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[rp] Legends [completed]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Sep 10, 2016.

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  1. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    I flee to Nemract, and send a boat to Selchar to meet up with Vocthar and Nicholas.
  2. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    even though Selchar has been obliterated and they are both in Gavel
  3. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    I surround myself in my cloak, nod, and run to up the wall of Detlas to see how the demon army is doing.

    IMGAMG Co-Owner of TheParadoxGroup

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    @Bailwolf @Magnus1st
    So, are we all in Gavel with Nicholas?
    (Sorry for being a bit inactive, I woke up late for school and had to leave immediately)
  5. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    You run into the castle. You call for your king, but there is no answer. As you get closer to his throne room, there are monster corpses on the floor. You're hope seems to fade away every step you get closer.
    You reach the throne room. You silently curse. The throne room is full of bodies, evil or good. Nobody was moving.
    You stagger toward the figure sitting on the throne, arrows sticking out of his torso. "My King?" You whisper. There, slain, was the King of Troms.
    There is a horn outside. You look out of the window, and see a group of riders in great armours and armed with great weapons came riding down, cutting down enemies. Help had come. But you have failed your king, Tear blots your eyes.
    An hour later, the King of Ragni, and a captain from Fruma comes into the throne room. You walk toward them. "King of Troms is dead." You say, trying to get yourself together.
    "I am sorry." Ragni King says.
    The Fruman look at you. "Are you Drandel?" He asks.
    You look up, startled. "Yes."
    The Fruman smiles. "My captain, Nicolas, knew you would be here. He believes that with you and several adventurers, the light might stand a chance against darkness." He pulls out a scroll from his belt. He gives it to you. "This will lead you to Olux, where I believe my captain and the 'others' are, right now."

    Do you:
    A. Use scroll
    B. Refuse and (action)
    C. Free choice
    You lead the citizens to Olux. You protect the humans and villagers alike from the various monsters. You reach the city.
    Two guard golems look at you with soul-less eyes. But they let you in.
    A villager runs down from the bank to you. "What is...?" He starts to say, then he sees Nicolas. "Nicolas!" He says. He looks at the entire group of people you have brought. He also sees that lots of them are injured. He sighs. "You better come in. You got to tell me what happened, though."
    So it was decided that the citizens of Selchar should stay west of Olux, where it have beem safe ever since Nicolas killed the monster Bigfoot.
    The adventurers, Nicolas and villagers of Olux have an emergency meeting.
    Nicolas seems to be getting better, and he can walk by himself, but he is in no condition to fight.
    The villager who greeted them at the city entrance speaks up. "My name is Detective Hart, and the mayor of this city." He says. "Nicolas here helped me long ago to take down the organisation creating Iron Golems." Nicolas raises his hand and smiles.
    "We would like to know what happened, and what brought all these people to Olux." A villager said.
    So you guys take turns explaining things.
    Detective Hart nods after you finish your story. Very well. You must stay, in Olux for some time. But all of you," He gestures to you and the fellow adventurers. "You must do what you have to do, outside Gavel." He shares a meaningful look with Nicolas.

    You now must make a plan to leave Olux.
  6. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    ok. So can we (or I) stop at mage island sometime?
    yep we are in Gavel

    IMGAMG Co-Owner of TheParadoxGroup

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    I would also like to stop at Mage Island, to learn spells that I can cast with my bow. (ex: Arrow Storm, etc.) If Mael is with us, I would appreciate if he helped me better master my bow (because he did help train Bob).
  8. The_Wynner

    The_Wynner ✯ Neko & Banter Master ✯ (◕‿◕✿)

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    A. Through everything that has happened, I can smile. I can finally meet up with other adventurers and help stop the madness. I despawn my Nexus dragon and use the scroll to teleport to Olux. I will avenge my fallen king.
  9. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    @Bailwolf @sonickid3003 @Amun_Ra

    "I am flattered" I say smiling.
    "I can train you, but we don't have much time. We need to get back to Wynn and we need help. We are strong but we need an army. I've never been to gavel so I don't know where to go to find someone in charge, but I trust that Nicolas or mr Hart knows that?" After the last sentence I motion to Nicolas and the detective.
    "And erhm by the way detective we're very sorry for the ship in the Swamp." I tell detective Hart
    "Of course all in due time"
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2016
  10. IMGAMG

    IMGAMG Co-Owner of TheParadoxGroup

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    Drandel materializes in front of the group of adventurers. "Who are you?" I ask.
  11. The_Wynner

    The_Wynner ✯ Neko & Banter Master ✯ (◕‿◕✿)

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    "I am Drandel, a guard from Troms. The king of Ragni and a captain from Fruma told me I could meet other adventurers here that are trying to stop the corruption as well."
  12. IMGAMG

    IMGAMG Co-Owner of TheParadoxGroup

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    Welcome to the team Drandel. This is Mael, (@Magnus1st ) Bailwolf, (@Bailwolf ) Ronan, (@sonickid3003 ) and me, Vocthar.
  13. sonickid3003

    sonickid3003 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    OOC: I'm pretty sure I've missed like.. a crap ton of stuff..

    I just follow Vocthar... I really don't know.. Sorry.
  14. IMGAMG

    IMGAMG Co-Owner of TheParadoxGroup

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    OOC: just read the last like 2-3 pages, you'll be all caught up
    UPDATE: Goin to bed, will be AFK, you guys take the lead
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2016
  15. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    As you travel across the sea, you see a giant mountain looming over the sea. Strange. There was no such mountain.
    As you get closer, you realise it is no mountain. You see a great black dragon-like monster, with nine heads. You swerve away from the underwater route, just in time to see the giant monster destroy the city of Selchar.
    You gape at the monster, shocked. What has just happened?
    You don't want the monster to notice you. You row away from the dragon.
    Come to Gavel. Come to Olux. There, I shall meet you. A voice speaks in your mind. You wait for more, but no more messages come.
    You decide to follow the voice's instruction. You row toward Llevigar.
    You travel through the swamp of Olux, trying to avoid the Lizard people, the Frog people, the Nagas, and Swamp Ogres. As you get nearer, you see a giant, damaged boat floating in one of the lakes.
    "What in the world?" You say to yourself. Just at the moment, a medium sized dragon lands on the ground, right behind you. You draw your sword, ready to fight.
    A young girl rides on the dragon. She raises her hands. "Woah, calm down. I ain't gonna attack."
    You lower your sword, but do not sheath it.
    "My name's Drandel. Salomnis, right? A guy wants to see you." She says. You think of the voice in your head, and decide to follow. If the girl knew your name, she must be definitely connected to the voice.
  16. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    I tell her my past, how I was the grandson of Ragnok, and how I rebelled against him. I show the girl my sword, that has a faint glow of purple in it. Then I tell her about the voice in my head, while I was rowing towards Selchar.
  17. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "You have came." I say as Ragnok's grandson, Salomnis, enters the barracks. I sit on a chair, trying to keep my body together, so I don't slip through the chair.
    "You are the voice that told me to come here?" He asks. I nod. "Cool." He says.
    I face Drandel. "Drandel, would you be kind enough to call the rest of the adventurers and Mayor Hart?" She smiles, nods and leaves.
    "Please, have a seat." I gesture to a chair. Salomnis, looking around awkwardly, sits down.
    Several minutes later, six more people enter the barracks. Vocthar, in his dark cloak, but his face is not covered. With his slim and grim features, you know that he has been through a lot. Drandel, with her great sword sheathed, an amulet on her neck, enters next. She studies the room with blue eyes.
    A short boy, Ronan, enters the barracks. He wears his greenish armour and his bow is hang on his shoulder. With him walks in Bailwolf, his skin grey and furry. He wears his blood-red cloak, which is pulled back.
    Mayor Hart walks in. He wears a more formal clothing, and wears emerald-hewn accessories. Last to walk in is Mael, in his dark cloak and holding his staff. His skin looks less transparent inside than outside, in the sun.
    I raise my arms in a gesture of welcome.
    "Welcome, my friends. Please sit down." They all do. "Since you do not formerly know each other, I guess you guys should introduce yourselves."
    The adventurers stay quiet. Vocthar shrugs and stand up. "My name is Vocthar. I am from the Katoa Ranch. I was trained to fight in the city of Ragni. After Ragnok's army attacked the Ranch, and killed my parents, I set out into the Decrepit Sewers and killed Witherhead. I also contributed in the siege of Ragni led by Golesdandt, whom I fought." He sits down.
    Ronan stands up. "My name is Ronan. I am originally from Gavel, but I moved to Wynn." He looks a bit guilty at that. "Anyway, I lived in Selchar for some time. I mean, until the Necromancer attacked and Selchar got destroyed. But yeah." He sits down.
    Bailwolf stands up. "I'm Bailwolf. I am kind of a mix a wolf and a human, but with a bit of Phoenix and Dragon blood."
    "How is that even possible?" Salomnis asks.
    "Magic. Please don't ask, I don't even know myself." Bailwolf says. "Anyway, I trained fire magic and ways of the spear on the Mage Island. I came to Selchar following the Necromancer, and ended up here."
    Drandel stands up. "Hi, I'm Drandel. I was born in Dern, but was abandoned. I have the power of Sumonis Oxanis, which I can use to summon anything. I spent my life of the Mage Islands," She glances at Bailwolf. "I moved to Detlas, then moved to Troms to guard the city. When Ragnok's army invaded Troms, and Trom's King died, I came here on the wish of Nicolas." She sits down.
    Salomnis stands up. "I'm Salomnis. I..." He pauses, and breathes in. "I'm the grandson of Ragnok."
    "What!?" Ronan says, standing up. Everyone seems to be surprised, except for me and Drandel.
    "But I joined the light when I was young." Salomnis said quickly. "I have been against the Corruption ever since I was young. I will help you defeat Ragnok in any way." He sits down.
    Finally, Mael stands up. "I am Mael Twain. I have lived almost a century ago, where I excelled at archery. I am one of the masters of Bob, who I believe has accomplished many. I speak to the eternal spirits who walk this earth, and I can raise wisps to aid me in battle." He sits down.
    I speak up. "See now, we have a remarkable team gathered here. Now I will explain to you why I have gathered you all in one place."

    @IMGAMG @The_Wynner @sonickid3003 @Bailwolf @Magnus1st @qrnguznfgre778
    I will post dialogues for evils soon
    EDIT: Please don't think I have forgotten you, Thagila, Spectre and Golesdandt, I just have to organise a bit of things before I reply.
    @Queen Toasty @WhettoWen @Gushy48
  18. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    OOC: Ok, so how many phreaks have we gathered in one place? XD
    We have a good-guy-necromancer who is also half ghost.
    Then we have the human-wolf-phoenix-dragon-quadhybridthingy.
    Oh and we also have the freaking son of Ragnok!

    That makes three phreaks XD
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    And a super god-mode adventurer who can fly, teleport entire ship, stop Darzhog.
  20. sonickid3003

    sonickid3003 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I honetly don't know how I could do anything in this situation so.. I'm gonna just wait 'til Nicolas finishes explaining.. stuff.
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