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[rp] Legends [completed]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Sep 10, 2016.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    This is a role play thread.
    Inspired by @qrnguznfgre778 's Wynnos Destruktikos.
    **this is fan-made

    Everything was well, after a legendary adventurer brought peace to Wynn and Gavel provinces. Until one adventurer, a recruit from Fruma, wandered into the Abandoned Mines. As he explored, he found a way... The way into Dern, the last province, the realm of darkness. The adventurer built a team, and went into Dern. They never returned.
    While the arrogant humans were exploring, they met an ancient being of darkness, the demon Ragnok. The demon lord utterly destroyed the team of humans, and brought his wrath into the province of Wynn.
    Now, an army of demons and the corrupted invaded the numerous cities and towns of Wynn. Nesaak, Nemract, Elkurn and Ternaves was taken. The cities of Ragni, Almuj, Troms, Selchar and Detlas still held, due to its great defences. The province of Gavel remained unchallenged, but it slowly grew weaker due to all the soldier sent to battle in Wynn.
    Ragnok had resided in the Roots of Corruption, while Detlas slowly started to become weaker.

    There will be six young adventurers, and four evil beings in this RP.

    Do not god mode. Do not overpower your character. I will determine the course of how the story would go. Do not make your character into Ragnok or Wynn's legendary adventurer.

    How to apply:
    This is the application format.
    Name of character:
    Brief description of their appearance:
    Side: (good or evil)
    Primary weapon:
    Secondary weapon:
    Starting Point:

    Looking forward in meeting your characters!

    Name of character: Vocthar
    Age: 26
    Brief description of their appearance: Has a dark hood that conceals face and most of lower body, slim, dark hair
    Background: After his mother and father were murdered on their farm in Katoa, Vocthar sets out to find the person who killed them and avenge their death.
    Side: (good or evil) Good
    Primary weapon: Bow
    Secondary weapon: Pair of knives
    Starting Point: Katoa Ranch

    Name: Drandel
    Age: 16
    Side: good
    Appearance: She has long dark hair usually in a ponytail, blue eyes that seem to glow, height is 5'4, and has a slim figure.
    Description: Drandel was a female dragon master, born in an unknown town from Dern but abandoned after she was 2. She was born with a certain power know as Sumonis Oxanis, which gives the ability to summon anything at command. However, she was taught to not abuse this power, for summoning to many things at once will sometimes backfire. She was live most of her young life on Mage Island, but started making a living in Detlas. She soon was able to move to Troms with the money she earned. Now she helps guard the great city with her powers.
    Primary Weapon: Suminus Draxendus, a mighty sword only wieldable by possessors of Sumonis Oxanis. It helps control her magic and makes it more reliable/accurate.
    Secondary Weapon: Guardian of Troms, after helping out the citizens of Troms, a the king gave her a special amulet that will protect her form harm whenever held. However, it can only be used when her sword is down.
    Starting Point: Troms

    Name of character: Unknown, called the Necromancer
    Age: Unknown
    Brief description of their appearance: Unknown
    Background: Unknown
    Side: Evil
    Primary weapon: A giant staff, with which the Necromancer can collect souls.
    Secondary weapon: His Necromancing powers, with which he can raise the dead into zombies and skeletons.
    Starting Point: Ancient Nemract

    Ancient Nemract. A place of a great war, a long time ago. So many dead. I can feel their souls trapped in the very structure of the earth.
    I have been raising the dead for the past millennium. I shall rise again. And when I do, every living creature on the land shall feel it.

    Name of character: Ronan
    Age: 17
    Brief description of their appearance: A short guy, with green-ish armour, with a small sack hanging off his belt.. Thats pretty much it.
    Background: A trained archer, originally from Gavel. Migrated to Wynn, due to being exiled.. Don't ask.
    Side: Good.
    Primary weapon: A Large longbow, which lets him use Arrow Storm.
    Secondary weapon: A small dagger, that he rarely uses.
    Starting Point: Selchar.

    Name of character: Thagila
    Age: 18
    Brief description of their appearance: A beautiful orange haired girl slightly grey skin
    Background: a young adventurer who joined the evil cuz of her whole village hated her and then she destroyed her village and family in
    Side: (good or evil) Evul c:<

    https://imgur.com/a/szEi4 First is secondary and second is primary
    Starting Point: Nesaak

    Name: Bailwolf
    Age: about 14
    Side: good
    Race: a mix of mostly Human and some Phoenix, Dragon, and of course Wolf. this combination makes him almost twice as string as a human and also slightly faster.
    Description: He was trained as a fire mage and a warrior since he was ten. His mastery of both is on an unprecedented level making him very hard to kill magically but he is weak to normal damage such has being stabbed or falling of a cliff. Bailwolf's main goal is to find his family after they were taken away by a demon raid.
    Appearance: Appears as a human covered by grayish fur. If your dumb enough to look you would find out he has fangs and he also has claws. Usually wears a red and black cloak to cover up his fur.
    Weapons: A spear named Wolf's Fang and a sword named Dragons Heart. Both are heavily based around fire damage and enhancing fire spells.
    Starting: Mage Island

    Name: Unknown, Refered to as Spectre
    Age: Unknown
    Side: Evil
    Description: Originated from a Dern experiment, this thing was given mighty power, at the cost of many things. It speaks telepathically and has extremely powerful Telekensis. It serves Ragnok and is his personally assassin, never have of failing in a task.
    It has a full black/camo cloak that covers its whole body.
    Weapons: Telekensis, Telekensis and Telekensis.
    Starting: Talking to Ragnok wherever he is.

    Name: Golestandt
    Gender: ??? (Monster)
    Age: ???
    Side: Evil
    Brief description of their appearance: It looks like a dark humanoid monster, with thorns coming out of the back.
    Description: Once upon a time, there was a dormant monster named Golestandt. It lived in a cave, surrounded by emeralds, along with the Corruption. The Villagers mined the ore of Corruption, releasing it, along with Golestandt. It woke up furious, and slew the miners, then went into the outside world. It's said that his presence killed a town, or his breath turn villagers into skeletons, but that just an over exaggeration. The true purpose is: Carry the burden of a province's destruction
    Primary Weapon: Death's Claws: Claws that tear through flesh (Claws)
    Secondary Weapon: Dark Thorns: Thorns that shoot out of Golestandt's body (Ranged)
    Starting Point: Time Valley

    Name: Salomnis
    Age: 15
    Appearance: A person with purple eyes and scar wounds on his chest that give him power. He wears a white cloak that symbolises his rebellion against the Corruption.
    Background: The grandson of Ragnok. He has always been different from all his family, wanting to join the side of the adventurers. Ragnok had always disagreed with him, even threatened to kill him. In anger, he ran away, and joined the side of the adventurers.
    Side: Good
    Primary Weapon: A sword that Ragnok had passed on to him. The runes read: Corruption will rise. But Salomnis had managed to scrape the runes out, leaving the sword weak.
    Secondary Weapon: A thunder bow made of the wood of a sacred tree.
    Starting Point: Detlas in the bank.

    Name of character:
    My character is Mael Twain, the legendary spirit seeker.

    Mael is an old man. 1094 to be precise. (Or more depending on how much after the player this is. He was old back when the portal opened) He has been dormant the last thousand years though.
    Brief description of their appearance:
    Mael is seen as an old man. His skin is notably pale but nothing too much out of the ordinary. He wears a black hooded cape with various dark markings on then. His cape seems to fade away into nothing the farther down you go completely dissapearing right before it hits the ground.
    If you look carefully Mael seems just a tiny bit transparent. You have to be concentrating alot though. The reasoning for him being like this is that he is somewhere in between being a spirit and alive. He tries to appear as physical as he can, but when under great preassure or such he becomes more transparent. (His cape remains all the time though)
    He is seen carrying a staff alittle shorter than himself. This staff is of a mysterious dark wood with inskriptions on it. Mounted on top of the staff is a dark sphere of complete darkness.

    To see his full history check this thread: The Noble House Of Twain. I strongly reccomend to read this thread as it explains it more in depth. I will explain it very shortly though.
    Mael lived way back when before even the corruption infested the province of Wynn. He was one of the four adopted kids of Marius Twain. Each of the four kids were gifted with immense magical powers. The other siblings had control over an element. Rickeo: fire, Dwendle: air and Theorick ice. Mael was different though.
    Mael could communicate with the dead.
    When the portal of corruption opened and the undead monsters the four siblings stood there to fight them. At that day the greatest loss loss of the Wynnic empire, for these four siblings were stronger than any army.
    For a millenium Mael was dead. Dormant in the next realm, but now he's awakened.

    (He is a very good person ;)
    Primary weapon:
    His staff that can be used as a deadly two-handed weapon. Though he is powerfull by himself this staff focuses his abilities. There are also a few spells which he can only use with this staff.
    Secondary weapon:
    Mael was a skilled bowman and was the one to train Bob in the art of archery, so of course he has a bow. He can summon his bow at will. It is a shadow bow with some weird dark mist surrounding it. It is also a bit translucent in the ends. His arrows are summoned out of nothing when he pulls the string. These arrows can be imbued with a few different abilities.
    As stated he can commune with the dead. He can use this ability to make the dead help him. He can do stuff like summon dark wisps (stated in his lore) to fight for him and request the spirits of the dead to help with him with physical stuff.
    Because he is not wholly physical he can pass through physical matter. He can enchant his arrows to weaken his targets. This will make them deal less damage and make attacks by spirits, wisps and such hurt them more.
    His staff makes it possible for him to manipulate shadows. This is mostly used defensively or as utility.
    Also he can sense power and stuff :P

    Starting Point House of Twain


    Users: @IMGAMG @The_Wynner @sonickid3003 @Queen Toasty @Bailwolf @Magnus1st @WhettoWen @qrnguznfgre778 @Gushy48 @Amun_Ra
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2016
    Vriska Serket and The_Wynner like this.

    IMGAMG Co-Owner of TheParadoxGroup

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    Name of character: Vocthar
    Age: 26
    Brief description of their appearance: Has a dark hood that conceals face and most of lower body, slim, dark hair
    Background: After his mother and father were murdered on their farm in Katoa, Vocthar sets out to find the person who killed them and avenge their death.
    Side: (good or evil) Good
    Primary weapon: Bow
    Secondary weapon: Pair of knives
    Starting Point: Katoa Ranch
  3. The_Wynner

    The_Wynner ✯ Neko & Banter Master ✯ (◕‿◕✿)

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    Name: Drandel

    Age: 16

    Side: good

    Appearance: My avatar

    Description: Drandel was a female dragon master, born in an unknown town from Dern but abandoned after she was 2. She was born with a certain power know as Sumonis Oxanis, which gives the ability to summon anything at command. However, she was taught to not abuse this power, for summoning to many things at once will sometimes backfire. She was live most of her young life on Mage Island, but started making a living in Detlas. She soon was able to move to Troms with the money she earned. Now she helps guard the great city with her powers.

    Primary Weapon: Suminus Draxendus, a mighty sword only wieldable by possessors of Sumonis Oxanis. It helps control her magic and makes it more reliable/accurate.

    Secondary Weapon:
    Guardian of Troms, after helping out the citizens of Troms, a the king gave her a special amulet that will protect her form harm whenever held. However, it can only be used when her sword is down.

    Starting Point:
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2016
  4. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    As you look around the Ranch for any alive animals or farmers, you hear strange sounds coming from outside the ranch, from the east. It seems to be coming from the Decrepit Sewers entrance.

    Do you:
    A. Check out the entrance
    B. Keep searching for survivors in the Ranch
    C. Leave Ranch to Ragni to find clues
    D. Free choice
    You and your fellow Guards are stationed near the main entrance. The lakes around Troms are black from all the monsters who were killed while they were attacking Troms. You see a lone, hooded figure approaching the citadel.
    There seems to be a dark aura around him.

    Do you:
    A. Walk towards the figure
    B. Report to the king
    C. Shoot the figure
    D. Free choice
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2016
  5. The_Wynner

    The_Wynner ✯ Neko & Banter Master ✯ (◕‿◕✿)

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    B. I quickly run to the king to inform him, but I also leave a Day Glory dragon to help guard from the mysterious being.
    Friendly to humans, but aren't easy prey for enemies. They can vanish in seconds and can help distract incoming opponents.
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The King orders you to check if the being is evil or not. He says he will organise a fighting squad if the being is evil.
    Meanwhile, the hooded figure stand still before the gate. He seems wounded.

    Do you:
    A. Follow the King's orders
    B. Disobey the King's orders and (name action)
    C. Free choice
  7. The_Wynner

    The_Wynner ✯ Neko & Banter Master ✯ (◕‿◕✿)

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    A. I obey the king's orders. I was towards the being with my dragon by my side.
  8. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    You see from close distance, that he indeed is injured. The figure pulls his hood back, revealing a man. Half of his face looks like it was burnt, with boiling red skin.
    "I am from Nesaak." The man says.

    Do you:
    A. Ask him what happened
    B. Run back inside
    C. Kill the man
    D. Free choice
  9. ThugLeef

    ThugLeef Yeet Skeet

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    LEaving message here incase I join
  10. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Adding a villain character:

    Name of character: Unknown, called the Necromancer
    Age: Unknown
    Brief description of their appearance: Unknown
    Background: Unknown
    Side: Evil
    Primary weapon: A giant staff, with which the Necromancer can collect souls.
    Secondary weapon: His Necromancing powers, with which he can raise the dead into zombies and skeletons.
    Starting Point: Ancient Nemract

    Ancient Nemract. A place of a great war, a long time ago. So many dead. I can feel their souls trapped in the very structure of the earth.
    I have been raising the dead for the past millennium. I shall rise again. And when I do, every living creature on the land shall feel it.
    The Necromancer
    Who shall disturb my sleep? I see a great amount of dark energy approaching me. I have not felt this much dark ever since... Dern.
    A figure approaches. I rise from the ground, forming myself a body from the energy of the souls I have collected. I appear as a dark, shadowy figure. My entire body looks like it was weaved out of shadow. My face resembles a skull, with glowing red eyes. In the middle of my chest is a black gemstone, of which my true form is stored.

    The figure stops in his tracks. He has red skin, with black tattoos all over his bold body. He is as twice as tall than an average human, and his face is not from creatures of this realm. His face is slightly lizard-like, with sharp teeth and horns. His limbs are oversized, especially his arms. There are jagged spikes sprouting from all over his body. I recognise him. Long time ago, when I dwelt in Dern, I have met him. Ragnok, the Demon Lord.

    "What do you want?" I ask. My mouth does not move, nor any voice physically come out of me. But Ragnok hears me.
    "Necromancer." He answers. "This shall be the end of Wynn, if we work together. Me and my army shall destroy this world. You shall help me extinguish the light. In return, you may feed on every soul wasted in this battle."

    Ragnok is a fool. He does not know my true powers. But I smile.

    "Indeed, this shall be the end of Wynn." I whisper.
  11. sonickid3003

    sonickid3003 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Name of character:
    Age: 17
    Brief description of their appearance: A short guy, with green-ish armour, with a small sack hanging off his belt.. Thats pretty much it.
    Background: A trained archer, originally from Gavel. Migrated to Wynn, due to being exiled.. Don't ask.
    Side: Good.
    Primary weapon: A Large longbow, which lets him use Arrow Storm.
    Secondary weapon: A small dagger, that he rarely uses.
    Starting Point: Selchar.
  12. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    You look out into the horizon, where you can see the land of Wynn. There is a red and black storm cloud brewing around the land.
    Suddenly, a horn sounds from the tower of Selchar. You can see several ships coming towards the city. They seems to be full of the undead. There is a great shadow on the main ship, a lone figure holding a long, black staff...

    Do you:
    A. Shoot at the figure
    B. Go back to the main island and join the Selchar army
    C. Leave Selchar
    D. Free choice
  13. Vriska Serket

    Vriska Serket Spidr Grill VIP

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    Name of character: Thagila
    Age: 18
    Brief description of their appearance: A beautiful orange haired girl slightly grey skin
    Background: a young adventurer who joined the evil cuz of her whole village hated her and then she destroyed her village and family in
    Side: (good or evil) Evul c:<

    https://imgur.com/a/szEi4 First is secondary and second is primary
    Starting Point: Nesaak
    Quick question does the characters ever meet each other?
  14. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    Name: Bailwolf

    Age: about 14

    Side: good

    Race: a mix of mostly Human and some Phoenix, Dragon, and of course Wolf. this combination makes him almost twice as string as a human and also slightly faster.

    Description: He was trained as a fire mage and a warrior since he was ten. His mastery of both is on an unprecedented level making him very hard to kill magically but he is weak to normal damage such has being stabbed or falling of a cliff. Bailwolf's main goal is to find his family after they were taken away by a demon raid.

    Appears as a human covered by grayish fur. If your dumb enough to look you would find out he has fangs and he also has claws. Usually wears a red and black cloak to cover up his fur.

    Weapons: A spear named Wolf's Fang and a sword named Dragons Heart. Both are heavily based around fire damage and enhancing fire spells.

    Starting: Mage Island
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2016
  15. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    This RP seems cool. I might join it (I'm SO gonna be evil) but it will not be now.

    See ya
  16. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    Name: Unknown, Refered to as Spectre
    Age: Unknown
    Side: Evil
    Originated from a Dern experiment, this thing was given mighty power, at the cost of many things. It speaks telepathically and has extremely powerful Telekensis. It serves Ragnok and is his personally assassin, never have of failing in a task.

    It has a full black/camo cloak that covers its whole body.

    Weapons: Telekensis, Telekensis and Telekensis.

    Starting: Talking to Ragnok wherever he is.
  17. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    wait, is this me? Put is as Spectre if so. Also,
    You can press quote or reply on the bottom left than insert quotes so they get a notification that there character is sdvancing.
  18. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Sorry it takes a bit of time to reply to all of ya, ill post your one soon.
    Hang on there!
  19. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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  20. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    You and Ragnok is back at the Roots of Corruption. Ragnok looks at the citadel of Detlas, which walls were still holding even waves after waves of enemies. He turns to you. "Spectre, the City of Detlas is giving me troubles. I want you to sneak into the citadel and assassinate the Captain of their army

    Do you:
    A. Sneak into Detlas
    B. Disobey Ragnok's orders and (place action)
    C. Free Choice

    Woops forgot to quote :P
    The Mage island has been left alone for some time, because of the powerful mages who resides there. As you gaze toward Wynn, you see many black boats full of the undead.

    Do you:
    A. Follow the dark army
    B. Report to the mages
    C. Free choice
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