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Official Event [ Closed ] The V.s.s. Seaskipper Dialogues Contest

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Lotem, Nov 29, 2016.

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  1. Magma

    Magma I am Wynner HERO

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    1. - Have I ever told ye about how the king o' Ragni rode me boat?
    He said he was goin' to Gavel.
    Fer what? I don't know!
    T'be honest, I bet he was jus' wantin' t'see me beauty of a face.
    Whaddya mean I'm 'n ugly old man?!
    I'd like t'see ye lookin' better in yer older days!

    2. - Ye don't talk much, do yeh?
    Hellooo? Are ye there?
    Say I if yer a mighty mercenary.
    Heh, didn't think so.
    Eh.. I kinda like that ye don't talk.
    Better than t'others that talk all day!
    They think I care 'bout their problems..
  2. Lotem

    Lotem Ex-Moral supporter in the official Wynncraft CT™ HERO

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    You can edit your reply as many times as you want.
    I'll only read it at the end of December.
  3. Glitch496

    Glitch496 Game Master HERO GM

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    First Entry:
    [1/4] Seaskipper Captain: Yar, looks like this 'ere trip is goin' to be a long one. How 'bout some ol' tunes me grandpappy used to listen to?
    [2/4] Seaskipper Captain: I am gettin' old, so I may 'ave forgotten some of 'em lyrics. But just so ye know... I ain't as old as ye might think.
    [3/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'Ere goes... Yar har, fiddle di dee... Bein' a pirate is... free? Arrgh, these lyrics aren't coming to me laddie.
    [4/4] Seaskipper Captain: Me grandpappy said the tune came from some "sluggish town", but I 'ave no idea what he meant by that.

    Second Entry:
    [1/4] Seaskipper Captain: Have ye ever 'eard of the great man Febe Hertaelnad? I'd be surprised if ye did. No one I've crossed arms with 'as 'eard of the man.
    [2/4] Seaskipper Captain: He's the creator of me favourite bev'rage, Nemract Whiskey! How he did it, I 'ave no clue. I'd do anythin' to someday obtain 'is legendary recipe!
    [3/4] Seaskipper Captain: ...Unfortunately, Death 'as claimed 'is soul. Some say he is buried under a house in ol' Nemract, but no one 'as ever found it.
    [4/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'Tis a shame I've never met 'im personally. We would 'ave been jolly soul mates.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2016
  4. Dastreyah

    Dastreyah Extremely Inactive Player

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    "I be hearin' some really crazy rumors lately.
    They say that there be an island to the east, that has goblins on it! Hah!
    I checked it out, and found that they were tellin' lies! There's only humans!
    I'm not stopping ye from checkin' it out, however. There may be some secrets there!"

    "Have ye ever been to Fruma's gates? They ain't the most friendly of folk.
    They don't allow anyone in, and ya wouldn't believe what happens to trespassers.
    I had a fellow ask to go there once, and I never saw that poor lad again.
    No wonder those people at Corkus want to live away from that dump! Hah!"
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2016
    SUPER M, Lotem and _Sephyr_ like this.
  5. Ezohn

    Ezohn You are now manually breathing and maybe yawning.

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    "Corkus yer headin to? That place be weird.
    Them corkians have their fancy shmancy gadgets and.. they...
    They make me unconformable. All electromagicky and all.
    And don't even remind me of Fruma's giant black gates."
  6. 7Red_Dragon7

    7Red_Dragon7 Try hard HERO

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    have you seen the thread about "why cant we vist death after we die"
    That thread is pretty good and is a type of thing similar to the seeskiper
  7. _Sephyr_

    _Sephyr_ Obvious satire HERO

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    Shameless advertising XD
    Malkavian, Icicly and Retathrah like this.
  8. stlast

    stlast Wybel on a Raft CHAMPION

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    [1/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'Ey, have you ever visited Llevigar? 'Tis a beautiful city, very beautiful. Me old friend lived there for a while, said he'd never forget it.
    [2/4] Seaskipper Captain: It's the greatest quartz city I've ever set eyes on. I'd love to spend me a couple o' days just readin' through their libraries!
    [3/4] Seaskipper Captain: But I've heard that those damned orcs 'ave taken a liking to the riches there, and that it ain't a pretty sight to behold when one gets in.
    [4/4] Seaskipper Captain: Them guard golems outside town are keeping 'em in check, though. I've bin wonderin' what they do to make 'em so tough...

    [1/4] Seaskipper Captain: Folks from all o'er the provinces have told me stories 'bout where they come from, and I'm fascinated e'ery time.
    [2/4] Seaskipper Captain: Someone from the great old city o' Troms told me their king hasn't been seen in some time! Strange, ain't it?
    [3/4] Seaskipper Captain: And a passenger jus' earlier talked 'bout some vicious monster up in the Gavel province's massive canyon. Meself? I always get lost in there.
    [4/4] Seaskipper Captain: I learn a new story from someone e'ery day. Maybe you'll have a story of yer own to tell me sometime!
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2016
    SUPER M, Malkavian, Jealoussy and 2 others like this.
  9. 7Red_Dragon7

    7Red_Dragon7 Try hard HERO

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    its not my thread and the stuuf from thread in my oppion if it is going to be added to wynncraft its going to be added by lotem
  10. _Sephyr_

    _Sephyr_ Obvious satire HERO

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    It doesnt have to be your thread to be advertising.
    Also that could have been done in a PM.
  11. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    [1/4] Seaskipper Captain: So, the other day, I'm in the bar and this guy stubbles in with a lass.
    [2/4] Seaskipper Captain: Man's probably drunk, and he sings this blasted song now stuck in me 'ead! And the lass jumps in too!
    [3/4] Seaskipper Captain: Its goes, and brace yerself, "Yar Har flibbity be! Being a pirate is alright to be! Do what ya want 'cuz a pirate is free! You are a pirate!"
    [4/4] Seaskipper Captain: Hope ya don't mind me hummin' it every now 'n then, and that I didn't get just THAT stuck in yer' 'ead.

    Who wouldn't want a meme on their trip?

    {Ironic Silence}
    [1/4] Seaskipper Captain: Ahhhh,
    [2/4] Seaskipper Captain: You know, I 'oughta be silent for one of these trips with ya.
    [3/4] Seaskipper Captain: Not a word, just silence. Admire the passing islands, the sound 'o water 'n breeze.
    [4/4] Seaskipper Captain: Just completely quiet...
    (Special drop off message to go specifically with this message)
    [1/1] Seaskipper Captain: Enough water gazzin' the stop's here, so much for that silent trip!

    Anyone up for some irony? I hope the added drop off message is alright to have.

    Good luck to the others in the contest!

    -replaced the self-referencing one with the meme one. Memes > me wanting a self-reference...

    -Added color

    -Fixed spelling error(s)
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
    Malkavian likes this.
  12. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    [1/4] Captain: 'Ave you ever been to Santa's Island?
    [2/4] Captain: Me gran-pappy brought me there once to see the man 'imself when I was a young villager
    [3/4] Captain: I asked him for a simple fishin' rod, but he ended 'anding me his hat and pants!
    [4/4] Captain: You'd think the man is crazy! But I guess being immortal 'as its cons.


    [1/4] Captain: Those fluff balls really cause a mess don't they?

    [2/4] Captain: Ye know what I'm talking 'bout, the other day one crawled up on me ship and got stuck in me hopper!
    [3/4] Captain: You could almost mistake 'is squeals for a pig! If it hadn't 'ad been for the towns folk, who else knows what could've 'appened
    [4/4] Captain: All I know is that the towns folk adopted 'im and named 'im- em - what was it
    - gah who cares?
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2016
    SUPER M, Jealoussy, Icicly and 6 others like this.
  13. 7Red_Dragon7

    7Red_Dragon7 Try hard HERO

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    Sea Skipper Captain:Pass me some o' that nemract whiskey seeming like it's gonna be a long long ride don't ya think fella ?
    Sea Skipper Captain:O my did ya see that,I could bet 10 emeraldds that me chaps from pirate island ain't gonna belive me.
    Sea Skipper Captain:Wai' you didn't see that , tha' was a fish twenty times the size of ya, o my o my i hope you ain't gettin blind.
    Sea Skipper Captain:Huh you have a gift fo' me , how nice of ya fella, what is it ,O neve" mind you'll giv" it to me the next time.


    Sea Skipper Captain:stuff will be added in the future
    Sea Skipper Captain:

    Sea Skipper Captain:
    Sea Skipper Captain:
  14. zMrKrabz

    zMrKrabz Well-Known Adventurer

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    "Have 'ye eva been to Selchar? Wonderful place, sister city of deltas! Giant hourglass, reefs full of treasure!"
    "Well, 'yer see, this strange guy boarded me boat before. He was speaking pure baloney, about some advanced city."
    "He look'd a bit funny, wearing these strange things on his head! Rambles on about how our world is so ancient, how his home has wonders beyond our imagination, yada yada yada."
    "'nyways, I just dropped him off at the shore of Selchar. Where else on Selchar? On land? I'd say you should check him out for 'yerself."

    "Have 'yer ever 'eard 'der rumors 'bout 'der Wynn excavation sites?"
    "WHAT!!!!!! YOU NEED TO GO TO THE BAR MORE! Ai I'll tell 'yer 'bout it if 'yer interested."
    "Nice! All my passengers say I just squabble. I 'eard a guy sayin' 'deir leader is power hungry. I mean I 'dun know I nev'er seen 'em."
    "WHAT? 'YER THINK ME CRAZY? I should'a nev'er told 'ye 'bout it! Hop off now, 'yer crazy fool. It's 'yer stop!"
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2016
  15. Twin Lotus

    Twin Lotus Straw Hat VIP+

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    I'm going to reserve a little spot here for later, cause I (might) have some dialogue ideas. Yay.
    Icicly likes this.
  16. Ezohn

    Ezohn You are now manually breathing and maybe yawning.

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    Pretty sure he is male.

    But, I'm postive that is NOT the lore for the twain mansion. I cringed a little. who ever your talking about, i think marius? i dunno the names, but he adopted 4 CHILDREN FOURRRRRRR. And it wasn't to fend off evil spirits either. Mael, 1 of the 4, helped them move on, and the four children were ment to learn to help fight in the war. so ye... fix plez
    Pokextreme likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    You are very far off on the lore
    funnysillyman likes this.
  18. Smile

    Smile The one guy who entered 3 HERO giveaways

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    "One time, I was in the middle of the sea, takin' a guy to Selchar.
    'Twas just a normal day, 'til a beastly squid attacked us!
    Luckily, me passenger had a bow, and he shot the monster right 'n the eye!
    I'll never forget that day, me friend. If not for 'im, this ship'd be sunk!"
    "Have I told ye the story of my ship? It be a good 'un.
    I was just an ordinary guy, ridin' this very boat!
    Then, a few things happened with me father, and... well... I lost quite a bit o' money.
    So, I remodeled me boat, and now I take people 'cross the ocean. Who'd have thunk it?"
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2016
  19. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    "Have ye ever heard of this dead lad named Tisuan Sodeta?"
    "'parently he was a legendary soldier, fightin' off thousand landlubbers, with no problem"
    "Created his own guild 'hile back, heard it held a sacred treasure."
    "That reminds me of Sarnfic, where me old granps used to live."
    "'parently there's a bit of trouble in Cinfras, but I've never visited there."
    "Some insane woman decided to 'rent out' this 'ittle cave in the canyon."
    "Anyone could see it, from that damned pat' owned by 'em bandits, so they say."
    "All I've heard is some mystical stuff coming 'rom there..."

    Edit my words if you want... this is extremely rough... and I personally wouldn't put this in.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    Icicly likes this.
  20. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    [1/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'Have ya felt any earthquakes lately?'
    [2/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'Ya haven't? Well, that sure is odd. They've been pickin' up a lot recently.'
    [3/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'Last passenger nearly fainted from it. Made a right mess all over the deck, he did.'
    [4/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'Some are sayin' it's to do with them "Wynnexcavation" blokes at the Volcanic Isles. I don't think I wanna know what they be doing there to make such a racket - bloody fools could start an eruption...'

    [1/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'I know it's a lot to ask, but I was wonderin' if I could ask ya somethin' about Fruma... seeing as yer a 'uman an all.'
    [2/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'What does yer big-folk leader's think about us villagers? Just outta curiosity?'
    [3/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'Been hearin' about the whole "monarchy" empire sorta thing. It ain't that bad over there, is it?'
    [4/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'Silent treatment, eh? Fair enough... If I hated my homeland enough, I wouldn't wanna talk about it either.'

    [1/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'There's an island not too far off the coast of pirate bay that not too many passenger's visit. And fer good reason.'
    [2/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'Had a historian on the seaskipper travellin' to Mage Island once. He called the place, "Half-Moon Island"'.
    [3/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'Said there was some sort of underground temple there belongin' to a Death god. Didn't seem keen to talk about it after that.'
    [4/4] Seaskipper Captain: 'Should be worth a visit for someone of yer talents. Maybe the temple holds a few treasures to discover!'

    Sorry, didn't see that I could only post two, the middle one is optional. But I had these ideas to start with ;-;
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2016
    Plasma~ likes this.
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