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[rp] Legends 2 [10/10] Closed.... For Now

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Sep 30, 2016.

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  1. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Ok. Will do.
    I just realized that I'm the only one from legends that have to make a backstory XD
    I've got a few hours alone alone now, so I will get around to making the character today. I will have to make a lot of homework though so it will probably first be in a few hours
  2. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    I know i don't need a back story but I would just like to update that my character now looks like
    and my new sword is named Dramoth
    Malkavian likes this.
  3. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    That picture is pretty fucking cool ;)
    Bailwolf likes this.
  4. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    Name: Shade
    Age: ???
    Gender: Male
    In Legends? Yea
    Side: Neutral, can have a temper when provoked.
    Backstory: (I was in legends but this is a different character) An elf with an ancient power called yrobalicy. It gives the user ability to change forms, as well and granting Telekensis and mind control. Currently unknown who has this power. The only person who knows about shade is Yansur, and Qira. They are good friends with Shade.
    Appearance: A spirit like elf, but can change forms.
    Weapon: Telekensis and Mind Control.
    Starting point: Walking up to Yansur at the hive.
  5. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Yansur looks up when you approach. He has been in a exceptionally bad mood after Qira was killed, really killed in the Battle of Wynn. But today, he is smiling. Because for once, light is losing.
    "Shade." Yansur says. "You will not believe who we have caught."
    You cock your head. Yansur motions you to follow him inside.
    Inside the Hive, monsters and phantoms born from the deepest of darkness lurk. As you go deeper, you walk inside a vast chamber decorated with lava and purple crystals. Inside the middle is a large stone, where a single figure is chained up. The figure wears broken armours and tattered robes. His face is caked with blood, burns and mud. He weakly look up at you.
    "This is the man who have defeated Mistress Qira the first time." Yansur says. "He was the one who killed Ragnok, the Demon Lord."
    "How was he caught?" You ask, amazed. "He must've been powerful."
    Yansur smiles. "We have very powerful allies. Our new Master, the Eye, is even more powerful than the entity who have captured this human."
    The man lets out a weak laugh. "The Eye? He does not exist."
    Yansur smiles wickedly. "You shall see, human. And when you do, you and your petty friends will perish before him."
  6. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    I ask the human who he is and where he is from
  7. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Cool picture. But it must be amazingly annoying to walk around all day wearing that armour. In this RP, you wear a similar armour, but more simplified, and your sword is smaller.
    "You think I will tell, elf?" He says. "You have betrayed the Light, and your race, and you, along will perish. I have faith in my friends."
  8. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    I have not betrayed my race. My race treated me like an outcast. I take a quick Jab at his mind.
  9. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    (Say Mael already said he would not be joining the company to go to Gavel. And introduced his apprentice.)
    "We are hopelessly outmatched." Vocthar says, as he slumps back into his chair.
    "I have an idea." Drandel then speaks up. "You might not like it, though."
    Ronan rubs his eyes. "Anything is good if we have extra power to our team."
    Drandel smiles. "Remember Thagila?"


    @Queen Toasty
    Thagila and several other tribesman of Iboju Village leap around the Jungle, slaying the slimes that have been multiplying fast around the area. Thagila kills with inhuman speed, outmatching the other tribesmen in every way. Soon, the area around the Iboju Village is clean of slimes.
    The tribesmen praise Thagila with friendly smiles. Then, a horn sounds from the village. Something blocks out the sun. A blue dragon, small, but build for speed, flies into view. Cold fear flood through you. Did the girl from Troms come to get her?
    The dragon lands in the village. A familiar figure drops from the dragon and starts walking towards you.
    "Thagila." She says. Thagila nods cautiously. "Drandel. Why have you come?" The people of the village look at the conversation with curiosity.
    "I don't mean you any harm. We need help." Drandel says. "Gavel has fallen, and the Realm of Light is in danger. If we don't stop this immediate threat, the entire civilisation of light - humans, elves, animals - will all be wiped out."
    Thagila frowns. Why would she care? She looks around her. Because of them. The people of this village has treated her well. They have accepted her and her powers.
    Thagila slowly nods. "Fine. I will help you, but not for you, but for them." She gestures at the tribespeople. Drandel nods and smiles. "Glad to have you on our team, Thagila." She says.

    The mind recoils from the jab, but the man does not flinch. Then the mind attack you with such force, even you are forced on your knees. The man's mind takes control over your body....
    A giant monster swing his club and hit the man on his stomach. The attack stops. The blow should've crushed any human, but this man survives. Blood trickles down from his mouth. He gasps, "You will all perish. You think the Eye will spare you once this is all over?"
    The monster swing his club again, and the man goes limp.
    Guys I am going to sleep now. I won't be active much tomorrow, bcs I have a very hard Judo camp and lots of homework to manage even tho its sunday D:
  10. IMGAMG

    IMGAMG Co-Owner of TheParadoxGroup

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    (OOC: Is Golesdandt still here?) "I might have another friend who.. Owes me a favor.." says Vocthar
  11. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Name: Ajnin
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    In Legends?: Nope
    Side: Good
    Backstory: He has some sort of amnesia, so not much is known about his past. What happened in his past was that he was raised in Nessak, taught how to fight, etc. He travelled to Troms and Almuj, staying there for some time, where stuff happened that I'm having trouble thinking of, there was a gap, then he went missing. It is unknown how he ended up in a field without memory, however, though he does seem to have a gift for strategy... (I'm obsessed with strategy games irl, so that's sort of mandatory)
    Appearance: Golden Hair, Royal Blue Eyes, wears a robe like this one, with a blue coat underneath.
    Weapons: Some sort of wavy sword that he woke up with. The name "Raijin Blade" is scribbled on it.
    Starting Point: Waking up in a field around -545 -1315 (Yes, I know, I'm being precise)

    Note: I made so many references to a particular game in this application...
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2016
  12. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    Who was that? I ask.
  13. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Right before this post Mael clears his throat and says: "I will not be joining you on this adventure.
    Do you remember how when we first met I was not much more than a ghost held in this realm by my powers. Then Nicholas gave me the light energy which gave me back my physical for, but now that it is gone I can't keep myself here much longer. I realized this back after we disbanded. I had to find a successor." "Luckily I found this little guy." Mael adds and motions to the mysterious pale boy which he has had with him.
    "Blessed with the same powers as me and more he was the perfect apprentice. I believe he has the potential to become alot stronger than I ever could."
    The kid seems to almost shrink when all of you are focusing your attention on him. He half hides behind Mael.
    He seems very shy.

    OOC: now that the introduction is out of the way I will make the character application.

    He will not be a Mael clone. He has other powers too. New powers. You'll see.
    I am trying to make this guy pretty different from Mael.

    Mortem Tenebris




    In Legends?:
    No he was not in the original one.

    He is good but appear to many as evil because of his powers and appearance.

    As a child Mortem had always felt different. He was very secluded from the other kids. He wasn't playing games with them. There were a few different reasons for this. The two most important ones where that he felt like they were alot stupider than he and that people feared him. The parents of the other children feared his pale skin. Their children then adopted that fear and turned it into bullying.

    One morning Mortem woke up and found a man standing above him. He was 8 years old at this time.
    "Who are you?" Mortem asked frightened.
    "I.... I don't know."
    "Why are you in my room? Get out!" Mortem exclaimed.
    The man who, as Mortem now noticed, was not actually touching the floor went out through the wall.
    Mortem didn't know what had happened and was terrified.
    He would meet alot like the man throughout the next few days.
    "They are everywhere! Why don't anyone else notice?!?"
    He quickly figured out that these were the spirits of the dead people.

    After this revelation he would secluded himself even more from society. He would spend days just sitting in his room listening to the whispers of the dead.

    The next few years he noticed other powers too. In this time period he had gotten a very good friend, Socius Blark. Even though Mortem urged Socius to move the the next realm he refused. He wanted to stay here and protect Mortem. Though he hasn't admitted it he also stays because he doesn't want Mortem to be alone.
    Whenever needed Mortem would summon Socius to aid him. He had created a physical body for him too. He was a skeleton with heavy steel Armor and a heavy two-handed sword. In his physical for Socius is very strong and resistent but not very fast.

    One day when Mortem and Socius was talking a strange old man came over to them. Something about this man seemed familiar but Mortem was sure that he had never met the man before.
    "Greetings gentlemen" the old man said.
    Mortem wondered: "did this guy just acknowledge that Socius was here?"
    Then it struck him. The reason he seemed familiar is because he was like Mortem!

    Not much to say more than that Mael began training him and he became almost like a son to him.

    A pale small fragile-looking boy. He has ghostly Grey eyes and very pale skin. His hair is unnaturally black.
    He wears dark clothes.
    He has no cape, staff or hood as Mael. He doesn't need the staff to focus his powers.

    He has the abilities of Mael except the shadow magic that Mael had. (This magic came from his staff) [these powers include but not limited to: communicating with the dead, summoning the dead and helping the dead into the next realm.]

    Also he is not as much a magician as Mael was.
    On top of Mael powers he can telekineticly control bones from dead people. He summons these bones from the realm of death. When they enter out realm they seem to pop up from the ground. This can be used just like Mael's shadow magic. It can be used to throw as deadly ranged weapons or as shields. It can also be utility.
    This power also let's him summon skeletons instead of just wisps and spirits.

    On top of all this he has the ability to interact with people's souls. An example of this would be his sword.

    The Soul Eater is Mortem's sword. It is a ghostlike bonesword. Mortem summons this at will. He can also customize it as he wishes. Mostly he just uses it as a big two-handed sword though.
    The Soul Eater is spawned from Mortem's power to control and summon bones and his power to interact with souls. It does not work like normal swords. It is a ghost-sword it does not hit the flesh of the victim but it's soul. The stronger the soul of the victim (willpower and stuff like that) the more slashes his soul can endure. When it kills someone their soul is absorbed into a small gem which is above the hilt and keeps fading in and out of dark purple and black. From here Mortem can communicate them, torment them (though he doesn't because he is not evil) and other such things. Every soul that is there empowers him. He can also release someone's soul if needed.

    Even though The Soul Eater is ghostly and all that it can still block other swords and stuff like that. Also Mortem can take away the ghost properties of it to make it just a bonesword.

    "But isn't it a bit stupid that you attack someone's soul when the others attack them physically." I hear you say. I really don't I just needed a reason to explain this.
    No it is not. And I will explain why.
    When someone is hurt physically the pain they feel wears them down mentally which in turn weakens their soul. That also goes the other way.

    Starting Point:
    The meeting.

    I am gonna eksperiment with this character. Since he is a new character that is brought into the group I thought: "What if I make him develop his relationship with the others throughout the adventure?" In the start he is all shy and stuff but then the more he is with the group the more he likes them and trusts them.
    This also fits perfectly with his character. :)
    I probably won't be able to do this very well, but I will try ;)

    I think that was it. :)
  14. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    meh i like weirdos XD
  15. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Bailwolf shakes his head. "You know, Golesdandt's still a monster. He might respect you, but he will attack us with full force if we were to enter the Lost Sanctuary. I know the nature of monsters; he won't help us."
    Salomnis speaks up. "While my time in Nesaak, I came across a boy who had a skill of fighting. He has some kind of amnesia; he doesn't remember what he was before. He might help us. There are rarely any warriors like him."
    "This boy might work for us." Katherine says. "Faster we go to Gavel, the better. Mael, can you look after Salomnis, while we are away?"
    Mael thinks about this. He nods. "If that is needed, I will do so."
    "It's settled, then. I'll get Thagila, and the others get this boy in Nesaak." Drandel says. "We will meet in Nemract."
    "I have a small business to atttend to. I shall fly fast and far, I have to find a man in Ragni." Katherine says.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
  16. IMGAMG

    IMGAMG Co-Owner of TheParadoxGroup

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    "How will we know which one is the boy?" says Vocthar.
  17. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    OOC: I kinda wrote in my story that Mael would be going back to the realm of the dead.
  18. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Okay, Ajnin. I have no idea where those coordinates are, so let's say you're in Nesaak.
    The villagers are excited about something. They crowd at the edge of Nesaak, apparently waiting for someone.
    Four people arrive at the village. The leading man has a slim figure, with dark hair. A great bow is slung over his shoulder. He wears a cloak, and his purple eyes automatically sweep the area for any threats. The second is a short boy, also with a great bow. He wears a greenish armour, with a helm of great craftmanship. The third wears a full black body armour, with fire erupting around his shoulders. A huge sword is on his back. The last figure is a small, fragile looking boy, but a certain aura surround him. He has the palest skin you have ever seen. The boy has grey eyes, and jet black hair. He wears dark clothes, and no armour.
    The last boy speaks something into the air, and a shadowy figure rise from the ground. Only his companions and you seem to notice the ghost.
    The boy asks something to the ghost who points its ghostly finger at you.
    The four walk toward you.
    oh well. "I shall endure my time here on this realm until Salomnis's corruption stabilise."
  19. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    BTW @Amun_Ra in the original post under the "setting" section you wrote Selchar wrong ;)
  20. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    You're eagle-eyed, aren't ya? I fixed it, thanks for telling me.
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