena & Sylvania - Quest 5 - Cook Assistants

    *The audible curses and screams of anger could be heard from where Sylvania and Flarena stood, the middle of the day offering them warmth despite the furious winds that threw Sylvania’s cloak about her. Flarena covered her ears with her hood while Sylvania rolled her eyes and dragged Flarena along to meet the man, slightly cross with the request the King ordered them with. “Such a simple task” in reality meant to be a runner for the Cook while the King attended a meeting Knight Tobias had organized. Sylvania approached the door, Flarena’s wrist still in her hand and with a grunt, she kicked the door open; the door collapsed to the ground and the Cook turned around with a startled expression in his eyes, turning his aggression towards Sylvania.*

    “You pesky adventurer! Have you ever had the decency to knock, or is that the way you greet strangers?”

    *Sylvania dropped her grip on Flarena and whirled her spear out in front of her, meeting the man’s eyes with a cold expression on her face.*

    “Pesky?! Who are you calling pesky, I would oh so enjoy the sight of you bustling about the kingdom collecting ingredients, but you don’t see me complaining?”

    *The Cook picked up the nearest knife; a blade with a wooden handle yet having a stout blade with several scratches of use on it. Before he had the chance to throw the knife, Flarena quickly knocked an arrow and shot it at the Cook’s hand - the arrow collided with the knife and spun away from the Cook, landing with an audible strike against the wall. The Cook whirled around and faced Flarena, her brow creased and her expression slightly agitated.*

    “I understand how we are all a bit rough due to how today is the coronation of the Knights of Ragni, but I presume how we would celebrate if these cakes are to be made?”

    “...Indeed. Listen you two, here’s the deal. You bother to collect the last ingredients I need for the King’s cake, then I might reward you with graciousness. Done?”

    *Flarena took a quick glance at Sylvania - Sylvania gave her a curt nod and sheathed back her spear, sighing softly and rolling her shoulders back to remove the ache she awoke with this morning.*

    “Very well Cook. What do you need for your...cake.”

    “You better listen carefully, ignorant warrior, I won’t repeat myself. I request two eggs, you should be able to find them in Katoa’s Ranch if you scavenge outside the kingdom’s walls. Next, I need a bucket of milk, Katoa’s Ranch will also provide that if you manage to seek the Ranch out. Finally, I request three stalks of wheat; there’s a farmer around the Training Garden that has a small house out beside the Garden, perhaps you would be able to seek him out.”

    *Sylvania gave a curt nod and exited the Bakery, Flarena quickly trailing behind her. The Archer thought curiously as to why this Warrior was so hostile, but she discarded the thought and followed her to the farmer, the wind she thought mindlessly was getting slightly more vicious.*


    *Flarena grunted from the wheat as it bristled against her skin, questioning why Sylvania thought it would be a wonderful idea if she carried the bundle and her the rest of the ingredients. She pondered why this woman seemed to have such a brash persona, but dismissed the thought as the duo approached the Bakery once more.*

    *The Cook was preparing several baskets of colorful pastries as Sylvania barged inside; his face filled with shock as Sylvania placed the bucket of milk beside the furnace and the eggs on the small table.*

    “T-That fast?! How did you even convince the farmer to lend you the wheat?!”

    *Flarena thought back to the encounter with the farmer who tended his crops as Sylvania approached him. The farmer gave her a smile, but Sylvania still was feisty after being tasked with such a ridiculous errand. She offered the farmer several emeralds in exchange for the wheat bundle; her expression seemed to have filled the farmer with dread as he raced inside towards his storage. Sylvania glanced behind and flashed a wink as the farmer laid the bundle of wheat down on to the ground; she pressed the emeralds into his palm as she collected the bundle from the ground. Sylvania went up to her and placed the bundle in her hands instead, making haste towards Katoa Ranch for the milk and eggs.*

    “....No matter. Thank you, my ladies. Please, help yourself.”

    *The Cook pointed with his knife towards a small pouch across the room along with a cluster of blue potions that swirled light inside of them. Sylvania went forward with interest as she picked up one of the potions, eyeing it with suspicion.*

    “Calm down girl. Mana potions won’t kill you...if you’re careful that is.”

    *Flarena went to Sylvania's side and began to split the emeralds, leaving a few extra ones to Sylvania. Noticing this, Sylvania drew a long sigh and slid one of the Mana potions towards her, rolling her eyes with a ghost of a smile as Flarena eyes widened. Collecting their reward, the duo left the Bakery as the Cook finished the final decorations of the King’s cake; a castle of white with the ragni flag designed along the side. Glancing at the road with citizens parading down with festiveness, the Cook gathered his baskets and cakes and went out to his stand, laying out the treats as citizens congregated around him. His mind whirled at the constant demands as Sylvania and Flarena went out the castle gates, creasing their brows as what they saw were two men rushing out of the Nivla forest, a swarm of dark spiders seeming to chase them. Without hesitation, Sylvania rushed towards them with her spear sheathed out and Flarena pursued her, knocking an arrow to her bow.*


    ~~Feedback is always welcomed and I sincerely hoped you enjoyed a revival of my writings. Thank You for reading them!~~

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
    XavierEXE likes this.
  11. UniversalJustice

    UniversalJustice Zhight Lord

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    Nice stories, however, I came here thinking it was a time lapse of wynncraft quest .-.
    andydreww likes this.
  12. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Fixed in the title, my apologies for the confusion!
  13. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    2 Writings In 2 Days? Who am I?! In any case, here is the second duo quest of Trention and Relin.

    (Also, News - One of my dear friends has made some concept art of the characters so far!!
    She is currently finishing Relin, but Sylvania, Trention, and Flarena have been sketched based black and white
    If you wish to see them, I may either post the pictures on the thread consistently or PM you.
    Since they aren't colored, if you also wish to know some color schemes, send me a message and I'll share the ideas!!)

    But now, enjoy Relin's & Trention's Quest! Additional Information is after the story itself.

    Trention & Relin - Quest 6 - The Spider Cave

    *The Mage rushed after the Assassin with discontent as the night sky twinkled above them with constellations of famous heroes and cities. He gritted his teeth at the thought of how he was the partner of this man who clearly was more agile than he would ever be. Even with his teleportation spell, he couldn’t outpace the Assassin himself as he approached the male villager that was their contact.*

    “So, you two seem to be my...contacts?...Hmph, so this is what the Ragni militia can muster up.”

    *As he spoke, Trention knelled down and breathed heavily from running after Relin; Relin merely dismissed his pain and turned back to the villager. He sheathed out his daggers and they sparkled from the moonlight, seeming as if he thought how there was more to it than what he originally thought of this villager.

    “What is it villager. Speak quickly before you bore me with my impatience.”

    “My my, what a brash young man! Hmph. Hatath, assassin...and mage. If you two seemed to have been the ones to accept my favor, then so be it. Allow me to explain. There’s a rare ingredient in the cave to the right of me, a stalk called Saccharum, which holds alchemist properties. If you were to say collect some of these stalks, I shall reward you two for your...efforts.”

    *Relin gritted his teeth as Trention stood back up, glancing at the cave near them. The entrance was thick with overgrown vegetation of vines and thorns and what he saw, the cave seemed to have a downward slope. His mind whirled with the possible danger, but Relin was already stepping forwards to the entrance. Taking up his ashy and blazed staff, he trailed behind as Hatath gave a malicious grin.*

    “...Perhaps not telling them about the spiders could...assist them.”


    *Trention lit the end of his staff with a flame as Relin and himself descended down the stone and dirt slope. He could feel like he was being watched and Relin felt the same way as well - something wasn’t right. As Relin slashed away several strands of vine, he gasped quietly and Trention peeked around him.*

    *A beautiful pond stood at the center of the a cavern; lily pads dotted the water’s surface and what seemed to be the Saccharum grew from the shore. Vines and rose bushes were scattered across the ground and what seemed to be small bite marks were evident on the grass.*

    *Relin stepped forward towards the pond when a high pitch shriek echoed around them. Sheathing out his daggers, he wildly looked around as a small black and dark spider the size of a watermelon leaped out from the shadows, its red eyes glistened like rubies at him. Ducking down, Relin stabbed at it as it flew above him and it called out in agony as it dissolved into black ash from the wound.*

    “What in the name of the Province was that thing?!....Trention!”

    *Trention gasped and whirled around as a small cluster of the spiders began to crawl down the wall, leaping down to the ground. They clanged their fangs together as Trention took several steps back towards Relin. In that time, Relin already hacked away at several stalks of Saccharum and nestled them inside his cloak.*

    “Well Relin….seems this is as much as a good time to bond. I’ll take the ones on the wall?”

    *Relin gave a slightly surprised expression at Trention as he flashed a wild smile at him. Creasing his brow, he sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, throwing one of his hunting knives at a spider. It crumpled on to the floor and dissolved into the same black dust. Several spiders already encircled the duo as they readied themselves for combat.*

    *The first spider lunged at Trention, shrieking out a cry of blood-lust. Trention muttered a quick incantation and a blaze of fire erupted from his staff, turning the spider to ash. With that, a second spider lunged through the steam and nearly struck at Trention if not for Relin’s quick draw of his dagger. The spider was sent into the water as it hissed in pain from one of its legs being sliced off. Trention looked up and eyed a small cluster of spiders scaling down the wall; with his staff, he spun his staff around him and slammed the end on to the ground, summoning a spire of fire whirling at the spiders. Several cried out in pain while others crumpled mid-air into the black ash.*

    *Relin was busy in close combat with several spiders. They lashed out at him with speed unnatural to him, but he still held his ground, determined not to allow Trention in danger. Suddenly, the spider from Trention’s initial blast resurfaced on to the shore and scrambled towards him. Relin threw a dagger at it but it slid past the shot and lunged at him. He ducked, but the spider still dug its fangs into his cloak, tearing a piece of it off. The cloak suddenly began to dissolve into the same black ash as the spiders were being slayed with and Relin quickly threw his cloak into the pond, the water itself turning to black.*

    “Trention, we need to leave, now!”

    *Snatching the mage’s hand, he rushed up the slope of the cave as spiders shrieked at their departure. They scampered up the slope, several tumbling back down from already being wounded from Trention or Relin...or both!*


    *Hatath snickered to himself as he saw the two men rush out of the cave from the tree branch he was perched on. He saw the Assassin gripping the Mage’s hand as they ran, the Mage he saw blushed slightly as he waved flickering flames at the cluster of spiders pursuing them. He slumped back into the shade of the tree as he took note of the two men when suddenly glancing up the path of the Nivla forest, he saw two women, a warrior and an archer, hastily making their way to the men.*


    As you saw, this was my attempt of creating a tad bit of romance within the stories, as well as that my first ever attempt of writing Romance.
    I debated whether to scrap or use the idea but for this first series of writing I'm doing, I'm gonna try and use it.

    With that, thank you for reading this section of the writings! The next quest, Underwater, will feature ALL 4 characters!
    My thanks to all of those who read these stories! It does help inspire me to write more and I can't thank that enough :)

    Adieu Fellow Adventurers!
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
    XavierEXE likes this.
  14. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    My sincerest apologies, I was going to post the quest yesterday but time must have slipped past me and I forgot to do so.
    But, this is the longest writing I have done so far, so I hope it will make up for my absence!

    With that, here is Quest 7, Underwater!
    (A Key for the dialogue is also posted onto the First Story of the thread. Should also be recognizable within this chapter, so thank you for understanding!
    I have heeded the call of Dark Theme Users and I hope this will make up for my...awkwardness (xD))

    Wynn Province - Quest 7 - Underwater

    *Flarena let loose the arrow she knocked and sent it spiraling over the two men, the cry of a spider echoed in the forest as it crumpled to dust. Sylvania stepped forward as the two men ran behind her, twirling her spear around and slicing a spider in two, the black aura that clung to them dissipating into the night. The spiders, realizing they were beginning to become out matched, crept back into the depths of the forest, their ruby red eyes still glaring at them. Flarena and Sylvania looked at the two men and Sylvania gave a malicious and knowing smile while Flarena giggled quietly. Relin, his brow creased, glanced down at the hold of Trention’s hand; he leapt back several feet and blushed slightly, Trention already a dark crimson. Flarena exploded in a bright laughter as Sylvania chuckled softly and offered her hand.*

    “A pleasure, gentlemen. Sylvania. That is Flarena. Would you care to explain that...adventure you both experienced?”

    *Relin was in so much of a shock that he fumbled for words. Thankfully, Trention cleared his throat and loosened the tight clutch of his robe collar from his neck, feeling slightly more hot than what he usually felt from his robes...and his robes weren’t the problem he faced.*

    “Good evening, my ladies. I am Trention...the man over there is Relin. We were both sent for a favor of Hadath, when suddenly the cave we were exploring came to life with the spiders you both slayed. We still haven’t seen the man himself after his explanation of his request for Saccharum, but we haven’t bothered since we were...pursued.”

    *Flarena calmed herself down and joined Sylvania’s side as the group conversed. Upon further discussion, they all made their way back down the Emerald Trail and entered the Ragni main gates; festivities were still evident as village children laughed and danced to the beat of folk songs. Stepping out from the bank, the Ragni King himself eyed the small group and waved a hand to them, motioning them to hither towards him.*

    “Adventurers! I heard you all made quite a name for yourselves. Perhaps it is time we sent you out into the Province for further use. Here, Sylvania I believe?”

    *The King took from his robe a small scroll made of pale yellow parchment secured with a blue ribbon. Sylvania took the scroll and opened it, Flarena and Trention reading at her side while Relin stood above them. The King, noticing them reading, continued to talk of his idea*

    “The village of Maltic has a request for aid. Omango, one of the sailors of the village, has discovered a shipwreck on the coast of the village and desires for a group of adventurers to explore the ship. You depart within several minutes.”

    *Sylvania glanced up and raised her eyebrows in surprise. Trention and Flarena both held expressions of shock while Relin had a sly grin across his face at the news.*

    “Well then, we shall depart to Maltic then. Thank you for the offer, my King.”

    *The King gave a bow to the group and strode back to the castle where it glittered in the night sky with its brilliant stone towers and flags that castes red and yellow waves of light. Sylvania turned to the group as the caravan for them rattled behind her, the two black horses neighed as they halted.*

    “Let us make haste! Come along everyone, let us see where fate and adventure takes us next.”

    *Sylvania took her seat as Flarena entered the caravan beside her. As Trention entered the caravan, he glimpsed back at Relin and saw him staring back at him. Averting his eyes, Trention entered the caravan and took the seat in front of Sylvania as Relin sat beside him. The caravan driver whipped at her horses and they began to follow a coastal trail east of Ragni as the moonlight shown its reflection across the still water.*


    *Omango woke with a sudden start as the raspy voices of horses approached him. Sitting up from a piece of scrap wood from the shipwreck, he gave a wave to the caravan driver and she bustled towards him. Stopping her horses, the group of adventurers walked towards Omango, their appearances were quite...foreign to Omango.*

    “Ah! Adventurers! Please, Omango needs help! This ship appeared this morning and Omango don’t know what to do! Omango need help!”

    *Sylvania clenched her fist to help her restrain from giving a good punch to the man’s constant demands. Flarena patted her shoulder and walked towards Omango.*

    “Very well, Omango. What do you wish from us?”

    “There’s a man named Sayrr, one of Omango’s sailing partners! He has “Breathing Cap” that can let adventurer breath underwater. Sayrr wants bargain for Cap; Three Pigmen Meats and a Bucket of Milk to wash it down!”

    *Relin rolled his eyes at the thought of another errand to run; Sylvania already fumed with anger of the thought itself. While Flarena conversed with Omango about Sayrr, Trention took in the scene - the ship itself seemed to have been from a wealthy captain, the sails still intact to the ship itself despite the damage being dealt from the rocky shores. He walked towards Omango and Flarena as they finished discussing where to find Sayrr.*

    “Well, where would we find him?”

    “Apparently he has his own ship out in the water due East of here. We’ll find it later; in the meantime, we should split up for this. Sylvania and I will go...barter a bucket of milk from Katoa’s Ranch. Maybe you and Relin can...find some pigmen meat?”

    “Yeah...Sounds good. Let’s get to it then.”


    *Flarena gave a curt nod and motioned Sylvania to follow her back up the trail the caravan driver rode back from. Sylvania gave a last glare to Omango as she walked away, the villager himself feeling slightly startled from the woman’s aggressive demeanor.*

    *Approaching Katoa’s Ranch, Flarena bartered with a farmer several emeralds for a spare bucket that he had. Handing it over, she walked over to a cow while Sylvania kept a stern watch over the area. Still displeased with Omango’s tone of treating them as servants, she began to practice her combat skills against a tree outside of the Ranch.

    “Pesky man...how dare he treat Sylvania Styrl with that attitude! Making us run about the kingdom, collecting trivial items of food and drink for another pesky villager. If we fare combat, he better-”

    *Flarena sighed as she walked out of the Ranch’s gate, her hands clutched the milk bucket’s handle as she descended down the gravel and dirt slope.*

    “Come on Sylvania! We better move fast, who knows if the boys are waiting for us!”

    “Hmm...True. Very well.”

    *Sylvania sheathed back her spear, a form of an upgrade from the Ragni barracks that suited her better than her makeshift one from her village. Following Flarena, she herself pondered on how Trention and Relin were fairing collecting the Pigment meat.*


    *Trention walked in the same directions towards Katoa’s Ranch with Relin trailing him, but instead followed the Emerald Trail towards a small cave. A sign with red splotches of paint wrote “LEAVE CAVE…”, which caused Trention to crease his brow and Relin to nonchalantly enter.*

    *Entering inside, Relin saw a group of farmers hunching about as they worked in the cave, their clothes stained with what he thought of was blood.*

    “How wonderful...well, where’s th-”

    *One of the Pigmen farmers turned around from the muttering and pointed a stubby finger at Relin*

    “Stealer! Thief!! Men, seize him!”

    *Relin sighed and sheathed out his twin daggers; with that, the Pigmen farmers began to circle around him while Trention hid atop of the small cliff inside of the cave. His eyes darted towards a small crate where several pieces of freshly cooked meat seemed to have been placed. Whispering an incantation, a silent wisp of air teleported him at the crate and he began to pack his satchel full of the meat.*

    *Meanwhile, Relin was parrying club strikes that the Pigmen farmers swung. His grace and elegance was too much for the farmers as the clubs would swing in the air, knocking down crates and small lamps. Trention watched in awe for a few moments and shook his head, flashing back to reality. He gripped his staff and muttered the same incantation, the wisp of air sending him to the cave entrance.*

    “Relin! We need to go, before the- Relin!!”

    *A blaze of fire from the lamps crossed over to a small sack of gunpowder and created a fierce explosion; the Pigmen farmers yelped in surprise as several of them were caught on fire from the flames that rained down upon them. Seeing his chance, Relin dashed up the slope of the cave and ran across the fields towards a trail leading to Maltic. Trention gave a last sorrow look at the Pigmen’s dilemma and hurried after Relin.*


    *Flarena and Sylvania went to the shore of where Sayrr’s ship was docked. The tiny vessel was several dozen meters away - suddenly, a loud wave of moaning came from strangely underneath the duo. Sylvania sheathed out her spear while Flarena looked out onto the ship from the coastline.*

    “Flarena! Get that milk to the ship, I’ll handle what’s going on here.”


    “Just Go!”

    *Flarena gave a curt nod and went to the coast. She muttered several words and Sylvania even took a glance back at her. A gust of wind enveloped around Flarena and she was propelled out to the ocean. As she began to fall to the water, she would then spring back up into the air, as if the water was merely the ground itself. Sylvania shook her head and went back to defending the shore.*


    *Relin and Trention trampled down the field towards the coast of Maltic. As they came towards the coastline, they saw two figures; one was bouncing across the water and the other seemed to be in a defensive stance. As they both approached the figure, the Earth shattered into a severe crack; black ash rose from the crevice and dark shadows of skeletons began to form, wearing elaborate chain armor and steel yet not having any physical form.*

    “Trention…you have the meat, correct?”


    “Follow Flarena. Get the Helmet. Sylvania and I will cover you. Go, make haste.”

    *Trention then rushed to the shore; he muttered an incantation and began to teleport across the surface of the water, being graceful as he casted his spell. Relin went to Sylvania’s side and she gave a nod with a sly smile.*

    “Well Assassin? Care to dance?”

    “Relin mind you. And I’m afraid you may be right..”

    *The Skeleton shadows began to circle the duo. One gave a sharp cry that sounded of branches snapping and without mercy, the skeletons began to charge. Sylvania and Relin readied themselves for the gauntlet they were about to face…*


    *Meanwhile, Flarena and Trention had boarded Sayrr’s ship. The captain looked to them as he lowered his telescope, seeing the conflict Sylvania and Relin were about to face.*

    “Oh ho ho. A Mage and an Archer. To what do I-”

    *Trention blazed a small fire at his palm and Flarena gave the man a cold stare. She dropped the bucket of milk onto the ground, letting it sit there as she stared.*

    “The Helmet, Captain Sayrr.”

    *The Captain growled and went inside his office; a small commotion of noise was inside and he returned with a small blue helmet made of leather straps that emitted a teal aura.*

    “Where’s the meat, Humans.”

    *Trention reached inside his satchel and took out the pieces of meat that were held within a small yet tame fire sphere. He rested the meat onto a table, steam rising from its cooking of the fire. The Captain gave a harsh chuckled and tossed Flarena the helmet.*

    “Be wary, Humans. That girl is the only size that fits the Helmet. If you want anything done, she’s the only one who can do so.”

    *Flarena remained silent and Trention muttered a thank you. He gripped Flarena’s wrist and muttered his incantation - they began to dart across the water towards the battle Sylvania and Relin were fighting.*


    *Sylvania growled in rage as one of the skeleton’s hands gripped the end of her spear. She gave it a brutal kick to the leg and the bones collapsed underneath it. Swirling her spear around, she gave a cut at the skeleton’s head and it crumpled to white dust. Whirling around, she saw Relin dancing a dagger battle with another skeleton, its daggers more curved and vicious looking than Relin’s simple bladed ones. She swiped at another skeleton and rushed towards Relin.*

    *The skeleton was more graceful than Relin anticipated, ducking under his swipes as it swung back at him. Relin yelped in pain as the dagger slashed his shoulder, red seeping out from his cloak. He rolled away from the skeleton and dashed to the shoreline, the skeleton pursuing him. As the skeleton ran towards him with its daggers raised, Relin side-stepped away and shoved the skeleton into the water. It cried out in pain as it began to dissolve into a white mush that sat on the surface of the water. Relin gave a disgusted look and turned to Sylvania as she waved her spear into the air.*


    *Trention teleported onto the shore and collapsed to his knees, breathing heavily as Flarena helped him back up. He felt his mana, his Arcana that the mages taught him at the Magi Academy, weaken after using his spell for so long. Glancing up, he saw Sylvania and Relin rush towards them, a few skeletons slowly trailing after them. Flarena stepped in front of them as they rushed past and knocked several arrows; her eyes blazed a bright green and she fired the arrows. The arrows seemed to have multiply several times as they flew through the air and struck several of the skeletons, knocking them to the the ground where they dissolved into the white dust. Flarena turned to them as Relin laid on the ground, gritting his teeth as Trention tended to his wounds. She looked at the Helmet in her satchel and drew it out, placing it on her head. A rush of air filled her lungs and she gasped in shock, feeling as if she could take a swim in the ocean for hours.*

    “We must go. Omango’s waiting for us and we need to get him off of our backs.”


    *As the group reached the shipwreck, Omango showed them a small breach into the hull of the ship. A small narrow hole led down into blackness and he looked up at Flarena.*

    “Good Luck....”

    *Flarena nodded and jumped into the water, sinking downwards into the darkness of the ship. Oddly enough, she felt relatively fine under the water and began to descend further down.*

    *Several moments later, a rush of water descended behind her and she floated through the water, screaming in fear. As she landed onto a cobbled and mossed floor, she looked up with awe-struck eyes; a pile of emeralds and jewels sat gleaming inside of a treasure chest. She gave a small squeal of surprise and rushed to it, her own reflection clear to the light green emeralds. She began to fill the pouch Omango gave to her with the emeralds and jewels and took another deep breath as she swam back up the way she went, the water coursing through her as she ascended up with an alarming speed.*


    *Omango gave a yelp as Flarena launched out from the breach of the ship, the pouch of the treasure flying up into the air. Omango caught it and gave a “hoorah” of approval, looking back to the small group.*

    “My thanks ladies and gentlemen. Now if you excuse me, I have some business to take care of.”

    *Sylvania stood up with a snap and sheathed out her spear, pointing the end of it to Omango’s back.*

    “Don’t. You. Dare. Split the treasure, or else I will make sure you don’t have any left after I deal with you.”

    *The sailor quickly dug inside the pouch and threw several fistful of the emeralds and jewels at her. He stumbled up the gravel pathway and waved towards an ongoing caravan driver to take him to Maltic. Ironically, it was the same woman that took Sylvania, Flarena, Trention, and Relin who gave only a wave to the group. As Sylvania gave an affirming nod, the caravan driver continued to bustle along its merry way while Omango yelled after it in agitation.*

    *Sylvania collected the fallen emeralds and jewels into her pouch and returned to the small group, crossing her arms as she stood over Trention and Relin sitting underneath a large tree while Flarena hung upside down from a tree branch.*

    “What a pathetic waste of our time! Ack, and to think I was going to receive better than pieces of a century old treasure..”

    *Flarena gave a small squeal of joy and even Trention and Relin looked up in a confused expression.*

    “We’re officially adventurers!..We’re all still going to adventure together, right..?”

    *Sylvania gave an eye roll but let loose a small chuckle...followed by Trention stifling a laugh and even Relin who gave a wide smile. Flarena laughed in joy and shrieked as she fell from the low branch. Sylvania, Relin, and Trention rushed towards her only to have her spring back up, dusting off her garments with a sheepish smile.*


    I have developed this color coding system as a way to let readers distinguish between texts.
    Granted, I may need to revise it in future chapters due to how I think it's not as prominent as it could be, but I will hopefully update it in the next chapters and so forth.
    My thanks for you reading this WAY over-due chapter.
    Merry Christmas Eve Adventurers. Tomorrow I shall give my own gift to the Christmas Tree ;)

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
  15. Endertricity

    Endertricity Assorted Mini Quiche VIP

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    o noice another writer
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  16. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Happy New Years Eve Adventurers, Let Me Make This Short.
    A little later I will post an Update Thread for this forum story and as well as plans for 2017 given Winter Break will be over soon.
    For now however, I will post 2 Quests today so that tomorrow I could get a head start on some more.
    More information will be given in several hours from this post. As well as that, the other chapter quest will be posted shortly after.
    So please, enjoy the next quest of our Gavel Province Adventurers, Elemental Exercise!

    Wynn Province - Quest 8 - Elemental Exercise

    *As dawn broke in the Ragni Kingdom, the group of adventurers ventured inside the Nivla forest in hopes of finding items to trade with the merchants for their journey to the citadel of the Province, Detlas. Flarena and Trention were skirmishing with several of the dark spiders they initially encountered, making short work of them as they roamed around the forest. Meanwhile, Relin and Sylvania were gathering herbs and mushrooms for the potion makers and witches that lived in Ragni.*

    *A fireball suddenly blazed down the forest and struck a nearby bush, setting it alight. Trention sprinted towards the plant and waved his staff over the fires; the black smoke of the fire began to lessen and the bush was only mildly burnt from the fireball’s impact. Sylvania sheathed out her spear as a villager with several aprons draped across his chest stepped forward, his face offered a meek expression of embarrassment.*

    “Oh D-Dear! My apologies adventurers, it seems I haven’t thought anyone would be out and about at this hour of day..”

    *Trention gave a sour look at the villager while Relin took the opportunity to sneak around him. Flarena gave a wide eyed expression to Relin, but averted her eyes back to the villager as he spoke about his research.*

    “As I was saying, you may have known that several creatures in the forest have...weaknesses. Currently, my team and I are constructing research on them. Please, fol-”

    *The villager turned around only to see Relin already at the campsite, glancing around the tents with interest as another villager busied himself with a large book. Relin casted his shadow over the man and he yelped from surprise, dropping the book and scrambling inside of a tent.*

    “Suri! Oh, for Wynn’s sake...come along then, Ragon is the name.”

    *Sylvania stepped forward, her spear still in her hand as she offered Ragon her other.*

    “Sylvania. The archer and mage behind me are Flarena and Trention. That assassin you see before you is Relin as well.”

    *Ragon gave a slightly shocked nod and motioned for the small adventurers to gather around his tent as he stepped inside. The noises of shuffled papers and moved books were audible as he stepped back out once more.*


    *Ragon presented Sylvania with a small red book that emitted a crimson aura through its pages. The book had a warmth to it as she held it and Sylvania gave a confused look, wondering what this “Spellbook” had to offer.*

    “Allow us to explain. Take this spellbook to Suri and he shall exchange it for one of our fire infused weapons. There is a cage near here with a wooden creature that we would like for you to battle with.”

    *Relin and Trention gave a worried glance to each other while Flarena frowned slightly. Sylvania paid no mind to it and went inside Suri’s tent, settling the book down onto a crate. Suri took the book and muttered a few words to it; the spell-book began to dissolve into a red dust and from it glowed a dark red and black spear. This spear had several engravings on its framework and Sylvania gasped in awe. She took the spear and exited the camp, eyeing the cage that hung several dozen meters away from her. She took several steps and the wooden creature roared angrily and shook the cage, collapsing the woodwork to the ground. It stood up from the wreckage and aimed its eyes at Sylvania, barreling towards her in a barbaric run.*


    *The creature had a mix of wooden and green flesh limbs that seemed to have connected with one another, forming itself as a form of construct. Flarena knocked an arrow and fired at the creature, but it raised an arm and took the blow of the arrow, seeming to feel nothing as it continued its charge. Relin called out to Sylvania as she stood in the way of the creature, her feet planted firmly into a defensive stance.*

    “Sylvania! Run!!”

    *As he spoke, the creature took a gallant leap at Sylvania...only to be struck down as she speared the creature’s chest. It roared as fire licked at its wooden composition, smoke already blooming from the wound. Several moments later, it hung limp on the spear and Sylvania slammed the body onto the ground, the creature bursting into a powder of red and black dust.*


    *Ragon gave an approving smile and went towards a small cave; a tree blocked the entrance-way and Suri glanced over him, a puzzling look played on his face.*

    “Sylvania is it not? Would you mind striking this tree here? There is a root that I heard of called “Scorch” that needs to be burnt by fire in order to acquire its magical properties. Do you mind striking this tree here?”

    *Trention, Relin, and Flarena stepped forward, glaring daggers at Ragon as Sylvania stepped forwards towards the cave. Trention gave a glance to Sylvania and stared at Ragon.*

    “We are not here to dabble with your elemental research, Ragon. There is still much more we need to-”

    *Sylvania shrieked in terror as the flames of the spear spread rapidly across the base of the tree. The Earth sunk under her and a small rockslide collapsed behind her, pushing her down and causing her to tumble inside of the cave. The black smoke whirled around the cave as Sylvania coughed, barely managing to pull herself deeper into the cave to avoid suffocation. She gave a last look back at the smoke spiraling around the entrance and hoped that an escape was within this cave.*

    *Relin held a dagger to Ragon’s chest while Trention held his staff behind him. Flarena gripped Relin’s shoulder and he snapped a look at Flarena, his eyes staring right at Flarena’s.*

    “Relin. It’s alright. Sylvania is the strongest out of all of us, she’ll be able to find her way out. Trust me.”

    *Relin snapped his attention back to Ragon and sheathed back his dagger, Trention lowering his staff as Ragon took several steps back. Ragon gave a sly smile to the three of them as he began to dissipate in black ash.*

    “That is if your pathetic leader will find a way out…”

    *As he dissolved, the cave gave a final collapse and sealed itself from the outside world. Relin yelled in anger and Trention hugged Flarena as tears began to stream down her cheek, wishing for a way that she could help Sylvania.*


    *Sylvania moved back several plants and vines as she trekked across the cave, using the fire imbued spear as a torch. She took out her own spear and began to slash at several meek mice that crossed her path, sending them scurrying back to their holes. The smoke clung to her clothes as she moved across the cave, the swirls still blurring her vision as she nearly tripped on an embedded root. Suddenly, several rocks tumbled down in front of her and a small hole presented sunlight from the opening. Sylvania heaved herself up onto a boulder and took a deep breath……*

    *Flarena whirled around as she heard a grunt behind her. She knocked an arrow to her bow and aimed at the noise, the ground seeming to shift slightly as several pebbles and clumps of dirt fell down a hole. Trention and Relin readied their weapons but were astonished when they saw a familiar cloak and face appear as they climbed up the slope. The three of them ran over to Sylvania and helped her out of the cave exit; Flarena gave her an enormous hug while Trention and Relin sighed in relief. Flarena eyed the fire spear Sylvania still had and creased her brow,*

    “Well, what do we do now…?”

    *Sylvania pondered for a moment and went back to the camp site the researchers used and went inside their tents. She gathered up several books on the elemental notes Ragon and Suri had and deposited them in her satchel, exiting the tent in order to investigate whether they left several emeralds behind.*

    *Relin already seemed to be ahead of that as he offered a sly smile to Sylvania with a small pouch in his hands. She rolled her eyes and waved them over, walking back down the Emerald Trail towards the Ragni Kingdom.*

    “Come on! I feel slightly peckish and I desire something that actually tastes like food, not Relin’s attempts of cooking.”

    *Relin gave a scoff and Sylvania gave a taunting smile, rushing down the Emerald Trail. Flarena gave a small giggle and trailed after her while Trention stifled a laugh and gave Relin a pat on the shoulder. Relin rolled his eyes and grabbed Trention’s arm, dragging him along as he complained that he just got his robes cleaned.*


    As I said, more information regarding the story-line of the quests will be told later on today.
    Thank You all for your cooperation and I sincerely hope you enjoyed the Quest Writing.
    Until again, From An Aspiring Author,
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
    Omni_Light and Amun_Ra like this.
  17. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Well, it seems that my disappearance has been too long for me. Although busy, I did finalize my plans for my series of writings and now hopefully I'll be more active on the forums with my writings( I Hope!!)
    In any case, later on I will post the FIRST chapter of my Gavel Province writing series...
    A Province's Journey - The Sister Collection Of A Province's Tale.
    As well as that, my Ocean collection of writings, A Province's Meeting, is still under work, but I'll get to it!!
    (ALL 8 Characters Will Be Included For 1 Crossover!)

    (The Other Two Collections Of Writings Will Have 2 SEPARATE Forum Posts So In Total
    *This One - A Province's Tale
    *#2 - A Province's Journey
    *#3 - A Province's Meeting
    This should hopefully keep my writings more organized and can help you all read them!..I hope!!)

    In any case, here is Quest 10 of A Province's Tale, Creeper Infiltration!

    (If you came from my Gavel Province Writing Thread - Scroll Up!)

    Wynn Province - Quest 10 - Creeper Infiltration

    *The Gavel Adventurers came to a halt as they looked up at the grand canyon in front of them. A sign was nailed against the stone entrance, but the ink seemed to have been weathered away recently. Sylvania was about to step foot when a villager gave a sharp cry. His echo coursed through the granite and stone walls and the group quickly dashed through the canyon.*


    *Flarena gasped in shock as she realized she had let loose her last arrow from her quiver. The odd pink creature she had struck seemed to have collapsed to the ground as Sylvania bashed another one in the skull. Meanwhile, Trention and Relin turned the corner of the canyon passage and eyed a small cove of grass and wooden buildings. Interested, they both rushed up the stairs that ascended to the wooden-sky homes.*


    *Trention and Relin took several deep breathes as a villager crouched down beside a bush, peering between the leaves and giving off a sigh of relief. He pointed a wary finger at one of the papers on the ground and Trention waved his hand in the air; the paper flew silently upwards and towards him and Relin. The picture showed an odd four-legged creature that was multiple shades of green and with dark black eyes. The man shuddered and rose to stand, giving a sheepish expression at the face Relin made, which was confusion at its finest.*

    “P-P-Please, Thomas. Adventurers, that is known to be a Creeper which stalks the canyon grounds. It is heard that they explode whenever someone becomes hostile to them...I have seen their hide away, but none of the guards at Ragni would believe me. Please, help me and I can aid you well.”

    *Trention arched an eyebrow while Relin took another look at this “Creeper”. He shrugged his shoulders, guessing how this little glob of goo wouldn’t harm him. He raised his eyes at Thomas and frowned.*

    “What do you want from us then, Thomas.”

    “One of my friends at Detlas, Alice, is a seamstress. She could forge a mask to look like one of the Creepers for you. I already shown her my picture when she stopped by for tea several days ago.”

    “Then we’ll see to it. Come on Trent, let’s do some shopping.”

    *Trention rolled his eyes and descended down the stairwell, Relin trailing behind. Thomas gave a small smile and barged open the door of his home, closing the door with a slam and peering outside of his window with both fear and wonder at the adventurers.*


    *Flarena’s eyes grew large and she gave a breath of awe as the group approached Detlas. Trention gave a proud smile and even Relin and Sylvania gave a small nod of approval. The capital of the province, Detlas, sure did stand out to be elegant. The stone and wooden walls stood tall and fine as the sun shined its rays on them. Green and black flags flew in the soft wind and guards patrolled on both the wall passages and outside in the fields, wary of wandering adventurers who would be in danger. The group went through the entrance and stood in awe at the grand sand hourglass that hung suspended in the air as if it was levitating. A tower stood beneath it and all around them, villagers moved about and merchant stalls were filled to the brim with both common and exotic goods. People walking from the bank with emeralds in their pockets, the tower enveloped in a slight aura of magic, the air dock that held a small wooden aircraft, and the shops of weaponry and armor made the group feel welcomed to the capital. Sylvania squinted and saw a smaller shop tucked away at a corner, a small sign that said “Alice’s Tailoring - Vestments & Adventuring Gear” was staked in front of the shop. Heading towards the abode, Flarena decided that she would meet some of the local villagers while Trention and Relin went towards the armory shop, pondering what strength and magic could be within the seams and steel.*


    *Sylvania opened the door and it gave a low creak from age. The woman raised her head from the small vest she was sewing and offered a smile. She was an elderly woman with a wrinkled face and brown eyes, but Sylvania could tell how this woman had a strong presence to her; she already began to like her.*

    “Pardon me, Alice? Thomas told me of you. He said I could find you here?”

    “Ah, you know Thomas! Such a nice boy, he always heard of my stories of the past, back when Detlas was just a small trading depot! It always warms my heart to see him, he resembles my own father. Anyways, what can I help you with darling?”

    “He told me of a “mask” that you are able to craft. Is that true?”

    “Of Course miss! I would just need several things however…”

    *Alice ambled over with her cane towards a crate beside the table that held the vest. She sighed and turned around, holding up several strands of string and a small spool of wool.*

    “I believe I haven’t gotten any supplies this past week, so many adventurers have stumbled across Detlas and desired gear. Perhaps you could do me a favor, madame?”

    *Sylvania gave a small smile and held out her hand.*

    “Sylvania, Alice. Now, what must I do?”

    *Alice gave a smile and shook Sylvania’s hand with power. She began to tell her of areas to collect the string and wool, whereas she would go pick an apple from the orchard that stood in the distance of the capital.*


    *Flarena gave several smiles and waves at the villagers and adventurers as she toured the capital. It was exactly as to what her older brother had told; buildings stood with grace yet dignity, people were fond of one another, and the atmosphere itself seemed to have grown warmer and friendlier. A small boy, draped in a mix of wool and leather, took several steps away from a group of fiendishly looking older boys. The leader of them held a basic bow with a red ribbon tied to it above the smaller boy’s head, desperately trying to take it back from them. Flarena was about to march towards them when all of a sudden, Relin appeared behind the leader and muttered something into his ear. The gang of older boys yelled in fear and ran out of the gate besides them, the bow flying in the air and thankfully being caught by the boy. He looked back up but saw that the strange man that helped him was gone. Giving a small nod, he dug in his pockets and pulled out a small emerald block, the second tier of currency that belonged to the Gavel Province. He gave a look at a shop that sold candies of pumpkin and apple but shook his head, leaving the emerald block on the grass. Flarena managed to creep along the side of a stall behind the boy as he muttered...*

    “Thank you…..whoever you were.”

    *The boy smiled to himself and began to rush towards the bank, his mother giving him a small pouch to hold. As they walked away, Relin appeared from thin air and took the emerald block in his hand, stiffening as he heard footsteps behind him.*

    “That was kind of you Relin, I didn’t seem to have realized you had that in you.”

    “Keep it to yourself, Flarena. I wish to not speak of this.”

    *Relin lowered his scarf and dropped the emerald in his pocket, giving an attempt to glare at Flarena. Flarena gave a smile in return and resumed her tour of Detlas, deciding that she would take a look at the air dock and the ship docked there.*


    *Trention stood inside of the armory shop, glancing around at the robes that twinkled in the light with its gems and jewels. Relin decided he would walk around on his own, which led to Trention coming across the shop himself. A villager gave him a wave and motioned for him to browse his goods as he layed out other vestments and armors. Trention’s eyes glued to the extravagant robes that shown the pride and power of Detlas, but he knew he could never be able to match the prices of them as the tags held multiple dozens of Liquid Emeralds, the third and ultimate tier of the Province’s currency. He stepped forward to the man as he stood behind the counter…*

    “Is there any potential of purchasing something here with these…?”

    *Trention opened his satchel and laid out a handful of emerald cubes and the gems themselves. The villager eyed the money and went to the room behind him. Several moments later, he returned with a somewhat ornamented robe; swirls of green and black coursed across the cloth and even provided a hood with the same design.*

    “Right here lad. This should fit ye.”

    “Ah, my thanks!”

    *Trention took the robe and quickly entered one of the side rooms. He emerged feeling slightly different yet this difference felt as if he had more power within himself. He gave a nod to the man and exited the shop, not knowing that this robe was infused with elemental magic from the shop owner himself.*


    *Sylvania entered Alice’s shop, a small burlap sack slung across her shoulder as the door creaked once more. Alice gave a nod and took the burlap sack from her, laying out the string and wool across her small table. She began her crafting and Sylvania was slightly intrigued; this woman knew exactly how to design this mask and yet she barely knew of the creature Thomas spoke of. When finished the initial base, Alice took the red apple from the orchard in front of the capital and squeezed the juice into a small bowl of green powder. The powder turned a lighter shade and she began to pour the powder across the mask itself. Alice’s gaze was fixed onto the mask and she didn’t even glance up when Flarena entered the shop, standing beside Sylvania to spectate the work.*


    *Alice gave a wave to the group of adventurers as they began to leave Detlas, wondering if they would visit her shop often to check up on her. As she entered back, already a small herd of adventurers with wrangled gear were waiting for her. She gave a slightly furious sigh and rolled back her shoulders, thinking that there was still work to be done.*


    *Sylvania placed the mask on her as the group approached the location of the “hideout” Thomas spoke of. Peering inside, the group stared in shock as they saw these green creatures ambling around the vegetated cave. Sylvania gulped and gave a nod; she took several strides into the cave while Trention, Relin, and Flarena hid themselves behind several stone boulders that dotted the canyon floor.*

    *The Creepers paid no attention to Sylvania, undisturbed that an actual human was disguised as one of them and yet they had no knowledge of it. Sylvania held her breath as one of the Creepers leaned forward slightly at her, its black eyes staring right at her grey ones. The Creeper then shed several traces of gunpowder and went about to several other Creepers. Sylvania quickly snatched the gunpowder shedding and placed them into her satchel, making sure the Creepers were a good distance away from her as she began to sprint towards the cave entrance. The Creepers, that were once amenable, glared their eyes on Sylvania’s retreating figure and several even had the thought to pursue her!*

    *Trention peeked above the stone boulder he hid behind and saw Sylvania being pursued by several of the Creepers themselves. He quickly began to hurl several fireballs from his staff behind Sylvania as she ran, creepers hissing from the flames and several exploding from the flames heat. Flarena and Relin kept watch on the two canyon floor sides surrounding the group as Sylvania jumped out of the cave. The group quickly retraced their steps to Thomas, the Creepers very agitated and angered that someone dared to disturb their humble home.*


    *Thomas gave a laugh as he saw Sylvania with the mask on her face; he quickly stopped when Sylvania twirled out the fire spear from Ragon’s camp. She tossed Thomas the gunpowder shedding and Thomas himself gave Relin a pouch of emerald cubes and gems.*

    “Now they have to believe me! Thank you again adventurers, my dearest thanks!”

    *Thomas gave a maniacal laugh and entered his cottage, the group still standing their in a mix of perplexity and disgust. As they exited the Pigmen Ravines, the Creepers from the cave held their stare at them, hissing silently to themselves as the night began to descend.*


    A Province's Journey Will Debut Later On After This Forum Post.
    Again, thank you for reading these small chapter collections! A Province's Journey will feature new characters and other features I have tried to incorporate.
    Until several hours, Thank You!
    From an Aspiring Author,
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
  18. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    I know my absence was far too long, and I am very sorry for it. Now I have devoted myself to AT LEAST starting the beginnings of the cross over of my "Sister Stories".
    In recognition of my far too long absence, here is a lengthy quest chapter of Suspended Flowers.
    Again, thank you for you patience and enjoy. Further details at the end of this post.
    Wynn Province - Quest 11 - Suspended Flowers

    *As the group enjoyed the sunrise of a new day in Detlas, a small commotion could could be heard from the Hourglass Tower. It seems as if a woman was bustling about the Tower and her expression was filled with worry, her movements were both slow and deprived of energy. Curious, Sylvania made her way through the small crowd of villagers huddling around her and the woman looked up at her, already seeming to clasp a hand around Sylvania’s shoulder.*

    “Please you have to help me! I don’t have enough Aerolia Flowers for my vestment makings for rest of the day and I need some adventurers to gather some for me! Please, help an elder!”

    *The crowd murmured to themselves as Trention and Flarena stood besides Sylvania. Relin was casually sitting on a small over-hanged roof of the Tower, looking down at the crowd and waving at Trention. Trention glared at him and motioned a gesture behind him - Relin suddenly was whisked away from the roof and floated gracefully down besides Flarena. Relin rolled his eyes and Trention gave a smirk, seeming to enjoy the slight tease of magic. Flarena raised an eyebrow and took the old woman’s hand, offering her a small smile.*

    “We’ll help you. Tell us where we should head for.”

    “My thanks dear Archer! Lacrona, if you may. There is a location near the city named Time Valley, south of the Nivla Woods. A friend of mine, Asher, has a cottage near the valley itself. If you could find him, tell him I sent you!”

    *Flarena gave a nod and glanced around before choosing the gate that led to the Nivla Woods. She looked back and only realized that Trention was following her; she made an abrupt stop and crossed her arms, tapping her foot…*

    *Sylvania lunged at Relin in an attempt to grab his cloak, but Relin side-stepped away and stepped back several feet from Sylvania. As Sylvania tripped on the cobble-worked road, she gripped Relin’s ankle and pulled him down with her. Relin collapsed and coughed as Sylvania looked down at him.*

    “We. Are. Going.”

    *Relin sighed and sprung back, landing on his feet with an expert’s grace. He began to walk in front of Sylvania and Sylvania gave the elderly woman a final nod before the group exited the main gate of Detlas, Trention hiding a laugh while Flarena skipped ahead of them.*


    *The cluster of valleys Lacrona were not what the adventurers expected. It was much grander and natural than the usual environment the Province held. The grass was much greener and the trees seemed as if they were emitting an aura. A small lake held a platform of a lone golem, the elemental was made up of a mix of water and iron, held together by circulations of visible air. As the group marveled in wonder, a man stepped out from his cottage and noticed the group’s enchanted faces. He gave them a wave and Relin snapped out of the wonder, stepping towards the man as Sylvania, Trention, and Flarena gazed out across the valley’s horizon.*

    “A pleasure, boy! Asher, local resident of the valley and I presume the party Lacrona mentioned…?”

    *Relin turned back and rolled his eyes as the rest of his party peered down at the lake water; silver fish jumped into the air and the sun reflected the shine of their color and gills.*

    “...Interestingly enough, yes. Where is this cave Lacrona spoke of?”

    “Ah! You should’ve passed it as you were heading here?”

    *Relin distinctly remembered how Trention nearly created a vortex of fire that nearly reached the cave Asher was talking about, but the fire never reached the entrance and the embers dissolved moments after Trention casted the spell. He thought nothing of it, but then again, this area did seem to have a magical feeling about it.*

    “Indeed. We’ll head out now. Thank you, Asher.”

    “Of course! I do believe time is slow here, look at me! I still feel as if I could go fighting in the Woods!..Oh dear, there I go again with one of my theories. However, bring the flowers back to me, they need to be purified for Lacrona and I usually do that for her.”

    *Relin turned on his heel and stepped back down the path the group went down, Flarena and Sylvania continued their state of wonder while Trention seemed to have snapped out of his trance. As the group followed Relin, they began to approach the cave they passed and the air filled with an unusual amount of potent magic…*


    *Sylvania and Relin suddenly were snapped out of their trances and gazed around the entrance of the cave. They felt themselves move slower than they thought they were going, the aura of the area even showed several white sparkles of magic around the cave. Relin stepped inside of the cave and the sudden rush of the magic dispelling brought him back into reality, causing him to stumble inside of the cave and roll onto the grass bedding. Glancing up, he saw several stalks of small flowers cluster around each other; they had light pink petals and the flowers themselves had a duo of leaves that grew outwards of the plant. Relin took out a dagger from its sheath and began to cut the flowers away from the roots when suddenly, the cave let out a low rumble…*

    *Small pebbles and rocks began to tumble down from the roof of the cave and Relin gasped in shock, grabbing the flowers in one hand and clutching the dagger with the other as he made a mad dash for the cave entrance. Larger and more brutal looking boulders and stalactites began to descend upon Relin as he could hear from far away the shrieks and yells for him to hurry. As Relin barely made it outside into the sunlight, the cave gave a final tremor and stopped trembling, the quake subsiding back into a normal peace and Relin’s eyes widened at the sudden change of pace. Flarena and Trention continued to gawk at Relin’s decision while Sylvania merely shrugged her shoulders, taking the flowers from Relin and tracing back the path towards Asher’s cottage.*


    *As Sylvania tapper her foot outside, waiting impatiently for Asher to purify the flowers, Relin sat at the cliff edge besides Trention while Flarena ambled around the Nivla Wood’s edge, looking for some fruits to eat.*

    “Relin, you could’ve gotten hurt from the boulders!

    “Don’t forget about the stalactites.”

    “That’s not the point! Don’t you see how badly that could’ve went do-”

    *Trention all of a sudden was speechless as Relin’s gaze was fixed upon the shrine in the middle of the lake. He thought it was just the sunlight, but he could’ve sworn he saw Relin’s eyes having a glassy look to them.*

    “I know...I’m sorry.”

    “...It’s alright.”

    *Trention sighed softly and looked back as Asher handed to Sylvania the purified flowers. They seemed to have gotten a shade lighter as the petals began to turn white at the edges. Asher began to describe his thoughts of how living in the valley could bring longer life, but Sylvania only accepted the flowers and gave a nod at Asher, turning towards the path that led back to Detlas. Flarena held out a small leather satchel open to Sylvania and she took a green apple, giving a small smile to Flarena as she took a bite from it. Trention offered Relin his hand and Relin gave a smirk, gripping the hand and hoisting himself up, allowing him to ruffle Trention’s hair. Trention growled as Relin ran off to Sylvania and Flarena and chased after him, grumbling to himself that he should really talk to Alice to see if she could make his robes more...suitable for combat rather than for a professor’s lecture.*


    *Lacrona gave Flarena a hug that made Sylvania arc an eyebrow, noting the woman’s feverish gratitude. She took the flowers from Sylvania and dug inside an apron pocket; a small pouch of emeralds jingled inside and Sylvania gave a small nod to Lacrona, being thankful that there was at least some reward.*

    “Oh! I have a gift for the man with the daggers!”

    *Even Relin was surprised that the woman mentioned him! Lacrona grabbed a small crate that was behind her and opened the hatch of it, taking out a pair of brilliantly looking boots. The leather combined with the metal latches and small patchworks of flower petals made the boots look flexible while at the same time intimidating. She offered them to Relin and Relin accepted them, taking off his own mud-caked boots and wearing the new ones.*

    “These are the boots I specialize in! I saved a pair for this man since he seemed like he needed the equipment and it looks like it payed off! Thank you again dear adventurers for helping me, not everyone would help an old woman.”

    *Sylvania and Flarena turned and saw Relin’s grin shining as he rushed around the plaza, the boots seeming to make him run faster than what he usually was capable of. Relin gave a smile to Lacrona as he gripped Trention’s hand, Trention giving a surprise scoff as he magically matched the pace of Relin as they both went to the Inn that they were staying. Lacrona tucked the flowers in her apron pocket and went towards a small stall with a yellow clothed roof, setting to work on creating more pairs of the boots while Sylvania and Flarena heard a yell coming from the gate that lead to a desert capital named “Almuj”. Drawing their weapons, Sylvania led the way as the duo approached a man casting dark magic at several deranged animals…*


    Again, I am planning on starting the beginning of the Ocean crossover today. Hopefully I shall start and tomorrow I will plan to release it.
    Today I will also post another portion of "A Province's Journey". Stay tune for that as well.
    Thank you for your time, have a pleasant weekend adventurers.
    From an Aspiring Author,
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
  19. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Small question: why do these say "Gavel Province," when these quests take place in the Wynn province in Wynncraft? I haven't begun reading this yet, but skimming over, I realized this, so I may be wrong.
  20. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Ah! I just changed that in my document. I only realized today, my apologies!! It seems as if I got mixed up. Fixed, and thank you for the notice!!!!
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
    Reyko likes this.
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