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The Story Of Rainbowcraft2 (an Introduction)

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by rainbowcraft2, Jan 16, 2017.

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  1. rainbowcraft2

    rainbowcraft2 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I am rainbowcraft2. My mother died defending me from zombies when I was still very young; I found it in an old journal written by my father, who is thought to be dead. My parents had some of the ancient synfrindian blood within them, and that blood in turn was passed down to me in its pure form. Very few posses the pure blood of synfrindia, an ancient kingdom that has long been in ruins and fallen to most as less than myth. Another thing to know about me; I have... special abilities. My friend, WaterlessOak, was helping me out in a mining expedition. We found an end-portal, but WaterlessOak accidentally deactivated the portal as I was stepping through. All I know about the experience is what he told me, but I felt... different.

    It wasn't until I decided to make a new sword that I discovered my new ability. My old blade, Aethera, was wearing thin. I needed to create a new one. Using the purest of diamonds, the blade I created was physically harder than any other blade I had ever made. I took it to an enchantment table and enchanted it. The enchantments I got were the usual ones, except it felt like there was an... unfamiliar one... somehow. I had never felt enchantments like these. I could already tell that Rainblaze was going to be special.

    Many months later, I realized what that extra enchantment was; My fire Aspects were dealing much more damage than I had expected. At first, I thought I was mistaken, but then, I realized what it was; the unfamiliar feeling, the extra fire damage, the strange feeling I had when I recovered from the end-portal incedent: I had discovered a new enchantment somehow... The Blaze enchantment.

    Over time, I discovered many new enchantments, discovered more abilities caused by the portal incident. I learned faster than before, was slightly stronger, slightly faster. I wasn't the one affected by the incident; one day I was exploring the End dimension when I was attacked by... myself. When the portal deactivated, the part of me that was in the end disconnected from the rest of me. The harsh environment of the end led the shadow of myself that split off in the end do despise my very being; he blamed me for his hardships in the end. He had the same abilities as I did, but a different personality. He called himself Endercraft2.

    Every time we crossed paths, he and I fought. We were evenly matched, strength, speed, even our battlestyles were very similar. All the animosity he felt against me was finally tamed when, by necessity, we had to work together to defeat an old foe. Since then, he has had a respect of me that makes him leave me be. That's my introduction; now for why I have come to Wynn...

    during one of WaterlessOak's explorations, He and I discovered an ancient synfrindian relic, a blade of ancient power. WaterlessOak was able to draw the blade's power, but I couldn't even feel a spark of its power. Ancient synfrindian text taught us that only a descendant of the rightful King of Synfrindia could wield the blade's power. That's when I learned that my best friend was also the rightful ruler of a fallen kingdom.

    Following the tale of Synfrindia, I have been wandering the lands, slashing through any hostile creature, player or mob, that stood in the way of restoring Synfrindia to its former glory. In my travels, I have discovered two more people with the pure blood of Synfrindia. Now that Tale has led me here, to the province of Wynn.

    With this my introduction, I offer you my hand in friendship and new beginnings. I give my wish that your fields may grow forever verdant.
  2. yuuenchi2

    yuuenchi2 Wynncraft Veteran CHAMPION

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  3. rainbowcraft2

    rainbowcraft2 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    It's only the entire story of how I got to Wynn, my skills and how I got them, and other super interesting things. Just read the very last paragraph if you don't want to read the whole thing. I worked hard on this introduction...
    yuuenchi2 likes this.
  4. yuuenchi2

    yuuenchi2 Wynncraft Veteran CHAMPION

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    I can tell lol Welcome to the forums!
    rainbowcraft2 likes this.
  5. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Welcome to the forums, good sir!
    rainbowcraft2 likes this.
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