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Any Class Stop Making Glass Melee Builds + Melee Build Tips

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by SilverMirror, Dec 26, 2016.

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  1. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    This thread is addressed to those people who keep suggesting death trap melee builds thinking they are awesome because they kill some boss in 10 seconds not knowing how impractical and frail their builds are. Especially the Earth Sanct + Statue Alka melee build. Basically there are three main aspect for a good melee builds

    1. Damage
    - boosting damage and attack tier is important for melee build as that's your main source of damage output. Some gears you might use will give either one and some attack tier gear will reduce damage, just balance it and test it yourself

    2. Mobility
    - with melee you got a ridiculous short range unless you're using archer which is weird, but whether how u make your melee build you need to move fast to dodge incoming attacks and keep up to your enemy.

    3. Defences
    - with melee you're constantly at close range with your foe you will take hits easily, high defence/agility/elemental defence is a must

    Why earth sanct + statue alka melee build doesn't work:
    Even with high hp pool you do not have great elemental defence, added that you basically can't move at all to dodge attacks or keep up to your enemy, and low defences/agility, if anyone use this build to try to solo bosses that move fast (wybel) or spawn a lot of minions (qira) it basically doesn't work. You will die in 3 hits and thats not good for business. The only way this build can possibly works is that you have entire team build around focusing keeping you alive when u fight boss, archers give u speed and mages just spam heal on you and keep the boss stationary with ice snake.

    Why glass cannon does not work on melee builds:
    Actually glass cannon build should not work on any build at all as in order for you do to damage you should have some degree of survivability. But at least if you're using high damage spells in long range you can have a chance in not getting hit, which melee builds doesn't hv that range. So mobility and defences might be even more important than damage itself.

    Lastly a quick pro tip
    Elemental defences calculated differently in spells and melee, meaning you can easily damage qira with elemental melee builds but not elemental spells. I tried damaging qira using a 4k per hit grim melee build but cannot hurt her with my 20k spin cata build

    let the flame war begins
  2. Kawaii__Turtle

    Kawaii__Turtle Kawaiiest of Turtles CHAMPION

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    Gimme dat
    Also I want a glass cannon melee build purely because why the hell not xD
  3. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    *you forgot a . at the end of your sentence.

    Bring it on.

    A build that can kill 'some boss' (I'm assuming we're talking endgame bosses here, qira, orange wybel. Not the big rat from thieving rodents.) in 10 seconds is in my eyes VERY practical.
    Frail, perhaps. But VERY practical.

    That's quite broadly taken. I'd say there are alot of other things you must take into consideration.
    Compatibility with spells, range, type of damage, etc.

    But if you were to take just these three, you'd only need 2/3 aspects.
    (No need for mobility if you got good defense and vice versa.)

    Soloing the wybel or qira 'basically' doesn't work with any class.
    And whilst you can't move, you can use warscream to move your opponent. Don't forget that melee builds still have spells, the spells just dish out lil' to no damage.
    (mhmk, war scream is based of melee damage for some reason, so in this case it'd hit like a truck. But that's a bug.)

    than again, you're pretty likely to get oneshot by both of those bosses unless you're completely focussing on defense. So 3 hits isn't all that bad.

    wut... teamwork?
    lol im outta here.
    *plays an mmorpg*
    (seriously, neither of those bosses were ment to be solo'd (solod? solo-d? How do you spell that word?) Just because some people can kill them solo doesn't mean that a build is bad if you can't solothe bosses with it.)

    I simply disagree.

    thunder sanctuary
    shaggy boots

    Detective's ring
    Ariodo's Dial
    Lightning flash


    Here's a build capable of 1-2 shotting basically everybody in the nether. Yet it has 5hp, if you're good with assassin. You'll basically only lose from things like cactus builds and in team fights.

    I don't understand your logic here.
    A: as melee you got a chance not to get hit, as well. (although I must say, on average people will most probably miss out on more damage with spells/archer's melee than with other melee.)
    B: If you leave out damage, you're gonna be the one to lose.
    Or have a tie.

    You'll end up like JaydonTheWarrior. Having to /kill because you can afk the orange wybel but not out-dps it's regen.

    I've noticed this as well, got any idea on why this is?
    If so, please quote this. I'd love to know.
    Useful information in this quote.
    Blueswordss, Zheniths and Meekio like this.
  4. MylifeIsSad

    MylifeIsSad Well-Known Adventurer

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    Well melee builds has way less dps then a spell build which defeats its purpose of having high constant damage but low burst. (I mean spell spam builds does more dps in general). Also it is minecraft so it is even harder to land melee hits on moving targets (mid-air and fast movement speed targets). Due to this reason, melee hit should have a avantage of armour penetration which balance it out in the elemental tanks meta. Idk it is intended or not but it seems a great feature.
    Stag2001 likes this.
  5. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    no that build was just Death and he got lucky because no other boss was targeting him at that moment and he just run in kill it and get out, by practical you must sustain a long duration fight in pve and pvp
    spells is not needed we are talking about melee, range is short and type of damage does not matter
    ofc this is boardly taken since you're picking on my English you must know what "aspect" means
    i feel like i just stepped on your toe and you just find some random things to throw at me at this point
    mobility is a must and i just explained in the thread, you have to keep up to the boss or player you're fighting
    not if you have a good build, 3 hits is just a generous assumption considering you have more than 10k hp with bad defences, as well as bad mobility you most likely die after those 3 hits before killing the boss as you cannot escape from the first hit
    I have soloed wybel and qira on all my classes and your next argument just doesn't make a point. with a melee build means you have next to no intel and mana regen, yes you can use some spells to move it but if we are talking about player or fast moving bosses you'll be attacked before you can move it again. also warscream is base on base damage of the weapon and not melee damage please do research.
    my point in the thread is not about you have to play as a team, but about the team must revolve around you because your build cannot handle itself and they must put most of their effort in keeping you alive, not a real team player.
    most bosses in this game are not made for solo ofc but to use teamwork, and teamwork doesn't mean you must be carried by other people just so you can play a proper role in the fight
    I simply disagree. (lol)
    I OWN a cataclysm myself and have a decent build for it, which i can say glass cannon build does not work, both in pvp and pve.
    low mobility in assassin is a problem making any assassin harder to move compare to other classes in combat, increasing chance to take damage, as well as low spell range
    you can ask any player with cataclysm they will tell you the same, having this ridiculously low hp is difficult to survive any fight long enough to actually land a hit. however a lot of players does not know how to build cata even they've tried it i just feel bad for them wasting a fine mythic
    back to the point, again you're not seeing the big picture, nether is a place where u can respawn and reach your target in the matter of seconds, yes you can kill people with a glass cannon build but you also die a lot, in pve it doesn't work that way, even with other builds that doesn't use cata as glass cannon, struggles in all rounded situation. you might disagree on this but i think that in order to actually do damage you must survive its damage right? you must be carried by team mates again if u r facing bosses like wybel

    in order to actually do damage you must survive its damage right?
    my logic was that glass cannon spell build might work when you are far enough from the enemy but in melee builds u r forced to keep a short distance, again u can say archer melee but i already said in my original thread that this part does not account of that, please don't nit pick and produce actual arguments
    oh erm btw tank builds or builds that focus on defence does not mean low damage, i personally made a 15k uppercut guardian build that takes no damage from wybel and can pierce through its fire defence, not including powder specials btw. How Jayson build his warrior is beyond my mortal understanding but from my knowledge he base on survivability, being on a tie with the boss is better than being killed in 3 seconds, at least you can like idk wait for reinforcement(?) lol
    spell multiplier works similarly in elemental defence is my bet

    I can see that we have very different ideas on how the game's combat should work, and I respect that. However what i said and what you said are just our own opinion and that does not necessarily mean the other one is wrong, we just see the coin in two faces.

    this is an international server, you're bounded to meet players that are from other parts of the world that does not use English as first language, please do not nitpick on grammar as that is just out right disrespectful
    although i do appreciate you tried to use logical reasoning to express your arguments instead of some low end players that just like to insult other players that is irrelevant to the topic, great conversation we have here, feel free to message me in game or in forum to talk about this or other stuff
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
    Stag2001 and creature like this.
  6. Chun_

    Chun_ Any broken builds founder,nerfed by Salted VIP+

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  7. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    I'm sorry if you got offended by
    That was ment as a joke. It sounded pretty funny in my head, still does. But I had no intention of being disrespectful.
    + I'm not a native speaker myself.

    Accept that in this context, it's funny.

    Granted, not always appropriate and sometimes unpleasant, But if you cannot laugh, if you are more offended by grammar nazis than by a war, famine, corruption, deforestation, racism, sexism, classism, the wrongfully imprisoned, the foreclosing on homes while bank's debts are forgiven.
    If a grammar nazi offends you more than any of that.

    Than I feel sorry for you.

    Grab a lolly.
    Have some kool-aid.

    This text is pretty much straight from Shane Koyczan's poet 'how to be a person.' That guy is great with words. Google him.

    Yeah, sorry. I apologise to you as well.

    5hp is terrible in PvE, I got nothing to say here.

    I'm the guy that made
    this thread. I know the possibilities of builds. ;p

    yeah. ;p I did try to find everything even remotely wrong with this thread that I could.

    Because you asked for a flame war.

    be careful what you wish for. A tip from @creature
    SilverMirror likes this.
  8. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    I do enjoy some logical discussion from time to time :)
    Chun_ and creature like this.
  9. mrcraftyketchup

    mrcraftyketchup Meleeing Enthusiast HERO

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    Rainbow still op for PvE, That's all I can say.
    Stag2001 likes this.
  10. Chun_

    Chun_ Any broken builds founder,nerfed by Salted VIP+

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    I hope so...
    Stag2001 and SilverMirror like this.
  11. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    Yup I hate it
  12. Chun_

    Chun_ Any broken builds founder,nerfed by Salted VIP+

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    Necroposting, don't lock this thread
  13. orange0401

    orange0401 Fortified with Vitamin C HERO

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    also people bashing my grim build. hue.
  14. mike88

    mike88 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    重點是即使你認爲 alka不好用,也比很多其他 build好很多, 衹是你看不過眼而已。
  15. Chun_

    Chun_ Any broken builds founder,nerfed by Salted VIP+

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    thats why alka is cheap, just saying
  16. Chun_

    Chun_ Any broken builds founder,nerfed by Salted VIP+

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    我會講只係易死,秒就未必,statue 9000幾血buff都食到1 2下爆炸傷既
  17. Chun_

    Chun_ Any broken builds founder,nerfed by Salted VIP+

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    WTF Qira duplicated
  18. mike88

    mike88 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    打orange wybel 用坦克很容易,每下只受三四千,兩個回復藥水就可以啦,仲很快和solo.
    Qira 簡直沒料到
    Also some people enjoy making death trap melee builds, whats the problem with that? It's annoying you always ( well occasionally ) link this thread. This is a free class build section
  19. mike88

    mike88 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    ... you don't get the points
    Its not even fucking melee based. Cuz its tanked with rage. Spells ( charge uppercuts ) and war screams work perfectly fine.
    I agree that rage works bad with glass cannons, but not that bad with tanks. I can still have 10k hp left but already activated half-rage
    Mobility isn't a must when I don't get oneshot, I can always charge and war scream.
    Also, not all builds are dedicated to pvp, so asking people to stop making these builds is utter nonsense
  20. KirbyPlayzMC

    KirbyPlayzMC Skilled Adventurer

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    What's wrong of having a good build of whatever kind?
    It's just a good combination of different kinds of gear.
    And yes I agree with some of your points on a "good melee build" but Death's build doesn't sastify all your "main aspects".
    However, his build is acutally quite good and there is nothing wrong with having a good build.
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