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The Book Of Knowledge - The Ultimate Lore Compendium [wip]

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Theeef, Dec 1, 2016.


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  1. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    This is the start of a very big project I am beginning to work on. My main goal for this is to have ALL possible information relating to war or other similar concepts all in one place. Most of it will be explained in better detail (if possible) so that it is more understandable. My goal is for all players, even low level players, to have easy access to all of Wynncraft's known lore. This thread will consist of library locations, library lore, lore theories, siginificant quest dialogues, the main story line, information for the provinces, possible upcoming updates relating to war, mob information, boss altars, and more. If you have something you think needs to be added, feel free to comment below.

    ( @Pretzule is having library lore allowed? If not, please remove it from here)

    Llevigar's Library

    How to access
    In order to enter Llevigar's library, you must have finished the level 97 quest The Fortuneteller. As the reward for the quest you will be given a book titled "Wealth or Knowledge". You can either sell the book to a merchant in Ahmsord for two liquid emeralds, or you can use it to enter the library. In the Llevigar identifier, you need to go up the staircase and to the hole in the wall at (-1849 87 -4514). Then you must throw the book into the hole so that it lands in the hopper. A door will open in the ceiling near the hole in the wall, and a ladder will lead to the entrance. Climb up the ladder and in the room should be a library key. Once you have the key you need to go to (-1847 87 -4503). Right click the button on the door/wall and it should open. Walk through the door. Now you should be inside Llevigar's library. There are several chapters that go into detail about the history of the provinces.

    Wynncraft is a province dominated by humans. After the portal was open mobs started coming out and attacking cities.As a result, Wynn becomes a province of mainly warriors, and is very powerful. Fruma, where humans come from tries to help after years of closed borders, but Villagers have already pushed their influence into Wynn. In Gavel resides Villagers, Dwarves, Elves, Gerts and other races. It is dominated by Villagers. Doguns used to be the main race, but they were wiped out in a war with the Dwarves. Gavel often welcomes humans to Gavel because they can get very cheap labor. Gavel has studied magic very thoroughly, and passes on some of the knowledge to the humans who visit. Fruma is where humans come from. It is run by a huge monarchy, and magic is withheld from the people. Recruits are sent to Wynn from Fruma to help in the war, but they cannot remember much of Fruma.The oceans of the world were hostile for many years before water magic was discovered. Now people reside on the islands in order to escape the corruption. The largest island is Corkus, of which the residents have mastered industrial magic after separating from Fruma.

    Wynn History - Chapter I
    Before 1000 years ago, not much was known about the Wynn province. It used to be a Human dominated province, mainly agricultural. Most of the population migrated from Fruma, to escape the monarchy in search of new lands. After the opening of the portal, things took a turn for the worse. The evil that was unleashed from the theorized realms war almost brought the province to its knees. However, ironically it is the distinguishing event that made Wynn the center of the world. Fruma initially abandoned all ties with the province and closed its doors to the undead, and is migrants. The province waged war on its enemies for centuries, creating legends and ultimately a province of warriors. The war became so second nature to the province that children were able to kill before they could talk properly. Community and a strong national presence made the province admirable and formidable.
    End of Chapter I.
    Wynn History - Chapter II
    Fruma, weary of the fact they boarded an abandoned province of warriors reopened their borders to offer their support in the form of fresh recruits. Too little, too late for many. The Villagers from Gavel had already established their money driven society into the war torn province. The Villagers successfully aided the Wynn province in their war against the creatures of the portal. They introduced the long needed magical arts, that the Fruma province withheld from the educational circuit, reserved only for the servants of the monarchy. Now there appears to be a strong alliance between all 3 provinces, through the proxy of Wynn. Villagers benefit monetarily from Wynn, Wynn benefits from the magical knowledge of them in exchange. The population gain from Fruma made up for a huge loss of life during the conflicts. However, the war wages on. Legends such as Bob will continue to rise and Wynn is predicted to become one of the most powerful provinces in the world.
    End of Chapter II.
    Gavel History - Chapter III
    Gavel history is well documented throughout the province. It is home to many species, the dominant of which is the Villagers, Elves, Dwarves, and Gerts also share this land with us, among other magical creatures. It was previously home to the Doguns, which were wiped out in a bloody war with the Dwarves. Villagers, through capitalist mentalities, developed and dominated most of the Gavel province. Scientific advancement, aided by the fortune made from the Wynn War propelled them to the forefront of the world's powers. The inhabitants of Gavel have developed their magical skills over a large period of time. Magical studies suggest that each major race has its own variation of magical skills.
    End of Chapter III.
    Gavel History - Chapter IV
    The new fortunes made by the Villagers has allowed them to construct an entire city to welcome the cheap labor arriving from the Wynn province. Llevigar, constructed of expensive marble in the icon of the province and holds immense industrial magical power to encourage more movement of people to the province. Villagers are not often willing to do tasks that involve a lot of travelling or combat. Therefore, they have benefited immensely from the movement of adventurers from the Wynn province, to whom they share the rewards of business ventures. Often a very small share is given to the work force. Magical skill, money and the natural resources of Gavel allow it to thrive as a multicultural society. Gavel proclaims itselfs as the most advanced province in the world.
    End of Chapter IV.
    Chapter V - Fruma History
    The Fruma province is the homeland of Humans. Its history is deep and complex. Their borders have been closed only until recently. Historians from Gavel have been sent there to research the mysterious land, but were turned away. All that is known is that the land is operated entirely by a powerful Monarchy with magical powers that are far in advance of our own. It is believed they withhold the magical education from the general public so that the Monarchy can be depicted as gods to their subjects. Villagers have not intruded upon Fruma, as every convoy to extend the hand of friendship has never returned. Recent developments has shown a huge increase of recruits originating from Fruma join the Wynn war. They eventually make their way to Gavel in pursuit of adventure after discovering the powerful establishment of the Wynn province. Hopefully we can learn more about Fruma from these people, although initial reports show that they seen to know very little about their own origin.
    End of Chapter V.
    Chapter VI - Dern History
    The pages of this book seem to have been ripped out...
    Chapter VII - Ocean History
    The ocean has always operated as a buffer zone between the Gavel and Wynn province. It was mostly uninhabited for centuries, as the ocean was rough and deadly. It wasn't until the discovery of water magic on a huge scale that mages were able to settle the waves to allow movement of boats across the ocean. Since the wave calming over 100 years ago, the islands in the ocean have been heavily colonized by Humans and Villagers alike, mainly to avoid the creatures of the portal. Although secluded, the islands offered a very desirable haven from the war for many humans, and offered great naval commerce locations for the Villagers. The largest of all the islands, Corkus, was not colonized by either Wynn or Gavel, but rather by a group of separatists from Fruma. Not much is known about this land, only that it is incredibly advanced and although the people originally did not know a spell between them, they are now masters of industrial magic. However, much like Fruma, the people are incredibly secluded, and it is unknown to which province their allegiance holds. Gavel has a lot to learn from the mechanical land of Corkus.
    The End.

    Ragni Library

    How to access
    Go to the coordinates at (-917 67 -1591) in Ragni Castle. Throw a Bob's tear into the center block of the fire place. You can get Bob's Tears from Bob the zombie in Ragni or from Nesaak mobs. Once you've thrown the tear in, go down the hall to (-926 71 -1615). The door to the castle painting should open, and you can go inside.

    In one of the zombie hordes that attacked Ragni, a child was born in the sewers. The mother died. The child was named Robert by his adopted mother Momo. Robert didn't get along well with people because of his gray skin. When he was 12, in a horde, his mother Momo is killed by a zombie. She gives him a map and magic black daggers, and he has to travel around Wynn searching for the masters of the province. He learns the art of knavery, archery, wand lore, and the spear. While learning the art of the spear in Troms, he is renamed Bob by the citizens. He becomes the most powerful soldier the world has every seen. He is believed to have died fighting a creature that was supporting the corruption, and his tomb can be found in Nesaak... But who put the tomb there? See the theory section for some interesting possibilities.

    Chapter I - The Legend of Bob
    In the same year that the Villager race arrived at the Wynn province, Ragni suffered one of the largest raids ever recorded on western soil. Although the famous forts of Ragni and Troms were deemed impenetrable, this was unfortunately not the case when the seas of monsters brought by the curse came knocking on the front gate. Being so early in the cursed war, Ragni's army numbers were high and many a men laid down their lives to protect their families within the walls. However, the sheer numbers pressed against the door broke the hinges and the large gate fell into the bridge, and the largest horde recorded entered the city. Many of the residents were slaughtered, maimed or infected by the onslaught of creatures, those able to run hid in the sewers, a vast series of tunnels that run out of the city, and into the foulest place the humans could create, their prison.
    End of Chapter I.
    Chapter II - The Legend of Bob
    The idea was to combine two of the most horrible things, the untreated sewage, and the dark cells containing Wynn's worst criminals, to add to their suffering. It really was a horrid place, but in a time like this, it was the safest place to be, and the women and children sought refuge in its stench. During the fight, a woman who never said her name, nor where she had came from (she certainly wasn't on of Ragni's own) gave birth to a baby boy on the cold floors of the sewer. Though the women accompanying her did all they could, the unknown woman did not survive the childbirth. The horde lasted 6 days and the sewer folk did not know if the baby would make it, the conditions were so rotten.
    End of Chapter II.
    Chapter III - The Legend of Bob
    Against all odds, the child made it, suffering no more but a smudge of dirt across his cheek, to everyone's amazement, he was adopted by Ragni's poorest resident, a single mother named Momo. He worked in a local bakery carrying bread and cake into the palace, taking whatever he could get away with. Despite his mother being poor, she was none the less intelligent, and taught the child, who she named Robert, everything she knew, taught him to read, write and to a degree, to fight. Robert was never a populasr lad, always treated differently, his skin was a shade of gray unnatural to those of Ragni, who have always been fair skinned. As such he didn't have many friends and wasn't held particularly well among the older citizens either. When he was 12 years old, a horde found its way into the city once more, just like it did over a decade before.
    End of Chapter III.
    Chapter IV - The Legend of Bob
    Although far smaller than its predecessor, the horde was none the less a threat as Ragni's army was so wounded from the last encounter. The beacons were not lit from the scouts, and caught the entire city by surprise. Not Robert though, he always keeps a knife he stole from the butchers in his belt to protect the ones he loves. Being so poor, Momo's shack was on the outskirts of Ragni and was one of the first to get hit, Robert ran for the house, finding it empty, but hearing a gasping from below. Entering the cellar, he found his mother lying bleeding beside a recently stabbed creature. He went to her aid, knowing it would be in vain. She simply nodded at him, they had made an agreement when Robert was 8 years old that if she ever became infected she wanted him to end her life, rather than endure the gruesome prolonged infection that had no cure.
    End of Chapter IV.
    Chapter V - The Legend of Bob
    Momo placed in Robert's hands a piece of parchment with a crude blood stain drawing of 4 areas each with a strange name under it he hadn't heard of. In the fires of the fight, Robert fled from the city, weilding not his butcher's knife, but a pair of pitch black knives encrusted with symbols that glowed a purple color, a cloak and a pouch holding what little food was left in the house. He headed east, to the sandy area indicated by his mother's drawing, the one with the knife symbol, and the number "1". When Robert reached it, he found one man, who did nothing but held out his hand, and Robert placed the only thing of value to him, the dark daggers in his hand. The man began to tell Robert of what he must now do to aid in the war; he must travel to the 4 masters of Wynn province, to learn their magic and skill if he is to lend his hand in the cursed war. Only once he had mastered one skill would he be given the key that the next master would accept.
    End of Chapter V.
    Chapter VI - The Legend of Bob
    After 5 years of training to become an assassin, Robert was now 17 years old and incredibly powerful. The master, Chak, who had taught him, told him his time was now up with him and he would have to progress to learn Archery. Chak took Robert's daggers, to which the handles began to glow bright and moulded together to form a large sheen bow, to which he strng a thick strand of his own hair. Chak handed it back to him, and said "even the most experience soldier must start from scratch when learning a new master". And it was true, Robert was not equipped to deal with any creature that faced him, he'd never even fired a bow! Robert began his journey further south; past the blizzards into a pocket of land he'd never seen on any map the bow symbol with the number "2" accompanying it. It was home to only one building, a large mansion, to which a man stood with his hands outstrected as Robert approached. Just like 5 years previous, Robert handed him the bow, to which he said "I am Mael, master of archery, let us begin. Just as you progress, as does the war." To which Robert spent a further 5 years mastering the art of crafting and firing arrows, in any situation and learning the magic surrounding the bow.
    End of Chapter VI.
    Chapter VII - The Legend of Bob
    In this time, Robert also learnt about the areas he trained in, MAel was incredibly spiritual; the mansion in which he lived in was also house to many spirits which found Mael to heal them. Robert learnt about the other side and how many of the fallen soldiers return cursed to fight on the other side, to which Robert secretly hoped he was able to communicate with his deceased mother. However, Robert never expressed these desires, and Mael told him the time had come to learn some magic that involved no physical weapon that you could hit people with. Robert handed over his bow, to which a familiar glow transformed it into a pure black rod, with the same purple markings around them. Robert looked at the old, frayed map, to see the next area with a single line in it, and the number "3", except this time, he knew what area that was. It was the forest he passed through when he was 12 years old to get to the desert to begin his training, he barely made it. For the first time since he began his training, Robert was filled with fear.
    End of Chapter VII.
    Chapter VIII - The Legend of Bob
    The forest was full of spiders and poison, and the thought of poison always reminded him of the time he... well, never mind that. Robert set off to the forest wielding a stick that was about as much use as a hollowed out pumpkin. He couldn't for the life of him make it work. Regardless, when he reached the forest, he entered a mystical village suspended in the trees lit by hanging lamps, to which the familiar sight of a man with his hand outstretched grasped the wand Robert laid in his hand. "You are half way through your journey, do not let frustration warp you, let us begin the hardest of all arts." And it was certainly true, wand lore had not come so easily to him as knavery or archery had. However the arts of magic flowed through him over the coming 5 years,to which point Robert was now 27 years old, and beginning to wonder if he would ever remain young enough to fight in the war. Ethe told Robert it was time to move on, and transformed his wand into its final form, a giant block spear, even his mature eyes gleamed at the sight of it, the spear was the weapon of Troms, the greatest for man had every created.
    End of Chapter VIIII.
    Chapter IX - The Legend of Bob
    The map indicated that he must travel to Troms, where the last spear symbol and the number "4" were written. Upon arrival, Robert was surprised; the city had been hit - hard. He'd never heard of Troms so much as receiving a scratch from the creatures, it was so well guarded, but then again, Robert had been absent from civilization for 15 years. In the fires, a man stood with his hand out stretched, completely ignoring the pleads of the people around him begging for help, to which Robert placed his spear. The man said "This is the final leg of your journey, let the plights of this town that you see here today force you onward with your training, and help protect this land when you are done. My name is Fier, Let us end your training." Robert spent the next 5 years learning the skills surrounding the spear in the great city of Troms, rebuilding and defending it when necessary in his spare time. It was the first time he was with people, and by people, I mean people that aren't strict masters of their art that seem to solely exist to teach Robert the ways of the soldier.
    End of Chapter IX.
    Chapter X - The Legend of Bob
    Robert learnt to love the people he was around, and people called him Bob, rather than Robert, a girl told him "I don't know, I think you just sound better when you're called Bob." Robert liked it, and when he met new people, he introduced himself as thus. Fier's training after 5 long years had finally come to an end, to which he said this: "You are now the strongest soldier this province has ever seen, use your power wisely, and you shall end this war." Then, to his surprise, all the masters materialized in a line beside Fier, and smiled, Mael even nodded slowly at him, to which a voice behind him said "Why are you crying Bob? There's no one there..." The 4 masters vanished and Bob knew what he must now do, return to Ragni to save what little is left of it.
    End of Chapter X.
    Chapter XI - The Legend of Bob
    Bob then spent the remainder of his life serving as Wynns private demigod, destroying all creatures that ever came near a settlement under his protection. He did not pass on his skills, in fear they would not be used for the greater good, which troubled him. For if he were to pass, who would replace him? Certainly not his 3 companions, the animals which he loved dearly, perhaps he would brew them a potion, prolonging their life; they were good animals after all. Bobs story quickly became a huge beacon of hope for many fighting the war; no one could defeat Bob and his dark weapons. However, this is where the story becomes myth, I'm afraid. For after the events of Ragni's 56th horde, some 40 years down the line at the ripe old age of 72, Bob vanished.
    End of Chapter XI.
    Chapter XII - The Legend of Bob
    It was rumored he heard of a beast corrupting the province, promoting the war and increasing the strength of the monsters. I imagine Bob probably sought to destroy it, but in his old age, perhaps he wasn't up to the mark. It was then, though, just one year after his disappearance, Bobs tomb appeared in the snow, marking the place where he was buried. By whom? No one knows. Perhaps it was the killer? Or maybe it was his master's magic? It still lies there today, holding his body, it is worth a visit, many have told of great adventures and magic surrounding the place. One thing is for sure, Bob truly was the master of Wynn arts, and will forever go down in our history as the mightiest soldier. Perhaps one day, someone will follow in his footsteps.
    The End.

    Lusuco Library

    How to access
    Go to the cave at (-250 33 -280) and kill Gunpowder Imps until you have 5 Sulphur. Then go to the Explosives Merchant at (-200 46 -283). Buy 1 Dynamite. Then go to the ice formation at (-193 28 -302) and throw the Dynamite onto the dark gray carpet. Walk through the cave to the library entrance.

    Before the portal opened in Wynn, there was still evil, in the form of dark magic practitioners. In order to combat these people, there were spirit seekers, people who were born with rare elemental powers. Only 4 cases of this have been recorded, Rickeo who controlled fire, Theorick Ice, Dwendle Air, and Mael, who could speak with the dead. Marius Twain, the last of a long line of a magically strong family, takes these 4 children in an trains them to fight off the dark sorcerers of the realm. People aren't very fond of Mael, because his powers are considered Dark. Eventually Marius dies, and wishes for the 4 children to keep searching for gifted children. They do not fulfill his request, as they all leave because Mael is reluctant to destroy the spirits, but rather he wants to calm them and send them on. Many years later, when the 4 children are now very old, the portal is discovered. Immediately they come together and fight off the hordes of mobs. They killed an uncountable amount of creatures, but eventually all of them but Mael dies. He retreats back to the mansion, and studies in a secret library so that one day someone worthy may learn his trade and end the war. (See theories for more).

    Chapter I - The Noble House of Twain
    Before the unearthing of the hellish portal, the Wynn province was not without evil. Despite the vast empire that had spread across the land, there were those, particularly those with an affinity for power, that fell into disarray. Magic, as we all know, was a powerful ally to the early human empire and those who could wield it held great stead in their home place. These usurpers of the magical arts were outlawed by King Frederick III of Ragni once the death toll associated with the powers rose above that of the annual ravine jumping contest. There were those, named spirit seekers, who were tasked to seek and destroy any dark powered individuals attempting to gain power.
    End of Chapter I.
    Chapter II - The Noble House of Twain
    The spirit seeker is not a job that is acquired easily, moreover it was specifically a job name granted to the inhabitants of the house of Twain. Twain is the last name of a family, a family of immense magical and spiritual heritage that has inhabited the province of Wynn for as long as past records go. Throughout recent history children have been blessed with gifts of elemental magic, gifts of this nature are so rare that there have only been four recorded individuals to have housed such immense sorcery in recent records. Often when a gifted child is born to the world, they are feared, and often hidden, abandoned, or worse. However, Marius Twain, an immensely old wise warlock, sought these children, and gave them shelter in his family manor, located in a secluded pocket of land where they could seek refuge.
    End of Chapter II.
    Chapter III - The Noble House of Twain
    Marius taught them to control their powers and use them to fight the individuals that wielded dark magic, these were the original spirit seekers, Rickeo, Theorick, Dwendle and Mael. Though once feared, when their allegiance to the throne was proven, they became some what heroes of the province, a magical police force that were not to be challenged. With Rickeo's manipulation of fire, Dwendle's control of air and Theorick's ability to govern ice, the largest threats of integrity of the empire were apprehended and slain. Mael, however, did not possess the same type of powers as his siblings (though they are not blood related, the inhabitants of the house of Twain were always considered a family). Mael was able to communicate with the dead, or more specifically, the spirits that lingered to walk the earth. He was also able, to a certain degree, to produce black mystic wisps to damage his opponents.
    End of Chapter III.
    Chapter IV - The Noble House of Twain
    Mael was by far the most reclusive member of the Twain family, and spent most of his time listening to the woes of the departed that have unfinished business in the realm. Many people considered Mael's brand of magic to be "dark" and wondered why he wasn't apprehended himself. "People fear the dead" was the reason Marius gave Mael for his obvious unpopularity among his siblings, "you are a reminder that we are all simply mortal, despite our gifts". Mael wondered if Marius really was mortal; he seemed to tell stories at least 200 years old, but alas, it was true. Marius died of old age and gave the children instructions to continue the House of Twain's noble work.
    End of Chapter IV.
    Chapter V - The Noble House of Twain
    Those who were able to wield the ancient dark arts were not able to be rid of entirely in the world; dark magic existed that allowed their spirits to remain bound to the earth and cause havoc. Mael was often left to deal with angry spirits, for he was the only one able to handle their wrath. The physical elements that defeated them in life, were no match for them in death. The other siblings grew tiresome with Mael's reluctance to forever get rid of the spirits of the dead that remained, none more so than Theorick. He frequently reminded Mael that he would freeze his spirit out of him if he didn't take care of the monsters who they dealt with while they were alive. Mael however, has his own way, he sought to calm the spirits and send them ... "on". In his anger, Theorick couldn't stand to stay in the Twain manor any longer, and left to live in the nearest village, and formed it in his own image, frozen.
    End of Chapter V.
    Chapter VI - The Noble House of Twain
    Bitter in their old age, the siblings did not fulfill Marius' wishes, they did not seek out gifted children, and they all split and went their separate ways, all except Mael, who remained in the manor to aid the spirits that sought him. However their anger did not last for long, for rumors of miners releasing more than mere dark sorcerers into the world had reached the ears of the aged spirit seekers. They immediately converged to greet the onslaught of the monsters pouring out of the portal. There was held the strongest battle on red soil. The four children of Twain, united in their old age to fight the hordes. However, although the monster numbers dwindled down, the spirit seekers were killed and it was seen as the biggest loss the empire has every seen, for the four of them were stronger than any army.
    End of Chapter VI.
    Chapter VII - The Noble House of Twain
    All dead, except for Mael, who was determined to teach at least one more worthy of his knowledge of the spiritual world. So the House of Twain fell into decline. Mael, unable to look after himself in his old age, spent the remainder of his time in a secret library learning arts to pass on to the one worthy. For when he had passed on his trade, Mael would no longer be needed. Unable to answer the calls of the undead, they began to converge and amass in the Twain manor, angry that Mael would not listen. They roam the house, aggressive to anyone they may encounter.
    End of Chapter VII.
    Chapter VIII - The Noble House of Twain
    To the present day, the Manor remains full of unsatisfied spirits and Mael is nowhere to be found. It remains one of the few places that monsters from the portal will not go, but that does not mean it is by any means safe. Rumors float around in the eternal winter village of Nesaak that there are still secrets to be discovered, as Mael had a lot to hide. The house of Twain stood for over a thousand years protecting this province, but now no original Twain remains. However, Mael left a will to the last page remaining honorary Twai-
    The remainder of the last page has been torn out.


    Bob died at the age of 72, the cause is not certain. His tomb can be found in Nesaak. He is featured in the quest "Bob's Lost Soul", "Reincarnation" and "Lost Soles". In Lost Soles, the start NPC talks about a man with gray skin, most likely Bob, giving them boots that were rumored to be crafted of Dernic Stone. Bob was Born in the Ragni sewers, and after his adopted mother died, he travels the province learning the arts of the four classes. His birth name is Robert, and little is known of his origin. He definitely isn't native to Ragni, where he was born, because his skin is gray unlike the others who live there.

    Sealed Letters
    You can obtain sealed letters throughout the world from relic shrines. There are 10 total letters, only 9 have been discovered. Each "letter" is actually a fragment of one big letter, and when combined they make a readable text. The first 9 say this:
    Dear Nilrem,

    The letter I enclose to you has been sealed with concealment magicks. I trust you to know how to read it. My war against the creature is futile. Intel has reached me from a trusted source. Our world is far smaller than we could have imagined, our magick feeble in comparison to what i am about to explain. There are realms beyond our comprehension, powers we can not hope to defeat. Two immense forces are at war, with our plain of existence being the battleground. There is a dark creature of the night in a land "far" away, it poses a threat to all. I give you this letter as a warning and a farewell, friend. I am going to challenge the beast and attempt to seal it away using my own life force, for I know that is all i can do, killing it is not a option. You know of the magic i have infused in my animal companions, I trust you to hide them until one worthy is able to wield my might. The world can not know of my sacrifice, no one must search for me. You must fake my death, and create a body for them to bury. The fight will continue, but at least the new recruits will have a fighting chance for the years to come. I wish you luck, Nilrem, continue to train the forces of good, you are the most skilled man than I have ever known.

    Yours faithfully, Robert.

    P.s. I have enclosed the item of power you were seeking.

    This letter is most likely written by Bob, since it is signed by Robert, which is Bob's birth name and no other significant characters with the name Robert have appeared yet.

    Siegfried is a celebrity hero in Gavel, who is often compared to Bob in Wynn. He is often praised by the villagers and is usually recognized as a role model for the children of Gavel. Their weapon of choice is a sword, and they are credited with killing a dragon by themselves as well as completely destroying an army with no other help. Siegfried fan items can be bought throughout Gavel for very high prices. The way that Siegfried is talked about is somewhat like a super hero, which may hint at the fact that Siegfried could be a fraud.

    The Eye
    The eye is shown in the background of the Wynncraft Logo. Not much is known about the eye except that they are a being of darkness that is directly related to the ancients. The ancients are an elder race from Dern, that was chased to Wynn by the eye. According to some signs in the ancient city at the Wynn Site D Location, The Eye chased them out of Dern and followed them all the way to Wynn. It it making some of the ancients insane and hostile. There is little more known about the eye except that it will most likely play a big role in the future story line of Wynncraft.

    Coming soon! If you have any theories that have a good deal of proof, feel free to share them in the comments. Links are welcome.

    Main Storyline - Based off wiki
    Coming soon

    Popular Theories
    Coming soon

    Corruption and Decay
    coming soon

    The Realms
    Coming soon

    The Doguns and The Dark War
    Coming soon. Lol.

    The Eye
    Coming soon

    Wynn Excavation
    Coming soon

    Thx to @Spoopy Spring for original inspiration.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
  2. chaostitan

    chaostitan Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    This is great! Nice job
  3. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Thanks. Will be adding other sources soon, just took me a while to add the Llevigar Library and I needed a break xD
  4. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    If you want, I can try and dig up some of the old Grian lore, pertaining to Bob and various other things.
    NinjaPro8000 likes this.
  5. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    That would be great! I'm currently aware of a good deal with it, but I'd love to see if you have something I don't know about.
  6. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    I like how Gavel History Chapter 4 basically tells us how the villagers scam us and still aren't banned by admins
  7. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Unfortunately, it seems like most of it was deleted in 9/7 and wasn't captured with the Wayback machine.

    I found this, though. Plus, there's @jpmrocks 's great timeline
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  8. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    Gavel proclaims itselfs as the most advanced province in the world.

    Have any villagers not watched grians livestream? Like 10% of the populations already know about corkus!
    ThomAnn100 and NinjaPro8000 like this.
  9. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Oh lol, I already knew and added all 12 chapters of the bob lore. Check it out!
    They aren't advanced enough to have computers. How could they know?
    SilverMirror likes this.
  10. orange0401

    orange0401 Fortified with Vitamin C HERO

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  11. NinjaPro8000

    NinjaPro8000 Famous Adventurer

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    nahh, it was a fair trade:

    We traded our money so they can die in wynn's courrption
  12. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    Here's my thread that contains a theory of mine, which I will expand upon here. https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/the-mystery-of-fruma-and-corkus.147982/

    Theory: Having very little knowledge of our origin and questioning how advanced the Fruman Monarchy's magic is, it is believed that our character was created by the Monarchy along with other soldiers to serve Fruma. The reason why our "name" is peculiar and strange could be that it's not a name at all, but a designation number (ex. S-1405). It is speculated that there will be a confrontation against the Monarchy itself in a future update in order to know about this.
  13. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Mobs don't attack Villagers. Humans are cursed, not them.
    I may add this. There are several theories regarding the player name and whatnot. I will look through some other ones, but for the mean time. @SPYROHAWK got any important theories you think ought to be here? I will have all of the sealed notes displayed here, as well as the quest ties of the man with gray skin, the boots of dernic stone and whatnot.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Hitting watch thread and an gonna come back later
    Theeef likes this.
  15. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    and we are? We dont even have paper bills yet, we rely off of gems to buy stuff!
    Theeef likes this.
  16. funnysillyman

    funnysillyman lil uzi fan VIP+ GM

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    tag pls? ;-;
  17. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Sure fam.
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  18. Mouse :)

    Mouse :) cicetil is no longer a slave VIP+

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  19. Kaelan~

    Kaelan~ RIP VIP

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    I see you are working that CTRL+C
  20. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Bob most likely was born in Dern, as account of his gray skin. He also probably traveled to Dern recently, since he was found missing. This can be seen in the Bob's Sealed Letters, which will later be displayed here. In the quest where you get Sodeta Boots, it says they recieved the Abysso Golashes, which were composed of Dernic Stone, from a man with Gray Skin. This is bob. Also, look in the Wynncraft logo. See the eye? The entity is currently known as they eye. It most likely originated from Dern since it chased the ancients from Dern to Wynn. Some lore of the eye can be seen in the Ancient city in the Wynn Site D quest location. Dern and Gavel are most likely at a war. If so, Dern would be south of Wynn because corruption occurs where dark and light meet. If Gavel is North of Wynn, and Wynn is corrupted, logically Darkness (most likely dern) is South of Wynn. Some supposed entrances are Gateway Island's portal, that you go through in the level 90 quest The Fantastic Voyage, and the abandoned mineshafts in the South part of Wynn. Dark's Darkness also somewhat causes the decay in Gavel. Villagers started becoming more greedy, which directly weakened the light realm. Because of this, Dern was able to unleash the seeds of corruption in the light realm. Some causes are Sucorru parasites, corrupted land, and corruption of helioluxes.
    No. I copied everything from directly ingame. Didn't use the wiki, because there could be some things that are changed, even if a little.
    Paper Bills doesn't exactly mean it is advanced. It is just one of the many fiat currencies in the world. If anything, having something that is backed (unlike paper) such as emeralds, is much more efficient and prevents inflation and currency corrupt. Of course, this isnt the case in Wynncraft because mobs, quests, and dungeons act as an infinite amount of emeralds.
    ThomAnn100 and Kaelan~ like this.
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