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Guild | ♕hackforums | [☆☆ Hax] | Level 93 | Community Guild | Level 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Mrussell75, Feb 1, 2016.



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  1. Surra

    Surra Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Apply when you are lvl 80
  2. zPurity

    zPurity Water = H20 B/C H20 IS Water VIP+

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    YAYAY Ill join once ur on
  3. BeUsefull

    BeUsefull Travelled Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: HarambeIsGone
    Highest Class & Level: Warrior | Level 81 | Grinding ATM
    Why you want to join: I've always wanted to join a top guild and experience what it is like taking over territories and having to farm and grind for the better of the guild and not just myself.
    What role are you more attracted towards? I am usually on farming and when I'm not I'm helping lower level friends with quests.
    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
    How active are you? I am on every day for around 4 hours on weekdays and 7-10 on weekends.
    Anything else we should know? I am on alot... I mean like ALOT. So if you ever see me on at 5 AM, I'm not AFK.
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)I'd say around 4-6. I've never really been in a serious guild and I would like to experience it.
    What Guild were you previously in? I was in a small guild I made for a friend SYT
    Why were you kick/left said guild? I left because noone was ever on anymore and I was just there.
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft? 36 hours
  4. Chalupe2020

    Chalupe2020 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: PistolWhite2
    Highest Class & Level: Mage level 94
    Why you want to join: I want to join Hacked Fourms (HAX) because I feel like this guild could be a guild I can stay in without recruits being inactive (I hope).
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, being lazy and doing nothing like most of our recruits, etc) I am decent and war and make a huge income with XP grinding to level up the guild
    Timezone: Central
    How active are you? Weekdays 4-5 hours Weekends 7 hours at most
    Anything else we should know? I have a skype (pistolwhite2)
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)? 6-7
    What Guild were you previously in? TnP (ToastedPandas)
    Why were you kick/left said guild? Inactivity
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  5. Cassi

    Cassi potato enthusiast VIP

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    Uhh, am I denied? I posted an application awhile ago, and never got accepted/denied, but people who posted ones after me did. If I am denied, I would like to know so I can at least apply for another guild. It's rather boring not beine in a guild :/
    Here's my old application, for reference.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  6. Mango_flop

    Mango_flop Top Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Bump again
    IGN: QuantumBreach
    Highest Class & Level: Lv 83 warrior
    Why you want to join: i wanted to be part of an active guild and make more friends to do quests with
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, being lazy and doing nothing like most of our recruits, etc) farming, attacking, trading, moneymaking
    Timezone: PDT
    How active are you? usually will play about 2 - 6 hours (sometimes more sometimes less)
    Anything else we should know? sometimes ill be in game but be afk for a few hours
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?4
    What Guild were you previously in?Yeah TheFrostFire
    Why were you kick/left said guild? No one is active in that guild and has gotten boring
  7. coga

    coga Noob CHAMPION

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    IGN: Bow_

    Highest Class & Level: On my current account my highest is a level 75 archer, and I am currently training a ninja (44). My previous account which has been hacked and is banned has a level 83 archer, however (to fulfill the level 80 requirement).

    Why you want to join: Looking to contribute to a prestigious guild and get more involved with dedicated Wynn players, that's basically it.

    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, being lazy and doing nothing like most of our recruits, etc) : Attacking (sometimes), farming, exploring, trading.

    Timezone: EST. I live on the east coast of America.

    How active are you? I play everyday whenever I can.

    Anything else we should know? Do not expect me to show up to large planned events as my life is very hectic and chances are, even if I did manage to get there, I'd have to leave for some reaosn during it.

    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: Don't know what this means, but if I do not lag when being teleported, I'm pretty sure I can solo guild wars.

    What Guild were you previously in? Night Wanderers (owned by TalentedJosh117)

    Why were you kick/left said guild? Have not left it yet. I will do it if I am accepted into Hax, however.

    How many total hours do you have on Wynncraft?: 45 hours on my old account (username is Wozu if you would like to look it up on stats) and 10 hours on my current main account (Bow_).
  8. Tomix

    Tomix og HERO

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    Accepted /guild join Hax.
    Accepted /guild join Hax.
    Accepted /guild join Hax.
  9. coga

    coga Noob CHAMPION

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    May I ask why I was denied? hehe
  10. Tomix

    Tomix og HERO

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    You got denied by our leader TheDarkSoul,message him in game for info kbaithx.
    EDIT: I didnt see that ur not lvl 80,apply when you will be lvl 80 to have a chance to get accepted.
    Accepted /Guild join Hax
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2016
    coga likes this.
  11. RemiDaYeen

    RemiDaYeen CraftedMovie Veteran CHAMPION

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    Here's my application :

    IGN: LabyrinthMaster

    Highest Class & Level: Mage (Only class since I first joined) / Level 83

    Why you want to join? I've been planning of joining a guild for quite some time. First of all, I'd love to play with a group of people instead of playing alone as I usually do. I've played with a few of your members before, either doing quests or simply helping them out, and they were always nice. Just seeing how dedicated your members are about Wynn, like I am, really makes me want to join this guild. I'd love to share my interests in this server with you, and make new friends. I won't hide the fact that I can be very shy at first, but I'm a lot more social in-game, especially when it comes to helping people out.

    What role are you more attracted towards? Based of my previous experiences, I do a lot of farming. I'd dedicate an hour or two of my playtime to farm mobs and sharing 100% of the XP gained. Or donate a third of what I earn from my daily loot chest runs. I want to help the guild grow, as I'd help a newcomer progress ; I'm a very generous person in general. I'll also participate in guild events, meetings and wars. I don't want to be part of this guild just to get the fancy 4-stars next to my username and contribute nothing.

    Timezone: UTC+01:00 / France

    How active are you? I'm an active player. I love Wynncraft and I could spend up to 6 hours per day playing on the server. Generally, I'm active 2 hours per day on normal week days and up to 8 maximum at week-ends (#nolife). I sometimes take one-week breaks to play other games on Steam, I'll inform you if I do.

    Anything else we should know? I've been playing Wynncraft for 3 years and a half, and I've never rushed things to get to the higest level. I've always played on the same mage class since I first started the game. I enjoy exploring the map, help and socializing with other players, do loot runs and playing the game as it comes. I know a lot about this game.
    I'm also a VIP+ and ranked veteran in-game.
    I have TeamSpeak and own a Skype and Discord account.

    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10? Four. In the previous guild I was, I wasn't able to participate in many guild wars, due to problems such as me being on the other side of the province when they happened or not being on-line. But don't worry, I know all about them. As I said before, I want to participate in guild wars and events and help this guild level up.

    What Guild were you previously in? Fox - Kingdom of Foxes
    Why were you kick/left said guild? The guild was disbanded a while ago.

    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft? The stats on the website say I've only played 100 hours. I know I spent a lot more time on Wynn, don't know how much precisely, but I do know it's over 500.

    Welp. I finished writing my application. It literally took me two hours XD
    If there's anything else you want to know, let me know.

    EDIT : Made application shorter and easier to read.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2016
  12. SuperCoolSaiyan

    SuperCoolSaiyan Living that Laptop Life HERO

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    IGN: SuperCool_Saiyan
    Highest Class & Level: Archer lvl 85
    Why you want to join: I've ben really down since my previous guild either kicked me for disbanded (idk what happened) and I wanna join a new guild
    What role are you more attracted towards?: Farming
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you? All day every day: Almost every day some days I'm not on
    Anything else we should know?: I love Wynncraft its my most favorite server. I'm bad with item stats and prices so if I get it I hope the guild helps me so I don't lose out on $$
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount): 1 My Computer Sux and wars are laggy af for me
    Time Played:44 Hours
    2016-09-06_16.57.58.png P.S if this works this is what I look like
  13. Tomix

    Tomix og HERO

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  14. Cassi

    Cassi potato enthusiast VIP

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    Guild is full...
  15. killerzonedz

    killerzonedz Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    IGN: Ham_0uz
    Highest Class & Level: Archer level 81
    Why you want to join: I've never been in a great guild that is very active,and i I'm bored
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, being lazy and doing nothing like most of our recruits, etc) : attacking and farming
    Timezone: (utc +01:00) bruxelles,copenhague,paris
    How active are you? Mostly on for most of the day , i play every day on the server
    Anything else we should know? I am arab, i speak 3 language : Arabic,French,English
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)? 5
    What Guild were you previously in?Heritage
    Why were you kick/left said guild? The guild was break out and disbaned
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft?: 13 or 14 hours on wynncraft
  16. xSilence

    xSilence Travelled Adventurer

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    PS: Surra told me to apply because someone was being kicked, you can ask him to confirm. We were talking a while ago.

    IGN: xSilence
    Highest Class & Level: Archer level 77
    Why you want to join:
    What role are you more attracted towards? Fight in guild wars
    Timezone: Central Standard Time
    How active are you? I wish i could say i didnt play all day....
    Anything else we should know? i am english i speak 2 laguages and use skype/ts
    Rate your guild war experience 0 never been in a guild
    What Guild were you previously in?N/A
    Why were you kick/left said guild? N/A
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft?: 24 in Total
  17. Surra

    Surra Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I didn't say that, you misunderstood. Apply again at lvl 80.
  18. Gaz

    Gaz Travelled Adventurer

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    IGN: _Gaz
    Highest Class & Level: Mage lvl 90
    Why you want to join: lookin for an active clan c:
    What role are you more attracted towards? love being lazy but attacking isnt bad either
    Timezone: GMT
    How active are you? Active as I can be, on more some days then others
    Anything else we should know? c:
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)? 6. havent done too many since last guild wasnt big into them but am pretty decent at them
    What Guild were you previously in? Regalis
    Why were you kick/left said guild? left because it was inactive :p
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft? 31 hours c:
  19. Foxxtar_

    Foxxtar_ Bottled Fairy grinding machine HERO

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    IGN: Derysed_
    Highest Class & Level: Warrior lvl 84
    Why you want to join: Looking for some friends that i can count on and cuz i want to help the best clan of wynncraft
    What role are you attracted towards? Helping with Guild warses and helping the guild members with their problems in game
    Timezone: DST
    How active are you? Well i'm active for 3 to 4 hours a day but now that the school is beggining i think 2 and a half hours a day
    Anything else we should know? nothing ;)
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)? i'd say 5 cuz i didn't do much wars in my ex guild but i was pretty good at it anyways
    What Guild were you previously in? i was in the ToastedPandas
    Why were you kick/left said guild? i was inactive cuz i was on vacation for summer :P
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft? i actually have 59 Hours and i'm proud of it :D
  20. xLionPro_YT

    xLionPro_YT Travelled Adventurer

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    IGN: xLionPro_YT
    Highest Class and Level: Mage lvl 80/81
    Why you want to join: I want to be part of a great guild and i want some new friends
    What roleare you more attracted towards? I love "snipe" enemies with Meteor spell
    Timezone: DST
    How active are you: 6 Hours every day
    Anything we should know? nothing
    Rate your guild experience 1 to 10: 1.
    What guild were you previously in? WhiteDemons
    Why were you kick/left said guild? it was a boring guild with some friends
    how many total hours do you have on wynncraft? 31 hours
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