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[rp] Legends 2 [10/10] Closed.... For Now

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Sep 30, 2016.

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  1. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    "Very well. If the realm of light falls, we'll already have lost."
  2. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    All across the battlefield, the nine slip out of battle. Ozoth and her dragons have turned the tide: now, the battle was almost even.

    When they were out of most's eyesight, all of them starts rushing towards the South. Katherine and Drandel rises into the air: The rest runs.

    A few elves find them as they near Aldorei Valley. Legolus hurries forward. "Hurry! Something is extremely wrong!"

    The elves lead them towards inside the Aldorei Village. As they look, they see the elves rushing around in panic, while the few Heliolux in the village fall to the ground, their skin turning dark. A huge shadow hangs over in the sky.

    Katherine seems affected, too: her skin looks paler than usual. Legolus and the elves lead them towards the cherry tree, from which they enter the Sol Embassy chamber. There, they travel through the familiar chamber into the hall where they first had the meeting. There, Legolus goes to the fireplace, and throws in a golden stone with a symbol on it. Instantly, there is a rumbling sound, then a small door opens.

    Legolus looks back at the nine. "The Realm is corrupted beyond repair. Every step is a fight with monsters: they might be weak, but the sheer amount will slowly kill us all. We need speed."

    "We have several horses ready. If you must, take them."

    "I can summon up to four dragons." Drandel says. "They are small, built for speed, and cannot hold more than one person."

    "The ones with experiences with horses should go on ground." Luke says. That means that me, Vocthar, Ronan and Bailwolf should use the horses."

    Mortem says, "I can summon a horse for myself. Drandel shouldn't tire herself before a battle."

    The door leads the group into an enormous hall. Buildings are aligned to the walls to the side, holding elven warriors and fair horses. Corpses of small monsters lie on the ground around the room. At the end of the room stands a huge portal, covering the entire wall. The portal glows with white light, however, shade of red can be seen on the edges.

    The ones who chose to take the horses (Luke, Vocthar, Ronan, Bailwolf and the elves goes to the barracks to take horses. Mortem stands in middle of the room, and summons a ghostly skeletal horse. Drandel, Thagila and Ajnin mount on the dragons that Drandel summoned.

    "What are we fighting in there?" Mortem asks. Legolus sighs and look at one of the other elves. "We are fighting Orphion." She says. "For centuries he was the Light Beast, but now, the corruption have taken him. He must be vanquished for the Light to regain its original state, as sad as it is."

    "Whatever happens," Legolus says, "we cannot stop. If any of us fall on the way, we cannot come back for them. The whole of Light depends on us at this moment to defeat the corruption."

    Katherine looks at Luke. He nods.

    With cries, the warriors plunge into the portal.
    Malkavian likes this.
  3. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Drandel rises into the dark air. She chokes: so much smoke in the sky. Looking down, she sees the others on ground rounding up on the platform. The other two dragons, with Ajnin and Thagila rise behind her. Katherine comes up to Drandel. "Look." She says.

    Drandel looks ahead, and gasps. The Realm of Light must've been beautiful, with tall transparent trees and creatures. Now, it has been infested with monsters of all sorts. The sky is also inhabited by flying unknown creatures that cannot be named. Legolus shouts, "Go! Go towards the Stone!"

    Katherine shoots towards the direction of a huge thunderstorm gathering. The others follow.

    "Eyah!" Ronan shouts as his horse plunges into the corrupted ground. Instantly, the monsters take notice and starts rushing at the group of riders.

    "Take the road!" Luke shouts. "There aren't much monsters there!" True, on the road there were less monsters. The gravel was blessed with Light and was laid there by ancient Light beings.

    The dragons fly overhead, scorching monsters that came near them. Katherine, from above, shouts, "Watch out!"

    In front of the riders, the pavement cracks. With a roar, a huge thing rise from the ground. It looks like a worm, but with hard skin, and much much bigger. On the top, a sharp row of teeth circle around its gaping mouth. The monster gives an unearthly squeal, which gives Ronan shivers. The riders cry out and leap out of the way. The worm knocks one elf off his horse, who is thrown off into the monsters. Ronan closes his eyes. That could happen to him, or his friends.

    Suddenly, fast as an arrow, something knocks onto Legolus and his horse right next to Ronan. An overgrown serpent bite into the horse's neck, to which the beast screams and goes still. Legolus rolls and then gets up, knives in hand. "Go!" He shouts, just as the serpent rushes on him. After that, Legolus and the serpent goes out of sight, as the riders cross the bridge. In the distance, the Stone of Light is visible. It is the only source of light in the coming darkness of the thunderstorm.

    Ajnin, on his dragon, looks out onto the Stone. A large tower has been made right in front of the stone, and it kept the monsters away with its blinding light. Another monster takes down an elf. They keep going.

    Across the Realm, Ajnin sees the similar worm things rise from the ground. As they rise into the air, they come back down and burrow their heads into the ground again. They are destroying the Realm. Ajnin thinks. The fact that they were doing this, was that the Eye was confident that Darkness will hold inside the Stone.

    He was distracted. A scorpion-like monster with wings burrow its fangs into his dragon. The dragon screams: a horrible sound. Ajnin is thrown off his now limp dragon. He grabs onto the scorpion monster, which is flapping its wings furiously to keep afloat. In the air, Drandel screams and goes limp on her dragon.

    The scorpion monster swings its tail, and it whips across Ajnin. The boy is knocked out, into the air.

    Katherine shouts and swoop down after Ajnin. She grabs Ajnin's arm and spreads her wings, wide. A painful jolt splits across her back, making her want to curl up in the air. "Ahhhh!" She screams, and pull up, using her body weight. They both land hard on the ground, ahead of where the riders were coming from. Thagila and her dragon lands, and draw back the monsters that started to gather around the two of them. Fortunately, they were only a few yards away from the area under protection from the tower. The riders quickly come up and help the three of them come into the tower's protected areas. The monsters cry in annoyance as they try to come inside the Light... and fail.

    Drandel and her dragon lands a few seconds later. She rolls down her dragon, her face pale. Blood drop from her mouth.

    The warriors drop to the ground. Some are crying, over their lost friends. They have lost nine elves: only four more remained.

    From the tower, three Helioluxes come out. They help the thirteen of them come inside the walls.

    Luke goes around, healing wounds. He takes the most time on Katherine, whose muscle on her back and wings have been damaged. When they are ready, the thirteen warriors walk up to the Heliolux captain, Aluxander.

    "Dark times are upon us, warriors." He says. "The parasite that have taken Orphion has finally finished corrupting the Light Beast. Beware: Orphion is powerful, probably more powerful than any monster you have fought. All I can say is, good luck."

    "Yes, good luck." One of the elves, Wyrmin, says. "We will not accompany you, you must do this yourselves."

    Mortem looks startled. "You're not coming?" He asks.

    Wyrmin nods sadly. "Yes. Elves are guardians, not saviours of Light. Even if we wanted to, the magic of this stone will not let us interfere.

    Wyrmin walks up to the stone and touches it. His touch triggers a bright red light.

    "It can't be helped." Vocthar says. "We have to do this."

    Aluxander walks up to the stone and speaks in his language. The symbols on the Stone shifts, and come together into a square.

    The square glows, then solidifies. It moves back into the stone, revealing a dark tunnel, leading underground of the stone.

    The nine look at each other, then walk into the tunnel.

    A figure, small compared with the other monsters, walk up the road in the Realm of Light, towards the stone. The Light is bright, and many monsters are chased away by it.

    The figure snorts. Weaklings, they were.

    He raises his hand, and a surge of Dark energy attack the Light barrier. The Helioluxes and the elves see this figure. The man smiles; and the Light shatters.

    An alarm is raised in the tower, but it is too late. The monsters all rush into the area.

    A new light barrier is reinforced, but the figure raise his hand again, and the wall of shadow plunge the Light. He rise into the air, flapping his wings, and land on top of the tower. Focusing his darkness onto his arms, he bring it down onto the tower. The tower crack, then explodes.

    The man jumps off the rubble and lands in front of four elves. They draw their weapons and stand guard in front of the Stone.

    The elf in front recognises the man. "Nicolas?" He whispers. "What happened to you?"

    The man smiles. "I am not Nicolas, elf. The Eye gave me power, power beyond your imagination. I am the Corrupter of Realms, and I will finish my job!"

    With that, the Corrupter jumps forward. As fast as the elves were, they were not fast enough. With a few strokes of his wicked knives, the elves fall to the ground, dead.

    The Corrupter of Realms rise to his height. As a servant of Darkness, he will do what he was created to do: Destroy the Realm of Light.
    Malkavian likes this.
  4. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    "This is bad... We can't kill him, even if he is killable! There must be a way to un-corrupt him..."
    I try to ask the Heliolux if there's a way to purify Nicholas, but keeping my eye on him in case of an attack.
  5. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Well you went in Nicolas is still outside -_-
  6. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Oh. I got confused.

    Just... Go kill Orphion?
  7. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Yeah... I'll need some time to write it up
  8. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Ok have fun with that... It's also 7:42 and I've just woken up, so my mind is working at 10% of what it normally does...
  9. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    why would you ever wake up at that ungodly time on a weekend ._.

    hey @Amun_Ra so... i just do nothing?
    :( i wanna control Nicholas
  10. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    I can't help it, I want to sleep longer, but my mind hates me ;-;
  11. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Plus guys it's Nicolas not Nicholas
    Malkavian likes this.
  12. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Try waking up latest at 6 o'clock XD
    That's early ;)
  13. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The nine walk along the cave. The walls are made of glowing stones. Some of them, in fact most of them, are corrupted.
    Water drip down, and the cave looks like it has been left alone for a long time.

    "Look." Mortem reaches down and pick up a golden robe. It has been ripped to tatters. "A Heliolux had fallen here." He says. "We must be careful."

    The cave ends shortly after. There is a door, with a mysterious rune. Ajnin sighs. "You ready?" He asks his fellow warriors.

    "Course not." Ronan says. "But let's do this."

    Drandel presses a button next to the door, and it slides open quietly. The nine walk inside.

    They walk inside a big arena. The tiled ground echoes every step of the warriors. The look around, and see that the walls, all up to the ceiling, was lined with mirrors.

    "What the hell?" Drandel whispers. Ronan, frowning, look back at Katherine. She looks back at him.

    "Hey!" Katherine says behind Ronan. Ronan looks back, confused, and sees Katherine behind him. Looking back, he sees the same person, only now, she is grinning ear to ear, literally. She opens her mouth, and her sharp teeth are visible.

    Before anyone could react, white objects rise behind the false-Katherine. Nine white tails expand behind the figure. The creature now lunges towards Ronan, but Bailwolf hit it from the side. All around the nine, the mirrors shift, circling around the arena.

    Now, the figure rises from the ground. Its tails wiggle around, their tips glowing. It still resemble Katherine.

    The creature gives a clear cry, then leaps at the nine.
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @WhettoWen @Poiu429
    Ozoth, the dragon sweeps down again. Her claws swipe across the army, and destroys dozens of monsters. Iskander had been slain, slain by a group of elves led by Elrund. The dwarven army have added to the army of Light, and now the Dark army was even with the Light.

    What would you two do?

    (so sorry)
  15. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    Keep watchin
  16. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    send a buncha water magic towards ozoth
    and tell anyone else that can do water magic to do the same
    the rest of the army charge!!
    yeee charge
  17. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    Age: 13
    Gender: Male
    In Legends?: (Yes or no) Yes
    Side: (Good or evil?) Good
    Backstory: Son of Salomnis, Asyra followed in his father's footsteps as soon as his mother died. He has been targeted by Corruption, and was persuaded to the point of torturing him to join back to his great-grandfather's side. He has fled to Gavel by order of his father.
    Appearance: A cloaked child with scars over his face.
    Weapons: A sword handed down to him by his father. He rubbed the runes off as a child, and the sword has lost its corruption power since.
    Starting Point: Cinfras
  18. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    I dive out of the way, looking at the creature.
    "What is that thing, and what happened to Katherine?!" I say, mostly to myself.
    I get up and look for a weakness before turning to the mirror.
    "The mirrors must mean something," I think to myself.
    I fire a bolt of lightning at one, at an angle from which deflecting it won't hit anyone, to see what happens.
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Sorry guys, I had to go somewhere... terrible wi-fi there that I didn't expect

    Anyway I'll continue. Thanks for waiting.

    Welcome back, but there is a problem with your new character. Salomnis was 15 at the time of Legends I, and only about a year passed. So, either Asyra is Salomnis's brother or cousin, or you want to remake the character's backstory?

    Ozoth's fire is quenched by the rush of water that have risen into the air and hit the dragon. She roars, and land into the battlefield. Just because her fire was quenched doesn't lessen her ability to fight, claw and teeth. She and several of her children (twenty of them) start wreaking havoc in your army. The Dark army now charge with new power, received from the weakening of the Light Realm. They now push the Light army back, taking most of the Western side of the city. The Dark also broke the North entrance, and thus the warriors have been pushed back to the bridge and the Southern side of the city.
    Pyrs, you can control your monsters (any that you create, not too overpowered) and Naragath and his army.

    Shade sees the South gate of Cinfras. That was the only closed gate, and the army was focused onto entering the city, and not the gate. If the gate was broken, the dark could surround their enemies inside the city. But how?
  20. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    I will change to brother/cousin, I may not have listened to the lore.
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