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Lore/Story Angels And Demons: Chapter 18

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 15, 2017.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Hub thread: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-a-legends-story-hub-wynncraft-novel.163016/
    Previous chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-17.174231/

    Chapter 18: No More Hiding

    "So you have information on the Purifiers." I ask the man. The man smiles and nods. He has a scar across his cheek, and is way taller than me. He has a big build, and looms over all of us.

    "What I wonder is," The man says, looking down at me, Emma, Cylene, Marcus and Jenna. "why do kids like you want to know about the Purifiers?"

    Emma shifts next to me. She hates to be called a kid, she's lived for quite a long time, longer than you think. Same with me: I have lived for over fifty years. My healing factor didn't let me age like a normal human.

    Me and Emma have been stuck in a lab for over thirty years. With my healing factor, and Emma's un-aging and undying body, we were basically a paradise for human experiment. We only escaped with the help from Cylene, who suddenly popped up as a successful experiment.

    When the elf girl Katherine told us she lived for thirty-one years, her companion Nicolas seemed to be surprised. I was laughing with Emma after they left. The reason why I didn't tell them our age was, why should we have? There weren't any reason to. They're confirmed innocent and against what they call 'evil'. But did that mean we had to share every secret we had? Forty five years in captivity really destroyed my ability to completely trust in someone, except for my friends next to me.

    I glance quickly at Jenna. Was she really older than she looked? She sure behaved like a twelve-year-old, but was she really one? I should ask her later.

    Emma snorts. "You know why, kid." She says mockingly. "Don't all mutants, like you and us, want to overthrow the Purifiers?"

    If I were her, I wouldn't have insulted the man and reveal we were mutants in just two sentences. But I don't get annoyed with Emma; I trusted her judgement. She is as much of a leader as I am, but I take the official role because she wasn't confident that she could bear the responsibility. Anyway, most of decisions I make, I discuss it with her and Cylene.

    "Huh." The man smiles again, but with less humour. "You're mutants then. Where's the proof?"

    "I won't let my friends revealing their power so lightly." I say. The man snorts, then grab at one of the chairs on the ground. It smashes into pieces.

    "I would snap your necks like I would with a twig." The man says.

    When he blinks, I am already in front of him. I lay my arm three inches away from the man's neck, and extract a blade there. The man completely freezes, having a blade in front of his neck.

    "I would cut your thick head clean off if you make a move." I say quietly. On my other arm I extract another blade and point it at the man's head.

    "Fine." The man sighs. I let him go. "If you want info, I'll give them to you. But I want a payment."

    "Name it." I say.

    The man grins. "What does a mutant mercenary want?" He says. "Emeralds, of course."

    I look at Cylene. We have some left, right? I think to her.

    "Of course, bonehead." She says telepathically. "We got loads from Witherhead."

    I look back at the man. "We have them inside our bank." I say.

    "Great." The man rubs his huge hands together. "The object I stole from the Purifiers is in my bank, too. Follow me, kiddos."

    The man turn and walks out of room. Emma snorts next to me. And we follow.

    Once we are outside, we follow the man towards the bank. Cylene walks in front of me, convincing people all around us that we don't exist. I walk towards Jenna.

    "How old are you, Jenna?" I ask her. She looks up at me weirdly. "Why?" She asks.

    "Does your healing factor stop you from aging normally?" I ask. "Like mine does?"

    "Oh that." Jenna smiles. "I really am twelve. I can control my healing powers, so I can choose if I age or not. I would rather grow up fast than stay in this form forever."

    I nod. That made sense.

    Cylene suddenly stop walking. She looks around, looking confused. I stop in alarm. The others follow me.

    Cylene swears. "They're here!"

    The man suddenly turns back at us, a wolfish grin on his face. All around us, people who we thought were regular citizens draw their hidden weapons and come to surround us. Men in Purifiers uniform run from corners and inside buildings to join them.

    We stand in the middle of the market. The actual Detlas citizens look at the scene with confused looks.

    I whisper to Cylene. "What happened?" I whisper.

    Cylene looks around with a horrified expression. "I couldn't, I can't feel their minds."

    As one, we prepare our weapons. The mutant mercenary step back to join the line of Purifiers. That traitor.

    A man in bright red robes step forward. His face is covered by a black cloth, and the part of his face that is not being covered is made of metal. A single mechanical eye look at us.

    "Who're you?" I ask, pointing my blade at the man.

    "Don't you recognise me, Ken?" The man says. Then he rips the cloth off his face.

    "Magzuel." Emma says in horror next to me. Magzuel - the only person me and Emma were terrified of. He tortured and experimented on us for thirty years, in which time he was the lead scientist. We thought we killed him in our great escape. Marcus burned his face until it literally melted off. Not something I want to remember.

    Now he was in front of us as our worst enemy, yet again.

    "You recognise me, even with this face." Magzuel smiles. "I am happy, Emma."

    "You." I growl, anger boiling inside me. "How dare you come back in our faces?"

    "Tch-tch." Magzuel shakes his head. "You made me come all the way from Troms to here, such a long journey. Let's get this done, and fast, too."

    The mutant mercenary that betrayed us reach down to the ground. Ripping off a part of the stone ground, he throws it straight at us. I cry out and jump out of the way, tackling Cylene in the process. We get up painfully, just as the Purifiers start to run at us.

    I jump straight at Magzuel, but the mercenary intercept me with a powerful punch that would have crushed a human's entire body. I only escape with a bloody nose.

    I roar and bring my arm up at the man's upcoming fist. I extract a blade from my palm, which pierce through the brute's hand. He roars in pain and stagger back. I jump and spin midair. A long blade come out of my outstretched foot and cut the man across his chest. He howls and land on his back, blood spraying anywhere. I land on his chest and stab him in the throat.

    I jump off the corpse and face Magzuel. Just then, a cry come out from behind me.

    Marcus was releasing a wall of flames at the Purifiers, but it only seemed to faze them. The Purifiers' pendants glow red. Marcus stops the attack and swing his flaming sword.

    I was distracted; and Magzuel is in front of me before I could react. I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder as the Purifier's knife pierce through. I growl, kick Magzuel, and jump back. It takes me three seconds for the wound to close up.

    I battle with the Purifier I hate the most long and hard. His moves are extremely fast, and he is strong. The five of us slowly is pushed back towards the middle.

    Emma gasps, "Form a circle!"

    We fall back and stand back to back. We are all panting hard: Somehow, as Marcus, Emma and Cylene's actions showed, magical attacks didn't seem to affect them, only physical attacks. About a dozen Purifiers lay on the ground, dead.

    Jenna release a wave of Life magic that heals our wounds. She supplies us with more energy, too.

    "We can't win this with a straight fight." Marcus whispers.

    Magzuel laughs. He points his sword at us.

    An explosion send the five of us to the ground. It seems to have happened right in middle of us, and now Cylene lies on the ground, not moving. The rest of us get up: Marcus was immune to fire, Emma didn't feel pain, and me and Jenna healed. Jenna cries and leap next to Cylene.

    Marcus give a furious cry and attack at the Purifiers. He slays one, but they push him back. Marcus jumps back and misses a deadly swipe that was aimed at his shoulder. Almost, but it catches him in the right arm. Marcus cries and drop his sword. Emma rush at the Purifier that was about to stab Marcus, and tackle him to the ground, thus saving the pyro.

    Jenna faces the Purifiers. She picks up her giant sword, then charge at them. Her small figure glows in golden light as she attack the Purifiers. With a swing of her sword, she hews two of them in half. Every stroke of the enemy's blades hit the girl, but the wounds heal just as quickly as it opens. But she quickly wears out, and end up on the ground with six blades in her body, unable to move.

    Marcus and Emma retreats back to me. Marcus's arm is bleeding heavily, so I order him to go next to the unconscious Cylene.

    Emma and I face Magzuel. He smile, then order his men to stop attacking.

    The battleground quietens, making the screams of the citizens louder.

    "Impressive." Magzuel says, and he circles us too. "But not powerful enough."

    A flash of light blinds us too for a split second. That is enough for Magzuel to act: With a slice of his blade, he cuts Emma in half, across her shoulder to hip. The girl cries and fall to the ground. She still tries to fight with her left arm, which is still intact to her upper body, but Magzuel picks up a spear from a fallen Purifier and use it to pin Emma's arm onto the ground. I cry and bring both of my arms forward. Dozens of sharp blades fly out in all directions.

    Then Magzuel does something unexpected, he jumps. He jumps so high, my blades miss him.

    I am blinded by the sun. I blink, and take a step back.

    A second later, I am on the ground, screaming. My head feels like it's exploding. With an effort, I pull Magzuel's blade out of my head. I lay on to the ground, powerless as my body refuse to move.

    Magzuel picks up his sword from my hand. He smiles and bring his blade up.

    Suddenly, the world loses colour and all sounds. I blink in surprise.

    Magzuel's expression change from one of victory to one of despair.

    A voice shouts, "Varogunn, Aether!"

    The world explodes with red energy all around me. The crackling dark red material surround the Purifiers, attacking them from all directions. One by one, the Purifiers scream and fall to the ground, as their protective pendants pop.

    Magzuel turn to face towards the newcomer, but freezes when a dark blade pierce through his mechanical eye, and through it, his head. The Purifier falls to the ground, dead.

    The world regains its colour. The town is deadly quiet, as all the Purifiers lay dead around me and Emma. The citizens are frozen on spot, too scared to move.

    I look, with an effort, at Emma. She look at me with a mixture of wonder and fear.

    "The Aether." She mouths.

    Something blocks out the sun. I look up, and see a pale, hooded man over me, his hand stretched toward me.

    "Can you get up?" He asks in a cold voice.

    Next Chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-18.175233/
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
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  2. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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