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Moon's Universe: Reference

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Gushy48, Nov 6, 2016.

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  1. Gushy48

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    Welp, it's that time to make a Reference thread. This will basically be the 'Lore' tab. Also, this would be the place if you want to read up on some of my RPs.

    Lore: Wynn Realm

    (WT - Wynn Time, BWT - Before Wynn Time) (This will probably change)
    Long Time Ago:
    • The Moon was formed
    • The Dragon Aspects came to life
    • The Corruption was hidden in the mines
    • The Nader Gems was created, along with the Dragon Armory
    • The Voice in the Sky created this universe
    • The Metas was assigned to protect this universe from destruction
    1000 WT: Great War
    • The Corruption was released, and it sought to destroy all of Wynn. Ragnar and Siegfried stopped the Corruption from spreading.
    • Ragnar became the new leader of Corruption
    • Siegfried stopped the Decay, but became the leader of Decay
    1010 WT: Great War II
    • Many characters/players was introduced to this small world
    • They did some world-destroying actions in another universe. The Voice in the Sky created the Metas to stop this from happening again (I see you Daragor)
    • Valus, the demon, appeared in Dern, but escaped
    • The Corruption was released
    • About four of the players grouped up and set out to get Jessica and the other players
    • Eng'Shan, became a leader of an army. He attacked Ragni, but was decapitated by Valus
    • The Dern Invading Party got some more NPCs and Players, especially the Frumans. They went into Dern to destroy the Corruption once and for all
    • The strongholds fell, and the true leader of the Corruption was revealed.
    • Ragnar dies, and the Corruption was gone.
    1020 WT: Astral Realm
    • Takumi's journey to become a Legend has begun
    • New players has joined the world
    • Guilds, Fruma, and parts of the world was explored
    • Takumi met the Astral Vanguard, which told him about the Astral Realm
    • Suddenly, Takumi was in the Astral Realm
    • Daragor started to build his fortress.
    • Some players went to the Astral Realm
    • Oryx arrived
    • The Chaos and Law battle happened
    1020 WT: Decay
    • Oryx got revived, and made the Decay spread throughout the world
    • The plague was stopped by Daragor biting Siegfried's head off
    • Daragor is continuing to build his nation
    • That was one of the most quickest storylines
    1021 WT: War Between Realms
    • Rawar started the War Between Realms by setting off fireworks
    • Daragor has created a force to be reckon with, and demanded tribute from both realms. They eventually gave in
    • Cities, towns, were destroyed in this war
    • Phineas attacked the Light Realm, and killed Ajinin along with Takumi's friends
    • Fair Phineas, and Insane Phineas received the Dragon Tomes from Daragor
    • Fair Phineas made Daragor an actual dragon
    • More war stuff happens
    • The Striders, Arcons, Leviathan, and Serns came to aid the Astral Realm
    • Wynn won the war.
    1021 WT: Mythic Hunt
    • Marius Twain and his adopted sons appeared in Wynn
    • Robert's masters appeared in Wynn
    • Headt said that a battle of the ages has begun
    • The Mythic Hunt is on
    • The Shadow Crusade has all of the Mythics, and attacked Llevigar
    • The Paladin Order, Destroyers, and the Astral Vanguard defeated the Shadow Crusade. Now, no one knows what happened to the leader
    • The Mythic Hunt ends
    1021 WT: The End
    • The first bombing was Unit 17 in Arcania. Headmaster Gyros experienced this
    • The second bombing was Troms. Ghana Ens Sin experienced this
    • The third bombing was Ragni. Konan experienced this
    • In Ragni, a meteor fell that has the capabilities to deny Dragon Magic. It was Baetylus, Dragon Aspect of Creation
    • The end of the RP has arrived

    There was a Great War between the Corruption, and the provinces. In the end, the provinces won the battle, but was completely devastated. Ragni, Detlas, Nemract, Llevigar, Cinfras, Olux, and Ahmsord was destroyed, it was called The Destruction. Morale was low, but they held on to the Light, and rebuilt their cities. That was 10 years ago.

    Wynn Military was one third of the force that defeated the Corruption, along with Gavel and Fruma. Sadly, Wynn are the most questionable military of them all. They did questionable actions that may cost thousands of lives, but all swept under the rug. It's up to Ragnar to help expose them. After all, they are the ones who tried to kill him.

    Siegfried, and Ragnar was the soldiers of war. But, they were the heroes that died during the Great War. They became hope, inspiration to everyone. That hope led to the Corruption's defeat, and cleansing the land of Corruption.

    The Corruption was a ruthless force, eating everything in it's path. Nothing seems to stop the unstoppable mass of monsters. The commanders were Qira, Death, and Corrupter of Worlds. They commanded these mass of monsters, and could have been the end of the provinces. But, they failed.

    The Leader of the Corruption is Ragnar. How he became Corrupted is unknown, but he has been deceiving the group. Once Dern is pure, he will rise to his Corrupted power, and destroy any spec of Light in the land. Even if Redn is his weakness, no one is more powerful than the Leader of the Corruption.

    The Corruption is now eradicated forever thanks to the party that invaded Dern. They made it pure once again, but Ragnar made the world have massive wounds. Wounds that will cut deep, and will not heal. Because of Ragnar, the world was forced to rebuild once again. Now, hopefully nothing will happen. Hopefully.

    The outcome of the Corruption was The Destruction again, but worse. Ragnar destroyed many cities, and was more powerful than the previous leader of Corruption. He made half of Gavel destroyed, and caused ruins in Wynn. Only Fruma was untouched by the war. After a decade, the cities were rebuilt once again. Everyone wish that it wouldn't happen again.

    The militaries after the war was destroyed. Thus, the Committee of Wynn forced men into joining the army in order to make up the lost. Everyone had another reason to resent the Committee. Somehow, the military of all the provinces got even better, even with the Committee forcing men to join the army.

    The Decay swept through city by city, turning innocent civilians into mindless slaves. Siegfried
    was the leader of the Decay, and turns out to be a bad guy just like Ragnar. The cause of this quick plague was Oryx, the Taken King. He tried to save his son Crota, who was infected by Decay, and he ended up starting a massive event that would make everyone confused.

    After the Decay swept the towns, Golestandt arrives because Ken didn't sing the Friendship Song. He ate Ken and Decayed Siegfried, and went to talk with Daragor, his brother. Few moments later, Daragor ate Siegfried's head off, stopping the Decay completely. Now, that was quick.

    Shortly after the Decay was cured from the land, people from the Astral Realm came to the Wynn Realm for exploration. Then, Cinfras caught flames. The Wynnians thought the Astrans purposely attacked them, and vice versa. So, they started a war between realms. Everyone had to choose a side and fight for them. No one will know who will win the battle.

    Wynnian's military is less advanced than the Astrans. They have revolvers, rifles, cannons, at best. The soldiers still use melee weaponry along with a few guns strapped at their side.

    The Wynn Realm won the War Between Realms. Their sheer luck overcame the odds against Leviathan, and the new races. The Destroyers made a treaty with the Astral Order, and it states that the Astral Realm will retain their current government, but Wynn will make the more important choices for both realms. The wielders of the Dragon Tomes went across the realms instantly repairing the cities just for convenience. The three other races are now allowed to live in the Wynn Realm, after all, they like specific biomes.

    The Warriors VS Twain is the new battle that appeared shortly after the Apocalypse Realm was traveled between the two realms. The Warriors, Ethe, Fier, and Chak are fighting against Marius Twain's adopted sons, Rickeo, Dwendle, and Theorick. Mael is the only person who is in both sides, and wished to never fight his own friends and family. Now, what will happen next is a tale for generations to come

    Ethe, Fier, and Chak are Robert's trainers when the Corruption attacked Ragni. They trained him to fight off the Corruption and protect the world from evil. They shared the knowledge to Robert which eventually turned Bob into a demigod...which means that the three masters are technically some sort of gods too? Lore man...lore...

    The Twain brothers are the adopted sons of Marius Twain. Marius Twain taught his sons magic to help protect the world along side with Robert the demigod. But, something happened between the family and they eventually split apart. Now, Rickeo, Dwendle, and Theorick are terrorizing the land for unknown reasons. Perhaps they are looking for something more...powerful...

    Mael is the only person who hasn't chosen a side in the battle. He was one of Marius's adopted sons, and was one of the masters who trained Robert for battle. He cannot chose between his friends and his family, it's simply an impossible choice for him. No one will know what Mael will do next.

    After the Mythic Hunt, the Warriors and Twain were never heard of again. No one knows where they went after the Shadow Crusade got all of the Mythics. Maybe they'll team up in the future, or maybe not. Everyone better go find them in the world.

    The Board of Wynn, they make up the Kings of each city, and the mayors of each town. They are in charge of governing the province, and making sure that no evil is within it. This board though, is corrupted with greed, and power. The King of Nessak is the most corrupted one, trying to take over small villages and taking their money. The board does not remove him.

    The Board of Gavel, the biggest board of all the provinces. They have more power over in Gavel, governing them as they please. Sadly, the Cinfras has been burned down, and the King of Cinfras is dead from the fire. There is now one empty slot where Cinfras was, the city in the middle of it all. As for the corruption in the board, let's say that they are decaying.

    The Board of Fruma, the least corrupted government in all the provinces. In order for it to be least corrupted, they guard the Kings 24/7 and makes sure that they are not doing anything bad that it could harm the image of Fruma. With the least amount of people on the board, they are having trouble governing the people of Fruma. You think that Fruma is perfect? That's wrong.

    The Committee of Wynn, the new government of the world. They govern everything major, like taxes, which they increased, and the military, which they forced many men into. This made the citizens resent them, and even hate them. Over the last decade, they made many questionable decisions, as in separating race, more gruesome prisons, and many more horrible deeds. What made them do this? That's up to you to find out. What made a corrupt government corrupt?

    The Committee of Wynn has been recruiting assassins to take out anyone that pose a single threat to their plans. It could be a person that overheard a conversation, or a man that is hellbent on bringing it down. No matter what, they will kill anything to save their own skins. So far, they only have GIR and Rogue, but more is soon to follow. And, King Oasis and King Aeres are known to be corrupted.

    The Committee of Wynn met their end once Takumi discovered their hideout. King Aeres promptly blew the boards to smithereens, which made the realm of Wynn have no government. This tab is now mute, thank you dead Takumi!

    Wynn, the most infamous province in the land. It's said that Wynn was the province that released the Corruption, destroying the land. This in fact, is true. Wynn are greedy, and they are willing to chase that green to the end of the land. It made Wynn one of the most corrupted province in the land. Man fell to the temptation of greed here.

    Gavel, one of the less corruption province. Once, there was a force that almost destroyed Gavel, but it recovered soon after. It taught Gavel a valuable lesson, don't fall into evil, or everything will rot. Gavel is based on the principle of honor and pride, and is nothing like Wynn. They will value honor over anything...And that is what made it rot.

    Fruma, a force that may be stronger than the Corruption itself. They have airships that are revolutionary, a force that can wipe out an entire army in one go. Ironically, this amount of power can only lead to evil, not with Fruma. They are the most non-corrupted province of them all.

    Dern, a force that almost destroyed Wynn. It is under the influence of the Dragon Aspect Headt. After the Great War, it was thought that it was completely eradicated. They were wrong. In fact, it was building up an army to destroy Wynn once and for all. The army is less powerful than the one before, but this time...They are not in control by Headt.

    The Corrupted Strongholds in Dern are the main pillars. They hold a key that purify areas of Dern. Wynn has to take out three Corrupted Strongholds to make Dern pure again. It's a cliche, a rule of three is common in the world. Well, a rule of three shall be the key which thy free.

    The New Dern, the land where the party of heroes made it pure once again. Tema, oversee the construction of Dern, and saw it thrive over the last decade. Now, it become a haven for escaping life, and settling down here. But, people still feared that the Corruption will be back. Their fears are false.

    Corkus, the steampunk island. They are the most technological advanced area in the world. They have golems, robots, better weapons, etc. Sadly, it's located on a distant island, away from the naked eye. If Corkus get attacked, they will overwhelm the attackers with so much force, there will be no bodies to be found.

    A Corkian invaded the Astral and Wyn Realm, selling Void Jump machines. It started a massive migration between realms, making horrible confusion for the poor governments. Then, moments later, Rawar started the war between realms. After the War Between Realms, Corkus fell off the map completely.

    Corkus is currently building mechanical soldiers for an unknown reason.

    Big Man Business is Nagmib's business after the Great War II. After the timeskip however, the company gone dark and got swept under the rug for years. After the War Between Realms, they reveal themselves to Daragor Industries, hoping to create competition by trading with Faywynne, a town with really rare herbs. Now, they might be the victor because of James 'SHUT UP JAMES' Roamin, and he did win.

    Daragor Industries is well, Daragor's company. He wants to make a massive profit in all of the realms, including extorting a realm into giving him money. It's mostly comprised of his cultists, but after the following years later, refugees and the such joined his company. Now, it's being successful if James 'SHUT UP JAMES' Roamin doesn't shut it down for good, which he will. And guess what happened? Daragor ended Daragor Industries.

    The Paladin Order is an order that is based on honor, pride, and in the Light. They deliver justice to the criminals, and hope that inspires people to become warriors. It's said that they can force darkness back to where they come from. Thus, their main base is in Cinfras, near the Light Forest. The Paladin Order is the largest guild there is.

    Ren Niesh is the leader of the Paladin Order. The role of the leader is passed down by each father, and son. Ren is just like his father. The family's honorable, and honest. However, the most outstanding trait of Ren, is that he is very impressionable. Sadly, he died by his head being crushed by GIR.

    The Purification is a process where a person gets rid of their Corruption. It is a very painful process since they have to force the Corruption out of the body and contain it. On the other hand, IF the corruption is removed, then the host will become pure again. That's still a big 'if,' only a few amount of people have survived the process.

    After Ren Niesh died to the robot GIR, another leader from Wynn Excavation took his place. Then the Aldorians killed that leader. The next leader of the Paladin Order is still undecided, but it will be revealed soon.

    Taylor Niesh is the new leader of the Paladin Order. She is the distant cousin of Ren Niesh, and she lived on Selchar, while Ren lived in Light Forest. After the news about his death, and the death of the corrupted leader, she took over the Paladin Order, and following in Ren's footsteps. She hopes that the Paladin Order will be the same again.

    The Thieves Guild are a guild of Elves, Dwarves, anyone who can steal anything stealthy. The only rule in the guild is to not kill anyone, and respect the older, and much more skilled thieves. Or else, expect to get hell. They're based in Efelim, where the most skilled race are. Sadly, it's near Cinfas, the Paladin Order. But, they don't mess with them.

    The Leader of the Thieves Guild is unknown. He only appears rarely in order to drop some important information about a heist of a century. No one really knows anything about him, or her. But, everyone knows that the leader is the best thief there is.

    Aldorei Valley is the home of the Aldorians. They have the Head Elf Council, where they govern and punish the traitors in their home. Aldorians are the master at magic, especially Light magic. They work in conjunction with the Paladin Order to help bring Light to the world, and especially, help rid the world of evil.

    These are the five Head Elves:
    Fleces Paton, the Elf of Aspects
    Tanlef Rueus, the Elf of Nature
    Elle Temnal, the Elf of the Elements
    Leiget Carnbal, the Elf of Light
    Shadow, the Elf of Yrobalicy
    Tersalt Gacim, the Master Elf

    Fleces Paton, the Elf of the Aspects. He know everything about the Dragon Aspects, to their littlest detail, and from their exact appearance. He's been experimenting rocket ships in order to go to the Moon, the dreams of all the Aspect Scientists. Plus, his other dream is to meet a Dragon Aspect, or a Welpling.

    Tanlef Rueus, the Elf of Nature. She takes care of the Light Forest, and everything around it. It's her only responsibility, but it's a large task to handle. She has to take care of every adventurer that threatens the life of the forest, then she has to rejuvenate the trees in order to be in their previous state. This job is probably the most hardest one in all of Aldorians.

    Elle Temnal, the Elf of the Elements. She mastered the elemental magic. She can create elementals, fireballs, pyroblasts, anything. Her magic can exceed and overwhelm her opponent every single time she step into the field. Thus, she is the second most powerful Elf in the land. The only one she hasn't beat is Tersalt.

    Leiget Carnbal, the Elf of Light. He is one of the masters that can use Light properly. Light can make everything more pure, and much more appealable to the eye. He is one of the most fearless, but the most fanatic Elf of all time. He is deeply obsessed with Light, and want to improve on it, but the only thing that he wouldn't touch is the darkness. It's the one thing he fears the most.

    Tersalt Gacim, the Master Elf. He is the most powerful Elf of all time. He mastered every spell, book, and learnt magic of everything. Dark magic, Light magic, summoning monsters, etc. Sadly, this took ages to master and learn, and he is starting to become of old age. Now, he has to find someone worthy enough for him to teach his ancient magic. It could be a Player, or it could not. You just have to try.

    Shade, the Elf of Yrobalicy. He is an expert of Yrobalicy. First, he served the council as a servant, then rose the ranks quickly. He explored legendary places that could make him more powerful. After his journey, he came back to Aldorei Valley and teach newcomers about Yrobalicy. Sadly, no one knows how to obtain this power.

    Shadow, the new Elf of Yrobalicy. He is a master of Yrobalicy and can transform into hundreds of forms that aren't even imaginable. Shadow was found after he fought Shade and Marty, then he became a friend of the Aldorians. After Shade took a nap that lasted weeks, Shadow was appointed the new Elf of Yrobalicy without question. Now, he made the teaching of Yrobalicy more efficient than ever.

    The Destroyers are a new guild in Wynn. It was started by a 13-year-old human named Phineas. He is the most psychotic child in the entire world, but he's really immature. But, he killed a lot of people to gain followers and become one of the most dangerous person in the world. Now, the Destroyers are ordering the province of Gavel during the War between Realms.

    Insane Phineas is a troubled child during the War between Realms. He became even more troubled when he got a Dragon Tome, the most dangerous tome in all of the realms. It has the most destructive spells, all of which interested Phineas. And, he's going to use it to dominate the Astral Realm. Soon...

    It's revealed that the leader of the Destroyers are twins. One is Insane Phineas, the other is Fair Phineas. Fair Phineas directs and orders the guild while Insane Phineas carries out the work, which he does efficiently. Just about everyone knows about this, except for Takumi. He's an idiot.

    Fair Phineas wasn't a troubled child like his brother. He was more tactical, down to earth, and relatively a fair person. It's why he got the moniker of Fair Phineas in his name. He created the Destroyers with his brother, Insane Phineas. Now, their guild are leading part of the realm alongside of the Paladin Order with a helping hand.

    Aspecters, they are basically cultists that are devoted to going on the Moon. They worship any kind of Dragon Aspect, or any kind of dragon at all. They think that the 'dragons' can go up to the Moon with free will, they are really wrong. But, they made Daragor live like a king, until he died. So...that's bad.

    Corrupters, they are cultists who worship the Corruption, and is hellbent on bringing the world down. But, after the Great War II, they decided to lay low, and gather ancient magic to kill everything in their path. All in the name for Corruption. Until they are dead.

    The Decay was Gavel's Corruption. It worked differently though. Decay was a plague that infects people, and making them under the control of a higher force. This...Hive Mind is very powerful, more powerful than the Corruption itself. Instead of destroying from the outside, it destroy in the inside, making it in their grand design.

    Siegfried is the high power, controlling all Decay. Until he got ended by Daragor.

    Yrobalicy, the ability to change form. Even in death. A few knows about this ability, and it's unknown who currently have it. A more concerning mystery is: How do you obtain it?

    Shadows are beings that cannot talk. They are part-Corrupted, and sentient. No one knows how they are created, or where they come from. They are like nightmares, without the horror. Just people who is a victim of the Corruption, with unimaginable powers.

    Oulke, the half breed. Half Human, half Villager. Wynn killed his parents because they breed, and created Oulke. They forced him to serve in the army, during the Great War. Sadly, he is a rebellious soldier, thus he works with Ragnar, to end the corruption in the army. You know, you think that he should be in Ragni, because his superior officer haven't seen him in a while.

    Bobby, he is an assistant of the King of Almuj. You may think, "Why is Bobby assisting him? He's not that strong." Well, you see, when Bobby have a lot of anger, he goes on a killing spree leaving dead bodies everywhere. It's quite messy. Only the King found out that the only way to make him mad, is by saying, "Bob sucks." You know, where's the King of Almuj?

    Nagmib, he is a merchant in Gavel. He sells a variety of weapons, armor, etc. A haven for adventurers. In the fire of Llevigar, Jessica stole his oil and used it for a trap. She ended up burning down a part of Llevigar. Now, Nagmib don't like violence, but he is willing to hit people if it meant protecting his friends.

    Barik, the inventor of guns. He sells muskets, and flintlock pistols. It can change ranged weapons, and could make leather armor useless. But, Barik has a secret, he wasn't the one who created guns. His friend, Rabik, created the blueprints to this prototype. He went to Dern for inspiration, sadly, he became Corrupted. Barik lives with this secret until the day he dies.

    Richardson, the commander for the Fruman Army. He leads his six soldiers that dominate the battlefield with ease. Once they got the assignment to go to Wynn, they knew it was bad news. The Corruption was back, but it was weaker than before, so they thought it would be a cakewalk. They were wrong.

    Redn, a paladin of the Light. She learned her ways in Gavel near the Light Forest. Sadly, she was an orphan at birth, so she was raised in Aldorei Valley. When she turned 18, she got invited to join the Fruman Army, where she could do good for everyone.

    Ywnn, a light-hearted assassin. At a very young age, she was taught how to use a dagger and kill with ease. For some reason, she taunt her targets before killing them. Making her somewhat a psychopath, but a kind one. After hundreds of missions, she got invited to join the Fruman Army. She accepted it with a sly smile.

    Vagle, a silent archer. When he was born, he had many birth defects. His parents were twisted people, seeking anything that it will make themselves happy. Thus, it made Vagle hideous, and a mute forever. He wears a mask and a cloak to hide him from the world. Until he got invited to join Fruma. He trained with determination to become an archer, where he doesn't get to face his fears.

    Krocus, an explosive man. When he was a kid, he enjoyed any kind of chaos, or explosive that he can concoct. It made him a very skilled demolition expert, and a great miner. When he was mining, the rocks collapse, trapping him along with another miners. He made a makeshift bomb that explodes the rocks, but it killed his colleagues. After Fruma heard his acts, they invited him to train his explosives. He accepts, but with a sarcastic tone.

    Aruma, a chemical rascal. When she was 10, she travelled to Mage Island. Instead of learning magic, she learned to make potions. It was her dream. After a few chemical explosions, she mastered her technique, and she mainly humiliate her bullies. Then, there was Tema, a skilled mage. They grew to be friends, and they both got invited to Fruma. Where they can fight together.

    Tema, a shy mage. At Mage Islands, she was taught magic at a young age. She was a prodigy. She was able to master even the hardest of magic, it made her a celebrity on the island. But, she never liked it. Then, she met Aruma, an alchemist. They work together, helped one another. It made Tema feel a bit normal. Then, she and Aruma got invited to join Fruma. They both accept it.

    Tema, she became a queen in Dern. After the Great War II, she oversaw the construction of Dern, with the Boards' trust. Now, she joined the Committee of Wynn, and oversaw anything in Dern. But, does she question the actions of the Committee?

    Cajen, the hyper blader. Ever since he was a child, he was extremely hyper at everything. Anything would set him off and bounce everywhere. Thus, he decided to wield two blades, and use that bouncing to kill everything in sight. But, his hyper activity is also his weakness. Skilled enemies could cause him to go through a wall. So, a caretaker in the Temple of Legends took him in to make him better.

    Winter, the obedient mage. Winter was an orphan while growing up. She was introduced in the army as a battle mage, due to her natural talent at magic. After the war, she went under the care in the Temple of Legends. Now, she hopes that she won't have to see the army again.

    Qane, the brute warrior. He is a warrior that likes to save damsels in distress and basically a hero stereotype. He dreams of being a hero that save the world from evil, and getting the girl at the end. But, this reality of his will only get him killed. So, his parents put him in the Temple of Legends in order for him to face reality. And, everyone hope that he doesn't have an opportunity to save the world.

    Autan, the classy fencer. She is a fencer from birth. Her family was a rich family that likes to coddle her, but she wanted to train to become a world-renown fencer. Thus, her family puts her in the Temple of Legends where she can train with the best caretaker. But, the lesson for her to understand is that not everything is about her. It's the downside of being rich really.

    Yansur, the assistant to Mistress Qira of the Hive. He is a Warlord, that can summon a version of Qira herself. He helps create monsters based on an element for Qira. And soon, he became one of her greatest summoners.

    Alice, the apprentice Summoner. She took up summoning in Selchar, and was very shy. Thus, she didn't go outside often, and stayed inside to summon many creatures. After a while, she had to move out of Selchar into the Temple of Legends. They saw great potential in her.

    Celan and Ruby, the unstoppable duo. They were raised in Ternaves, with Celan taking care of a little horse named Ruby. Time went by, and Ruby was finally able to carry Celan's weight, and his armor. They both went to the Temple of Legends in order to train. With Celan being a Lancer, and Ruby, her speed.

    Lisa is a Summoner from the town of Pohe. She learned to summon monsters to fight for her ever since her brother was killed by a rogue demon. After a while, she was recruited to join the Astral Order as a battle mage.

    Palean is a Brawler from the Temple of Legends. His story was that he beat up a group of bandits just by his fists. After that happened, he is now on a quest to become the best Brawler in the lands.

    Jegan is Cajen's brother. He is hyper just like him, and wants to blow everything up. When the both of them was able to join the Temple of Legends, they blew up their house. Enough said, these people are crazy.

    Dean is a Shield-Bearer. He protects his friends and family when he was a young child. After a while, he joined the Astral Order as a soldier that protects his unit from harm.

    Neato is well, a neat person. He is a swordsman trained to kill monsters and bounties who did wrongs. Along with that, Neato joined the Thieves Guild in order to train his agility.

    Moio is an Elven Ranger. She is very strange, for some reason, she only say 'No' as a reply for everything. This word might have scarred her for life or something.

    Weavo is a Conjurer, which is a very hard skill set. He learned many different weapons and mastered them easily. With that, he can conjure a lot of weapons to aid him in battle.

    Maxwell is the founder of Mage Island. He is a powerful wizard that can defeat Tersalt himself, if he really tries. Anyway, his purpose of Mage Island is to birth creative minds that can help the world.

    Harold Smith is the man who created the Steampunk Soldiers in Corkus. He is also the man who helped created peace and unity with the Avos on that island. The ideal of the Steampunk Soldiers is to create order, and help set everything back where it was.

    The Travis Family was the founders of Fruma. They were the first people to meet the Avos, and one of the first to struck peace with them. Although, the peace was shaky, and everything could go wrong in an instant. They were still remembers as heroes.

    Josh'un was the man who created Void Jump Machines in Corkus. A few months ago, he realized the Void existed, and he sought out to travel there. After hours upon hours, the first Void Jump Machine was created, and it was mass produced throughout the island. The events followed afterwards was problematic. Some may think he is a menace to society, while others think he is a hero. But, everyone knows that he helped create a War Between Realms.

    Once upon a time, the Dragon Aspects created seven gems that hold great power. They bestow it on the world of Wynn and hid it, hoping that some adventurer would claim it. Once they found all seven gems, they would go to the final resting place, and it would hold unimaginable power. These were called...Nader Gems.

    Have you heard of a land called Dern? Where it was not Corrupted, but a haven for kids to play in the plains, and where possibilities are endless. Suddenly, when the miners of greed struck the ore of Corrupted, it let out the dark forces into Dern, corrupting it to we now know today. It's sad actually...Nobody cannot have good things in this world.

    Once upon a time, there was a tiresome kingdom whose name was Alfgonia. The kingdom spent many years, day and night, building itself for greatness. One day, a builder named Nyx arrived at the front gate of Alfognia. Once she stepped foot on the cold, stone path, the kingdom was brought to life. Some say Nyx was a blessing from the gods itself, or she was a debt that will always go unpaid, but no one cared. The citizens were ecstatic seeing kingdom being in it's heyday. Festivals were thrown in it's honor and the king thought nothing will go wrong. And...the king was right. Alfgonia was constantly throwing joy and happiness to the sky. Until, the once joyed kingdom turned tiresome. Nyx's duty was done too well, and the kingdom had no enemies with no problems. It soon disappeared there after.

    Top'L is a legend found in Wynn...mainly because of the shield he found. The shield was told to rewrite reality itself, and it's only purpose is to protect the owner. He took down an army by himself, just from using this mythical shield, the Shield of Top'L.

    Qira, Mistress of the Hive. She has created the elemental groups:
    Psychomancer, Thunder
    Spirit of Gale, Air
    Genesis-Revorse, Earth
    Oceanic Judge, Water
    Solar Vanguard, Fire
    They lead the elements for Mistress Qira, and killed countless adventurers who think that they can defeat all of them. No one has.

    Death, final boss of the Tower of Ascension. He looks over the tower, seeing that many adventurers already died once they step foot. That's why he is Death, servant to Headt. Not a single adventurer have reached Death, all of them died in the floors below. The Tower of Ascension is an unforgiving hell.

    Bob, demi-god of Wynn. He was taught by the four masters: Mael, Chak, Fier, and Ethe. He served to destroy the Corruption, but was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the dark forces. Now, after decades, he lies in his tomb dead. It shows that even gods like Robert can die from the darkness.

    Corrupter of Worlds, he lives in the caves near the Temple of Legends. He've been tricked by a warrior, so the Corrupter lies in his prison waiting to die. Now, he isn't the actual leader of the Corrupted. Corrupter is a pawn in the grand scheme of things, but who's the king?

    After the Great War II, that's what people are calling it now, cities were destroyed by Ragnar. He created a mess that we have to clean up. It took 10 years for everything to get back to normal. Almost, normal.

    Archers are switching from bows, to guns created by Barik the Blacksmith, which died during the Great War II. More and more people are starting to use guns because it's more efficient, and it can pierce through leather armor. But, it will take a while for everyone to get used to the new weaponry. Sadly, everyone stopped making leather armor because it was useless against guns.

    The amount of destroyed cities were unimaginable. It took a lot of money to get all the cities rebuilt. Don't even mention that Dern and Fruma were adding new towns to their land. Thus, the Boards decided to raise the taxes in order to make up the costs of the cities. At the end, the cities have more defenses than ever.

    The Committee of Wynn is the new government. It complies the Board of Wynn, Board of Gavel, Board of Fruma, and the newest board, the Board of Dern. After the second year, they made a lot of questionable choices that made people think about their future. Who knows that could happen next.

    Jessica got arrested for burning down Cinfras, and was jailed for 9 years. She got released from prison a year ago, and now roaming the provinces doing jobs.

    Nagmib created the thriving business of Big Man Business. He created trade lines, and made a ton of money. Now, he sit in his base of operations controlling his new empire.

    Weaver, or Nicolas settled down in Ragni after the Great War II. Nothing else really happened.

    Tema, she changed a lot. After she oversaw the construction of Dern, she named the first town, "Dern." Thus, many people thought she should be the Queen of this town, and after the construction of a few more, they created the Board of Dern.
    Lore: Astral Realm

    Hesha is a demon. His entire purpose is to consume everyone, and aiding the fire of chaos. He joined with Wallace to create their idea of a new world. But, nothing is known about Hesha or his true motives are.

    Taedhta-Roldalrn is a servant of Hesha. This demon's tale is all about hating magic, and the need to rid of it. Hesha promised him this future, and he followed the demon ever since.

    Ishiagu is a demon living in the Soul Well. He seeks freedom from his job, and wants to rule the world by himself. But alas, this is the dream of every demon.

    The Soul Well is a place where souls wait to be reincarnated. It gets very crowded quickly, and the wait time can last for centuries.

    Spirits appeared when demons and angels were born. The demons sought to destroy the innocent spirits, but the angels sought to protect them. Sadly, the demons killed most of the spirits, and the remaining survivors migrated to this forest. They promptly named it "Spirit Forest." The angel Kanu is the protecter of Spirit Forest, and built the town Nifin in order for Humans to live here. The Humans aren't like the demons, and they aided Kanu to rebuild spiritkind ever since.

    Kanu is the angel that protect spirits from the demons. She built Nifin in order for the Humans to aid her protection. Now, she lives in the town she built, repopulating the spirits so it can reappear around the world.

    Roieat is a demon who eats everything, literally everything. His favorite 'food' is Spirits from Spirit Forest, and he eats spirits. Nuff said.

    Boop is an artificial demon created by the Astral Order. He mimics the ability to remove Damage Resistance and Shield, plus negating actions. Some might say that Boop came from an unknown place, while Daragor thinks he's a Meta. No one will know for sure.

    The Astral Order was once a guild working for the previous government, the Constellation. When Robert Kailo finally destroyed the Constellation, the Astral Order had to assume command of the entire world. After a couple of decades later, they finally got rid of Robert Kailo.

    The Astral Vanguard was the scouting party to the Wynn Realm. It had about 20 men on the trip, and they were tasked to aid the Wynn Realm, in hopes that the Wynn Realm would aid them back. Sadly, they already got rid of it by the time they got there. Now, they can't get back home.

    The Constellation was the previous government in the Astral Realm. This government was kind to it's people, listened to them, etc. But, when Robert Kailo arrived, everything was disrupted. He hunted down every high ranking official in the government and killed them. Only a few survived the massacre.

    The Astral Ocean Alliance is an alliance between the islands after The Migration. It said, that every island has to help one another, or else everything will fall and be destroyed. The only other islands who is not in the alliance are either near the mainland, or is in the Mariana's Square Clan.

    The Mariana's Square Clan has three main islands, and three smaller islands. Each main island has a different biome because of where the island is placed. For some reason, the area is really weird with weather, and it has magical disturbance. Also, it has the most deepest trenches in the whole world. This is why the islands joined up to look out for one another.

    The Collapse, the most destructive event in the history of the Astral Realm. It all started when Robert Kailo entered the realm. He destroyed everything in sight, no survivors. A man almost killed him by accidentally getting the perfect balance of Light and Dark magic. He doesn't know how he did due to the impossible chance, but he did. That man ran to the Astral Order and they began experimenting. A few decades later, they finally got the balance just right. At the end, they drove off Robert Kailo to the Wynn Realm, and they can finally began recovering from the nightmare.

    Practically, every city, town, etc was destroyed by Robert Kailo. In order for the citizens to avoid him, they migrated to the ocean and created towns on any island. Thanks to RK, he created The Migration, causing people to move away from the mainland.
    When the Astrans came to the Wynn Realm, they were greeted with confusion and fear. Shortly afterwards, Cinfras was burned down by some unknown cause. They thought that the Wynnians were trying to kill them, so the two realms fought, causing a war between realms. No one knows who will win the war.

    The Astral Realm is a bit more advanced then the Wynn Realm. Their weaponry is suited against demons, which are far more dangerous than any regular monster in Wynn.

    The Astral Realm lost the War Between Realms. They were simply too outmatched for the Wynn Realm, as they got Daragor, a wild card, and Wynn wielding the Dragon Tomes, it was just a deathwish to continue the battle. The Astral Order came out to surrender with the Wynn Realm, and they got a fair deal. They get to retain their government, and their cities are immediately rebuilt. Headmaster Geoff wished for all of the races to live in peace with the Wynn Realm, and Phineas accepted the deal.

    General Gastin is a general in the Astral Order. He is the leader of most soldiers in the army, and is in charge of keeping everything safe. Unfortunately, he was to take care of skeleton pirates, golems, and sightings of Robert Kailo. He has his work cut out for him.

    Head Master Flynn was a soldier in the Astral Order. He was specialized in samurai training, and quickly gained renown. Sadly, two of his friends created separate guilds, that represented different ideals. Order, and chaos. Flynn chose his own path, and is trying to bring peace to both of them to this day.

    Wallace was once Flynn's friend, before he succumb to the chaos. He wants to see the world govern by the strong, consuming the weak. He joined with other followers of chaos, and sought to bring the world down to hell.

    Jackson was also Flynn's friend, before he became a radical in peace. He wants to see the world have eternal peace, but he will destroy this world in order to achieve that goal.

    Headmaster Akiba was a politician during the Collapse. He advocated for hope and sought out to help the unfortunate that escaped Robert Kailo. After RK died, he was chosen to join the Astral Order in order to help more people efficiently. That's his goal in life.

    Headmaster Geoff was a soldier just like Flynn, but much more older and experienced. He fought in countless battles and came out victorious. It provided him wisdom and knowledge that earned him the spot on the Astral Order. He is the third of the ten Headmasters that were revealed.

    Takka is an Arcon that met Ghana Ens Sin. He is just like every Arcon, tribal and crude, but he likes to make friends with the other races. They interest him because of the different cultures, architects, and special food that they offer. Takka moved to Wynn to seek exactly this.

    Keller was once an Astral Soldier, but he was on a ship that met Bopen, the Skeleton King. The ship was destroyed and he was taken hostage. At the end, Keller became a new recruit for Bopen's ship. His past was just an average joe doing stuff.

    Sophia was a healer for the town of Zvboo, but her ship met Bopen years ago. She joined Bopen, and her main task is to heal the crewman. It's certain that she has tales to tell about her journey and past.

    Tyrian is a fast man. He uses two blades to swiftly kill foes in an instant. He's probably one of the most experienced crewman, aside from Scott, Luke, and Toby. Some say he's like a scorpion, waiting to sting.

    Headmaster Gyros is the recent headmaster after Flynn died. He took his place after being acclaimed of his ability in battle. Nothing much is known, but the Astral Realm are waiting with one question in mind, "What will he do?"

    Bopen, the Skeleton Pirate. He is in charge of his brigade of pirates that raid towns along the coastline. The reason of his large following is his powerful ring that can destroy hordes of enemies in an instant. He wields his sword made of gold, and his crown that shows his greed, and power. His pirates sing a little song just for him:

    Hopen for Bopen,
    We pirates will sing.
    Surrender, your treasure,
    Or death we will bring.

    Hopen for Bopen,
    And plunder the shrine.
    Your gold is now gone,
    Your life is now mine.

    Luke is the chef onboard Bopen's ship. He is a pretty decent chef in terms of his cooking, because it's mostly human flesh, eyeballs, fish yogurt, those kinds of stuff. What doesn't make sense though, is that skeletons don't need to eat food, so there's no point of bringing a chef. On the other hand, Luke is a gunslinger, a dangerous one in fact.

    Quartermaster Scott is, well, the quartermaster of Bopen's ship. He relays messages from the crew to Bopen, making him well respected. On raids, he usually take charge of the crew, and decides what's best for everyone involved. In fights, he's like a bull charging headfirst in your gut, painful I might say.

    Powder Monkey Toby is the cannoneer of the ship. He's German, and he likes explosions. I don't know why German people exist in this universe, or why he likes firing cannons, but he exists.

    Stonemire is Bopen's base, and sort of his birthplace. Bopen was created by the three nobles who once lived in the stone castle. The process was gruesome, and the nobles perished. This is the only known knowledge of Bopen's origin, and the citizens of the Astral Realm fear it.

    "Do you know Colin? Well, Colin was a foul tentacle beast. Every so often, he releases monsters of his own into the world, and all of them hid in carriages for some reason. That's why their called 'Carriage Monster.' Colin was deeply upset of his children, and sought out to kill every children he regretted to bring into this world. And he did, but it was only THIS world. The Carriage Monster fled to the Wynn Realm which they loved. One of them even helped the effort to kill the Corruption! Anyway, Colin was satisfied of his work, and took a long nap. Until, Bopen woke him up. They had the battle which shook the world, but Bopen was victorious. He claimed Colin as his pet, and Colin does whatever Bopen needs." - Scott, talking to Valeeri in Stonemire's tavern

    The Arcons are tiny figures that looks like a type of fruit, hence the name Arcons, based off of apricots. They come in a variety of colors, green, blue, brown, etc. In culture, they are very tribal and speak by mostly grunting. Although, they do speak the common tongue, they do not wish to be affiliated with the Astral Order, and want to be alone in peace.

    The Serns are human-like figures covered in rags. They roam the desert, creating pyramids and tombs as their homes. Their culture is similar to the Egyptians, where the nobles are buried with their brain in jars. Like the Arcons, they do not wish to be affiliated with the Astral Order.

    The Striders are snake, lizard, or any reptilian creatures that looks humanoid. They live in the ocean in underwater villages, which are rarely seen by the populace of the Astral Ocean. Their culture is mainly about praying to Leviathan, and they devote temples to his name, and Leviathan accepted them. It means that the Striders are either powerful enough, or the dragon is being nice for once.

    The Angels and the Demons exist. They're two sides of the coin as one represents good, while the other represents evil. It's black and white for this one, however they can't exist without each other. There must be angels if demon exists, and vice versa. They're fighting an eternal war.

    (BRK = Before Robert Kailo/ARK = After Robert Kailo)

    Long time ago:
    • The Astral Realm was created
    • Hesha was born
    • Taedhta-Roldalrn was born
    • Kanu was born
    • Roieat was born
    1000 BRK:
    • Bopen the Skeleton Pirate was born
    • Taedhta-Roldalrn joined Hesha
    • Demons purged the spirits. The spirits ran off to the forest known as Spirit Forest. Kanu the angel protects them
    999 BRK:
    • Bopen receives his golden sword and ring
    998 BRK:
    • Bopen commands an army of pirate skeletons
    50 BRK:
    • Anthahall's Daragor died from Arcania
    10 BRK:
    • Kazuki and Ayumu was born in Wynn Realm
    1 ARK:
    • Robert Kailo arrives in the Astral Realm, and starts his destruction.
    • Takumi, Ajinin, and Rhetsam was born in Wynn Realm
    • Flynn became a Head Master
    • Wallace follows chaos
    2 ARK:
    • Robert Kailo reaches the peak of his rampage. A man was able to hurt Robert by the balance of Light and Dark magic. He was able to escape Robert Kailo and ran to the Astral Order.
    10 ARK:
    • Robert Kailo destroys The Constellation, the previous government of the Astral Realm
    • The Astral Order took command of the realm
    • Gastin became a General
    • Hesha joined Wallace
    30 ARK:
    • The Astral Order was able to replicate the balance of Light and Dark magic. They were able to drive out Robert Kailo into the Void.
    • They start repairing the realm
    • The Astral Order sent the Astral Vanguard to Wynn Realm
    31 ARK: Robert Kailo
    • Robert Kailo acts like a servant to Daragor, son of Headt
    • He performs tasks like clearing out nearby islands
    • Robert Kailo encounters Takumi
    • The Astral Vanguard have an argument near Nessak. Takumi defused the situation and headed back to ToL. Kiyoshi explained the situation to Takumi.
    • Astral Vanguard and Takumi's Legends joined up to defeat Robert Kailo
    • Robert Kailo flees to the Void and enters the Astral Realm. The Voice in the Sky shortly killed him afterwards
    31 ARK: Law and Chaos
    • Takumi and the Astral Vanguard meet Hesha and Wallace
    • Hesha killed most of the Astral Vanguard plus Takumi
    • Kazuki takes charge of the remaining Astral Vanguard
    • Kazuki is killed in the final battle of Law and Chaos. Kazuki arrives in the Soul Well.The demon Ishiagu offered him to live once again, but he turned it down
    • Kyelas and his group of Elven mercenaries meet the Idiot Guard. The Idiot Guard revived Takumi and the Astral Vanguard. The Idiot Guard travels with Takumi until they both meet Takumi's long lost friends.
    • The Idiot Guard reveals himself to be Nai, a Meta Guard
    • They defeat Law and Chaos, and saved Arcania
    32 ARK: War between Realms
    • Entity 0 was introduced to the world
    • Golestandt left the Astral Realm
    • Crassel disappears
    • Entity 0 dies to the Voice in the Sky
    • The other dragons questioned the Astrans about the location of Crassel, no one knew
    • A Corkian Merchant sold Void Jump Machines, and realms are being traveled
    • Rawar caused a war between realms
    • War happened
    • The Striders, Arcons, and Serns joined the war
    • Leviathan, son of Telmeen joined the war
    • The Astral Realm lost the War Between Realms
    32 ARK: Mythic Hunt
    • The Shadow Crusade invaded Astral
    • The Mythic Hunt is on
    • The Mythic Hunt is over in Wynn Realm as the guilds there defeated the Shadow Crusade.
    32 ARK: The End
    • It's the end of the RP
    Lore: Apocalypse Realm

    From what Daragor can gather, the Cursed are beasts that came out of nowhere hundreds of years ago. They slaughtered village after village, wanting to bring mankind to an end in this realm. But, man prospered, adapted, and evolved to drove back the Cursed. The beasts took forms of normal animals, and twisted them into horrifying creatures of despair and death. That's just during the day. During the night, more deadlier and larger beasts roam the night, looking for unfortunate travelers. But that wasn't enough, they wanted to bring down the towns that kept the Cursed at bay. So, they waited, and waited, for the right moment to strike.

    The Nucklavee looks like a human and a horse combined in horrifying ways. Their looks may be deceiving, however, they aren't that strong at fighting. They are only good at scaring people away.

    The Nevermore is a massive bird that has survived for ages. Their appearance resemble a black raven on a starry night. They are good at destruction and fire, it's pretty poetic if I may add.

    The Cerberus is a massive three-headed demon dog that's been cursed by black magic. Their appearance matches it's strength, terrifying and bloody. All they are good at is chasing and biting legs off. Brutal.

    The Cursed have a countermeasure against people who overpower them with ease. If, a single person, kill so many Cursed in a short amount of time without trouble, a horde will spawn near them. This method is used to deter the extinction of Cursed by the people filled with pride and power.

    The Cursed rarely goes near the walls of towns and cities. It would mean a death sentence to them. They will only approach the walls if there's a horde of them planning to destroy the city, not injure it. However, Cursed Hordes are often rare without the assistance of humans because it takes time and effort to muster thousands of Cursed.

    Vien is the currency in the realm instead of emeralds. For some reason, all of the residents said that emeralds isn't worth much Vien, and disregarded it as trash. Tenebrae said that Vien replaced emeralds because emeralds became too dangerous to get, as miners have to mine in caverns with the chance of Cursed attacking. Once the other realms get involved, this is the conversions:

    1.5 Vien (V) = 1E
    100V = 64E
    1 Vien Stack (VS) = 1EB
    100 VS = 64EB
    1 Vien Thousand (VK) = 1LE
    100VK = 64LE

    Demon Eyes house dragons according to Spira Fate, but it's a close guarded secret in the realm.

    The Seven Contrary Virtues are seven people who were blessed based on their good morals. They can give out blessings of their own to people who they seem fit, and can tell wise knowledge about the world. Some say that once a person receives all seven blessings, they will get something more...interesting.

    Tenebrae Fate, translated to Darkness Fate. Thank you guy who wanted to be related to Tenebrae and Spira. Anyway, Tenebrae was a man who studied the theory of other realms in Apocalypse. This went on for years and years, until he accidentally discovered evidence of the Meta Realm. The Metas came to his home and wiped his memory along with his wife, Spira. At the same time however, the Fate twins were transformed into one body, and sent to the Wynn Realm somehow. But this bit is about Tenebrae, not the twins. After the memory wipe, Tenebrae was starting to act unstable along with his wife, and his theory of other realms turned into an obsession. Years later, he went to the Wynn Realm using a crude Void Jump Machine to seek help from Daragor. Now, no one knows what's going to happen next.

    Spira Fate, translated to Hope Fate. Uhh...*Flips through the Fates' application* Ah, she was apparently a good warrior, not like Fier levels of skill, but a pretty good one. This states that Spira actually befriended a...dragon? Well, don't know how I skipped that part, but oh well. She is a very kind soul, and always the lady who would look in the bright side of things. She was the meaning of hope, quite literally. Until the Metas wiped her memory. After the incident, Spira became unstable just like Tenebrae, and went on some mad tirades about dragons, realms, and the Cursed attacking. Instead of being a meaning of hope, she became a meaning of despair. Dramatic isn't it?

    Nico aka Kindness is a woman living in Oni. She was blessed with the Kindness virtue because of her everlasting caring for everyone but herself. It's in her best interest to make sure that everyone have a dose of happiness in everyday life. Along with that, she gives out the Blessing of Kindness to anyone who deemed fit. It's said that this blessing will give an aura of kindness which will make everyone respect him or her.

    Jacob aka Liberality is the leader of the town Paradise. He was blessed with the Liberality virtue because of his openness to new ideas and strategies to help the cause against Cursed. His number one interest to keep everyone of Paradise safe from the Cursed, and will hear any and every idea to keep that interest alive.

    Travis is the leader of The Hill. He is in charge with everything in The Hill to the construction, and the food being given out everyday. His personality though, is cynical and ver paranoid to everyone around him. It came from his past encounters from his once called 'friends.'

    Sarah is the leader of Haven. She is in charge of the trade coming in and out Haven and the all of the other cities. After the Cursed attack, Sarah became more desperate and needy for help for the people of Haven. Now, no one really knows what she'll do.

    Lie is the leader of Terra. Don't be afraid of his name though, because he isn't a liar by any means. In fact, he is very truthful to everyone around him and isn't afraid to give out his opinion on any subject. It what makes him the leader, his careless and fearless attitude in life.

    "Come. He who rides an ashen horse named Death. The beasts cower in his arrival, bringing the end of the cycle repeated infinitely." - The Horseman of the Apocalypse: Death

    "Come. The contagious black horse withers all life to ash in it's presence named Plague. He infects and destroys in the inside, just like mankind." - The Horseman of the Apocalypse: Plague

    "Come. They who ride conjoined on a white horse, whom name are Hope and Despair. Once hope sets in the hearts of the wanderers, despair awaits them at the end." The Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Hope and Despair

    The Seven Deadly Sins are found throughout the world of Apocalypse. There's many theories of how they came to be. Some say that they are the manifestation of the people's sins and wrongdoings. Others say that they are created by the Cursed to vanquish the humans once and for all. No one will know.

    (BC = Before Cursed/AC = After Cursed)

    Long Time Ago:
    • This realm was created
    0 AC: Beginning of the Cursed
    • The Cursed arrived to destroy mankind. That has yet to be seen
    • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appeared
    • The Seven Deadly Sins appeared
    1000 AC: Scouting Party
    • Tenebrae went to Wynn to seek help
    • Haven was attacked by the Cursed
    • Cindy Fate landed in Haven, while Daragor landed in Four
    • The Fate twins met Death, Horsemen of the Apocalypse
    • Daragor questioned Spira and Tenebrae about the Apocalypse Realm
    • The Fate twins met Tenebrae, then left Tenebrae after he went on a rant
    • Daragor met Plague, Horsemen of the Apocalpyse
    • Daragor chopped off Travis's hand, creating an incident between the realms in the future
    • The Fate twins did some shenanigans
    1000 AC: Mythic Hunt
    • The Mythic Hunt is on
    • The Shadow Crusade took over The Hill, but left to Llevigar shortly after.
    • The Mythic Hunt ended in the Wynn Realm as the guilds there defeated the Shadow Crusade.
    1000 AC: The End
    • It's the end of the RP
    Lore: Metas

    Nai was the first Meta revealed to the world. He is a Meta Guard which protects his friends from harm. For thousands of years, Nai was literally an idiot guard pretending to be useless at everything. Until he met Kyelas, Nai knew he was controlled by a god and followed him around. Ultimately revealing his secret, but reincarnated into another body. Now, he travels with Bones and the others.

    Bones is the second Meta revealed to the world. He is a Meta Soldier which fights off hundreds of armies just by himself. For years, he traveled with Skull and his entourage, before leaving Saint's Row. After the Decay, he left Skull and traveled with Nai and the others, taking the role of the leader. Their first mission was stopping Daragor from taking over the Wynn Realm, and it was pretty easy.

    Bopen is the third Meta revealed to the world. His Meta class is unknown, but the power he wields is unimaginable. For thousands of years, he raided cities, towns, and ships in order to satisfy his greed. He gathered pets like Colin, Carlos, and a mountain of treasures hidden at Stonemire. But, his past haunts him to this day.

    Val'Ri Skullcrusher is the fourth Meta revealed to the world. His Meta class is unknown, but he holds a tremendous grudge against Bopen the Skeleton King. He said that Bopen destroyed Dawnhammer, Steelhelm, and took over Stonemire. One time, he even came after Bopen himself to erase him, but Bones stopped it from happening. Now, no one knows that Val'Ri doing.

    Boop is the fifth Meta revealed to the world. His Meta class is unknown, but he is a powerful demon that's apparently created by the Astral Order. That fact is false. He planted himself in the Astral Realm in order to keep an eye on them. Unfortunately, he tried to escape the Metas by being banished to the Nether, and tried to kill Phineases. After encountering with Judgement, his fate is unknown.

    The Sandbox is a place mentioned by Val'Ri Skullcrusher. It's a realm, I'll tell you that.

    There are Dwarven cities mentioned by Val'Ri Skullcrusher. It has Dawnhammer, Steelhelm, and Stonemire. But, that's all he said.

    The word 'Outcasts' were muttered by Cain'Fel, whom is a member. That's all he said.

    (AC = After Creation)
    0 AC:
    • VITS created the universe
    • All Metas were born
    2000 AC:
    • Nai walked in the Wynn Realm with Bones
    • Bopen destroyed Dawnhammer
    2010 AC:
    • Bopen destroyed Steelhelm, and took over Stonemire
    9000 AC:
    • Nai met Kyelas
    • Bones traveled with Skull
    • Boop is on trial for violating Protocol 10
    • Val'Ri met Valeeri, but Valeeri's memory was erased
    • Daragor failed his Meta quest because he didn't catch on to the smallest of details. And so, he died
    9000 AC: The End?
    • It may be the end, but it's not the end for them

    Astral 3 Named.jpg
    Astral 1 Named.jpg
    Astral2 Named.jpg
    Astral 5 Named.jpg
    Astral 4 Named.jpg
    Sern 1.png
    Orange = Villages
    Green = Astral Town
    Red = Tombs
    Arcon 1.png
    Orange = Villages
    White = Astral Town
    Red = Tribal Temples

    The Void.jpg
    The Void:
    Blue Portal = Wynn Realm
    Grey Portal = Astral Realm
    Yellow Portal = Apocalypse Realm

    Land of Dern
    Red = Entrances (Abandoned Mines and Rymek)
    Yellow = Purity
    Blue = Moon's Shrine
    Brown = Towns
    Black = Capital City
    Green = Dern
    Fruma 2.png
    Land of Fruma:
    Red = Starting Area
    Maroon = Pigman's Ravine
    Lighter Red = Troms
    White = Gusts of Aer
    Blue = Elemental Lake
    Orange = Towns
    Brown = Capital City

    (BA - Before Anarchy/AA - After Anarchy)

    • The God of Destruction left Anarchy Realm in ruins
    30AA: Beginning
    • The story of this world started
    • Characters are joining this new story
    • Some attacks happen, as biological warfare
    • Constantine discovers a key that leads to a Nomad camp

    The Legion of Iron formed with one person telling his ideals, and forcing it on everyone else. It soon spread like a wildfire. Now, the Legion of Iron are constantly fighting The Collection and the Nomads on two sides trying to rule the land for the strong. They are ruthless at everything and everyone. No mercy will be given.

    The Legion of Steel is Constantine Insanium's group. They are obeying the Legion of Iron in any way possible. Who knows what they'll do next.

    The Collection is like a hive mind, which is one way to describe it. Everyone wants justice for the bad actions from both the Legion of Iron and the Nomads. No punishment is too hard, nor the crime is small. All crimes are capital crimes in the eyes of these people. The usual punishment is death or banishment. You'll be lucky if you're given the latter.

    Nomads are the most civilized, but the most primitive of all of the Juggernauts. They believe in order that will hopefully fix society back up again. But, they are willing to force their ideals on everyone. If a person doesn't believe in order, then the Nomads will cast them out as a traitor. It doesn't seem like order to me.
    The Faction of Gareth obeys one man only, it's a man called Gareth. Gareth is the best man in the world, he knows what's wrong with the world! He will rule this world with kindness! Pretty much everyone in his little cult of his thinks like that. Everyone else don't want to get involved with those crazy people. Then, Zane managed to infiltrate the Faction of Gareth and assassinated the man.

    The Followers believe that the gods will provide them the path to save the world from further destruction. Supposedly, there's a high priest that tells them what the gods are saying. The Followers obeyed that "command" with no question. Who knows if the gods are actually talking, but the high priest might be a phony all along.

    No Man's Land is a large area right in the middle of Anarchy. It house mass graves, dead zones (Will explain later), and constant battles. If you venture into No Man's Land, chances are that you'll be dead with everything taken off of your body. However, there are a great prize that is everywhere in No Man's Land, unclaimed loot. Who knows what lies on the land?

    Dead Zones are specific areas that will slowly kill anyone who steps foot. It's said that it was made by the God of Destruction when he left the Anarchy Realm. In the meta sense, it's radiation, but the players and the people doesn't know that.

    Loot Chests are uncommon throughout No Man's Land. It has a massive assortment of loot that could be powerful or plain trash. Every chest needs a key, but it's often found besides the chest itself. You could try to pick lock it, but after two failed attempts, it disappears into thin air. Try to find and get as many keys as possible to open these valuable chests.

    Agren is the Embodiment of Rage. He was created when Constantine threw him into the Void without a second thought. For Constantine, it seems like a few days or so, but for Agren, it felt like an eternity for him. Agren was constantly dying but being revived time after time. The Void changed him, gave him powers like a god, and he popped out of a portal. Agren is ready to kill any Void traveler he sees.

    Caesar was a God of Destruction. Everyone knew that this guy was a massive asshole, but also knew that he had good in his heart. He was from the Atlantis Realm where most of the realm is underwater. This made Caesar grew to love the realm, and the special inhabitants, but Agren arrived. Now, all that's left of him is a head sent to Constantine Insaniam.

    Gerbilaurs are the descendants of mysterious humans who shared features with the common rat and gerbil. They are skilled in unarmed combat using teeth and claws, though they are also good at using special melee weapons made to be held in the user's teeth. They tend to be silent, and have very little ability with their arms. They also boast a tail used to fend off attackers from behind, and for the ability to run faster. Unfortunately, Gerbilaurs also lack high brainpower, and tend to do idiotic things.

    Rations: +30 ST
    Rotten Apple: -5HP/+5 ST
    Sour Meat: -1HP/+10 ST
    Bread: +5 ST
    Meat: +20 ST
    Salty Water Bottle: -10ST
    Raw Meat: -10HP/+10 ST
    Water Bottle: +10 ST
    Salt: -1 ST
    Medkit: +100HP
    Wooden Helmet: +1DR
    Leather Boots: +1DR
    Small Wooden Shield: +5 DR when guarding/+1 ST when attacking
    Steel-Toed Boots: +1DR
    Blessed Pistol: Instant/13 Damage
    Basic Conjured Weapon: Average/10-13 Damage
    The Moon's Shadow: Average/13-17 Damage
    Scimitar of Souls: Average/10-15 Damage/Reap souls
    Grim Tome of Spells: Average/10-15 Damage/Cast spells
    Sword of Fire: Average/10-15 Damage/Cast fireballs
    Krukin's Hunting Rifle: Instant/15 Damage
    Ratskin Dagger: Fast/8-10 Damage
    Tailguard: Average/3-5/Cause 5 Bleeding
    Zane's Crossbow: Fast/15 Damage
    Novice Book of Fire Magic: Average/10-15 Damage/Cast fire magic
    Bailwolf's Battlaxe: Slow/14-19 Damage
    Heavy Axe: Slow/15-20 Damage
    Bulky Tree Trunk: Slow/15-18 Damage
    Broadsword: Average/10-15 Damage
    Spear: Average/10-13 Damage
    Machete: Average/12-16 Damage
    General's Sword: Average/13-17 Damage
    Dagger: Fast/5-10 Damage
    Dual Daggers: Fast/5-10 Damage 2x
    Broken Sword: Fast/5-8 Damage
    Bone Shiv: Fast/5 Damage
    Shiv: Fast/5 Damage
    Bow: Fast/13 Damage
    Toy Pistol: Fast/0 Damage
    Dynamite: Fast/Instant Kill
    Junk Gun: Fast/20 Damage/Takes in junk as ammo
    Defective Pistol: Instant/10 Damage
    Hunting Rifle: Instant/15 Damage
    Arcane Staff: Average/10-15 Damage

    1-5: Junk
    6-15: Broken Sword
    16-25: Stonebreaker
    26-35: Curved Dagger
    36-50: Longbow with 10 Arrows
    50-75: Assorted Trading Items
    76-80: Warrior Ability
    81-90: Trapper Ability
    91-95: Gunslinger Ability
    96-99: Ability of your choice (I have to confirm it)
    100: ???
    1-10: Junk
    11-15: Weak Branch
    16-30: Toy Gun
    31-35: Dynamite
    36-50: Assorted Trading Items
    51-60: Bastard Sword
    61-70: Hero's Spear
    71-80: Mage Ability
    81-90: Assassin Ability
    91-99: Tank Ability
    100: ???
    1-15: Junk
    16-20: Rusted Shoes
    21-25: Small Cotton Shirt
    26-35: Short Leather Pants
    36-40: Pot Lid
    41-55: Assorted Trading Items
    56-65: Wooden Armor Set
    66-75: Cotton Armor Set
    76-95: More Assorted Trading Items
    96-99: Companion
    100: ???

    [Use x] = Number of times it can be used per combat [Use 3 = Can be used three times per combat]
    [Turn x] = Number of times it lasts for turns [Turn 5 = Ability lasts for five turns]
    [Charge x] = Number of turns it needs to be charged in order to activate [Charge 2 = Ability needs two turns to activate]

    Ignis Incendium: Ira has control of fire. She can manipulate it. Think firebenders from Avatar.
    She can also to some degree create small flames. These are very small and is not enough to really damage anyone except for direct contact, and are used mainly as utility. (Passive)
    Burning Temper: If Ira gets angry, her magical abilities are enhanced.
    It also comes with some physical alterations to her body and looks. Her body temperature rises significantly and her eyes seem more on fire than usually. Her hair will catch on fire, but will not be damaged.If she gets really mad though her hair will rise straight up in the air and Ira will have a firey aura around her. This is pretty much her ultimate power. She is INCREDIBLY strong in this form but is uncontrollable and it takes alot to activate. This is when she has the power to burn down a city, but it is REALLY rare. think "best friend from childhood stabbed me in the back" angry. (Or something like that) In this extreme she can use up more ST than the has normally, but can easily use too much and completely drain her energy making her unconscious.
    She can send out a strong explosion from her body in this state. This will drain her incredibly much and will make her unconscious if strong enough. (Passive)

    Pyroblast: Ira will channel a large ball of fire which on impact will explode.
    The longer the channel the stronger the fireball and the more ST it takes. This can get a seriously big.
    Conjure: Ira can conjure physical objects of fire. These can be for utility but are mostly weapons.
    These objects will disintegrate if they get out of 5 meters range of Ira, so no ranged weapons.
    This takes ST depending on size. Things like swords whips shields and stuff in that "standard" sizecategory are 8 ST.
    Impulse of Fire: Ira sends out a strong short range wave of fire that knocks anything it hits away. And of course it also damages things. If in extreme cases of Burning Temper Impulse of fire will be a continuous stream of fire.
    Soul Drag: Stab your sword into the enemy's chest and pull it out instantly, increasing chance to take their soul by 10-50% [Use 3]
    Void Strike: Strike the enemy with an attack powered by the void. Can have a random effect on them [Use 2]
    Soul Warp: Warp the enemy's soul, twisting it and mentally breaking the enemy to the point where it becomes a thrall. [Use 1]
    Target Soul: Increases chance of hitting the enemy and not missing by up to 90% [Use 1]
    Soul Consume: Consume a soul and gain a boost in all stats for five turns and reducing stamina loss by up to 50% [Turn 5/Use 1]
    Release Void: Send a blast of magic straight from the void that can have a random effect [Use 2]

    Constantine's Tome:
    Corrupt: Corrupt a target's mind, body, and soul, turning them into a mindless thrall. [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Nightmare: Give a target their worst nightmare, dealing more damage the weaker the target is mentally. [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Leech: Leech a target's soul out of them temporarily, leaving them a mindless thrall. [Turn 1/Use 2]
    Hallucinate: Causes the target to hallucinate phantom enemies. [Turn 2]
    Death: Destroys the target completely, leaving no trace whatsoever. [Charge 2/Use 1]
    Poltergeist Form: Invisible and can be only damaged by magic. (Can go through walls too!) [Use 1]
    Tanky Form: Gain +20 DR and all attacks will hit last. [Use 1]
    Fire Spirit Form: Control and summon fire at will. (Can fly too!) [Use 1]
    Deadeye: Hit an enemy's weak point for 2x Damage. The shot is a guaranteed hit. [Use 3]
    Explosion Rune: Cast a rune that explodes on contact. It would kill most on contact, but it has a bright red glow. Making it obvious to stay away. [Use 1]

    [Bleeding]: Take 5 damage per turn. It will go through Damage Resistance
    [Thrall]: Become a thrall to the person who casted the spell
    [Large]: Become the size of a giant
    [Immobile]: Unable to do actions that involve moving

    Heavy: Attack last. +5 Damage to basic attacks.
    Defective: Every third shot does 0 Damage. Only applies to guns.
    Dual: Can attack twice. Only applies to Fast weapons
    Broken: Change speed value to Fast. Half the minimal Damage
    Bulky: +1 ST when attacking
    Rotten: -5HP on any restoration items
    Sour: -1HP on any restoration items
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
    Rawb, Misty, JoshLegacy and 2 others like this.
  2. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    Lore: Misc
    The Voice in the Sky is Gushy48, the main voice. He controls every aspect in the RP.

    The Annoying Voice in the Sky is AlexisPlays, the voice who won't leave.

    OVITS and SAVITS is Florfy5, the unusual voice.

    SVINS is Rawb, the guy who creates overpowered characters.
    The Voice in the Sky created a world where the Moon is minuscule, as the Metas, Dragons, and the other Voices in the Sky have appeared in this world. He may be considered as a God of Gods of Gods, or however you may think.

    Voice in the Sky - God of this Universe

    Bones, Nai, the other Metas - Servants of VITS

    AVITS, OVITS, SAVITS, SVINS, other VITS - Gods of their playthings

    Players - Servants of the Voices in the Sky

    Dragon Aspects - Gods to the normal citizens

    Their Children - Servants/Children of the Dragon Aspects

    "Let me explain what it does. The Mark of Death is basically when you cheat Death.
    • The first Mark of Death will make you unstable and party insane. Making you see Death around every corner.
    • The second Mark of Death will make you unable to do damage at random times. Along with that, the damage you take will be tripled at random.
    • The third Mark of Death will distort replies, and making you attack things that aren't actually there. The things you attack will take triple damage.
    • The fourth Mark of Death is that NPCs will die at random times. It could be one, two, or maybe ten.
    • The fifth Mark of Death is a fate worst than Death. This is a secret. Takumi was on the verge of activating this.
    And that is the Mark of Death." - Voice of the Sky, talking to Aksis and Florfy5

    Cain'Fel, the Embodiment of Failure. No matter how hard he tries, his goal is always snatched at the last second.

    Legends are soldiers that have mastered all the weapons. They follow a journey like Robert, and hope to become just like him.

    Necromancers are mages that use dark magic. They raise the dead and command them. Only a specialized mage are able to master Necromancy.

    Swordsman are warriors that are adept at a sword and shield. They are twice as powerful as warriors, but a sword is hard to master and train. Thus, only a handful use a sword.

    Paladins are holy warriors that work for the Paladin Order. They bring justice to the evil-doers, and hope to the world.

    Gunman are adept users at shooting guns. It was created by Barik the Blacksmith. Gunmen are usually looking for a change because they used to shoot with a bow and arrow.

    Alchemists are adept users at making potions. They use it to make people lives harder. Although, they have to know what they are doing.

    Assassins are the enemy in the shadow. They strike from the darkness, and veer away from the light. They are usually secretive people.

    Brutes are large people able to take many hits. They can be mean, or have a kind heart. Either way, you don't mess with them.

    Mages are adept magic users. They have an array of magic to use for combat, and most often knowledge seekers.

    Demoman are explosive people, blowing everything up in sight. Thus, they are explosive in their personality.

    Warriors are regular soldiers in the land. They fight for whomever they want, and have an array of personalities for each person.

    Rangers are adept with a bow and arrow. They use an array of arrows to dominate the battlefield. Thus, they attack from a distance.

    Berserkers are usually very angry people with a grudge. They bring a lot of damage to the fight, and people are the most afraid of these types.

    Leaders are inspirational figures for their allies, and often support them, care them, etc. These are the people who everyone look up to.

    Commanders are even better forms of the Leader. They make people immune to anything because of their personality. Some even treat them as a god.

    Bladers are like Swordsman, with two swords. They rely on agility to aid them in their fight. And, finally, they want to be a skilled killer.

    Fencers are elegant, and mainly classy. They mark enemies with a spell that either make them weaker, or for allies, make them stronger.

    Astral Samurai are a special type of people. They depend on the day and night to attack and strike. And, no one really knows who can wield this power.

    Soldiers are weak, frail, and average. They can't do anything, and they only rely on luck to make them succeed.

    A Warlord is an expert Summoner. They can summon better versions to help them conquer the battlefield.

    Illusionists are people who deceive the mind. They trick, twist, and burn people's mind.

    Brawlers are people who fight with their fist. They can combine skills to do something, like in an anime.

    Shield-Bearers are people who protect their party. They can give allies shield, or take away shield from enemies.

    The Warlock Guardian is a soldier from the Destiny Realm. Although rarely anyone enter or exit the realm, the people who do are powerful enough to level cities.

    A Meta Guard is [REDACTED]

    Dreamweavers are special people who control and manipulate dreams. They are usually people who went through weird things with their memory.

    Hussars are advanced variants of Lancer. They deal more damage and have a stronger bond with their horse.

    Protectors are advanced variants of Shield-Bearer. They give out more Shields to allies and make them pretty tough.

    Snipers are people who prefer killing at a distance. The more damage they do, the more they kill.

    Conjurers are unoriginal people who can't make up their mind on their weapons. So, they dabbled in magic to conjure up weapons based on their skill-set.

    Runecasters are people who summons runes in order to aid them in battle. It's very diverse runes, and often lead to some weird things.

    Sern Dark Mages are Serns who mastered dark magic. Most of them relates to sand than dark magic, but whatever.

    Sern Priests are Serns who heal their race and damage others at the same time. They usually guard the temples.

    Sern Sandmancer are special Serns who can control sand. Sandmancers are very sandy...very...sandy.

    Sern Nobles are royalty to the Serns, and they mainly effect themselves than others. Which makes them have an ego.

    Sern Followers of Gods are Serns who follow the Egyptians gods, and they pray to get benefits in battle. That does not happen often.

    Arcon Trappers are little Arcons who use traps to kill their prey. Sadly, their traps usually get built after the battle is over.

    Tome Masters are people who mastered using tomes instead of actual magic. Don't know how that works but ok.

    Beast Tamers are citizens who love animals so much that they ended up getting a bear to join them. They must be having a good time.

    Hunters are the advanced variant of Ranger. It makes them more sneaky and more accurate with shots, sometimes.

    Beastly are the advanced variants of Brute. They are even bigger and stronger than the brutes, which makes them even more of a gentle person.

    Ninjas are...well...ninjas. If you don't know what a ninja is, then leave this RP.

    Air Walkers are people who mastered the air element, and used it for magic. They are also really elegant.

    Pyromaniacs are people who...burn everything down....enough said.

    Ice Stakers are people who mastered the ice element, and used it to create a winter wonderland...sometimes, almost never.

    Hex Mages are mages who use Hexes to debuff a person severely. They really like wearing all black too.

    Cannoneers are people who rely on shooting everyone with balls. Very big balls that can tear your head off.

    Shade decides to do research on the Great War and spends his time in aldorei valley. Shade then writes a book about the Great War, Ragnar, and the people who helped fight the war. Shade gives the book to members of the council, then spends the rest of his days sailing the seas, exploring and having a good time. Shade gives his knowledge to the council, and retires to be a elderly citizen of Aldorei.

    Jack spends the rest of his days being Jack—taking up odd jobs and ending it all with a drink at the closest tavern. Eventually, he co-founds a very successful bar in Nemract. He then dies of a failed liver.

    Ghana from his experiences decides to go on one long adventure to recover all of the remaining possessions of Daragor that were left in random places. After ten years, Ghana returns home stacked full with emeralds, Tomes, and Daragor's soul, and spends the rest of his days writing his final book about his adventures entitled 'Finding Daragor'. He is able to publish it to critical acclaimed success.

    During Leo's life he has served The High One without question. Becoming one of the oldest and best scouts there is, and even being promoted in the military to help strategize battles and events with large hordes. He spends the rest of his days in this honored military position serving The High One and growing great favor in his eyes, becoming one of the most known and respected angels of his age.

    Rah, after being magiked by a weird mage which turned him old, he had the idea of going to Mage Island and asking people there if they could revers the spell. However he never got around to it do to his memory loss and old age making it a bit hard to walk long distances. And so he spent the rest of his life being the kind old guy that sits in a swing on the front porch watching people walk by and reading newspapers.

    Her ending wasn't quite as fabulous as some dream theirs to be, but she had a nice run. In the end her pursuit was shattered into falsehood, yet Senna found a passion for painting. The world may never know why exactly she became inspired to paint so suddenly, but the pictures depict an exotic world. Plants of countless colors, trees of silky vines, it is told Senna dreamed of such a world. Everything in the painted world is seen to be good, so what's the big deal?

    Baetylus arranges a meeting with Tenebrae and Spira and explains EVERYTHING. Thier old home, the metas, all of it. A family renuion insues before Tenebrae goes and whipes up some magic to seperate the twins. Now that the twins were vack to normal, they live a (almost) normal life with thier parents in Detlas (one of them is a pyromaniac, another poses the ability to freeze anything to Sub-Zero, and both parents are mentally unstable There's a kid show plot in here somewhere.). Twas (lazaly) ended the tale of some not so interesting people with extrodinary abilities. The End.

    Angelina was a angel, but now is a drake. She sits on the tower in Detlas watching over the people riot because the Committee. She wants to do good for the world, but she is morally crushed because of the Void.

    Shadow was a race of Elves that learned Yrobalicy and mastered it. But, in the Void, it changed him. It made him look at everything as a threat, and wants to kill it immediately.

    Alas was the first Shadow let in to this world. Every denied character hates him, and wants to kill him. And finally, Alas's death set off a chain of events that released all the Shadows into the world.

    The Shadow Crusade is coming soon. Perhaps it will cause an Apocalypse. Or it will kill the Stars. Maybe it will aim for the heart of Corruption and Decay.

    The Void is a place where denied characters live. It's just black and empty, nothing else, nothing more. Just Shadows.

    Robert Kailo was the first man, or well, half-demon to Void Jump. Void Jumping is the ability to travel across realms by going to the Void itself. There's no telling how many realms are in the Void or...the Shadows that live there.

    The Wynn Realm is the first realm available to all. It house many races, have many wonders, and it's relatively normal compared to other realms. And, it's the most undamaged by any outside source.

    The Astral Realm is the second realm available to all. It became available due to the Astral Order going to the Void, and partly because of Robert Kailo destroying the entire realm. But, that's just a story for another time.

    "Well...If you really want to know.

    In the miserable black abyss, the world tears.
    The voice of gods, the gods of voice glares.
    Creating a world of hell.
    Where Metas dwell.

    When the players of gods react.
    The players of gods act.
    Into the black abyss.
    Which is why, we named this Realm of Meta." - Yauvor, talking to Kyelas, also known as Florfy5

    The Realm of the Meta holds all Metas, and it could destroy the worlds a hundred times over. This is the only information I will disclose.

    The Apocalypse Realm is the third realm available to all. The land is destroyed by the creatures called the Cursed, no one know where they came from, or why do they intent on destroying humanity. Tenebrae was able to reach the Wynn Realm, and contacted Daragor, but Daragor was an idiot. Blame Daragor for possibly dooming a realm to death, but he died, SO HA!

    The Moon in terms for the Astral Realm, is nonexistent. They don't believe that the Moon birth all of the Dragon Aspects, yet alone the existence of such place. They only believe the constellation, that tell their future.

    The Moon in terms for the Wynn Realm, is a legend. It's impossible to anyone to reach the Moon, and finally see the birthplace of their gods. So, groups of people are devoted to finding out the secret of the world.

    Golestandt, son of Headt. It's said that he could make towns burn at the sight of him, or that he enslaved worlds. In reality, he is just a child that like to play with skeletons. Skeletons that are made with his breath, which melt the skin off of citizens. Golestandt is a strange Welpling indeed.

    Layla, daughter of Headt. She don't bring Death to the land. Instead, she wants to make peace with it. Her entire life is devoted to make Wynn peaceful again. She has the mindset of every person who wants everything to be peaceful. There will be bad news if her reality is challenged.

    Anthahall, son of Headt. He controls people's mind, weaving the dreams of them, making the victims into his grand design. Anthahall was obsessed of making a monster of flesh, and finally he did. He created Calcium, and then he created Legion. They were both successful Flesh Monstrosities.

    Daragor, son of Headt. He drives fear into the eyes of peasants, and command an army of followers. But, he is a wild card. An unknown. Only the gods know what's wrong with him.

    Daragor, the weakest dragon in the Astral Realm. He was considered a runt with the rest of the group, and that he was. After trying to defeat the army in Arcania, he was shot down, and his body was riddled with arrows afterwards. The humans took his body and discovered some details about the dragons. Really, the only person that cared for Daragor was Crassel, the Ice Prince. But then again, he was a fake Daragor.

    Crassel, grandson of Telmeen, and son of Yvander. He is the youngest dragon of all, and is currently being taken care of by his father, Yvander. He doesn't know anything about the world, and want to explore, but parents are a nuisance to him.

    Yvander, son of Telmeen. Yvander is the Ice King and controls all ice in the world. Before he was a father to Crassel, he likes to create ice sculptures for his siblings. Then, once he had his son, it was the most important thing in his life.

    Avirella, daughter of Telmeen. She controls the storm, and all weather in the world. She is a testy dragon, and often impulsive. Resulting her in injury. Usually, her actions are stopped by her brother, Yvander, and it always result in a lecture. She is very annoyed about that.

    Vlaurunga, daughter of Telmeen. She controls the fire, and all of the chaos in the humans' heart. She is an explosive dragon, and wants to destroy everything in her sight. But, Yvander have to calm her down, as well as Avirella. Now, she focused on creating children that will entertain her.

    Shendorman, son of Nama. He is the only dragon that speaks all languages in the entire multiverse. With knowledge, he is an intelligent dragon, and knows what fight to pick. But, he is often detached of his emotions, and think logically instead of morally.

    Leviathan, son of Telmeen. He is the most fearsome dragon of his siblings. It's said that he lives in the ocean of realms, and awaits his moment to come out of the ocean. When he does, it's certain that death will follow.

    Necro, son of Nama. He is the Necromancy dragon in charge of taking care of the dead spirits and such. He really hates the job because he's always surrounded by darkness and depressed ghosts.

    Lium, daughter of Glith. She is the Sun dragon that is supposed to give light to the people of the world. Instead, she lives with Necro to give light to him in order to make his day a little bit better with the dead spirits. It's not going well.

    Arno, son of Nama. He was the Arcane dragon which decided to control another type of magic that's more powerful than the others, which was pure energy. But, he got a big head from it and flew towards a Cursed Stronghold in Apocalypse. Arno died shortly afterwards.

    Dragon Aspect Headt, the Dragon of Darkness. He controls the Corruption, and anything else dark in the world. Maybe the most powerful Dragon Aspect of them all. With powerful, comes weakness...Gilth, the Dragon of Light is his weakness. The power of Light can overwhelm the power of Dark anytime, so that's why Headt stays away from Gavel. That's where the Light is most powerful.

    Dragon Aspect Nama, the Dragon of Magic. She controls all the magic in the world, from it's spells and the magical reactors. It's said that she has the most powerful spells that can change the land as we know it. She would rather have knowledge over brawn.

    Dragon Aspect Gilth, the Dragon of Light. She controls every spec of light in the land. She is the only thing capable of stopping Headt, the Dragon of Death. Mainly, the Light is in Gavel where it's most powerful; thus, darkness don't roam there. But, when the Light falls...Headt will be there.

    Dragon Aspect Telmeen, Dragon of Elements. He controls all the elements in the world. Like fire, earth, water, etc. It's said that he controls the weather itself, and make people's day worse. Sadly, the only weather Wynn has is day and night. Telmeen is a very lazy Dragon Aspect.

    Dragon Aspect Oomn, Dragon of the Moon. He controls the Moon, which hold great power. All the Dragon Aspects live there, thus he has to take care of his guests because two of them are mortal enemies. Now, Headt isn't the most powerful Dragon Aspect, Oomn is. And Oomn hates when his guests decides to make a mess.

    Dragon Aspect Baetylus, Dragon of Creation. He created all life, magic, light, darkness, Void, every single atom. He is the most powerful Dragon Aspect out of the five, yet no one knows of his existence. Baetylus rules all of the Dragon Aspects, and told them what part they control. Like Nama controls Magic, it didn't state anything about her create it. After he created everything, he created a riddle in hope that mankind would interpret. They were too late. All there is confusing text:

    †˙´ ´˜∂

    Province of Wynn
    Humans, Villagers, Striders, Arcons, Serns
    Capital: Ragni
    Cities: Ragni, Nemract, Selchar, Detlas, Almuj, Nessak, Rymek, Maltic, Lusuco, Elkurn, Ternaves, Bremminglar, Troms
    Military: Consists of about 500,000 men.
    Notes: None

    Province of Gavel
    Villagers, Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Striders, Arcons
    Capital: Llevigar
    Cities: Llevigar, Cinfras, Olux, Gelibord, Lexdale, Ahmsord, Efelim, Thanos, Aldorei, Kandon-Beta, Eltom, Rodoroc, Dogovi, Thesead
    Military: Consists of about 400,000 men.
    Notes: None

    Province of Fruma
    Humans, Arcons
    Capital: Aeres
    Cities: Zephlen, Aeres, Aer, Marfu, Rumfa, Hpisis, Araso
    Military: Consists of Airships, with over 600,000 men
    Notes: None

    Corkus Island
    Capital: Corkus
    Cities: Corkus
    Military: ???
    Notes: ???

    : All races
    Capital: Dern
    Cities: Dern, Victa, Hictam, Oalm, Oasis, Anran, Poman
    Military: A military consists of 100,000 men.
    Notes: Dern is a place to settle down

    Board of Wynn
    Capital: None
    Cities: None
    Military: All dead
    Notes: None

    Board of Gavel
    Capital: None
    Cities: None
    Military: All dead
    Notes: None

    Board of Fruma
    Capital: None
    Cities: None
    Military: Dead
    Notes: None

    Board of Dern
    Capital: Dern
    Cities: Dern
    Military: All dead
    Notes: None

    The Committee of Wynn
    Capital: None
    Cities: None
    Military: They're all dead
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Ragni
    Cities: Ragni
    Military: Consists of 50,000 soldiers capable of guarding Ragni
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Nemract
    Cities: Nemract
    Military: Consists of 30,000 soldiers capable of guarding Nemract
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Selchar
    Cities: Selchar
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers capable of guarding Selchar
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Detlas
    Cities: Detlas
    Military: Consists of 30,000 soldiers capable of guarding Detlas
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Almuj
    Cities: Almuj
    Military: Consists of 40,000 soldiers capable of guarding Almuj
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Nessak
    Cities: Nessak
    Military: Consists of 15,000 soldiers capable of guarding Nessak
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Rymek
    Cities: Rymek
    Military: Consists of 3,000 soldiers capable of guarding Rymek
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Maltic
    Cities: Maltic
    Military: Consists of 1,000 soldiers capable of guarding Maltic
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Lusuco
    Cities: Lusuco
    Military: Consists of 1,500 soldiers capable of guarding Lusuco
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Elkurn
    Cities: Elkurn
    Military: Consists of 1,300 soldiers capable of guarding Elkurn
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Ternaves
    Cities: Ternaves
    Military: Consists of 1,000 soldiers capable of guarding Ternavs
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Bremminglar
    Cities: Bremminglar
    Military: Consists of 1,400 soldiers capable of guarding Bremminglar
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Troms
    Cities: Troms
    Military: Consists of 50,000 soldiers capable of guarding Troms
    Notes: None
    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Llevigar
    Cities: Llevigar
    Military: Have 30,000 soldiers that protect Llevigar
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Cinfras
    Cities: Cinfras
    Military: Consists of 50,000 soldiers that protect Cinfas
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Olux
    Cities: Olux
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Olux
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Gelibord
    Cities: Gelibord
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Gelibord
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Lexdale
    Cities: Lexdale
    Military: Consists of 5,000 citizens that protect Lexdale
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Ahmsord
    Cities: Ahmsord
    Military: Consists of 26,000 soldiers that protect Ahmsord
    Notes: None

    Capital: Efelim
    Cities: Efelim
    Military: Consists of 1,000 druggies that protect Efelim
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers, Dwarves
    Capital: Thanos
    Cities: Thanos
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Thanos
    Notes: None

    Capital: Aldorei
    Cities: Aldorei
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Aldorei
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Kandon-Beta
    Cities: Kandon-Beta
    Military: Consists of 20,000 soldiers that protect Kandon-Beta
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Eltom
    Cities: Eltom
    Military: Consists of 18,000 soldiers that protect Eltom
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers, Dwarves
    Capital: Rodoroc
    Cities: Rodoroc
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Rodoroc
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers, Dwarves
    Capital: Dogovi
    Cities: Dogovi
    Military: Consists of 15,000 soldiers that protect Dogovi
    Notes: None

    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: Thesead
    Cities: Thesead
    Military: Consists of 12,000 soldiers that protect Thesead
    Notes: None
    Capital: Zephlen
    Cities: Zephlen
    Military: Consists of 15,000 soldiers that protect Zephlen
    Notes: None

    Capital: Aeres
    Cities: Aeres
    Military: Consists of 50,000 soldiers that protect Aeres
    Notes: None

    Capital: Aer
    Cities: Aer
    Military: Consists of 22,000 soldiers that protect Aer
    Notes: None

    Capital: Marfu
    Cities: Marfu
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Marfu
    Notes: None

    Capital: Rumfa
    Cities: Rumfa
    Military: Consists of 20, 000 soldiers that protect Rumfa
    Notes: None

    Capital: Hpisis
    Cities: Hpisis
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Hpisis
    Notes: None

    Capital: Araso
    Cities: Araso
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Araso
    Notes: None
    All races
    Capital: Dern
    Cities: Dern
    Military: Consists of 50,000 soldiers that protect Dern and the Queen
    Notes: Tema is the queen

    All races
    Capital: Victa
    Cities: Victa
    Military: Consists of 20,000 soldiers that protect Victa
    Notes: None

    All races
    Capital: Hictam
    Cities: Hictam
    Military: Consists of 20,000 soldiers that protect Hictam
    Notes: None

    All races
    Capital: Oalm
    Cities: Oalm
    Military: Consists of 15,000 soldiers that protect Oalm
    Notes: None

    All races
    Capital: Oasis
    Cities: Oasis
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Oasis
    Notes: None

    All races
    Capital: Anran
    Cities: Anran
    Military: Consists of 15,000 soldiers that protect Anran
    Notes: None

    All races
    Capital: Poman
    Cities: Poman
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Poman
    Notes: None

    Paladin Order
    All races
    Capital: Cinfras
    Cities: None
    Military: Consists of 50,000 Paladins that serve the Light
    Notes: None

    Capital: Aldorei Valley
    Cities: None
    Military: Consists of 25,000 Elves that live in Aldorei Valley
    Notes: None

    All races
    Capital: Efelim
    Cities: None
    Military: Consists of 10,000 Thieves that live in Efelim
    Notes: None

    All races
    Capital: Temple of Legend
    Cities: None
    Military: Consists of 20 trainees that live in the Temple of Legends
    Notes: None

    All races
    Capital: Daragor Isles
    Cities: None
    Military: Consists of 10,000 men with adept magic abilities
    Notes: They worship the Dragon Aspects

    Capital: None
    Cities: None
    Military: Destroyed
    Notes: All dead

    Frost Bandits
    Humans, Villagers
    Capital: In the tundra
    Cities: None
    Military: Consists of small groups of bandits with specialized abilities
    Notes: Attacks adventurers around the snow biome

    Capital: Anywhere in the swamp
    Cities: None
    Military: Consists of monsters living in the swamp in Olux
    Notes: Attacks anyone in the swamp

    Ice Vikings
    Capital: None
    Cities: None
    Military: None
    Notes: All dead

    Canyon Highwaymen
    All races
    Capital: Camps near Rymek
    Cities: None
    Military: Consists of 1,000 people robbing the unlucky
    Notes: None

    Detlas Suburban Monsters
    Capital: Near Detlas
    Cities: None
    Military: Consists of monsters attacking people in Detlas's Suburban area
    Notes: None

    Nether Portal Guardians
    Nether Monsters
    Capital: Roots of Corruption
    Cities: None
    Military: Consists of monsters guarding the Nether Portal
    Notes: None

    Astral Order
    Humans, Striders, Arcons, Serns
    Capital: Arcania
    Cities: Yetan, Linap, Hopae, Pohe, Asatap, Arcania, Nifin, Jafen, Adarn, Slei, Carrya, Rsat, Kocan, Luna, Servao, Iawen, Wien, Zvboo, Ura, Aawn, Teran Cove, Hael, Gede, Llusk, Nobe, Aona, Neis, Ias, Upo, Quan, Kaan, Waun, Xya, Astra, Rapi, Jahn, Vau, Hajn, Baio, Daona, Laon, Yanoea, Jai, Kanaop
    Military: Consists of about 1,000,000 men guarding the Astral Realm.
    Notes: None

    Astral Vanguard
    Capital: None
    Cities: None
    Military: Consists of about 20 men at the Wynn Realm, scouting it.
    Notes: This is in the Astral Realm

    The Constellation
    Capital: None
    Cities: None
    Military: None
    Notes: This faction is destroyed by Robert Kailo

    The Astral Ocean Alliance
    Capital: Astra
    Cities: Llusk, Nobe, Aona, Neis, Ias, Upo, Quan, Kaan, Waun, Xya, Astra, Rapi, Jahn, Vau, Hajn, Baio, Baona, Laon, Yanoea, Jai, Kanaop
    Military: Consists of 100,000 soldiers across the islands
    Notes: None

    Mariana's Square Clan
    Capital: None
    Cities: Laon, Jai, Baio, Daona, Yanoea, Kanaop
    Military: Consists of 100,000 soldiers across the three islands
    Notes: None
    Capital: Yetan
    Cities: Yetan
    Military: Consists of 15,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Linap
    Cities: Linap
    Military: Consists of 15,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Hopae
    Cities: Hopae
    Military: Consists of 15,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Pohe
    Cities: Pohe
    Military: Consists of 15,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Asatap
    Cities: Asatap
    Military: Consists of 15,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Arcania
    Cities: Arcania
    Military: Consists of 250,000 soldiers that protect Arcania
    Notes: None

    Capital: Nifin
    Cities: Nifin
    Military: Consists of 23,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Jafen
    Cities: Jafen
    Military: Consists of 13,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Adarn
    Cities: Adarn
    Military: Consists of 3,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Slei
    Cities: Slei
    Military: Consists of 3,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Carrya
    Cities: Carrya
    Military: Consists of 3,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Rsat
    Cities: Rsat
    Military: Consists of 5,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Kocan
    Cities: Kocan
    Military: Consists of 3,000 citizens willing to fight
    None: None

    Capital: Luna
    Cities: Luna
    Military: Consists of 5, 000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Servao
    Cities: Servao
    Military: Consists of 3,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Iawen
    Cities: Iawen
    Military: Consists of 5,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Wien
    Cities: Wien
    Military: Consists of 2,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Zvboo
    Cities: Zvboo
    Military: Consists of 5,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Ura
    Cities: Ura
    Military: Consists of 2,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Aawn
    Cities: Aawn
    Military: Consists of 3,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Teran Cove
    Capital: Teran Cove
    Cities: Teran Cove
    Military: Consists of 4,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Hael
    Cities: Hael
    Military: Consists of 5,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Gede
    Cities: Gede
    Military: Consists of 1,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Llusk
    Cities: Llusk
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Nobe
    Cities: Nobe
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Aona
    Cities: Aona
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Neis
    Cities: Neis
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Ias
    Cities: Ias
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Upo
    Cities: Upo
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Quan
    Cities: Quan
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Kaan
    Cities: Kaan
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Waun
    Cities: Waun
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Xya
    Cities: Xya
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: Notes

    Capital: Astra
    Cities: Astra
    Military: Consists of 1,000 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Rapi
    Cities: Rapi
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Jahn
    Cities: Jahn
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Vau
    Cities: Vau
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Hajn
    Cities: Hajn
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Baio
    Cities: Baio
    Military: Consists of 1,000 soldiers willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Daona
    Cities: Daona
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Laon
    Cities: Laon
    Military: Consists of 1,000 soldiers willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Yanoea
    Cities: Yanoea
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Jai
    Cities: Jai
    Military: Consists of 1,000 soldiers willing to fight
    Notes: None

    Capital: Kanaop
    Cities: Kanaop
    Military: Consists of 500 citizens willing to fight
    Notes: None
    Capital: Isis
    Cities: Isis, Shu, Apis, Kuk, Thoth
    Military: Consists of 100,000 Serns that roam the desert
    Notes: None

    Rogue Serns
    Capital: Sern Desert
    Cities: None
    Military: Consists of thousands of rogue Serns attacking the Astrans
    Notes: None

    Capital: Isis
    Cities: Isis
    Military: Consists of 20,000 Serns that protect Isis
    Notes: None

    Capital: Shu
    Cities: Shu
    Military: Consists of 20,000 Serns that protect Shu
    Notes: None

    Capital: Apis
    Cities: Apis
    Military: Consists of 20,000 Serns that protect Apis
    Notes: None

    Capital: Kuk
    Cities: Kuk
    Military: Consists of 20,000 Serns that protect Kuk
    Notes: None

    Capital: Thoth
    Cities: Thoth
    Military: Consists of 20,000 Serns that protect Thoth
    Notes: None
    Capital: Odawa
    Cities: Yavapai, Odawa, Dene, Wendat, Ndee
    Military: Consists of 100,000 Arcons that roam the Astral Realm
    Notes: None

    Capital: Odawa
    Cities: Odawa
    Military: Consists of 20,000 Arcons that protect Odawa
    Notes: None

    Capital: Dene
    Cities: Dene
    Military: Consists of 20,000 Arcons that protect Dene
    Notes: None

    Capital: Wendat
    Cities: Wendat
    Military: Consists of 20,000 Arcons that protect Wendat
    Notes: None

    Capital: Ndee
    Cities: Ndee
    Military: Consists of 20,000 Arcons that protect Ndee
    Notes: None
    Capital: Lir
    Cities: Lir, Yam, Mazu, Qu Yuan, Ungud
    Military: Consists of 100,000 Striders that roam the Astral Ocean
    Notes: None

    Capital: Lir
    Cities: Lir
    Military: Consists of 20,000 Striders that protect Lir
    Notes: None

    Capital: Yam
    Cities: Yam
    Military: Consists of 20,000 Striders that protect Yam
    Notes: None

    Capital: Mazu
    Cities: Mazu
    Military: Consists of 20,000 Striders that protect Mazu
    Notes: None

    Capital: Ungud
    Cities: Ungud
    Military: Consists of 20,000 Striders that protect Ungud
    Notes: None
    Capital: ???
    Cities: ???
    Military: Consists of thousands of demons attacking the angels and the Astrans
    Notes: None

    Human, Demon
    Capital: None
    Cities: None
    Military: None
    Notes: Destroyed
    Capital: ???
    Cities: ???
    Military: Consists of thousands of angels attacking the demons
    Notes: None

    Spirit Forest
    Angels, Spirits
    Capital: Nifin
    Cities: None
    Military: Consists of spirits, and Kanu that protect Spirit Forest
    Notes: None

    The population of the Apocalypse Realm migrated to Astral and Wynn. This is a placeholder when, or if, the other realms decided to help them.
    Apocalypse Realm
    Capital: Haven, Terra, The Hill, Paradise
    Cities: Haven, Terra, The Hill, Paradise, Four, Hope, Oni, Adred, Daemon, Pride, Less, Ocean, Sundim, Moonglow, Wglo, Aira, Fira, Thundera, Blizzarda
    Military: Consists of 1,000,000 people living in the Apocalypse Realm
    Notes: None
    Capital: Haven
    Cities: Haven
    Military: Consists of 100,000 soldiers that protect Haven
    Notes: None

    Capital: Terra
    Cities: Terra
    Military: Consists of 100,000 soldiers that protect Terra
    Notes: None

    The Hill
    Capital: The Hill
    Cities: The Hill
    Military: Consists of 100,000 soldiers that protect The Hill
    Notes: None

    Capital: Paradise
    Cities: Paradise
    Military: Consists of 100,000 soldiers that protect Paradise
    Notes: None

    Capital: Four
    Cities: Four
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Four
    Notes: None

    Capital: Hope
    Cities: Hope
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Hope
    Notes: None

    Capital: Oni
    Cities: Oni
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Oni
    Notes: None

    Capital: Adred
    Cities: Adred
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Adred
    Notes: None

    Capital: Daemon
    Cities: Daemon
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Daemon
    Notes: None

    Capital: Pride
    Cities: Pride
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Pride
    Notes: None

    Capital: Less
    Cities: Less
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Less
    Notes: None

    Capital: Ocean
    Cities: Ocean
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Ocean
    Notes: None

    Capital: Sundim
    Cities: Sundim
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Sundim
    Notes: None

    Capital: Moonglow
    Cities: Moonglow
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Moonglow
    Notes: None

    Capital: Wglo
    Cities: Wglo
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Wglo
    Notes: None

    Capital: Aira
    Cities: Aira
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Aira
    Notes: Aira

    Capital: Fira
    Cities: Fira
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Fira
    Notes: None

    Capital: Thundera
    Cities: Thundera
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Thundera
    Notes: None

    Capital: Blizzarda
    Cities: Blizzarda
    Military: Consists of 10,000 soldiers that protect Blizzarda
    Notes: None

    Apocalypse World Map.png
    Yellow = Desert
    Gray = Mountain
    Dark Green = Forest
    Light Green = Plains/Hills
    Orange = Town/City
    Blue = Ocean
    White = Snowy
    Red = Cursed Stronghold
    Gray Blob = Seven Deadly Sins
    Black = ???
    Apocalypse 1.png
    Apocalypse 2.png
    Apocalypse 3.jpg
    Apocalypse 4.png

    Strider 1.png
    Orange = Underwater Villages
    White = Astral Towns
    Red = Underwater Temples


    [Creation] Dragon Aspect of Creation: He arrived in Ragni
    [Creation] Characters' End: He asked the players the most important question: Do you want to end the story?
    [Creation] Another World Awaits: What will happen next?

    [Meta] Val'Ri and Bopen: Valeeri saw the conflict between the two Metas, but his memory was wiped in the end.
    [Meta] Valeeri's Meta: Valeeri has to earn the trust of Bopen to reveal the conflict. Then, and only then, he will apply to be a Meta.
    [Meta] Failed: Valeeri decided to launch an attack at the Astral Vanguard. It didn't end well.

    [Meta] Daragor's Blitzkrieg: Daragor went on a rampage through Wynn, but was ultimately stopped by the Metas.
    [Meta] Daragor's Meta: Who is the Meta that infiltrated Daragor's company?
    [Meta] Daragor's Downfall: It's destined to happen
    [Meta] Failed: Daragor failed to recognize and reveal the Meta before he resigned his position. Now, Ghana Ens Sin have to complete his quest to find a Meta

    [Meta] Idiot Guard: Kyelas met Nai, who was the first Meta seen. Takumi also met Nai.
    [Meta] Failed: Kyelas met his demise when Phineas arrived at Light Forest. Takumi also met his end when he tried to attack Bopen, another Meta.

    [Meta] They need to stop dying. Seriously: Rogue was starting to fight the Astral Vanguard, but Phineas killed them instantly. The next thing he knew, or forgotten, that the Astral Vanguard was alive again.
    [Meta] Rogue's Meta: Remnants.
    [Meta] Failed: Time ran out

    [Meta] Backstory Twisting: Daniel/Cindy's story was changed, and they encountered with the Metas in the past. Obviously, their memory was erased.
    [Meta] Fate's Meta: The next step is to go to the Apocalypse Realm, which they did.
    [Meta] Father of Fate: They met Tenebrae, who turns out to be a loon.
    [Meta] Failed: Time ran out

    [Cursed] Scout: VITS chose the Fates and Daragor to scout the Apocalypse Realm. They are currently doing something. And then Daragor died and the Fates are in jail.
    [Fate] The Twins: The Twins were native to Apocalypse. They haven't found Tenebrae yet.
    [Wanted] Nevermore: Hunt down a large Cursed Raven. 5VK
    [Wanted] Dead: Daniel Fate hunted down a Nevermore.

    [Wanted] Centaur: Hunt down a Cursed Centaur. 3VK

    [Wanted] Pack of Hounds: Hunt down a pack of Cursed Hounds. 6VK

    [Wanted] Helltaur: Hunt the Helltaur. 10VK

    [Wanted] Cursed Cyclops: Hunt the Cursed Cyclops. 5VK

    [Wanted] Cursed Griffin: Hunt the Cursed Griffin. 5VK

    [Wanted] Cursed Flock of Harpies: Hunt the Cursed Flock of Harpies. 8VK
    [Wanted] Dead: Daniel/Cindy Fate killed the harpies.

    [Wanted] Broodmother: Hunt the Broodmother. 15VK
    [Sin] Pride: Defeat Pride
    [Sin] Gluttony: Defeat Gluttony
    [Sin] Wrath: Defeat Wrath
    [Sin] Envy: Defeat Envy
    [Sin] Sloth: Defeat Sloth
    [Sin] Greed: Defeat Greed
    [Sin] Lust: Defeat Lust
    [Horsemen] Death: The winds whisper of an ashen horse ridden by Death
    [Horsemen] Plague: The winds whisper of a black horse ridden by Plague
    [Horsemen] Hope and Despair: The winds whisper of a white horse ridden by Hope and Despair, the conjoined pair
    [Hunter] Nucklavee: Find a Nucklavee and kill it
    [Virtue] Kindness: Kindness's Blessing is found at Oni. Oni is destroyed, and Kindness dies in the attack.
    [Demon Eyes] More Dragons: Lium and Necro are found at Demon Eyes

    [Chaos] Wallace: Find out about Wallace and Hesha
    [Chaos] Stars Align: Fight Hesha when the stars are align, and the moon disappears
    [Chaos] Hesha: After the battle with Hesha, what happens next?
    [Chaos] Battle of Faith: Jackson and Wallace are fighting, but what do the players choose?
    [Chaos] Soul Well: Kazuki arrives as a soul in the Soul Well. The demon Ishiagu offered him to revive back in the real world, but Kazuki turned it down. Leaving him to rot in the Soul Well.
    [Chaos] Neutral: The players chose Neutral, and killed Law and Chaos for good
    [Jai] Jaies: Go to Jai and hear them out.
    [Astral Golem] Reverse: The group lost the battle, and Mariana's Square was destroyed.
    [Zodiac] Cancer: Rogue found the first key in the mud at Rsat.
    [Star] A Starter Star: Daragor found a fake Crystal Star at Arcania. You're welcome world!
    [Star] Rocky Star: Rogue found a Rocky Star, but he gave it to an Archmage which said it was fake. After seeing through his lie, he took the rock back and sought out to find the other rocks.
    [Star] Yeti Star: Rogue found a Yeti Star. Then, he argued with the star. This world has come to the point where people are arguing with stars
    [Bopen] Hopen for Bopen: Kill Bopen. Yeah, good luck
    [Valeeri] Bopen's Crew: He joined Bopen's crew, and became a Dreamweaver in the process. After pirating, he met his demise after the Shadow Crusade fight.
    [Daragor] Dragons: It seems to be other dragons in the Astral Realm. He went back to Wynn Realm. After stuff happened, he died by execution in a trial.
    [Takumi] A Whole New World: Takumi is at Pohe with the Astral Vanguard
    [Takumi] Cheated Death: After a while at Arcania, he cheated Death because of Hesha. He died shortly afterwards
    [Takumi] Neutral: Takumi chose to be neutral and fought both sides of the war, then he tried to kill Bopen. He died.
    [Kazuki] Revenge: Kill Hesha, but he died. Nai killed Hesha for him, then Nai got captured.
    [Shade] One Cannot Simply...: Shade is talking to General Gastin about history of the Astral Realm. Then, he went back to Wynn realm in the repaired Aldorei
    [Robert Kailo] Destroyer of Realms: He tried to destroy Astral Realm, he died

    [Alas] Lion's Cave: Alas died in Lion's Lair
    [Shadow] Another User: Shadow is fighting Shade, and he joined Shade's party
    [Angelina] Tower: Rogue is trying to find Angelina, and killed her.
    [Crusade] Shadow Crusade: The Shadow Crusade joined the Mythic Hunt, but they soon fell to the guilds.

    [Mythic] Warriors V Twain: The Warriors and Twain are fighting each other for the Mythics.
    [Mythic] Crusade of Shadows: The Shadow Crusade joined the hunt for mythics, starting at the Astral Realm.
    [Mythic] Bopen's Crew: His crew is captured by the Shadow Crusade, but Bopen revealed that it was a trial all along.
    [Mythic] Attack of the Shadow Crusade: The Shadow Crusade attacked Llevigar, but they soon fell to the overwhelming might of the Paladin Order, Destroyers, and the Astral Vanguard.
    [Mythic] Mythic Hunt is Over: The guilds split the Mythics between each other for safe keeping.

    [Kazuki] Kazuki, The Astral Samurai: He joined with his brother, Takumi
    [Trulm] Trulm, The Obsessed Skeleton: He joined with GIR, his new master
    [Rhetsam] Rhetsam, The Introverted Mage: He joined with Takumi's group
    [Robert Kailo] Robert Kailo, The Destroyer: He was summoned by Headt to serve Daragor
    [Helianthus/Terrae] Helianthus, Dominus Terrae: They were summoned by Headt to serve Daragor
    [Ian] Ian the Brave, Book Guy: Ian the Brave jumps from realm to realm, killing demons
    [Spectre] Spectre, Devil's Assassin: Spectre disappeared from Deadeye
    [Rocks] Raios, Khn'n Kllark, Rock Monsters: They died fighting Deadeye
    [Brutus] Brutus, Servant of a Deity: He appeared on Bopen's ship

    [Thieves] Weapon Shop Antique: Skull stole an antique from a weapon shop in Olux
    [Thieves] Cinfras Robbery: Skull stole some money from a shop
    [Thieves] Prison Break: The group has to break out of prison. And they did.
    [Thieves] Weeeeeeeeeeeee: Do something Skull. Never mind....
    [Aldorians] Graveyard: Shade went to Nemract and found Shadow
    [Aldorians] Void: Shadow went to Shade because of a disturbance in the Void. He gathers Tanlef, Tersalt, and Shadow and went to the Void.
    [Aldorians] Hand in Hand: The guild is planning to take down the Committee
    [Aldorians] Paladin Order: Remove the secretive leader from the Paladin Order
    [Aldorians] War Between Realms: Protect Light Forest
    [Aldorians] Regroup: The Aldorians regrouped and headed to Thanos. Part of the group seek help from Maxwell, the leader of the Mage Islands, but when they came back to Thanos, the war was already over
    [Aldorians] New Aldorei Valley: They went back to the repaired Aldorei Valley to do their Aldorians thing
    [Slevis] Wanted: Last appearance of Slevis the Necromancer is in Maltic. Bounty is 64LE
    [Slevis] Dead: Slevis was killed by Black Jack "Deadeye" Jernigan

    [High Noon] Wanted: He is wanted Dead or Alive in Almuj's Desert for 10LE

    [Jessica] Wanted: She is wanted Dead or Alive in Llevigar for 20LE
    [Jessica] Dead: She was killed by Black Jack 'Deadeye' Jernigan

    [Daragor] Wanted: He is wanted Dead near Gavel's Gate for 128LE
    [Daragor] Pardon: He was pardoned from this bounty for helping the Wynn Realm in the War Between Realms
    [Daragor] Never Mind: He was put on trial and was found guilty. He was executed.

    [Porc] Wanted: He is wanted Dead or Alive outside of Llevigar for 15LE
    [Porc] Dead: Porc was killed by Nai, and Revived Takumi

    [Bob the Zombie] Wanted: He is wanted Dead in Ragni for 64LE

    [Jade the Sly] Wanted: She is wanted Dead or Alive in Nivla Forest for 10LE - Dead, 15LE - Alive

    [Bruce the Arrogant] Wanted: He is wanted Dead or Alive in Pigman's Ravine for 20LE - Dead, 25LE - Alive
    [Bruce the Arrogant] Alive: Kinen brought Bruce to Ragni, covered in 'mud'

    [Trent] Wanted: It is wanted Dead in Light Forest for 1LE
    [Trent] Dead: Trent has been killed by Weevo's Mercenaries

    [Deadeye] Wanted: Wanted Dead or Alive because he killed Jessica, which was aiding the protest against the Committee. Alive - 20LE, Dead - 15LE
    [Deadeye] Dead: He has been killed by his own group for being too much of an ass

    [Evie] Wanted: Wanted Dead for freezing countless adventurers. 10LE
    [Fetch] Cockatrice Egg: Get a Cockatrice Egg in the canyon. 32EB

    [Fetch] Zombie Eyes: Get 10 Zombie Eyes. 10EB
    [Fetch] Complete: Rah's party got all of the eyes.

    [Fetch] Sernian Rags: Get 1 Sernian Rags. 10EB
    [Gem 1] Mines: Eng'Shan found it at the Abandoned Mines. Then Alas found it.
    [Gem 2] House of Twain: Go to the House of Twain
    [Gem 3] Lion's Lair: Alas died with the three gems in hand
    [Gem 4] Ghost Ship: Valus got the 4th Nader Gem
    [Daragor] Steal: Robert Kailo stole the Nader Gems
    [Daragor] Dragon Armory: Daragor managed to cheese the system, and sent men to gather the rest of the Nader Gems.
    [Yahya] Yahya, the Mushroom Man: Cindy/Daniel Fate met Yahya and got a riddle.
    [???] Four Brothers: The Fates managed to find all of the brothers and earned the Cosmic Set.
    [Dungeon] Undergrowth Ruins: Complete the dungeon: Undergrowth Ruins
    [Tower of Ascension] Death: Takumi completed ToA
    [The Hive] Qira: Takumi completed the Hive
    [Bob] Bob: Yansur completed Bob
    [CoW] Corrupter of Worlds: Takumi completed the Hive
    [Wynn] Amnesia: Ragnar?
    [Gavel] Poorman: Siegfried?
    [Great War] Heroes: The heroes has allied with the players to destroy Dern.
    [GIR] GIR 2.0: GIR got upgraded by Barik
    [Eng'Shan] Leader of Corruption: He has joined the Corruption with his new army, and died.
    [Rogue] Blood: He destroyed the League of Assassins.
    [Rogue] Assassin: He works for the Committee of Wynn
    [Jessica] Siege: She destroyed the gate of Llevigar, but she killed the army of Orcs.
    [Nissl] King of Ice: He found the gift from his adopted parents in order to live in the real world
    [Main] Aftermath: The King of Ragni told a speech about what happened after the war.
    [Main] Great War II: Eng'Shan became a general of an army. He is going to invade the province soon.
    [Main] Battle of Ragni: Eng'Shan has been defeated by Valus.
    [Main] Battle of Ternaves and Rymek: They have both been destroyed
    [Main] Battle of Almuj: Daragor intervene in the battle
    [Main] Players: The players are recruiting people to invade Dern
    [Main] Fall of Detlas: Daragor spread panic, then Nissl froze the whole city and destroyed it
    [Main] Invasion of Dern: The players are preparing to invade Dern
    [Main] Siege of Ragni: The Corruption destroyed Ragni
    [Main] Siege of Troms: The Corruption is going to attack Troms
    [Main] Siege of Dern: The players are sieging Dern
    [Light] Eradicate: Strike Force Light is eradicating all the Corrupted in Dern
    [Blaze] Fiery Hell: Strike Force Blaze is destroying the Fiery Stronghold
    [Crystal] Like Ice: Strike Force Crystal is destroying the Iced Stronghold
    [Arcanum] Magical: Strike Force Aracanum is destroying the Magical Stronghold​
    [Main] Victory: The group successfully purify Dern
    [Main] True Leader: They meet the Leader of Corruption, Ragnar
    [Main] To Light Forest: Everyone escaped to the Light Forest. Sadly, cities are destroyed and lives were lost
    [Main] One Last Time: The Final Battle has begun
    [Main] It's Done: Ragnar has fallen
    [Main] Timeskip: What happened after a decade has past?
    [Main] Decay: Lisa was the first one to be infected by Decay, she was thrown into the Void
    [Main] Crota: Oryx brought the Decayed Crota into Wynn. He caused the Decay to spread throughout the world.
    [Main] Defense of Light Forest: Takumi, Kyelas, the Astral Vanguard, and the Light Forest defended the Light Forest from the Decay.
    [Main] Committee's End: Shortly after the Defense of Light Forest, the Temple of Legends were destroyed by Wynn Excavation. One of them revealed the location of the Commitee's base of operations. Takumi investigated, and King Aeres blew the Committee to pieces.
    [Main] Friendship: Golestandt, brother of Daragor, appeared when Ken didn't sing the Friendship Song. He killed Ken and ate Siegfried, the leader of the Decay
    [Main] Deadeye's Extraordinary Adventure: Deadeye took out thousands of Decayed by himself, and robbed a bank.
    [Main] That Was Quick: Daragor killed Siegfried by Golestandt spitting him out. That was a quick storyline.
    [Main] Murder: Wynn Excavation introduces the plan Murder. Void Jump Machines are now available to the public
    [Main] Fireworks: Rawar caused a war between realms by shooting fireworks
    [Main] Just Like [Copyright]: Takumi had to choose between realms to fight for. He chose to be neutral.
    [Main] Everyone Choose: Everyone chose their loyalty
    [Main] Battles: Many, many battles happened.
    [Main] Tipping Point: Daragor has joined Wynn. The Serns and the Arcons has joined the Astral Realm.
    [Main] Visions of the Past: The Apocalypse Realm has been revealed, and Valeeri has a vision from the realm.
    [Main] A New Challenger Approaches!: Leviathan, Striders, Arcons, and the Serns have joined the Astral Army.
    [Main] Leviathan's Fall: Bopen, the Skeleton King, killed Leviathan with ease.
    [Main] End: The Astral Realm surrendered to the Wynn Realm, ending the War Between Realms.
    [Moon] Lunar Sphere: Go to the Moon
    Fallen: (Don't read this if you have a good opinion of me)

    Eng'Shan: The general of Corruption died from a decapitation by the demon Valus.
    Alas: Died by slamming the Nader Gems in order to rid the Lion's Den of the Corruption and the lion.
    Nissl: Died by becoming a Corrupted.
    Shade Body 1: Died because the King of Ice, Nissl, chose the golem GIR over him
    Corrupted Nissl (Revived): Died by going out his own way, by slitting his own throat
    GIR: Died from disobedience by the Committee
    Radin: Thought that killing armored guards with a dagger was a good idea
    Ravios: Died by being stabbed, just like Radin
    Robert Kailo: The Voice in the Sky got rid of Robert Kailo because he outlived his usefulness
    Takumi: Mark of Death forced the Voice in the Sky to kill Takumi
    Oryx: Didn't run from the debris of Arcania. Crushed was his death
    Kazuki: Demons and angels judged Kazuki for death
    Soul Kazuki: Doomed to wait millions of years in the Soul Well
    Tanlor: His god wanted Tanlor to die
    Kinen: The action of another doomed Kinen to death by Decay.
    Marked Oryx: He suffered the Fate Worst Than Death, and became Cain'Fel, Embodiment of Failure
    Xoraka: Died from running to the Roots of Corruption by the Nether Guardians
    Entity 0: The Voice in the Sky killed the unliving monster
    Kaden: Water was his game, drowning was his fate
    Rawar: Rawar breathed his last when his god killed him
    Insane Revived Ajinin: The Prince of Insanity, Phineas, executed Ajinin
    Kyelas: Insane Phineas killed him in Efelim
    Seira: Winter came early for her as rocks pelted Seira
    Black Jack 'Deadeye' Jernigan: Betrayal was his destiny
    Revived Takumi: Tried to be smart, sword in the heart, his eyes met Bopen, the Skeleton King
    Revived Skeleton Takumi: The Voice in the Sky put him out of his misery
    Desori: Word choice was not his cup of tea, assassins killed the blabbering fool
    Miren: Hellhound ate his entire body
    Daragor: Found guilty and was sentenced to death
    Valeeri: The life of a pirate ended when he met Fair Phineas and his gun
    Konan: He didn't chose the jail life, the jail life chose him

    Carriage Monster: Died protecting his friend, Alas, from a boulder
    Aruma: Execution by the Corrupted Commander
    Ywnn: Accidental shot by Vagle ended her life
    Ragnar: Little did he know, the hero Ragnar got Corrupted by the previous leader. He died
    Redn: Ragnar was just too powerful for the paladin
    Barik: The inventor of firearms died trying to escape the leader of Corruption
    Siegfried: The hero of Gavel died trying to escape his friend, Ragnar
    Krocus: The angry man yelled his last scream trying to escape the leader of Corruption
    Vagle: Vagle would die from being slammed by Ragnar
    Richardson: The Fruman Commander died by being slammed by his former comrade
    Oulke: Eng'Shan sliced Oulke's body in half
    Golem 1: Tactak got triggered and destroyed this poor golem
    Tactak: Tactak was beaten by the other golems
    Golem 2: Trulum, the last Corrupted, killed this golem
    Heilds: Died from GIR disobeying the Committee
    Ren Niesh: GIR was assigned to assassinate Ren, he succeeded
    Golem 3-26: GIR, once again, disobeyed the Committee, all of his golems blew up
    Krow: Krow died from GIR's disobedience
    Qane: Mother Nature dragged him into the earth in Qira's Hive
    Autan: She would meet the Earth Drone that kamikaze into her
    Cajen: Cajen succumbed to the Corrupter of Worlds, just like all of the other legends
    Nebra: Young Daragor ate Nebra from the Astral Vanguard
    Heltor: Heltor's eyes met the scythe of Robert Kailo
    Kerun: Nelsor knocked him into the watery depths
    Takeshi's Horse: Takeshi killed his companion
    Takeshi: The Astral Golem stepped on Takeshi. All that's left is paste
    Megumi: Devoured by the demon Hesha
    Celan: Death surrounded him
    Ruby: Death surrounded her
    Alice: Death surrounded her
    Ajinin: Death surrounded him
    Dean: He drank the poison
    Jegan: He drank the poison
    Winter: She drank the poison
    Hotaru: He drank the poison
    Jaed: He drank the poison
    Enkar: He drank the poison
    Kiyoshi: Hesha ate him
    Eran: Hesha ate him
    Youta: The plague enwrapped his entire body
    Ken: Hesha ate him
    Garnet: Hesha ate him
    Eyer: Hesha ate him
    Kohaku: The plague enwrapped his entire body
    Isamu: The plague enwrapped his entire body
    Kyn: The plague enwrapped his entire body
    Flynn: Kazuki ignored the warning from VITS, and got Headmaster Flynn shot in the head by Wallace
    Nelsor: Taedhta-Roldalrn attacked Nelsor, and he met his demise
    Amual: Kazuki executed him because he thought he was Hesha
    Lisa: Patient Zero of the Decay, and she was sent to float in the Void
    Rhetsam: The Voice in the Sky killed him
    Crota: Crota put a sword through his own chest
    Michael: The guardian was crushed by debris
    Naoki: The demons and angels dropped him from a great height
    Palean: The demons and angels was too much for him
    Ayumu: The demons and angels was too much for him
    Duncan: Black Jack 'Deadeye' Jernigan busted his balls
    Revived Ruby: Takeshi attacked Ruby by impaling her
    Revived Kyn: Law turned Kyn into paste
    Revived Takeshi's Horse: Jegan's dynamite blew Takeshi's Horse up
    Revived Crota: Crota had Decay
    Jessica: Deadeye shot Jessica in the head
    Steve/Margot/Marget: Helianthus killed the idiot
    Harold: Helianthus killed the other idiot
    March: Nivo turned March into ashes
    Cecil: She met her end by Daragor's servant
    Revived Ken: Golestandt ate Ken for not singing the Friendship Song
    Bob: The citizens of Cinfras was too much for Bob
    Fredrick: Fredrick had a big mouth, and that was eaten by Daragor
    Helianthus: He was banished to the Nether
    Revived Palean: The citizens of Cinfras overwhelmed him
    Edgar: The citizens of Cinfras overwhelmed him
    Tema: The citizens of Cinfras overwhelmed her
    Nai's Body: Nai reincarnated
    Revived Dean: The citizens of Cinfras overwhelmed him
    Revived Jegan: The citizens of Cinfras overwhelmed him
    Sisak: Died because the gods command it
    Amorrah: Died because the gods command it
    Khorrur: Died because the gods command it
    Cecillia: Spectre stabbed Cecillia
    Raios: The clone of Deadeye killed Raios, the rock monster
    Will: Spectre slit the throat of Will
    Khn'n Kllark: Ian the Brave came down to end the hideous monster
    Yrlas: The Prince of Insanity, Phineas, killed him
    Yilan: The Prince of Insanity, Phineas, killed her
    Drelam: The Prince of Insanity, Phineas, killed her
    Kenlac: The Prince of Insanity, Phineas, killed him
    Yltern: The Prince of Insanity, Phineas, killed him
    Faryen: The Prince of Insanity, Phineas, killed him
    Neato: The Prince of Insanity, Phineas, killed him
    Moio: The Prince of Insanity, Phineas, killed her
    Weevo: The Prince of Insanity, Phineas, killed him
    Billy: Deadeye shot his brains out
    Bear: Deadeye shot his heart
    Kevin: Deadeye shot his eyeballs
    Alden: Deadeye shot his balls
    Halmek: Insane Phineas stabbed him repeatedly
    Keaton: Rogue killed the hellhound
    Ian the Brave: Kishin decapitated the once brilliant warrior
    Illusion Kishin: The Temple of Legends caretakers desummoned Kishin
    Wilson: Wilson was dropped from a great height
    Kyle: Execution by Daragor
    Dean (Daragor's): Beheading by Daragor
    Revived Ayumu: Valeeri shot Ayumu
    Revived Flynn: Bopen sliced his head off
    Fabio: Carlos unicorn kicked him off the ship
    Buddy: Valeeri pushed him off the ship
    Keller: Top'L shot Keller in the skull
    Sarah: The Cursed destroyed Sarah's home...and her life
    Dave: Cassandra treated him with disrespect, and gave him his end
    Beezle: A shadow killed Beezle
    Tyrian: The shadow raid on Bopen's ship was too much for him
    Kazuki, Qane, Autan, Cajen, Celan, Winter, Rhetsam, Josh, Nora, Morgana, Caretakers of ToL, ToL Trainees: All of them died to the Shadow Crusade. They had a chance to live if Ghana looked for them, which he did not.

    Top'L: The legend died from blowing himself up

    Corrupted Ragnar: GIR snapped his neck
    Corrupted Nissl: Takumi did a 360 no-scope
    Corrupted Oulke, Eng'Shan, Aruma, Ywnn, Redn, Barik, Krocus, Vagle, and Richardson: Fruma overwhelmed them
    Trulm: Ren crushed the head of Trulm
    Yansur: Kazuki sliced the summoner in half

    Angelina: Rogue sliced her neck
    Haranoa: Dern slew the dragon

    Taedhta-Roldalrn: Kazuki executed the demon
    Hesha: Nai banished him to the bottom of the Nether
    Roieat: Kanu killed the fairy eater

    Slevis: Deadeye killed the necromancer
    Porc: The pyroblast by Nai destroyed the orc

    Decayed Siegfried: Daragor ate the head off of Siegfried

    Crassel: The Ice Nations killed the prince
    Leviathan: Bopen killed Leviathan because he was an ass
    Arno: Arno died from being cocky at a Cursed Stronghold

    Flintlock Pistol: Unlimited
    5 Damage

    Revolver: Unlimited
    10 Damage

    Peashooter: 10 in Stock
    5 Damage

    Engraved Revolver: 5 in Stock
    10 Damage
    +1 roll for shooting

    Knuckleduster Revolver: 5 in Stock
    10 Damage Melee/10 Damage Ranged

    Master-Crafted Revolver: 5 in Stock
    15 Damage

    Vanguard's Revolver: 1 in Stock
    15 Damage

    Eagle Deagle: 1 in Stock
    20 Damage
    Blunderbuss: 10 in Stock
    25 Damage
    Rifle: Unlimited
    10 Damage

    Winchester Rifle: 5 in Stock
    10 Damage

    Experimental Rifle: 1 in Stock
    ??? Damage

    Toby-Crafted Shoulder Cannon: 1 in Stock
    40 Damage

    Vanguard's Rifle: 1 in Stock
    20 Damage

    Elite Soldier's Sniper: 1 in Stock
    40 Damage
    Only shoot once per turn

    High-Powered Sniper: 1 in Stock
    25 Damage
    Cutlass: Unlimited
    10 Damage

    Standard Astral Army Sword: Unlimited
    10 Damage
    +5 Damage to Demons

    Officer's Sword: 10 in Stock
    10 Damage
    +5 Damage to Humans

    Broadsword: 10 in Stock
    15 Damage

    Elite Soldier's Sword: 5 in Stock
    15 Damage
    +40 Damage on critical success

    Daragor Isles Golden Sword: Unlimited
    0 Damage
    Absolutely Useless

    Warpblade: 1 in Stock
    15 Damage
    Teleport a close distance when attacking with this sword

    Ultima Blade: 1 in Stock
    20 Damage
    Critical Success deals 99 Damage

    Sword of Top'L
    15 Damage
    -3 Roll for every action against the wielder
    Critical Success will heal back to full
    Naginata: 10 in Stock
    15 Damage
    +2 to roll against Sword Enemies

    Flail: 10 in Stock
    15 Damage
    18-19 to stun [Turn 1]

    Axe: 10 in Stock
    15 Damage
    3x Damage when rolling a 20

    Astral Spear: 10 in Stock
    15 Damage

    Rapier: 5 in Stock
    10 Damage
    Attack Twice

    Half-Moon Scythe:
    15 Damage
    2x Damage when against Cursed
    Deadly Death Roll when rolling a 20 (Works on MOST enemies)
    Skullmask: Unlimited

    Steelhead: Unlimited

    Metal Skull: 10 in Stock

    Soldier's Helmet: 10 in Stock

    Cracked Steel Helmet: 10 in Stock
    Iron Armor: Unlimited

    Bone Armor: Unlimited
    1LE 32EB

    Duster: 5 in Stock

    Trenchcoat: 5 in Stock

    Badass Armor: 1 in Stock
    Wooden Shield: Unlimited

    Iron Shield: Unlimited

    Carriage Shield: 2 in Stock
    Javelins: 5 in Stock
    20 Damage

    Ayumu's Tome: 1 in Stock
    Contains one unique spell: Mind Games

    Kyn's Tome: 1 in Stock
    Contains one unique spell: Balance of Magic
    Health Potion I
    Heals 5HP
    2 EB

    Health Potion II
    Heals 10HP

    Health Potion III
    Heals 15HP
    10 EB

    Health Potion IV
    Heals 25HP
    20 EB

    Health Potion V
    Heals 35HP
    30 EB

    Health Potion VI
    Heals 50HP
    40 EB

    Health Potion VII
    Heals 65HP
    50 EB

    Health Potion VIII
    Heals 75HP
    60 EB

    Health Potion IX
    Heals 85HP
    64 EB

    Health Potion X
    Heals 100HP
    1 LE 10EB
    Spicy Human Tacos:
    Gives +5 Damage
    Last 1 Combat

    Giant Human's Leg:
    Gives 5 Damage Resistance
    Last 1 Combat

    Tentacle of a Carriage Monster:
    Gives 50 Shield
    Last 1 Combat

    Puppy Ears with Tongues
    Adds a +2 to rolls
    Lasts 1 Combat
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
    NinjaWizard likes this.
  3. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    This is the point where we know that Moon's Dragon has officially become the new Void Rift! XD
    Bailwolf likes this.
  4. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Yep. Void Rift 2.0
  5. rainbowhunter

    rainbowhunter Well-Known Adventurer

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    I'm interested in joining (but aaaaaaaah the 5000+ posts and the spoilers in spoilers in spoilers). What order should I read this in?
  6. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

    Likes Received:
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    Long story short:

    Wynn Realm:
    Committee are corrupted assholes
    Bunch of random guilds
    Do whatever the hell you want

    A hub where portals between realms exist
    Shadows live here. They're basically denied characters

    A bunch of dragons that you won't probably meet

    Nothing much is known

    Astral Realm:
    Robert Kailo (Basically an asshole who destroys everything) almost destroyed this realm, and it's currently in repair.
  7. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Alas was a denied but accepted character which was accepted in the world of Death but denied in the real world.
    (What the f*** did I just say ?)
  8. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    You said that Alas was a denied character, but he was accepted into the world of Wynn (Which is basically death), but he was denied in real life because he is basically a kid.
  9. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Hum... yeah we can understand this like that XD (I'm actually being mind broken cause of that binary thing !!!)
    God damnit it was just backwards ! FML ! (Yeah I spent 10 minutes to find this out...)
    I love how Alas freed the others shadows who wanted to kill him, by dying XD
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
    Malkavian likes this.
  10. rainbowhunter

    rainbowhunter Well-Known Adventurer

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    How does this binary work? Does it sorta make a picture or something? Let me try :)

    Update wait dats not binary its got 2s in it
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
  11. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Translates to letters... Put it through a translator and got:
  12. rainbowhunter

    rainbowhunter Well-Known Adventurer

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    shoot... thats not what I meant for it to say :P
  13. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Danger Astral Shadows :D
    You added the 2 yourself ._.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2016
  14. rainbowhunter

    rainbowhunter Well-Known Adventurer

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    trolled owait
  15. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Gushy, there's a broken spoiler.
  16. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    Bump a dump. Some stuff is added.
  17. NinjaWizard

    NinjaWizard Wynn Protector, Master of Shadows & YouTuber CHAMPION

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    Hey @Gushy48 I don't see Hopae in the list of towns?
  18. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    I would like to request to add the SVINS to the voices in the sky,

    "Always silent, he secretly plots to overthrow the Voice in the Sky with his characters that always seem to end up overpowered"
  19. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    You still got two other characters that has yet to be revealed. (And yes, it's the rock guy and the Believer)
  20. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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