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Wynncon - A Proposal To Keep The Peace. [ Read Notice ]

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Jamieverse, Jan 5, 2017.

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  1. Jamieverse

    Jamieverse Legendary Adventurer VIP

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    This deserves post of the year.
  2. Bank

    Bank Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I dont want this thread closed infact I agree with it, I just dont think that it has any place in this section. If I am mistaken please explain how, because the EULA was violated on that server. You seem like you just want to shut my conversation down, I dont know why but the truth of the matter is I remember times as a mod where the events tag was said to only be allowed for staff and official events for pretzule as he was made community manager to handle events among other things. If this has changed then my bad, but as far as I know it hasn't. Also when he said that you were judging he meant your comment about overruled conveyed a tone of you being like a Judge in a legal sense and came off as condescending. I just want to remind everyone staff are here to ensure that we're all safe and having fun. I dont think this has at any point come close to flame with me and the above person who were talking were nice to eachother. You seem to be the only one quick to jump this as me trying to shut down this thread when I have no intention of that whatsoever, I just dont think this is the proper place for the post.
  3. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    I pointed out no one in particular in my warning. If you took it personally, that is your choice. It does not change my warning.
    The tag on this thread, currently, is "Media". I don't know who changed it, nor when, however, the tag question is now resolved.
    The use of the word "overruled" is being blown out of all proportion, and it decidedly feels intentional, as if to stir drama. I could have said that I disagree, and the effect, and the backlash, would have been the same, in my opinion. Hence, it's just a distraction to stir drama.
    I am fully aware of the past EULA violation of the event in question, as I am the person who initially pointed it out.
  4. Bank

    Bank Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I feel like im being misinterpreted: im trying to also be productive in this and contribute to the original idea of improving. I want it to be good. I think the EULA breaking should be addressed and I know it needs funds but maybe there are other ways. There are many talented artists on Wynn maybe recruit them to do commissions to gain funds, or how about cosmetic bonuses either way it cannot be EULA breaking. Then I think organization has always been a major flaw with these events, try and come up with a time table and stick to it, I know things can come up but plan around that too. All and all there are things here and there that could be improved and I think with a more community focus and listening to the players.

    To moe, I was only explaining what I think that user meant I personally don't care about the choice and was only talking about them. If you're aware there was EULA breaking can you explain what I was wrong about? Im confused by what you meant by the tags, is events now a non-staff option aswell?
    shipbreaker!!! likes this.
  5. Jamieverse

    Jamieverse Legendary Adventurer VIP

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    To answer this actually, I thought it would best fit "media" since it's not a server-wide conflict, just a part of it.

    Should I change it?
  6. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    No. I think media is just fine.
    Jamieverse likes this.
  7. redx475

    redx475 SysAdmin HERO

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    Aight, this is getting out of hand. I don't want suicide threats, toxicity, or anything else here. At this point I'm just going to delete messages without an explanation because there's some discussion to be had but I don't want to have to explain myself when you should all be mature enough to tell what is and isn't appropriate here. Sorry if you're getting caught in the crossfire.

    Venting your anger in public isn't the right way to go about things. If you have a grievance to air, or a legitimate concern, then let a mod or admin know. I'll say it again: threats, disrespect, and toxicity will not be tolerated.

    I'll be editing this and posting some comments over the next few minutes, though I don't know enough about any of this to take sides (not that I should, anyway).


    I've moved this back to the Wynncraft section because it is relevant to the game and community at large, and I want to make sure people see this message.

    EDIT 2:

    At this point, making jokes about the thread, the event, or really anything is just adding fuel to the fire. Y'all need to go browse https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/ for a bit.

    EDIT 3:

    Maybe https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/ if you prefer that.

    Anyway, I don't know much about any of the drama or that jazz, but here's the dealio:

    I saw the community make a kinda cool event when someone came up with the idea for Wynncon. Now there's apparently a bunch of drama surrounding that and wynnterfest and I honestly couldn't care less about it - you guys made a cool event and some people want to bring it back.

    I'm not going to tell you how to do community-made events - I have no reason or even the will to do so, but I'm going to lay some ground rules about threads like these if you want to continue them:

    You all have to have a civil discussion on what you want from the event. You cannot be calling people out for drama if you're bringing up a new event - if someone has done a horrible job, then politely ask them to step down from organizing, and give reasons.

    You need a single person or a single small group of people organizing. This is utter chaos, and if you want anything to happen this isn't the way to go about it. Ideally, one person (or a couple of people) need to take the reigns and run with it (with the community's input). How you select those people is up to you - maybe the one with the ability to host a large convention (for the record, a 2GB VPS is not enough to host 40 people let alone 100, but I don't know how many people you expect to participate). Or maybe you vote on it, I don't really care, just do it.

    As far as further drama goes, if I hear that someone has been denied credit for working on a future production, then I'm going to be pretty mad (I'll leave it at that).

    I'll probably add more here later. Screw it, I'm tired and going to sleep. If anyone else is salty in the morning I'm liable to delete their posts and replace them with links to /r/wholesomememes
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2017
  8. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Just WOW ! That is a good admin ! If someone find something to reply to his message I applause ! You said everything that was in need to say !
  9. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    this is a strange response to a good post

    eh, better than flames i guess
  10. sorae

    sorae drifting VIP

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    Serious question here:
    What exactly went wrong during Wynnterfest/Wynncon? I wasn't around the forums at the time, so I don't have knowledge of the happenings.
    Jamieverse likes this.
  11. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    Nope, that's a closed discussion, and you can read all of the previous posts to get an idea of what it was.
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