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Video Small Youtube Gaming Channel That Records Wynncraft Videos As Well As A Variety Of Different Games

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by GameScout180, Jan 7, 2017.


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  1. GameScout180

    GameScout180 Rias Gremory Fan VIP+

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    Hey all you wonderful people that clicked here. This is my channel and I make WynnCraft videos and videos of other games.
    I would appreciate it if you checked it out and left any suggestions, tips, feedback and anything else. Thank you all in advance ^-^

    Here is the link to the latest Wynncraft video:
    Mohit4GHGamingYT, D7 and NinjaWizard like this.
  2. NinjaWizard

    NinjaWizard Wynn Protector, Master of Shadows & YouTuber CHAMPION

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    Nice, I rly like it :D
    NerdyGamer2012 and GameScout180 like this.
  3. Avense

    Avense Well-Known Adventurer

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    Good base for a channel, at least you made the effort. However, and this is constructive criticism/advice (That you may or may not wish to take), Find what works for you. Sure there are millions of YouTube channels doing the exact same deal. However, those on the top of the "proverbial" totem pole of that have some originality, or life that they bring into it. Take any popular channel, and observe how they act for starters. Find what sets you apart, whether that be branching out the channel into certain things for a given month, or things that interest you that you want to share with everyone.

    Editing is good, though, and this is from spending a lot of time on channels like this, is to use memes. use them anytime you can. Intro is a good starting base, but continue to improve.

    Second, is networking (which comes after everything, but I thought I would mention it briefly for the sake of it being here), This is the age of social media and the internet. If possible in your own circumstance, use it to your advantage.

    I've put in my two cents completely on a base of what I know to be popular generally. What you do and don't do is up to you.
    NinjaWizard and GameScout180 like this.
  4. GameScout180

    GameScout180 Rias Gremory Fan VIP+

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    Thank you! :D
    The whole point of this post were to get constructive criticism/advice, other forms of feedback and promotion.
    Thank you very much for taking time to "review" my channel and give some much needed and very useful advice. I am truly grateful and I will give it my best to improve based on your advice.

    Thank you once again!!!
    NinjaWizard likes this.
  5. Avense

    Avense Well-Known Adventurer

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    No problem!

    Also, just as an off topic or to help sort of thing, since I have seen that you use mods
    (Which I dont judge at all becuase I have to have optifine and betterFPS at all times)
    Mods that will help out with the asthetics, with locations for those mods to be easily found:

    Shoulder Surfing Reloaded (Curseforge)
    *This will help give the behind angle a bit of Lord of the rings third person*

    Presence footsteps (Liteloader)
    And here is a mod that is purely just for fun, but adds a bit of sound to your footsteps.
    If you want immersion this is a good one to have. NOTE: You will have to do digging to find the updated versions of these since the original author abandoned the project past 1.7.10, but i've already done that for you as well.
    Updated 1.8.9-1.10 versions can be found on github, being currently maintained by Sollace. (A quick Google search with that name and the name of the mod should get you there.

    Those are good mods I've been able to find so far that dont change the game drastically. Additional info: Liteloader actually can work with forge, so no worries there. Curseforge and github are safe places to get stuff from, so dont be afraid to use those for further modding in the future.

    I've talked enough today...:saltedhappy:
    GameScout180 likes this.
  6. GameScout180

    GameScout180 Rias Gremory Fan VIP+

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    Dude. I have no idea how to thank you. You have made my day. I was not expecting any feedback, but feedback plus tips and stuff that helps me out sososo much. I cannot stress enough how grateful I am for your help. I know this may not be much but Ill be sure to give you a shoutout in my next video. If there is anything else like a link to your social meadia I can put in the desc or anything else I could do for you in return please please tell me. Thank you! :saltedhappy::saltedhappy::saltedhappy:
  7. GameScout180

    GameScout180 Rias Gremory Fan VIP+

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    Another video is now up on my channel! Hope you enjoy and please give my any feedback you have to improve!

  8. GameScout180

    GameScout180 Rias Gremory Fan VIP+

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    Hey guys! After a short pause because of school I had time to upload a few more videos as well as another Wynncraft Quests one!!! I really hope you enjoy and if you have any feedback I would love to hear it! Cheers! :saltedhappy::saltedhappy:

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