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Any Class Whetto And Master's Build Contest! Prize Is Apprentice!

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by valvoid, Oct 1, 2016.

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  1. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    The Build Competition
    Welcome! WhettoWen and I decided to find a new recruit for our build service! You wanna know how to get the position?
    A build contest! That is right!
    The contest will end on October 9th

    How to enter:

    The idea is rather simple. Please, we need a lot of judging time though. All you have to do is this:
    Explaining why all the pieces of armor and accessories are the way they are will gain you extra points!

    Intro/Idea of the build. What is the goal of the build?



    Ring 1
    Ring 2

    Skill Points (be detailed!)

    Scoring and Rules:
    Ok, first off are the rules. Going against a rule will result in disqualification.

    - It can not be a build you have made in the past, it must be new.
    - ABSOLUTELY NO NO NO COPYING! If there is some copying seen, you will be disqualified.

    Now for the scoring
    Your weapon is worth 5 points. Each weapon that we find a better fit for the build will reduce 1 point from this score.
    Each piece of armor is worth 5 points. Each armor piece that we find a better fit for the build will reduce 1 point from this score.
    Each accessory is worth 3 points. Each accessory that we find a better fit for the build will reduce 1 point from this score.

    A good explanation adds an extra point for each score!!!!!!
    If we decide your budget is very efficient we will add another point to your score!!!!!!!!

    Your total will be /28 points.
    You can stop reading here if you would like cuz the example is a wall of text, it just helps you understand the scoring more.

    Ok, so I figured since it is kind of confusing.
    Also, if you actually wanna use this build feel free but anywhere on the forums credit please.

    The goal of this build is to do the maximum amount of spell damage possible, but not be a complete glass cannon. The class is assassin.

    Helmet: Third Eye. This is because it will provide important mana for the build, and still provide good spell damage.

    Score: 5 - 4 raw points (average maybe 1 item better for the build based on opinion - probably would be cumulonimbus in my opinion) + 1 for good explanation.

    Chestplate: Soul Signal: spell dam
    Score: 4 - maybe 1 item better (again based on opinions), but explanation isn't quite sufficient for an extra point.

    Leggings: Dark Channeler: This pair of leggings isn't extremely hard to obtain, fits the build perfectly, and gives amazing spell damage.
    Score: 6 - Would not have chosen a different item myself and has a pretty good explanation.

    Boots: - Virgo: got some mana and yeah.
    Score: 2 - This is an example of a bad choice. There are loads of better options (like riverflow or memento) and it has a bad explanation.....

    Weapon: Nirvana: Because it is a great fit for the build.
    Score: 5 - worth full credit, but nothing special.

    Note: I will only do 1 accessory because you could probably get the idea by now. I will list the other ones in case you want to use this build.

    Ring 1: Suppression - manananananana
    Score: 4 - Yeah, a good choice but the explanation was not taken too seriously.

    Other Accessories: Suppression, Ra, and Clock Amulet.

    Last edited: Oct 1, 2016
  2. ploo

    ploo Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I'll try to enter
  3. wqr

    wqr Well-Known Adventurer

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    The goal of this build is to be a relatively tanky and high damaging assassin on a budget.

    Helmet: Cumulonimbus
    This is literally the best spell damage helmet in the game, providing up to 33% spell damage and 26% air damage. In addition, it has no negative defenses, besides hp, only having 1000.

    Chestplate: Boreal-Patterned-Aegis
    The hive chestplate provides a variety of stats needed for this build: mana regen, air damage, walk speed, 3000 hp and good defenses without too many drawbacks.

    Leggings: Leictreach Makani
    This pair of leggings provide everything necessary for this build, air damage, spell damage, walk speed, agi and dex, and + attack speed to cap our weapon's.

    Boots: Statue
    This is essentially the core of the build, give upwards of 6000 hp at the cost of all your walk speed.

    Rings: 1 Concentration and 1 Raging Wind
    The build currently lacks mana regen, making concentration perfect for this build. Walk speed is also essential for this build, as your statues will take away at least 120%, making Raging Wind a necessity, providing walk speed and air damage.

    Bracelet: Contrail
    Same as Raging Wind

    Necklace: 2/4 Royal Stormy or Willpower

    The build lacks mana regen, and these are the best mana regen necklaces in the game.

    Weapon: Hive-Infused Dagger
    200-300 neutral at a very fast attack speed with 5 powder slots. With 5 t4 air powders, the damage goes up to 250ish - 364, which is quite comparable to Weathered, which can go up to 281- 454 air damage (you can also use Weathered if you really want).

    IDs to prioritize:
    Cumulonimbus: Spell damage, air damage
    Leictreach: Walk speed, Air Damage, Spell Damage, -1/4
    Statues: -120 - -130 ws
    Concentration and necklace: 2/4 Mana Regen
    Raging wind and Contrail: Walk Speed, Air Damage

    12-18 LE Cumulonimbus
    12-18 LE Leictreach
    6-15 LE Statues
    18 LE Concentration
    3 LE Contrail
    3 LE Willpower

    Total cost: About 1 stack, but mind you, most of these are easy to get in Rodoroc and Weathered is about 7 stacks alone.
    Can also solo Orange Wybel relatively easily.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
    valvoid likes this.
  4. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    oh my I forgot to tag @WhettoWen in the thread
    Also guys, and @Yanjiahui I will not give feedback on the builds until the end, just to be fair
  5. Battleslay1000

    Battleslay1000 And another one bites the- wait what CHAMPION

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    well I was gonna make a fatal build but it nearly completely copies the above build
  6. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    un bumperino
  7. Thom_Com

    Thom_Com A Yoshi HERO

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    I dont really want to win this but I need a tanky assassin build so I might aswell try and see how to improve it.
    Intro/Idea of the build. What is the goal of the build?
    The goal is to have a decent amount health and health regen, to be quite tanky and still do decent spell damage and have a bit of mana regen. It's for assassin and I want to pay a maximum of 32 LE for it.

    Fenmask. Gives melee and spell damage, some mana regen, health regen and poison. The debuffs and skill point requirements aren't too bad, and altough it's a legendary it shouldn't be too expensive.
    Hetusol. Gives pretty high health, mana and health regen and a defense buff, but can be a bit expensive. An alternative is Chef Hamsey's Apron, which you can get for free from a quest, the elemental defenses are better but it doesn't give high health or raw health regen.
    Greaves of the Veneer. Another legendary, but this one isn't too rare either. Only positive elemental defenses, high health, some skill point buffs and a bit of health regen.
    Undefined. A unique which is about the level of mobs at Freezing Heights, so if you grind there for a while you should probably get one of these (I don't think there are a lot of these on the market as it's only a unique, so you probably have to find one yourself). Gives some raw health regen, spell and melee damage and decent health. Also has no negative (nor positive) elemental defenses, and a decent amount of powder slots. An alternative is Snail Boots if you want more health and health regen, but it has -100 water defense and no damage buff.

    I couldn't really decide what main weapon to choose. Pyroclast has fire and earth damage and 3 powder slots but negative walk speed, Magmarizer gives health and no negative walk speed, but only does fire damage and has 2 powder slots. I guess you can change weapons based on the situation, use atleast 1 earth powder on the Magmarizer.
    Second weapon is Rewind with atleast one thunder powder. This is for earth/fire defense mobs, and for some walk speed if traveling. You can also hold this if you really need to regen some mana. The negative health regen will get countered by all the armour.
    Third weapon for neutral damage is Bob's Mythic, or Slider if you're level 99+. You can go for Infused Hive Dagger at level 100, but I dont like spending master vouchers when I don't have to.

    Ring 1
    (sorry for these choises I'm bad with rings, there are so many ;-;) Fireball for some exploding and spell damage, no debuffs.
    Ring 2
    Rockworm for melee damage and poison.
    You can choose which one you want. If you think you need more mana regen, go for Squid Anklet, otherwise go for Lazarus' Brace for more health regen (or Ra if you don't have a Lazarus' Brace, which you get from a quest)
    Royal Cyclone Amulet if you find the lack of walk speed annoying, otherwise Royal Blazing Amulet for more health.

    Skill Points (be detailed!)
    Assuming you are level 98 so that you can use all the items:
    30 str 45 int 70 def for the item requirements. After this, put 40 points into strength for more damage, and the rest into int.

    I'm not good with prices but I hope this build won't be very expensive, also not good with builds so hope this works Cx
    valvoid likes this.
  8. Hephaestus

    Hephaestus Hypothetical Build Maker | Avos Air Arceus VIP+

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    I thought of a pretty unique idea that I wanted to try out; while I don't really expect to win (the build is definitely not the best) I would definitely like some feedback.

    This build is a Water/Fire/Earth Nirvana build that also has a lot of poison and a decent amount of defense.

    Helmet: Mind Rot. While this doesn’t have the best health, and has minus intel, it has a lot of poison, and mana steal, which doesn’t hurt. Try to get one without -Mana Regen and low -Intel. Put a single Water Powder on this as this build actually has negative water defense.

    Chestplate: Chef Hamsey’s Apron. This has +Mana Regen, but also has plus health regen, which counters Leggings of Desolation. Also some skill points which never hurt. Three water powders for the special and extra water defense.

    Leggings: Leggings of Desolation. This has a lot of poison and spell damage, which is good. It does have minus health regen %, which is countered by Chef Hamsey’s Apron. The other main problem is that it has -Water Damage and a ton of -Water Defense; however, I couldn’t find a good alternative, and water damage is boosted anyways by lots of intel and Gaea-Hewn Boots. One water powder.

    Boots: Gaea-Hewn Boots. Gives a ton of health (as some identifications in the build are -health)/elemental defense and some spell damage. Also gives melee damage so that melee attacks do a bit of damage. I’d actually put two thunder powders on this, to both activate the special and to give a bit of thunder defense, which is pretty lacking in this build.

    Ring #1: Acid. Gives poison. Does have unwanted side-effects that we have to deal with. -Water Defense isn't very nice, but there isn't a much better alternative (Rycar's Elation and Nightshade both have -Raw Health Regen which definitely isn't wanted)

    Ring #2: Moon Pool Circlet. Gives mana regen, but also gives a bit of intel, which is the main point of this. This build barely allows you to use Nirvana, which is why I would use this instead of Concentration. If you have good enough identifications that you can use Nirvana without Moon Pool Circlet, use Concentration instead.

    Necklace: Planet Healer. Gives poison and mana steal. Does have -Raw Health Regen though.

    Bracelet: Hamsey’s Brilliance. Gives mana steal, but more importantly, +Raw Health Regen, to counter Planet Healer.

    Weapon: Nirvana. Self-explanatory; not only is it the water mythic dagger, it gives mana regen, intel, and spell damage. Nirvana does kill melee damage but poison essentially replaces it and the rest of the build brings back quite a bit of melee damage. Three water powders for extra damage.

    Skill point requirements:

    Mind Rot: None (gives -7 to -13 int)

    Apron: None (gives +2 to +8 int, +2 to +8 def)

    Leggings of Desolation: None

    Gaea-Hewn Boots: 33 str, 33 int, 33 def

    Acid: None (-3 to -6 def)

    Moon Pool Circlet: Int 65 (+3 int)

    Planet Healer: None (-2 to -5 def)

    Hamsey’s Brilliance: 30 int, 30 def (gives +1 to +4 int)

    Nirvana: Int 100

    Skill Points (These are assuming you are level 100):

    33 str

    100 int

    65 def

    NOTE: You will need really good identifications for intelligence to use nirvana.

    valvoid likes this.
  9. Terunalix

    Terunalix The Noob

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    !!!* You found a piece of paper on the ground. It looks pretty old and destroyed,you can barely read what has been written on the paper *

    Yohoooo *wink*

    The Build is meant to be an alternative for the horrible Builds that we currently have for Hawrols. Air/earth is a nice mix but nobody uses it correctly plus Hawrol is not that good.

    Helmet : Aries. I chose Aries for the Buffs it gives to Agility and Strength aswell as the decent HP Bonus for an Agility Item. It fits perfect and it is not too expensive. The Walkspeed will help the warrior to get closer to his enemies faster

    Chestplate : Heura. It is a Earth Focused Chestplate but the minor debuff it gives is walkspeed, which we can counter with alot of the other Items we will be using in this build. It is cheap, gives good HP , some Skillpoints and so on.

    Leggins :Leggings of Desolation. Too good to pass on the damage and the minor debuffs do not effect anything at all if it comes to combat. Must use for this build.

    Boots : Kickback. They are too good damagewise to pass on. Also giving some decent HP and some good Buffs in Terms of Skillpoints and Walkspeed.

    Weapon : Hero. Its just a better Hawrol and currently there is nobody but me using it ( maybe because there are only 2 in existance and Idk what happened to the second one). It has no minor debuffs and its damage is insane.

    Ring 1 : Concentration. To make up for the 0 Mana regeneration we have in this build this is kinda needed.
    Ring 2 : Stonehall. It gives some good Skillpoints and a good amount of Earth Damage and the only debuff is walkspeed,which we make up for easily.

    Bracelet : Wolf Paw. No debuff,cheap,easy to get,perfect for our build. Must use.

    Necklace : Royal Stormy Amulet. Mana regeneration and intel. Making up for the lack of spellspam that this build offers.

    Now to the Skillpoints:
    As said above,its a better Hawrol build so its mainly AIR/EARTH.

    First off all, we want to max out our Agility to boost our damage and increase the dodgechance that we have.
    With maximum IDS on all the Items we would have a buff of 23 Strength and 28 Agility and some Intel.

    Recommended Skillpoints with that Ids would be
    125 Agility ( 98 flat to invest)
    90 Strength ( 67 to invest)
    And the rest in intelligence to get some more spells out :)
  10. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    He's back :) lol
  11. Hephaestus

    Hephaestus Hypothetical Build Maker | Avos Air Arceus VIP+

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    Well RIP my already nonexistent chances of winning...
    Linnyflower likes this.
  12. CGS

    CGS Raw Emerald Farmer CHAMPION

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    I have a build that I am creating. But I have not finished it yet ;_;
    valvoid likes this.
  13. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    Guess who's back... back again...
  14. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    Back at it again with the white vans builds
    Thom_Com and Xykeal like this.
  15. CGS

    CGS Raw Emerald Farmer CHAMPION

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    Purpose of build: Melee Rainbow mage.

    This build focuses on the raw melee damage you get form combining Cancer and Taurus. Because the melee damage for wands is low compared to other weapons, there is no point in trying to counter the negative percent damage from cancer; you only need it to be less than -100%. The rest of the build focuses on getting high intelligence to reduce the cost of spells. By using morph items, you can use the bonus element damage to your advantage as well.

    Helmet: Cancer,

    With high attack speed boost, you can counter the negatives of Taurus and wield almost any weapon with super-fast attack speed. Also, poison allows you to pause to use a spell (heal/ice/teleport) and not worry about your damage output.

    Chest plate: Taurus,

    You gain an excessive melee boost with a ton of health. Cancer and Taurus cancel each other out in different ways depending on their ids. The objective is to have less than a -100% melee damage, with a +6 tier attack speed. Taurus gives base melee damage which remains unaffected by the percent melee damage decrease. You will likely end up with a -95% melee damage.

    Leggings: Vaward ,

    It helps cancel out the negative percent melee damage from cancer, also gives you the much needed skill points.

    Note: you may need to use morph-iorn instead if you do not have enough skill points from the ids on your other items. If you use morph-iorn, you miss out on a lot of health.

    Boots: memento,

    What is a mage without mana? A dead one. I am not worried about the negative life steal, because cancer gives a lot of life steal. Also, you can heal yourself.

    Ring 1: Morph-Topaz,

    Ring 2: Morph-Emerald,

    Bracelet: Morph-Amethyst,

    Necklace: Morph-Ruby,

    This is where the build gets confusing. As I understand it, morph items do not work the same as Jester items. So, using two morph-Topaz will not work, you must use a morph-Emerald as well. Here you must take advantage of the morph set bonus to equip the morph-Emerald without putting points into agility or defense. You must first equip Vaward, then Morph-Topaz, Morph-Amethyst, Morph-Ruby. Then equip Morph-Gold and Morph-Emerald. Next un-equip Morph-Gold. If you can’t put something on in this order, use skill points until you are able to. (Will happen if your vaward and morph items are not maxed in every ability).

    Here, I decided to use skill point boosters instead of mana regen boosters. In doing so you can put enough skill points into intelligence to reduce the cost of your spells by half, technically doubling your mana regen. If you were to use mana regen items, like concentration rings, Asher’s relic, stormy amulet, you could get 7/4 mana regen. However, you could not wear memento and spells would cost their normal amount.

    Weapon: Manablast

    Very high mana regen and high element damage, however, depending on the ids you get, this may not be an ideal weapon for you as it is slow and also has negative percent melee damage. I would recommend it if your ids are almost perfect.

    Second choice of weapon: Cascade

    Good mana regen and can make up the attack speed if you have a bad Cancer or Taurus.

    From the Vaward and Morph accessories, you can get up to +21 skill points in each stat. Add your own skill points to be able to wear the Cancer, Taurus and Memento. You should put at least 59 into strength, 84 into dexterity, 29 into intelligence (add more to intelligence until you have 50% reduction). This leaves you with 29 points to spare, which you will likely use to make up for the imperfect ids on the morph items.

    This build is a glass cannon, it can deal about 5k-6k damage per second, (excluding poison and element damage) using the melee attack.
    This build is still being tested.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
  16. CGS

    CGS Raw Emerald Farmer CHAMPION

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    I am not counting bolder as a usable weapon because it is a boss drop from wybel, the hardest boss in the game.
  17. [Deleted]6271

    [Deleted]6271 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Helmet: Mask of rage
    Chestplate: Chestplate of ineptitude
    Leggings: Earth breaker
    Boots: War chief

    Weapon: Alkatraz

    Ring 1: Coiled Briar/Giants ring
    Ring 2: Coiled Briar/Giants ring
    Bracelet: Bovine Cuff
    Necklace: Royal dusty


    I'm not explaining this
  18. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    gl winning then lol.
  19. [Deleted]6271

    [Deleted]6271 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Prize is shit anyway
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
  20. ElegantDeath

    ElegantDeath Who needs a title anyways HERO

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    This is a heavy mana regen and defense build designed for a tanky mage

    Helmet: Third Eye mana regen and int and spell damage
    Chestplate: Aquarius mainly for mana regen because of the immense 7/4s but also slightly for spell damage
    Leggings: Vaward for boosts in all stats
    Boots: Memento for mana regen and spell damage

    Weapon: Bonder because it has so many good stats like 130% hp regen and 6/4s mana regen and 390 hp regen
    Second weapon(optional for full build): cascade because elemental variety and very fast attack speed and mana regen

    ring 1 Morph topaz to increase stats further
    Ring 2 Morph topaz to increase stats even more
    Necklace: Morph ruby moar skill point boosts
    Bracelet: Morph Amethyst all the skill point boosts are mine
    (the accessories are designed to be put on in a certain order and all work together with the vaward to give me +21 in every stat)

    base stats without any gear: 110 int 88 def (for level 100s) 110 int 90 def (for 101s)
    additions caused by gear (with max ids) (this is only what I thought important enough): +31 int, +21 every other stat, 15/4s mana regen naturally (+21/4s with bonder), +384 spell damage, +20% Sp regen (+69 with bonder), +169% Hp regen with bonder (39% naturally), +390 base hp regen (boosted by the +169% from bonder + Vaward).
    Powder slots: 3 on Third eye, 3 on Aquarius, 3 on Vaward, 3 on memento, 4 on bonder for a total of:16
    downsides: -200 thunder defense without powders, -19% melee damage (-13% extra with bonder), -195% exploding, -117/4 lifesteal (nullified by mages healing power and the incredible bonder hp regen).

    overall hp: 10,300

    I made this build ENTIRELY through item guide and wynnapps so I might've missed some things. this build is entirely untested due to problems with my mage not being level 100. this may have low damage but I'd say the +384 spell damage and the incredible health capabilities more than compensate for that. powders are a needed part for this build to compensate for the lack of thunder defense.

    this is a build I searched through the item guide to find the parts for so it is (as far as I know) original
    if anyone wants to test it please tell me how it was
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
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