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Gameplay The New Soul Point System Is Bullshit, Let's Change That.

Discussion in 'Beta Feedback' started by Mettymagic, Aug 24, 2016.

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  1. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    And have you seen a game without a real death penalty that makes people afraid of death? Before this, if you were low on soul points you'd just wait it out. With this, you have two options at that point: wait it out, or continue, knowing that you'd be at risk of losing items, and being forced to play it more carefully.
    It also creates a market for soul point regen secondary armor and weapons.
    Tis a bug, most likely
    Stag2001 likes this.
  2. TempleOfLegends

    TempleOfLegends Emma CHAMPION

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    No, it says on the soul points
  3. Aqueus

    Aqueus Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Its about time i throw my hat into the ring...
    If i had one

    Anyway, here is my thoughts
    "ATM dying isn't punishing"
    IMO, i think it is. The only way for it to not punish at all is for you to not leave your location at death, which isnt how it works. Lets take this example:
    I think it would work a lot better for boss fights when you die (Multiphase ones that immediately start phase 2 after phase 1 is defeated) because you have to look at the boss's attacks and strategize and think: "Oh, so he has that attack. Maybe i should try something else when i go back to try again" And you learn more and more, but with SP, you have to wait for them to recharge before you go back and try again, and relying on RNG to see if you are going to lose an item or not. The new system will force you to do this:
    -Fill up your inventory with junk identified items so when you die you will most likely lose the trash items, and not your good one. That's annoying and tedious.
    Let's take the ritual bosses that are coming for example:
    if you die from a ritual boss, you cannot go back in without a sacrifice.
    AKA: It punishes you by having you restart the fight from the beginning.
    And you have to die around 5 times (WITHOUT USING SCROLLS) to have RNG decide whether or not it would like to rape you. Which honestly isn't a lot.
    And then there's scrolls.
    Its annoying to be on a hunt for a different item, TPing to different locations only to realize later that you have 5 SP left and cant do anything. Then you stop and get bored quickly.
    Bosses in this game aren't easy. I dont think they are that hard, rather cheap, but thats just me. So learning attacks and strategies to beat the bosses is KEY, so restricting players by telling them: "Hey, you MIGHT lose that precious mythic you spent 4 stacks of LE on, but i can make that poof away if i want" and, out of fear, you dont do anything until you get another few SP, which takes a while.
    RNG is not something to rely on. You like gambling? then you will LOVE the new system, because its basically the same.
    What if you need a few junk items for a quest, then you get ganked and lose that
    What if you need a scroll to cinfras when you're in troms, but you are getting an item first, you die and lose it, so you have to go all the way back.
    What if you are fighting a boss and you lose a few potions after you die in the run up to it, then you die to the boss when you realize you're out of potions.

    That's just what i thought about the initial introduction.
    TL;DR: RNG isn't something to rely on because it will stab you in the back, and its not an improvement. A change, but not an improvement, at least by the way it sounded.
    How does that make any sense?
    Ok, so lemme put a terrible boss that people hate because they need to HATE it for some other purpose.


    I know thats a boss, and this is a mechanic, but if people are against this mechanic for reasons that are legitimate, then that isn't good. The SP has no lore relevance and it isn't a driving force in the game. ATMOSPHERE makes people fear something. A lot of good horror movies know this. Forcing you to camp for 20+ minutes because you dont want to have the chance to be raped by the RNG isn't a good design. It makes people angry with the game rather than with dying.
    No, it doesnt merely create it. It FORCES it. And this game has a lot of content and some of that content is difficult, it could kill you. Bosses are sometimes hard, they can kill you easily. So saying "oh hey, this may be fun, but HERE COME THE ANTI-FUN POLICE. WE WOO WE WOO" pisses people off
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
    hexapod, XavierEXE and Mettymagic like this.
  4. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    i love u lets make babies

    Thank you for saying this, seriously. Being thrown to a far away town or losing progress is bad enough.
    XavierEXE and Corcustos like this.
  5. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    Do players still have a chance to lose identified items, even with more than 5 soul points? Salted was a little vague in his replies here and the changelog.
    MajesticMaj likes this.
  6. MajesticMaj

    MajesticMaj 11 Mythics Found | 40,131 chests HERO

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    Yes you can lose items at 15 soul points even, but nothing more than junk items and a few emeralds, not emerald blocks or liquefied emeralds.
    Not A Nub likes this.
  7. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    Thanks for confirming this.

    Now that I know that I won't have a chance to lose anything valuable until 5 soul points or below, I think this will be a good system.
  8. Thom_Com

    Thom_Com A Yoshi HERO

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    The first 5 minutes after I read about the new Soul Point system I tought it was a horrible idea, but then I realized that you have to die/use tp scrolls quite a lot to get to 5 SP, and even if you got to 5 SP, you can play as atleast 4 other classes while you wait for your SP to regen.

    Also, I don't think anyone really pays to much attention to Soul Point Regen, but maybe there'll be Soul Point Regen sets and stuff when the update comes, which is pretty kewl imo
  9. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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  10. Arreme

    Arreme Veteran, Learning Game Design VIP+

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  11. Arreme

    Arreme Veteran, Learning Game Design VIP+

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    I was refeering to the another post lol. Anyway I don't think that it was required to insult.
  12. Corcustos

    Corcustos It's what it's. CHAMPION

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    My total thoughts on the new SP system:

    • Deters people from using /kill to bypass having to travel.
    • Instead of an instant wipe at 2SP, penalties are more linear.
    • Low levels have less penalties, and have a chance to adapt.
    • Encourages players to avoid dying more often.
    • 20 seconds to grab your stuff.
    • A more realistic MMORPG feel.
    • Risks losing items when you /kill after getting stuck in the map.
    • Apparently the progress reset wasn't penalty enough.
    • High levels can lose Mythics more easily.
    • Also encourages players to afk more often.
    • 20 seconds to grab your stuff. Too busy with the progress reset penalty.
    • Realism.
    While I can see the Pros of this new SP system, the cons are extremely annoying. Are you stuck in a wall while having 3 soul points? Afk or hop on another server to get a Moderator, which still lessens playtime. At 5 SP and you don't want to lose your Mythic? Afk. Are you playing an MMORPG in which dying is more realistic? Afk is the solution to keeping your items!

    Also! Afk'ing will yield a better result with this system, while leaving a dog alone to poop will yield a worse result. I see the point, but perhaps it was just a bad analogy.

    In all seriousness, I don't dislike it too much. I just absolutely hate the fact that I'm going to be spending more than double the time afk'ing than I already was. Worth the new content though, I suppose. If I'm being honest, this will probably be a similar situation to the Assassin nerf that came with Gavel. Many will hate it at first, and then those people who don't like it will be forced to adapt. Kind of like when you adopt a dog. When you- yea I'm not going to give you guys a dog analogy. The main difference is that the Assassin nerf was much needed, while this is.. well.. I'll leave it up to the title to express that.

    This is how you train the dog that is the new soul point system - A way in which you could pay for a bind that broke in place of your item dropping. Say you get that 3% and you're going to drop your Mythic. If that item was targeted for dropping, the bind would break instead. More valuable items would mean higher priced binds. Something like that would definitely fit in with this new system, and I'm sure it would relieve a lot of people. Sure, rich people could essentially keep whatever they wanted still, but it would be draining their emeralds. If you want realism, rich people have always bought their way around things in MMORPGs. Nothing like a little bribe to death to keep your items, eh? Yay Realism.

    (If you have pros/cons to add to the list, I'll put them up there.)
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
    hexapod likes this.
  13. Aqueus

    Aqueus Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    The new system AND the old system i think were terrible. They forced progression to a halt unless you wanted to wait or get raped by the RNG.
    There may be a low chance you could lose some items, but there was STILL A CHANCE.
    and the only thing between losing your items and keeping them is an RNG. I do NOT like those odds.
    And if i have to WALK everywhere that wastes time. I want to HAVE FUN, NOT WALK.
    And also, lets assume you DID die and lose some items. No big deal, right? WRONG!!!
    if you get lost somewhere when you died, that stuff is probably already gone.
    CHEAP DEATHS DO EXIST. Let's assume that something like these happen: getting stuck in a block or getting ganked by 300 spiders or getting one shot by a quick-moving spell so fast you cant see it before it kills you, or you crash and spawn in a pack of mobs, or any other cheap death you had NO control over avoiding. Are ya gonna punish them for something they weren't able to stop?
    If you solo something, then GOOD FOR YOU! BUT MOST PLAYERS CAN'T, and they may need multiple tries to see the boss's attacks, especially if multiphase bosses become a thing.
    The only good death is one that feels fair, like YOU caused that. But punishing players like the new system is like saying: "OH DARN! YA LOST YER MYTHIC! WELL TWO BAD, DEAL WITH IT BEACH"
    Lets take Dark Souls for example:
    You die and you are punished by losing all of your Currency and XP you had that wasn't used, NOT YOUR ITEMS, NOT PART OF THEM, JUST SOMETHING YOU ARE ABLE TO GET BACK by going back, and THEY DO NOT DESPAWN. And most deaths you might have in that game WERE FAIR, not: "Oh darn, he one shot you," or: "Oh darn, he sped like sanic and wrecked ya. WELL 2 BAD DERE M8"
    ALL the new system does is sugarcoat shit. you may make it look nice, but its STILL SHIT.

    BTW: I am pissed for unrelated reasons.
    Yeah, if you lose your items in a boss fight, they are gone.
    And also, AFK is now going to be the savior of the server.
    And being forced to get used to a new, was terrible still is terrible system, DOES NOT MAKE IT GOOD. Jeez, i wish that the Dev team understood this.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  14. Aqueus

    Aqueus Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Do you enjoy AFK and you want more of it-
    Well now we will throw in RNG to stalk you everywhere until you die, when it will take all of your valuables and sodomize your corpse before burning it in liquid nitrogen NAKED.
    BUY NOW!
  15. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    How about we stop arguing about this and bring this back up after we've played for about a week or so, when we've actually grown more used to it, and see how it works ingame?
    also tagging me doesn't really matter because still get an alert if you quote me, even if it doesn't show
    Stag2001 likes this.
  16. Aqueus

    Aqueus Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Very well, but I will have the same outlook on this then as i have now:
    "It may be a different type of crap, it may be less crappy, but its still crap"
    Mistrise Mystic likes this.
  17. setery10

    setery10 Well-Known Adventurer

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    literally why that stuff that they have even if full legendary at lvl 20 is still not anywhere close to as expensive as 1 mythic especially when you have to be high level to use a mythic
  18. eeveelution

    eeveelution Wynn Veteran/OG VIP+

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    Item durability would work better here. How about your items lose more durability the less sp you have, and you can still lose unequipped unique items to keep it semi-risky. You could repair items but for a high cost, which could be a good money sink, especially for lazy death-travellers. What this durability system provides is a less annoying but equally punishing consequence of death.

    Also, what you are doing is hitting the dog with a newspaper 5 times, then either hitting him with your hand or, if he gets unlucky, cutting it's leg off. This is bad because even though the chance of something very bad happening is very low, when it does happen, it's a disaster (A hundred small losses are better than one big hit in the balls 1% of the time).
    Oh, and it's also animal abuse.

    P.S. the new system is still better than the old one, but it could be improved upon.
    Baze-Blob and Mettymagic like this.
  19. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    yes lets all risk losing our mythics, lose our mythics when attempting to "see how it works in game", then flame on forums good plan good show good shit
    XavierEXE likes this.
  20. Aqueus

    Aqueus Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Celery with peanut butter
    A lot of things are awesome with peanut butter
    Stag2001 and Mistrise Mystic like this.
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