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[rp] Legends 2 [10/10] Closed.... For Now

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Sep 30, 2016.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Pyrs, Shade, Iskalius and Naragath stand on top of the hill. Shade says, "Release the arrows."

    Naragath shout the same words in his own language to his demons. Pyrs shouts, using magic to magnify his voice, and shouts, "Archers, fire!"

    A second later, a black wave made of many arrows is released from the black army and heads towards the city.

    Luke sees the arrow coming down on the city. He raises his hand and shout, "Leyra!" Across the city, the dispersed mages, both human and elf, shout the same word.

    The arrows stop mid-air. The ancient barrier stops only magical attacks and dark monsters to pass through anywhere other than the gate, and not physical objects (forget the part where I said the orb should've been stopped by the barrier). The arrows then turn around and rains onto the monsters.

    Iskalius roars and raises his hand. Black energy shoot from his fingers, and hits the wave of arrows. The energy cuts through the arrows, making them almost harmless to the monster army below.

    The monster shouts, "Bring the trolls in!"

    A dozen of creatures that tower over their fellow monsters start charging towards the gate. The trolls each have a huge metal bar, which they use to stab at the closed gate and push them.

    A volley of arrows and magical projectiles rain from the Cinfras city and onto the monsters. The demon spellcasters manage to stop most of the attacks, but still a lot of them reach the monsters.

    The gate shudders as the trolls try to break it. The non-warriors are evacuated to the Guild Hall. The warriors of Cinfras silently hold their ground.

    Drandel looks at the others. "You all ready?" The other eight nod. "Then let's do this!"

    Pyrs looks up at the city. A small figure rise into the sky, a pair of wings behind them. You sneer; the angel from Efilim.

    Behind the angel, four dragons rise into the sky, each different size, but overall huge. They all rise into the sky, and then, dodging the arrows aimed at them, fly down onto the army.

    Each dragon holds two of the adventurers, and flies after Katherine. The angel cast a bright force of light around her, which repels all the arrows aimed at her. She dives into the army, landing in middle of confused monsters and demons. With quick strokes of her knives, she kills a dozen of creatures. The dragons spread their wings wide, as Drandel commanded them to do, and bring their claws into the enemy. They cut through the monsters, killing many, but only a small number compared with the whole army. The dragons land around Katherine, and Mortem, Vocthar, Ajnin, Drandel, Thagila, Ronan, Bailwolf and Luke jumps off.

    The nine of them, plus the four dragons, and six others that have been summoned, start fighting in midst of enemies.

    Iskalius growls. "I will take care of the attack. Naragath, Pyrs, Shade: Fight them."

    If any of them were offended by Isklaius commanding them, they did not show it. Naragath, opening his huge wings, rise into the sky. Pyrs and Shade follow after the Demon Prince, straight at the Nine and the dragons.

    "Incoming!" Ajnin shouts, just as Naragath lands in front of one of the dragons. Drawing his giant mace, he clubs the creature on its body, and the dragon falls to the ground, crippled. The dragon cry out in pain, and Drandel screams in rage. She jumps, and using the magic from her pendant and sword, she lands on the huge demon's shoulder. Mortem and Ajnin follows her.

    Pyrs lands next, and using the power of his new arm, punches Katherine with full force. The elf-angel cry out and shield herself with Light energy. The force knocks her into the air. Thagila jumps up and grabs at Katherine. The two of them land on the ground hard, rolling. As Pyrs come down on the two, Luke appears in front of the Dark Wizard, and bring his staff upwards. Pyrs smiles and bring his own staff downwards. A shockwave radiates from the contact, and the two wizards are sent tumbling back. Vocthar, Ronan and Bailwolf run to where Shade has landed amongst the demons.

    The battle continues.
    You can reply actions in your battles, if you want. However, you don't have to, this is just several scenes to make up all that happened. The actual Role Playing starts after the battle.
  2. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Yeah sry ;(
    Speak for yourself XD
  3. sonickid3003

    sonickid3003 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Well, I'm back..

    As the four approach Shade, Ronan mutters, "Ugh, him again.."
  4. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    So can light/dark energy protect from physical attacks?

    Shade: Try to use yrobalicy on Bailwolf. If it works have him (bailwolf) defend Shade.

    Send half of the monsters running after the trolls. Shields up (to cover from arrows).
    The other half split into two. One half (of the remaining half, so one fourth total) go to the north entrance of Cinfras and try to flank the warriors. The other half (fourth) go to the guild hall (I'm going to assume someone saw the people without armor running towards the guild hall or something)/Levtus airbase (yes that's what it's called). If the half (fourth) that goes to the guild hall dispatches of the humans, send it to the Gylia watch to kill them.

    Naragath: Grab the "heroes" off of his shoulder with his hand; attempt to crush them. If not, punt them. If possible, continue attacking dragons with club. If Thaglia/Katherine are near, club them too.

    Me (Pyrs): Use Altitudinem on Luke. Aim it directly at him.
  5. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    (Note: The enemy doesn't know my orders)
    "Archers, spread out! Fire at Naragath from as many angles as possible! He cannot deflect them all!" I look around, thinking of my next move. "Swordsmen, wait for the gate to fall, then rush! Use a hit-and-run tactic on them! Spearmen, make a defensive line after that!" I turn to the mages. "Mages, cast meteors to take out some of their numbers whilst they approach and try to break in!"

    I see someone who trying to cast a spell. Due to their difference in appearance, they're likely a commander, and thus will hit hard. "Not happening!" I shout at the enemy, and fire a strong bolt of lightning at them.
  6. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    this is me, right?
    now i have to think of a charge up time for my spell..

    see i was thinking that Altitudinem was a kind of spell that released quickly but after release, the user is very vulnerable. I was thinking that it would take 2 seconds to release. Ignis is the one that takes awhile (so like for ignis, raise arm over head, gather magic around it, punch the ground - takes about 7 seconds).

    So, @Amun_Ra did I manage to cast Altitudinem? If I did, when did the lightning bolt hit?

    If I can't cast Altitudinem in time: Just let it hit me... in my new arm (arm of darkness? geez i need a name for it)
    If I can cast Altitudinem in time: Basically do the same thing except try to raise a magical barrier. The barrier will probably fail because I'm drained from Altitudinem, but whatever.
  7. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Sorry guys its taking so long, i'm real busy rn and i'm kinda rushed on with Angels and Demons. I'll reply tomorrow, promise.
  8. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Eh, it's ok. I'm finally becoming capable of patience...
  9. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Don't worry ;)
    It is fine, don't rush it.
  10. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Pyrs's Altitudinem hits Luke before Ajnin's bolt reaches the old wizard. Luke is sent tumbling back, while Pyrs staggers. Thagila cries and bolt after Luke, while Ajnin run towards Pyrs, who is now shuffling up. Ajnin jumps, and with his sword cackling with electricity, attacks Pyrs. The old wizard lifts his staff, and a shield is conjured in front of Ajnin. He is knocked back onto the ground, and Pyrs pins the boy down with his staff.

    Suddenly, a huge chunk of earth hits the wizard. Behind Ajnin stands two figures: One female and other male. Lynn from Aldorei, and another mutant named Slash.

    "Begone, wizard!" Lynn shouts. She raises her hand, in which a green amulet is held. The earth beneath Pyrs starts to shift like liquid. Slash jumps, and his body starts to change. He lands a great, large serpent, blue in colour. The serpent coils around Pyrs, preventing him from casting any spell. The earth covers up and swallows the wizard, while Slash release him before being buried too.

    Naragath growls and catches Drandel, who is on his shoulder. Mortem shouts, and about two dozen skeletons rise from the earth. They start hacking at the Demon, and Naragath release Drandel in surprise. The girl swiftly roll, then stand and command one of her dragon to attack Naragath.

    Shade uses his telekinesis to push Vocthar and Bailwolf back. Ronan fires an arrow, which Shade catches in front of him. Using the distraction, Bailwolf clubs Shade with his arms. Shade staggers back, then regain his posture and punch Bailwolf, hard. Bailwolf cry in pain and staggers backwards. Shade leap and drawing his sword, aim it at Bailwolf.

    Vocthar's arrow shoot Shade out of the air. Shade stands up, an arrow in his shoulder. He pulls it out, and the shadowy skin weave itself and covers the wound.

    Iskandar and the demon army have spread around Cinfras. The main gate breaks with a giant crash. The trolls roar and rushes in, only to fall, killed by arrows.

    The demons and monsters leap over the trolls' bodies and engage against the men and elves. The two armies clash with full force.

    Luke recovers fairly quickly with his heal spell. However Bailwolf is wounded quite badly, and Vocthar supports him back to the city. Mortem is still engaged in battle with Naragath. The warriors outside the city scatter and some come inside the city to fight the monsters back.

    Amongst the fight, Ajnin thinks, We have not enough people. We need the dwarves.

    "Drandel!" He calls. The dragon-summoner looks back. Looking around, Ajnin spots Ronan. "Ronan!"

    The two of them come to Ajnin. He says, "The three of us have to go to Thanos, and get their help, if they already haven't left their fortress. Drandel nods, and summons a small bodied dragon. "Will your dragons stay here when you go?" Ronan asks. Drandel looks tired from all the summoning, but she nods.

    Ajnin try to find Elrund's consciousness using his amulet the old elf had given him. Ajnin tells Elrund about his plan, to which Elrund says, You must fly quickly, we need all the help here, in this battle.

    The three of them climb onto the dragon's back. The small dragon gives a roar and rise into the sky. Flapping its wings, it slowly gains altitude, then starts heading towards Thanos with incredible speed. As they fly over the Gylia lake, they see a great army come out of the outer walls of Thanos. The sight fills you with hope: There are so many warriors, all equipped with the finest weapons and armours.

    The dwarves cry out in alarm as the dragon lands in front of them. They start to get ready to fight it, until they see the three figures come down from the back of the dragon. The trio walks up to the leading dwarf.

    "I am Drandel." Drandel says. "This is Ajnin and Ronan, my friends. We come from Cinfras, where there is a great battle. With respect, we urge you to hurry to the battle: for we are losing."

    The dwarf nods. "I have heard of you, Drandel. I am Burtan, King under the Spire. We shall hurry." He then looks at the blue dragon that bore the trio to Thanos.

    "It seems that you are skilled with dragons." King Burtan says. "I wonder... I wonder if you could convince Ozoth to help us. She is a great dragon, and she is not indeed evil. If you could, we can surely turn this battle upside down."

    Ronan and Ajnin stay silent: Drandel seemed to know what she was doing. Let her do the talking.

    "We will try." Drandel says. "Thank you, your majesty."

    King Burtan nods, then says to his army, "Hurry, dwarves, we must head to Cinfras before it becomes a city of darkness!"

    Drandel hops onto her dragon, with Ajnin and Ronan behind. "Let's go!" She shouts, and the blue dragon leaves the ground.

    "You seem to have experience with Kings." Ajnin says when they have risen into the air.

    "I used to live under Troms King." She says.


    The trio come in sight of a great mountain, or rather, a volcano. At the top of the volcano curls a giant red dragon. The dragon looks up at the blue dragon as it approached. The smaller dragon snorts, just as Ozoth blinks.

    The dragon, with great reluctance, lands in front of Ozoth. There, Drandel, Ajnin and Ronan walk up to the giant dragon. Ozoth lowers her head so her eyes were level with the three.

    "What do you want, little humans? Speak quickly, for my children yearns to taste human flesh."
    phew, finally.
    Malkavian likes this.
  11. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    This. Thing. Splits. Stone.

    im confused on whether im dead or not
  12. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    oh.... looks like Luke's head is stronger than a stone.
  13. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Is Luke unintelligent, because I guess he's boneheaded. Or maybe he's just stoned.
    Amun_Ra likes this.
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Also, you aren't dead! How would a Mage so powerful die so quickly...

    I will post reply once I get home. Ajnin you can start a dialogue with Ozoth, Pyrs you can find a way out of the earth.
  15. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    I think for a second. "Would Ozoth have an incentive to help us?" After thinking, I say, "Well, Cinfras is under attack from literally every monster in Gavel and we ask for assistance..."
    Almost certain that wouldn't work, I whisper to Drandel, "You're the one who can deal with dragons... I haven't seen one since I got amnesia..."
    Maybe if I got hit by lightning my powers will get stronger...
  16. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Drandel thinks for a moment. "Cinfras is under attack by a giant army of demons and monsters. We need... assistance."

    "Why do you think I would help you?" Ozoth asks. "As much as I hate demons and monsters, I also have no friendship with human nor dwarf."

    "Their leader, the Eye, will spare nothing. He will come for every living threat to him, once he rises to his power. Winning this battle with damage their army badly, and postpone his arise." Drandel says. "To keep your children safe." She adds.

    Ozoth glares at the other two, Ajnin and Ronan. "I have been war with dwarves ever since I came to this spire. I wish for peace, to raise my children and send them far away, to my homeland." Ozoth shifts. "If I help, would the dwarves make peace with me?"

    "We will talk with King Burtan about it." Drandel says. "I'm sure the dwarves want peace, too."

    Ozoth then rises and spreads her giant wings. "Then I shall help. Ride me instead of the frightened lizard of yours, and we shall fly into war!"

    Malkavian likes this.
  17. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @Vansil @Florfy5 @Poiu429 @The_Wynner @WhettoWen @sonickid3003

    A horn sounds from the Northeast. The two armies look at the direction of the sound. The dark army had entered the city, and had also breached the North Gate. The soldiers of Cinfras were now gathered in the central part, holding back the monsters from reaching their families in the Guild Hall.

    The ground starts to shake. A sound of hundreds of heavy boots on the ground waves over the battle. The soldiers are despaired: They couldn't hold back more enemies!

    A great cry comes from the monsters. Then, the dwarven army hits the enemy with full force. The dwarves, with their hammers, axes and maces, push the surprised demons and monsters back. Naragath is distracted, and Mortem uses that as an advantage and summons another group of skeletons. They charge at Naragath, and hack at him. Drawing his sword, Mortem charges and cuts through Naragath on his shoulder with his soul-eating sword. Naragath cries in pain, and staggers back. The other demons, seeing their leader lose the battle, circle around Mortem.

    That is when the dwarves arrive. The stout warriors of Thanos spread around the battlefield; some inside the city, some outside. Now, with the dwarves dispersed, The enemy starts to gain confidence again, for their number was still greater than the Light. Thagila jumps next to Mortem and helps him push the demons back.

    Shade rises from the ground and heads towards the city. There is a loud crash, then a patch of earth explodes outwards. Pyrs, covered in dirt, rises from the crater he had maid, his eyes growing purple. Lynn and Slash charge the wizard again.

    Just then, a deafening roar fills the air. Every soldier, demon and monster look up. An enormous winged creature blocks the sun. The dwarves and the monsters give a cry: They know what the creature is. Ozoth.

    Behind Ozoth flies about a dozen of smaller dragons. Ozoth gives another roar, and fire erupts all around the sky.

    The two army look up in anticipation: Which side was Ozoth on?

    From the dragon drops three figures. They land inside the battle, near Mortem and Thagila. Ajnin, Drandel and Ronan come up laughing.

    Ozoth changes direction and starts heading towards the area where most of the demon army stayed. The demons give a cry of alarm, just as Ozoth sends a wave of molten fire all over the army. A cheer come up from inside the city.

    Suddenly, the world goes dark. A rumbling sound fills the air, and all human, elves and dwarves feel their body growing weaker. On the other hand, the monsters and the demons gain strength. The dragons seem to be the only creatures unaffected: They were neither Light nor Dark.

    Pyrs laugh out loud. The Corrupter of Realms was doing his job!

    Then, the darkness pass, and the battle continues. However, the monsters and demons have completely regained their health, and started attacking with full force.

    The Realm of Light is falling! Elrund shouts into his orb. The nine warriors from Wynn hears this message. We will fight this battle for ourselves: You must save the Realm, or what's left of it! Legolus will meet you outside Aldorei: He will guide you into the Realm.

    Malkavian likes this.
  18. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    I wrap myself in my cloak, disappearing into the shadows. I go to a tree away from the battle and observe unseen.
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    I'll reply tomorrow...

    Check out my fan-fic Angel and Demons, if you haven't done so already! It has some pretty cool backstories for characters like Nicolas, Katherine and Lucius.
  20. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    I have read a few of them :D
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