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Build Caveman's Cave Of Cavey Cavieness

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by MrMadmanEPIC, Aug 16, 2016.


Do you like my build?

  1. Grian would be proud.

    4 vote(s)
  2. I- I- I don't even know what this is...

    7 vote(s)
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  1. MrMadmanEPIC

    MrMadmanEPIC The Maddest Man Around

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    Had an hour to spare, felt like building something so I just made this little hovel.






    A small cave discovered by the traveling legend, Madman. Madman stated, "Whoever resided here most likely died of the Nether's deizens" peering at the wretched nether portal, "I buried him nearby, hopefully his spirt is at ease...".
    Coolfood and Procrast like this.
  2. child

    child Content team wannabe 2k 16 i cri

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    ehh, needs some work m8
    AndriX3S likes this.
  3. PearlescentMoon

    PearlescentMoon Proud Block Placer Slave VIP

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    It's a lovely start, but I may poke a few things. :P
    Try to avoid using vanilla flowers. It may just be a personal thing to me, but more often than not, they make the build look cheap. If you're going to use flowers, use ones that may be more subtle, rather than the stark red that is immediately there and the first thing looked at when the build is viewed.

    If the stone slab is intended for terrain use, another block should be more of preference for terrain. The stone slab is too neat to even use in large amounts for terrain. That block would be more preferred in a building or path. Try using cobblestone slabs instead, and less of them. You don't want to over flood your terrain with blocks (sometimes less is more).

    Try decorating around the waterfall with leaves at the base, mixed stone and small details to really make it pop with detailing/meld into the idea of the build.

    Try mixing in other variants of stone within the cliffs to break up the stone for the eye. ^-^

    Although, this is my own preference in what I see, I completely respect that everyone has styles of building. If you don't feel like you agree with these points, you certainly are not required to use them. :)
    Great start! keep it up! ^-^
    MrMadmanEPIC likes this.
  4. Grantdrew

    Grantdrew Block Spammer

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    Coolio! I see you picked up some inspiration from Grian's videos.

    It's a pretty start, but PearlescentMoon is right. The flowers are coming on a bit too strong. Too much red in the picture.

    The stone may need some more breakup in texture. Adesite and cobblestone would be useful there. Also try removing all the stone slabs and using cobblestone slabs and stairs. They just create a more natural blend. The polished adesite looks a bit out of place as well as the gravestone.

    For the waterfall, maybe try placing a few blocks directly under the waterfall and breaking them to create some depth with the water. Later you might want to expand it into a larger pond with a sock and lilypads.

    The vegetation is lacking trees and bushes. With oak and birch leaves, you can custom make some bushes on the sides of the path and add some vines scaling up the mountain. The big feature to add more atmosphere is to have trees. In this terrain you probably don't need a forest, just make sure you have some custom trees and not vanilla.

    Your interior is down very well. I wouldn't suggest any edits in there except a carpet on the slime lock to hide it. If you want, maybe you could tunnel it to another room (or just expand the one you have) and create an underground water feature. A small pond if you will.

    On top of your house, it's probably safe to add a chimney of cobblestone to give the effect that the house is cozy, warm, and used.

    Anyways, those are just some suggestions. It's a lovely start, and I hope to see a progress update if you could.
    MrMadmanEPIC likes this.

    XXGHOSTKID21xX [The Kid No One knows] VIP+

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    I like the block chose. But it just does not feel like a cave. I seems more like an underground house make if look more ragged and more texture on the walls instead of just a flat wall. But the outside of the cave looks really good props.
  6. MrMadmanEPIC

    MrMadmanEPIC The Maddest Man Around

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    Thanks for the ideas! I'll make an updated version as soon as I have time.
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