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[rp] Legends 2 [10/10] Closed.... For Now

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Sep 30, 2016.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Sorry guys it's taking so long my school work started... and I am looking into the lores and theories of Gavel, fruma, etc.
  2. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    Don't worry, we all have lives too (I think). Anyway great work on all your roleplays!
    Amun_Ra likes this.
  3. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    My life is too boring to be called a life, so... Thou art wrong.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2017
    Amun_Ra likes this.
  4. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    well thats your problem not mine
  5. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Will do ^^

    It is fine ^^
    Don't worry about it.
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Daldeth pulls back his hood. It reveals a handsome man with grey skin. He looks nothing like his 'sister', Luminos.

    "Our fight will create corruption, Daldeth." Luminos says. "Why would you risk that?"

    Daldeth's eyes flash in anger. "Beacuse he forces me to."

    Luminos and Daldeth rise into the air. Luminos cries, and a blinding light spreads around the room. Daldeth spread his arms, from which shadow starts to roll out. The spirit of Darkness then shoots towards Luminos, spreading a pair of wings weaved out of shadow, just like Nicolas's. Daldeth swings his scythe, which flies straight at Luminos's neck. Luminos conjures a giant sword and blocks the blow. A wave of red energy spreads around the room. The Legends cry out and fall to their knees, as they feel the corruption attacking them. Nicolas grins coldly. He spreads his wings, which jolts up and turns the man around, so his legs are facing the Legends. Katherine looks up in surprise, just as Nicolas hits her.

    Nicolas lands onto the ground, and Katherine falls to the ground several yards away, groaning.

    With great difficulty, the Legends rise up and draw their weapons. Nicolas spins with his sword, which pushes the Legends back.

    Luminos and Daldeth crash in the air again. They exchange furious blows. When Katherine was knocked over, however, Luminos was distracted. Daldeth's scythe makes a small and shallow cut on Luminos's arm. Even if the cut is shallow, it weakens the spirit of Light a lot. Daldeth blinks in surprise, then growl in annoyance.

    "Fool." Daldeth murmurs. "That will only make him stronger."

    What? Luminos thinks. Just then, the wound sends a sharp pain up the spirit's arm. She cries out and fall towards ground. She manages to land on her feet, but the consequences have been spread to the world.



    The people of Lusuco suddenly look up in surprise. A low crack echoes through the valley. It seems to have come from the Tower of Ascension.

    The area is infested by ghastly entities of ice, therefore, the people of Lusuco could not explore there. A low moan echoes through the air, sending shivers down the citizens' spines.

    "What was that?" A woman shouts. Suddenly, a shockwave is released into the air from the tower. The purple crystal on top, which has been without light for years, starts to glow, emitting a powerful aura.

    The town's oldest member, a retired mayor, murmurs. "This aura... I have not felt it ever since the Ragni soldiers destroyed Death in there." The old man looks up at the Tower of Ascension. "Devirra has awoken again."

    The Hive

    The demons hurry to pack everything to get ready to march with the Eye out of Dern. The portal glows with new power.

    A demon walks down the Hive. He is in a group of demons who are carrying food supplies stolen from Thanos, which the creatures of the Hive attacked and took when the King under the spire rode to Cinfras with his army behind him. The demon struggles: he is shorter than the others, and the box was covering his sight.

    Suddenly, the box becomes heavy, and the demon loses balance. He swears, and glares up at the demon in front, sure that he was the one who made the demon fall.

    "Grishk..." The demon starts to say, when he sees a black shape on the box he was carrying.

    A giant spider, the size of the demon himself. The spider hisses and jump at the demon. Carrying no weapon, the demon falls.

    All around the Hive, spiders drop from the ceiling, which was filled with spikes and insanely thick threads. The demons run around in confusion, fleeing from the spiders. Something shifts in the ceiling.

    Those who looks upon the ceiling screams and starts to run straight at the portal.

    A giant leg steps onto the bridge. The demons halt, their way blocked. They try to go around it, but another leg lands behind.

    The monster steps all of her eight legs onto the ground. The spider minions leap around, killing the demons.

    The monster is outright huge. It is half the size of Ozoth, which is about the size of Olux's Bank. As the battle continue about her, the spider monster slowly starts to glow, shrinking in size. In middle of the chaos, a woman stands up. She wears purple robes and armours, and holds a wand taller than herself. She is beautiful in an exotic way.

    The woman raises her head and smiles. "Welcome to the Hive, my demons." She says. "You have come to your deaths. How you have imitated my form in battle is outrageous. For I, Qighalra, shall not be governed by any but myself!"

    Maro Peaks

    Maro Peaks have been taken by the forces of the Eye, as a point from which the army can sail to battle. A few Kraken circles the peaks: more have risen by the command of the Demon Lords.

    The forces of Sarnfic, the fallen sea-city, has joined the Eye. The monsters of the Maro Peaks patrol around a single area, where the merfolk were held captive.

    These merfolk were from Golens, a town hidden deep in the ocean. Long have the merfolk been at war with Sarnfic: but now, the Eye's army has captured Golens, along with most of its inhabitants. Now, the army on Maro Peaks were preparing to attack the capital of the merfolk: Atlemdar.

    One of the Krakens suddenly gives a great cry. Then it sinks into the ocean. Alarmed, the other Krakens swim near the area.

    The merfolk look around in confusion.

    A jet of water rise into the air. The Krakens give wails and start to flee from the point.

    A dark shadow could be seen underwater. It is as large as three Krakens combined.

    A shape whips out of the water and rise into the air. It is a head of a dragon, with a long neck. Four more heads rise out of the sea.

    The monsters of the Maro Peaks starts to panic as the five-headed monster attack the Krakens. The merfolk look at the monster in amazement and in fear: for they did not know if it was an enemy or a foe. One thing they knew, however, that this monster was beyond their power to stop.

    "Orovar. The Naga of the sea."


    Nicolas suddenly pauses. The Legends stagger back, their weapons raised, preparing for another attack of blows. But none came.

    They look up, and see Nicolas drop his sword. Daldeth and Luminos both look at the man, alarmed.

    "Daldeth." Luminos says quietly. "This man can't possibly be..."

    "Heir of Amageln, yes he is." Daldeth says. Then he pauses, looking into the air. "My master calls me." The spirit of Darkness grins, and put his hood back on. "Good luck with defeating him, mortals."

    Daldeth fades into the air.

    Nicolas growls. He drops to the ground, on all fours. "No..." He says.

    Shadow rolls out of Nicolas, towards the point where Daldeth has disappeared. They all disappear into thin air.

    "Aghhh!" Nicolas shouts. His eyes are no longer red. He looks at the Legends and Luminos.

    "Get.... away from... here..." He gasps.
    Bailwolf likes this.
  7. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    good advice
    Yell "Run!!" aaaaand run.
    Amun_Ra likes this.
  8. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    OOC: Ima be gone for a few days. Y'all have fun XD!
  9. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Thanks ^^
  10. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    "We... We have to leave you possessed? Is there no other way?" I say as I start to leave, my eyes still on Nicolas.
  11. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Shade opens his eyes. "They're dead."

    Pyrs looks up, smug. "And so ends the two Legends that have troubled Ragnok and Darznog so much."

    A roar fills the air. "Wait... what?" Shade looks up.

    An aura of incredible power fill the air. The three servants of the Eye sees, in the distance, a great shadow rising in the air. It was not darkness that served the Eye, it was something else.

    Another roar fills the air. They can see a form of a man amidst the shadow.


    Arcuntar, Fruma.

    The Queen looks up from her throne. She has felt something, a slight unbalance in the magical energy. Something was wrong.

    A shadow cover the throne. The Queen sighs. "Kludrin. Do you feel something?"

    "Yes." A giant monster, with an eagle's head and a lion's body rest on a raised platform behind the throne. His wings are folded, and a green light glows from the monster's brow. "The Spirits are rising."

    "What does it mean?" The Queen mutters. She looks down at the great hall of Arcuntar, and the many knights that stand along it, still like statues.

    "It means, my queen, that the ancient power of Dern is rising. The Legends have risen from Wynn. And now, the Great Stirrings have begun."
    Vocthar, who is the closest to the stone doors, try to open them. "It's not opening! We're trapped!"

    Katherine whispers in horror. "It's awakening."

    "What is?" Mortem shouts. Nicolas's body jerks upwards, as if it was driven by an unseen force. "Aghhh!" The ground beneath the man cracks.

    Katherine suddenly jump up and starts dashing towards Nicolas, her sword drawn. "We have to stop it before it's too late!"

    "What are you doing!" Ronan shouts after the elf. She jumps, and brings her blade down towards the man.

    "No!" Drandel screams.

    Katherine grunts. Nicolas looks up, looking at Katherine with a blank expression. He has stopped the blow with his bare hand, and now blood was dripping down his arm. However, the blade did not cut through Nicolas's arm.

    A silence follows. Katherine grunts again, and seems to be putting all her power into bringing the sword down. Nicolas grabs the blade, and slowly stands up. His face still expressionless, he looms over Katherine. His hair slowly turns white.

    A force of energy sends Katherine back with such power, her body hits against the wall on the other side with so much force, it cracks the stone. Katherine screams and fall to the ground. Blood drip from her back.

    Nicolas looks down at his wounded hand. The wound covers itself up, as white energy flow through the man. The energy is not Light.

    Something else.
    The blood has awakened.
    Poiu429 and Malkavian like this.
  12. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    "What is this power? I'm done with games. I see there's no saving you anymore, Nicolas." I say to him, enraged. I prepare myself in case of an attack, sword drawn. "Maybe I can exploit my electricity... Perhaps I can try manipulating magnetics to guide his blade against him..." I think, and ready myself to use that tactic. "Actually, I wonder what else I can use that on..."
  13. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    I decide to fight for Salomnis, and run towards Naragath.
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Um... He's dead.
  15. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    So Naragath is dead?

    RIP Naragath
    666 B.C. - 420 A.D.
    He actually had no purpose
    in life. He won't be
    remembered lol.​
    Amun_Ra likes this.
  16. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    No Salomnis and Mael is.

    I agree with what you said about Naragath. Just needed him for extra-power for darkness, nothing else.
    Malkavian likes this.
  17. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Oh. Ok.

    RIP Salomnis and Mael.
    69 A.D. - 420 A.D.
    I ship it.​
    Malkavian likes this.
  18. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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  19. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Is it Salomael or Maelnis? :3
    And BTW Mael is from wayyyyy back before the portal even opened ;P
  20. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @Vansil @sonickid3003

    Ajnin steps in front of Nicolas. The man looks up, his eyes now turning black. His pupils turn white.

    Ajnin slowly draw his sword. It starts cackling with lightening.

    Ronan turns to Luminos. "You mentioned Amageln. Who is he?" Ronan asks.

    Luminos shakes her head. "I feel as if it is not my place to tell you." The spirit says.

    Nicolas sighs. Then in a flash, he is before Ajnin. His blade makes its way to Ajnin's neck...

    Then it suddenly changes direction, and starts to swing towards Nicolas. The man quickly dodges, and the sword bury itself into the wall across the cave.

    Ajnin, with sudden rush of power, swing his sword. Nicolas ducks under, and brings his fist towards Ajnin's chest. The boy uses his free hand to block the blow.

    Mortem gasps. "How is he doing that?" He whispers.

    Ajnin looks down at Nicolas. "I'm done playing games. I see that there's no saving you, Nicolas."

    Nicolas growl and stagger back as a shock of electricity attack him. All around Ajnin, wind starts to blow. They flow around the boy, forming a tornado of energy. Lightning flash. Electricity begins to course through the boy's body. His eyes start to glow.

    Ajnin rises from the ground. The tornado of electricity support the boy's weight.

    Luminos gasps. "This boy... he is possessed by Rekturn."

    With loud bangs, six shapes appear behind Ajnin. They form into drums with yellow surface and black, bold symbols.

    Nicolas sways as he stands up. He lifts his hand. Energy starts to flow around it. It slowly solidifies around Nicolas's arm, forming a huge spike.

    Ajnin shout and flies straight at Nicolas, lightning crackling behind him.

    Suddenly, Nicolas raises his other arm. Symbols appear in a straight line, forming a barrier. Ajnin was too late when he noticed the barrier: he hits it right on. He screams and collapses onto the floor. His attack has been deflected, and he has been hit full force by Rekturn's power.

    Nicolas, still expressionless, jumps. His eyes flash as he brings down his spike arm straight at Ajnin.

    A flash of darkness pass between Nicolas and Ajnin. Nicolas gasps, then is knocked back to the ground.

    Behind Ajnin, Mortem rises. The boy looks surprised at what he has done. His body surge with new power.

    The shadow around him circles around Mortem. They slowly materialise into a large wheel. Mortem stands inside the wheel. Balls of heatless fire appear all around.

    Mortem shifts, and the wheel moves into the direction that Mortem moved to. The boy grins.

    "Helmard." Luminos says.
    For reference: these monsters that I am putting in are from many different myths, but Rekturn and Helmard are both from Japanese myths, like Orphion.

    Rekturn is a Raijin, the Thunder God. He looks like this.

    Helmard is a Wanyudo, the Wheel of Death. He looks like this.
    (I mean, Mortem doesn't look like that, his body is replacing the man's face.)
    I'm really sorry for all these new monsters... They will be the main powers in Legends III ;-;
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2017
    Malkavian likes this.
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