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Concerning Updates

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Fj_dragon, Sep 4, 2016.

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  1. Fj_dragon

    Fj_dragon Skilled Adventurer

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    Hi fellow wynnians (I guess that is how it is spelled)!
    I have been a long time wynncraft player but not so long on the forum but i am always exited when a new update rolls around the corner.
    Very recently that exact thing happened! I have now been playing the new update and i think it is good, but i would like to share my thoughts on it and also hear yours!

    I guess there will be a a patch where they fix the map up for example take away the boat merchant stalls since they are no longer used for anything now that we have the V.S.S Seaskipper merchant.

    This second one is mostly due to my nostalgia and it is that they changed cities and quests. I had always remembered the bazaar in Almuj as the inclosed and cozy place that it was and me and my friends use to meet up there but on the other hand i like the jungle village more now because before it looked more like a farming village which didn't really fit in. but this is only nostalgia. I guess the quests where changed to not be so grindy and more enjoyable for new players and generally more easy.

    I belive that the game has gotten more easy but also more enjoyable at the same time. The new element thing has been around ever since Gavel is cool but a little bit hard to fully understand all the stats and keep track of them. But now the game focusses less on the grinding and more on questing which i think is good but i liked the feel of that when you got to lvl 75 you felt that you had worked hard and long. Now it becomes more and more like a adventure then a grind which i think is very fun!

    ohwooops, Gogeta, Moss and 3 others like this.
  2. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    I like this feedback, it's nice feedback!

    For the boats, there are smaller islands that sometimes might take a little more control, also if you want to explore the seas for underwater caves which is why they were kept in.
    Malkavian and Aradia Megido like this.
  3. Fj_dragon

    Fj_dragon Skilled Adventurer

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    I like what they did with the boats and V.S.S. Sea-skipper and i have much to explore in the ocean caves! Thanks for the reply! :-D
    Pretzule likes this.
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