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Archer/Hunter Infused Hive Bow Vs Freedom Which Is Better???

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Csm1tty, Dec 18, 2016.

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  1. Csm1tty

    Csm1tty Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Infused Hive Bow VS Freedom Which is Better???

    In my time playing this wonderfully amazing game I have heard many debates and one of the most frequent of these was "Is Freedom better than the Infused Hive Bow?" To answer this question I have compared these bows. (to see how keep reading) Before you say Freedom is obviously better because of it being a mythic or that the Infused Hive Bow can't have even stats if you put all the powders on it. (In other words one would be lower than the others) Keep reading and ill show you the answer to both of those right here.

    First the Infused Hive with BALANCED powders.

    To get that bow you need these powders with these tiers.
    Earth Powder 2
    Thunder Powder 5
    Water Powder 4
    Fire Powder 3
    Air Powder 4
    (Will be edited to show the correct powders when I remember xD)

    Now that we have gotten that out of the way the comparison

    To compare these two amazing bows I have calculated the damage that there arrow bombs will do if the user had NO items or skill points on. Yes I calculated EVERYTHING even the stats of the bows. I used the bows maximum possible stats in my calculations thus if you have a freedom with worse stats it won't do as much damage as the one I calculated.

    These are the numbers I got

    Infused Hive Rainbow

    Minimum Damage 2160

    Maximum Damage 3340


    Minimum Damage 1526

    Maximum Damage 2434

    As you can see the Infused Hive Bow does do more damage BUT the Freedom can have powders where as the Infused Hive I have already used all of its slots. This gives the Freedom the Freedom (the puns) of using powder abilities as well as boosting its damage by whatever powders you want to use. HOWEVER do not forget I used the Freedom's MAX stats for the calculations which adds up to +65% element damage and 169 raw spell damage maximum.
    If you do not have powders on a Freedom It IS worse than the Infused Hive Bow with balanced powders. If your Freedom has powders it depends on its other stats if it is in fact stronger or not which if you had average freedom stats it will be weaker no matter what kind of powders you use. Reading this you realize the Infused Hive Bow is stronger than a Freedom! But it is still not over because of the extra powder slots the freedom can have powder abilities with includes the ever so amazing fire ability which leads me to put these two bows on equal terms. The Hive Bow has been buffed to do +20% element damage so I now deem it better than freedom :D (the numbers have been changed to show this.

    So if you can't save the money for a mythic you can always go for the cheaper Hive Infused Bow it will always do as much or MORE damage than a freedom!

    If you got to this point reading the whole post thank you :D if you skipped to this point READ THE POST!
    If I messed something up please tell me and I can fix it thanks!

    Last edited: Dec 27, 2016
    Vlctor, Gigavern, Heysoul and 4 others like this.
  2. SuperTheFlugel

    SuperTheFlugel Battle Monk Enjoyer CHAMPION

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    If your a wybel how were you the first sheep to solo qira?!?!!?
  3. Blizzardgale

    Blizzardgale Famous Adventurer VIP

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    This is the most on topic post I've seen in my life
  4. Csm1tty

    Csm1tty Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    well see here my name is FluffyTheWybel but In all actuality I am sheep through and through (In other words I don't have a wybel morph and sheeps are cool so I soloed qira as one) thanks for your concern about my name and me being a sheep
  5. Endertricity

    Endertricity Assorted Mini Quiche VIP

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    2 earth 5 thunder 4 water 3 fire 4 air
  6. Csm1tty

    Csm1tty Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    ty I could not remember which powders and didn't want to take the time to hunt them down
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