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The Rise Of The Pantless Orc

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by Kaard, Oct 12, 2016.

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  1. Kaard

    Kaard The Pantless Orc

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    Hello everyone, it's about time I take part in the community. I have not been part of a community like this for a long time, since the fall of BlockEmpires. I was a partial leader of the towny, Heresy. I was a builder, kinda. Mostly an interior designer. (Haha, yeah yeah. Don't judge.)

    On BlockEmpires, I was also a moderator, an X-Ray hunter, and most importantly, the infamous Pantless Orc. A shrine was built to honor me. (Not even joking... lmao.)

    I created my skin back then just for BE, because you could choose a race upon character creation. I designed myself as a scary, one-eyed, loincloth wearing greenskin. I made myself at home in the community, became a mod eventually, and gained the power to hunt cheaters. But now...

    Kaard has arrived in a strange new land. Alone, but fascinated. Strange new creatures known as horses, incredible spells and items, amazing architecture, and quests! The Pantless One is pleased... Well, except for his own kind attacking him outside Llevigar...

    I am very happy to call Wynncraft my new home. Hello everyone, I hope to meet some awesome people soon.
    modern, Stag2001 and cicetil like this.
  2. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    I love your story, I'm pretty sure I would've literally said 'hi I play wynncraft' or something. The orcs are annoying, but you seem different. Maybe we should steal their pants and they turn friendly?

    Anyways, welcome to the forums, have a nice time here! If you need help, start a conversation, I can help you with anything (especially selling things).
  3. Kaard

    Kaard The Pantless Orc

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    I really appreciate it! I'll keep you in mind, as I have no clue as to what anything is worth yet... >_>

    As for the other orcs, stealing their pants may make them more friendly, but they're just so ...well, dumb.
    I guess where I come from, it would take more to defeat an orcish chieftain than walking slightly faster than him in circles and stabbing him...

    Then again, where I come from, horses are slow, and there are no spells...
    Stag2001 likes this.
  4. Kaard

    Kaard The Pantless Orc

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    I'm thinking about hitting up the Teamspeak server soon, but I have a few questions...

    Firstly, is it fairly active? I don't mind if it's not crazy crowded... >_>

    Secondly, are there are any smallish casual groups who don't mind a quick-learning nub hanging out, or is it mainly guild-based?

    Let me know!

    (I'm in Central U.S. Timezone, if that matters. I'm a Texan orc.)
  5. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    You've got one hell of an amazing title.
    As for your questions; I myself don't use it often, but when I do, it's normally got a decent amount of people on, though not that many,

    When it comes to groups like that, you may want to search the Guilds section for one that's casual; your fellow members will probably help you out if they're nice no matter how big or small the group is.
    If you don't want to join a guild, just go out and try and make some friends, or maybe you've got a friend who plays MC who you could introduce to Wynn.
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