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Discussion in 'Other Games' started by llllllllllllll, Oct 28, 2016.

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  1. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Foxtem and co here and we're bringing you vainglory! No, we're not, Super Evil Mega Corp did and they were super evil enough to not sponsor this thread ;-;. Anything about VG should go here.

    LoL + Mobile = VG. What did you expect, we have fucked up lore though. Pick from 28 different 'heroes' and conquer the 'Halcyon Fold'.

    Come join our guild! The only way I know for you to join is to add me (IGN - JerryDaFoxTem) as a friend and you can join my guild using the guild button on my friend profile. Our guild is KYS otherwise known as Korean Young Stars even though none of us in the guild actually are korean (yet). We just did it for the acronym. We're pretty low on fame xp, but grind like you do in Wynn and you'll be good in no time.

    Farming -
    Eh, self explanatory really. Buy your items before the match starts and DASH like, fucking dash as fast as you can to the two goblins above your minion mine. They start off with 75 gold per kill, while the goblins near the jungle shop are only 25. Treants always start from 25 too. From then on, kill everything in sight, unless you're really low on 'energy' or health then you might want to recall.

    Shopping -
    Always go with a buddy. We don't fucking care who it is, just go with someone, they'll help you escape if the full team comes for you (ditch them if you want, if they die earlier, you're a better save). I usually run up to the lane and behind a turret so it's harder for the enemy to kill. If you're about to leave, throw some scout traps down in the brush and buy a few flares. Use the flares on your next shop.

    Gold Mine/Kraken -
    Never SOLO these. Unless you're the only one alive and the full team is going for it. If you apply poisoning/instant hits effects like Krul or Lyra, etc. Apply them on when the Kraken/Gold Mine is low.If you're alone and about to be aced, fucking run into the brush and recall ASAP. Don't follow the kraken, and don't hide near the centre of the jungle. You'll be found INSTANTLY and get aced.

    Rig up the brush. Use scout traps in the surrounding brush to make sure the enemy team doesn't last hit. Also buy some flares. They may help you find the enemy like Taka or Kestrel who does their 2nd ability which hides them. Those two are the masters of last hitting.

    Jungle Battles -
    Going against another enemy isn't easy. If you have good items, then you might overwhelm the enemy(s). If you know you can kill them, stay close to the lane and your turrets. You can never be sure if they've bought support in the brush. Do whatever you can to kill them, but use your pings to warn your team if you need help or are about to die. Otherwise, use your items. Run, reflex block. Staying alive is better than dying, which gives them a bit of gold, a timeframe to ace your team and overall take over big points like Kraken/Gold Mine and turrets.

    Farming -
    Lane farming should only happen in the beginning 10 minutes of the match. From there on, you can always go into the jungle or kill enemy players. Stick to your side of the fold and be ready to dash back to your turrets incase you're going to die. The bigger minions are more offensive and tanky/damaging but they give twice the rewards. Those aren't very hard to kill and you should live and only take 1 bar worth of damage. If you are about to die, either ask you're teammates for help or hide in a spot thats logically usable, and by that I mean you'll recall before they find you in the brush.

    Turret Domination -
    Stay to the top of the lane and get ready to use items and abilities to keep yourself safe. Make sure you're minions are upcoming and there are no enemy heroes in the way. If you're waiting, make sure there aren't any enemies and hide in the brush. You may want to kill the opposing minions to make way for yours. Throw around a few flares in the brush and plant scout traps whenever you can. Once all those have been checked off, go in for the kill. If you want to take down 2 turrets in one go, I suggest taking a few teammates because the enemy knows that you're in the lane and may come up for the kill. Especially if you're out of flares and in a sticky situation.

    When an enemy runs back to their turret and they have low health, don't go unless you have boots or an ability to speed up yourself out and good health. If you do, make sure you can tank about 3 turret shots or enemy heroes otherwise you're dead. You're better alive than dead, an it's better for the long run too.

    Enemy Base -
    Part of winning means you have to go through the enemy base. Make sure you're not alone and have at least a damage carrier/tank. Stray from the enemy turrets if there are heroes protecting their vain. It'll be a death wish if you use the steps in the paragraph above to try and kill enemy heroes. Try and lure the enemies out of the base, either taking their minion mine and waiting out there or falling back and hiding in the brush. Take them out and head for the vain before they respawn.

    There might be a bunch of you guys out there that are like "Ewwww MOBAs" or "I'm not paying for ice (The premium currency is ice xD) ". Well just give it a go. It doesn't matter about your playstyle, hero or skin (Hero skins). You'll fit in well with the community :)
  2. Bennyucks

    Bennyucks Travelled Adventurer

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    I stopped playing because League stole my life.

    I main Kestrel
  3. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Nice choice with Kestrel. I main SAW, with her as my backup.
  4. VaekonTheNerd

    VaekonTheNerd I can't get this thing off my head VIP+

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    Nether World Fortess
  5. Bennyucks

    Bennyucks Travelled Adventurer

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    Yeah I like Saw too. You can go full crit saw and nobody can touch you. :)
  6. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    I'm all dbl sorrowblade and tyrant's monocle
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