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SPOILER Is The Thanos Gear Overpriced?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Bubbles, Jan 9, 2017.


Do you agree?

  1. Yes

    55 vote(s)
  2. No (tell me why)

    11 vote(s)
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  1. Bubbles

    Bubbles Yep, that one HERO

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    Hello everyone, I have decided to make a post here again.

    !! #WallOfText !!

    Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who made the new shop items, because they are cool! But in my opinion, they are a tiddy-bit overpriced (talking about the legendaries here).

    [The full list of items can be found here]

    So, where's the problem?


    To understand why the items are overpriced, you need to understand how items gain their value. This all depends on demand and accessibility. This means that the more want an item the more value it has and the more people sell an item the less value it has.

    Now, the armor is element-oriented. This means that only a certain group of players will find this item usable and thus less people will want to buy this. (Look at it this way: more people will buy Mementos because they buff spell damage than Thanos leggings which are buffing air damage). This leaves the demand covered.

    Next up is accessibility, which means how many of the items there are available. The supply is unlimited. This means that the items neither gain value on their demand nor their accessibility.

    Arguably, you can be looking at it this way: you are paying mostly for the relatively good IDs for the level. This is the problem. Thanos gear is for levels 80-ish.

    Side tracking again, I am going to take a look on how much does a lv80 gain on their first playthrough. If you complete all quests that are level 1 to 80, you gain 189 237 emeralds. Seems like much? That's 46 liquids. This value is relative, as you can also get money from selling gear you found, but let's, for simplicity assume, that all the money you get this way you spend on gear and mission emeralds are negligible.

    Looking at it now, you are telling a player to spend a fourth of his total savings on a single piece of gear that he will probably only use for a few levels before replacing it with a different and better piece.

    To sum it up, the Thanos items are not worth their value because:
    • Their demand is lower
    • Their accessibility is unlimited
    • This gear is not end-game

    You might ask, what price I might recommend. Well, I would price these items at around 4-8 liquefied emeralds (and also the gold ingots, which is a cool addition)

    That is all from me, hope I didn't kill you with this wall of text!

    Here, I am going to adress all the things that are talked about in the comments for those too lazy to read them
    Pricy, yes. But that's for a good reason; manufacturing rarity and being a money sink.

    What wynn's economy needs most is more ways to get rid of more money. Pricy new armours is a perfect way to do that. Plus, since they're moderately expensive, they'll have a manufactured rarity; not everyone will have them and so people are more willing to want to buy them, simply for the rarity value.


    I understand that Wynncraft needs a money sink. But this, too, has to be done carefully. If you want to sell a product you have to target a group and set the price accordingly. This gear is mostly for levels 80-ish. You may think that the players have the money to buy this armor/weapons, and some of them do, but nearly no-one will spend their entire savings on a piece of gear that is not even end-game and is element focused, meaning if you find out the element doesn't fit you, you are done.

    In my opinion, setting the price lower so that more people buy the gear takes away more money than putting a ridiculous price tag on it in hope a few will buy it.

    This doesn't end with Thanos gear too! Tell me, who in the world would buy a Normal tier level 100 chestplate for 45 emerald blocks? That is wasted merchant space. Set it to like 10 EBs and you can hope to take some money from players...

    Those are actually significantly cheaper than they should be according to the price guidelines I was given. Specifically, if I'd followed those guidelines, the price of those items would be closer to 43 LE, and even a bit more for the chestpiece. The uniques and rares would NOT escape the price hike, either.
    @Selvut283 [From another thread but that doesn't matter]

    Holy damn, that's really expensive! Now, having price guidelines does not mean that they are good. If you should price an average legendary for levels 80-85 this high, you really need to rethink the guidelines as this is even more expensive than some top tier end-game gear! In my opinion, the guidelines should be based around the community market and not pre-set.

    I think you're missing the point of shop items, it is created to provide the player base an alternative option when they cannot loot good gears to sustain their playthrough, while your main point is valid, you can also state that if they are this expensive players cannot effectively use shop items at its purpose.

    However, for tldr part 1&2, I do not agree that the demand supply curve has anything to do with this part (or mmorpg items even but more on that in forever) becoz even their supply is unlimited and demand is low, there is not a "shopkeeper" that is needed to make profit or they have to attract customers to buy their product, as the whole situation is only one sided(customer). In the world of mmorpg, the effort of gaining money is low (basically free money hidden in anything), and there are no consequences being broke, if the player really really wants that item they can surely afford it (in some point). That is also the reason of inevitable inflation of wanted items in game despite their unlimited supply nature (mythics)

    Therefore economical aspect of looking at this issue is out of the window, the only reasonable way to look at this problem is ingame perspective, aka somehow related to your points made in quest LEs and end game stuff, and yes these stuff are expensive af. you should also know that lv 80 items can be end game if the stats are suitable for the player's build.


    I know what shop items are for, and they could be good for this purpose if they didn't cost more than good legendary gear bought from the player market.

    For the second part, in every economy, the demand and accessibility plays a big role. I know that the shopkeepers don't need nor want to make profit, but shops are made to take money away from the players and reducing the inflation rate and if no-one buys it, they either accept the fact and decrease the price or shops will loose their purpose.

    And for your last statement, I know that level 80 gear can be used in end-game, but it is not used by as many people as lv90+ gear meaning that even less people will, eventually, spend their money in shops.

    Just a self reminder that I wanna make another post about Thanos... kthxbai
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2017
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Pricy, yes. But that's for a good reason; manufacturing rarity and being a money sink.

    What wynn's economy needs most is more ways to get rid of more money. Pricy new armours is a perfect way to do that. Plus, since they're moderately expensive, they'll have a manufactured rarity; not everyone will have them and so people are more willing to want to buy them, simply for the rarity value.
    SageBuilds likes this.
  3. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    I agree with that. A normal player that has no knowledge of the trade market and other interactions with players simply cannot afford that, even if he tries to grind near Thanos.
  4. motoki1

    motoki1 The Damage Calculation Scientist HERO

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    Yea I know, as looking into the trade market, apparently they (Salted) did it wrong.
    They might should lower the price to make the players actually buy the gears from the NPCs.. I think. Those gears don't even worth using as of now too.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2017
  5. Bubbles

    Bubbles Yep, that one HERO

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    Money sink won't work if nobody is buying it. It's like when you're selling a product the more pricey you make it the less people will buy it. This works of you make the product for people who are able to spend more money on it (high level players and end-game gear)
  6. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    You have a ton of le

    now imagine if you were level 80ish and if you had 30something le
    would you really spend 1/3 of your money?
    Tyralion and Trash like this.
  7. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    12 LE is not at all much in this economy. It might not be much from quest money, but there's still grinding and item-selling money.
  8. Bubbles

    Bubbles Yep, that one HERO

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    Did you two read the whole post? Because I talk about both of these issues...

    Also forgot to tag @Selvut283
  9. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    If I wanted a decent piece of armour, yes. I really don't think level 80s don't only have 30 le though. Grinding still happens.
    title of thread including "Thanos Gear"
  10. Bubbles

    Bubbles Yep, that one HERO

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    This is where grind money goes. I don't know when you've last had a playthrough but this really happends...
  11. C2HWarrior

    C2HWarrior Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    "Not at all much". Maybe not for one of the richest people on the server but for many others in the level range the armour is targeted at 12le is quite a large proportion of their money and they could easily buy another decent piece of equipment off the player market for much much cheaper.
  12. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    So far 13 yes, 1 no. Take that @Selvut283
    Are you the 1 no?
  13. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Selvut has already explained the reasoning behind the high price extensively. Would you have rathered he follow the set formula and make them cost easily over 32le?
    _Sephyr_, Pokextreme and Glitch496 like this.
  14. Psychomentalist

    Psychomentalist Time is not on my side HERO

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    haha ... nice way to advertise my thread xD
    robincaiye likes this.
  15. Gort

    Gort His Royal Pimpness CHAMPION

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    I don't think they're over priced
  16. Kraby

    Kraby *insert clever meme* VIP+

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    yeah it should be like 6-7 le per piece imo
    SUPER M and Arkade like this.
  17. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP+

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    They are really overpriced. You're a level 80, you have 46 LE from quests and about 4 LE from grinding. 12 LE just drops your money heavily. And, what about SP? What about the money you lost fighting Bob? This means that you have less money to afford.
    SUPER M likes this.
  18. BuffAirSpear

    BuffAirSpear Avos Air Assassin HERO

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    uhhhh wat why should you loose money? .__________. just be careful and dont have your SP drop below 5SP and then you wont really loose a lot O.o that point i really dont get XD
    SUPER M likes this.
  19. Foxey

    Foxey Just a human VIP

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    well good thing I found the belly of the beast chest plate on the ground in detlas bank 6 months ago
  20. setery10

    setery10 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Good thing I'm lvl 97 ex dee
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