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Moon's Dragon: Another Universe Rp [ended]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Gushy48, Sep 25, 2016.


What kind of RP should I create next?

Poll closed Mar 30, 2017.
  1. World Based (This RP is world based)

    4 vote(s)
  2. Story/Lore Based (No short replies)

    1 vote(s)
  3. Combat Based (Requires brains and not luck)

    2 vote(s)
  4. Sci-Fi Theme (I seen no RPs have this kind of theme)

    3 vote(s)
  5. Magical Medieval Theme (The current theme and the most used one)

    2 vote(s)
  6. Nether (It will shed some light on this universe's Nether)

    0 vote(s)
  7. Survival Theme (Imagine Apocalypse Realm but better)

    4 vote(s)
  8. Modern Theme (It's like life, but better!)

    2 vote(s)
  9. Dystopia Theme? (Need suggestions on this one

    1 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    This is my second RP. The old one went downhill fast, so I had to make a new one. Anyway, this RP is set in Wynncraft (since I am too lazy to make a new world) and it's based off of the DnD show: URealms Live

    This is for new people that's interested in joining the RP. Don't be intimated by the page count, there's a reference page that sums up all of the important stuff: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/moons-dragon-reference.163386/

    Before there was the Void, before the realms, and before the universe, there was five dragons:
    Nama, Dragon of Magic
    Headt, Dragon of Darkness
    Gilth, Dragon of Light
    Telmeen, Dragon of Elements
    Oomn, Dragon of Moon

    They created the world, thus...They were called the Dragon Aspects. But, another has entered the fray.

    Baetylus, Dragon of Creation

    Classes that are revealed.


    [Use x] - Can only be used x amount of times (Ex: [Use 1] Can only be used once)
    [Turn x] - Lasts for only x amount of turns (Ex: [Turn 2] Lasts for two turns)
    [Charge x] - Skill needs x amount of turns to use (Ex: [Charge 10] Needs ten turns to be used)
    [Combat x] - Skill lasts for x amount of combat(s) (Ex: [Combat 1] Lasts for one combat)

    None of these classes are available for applications.
    Qira's Assistant:
    All the summoned monsters can use a random element

    Summon Division Boss: Summon a random division boss [Use 1]
    Summon Drone: Summon an elemental drone [Use 2]
    Summon Qira: Summon a less powerful version of Qira [Use 1]
    Summon Death: Summon a less powerful version of Death [Use 1]
    Summon Robert: Summon a less powerful version of Bob [Use 1]

    : If HP drops to 50, counter all missed attacks for the damage that the missed attack would do

    Counter: Counter all attacks landed on Ajinin from the previous turn for half damage
    Smoke Dummy: Vanish and create a replica that cannot attack
    Fatal Blow: Strike an enemy for either increased damage or weaken armor
    Assassinate: If undetected, deal 50 damage to an enemy [Use 1]

    Dark Daggers: Summon up to three daggers that target a single enemy for 10 each
    Glitch: Meta Skill, able to distort replies by the Voice in the Sky [Use 1]
    Summon Demon: Summon a demon from the Astral Realm to fight for you [Use 1]
    Banish: Banish a single monster to hell [Use 1]
    From Shadows: Disappear to the shadows, only to appear the turn after [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Damage Curse: Reduce your enemies' damage output to 1 [Use 1]

    Passive: Purity Illusions- Illusions hurt minions of darkness when attacked

    Mind Games: Manipulate an opponent into attacking any unit, including itself

    Weapon: Dawn Staff, can use 2 support abilities per turn

    If your basic attack misses, then your next attack will do +5 damage. It does not stack with ranged weapons

    Tripwire: Attach a tripwire in the battlefield that will explode when triggered. It will do 30 damage. [Charge 1/Uses 2]
    Pit: Dig a pit that will trap an enemy until the battle is over, or they climb out. [Charge 3/Use 1]
    Dart Trap: Place down a portable dart trap in the battlefield that will shoot darts for 5 damage each. It will attack five times each turn. [Turn 4/Uses 2]
    Swinging Pendulum: Build a swinging spiked log that will do 40 damage when triggered. The poor person who triggered this trap will have to take a turn to take the spikes off of him/her, if they aren't dead. [Charge 2/Use 1]
    Adventurer's Cliche: Build a massive boulder that rolls when triggered. It will cause an instant Death Roll to whoever it crushes. [Charge 5/Use 1]

    (Tripwire = 2-4 to trigger)
    (Deep Pit = 5-6 to trigger)
    (Dart Trap = 7-10 to trigger)
    (Swinging Pendulum = 11-12 to trigger)
    (Adventurer's Cliche = 1 or 19 to trigger)

    Dark Rags:
    The rags are immune to all kinds of light magic.

    Pyramid Plague: Summon a violet force of dark magic to aid you. It deals 50 damage per hit. [Charge 1/Use 1/Turn 2]
    Dark Bath: Drown an enemy in dark magic. It will deal 20 damage each turn until the enemy is either dead, or have escaped. [Use 2]
    Soulfire Shards: Steal the souls of the dead, and fire it at the enemies for 15 damage. It can have up to five bolts at one time, but it needs five dead bodies. [Use 1]
    Dark Eyes: Turn your eyes red, all of the enemies in the battlefield have to roll to get stunned. [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Sand Control: Grab an enemy, and force sand in their eyes, controlling them. On a critical success, they will be yours forever. [Use 1]
    Holy Rags:
    The rags are immune to all kinds of dark magic.

    Entomb: Entomb a target. When used on allies, they get healed 20HP each turn. When used on enemies, they get dealt 20 Damage each turn until they die or escape. [Turn 3/Use 1]
    Ragged Blockade: Extend your rags to deflect all attacks on an ally. Absorb the damage taken, and use it as your shield. Like, take 10 Damage, get 10 Shield. [Turn 1/Use 2]
    Sunburst: Burst an enemy into flames. They take 10DoT until they put it out. Allies hit by this skill will earn 10HP. [Use 3]
    Temple Totem: Summon a totem to apply on an ally. They will heal for 5HP each turn. [Turn 5/Use 1]
    Cold Bath: Dunk your party in cold water. They will feel rejuvenated for 10HP each. [Use 3]
    Sandy Rags:
    The rags are always covered in sand. You are hidden for the first turn in combat if in a desert area.

    Sandkinesis: Control all sand nearby into your will. [Turn 1]
    Quicksand: Drown an enemy in sand for 20DoT each turn until they are dead or have escaped. [Use 1]
    Sand Golem: Create a golem made of sand. They deal 20 Damage and take 60 Damage until they are destroyed. If attacked by water, they are instantly destroyed without question. [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Sand Bullet: Create 10 bullets made of sand. Each bullet deals 5 Damage and can attack any number of targets numerous times. [Use 1]
    Sandcastle: Conjure armor made of sand on an ally. They are granted 50 Shield. [Use 1]
    Noble Rags:
    The Serns treat you like royalty. One Sern nearby will take a damage for you, if you command it.

    Rotten Grapes: Throw some grapes at anyone. They will take 20 Damage because it's rotten grapes.
    Reverse Ye Sanders: Inspire your entire party to defend instead of attacking. They will take half damage. [Use 1]
    Sand'E Ball: Throw a copyrighted Sand'E Ball at an ally. They are buffed to deal 50 Damage at their next attack...Except the target is incredibly slow, and needs three turns to attack. [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Here Goes Your Life!: Stand up, and attack an enemy. They will do a Deadly Death Roll. [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Oasis: Summon an oasis for you to drink. It will heal for 50HP, but if anyone that is not a Sern Noble drinks out of it, then you take 50 Damage. [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Blessed Rags:
    Luck is in your favor.

    Call of Anubis: Call for a Blessing of Anubis. An ally will be immediately revived at the cost of 50HP of your own. [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Magic of Isis: Cast a random spell that does double damage [Use 5]
    Bast's Gift: Get a cat. Yeah. It's a cat. Meow. [Use 1]
    Creation of Ptah: Wish for Ptah's creation. Anything can appear. [Charge 3/Use 1]
    Nut's Star: Summon a star that will grant a random buff, or debuff: Triple Damage/50 Shield/Half Damage/Forgiving Death Roll

    Tomes cannot be lost or taken, only destroyed.

    Tome summon:
    Summon a random tome. [Use 5]
    Void Magic: Destroy a tome to deal 30 damage.
    Library of Knowledge: Cast a random spell from a random tome to replace that tome.
    Library of Ignorance: Destroy a random tome to deal a random amount of damage.
    Dragon Tome: Summon a Dragon Tome. Will disappear after one spell is cast. [Charge 1/Use 1]

    Offensive runes does nothing to you and your allies

    Explosion Rune: Cast a rune that explodes for 20 damage
    Jump Pad Rune: Cast a rune that sends people flying high in the air
    Bubble Rune: Cast a rune that gives 15 Shield [Uses 3]
    Fire Pillar Rune: Cast a pilar of fire that does 15 damage
    PiercerRune: Cast a rune that goes through Damage Resistance and Shield for 20 damage

    Not Original:
    Do +1 damage for every different class in your party

    Conjure Wand: Conjure a wand that uses the Mage skills [Use 1]
    Conjure Daggers: Conjure a couple of daggers that uses the Assassin skills [Use 1]
    Conjure Bow: Conjure a bow that uses the Ranger skills [Use 1]
    Conjure Spear: Conjure a spear that uses the Warrior skills [Use 1]
    Conjure Jack-In-The-Box: Conjure a random weapon that will be chosen by VITS [Use 1]

    (The skills will end when you want it to end)

    You are immune to any effect of the mind

    Foretell Future: Succumb to a seizure in order to see a vision of the future, or past.
    Nightmare: Give an enemy their worst nightmare, making them go insane [Turn 1]
    Memory Erase: Erase a target's memory. The intervals are 1 hour, 1 day, and 1 week [Use 1]
    Conjure Dream: Conjure a figure from your dream [Use 1]
    Dreambolt: Conjure a bolt of dreams for 20

    Magic and Technology:
    All magic/technology based attacks do more damage

    Rocket Launcher: Pull out a Rocket Launcher that does 50 [Charge 1/Uses 2]
    Force Push: Stun all enemies [Turn 1/Uses 3]
    Radiance: Buff yourself with double damage, and immunity to damage [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Axion Bolt: Cast a bolt that splits into three smaller ones that can hit three separate targets for 10
    Stormtrance: Fire lightning from your hands for 30 [Use 1]

    Basically Dead:
    Deal increased damage to the living

    Summon Dead: Revive 1-3 skeleton(s) based on roll
    Lifesteal: Steal 10HP from your target
    Death Beam: Cast a beam that force a Forgiving Death Roll [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Dead Star: Summon a meteor that deals 20 to everyone
    Golestandt's Breath: Summon gas that makes a target anti-party [Turn 1/Use 2]

    Able to move faster than others.

    Cyclone: Cast a cyclone that sucks everyone up for 30 damage each. Except for you of course. [Charge 1/Use 2]
    Glide: Glide into the air, taking no melee attacks. Ranged attacks can hit, but you can attack back.[Turn 3/Use 1]
    Wind Blast: Bend the wind around you, into a blast of wind in front of you. It will deal 25 damage to all of the enemies and have a chance to stun. [Turn 1/Use 2]
    Nimbus Cloud: Summon a Nimbus Cloud that cannot be touched by physical and magical attacks. It will deal 10 damage each turn. [Turn 3/Use 1]
    Levitate: Levitate everyone around you, causing all of your enemies to be helpless in the air. [Turn 2/Use 1]

    Fired Up:
    Fire does nothing to you.

    Enhanced Pyroblast: The Pyroblast now deals 999 damage. On critical success, it will instantly kill anyone. [Use 1]
    World on Fire: Ignite everything and everyone around you for 20DoT. [Turn 2/Use 1]
    Spontaneous Combustion!: Cast a spell that will randomly combust anyone for 20 damage! [Combat 1/Use 1]
    Fire-Fire: Cast two fireballs because of a hiccup that will do 40 damage. On a critical success, it will combine into a normal Pyroblast that does double damage. [Use 1]
    Endless Pyros: Fire an endless amounts of Pyroblasts, that deals 9999 damage; but, the roll is considered a critical fail if it rolls a 9 or lower. [Charge 1/Use 1]

    Kind Soul:
    Every time you heal, there's a 18-19 that you get healed for 20HP.

    Group Heal: Heal your party for 10HP each. [Use 2]
    Megaheal: Heal an ally for 40HP. [Use 1]
    Phoenix Revive: Revive an unconscious ally to full HP. [Use 1]
    Heroes Never Die: Increase an ally's max HP to 200. [Charge 3/Combat 1/Use 1]
    Healing Touch: Heal 5HP each turn. [Turns 10/Use 1]

    Your entire party is immune from hexes and runes. Key word: Runes.

    Damage Hex: Reduce a target's damage output to 1. [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Insanity Hex: Make a target anti-party. [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Death Hex: Make a target unfairly targeted for death. [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Void Hex: Make a target go to the Void. They have to get out of the Void. [Use 1]
    Spell Hex: Make all spells, except for your allies, unable to be casted. [Turn 1/Use 1]

    Ice Cold:
    Your entire atmosphere and aura is cold.

    Frozen Heart: Touch the heart with a deathly freeze. Stun the enemy, and a critical success on the target will shatter into pieces. [Turn 1/Use 2]
    Ice Spires: Fire ice spires that hit all of your enemies for 15 damage each. [Use 3]
    White Rose: Encase the entire battlefield in ice. Everyone will roll to see if they lose their turn, including allies. [Turn 3/Use 1]
    Winter has Come: All enemies on the battlefield will be encased in ice. The higher the enemies, the lower the chance to succeed. [Turn 2/Use 1]
    Iced Shatter: Shatter one enemy on the battlefield, causing a Deadly Death Roll. [Use 1]

    Cannon Canon:
    There's a 19 chance that you fire twice from your cannon.

    Arm Cannon: Bring out another cannon that's attached to your arm for basic damage. You may fire from that cannon. [Charge 1/Combat 1/Use 1]
    Double Arm Cannon: Bring out yet another cannon that's attached to your other arm for basic damage. You may fire from that cannon. [Charge 1/Combat 1/Use 1]​
    Shoulder Cannon: Bring out another cannon that's attached to your shoulder for basic damage. You may fire from that cannon. [Charge 1/Combat 1/Use 1]
    Dual Shoulder Cannon: Bring out yet another cannon that's attached to your other shoulder for basic damage. You may fire from that cannon. [Charge 1/Combat 1/Use 1]​
    My Cannon's Bigger: Pull out ten cannons that fire for basic damage each. The target may roll to dodge the cannonballs. [Turn 1/Use 1]

    Any actions considered daring or dangerous have a better chance to succeed (+2)

    Blade Dance: Slash widly at your enemy. Has a high chance to miss, but does 50 damage if it hits. [Charge 2/Use 1]
    Cutlass Charge: Rush an enemy with your cutlass, dealing 30 damage [Charge 1/Use 2]
    Grappling Hook: Pull an enemy towards you, stunning them in the process [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Fire Ze Cannons: Summon a shoulder cannon and deal 50 damage to opponents. Has a high chance to fail [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Davy Jones: Open a gateway to the bottom of the ocean and send your opponent through. Takes 10 damage overtime. Remains in the ocean for 5 turns [Charge 3/Use 1]

    One with Animals:
    Always with an animal of the tamer's choice. Be reasonable though.

    Lick Wounds: The tamer and their animal are both healed for 15HP [Uses 3]
    Strangely Cute: The animal will attempt to pacify one of the enemies. On a critical success, the enemy is pacified forever. [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Mini-Beasts: Call for a horde of the tamer's animal, but smaller. Each of them do 5 Damage of their own, and the numbers depends on the roll. (Roll 10 = 10 Mini-Beasts) [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Jugular Bite: Make the tamed animal go for the jugular for 30 Damage and 10DoT. [Turn 3/Charge 1/Use 1]
    Horned Crash: The Beast Tamer will crash into an enemy like a bull, stunning the both of them, letting the animal do 2x damage to the stunned enemy. [Turn 1/Use 2]

    Overpowered in general

    Hero's Call: Buffs allies with immunity to damage, and they do triple damage
    Wolf's Charge: Charge with the spirit of a wolf for 40
    Nuclear Arrow: Fire an arrow that creates a massive explosion for 40
    Thousand Cuts: Cut for it seems like thousand times for 40
    Golden Beam: Fire a golden beam that obliterates everything for 50

    Have a roll to parry one attack each turn

    Heavy Slash: Deal 15
    Shield Bash: Stun an enemy [Turn 1]
    Clash: Be in a roll-off with a melee enemy. The loser takes 30 damage [Use 1]
    Execute: Deal 50 damage [Charge 3/Use 3]
    Pivot: Have increased chance to dodge [Turn 1]

    Warrior of Light:
    Able to use the Light element

    Blockade: Protect an ally from all damage [Turn 1]
    Holy Light: Heal oneself for 10HP
    Armor of Light: Buff an ally with Light armor. They take -5 damage [Turn 1]
    Light Slam: Slam down the hammer with a circle of light, for 15
    Hammer of Light: Imbue the hammer with double damage [Turn 1/Use 3]

    No passive

    Stab?: Stab for either 5, or 20
    Unorthodox Attack: Either deal 30, or take 30
    Nope!: Either stun, or get stunned [Turn 1]
    Shield!: Either take 0 damage, or 20
    Here Goes Nothing!: Either attack for 40 damage, or get knocked out [Time 1]

    Roll to interrupt any and all attacks. Does not use up a turn.

    Astral Attack: Deal double damage in both day and night
    Meditate: Take a turn to either: Heal, increased defense, or do double damage next turn
    Nightingale: Either Heal the target to full. Or make an enemy do an Dangerous Death Roll [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Ying Yang: Deal double damage. Or, be immune to damage next turn [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Stance: Change stance, it does not use up a turn
    Offensive: Attacks does increased damage, but take increased damage
    Neutral: Nothing good nor bad
    Defensive: Increased defense, but do decreased damage

    Do +5 damage if no one attacked you last turn

    Bayonet Stab: Poke out of the bush and stab for 20 damage
    Headshot: Aim for the head for 20 damage
    Bullet Time: All ranged allies have an increased chance to hit [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Loaded Barrel: Attack twice for normal damage
    Body Count: Gain an extra action for every 20 damage you deal [Turn 1]

    (Body Count has to be damage done by the Sniper)

    Able to carry two guns without training, and the first 1 is automatically neglected when firing more than 3 times.

    High Noon: Fire at everyone for normal damage [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Deadeye: Guarantee hit at an enemy
    Pincushion: Unload all the bullets into an enemy [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Standoff: Be in a roll-off with another ranged enemy. The loser takes 30 damage
    Elementia Roulette: Fire one of the five elements at an enemy for 15

    Drunken Fury:
    Take -5 damage for being drunk

    Dynamite: Throw a stick of dynamite that explodes for 15
    Sticky Bomb: Throw a sticky bomb that sticks to an enemy, for guaranteed 20 damage [Turn 1]
    Bomby: Crank a bomb and throw it for 25 [Charge 1]
    Charged Bomb: Throw a bomb that needs to be detonated for normal damage
    Detonate: Detonate all Charged Bombs

    Immunity Potion:
    Immune to all negative effects

    Potion of Slowness: Slows an enemy, making them unable to do anything [Turn 1]
    Potion of Poison: Poison an enemy for 5DoT [Turn 1]
    Potion of Weakness: Greatly reduce an enemy's damage output to 5 [Turn 1]
    Potion of Darkness: Blind an enemy, making them unable to do anything [Turn 1]
    Multi-Potion: Throw a potion that have all the effects [Charge 1/Turn 1]

    Your first shot has a guaranteed chance of hitting

    Impact Arrow: Fire an arrow that sends an enemy flying, stunning them [Turn 1]
    Bomb Arrow: Fire an arrow that explodes on contact for 25 damage [Charge 1/Use 1
    Diamond Arrow: Fire an arrow that pierce through Damage Resistance and Shield for normal damage
    Volley: Fire a volley of arrows for 20
    Bubble Arrow: Fire an arrow that creates a shield that take 25 damage [Uses 3]
    Eagle Vision:
    Your first two shots have a guaranteed chance of hitting

    Boulder Arrow: Fire an arrow that launches an enemy away from the battlefield, taking them out of combat [Charge 3/Use 1]
    Napalm Arrow: Fire an arrow that explodes on contact for 30 damage, plus 10DoT [Charge 1/Uses 3]
    Shining Arrow: Pull back an arrow that pierce through Damage Resistance and Shield for double damage [Uses 2]
    Splitting Volley: Fire a volley of arrows that doubles itself for 40 damage [Charge 1/Uses 2]
    Shield Arrow: Fire an arrow that creates a [40] Shield. [Uses 2]

    Have a horse with you at all times

    Lance Charge: Charge with your horse and deal massive damage depending on your speed [Charge 1]
    Horse Kick: Make your horse kick, stunning an enemy [Turn 1]
    Lance Swing: Swing your lance, hitting every enemy for normal damage
    Iron Steed: Your horse is immune to all damage [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Apple: Give your horse an apple, you can do two more actions [Use 1]
    Armored Mount:
    Your horse mount is now armored. You take -5 damage from now on.

    Crouch Lance Damage: Charge in with your horse and attack more furiously. Damage will depend on your roll. [Charge 1]
    Angry Horse: Make your horse go berserk, stunning an enemy. [Turns 2]
    360 Lance Swing: Hit everyone on the enemy's team for 15 damage
    Diamond Steed: You and your horse is immune to damage. Also, all damage is doubled. [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Golden Apple: Use an golden apple to gain three actions [Use 1]

    Able to combine two skills in one turn, but the rolls get harder (Ex: Iron Fist Wolf Strike)

    Iron Fist: Let out a fist of iron for 15
    Wolf Strike: Attack like a wolf for 15
    Cerberus Kick: Kick for 15
    Bull's Rampage: Attack like a bull for 15
    Suplex: Suplex for 15
    Wombo Combo:
    Combine two skills in one turn and rolls don't get harder each time

    Dragon Fist: The fist becomes a dragon, attack for 20
    Hound Pound: Pound the ground like a wolf, attack for 20
    Cerberus Strike: Kick, punch like a Cerberus, attack for 20
    Bull's Stomp: Stomp the ground like a bull, attack for 20
    Neck Snap: Snap the neck, attack for 20

    Attack twice in one turn

    Tornado: Spin around 360 degrees viciously
    Slice'n'Dice: Attack for 10 and cause 5DoT
    Triple Wield: Wield three swords, with one in your mouth. You can attack thrice [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Crescent Dash: Dash forward and attack for 15
    Smirk: Do 20 for your next attack
    Attack thrice in one turn

    Hurricane: Spin around multiple times slicing air
    Cut and Twist: Attack for 15, and cause 10DoT
    Quintuple Wield: Wield five swords, one in your mouth, two on your feet. You can attack five times [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Crescent Blink: Blink forward and attack for 20
    Grin: Do 30 for your next attack

    Dodge one attack and deal double damage from behind

    Vanish: Turn invisible, you take no damage from any attack. This can be used anytime. [Turn 1/Use 3]
    Hundred Cuts: Attack for it seems like one hundred times, hitting multiple enemies for 20 each. [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Opportune Moment: Attack for 30 damage [Charge 1/Use 2]
    Smoke Bomb: Throw a smoke bomb that blinds an enemy [Turn 1]
    Spin Attack: Spin and attack, for 15
    Snap Pivot:
    Dodge one attack and deal triple damage from behind

    Cloaked Vanish: Turn invisible, and take no damage from any attack. You can deal double damage when using this skill, and it can be used anytime. [Turn 2/Use 2]
    Million Cuts: Attack for it seems like one million times, hitting all of the enemies for 30 each [Charge 2/Use 1]
    Dirty Play: Wait for the right moment to play it dirty for 50 damage [Charge 2/Use 1]
    Poisonous Smoke Bomb: Throw a smoke bomb that blinds, and poison for 10DoT for three turns [Turn 1/Use 3]
    Revolving Blade: Spin around like a tornado that cuts through air for 30 damage [Use 3]

    +10HP just for being big

    Tough Skin: Have a tough skin, taking -5 damage [Turn 1/Use 2]
    Stomping Charge: Charge at an enemy, for 20 [Charge 1]
    Heavy Fist: Punch an enemy with a lot of force, for 20 and stunning them [Turn 1]
    Body Slam: Fall on an enemy, pinning them [Turn 1]
    Rage: Flail five attacks for 10 each [Charge 1/Use 2]
    Fiendishly Big:
    +20HP for being massively giant

    Unbreakable Skin: Grow unbreakable skin, taking -15 damage [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Jurassic Shake: Charge with the might of a dinosaur for 40 Damage [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Beastly Punch: Punch the skull of an enemy, possibly breaking it for 30 damage and stunning them [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Skeleton Crush: Fall on the enemy, breaking their skeleton for 30 Damage and pinning them [Charge 1/Use 1/Turn 2]
    Animal Rage: Flail ten attacks that deals 15 damage each [Charge 3/Use 1]

    Spears pierce through Shield

    Headbutt: Headbutt the enemy, for 20 damage
    Pole Smash: Stun an enemy [Turn 1]
    War Scream: Buff allies with double damage [Turn 1/Uses 5]
    Corrode: Decrease an enemy's defense [Turn 1]
    Spear Throw: Throw your spear for 30 damage, you have to get it back though
    Diamond Tip:
    Spears pierce through Damage Resistance and Shield

    Skull Crush: Crush the skull of the enemy, for 30 damage
    Pole Crash: Stun an enemy [Turns 2]
    Howl: Buff allies with double damage [Turns 2]
    Dent: Remove an enemy's defense completely [Turns 1]
    Spear Chain: Throw your harder for 40 damage, and it comes back to you [Use 1]

    Axes have a 18-19 chance to do 5DoT

    Fury: Become angry. Deal double damage, and have guarantee to hit [Charge 1/Turn 1]
    Flurry: Attack the enemy a ridiculous amount of times for 20
    Blitz: Charge at an enemy to deal 30 [Charge 1]
    Adrenaline: Become immune to damage [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Gut: Deal 15DoT [Charge 1/Turn 1/Use 1]
    Axes have a 17-19 chance to do 10DoT

    Bloodrush: Be extremely angry. Deal 3x damage, and have a guarantee to hit. You may hit up to three times. [Charges 2/Turn 1/Use 1]
    Flurry of Insanity: Attack the enemy for an unbelievable amount of times for 40 damage. [Use 1]
    Bull Rush: Charge at the enemy like a raging bull for 45 damage. [Charge 1/Use 1]
    Masochist: Use this skill in order to gain 1HP for every 5 damage you take. [Turn 3/Use 1]
    Innards Grab: Grab the innards to deal 20DoT [Charge 1/Turn 1/Use 1]

    Just an Illusion:
    Dodge 1 Death Roll each combat

    Illusion: Create an illusion that attracts attention instead of you [Turn 1]
    Insanity Twist: Twist an enemy's mind, making them go insane [Turn 1]
    Wormhole: Cast a wormhole that sucks everyone, including allies, in for 30 [Uses 2]
    Tinderflame: Cast a line of fire that doesn't go out for 20 [Uses 3]
    Invisibility: Become invisible, no one can see you [Turn 1/Uses 2]

    Never Alone:
    -5 damage if you're not alone

    Summon Elemental: Summon an elemental, choose the element [Uses 3]
    Summon Golem: Summon a golem [Use 1]
    Summon Warrior: Summon a Warrior [Use 1]
    Summon Mage: Summon a Mage [Use 1]
    Clone: Summon a clone of a target [Use 1]
    Always Surrounded:
    -10 damage if you are not alone

    Summon Elemental Squad: Summon a squad of elemental monsters, choose the element [Uses 2]
    Summon Dual Golems: Summon two golems [Use 1]
    Summon Knight: Summon a Knight [Use 1]
    Summon Wizard: Summon a wizard [Use 1]
    Two Clones: Summon two clones of a target [Use 1]

    Brain Over Brawn:
    Do +5 against physical damager dealers

    Heal: Heal for 20HP [Uses 5]
    Mirage: Teleport and set a mirage that attract attention [Turn 1]
    Elemental Beam: Fire a beam of a random element for 15 [Uses 3]
    Magic Missile: Fire two missiles that target a random enemy for 20 each [Uses 5]
    Fireball: Cast a fireball that does 20 [Uses 5]
    Knowledge over Power:
    Do +10 against physical damager dealers

    Greater Heal: Heal for 30HP [Uses 3]
    Mirror Mirror: Teleport and set a mirage that attracts attention for longer [Turn 2]
    Dragon Beam: Fire a larger beam of a random element for 20 [Uses 2]
    Arcane Missiles: Fire four missiles that target different enemies for 25 each [Uses 3]
    Pyroblast: Cast a massive fireball that does 999 damage [Use 1]

    Circle Shield:
    Have 25 shield each combat

    Give Shield: Give an ally 20 shield [Uses 2]
    De-Shield: Strip an enemy of all shield [Uses 2]
    Fixer-Upper: Boost all allies shield by 5 [Uses 3] (Note: This only applies to allies that HAVE shield)
    Shield of Bonds: Every ally gets 10 shield each [Use 1]
    Clean: Remove all debuffs off of an ally [Uses 3]
    Tower Shield:
    Have 50 shield every combat

    Blessing of Shield: Give an ally 40 Shield [Uses 2]
    Defenseless: Strip all enemies of Shield [Use 1]
    Shield Aura: Add 2o Shield to allies that HAVE Shield [Uses 2]
    Friendship Shield: Give all allies 30 Shield [Use 1]
    Ankh Shield: Give all allies immunity to debuffs [Use 1]

    Decreased chance to get hit

    Hit Mark: Mark an enemy. The enemy have a guaranteed hit by allies [Combat 1/Use 1]
    Frail Mark: Mark an enemy. They take +5 [Combat 1/Use 1]
    Armored Mark: Mark an ally. Take -5 DR [Combat 1/Use 1]
    Quickness Mark: Mark an ally. Have an increased chance to dodge [Combat 1/Use 1]
    Redirect Mark: Mark an enemy. Make the enemy take all the damage from allies and enemies [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Decrease the change to get hit further

    Surety Mark: Mark an enemy. Allies have a guaranteed hit to this enemy for 2x damage [Combat 1/Use 1]
    Corrode Mark: Mark an enemy. Take 2x damage [Combat 1/Use 1]
    Iron Mark: Mark an ally. Take -10 [Combat 1/Use 1]
    Shadow Mark: Mark an ally. Better chance to dodge [Combat 1/Use 1]
    Martyr Mark: Mark an enemy. All damage is redirected to the target [Turns 2/Use 1]

    Protect Me:
    The Leader cannot die until one other ally dies

    Jolly Roger: Heals all allies for 10HP
    Inspiration: Buff the party with double damage [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Don't Die: Buff the party, they take -5 damage [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Helping Hand: Remove a debuff from an ally
    Immortal: Make an ally immune to all damage [Charge 3/Turn 1]
    Die For Me!:
    The Commander cannot die until all of his allies die

    Bolster Spirits: Heal all allies for 30HP
    Deity: Buff the party with triple damage [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Undying: Buff the party with immunity to damage [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Golden Hand: Remove all the debuffs for your allies
    Godly: Make your party immune to everyone [Turn 1/Use 1/Charge 3]

    Meta Classes are unable to be chosen for applications.
    Meta Guardian:
    Unable to take any damage from mortals. Only able to take damage by gods and themselves

    Divine Intervention: Force a reroll on a target. You can't reroll a 1 or a 20.
    Unholy Divine Intervention: Force a roll to be a 1
    Holy Divine Intervention: Force a roll to be a 20​
    Metavive: Revive all allies
    Revive Character: Revive a character created by the gods [Use 1 Lifetime]
    Revive NPCs: Revive a whole town filled of NPCs [Use 1 Lifetime]​
    Meta Shield: Give all allies 100 Shield
    Plot Shield: Give allies the ultimate shield​
    Control by VITS: Give the control of NPCs to me. Some gods can't be trusted [Turn 1]
    Reincarnation: Die, and be reincarnated as a different person [Use 1 Lifetime] (Revive Character/NPC is refreshed when Reincarnation is used)

    (Use 1 Lifetime is the Meta Guard can only use that skill once per lifetime)

    Tomes are for magic-based players/NPCs. Or, it's found throughout the world.

    There are 9 Dragon Tomes found in Wynn. One is in possession of Greed in the Apocalypse Realm, and the rest are in Daragor's care.

    Offensive Spells:
    Ultimate Pyroblast: Unleash a destructive Pyroblast that deals 9999 damage. It destroys and incinerates everything in it's path. [Use 1]
    Emphaversion: Cast a beam of pure energy that deals 9999 damage. Once this is cast, you must do a Death Roll. [Use 1]
    Temporal Shift: Freeze time for everyone but yourself. You may do anything you want. [Turn 2/Use 1]
    Null and Void: Destroy all spells and all actions used/casted in the current turn. [Use 1]
    Time Decay: Fast forward time for an object/person. Be wary of what you use this on. [Use 1]
    Summon Lunar Guardian: Summon a Lunar Guardian. [Turn 3/Use 1]
    Conjure Rift Tear: Conjure the sword Rift Tear. [Use 1] (Can last as long as you like)
    Dragon Fury: Give an ally 5x Damage, -250 Damage Resistance, and 1000 Shield. [Turn 2/Use 1]
    Shiftshape Dragon: Shiftshape into a Dragon. [Turn 5/Use 1]
    Voidwhisper: Whisper into the Void. [Use 1]
    Defensive Spells/Supportive Spells:

    Shield of Top'L: Give an ally 1000 Shield, and a special effect. [Turn 5/Use 1]
    Nether Armor: Give -1000 Damage Resistance to an ally [Turn 5/Use 1]
    Mary Sue: Become the most interesting person alive. No one wants to see you die, and is willing to die for you. [Turn 1/Use 1]
    VITS-Approved Undeath: Make an ally immune to death. [Combat 1/Use 1]
    Extreme Reflect: Reflect all damage taken in one turn to a target [Use 1]
    Holy Divine Intervention: Make a roll a 20 [Use 1]
    Unholy Divine Intervention: Make a roll a 1 [Use 1]
    Wizard Of Nama: Make all casted spells a 20 [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Nire Shield: Conjure a shield that takes all of the damage directed at allies [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Inspiring Cry: Make all allies have a free basic attack for 3x damage [Use 1]
    Roleplay Spells:

    Let's just say that this tome have infinite roleplay spells. It's like teleport to this, build this, basically any spell that's convenient

    Currently in Ragni's shop for 15LE. One is in possession of Ghana Ens Sin.

    Spirit of Aldorei: Summon a spirit of Aldorei to fight for you [Use 1]
    Iron Yrobalicy Form: Change into an Iron form, making you have +30 Damage Resistance

    Current possession is in Valeeri. The previous owner is Revived Takumi, who is dead again.

    Dreamweaver Tome:
    Have all Dreamweaver skills. This tome will only apply to people of the Dreamweaver class.

    Mind Invade:
    Go inside the mind of a person, and read their thoughts
    Deji Mind Trick: Control a target using a mind trick [Use 1]
    Dream Cloud: Cast a cloud of dreams, putting everyone but you to sleep. There's a chance of a Nightmare occurring for each person sleeping [Use 1]
    Deep Sleep: Put a target to sleep for the whole combat. There's a chance of a Nightmare occurring, which will immediately wake the target up [Use ]
    Dream Staff: Conjure a staff that does 20 damage

    Valeeri's Tome: Have access to the Sern Dark Mage, and the Dreamweaver skills

    Pyrostun: Stun a group of enemies that take 20DoT. [Turn 2/Use 1]
    Gaseous Ice: Conjure iced gas that have a chance to freeze anyone it hits. [Turn 1/Use 3]
    Pyramid Plague: Summon a violet force of dark magic to aid you. It deals 50 damage per hit. [Charge 1/Use 1/Turn 2]
    Dark Bath: Drown an enemy in dark magic. It will deal 20 damage each turn until the enemy is either dead, or have escaped. [Use 2]
    Soulfire Shards: Steal the souls of the dead, and fire it at the enemies for 15 damage. It can have up to five bolts at one time, but it needs five dead bodies. [Use 1]
    Dark Eyes: Turn your eyes red, all of the enemies in the battlefield have to roll to get stunned. [Turn 1/Use 1]
    Sand Control: Grab an enemy, and force sand in their eyes, controlling them. On a critical success, they will be yours forever. [Use 1]
    Mind Invade: Go inside the mind of a person, and read their thoughts
    Deji Mind Trick: Control a target using a mind trick [Use 1]
    Dream Cloud: Cast a cloud of dreams, putting everyone but you to sleep. There's a chance of a Nightmare occurring for each person sleeping [Use 1]
    Deep Sleep: Put a target to sleep for the whole combat. There's a chance of a Nightmare occurring, which will immediately wake the target up [Use 1]
    Dream Staff: Conjure a staff that does 20 damage

    Entity 0's Tome:

    Earth Tomb:
    The floor under the enemy gives way to a little underground space, then the roof covers itself back up with dirt. Traps the enemy, does no damage (1 time)
    Earth wall: Creates a wall made of dirt, blocking the enemy's path. Doesn't do damage but blocks the enemy's way. But, it does damage when standing on it, and fall damage (1 time)
    Mini Army: Summons 5 mini Entity 0's that listen to Entity 0's commands. Have 20 health each and do 10 damage each (1 time)
    Earth Spikes: Summons sharp spikes made of earth around either Entity 0 or its enemy. Does 10 damage if ran across
    Dirt/Stone Rocket: Shoots a big pillar of dirt and stone out of the ground at the enemy. Does 40 damage (1 turn to charge)

    Slevis's Tome:
    Have all Necromancer skills. It's currently in possession of Black Jack 'Deadeye' Jernigan.

    Dark Daggers: Summon up to three daggers that target a single enemy for 10 each
    Glitch: Meta Skill, able to distort replies by the Voice in the Sky [Use 1]
    Summon Demon: Summon a demon from the Astral Realm to fight for you [Use 1]
    Banish: Banish a single monster to hell [Use 1]
    From Shadows: Disappear to the shadows, only to appear the turn after [Use 1]
    Damage Curse: Reduce your enemies' damage output to 1 [Use 1]

    Winter's Tome:
    Have all Wizard skills.

    Summon Leaves: Summon leaves for anything
    Circle of Life: Heal everyone back to full [Use 1]

    Rhetsam's Tome:
    Have all Wizard skills.

    Rexcalibur: Send a harmful wind of gust that attacks all enemies for 15 damage each
    Bologanone: Launch a fire for 15 damage, and 5DoT
    Thoron: Shoot lighting for 20 damage

    Ayumu's Tome:
    Have all Illusionist skills.

    Mind Games: Manipulate an opponent into attacking any unit, including itself

    Yansur's Tome:
    Have all Warlord skills.

    Summon Division Boss: Summon a random division boss [Use 1]
    Summon Drone: Summon an elemental drone [Use 1]
    Summon Qira: Summon a less powerful version of Qira [Use 1]
    Summon Death: Summon a less powerful version of Death [Use 1]
    Summon Robert: Summon a less powerful version of Bob [Use 1]

    Remedy- Restores 25 HP to an ally
    Icy Blink- Teleport and attack enemies near the destination with ice magic.
    Icicle Rain- Send a volley of sharp icicles at a target [2 Turn Cooldown]
    Snow Ray- Send a beam of ice that freezes stuff, including enemies [2 Turn Cooldown]

    Faryen's Tome:
    Have all Summoner skills.

    Minion Summoning: Summon 2 of a minion. The creature and amount depends on the summoner. (1 time)
    Beast Summoning: Summon 1 of some sort of creature. Animal depends on summoner. (1 time)
    Ultimate Summon: Summon an extremely powerful creature. Creature depends on summoner. This ability can be used once per battle and takes a turn to charge. (1 time)

    Shade: Radio
    Rogue: Radio, Diffraction Crystal Star, Summoning Crystal Star
    Skull: None
    Christopher: None
    Rah: None
    Daniel/Cindy Fate: 10V 4VK, Blessing of Kindness
    Cosmic Armor Set with Cosmic Shield:
    +5 Damage with Spells
    Very Shiny

    Blessing of Kindness
    : You have an aura of kindness around you. Everyone is more tolerant and respectful around you.

    Valeeri: 15LE 24EB, Dreamweaver Tome, Sern Dark Mage Tome, Winchester Rifle, Dragon's Fang, Crowd Control Tome, Flynn's Gunsword, Dual Blood Moon Kukri's

    Flynn's Gunsword:
    15 Damage Melee/20 Damage Ranged

    Dragon's Fang
    10 Damage
    10-15 Chance to cause 10DoT

    Vampire Fang
    5 Damage
    +5HP when attacking with this dagger

    Badass Armor + Helmet + Iron Shield

    Cassandra: None
    Jack Al-Trade: None
    Ghana: Resistant Dragon's Dagger
    Resistant Dragon's Dagger
    15 Damage
    +2DR for every attack. Lasts until the end of combat

    Soul: None
    Senna: 32EB
    Gyros: None
    Leo: None


    Dern Invading Party:

    Nicolas (Weaver): Radio
    Nagmib: Wagon, radio
    Phoenix: Airship, radio

    Skull's Entourage:
    Helter: None
    Yorick: None
    James (Bones): None
    Leon: None

    Shade's Aldorians:
    Marty: None
    Shadow: None
    Tersalt: None
    Tanlef: None
    Elle: None
    Leiget: None
    Fleces: None

    Rogue's Bros:

    Ghana's Mythic Hunters:
    Lykos Lang [Hunter]: None
    Ira Impetus [Pyromaniac]: None
    Terry [Protector]: None
    Effie [Knight]: None
    (Void Rift Character) Dominus Terrae: None

    Astral Vanguard:
    Hotaru [Ranger]: None
    (Alchemist) Yuo: None
    Garnet [Ranger]: None
    Nelsor [Paladin]: None
    Isamu: [Blader]: None
    Jaed [Alchemist]: None
    Eran [Warrior]: None
    Nebra [Swordsman]: None
    Youta [Astral Assassin]: None
    Heltor [Swordsman]: None
    Naoki [Assassin]: None
    Ken [Swordsman]: None
    Enkar [Ranger]: None
    Kohaku [Mage]: None
    Takeshi [Lancer]: None
    Amual [Swordsman]: None
    Eyer [Assassin]: None
    Kerun [Warrior]: None
    Kyn [Mage]: None
    Megumi [Mage]: None
    Kiyoshi [Mage]: None

    Deadeye's Guerilla Group:
    (Sniper) Pablo: None
    (Ranger) Amero: None
    (Mage) Mack: None
    (Runecaster) James: None
    (Conjurer) Marie: None
    (Wizard) Nisovan: None
    (Necromancer) Gushy: None
    (Illusionist) Nisovin: None

    Valeeri's Crew:
    (Beast Tamer) Quartermaster Scott: None
    (Specialized Gunslinger) Luke: None
    (Cannoneer) Toby: None
    (Mage) Sophia: None
    (Ranger) Cassie: None
    (Runecaster) Lowell: None
    (Assassin) Ren: None
    (Harpy) Avia: None
    (Hunter/Character) Brutus: None

    Rah's Sern Squad:
    Sehn: None
    Murah: None
    Hurn: None
    Yem: None

    Cassandra's Fairy Friends
    (Assassin) Sophie: None

    Rogue (He still doesn't know his real name.)

    Male 28


    After Ragnar was struck down and things had settled, Rogue left. He wanted to live a normal life. With his bloodlust it can be hard though. He was found very fast by the military. At first he was imprisoned in a magic prison that limited his teleporting so he couldn't escape.

    After what felt like an eternity for Rogue he was moved by the Commitee of Wynn. For the second time in his life someone had taken him away because "he could be useful". He was moved to a cell in an unknown location.
    The Commitee of Wynn wanted to use him to take out key targets. These targets could be anything that the Commitee recognised as a threat. An example of a "threat" could be people speaking out against theCommitee. Pretty much anyone they want to eliminate. He is the one doing the "less official jobs" if you can say that. The dirty jobs. The shady jobs. Anything the Commitee doesn't want the public (or any people in general for that sake) to know about.

    All of this is only known to the Commitee and a seleceted few who maintains him and his prison. He is a sort of governmental secret.
    They gave him a black magical marking. This marking could be used to locate, execute and communicate with him.

    As time went and Rogue was successful all the time the resources the government used on him increased. His prison had turned into his own little training hall. Here he, among other things, trained combat, parkour and his ability to teleport.
    They also upgraded his arsenal in a few ways.

    Here he remains to this day, doing any job the Commitee tell him to.

    Primary Weapon:

    The same daggers as before though they have magic runes that make them poisonous.

    Other weapons Weapon:

    1. His throwing knives
      1. Nothing has changed
    2. His bow
    Rogue refuses to change to guns. He likes the bow more because of how it can interact with his powers. (More on this later)
    He has become even better with a bow.

    The changes to his powers:

    First of all he's just simply got better at weaving teleports into other actions.

    He is also just better at it and can TP more things with him. He can TP up to 2 persons with him on regular teleports. This is a little hard for him though.

    While he before could TP other people and things with him he couldn't TP other things or people separate from him. He now can. He now has the ability to TP small'ish objects separately from himself.
    He doesn't have to touch the object but he will have to point his hands in the general direction. The objects can be up to half a meter away from him.
    He can use this to shoot an arrow and then TP it so it comes from behind the guy he is shooting instead of from Rogue's own position.

    He can also turn around anything he TP's. This will also turn around the forces that are working on that thing.

    He has also got a channeled party-wide long-range teleport. This requires alot of focus and therefore cannot be used in combat or as an escape from combat. It is for traveling purposes only.
    It will takeep a few minutes to channel depending on the distance he wants to TP. He can ofcourse not TP to somewhere he hasn't been before because he doesn't know where it is.

    Changes to arsenal/gear:

    • The Commitee has made him some magical gloves and boots that make him able to crawl on walls and ceilings. (Yes. He is now spiderman XD)
    • His leather Armor is magically enhanced to better withstand bullets and therefore still allow for great moving.
    • His Armor and cloak now almost completely blends into shadows. The darker the shadow the harder it is to see him.

    Starting Place:

    In his cell training and waiting for the next mission.


    His prison is underground and has no entraces or exits. Anybody who wants to get there teleports there.

    It was first after I had written this i realised that his timeskip backstory is pretty much Suicide Squad XD

    Please tell if my character is not lore-friendly or in some other way cannot be axepted :)

    Name: Fenrus
    Gender/Age: Male, 25
    Race: Elf
    Backstory: With the destruction of Aldorei, there weren't a lot of places for Fenrus to go. Because of this, when Aldorei fell, he ran underground with his old friend, Galli. They spent an unknown amount of time living in caves, surviving on whatever they could find. When they were finally sick of living underground, they went up into the light...

    And were immediatly attacked by orcs who had moved into the ruins of Aldorei. While they tried to fend them off, Galli caught a sword in the abdomen and fell. Because of this, Fenrus went into a massive rage and slaughtered the orcs, then knelt by Galli's side. With Galli's final breath, she blessed him for good fortune and safe travels, then quietly died. Fenrus, in shambles, made his way to the only place he knew, Elifim, unknowing of it's destruction.
    Primary Weapon: Shortbow
    Secondary Weapon: Twin Daggers, named 'Galli' and 'Aldorei'
    Realm/Starting Place: Just outside Aldorei, by Cinfras ruins.
    Other: Has little knowledge of Wynn, and knows only the names of Dern and the Astral Realm.

    Name: Gyros
    Gender/Age: 55
    Race: Headmaster
    Backstory: Gyros grew up as a member of the Astral Order, training to one day defend the Astral Realm from all invaders. However, When Robert Kailo arrived in the Astral Realm, Gyros' life took a turn for the worse. He fled from Robert Kailo, and nearly died during the escape attempt, but he survived. He ran through the Jungles of the Astral Realm, until he finally found his way to an old cave in the deepest parts of the jungle. He ventured inside, and stumbled across an old woman. Being the gentleman that he was, he went over to talk to the old woman, when he suddenly became frozen. The woman stood up, and said,

    "Finally! I'm finally free of the curse! I can move! I can MOVE! That witch will not best me! So long, sir!"

    The witch fled from the cavern. As Gyros tried to struggle to turn around, he found his consciousness fading. He slowly tried to chase after her, but he faded into blackness and fell into a deep sleep.

    Several years later, after Robert Kailo was removed from the Astral Realm, he suddenly woke up again. He awoke to find a frozen woman right in front of him, and a voice in his head said:

    "When one awakes, another takes their place. So says the curse"

    Gyros ran from the cave, all the way back to the Astral Order. He then spent the next 10 years rising through the ranks to become a Headmaster.

    Primary Weapon: Gunsword
    Secondary Weapon: Revolver
    (Optional) Class: Gunslinger
    Realm/Starting Place: Arcania
    Other: Became a Headmaster a few days before Valeeri was shot, so is relatively new

    New character hype!

    Name: Soul
    Gender/Age: Male, 19
    Race: Human
    Backstory: Son of a fisherman on the coast of Selchar, Soul was swept away by a tsunami and everyone thought him dead. After 16 years, he merged carrying a trident and having the strange ability to breathe underwater, no one knows what happened in between except him.
    Primary Weapon: Trident
    Secondary Weapon: Water Dagger

    (Optional) Class: /
    Realm/Starting Place: Wynn Realm in Selchar

    Abilities: "One with the tides"
    -/- Can swim very fast in the water, can move water around at his will.

    "Trident Toss"
    -/- Throws his trident as the victim, which then returns to him

    "Infinite Air"
    -/- Can breathe easily underwater

    Weaknesses: -/- Fire hurts Soul a lot. He aint very fast out of water.

    -/- Wears all blue and has a blue beard. Green eyes.

    Death Roll is a mechanic when a NPC or a player reach 0HP. There are stages to the Death Rolls:

    Forgiving Death Roll: This Death Roll is when I don't want anyone to die.
    1-1 = Death
    2-20 = Live

    Death Roll: A normal Death Roll
    1-4 = Death
    5-20 = Live

    Deadly Death Roll: A more dangerous Death Roll
    1-10 = Death
    11-20 = Live

    Dangerous Death Roll: A really dangerous Death Roll
    1-14 = Death
    15-20 = Live

    Impossible Death Roll: It's really impossible
    1-19 = Death
    20 = Live

    Actually Impossible Death Roll: Everyone will die
    1-20 = Death
    21 = Live
    Shield and Damage Resistance is all about absorbing damage.

    [Shield/Damage Resistance]

    You get Shield by finding actual shields throughout the world, or just buy it. You automatically have 0 Shield when you start. A Critical Fail will remove all of your shield.

    Damage Resistance is subtracting damage you take. (Like -10, -5, -100000) You have to find armor or buy armor which subtracts damage. You automatically have 0 Damage Resistance when you start.


    [100/-999] Gushy48: 100/100
    Guns, and bows have an ammo counter. Guns have infinite ammo, but most bows do not. You have to take a turn to reload your gun (Or summon arrows in Takumi's case) back to full.

    Guns has clips (Or however you call them): (5/5, 12/12, etc)
    Bows have quivers: (12/12, 27/27, etc)

    You can fire as many bullets/arrows you want, but there's a high chance of a critical fail.

    One 20 < One 1
    Two 20's > One 1
    One 20 < Two 1's
    Skill Decay:

    Each time you use a skill back-to-back, the chance of it working is decreased every time. This was implemented to avoid breaking the RP. The only way to reset it, is to not use a skill for one turn.

    There are a few exceptions though. The skill decay cannot make a 1, it will automatically become a 2, the lowest value it can reach. On a critical success or a critical fail, the skill decay will be reset. This goes the same with Holy and Unholy Divine Intervention.

    Using skill once: No change
    Using skills twice consecutively: -2 to dice roll
    Using skills thrice consecutively: -4 to dice roll
    Using skills four times consecutively: -6 to dice roll
    Using skills five times consecutively: -8 to dice roll
    Using skills 6+ times consecutively : -10 to dice roll

    Bob used Skill, rolled a 10.
    Bob used Skill, rolled a 19, skill decay makes it a 17
    Bob used Skill, rolled a 15, skill decay makes it an 11
    Bob used Skill, rolled a 16, skill decay makes it an 10
    Bob used Skill, rolled a 17, skill decay makes it an 9
    Bob used skill, rolled a 1o, skill decay makes it an 2

    1. Don't be overpowered.

    2. Don't metagame: You can't know other details without discovering them first, or knowing a character's weakness without being exposed to it.

    3. You determine the action, but I determine the results by a dice roll.

    4. Don't be TOO whiny about the outcome. You're allowed to be whiny, but not to the point where it gets annoying.

    5. Be lore friendly to me.

    6. Don't be a 'Shade'

    Primary Weapon:
    Secondary Weapon:
    (Optional) Class:
    Realm/Starting Place:

    Example App:

    Name: Slevis
    Gender/Age: Male/27
    Race: Elf
    Backstory: A criminal...*good backstory here*
    Primary Weapon: Nightmare Rod
    Secondary Weapon: Mythril Dagger
    Realm/Starting Place: Astral Realm/Arcania
    (Optional) Class: Necromancer
    Other: This is an example app

    Wynn Realm:
    Human: Populate all of Wynn Realm. They use all kinds of weapons.
    Elf: Found in Light Forest. They mainly specialize in magic.
    Orc: Found all around Gavel. They are brutes, and nothing nice.
    Dwarf: Found at the eastern side of Gavel. They are powerful warriors.
    Avos: Found in Corkus. Nothing much is known about them.
    Monster: Found in Wynn Realm. They are hostile to everyone, but their own kind.

    Astral Realm:
    Human: Populate all of Astral Realm. They are soldiers that protect the realm.
    Arcon: Populate the southern of the Astral Realm. They are tribal, master at stealth and traps.
    Sern: Populate Sern Desert. They're masters at dark magic.
    Strider: Found in the ocean. They fit the description of Jack of all Trades, Master of None
    Demon: Found in every bits in the Astral Realm. They are diverse bunch of people, that attack humans and angels.
    Angel: Found in the Astral Realm. They protect the realm from demons, and have an eternal war with them.

    Welpling: It's basically a baby dragon. You better have a good backstory if you want me to accept it.
    Skeleton: A sentient monster. In the Astral Realm, most skeletons are in Bopen's crew.
    Hopen for Bopen: Make the skeleton application join Bopen's crew​
    Shadow: These are mute characters. If you like making your characters mutes, then you'll like this.
    Custom: Create your own race. (If I accept it)

    Headmaster: Be a Headmaster in the Astral Realm. Ten Headmasters left. (Remember, Flynn died)
    Guild Leader: Be a guild leader, but have a VERY detailed application about the guild and the character.
    Gods of Destruction: Be one of the Gods of Destruction, like Robert Kailo and Dominus Terrae. However, not all Gods of Destruction destroy the realms, like Dominus Terrae. A very detailed application is required, like motives, weapons, and the such.

    A lot had happened since September 25, so I decided to update this bit of information. You can discover lore, factions, etc throughout the land. It's your job to check on the tabs to see if anything's new that has been added. And trust me, details will be revealed in the tabs. (Also, just tell me to fill in missing lore. I can't remember everything ya know!)

    Have fun! (And don't summon dragons)

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    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
    NinjaWizard likes this.
  2. TurtleOfTheYear

    TurtleOfTheYear Th3 Pro'est of the Pro's.

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    Whetto better not fuck this up again.
    Ill create my character in a bit. Im gonna create a new one though
  3. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    Name: Shade
    Age: ???
    Gender: Male
    Backstory: A special elf who had a power called yrobalicy. It's the ability to change forms. This power also grants many other powers, like Telekensis.
    Race: Elf
    Primal Weapon: Telekensis
    Secondary Weapon: Mind Invansion
    Armor: None, is a spirit.
    Starting place: Aldorei Valley
    Other: Potato. Also, I didn't fuck up. You rolled me two ones. I didn't want to attack the soilder behind me anyways, I was going to ozooths spire to get her to fight Golestandt, so don't reject me because I "fucked up" last time plox.
  4. ElegantDeath

    ElegantDeath Who needs a title anyways HERO

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    alright time to see how fast you guys destroy this world XD
    could you make this an 11 slot RP? I might try to join
    Name: Leon
    Age: 62 (looks 20)
    Gender: male
    Backstory: (oh here I go fucking this part up) An elf with incredible aim and expertise of the bow. also good with other ranged attack methods.
    Race: Elf
    Primary weapon: light bow: a bow made of wood from the light forest
    Secondary weapon: throwing knives
    Armor: leather tunic, leather pants, and some regular boots
    Starting place: Aldorei city area
    Other: is very crappy at hand to hand combat
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2016
  5. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Wow the last one got out of hand. Anyway...

    Name: Ajinin
    Gender/Age: Male/18
    Race: Hooman
    Backstory: Son of a bow warrior who became dead and stuff, but left his bow.
    Primary Weapon:
    Aerial String (Bow)
    8 Damage

    Secondary Weapon:
    Coral Blade (Dagger)
    4 Damage

    Solar Hood
    1 Dr, 3 Mr

    Lunar Coat
    3 Dr, 4 Mr

    Ocean Cape
    3 Dr, 2 Mr

    Frozen Boots
    2 Dr, 1 Mr

    Total: 9 Dr, 10 Mr

    Starting Place: Nessak
    Other: Has 1 Nessak Scroll, a Map, 1 Health Pot, and 32 EB

    Hope we don't get 2 death dragons again :3
    NinjaWizard likes this.
  6. TurtleOfTheYear

    TurtleOfTheYear Th3 Pro'est of the Pro's.

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    Name: Nissl (Knee-Sil)

    Gender/Age: Male/18

    Race: Human

    Backstory: Back when Nesaak was still warm and un-frozen an Elkurnian human child born from unknown human parenters and dropped off in a warm grassy hole in Nesaak grounds.
    Villager adventurers eventually found the baby being taken care of by a pack of friendly wolves in their den; They took the baby into better care within their own town. (NOT NESAAK)
    He was happy and the Villagers decided to name him Nissl. Inspired by the main city name; Nesaak. Fast forward 8 years; Everything was frozen and icy, Including his small town. He was only 8 at the time and so he came looking for guidance from the pack of wolves that raised him. He eventually found the wand that made everything freeze in a small ice block near a cave. It was weak, and so it needed to wait a while to freeze things. And not much could be frozen. Especially not living organisms. He lived in this lifestyle for 10 years meeting new animals in the icy depths of Nesaak. But there came a day where he would have to come out of his man-cave and venture to other unknown areas of wynn.

    Primary weapon: Ice Shard Dagger 9 Damage
    Secondary weapon: Snow wand (Cooldown three turns) (Cooldown five choices)

    Nesaak Headring 0 DR 5MR

    Snow Tunic 4 DR 4MR

    Leather Leggings 5DR 0MR

    Black Snow Boots 3DR 0MR

    Starting Place: Nesaak

    Other: Snow Wolf Tooth Shiv (Cut off after biting a bear)
    Man you guys have short backstories.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
    NinjaWizard likes this.
  7. ElegantDeath

    ElegantDeath Who needs a title anyways HERO

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    the last time I tried a long backstory I fucked it up so badly
  8. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    I'm sorry but your backstory has a flaw :)
    Nesaak was not frozen over by a wand. It was a guy called Theorick who was mad. Theorick was born with ice powers.

    Just pointing that out ;)
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
    NinjaWizard likes this.
  9. IllusionFigures

    IllusionFigures Unrecognized Merchant HERO

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    Have been reading through the last rp,so is this like a 'post-game over restart' because someone screwed up the world and wounded up getting a 'game over' for everyone?
    If that is the case, I wonder if anything new would come up considering that the old one already revealed some part of the storyline before ending.
  10. 3DSMate

    3DSMate The shadow assassin VIP+

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    Name: Eng'Shan
    Gender/Age: Genderless :: Age ???
    Race: Arcane skeleton
    Backstory: After the war with corruption, corruption had been vanquished in nearly all of wynn but there is one place where corruption still lives but it is very close to the place were corruption won.
    Primary Weapon: Sword
    Secondary Weapon: Weak thunder element
    Armor: Iron chest plate, helmet, leggings and boots.
    Starting Place: Abandoned mine
    Other: Eng'Shan is one of the few corrupted beings with sentience, 'The place where corruption won' is referring to Dern
    Copy and paste for the win
  11. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Dat rule dou XD

    Someone didn't read the rules.
  12. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Ill make an app soon and use a loophole to get around the 'no dragons' rule.
  13. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    I have NO idea what character to make DX
  14. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    Ok, you are accepted?

    Denied, you need a better backstory.

    Denied, what the hell is a 'bow warrior' in your backstory?

    Accepted, they do have short backstories. Armor value do have to be nerfed though, and does your wand have any spells?

    Nessak Headring: 0 DR, 5 MR
    Snow Tunic: 4DR, 4 MR
    Leather Leggings: 5 DR, 0 MR
    Black Snow Boots: 3 DR, 0 MR (7 DR for boots? What the hell?)

    Dude, that was just the first two events of the 1st Main Storyline. There's two more Main Storylines after the war one, not to mention the other bigger side storylines.

    Accepted, Hunted again
    Iron Helmet: 4 DR, 2 MR
    Iron Chestplate: 6 DR, 2 MR
    Iron Leggings: 3 DR, 2 MR
    Iron Boots: 2 DR, 1 MR

    You are trying to kill me, aren't you?
    IllusionFigures likes this.
  15. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    A... war/battle/thing/soldier/guy that uses a bow?
  16. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    You need to add more to the backstory.
  17. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Backstory from last one which was accepted:
  18. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    Because your backstory as directly involved in the main plot.
  19. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Perhaps. But it certainly isnt a dragon.
  20. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    A welpling?
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