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A Contest For Everyone!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by _Sxm, Aug 8, 2016.


Is this kind of contest a good idea?

  1. Yus

    30 vote(s)
  2. Nuh

    11 vote(s)
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  1. Battleslay1000

    Battleslay1000 And another one bites the- wait what CHAMPION

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    Well you could do like first place 15 le, second place 10 le, third place 5 le, I would sponsor that because i can
  2. _Sxm

    _Sxm :L

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    Looool first place was supposed to be 16 :-: and 1 good item
  3. Battleslay1000

    Battleslay1000 And another one bites the- wait what CHAMPION

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    Do what you want
  4. SpaceGerm

    SpaceGerm TheOne&Only

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    I love looking at these word walls :P
    Battleslay1000 likes this.
  5. JeffreyDavid

    JeffreyDavid Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    this is a good idea
  6. The Humbler

    The Humbler Well-Known Adventurer

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    (I don't know if a quest like this already exists, sorry if the answer is yes)
    Seek, and ye shall Find
    [Level 35 quest]
    In Almuj, clicking on a random citizen has a 25% chance of giving you this random dialogue. Once complete, your QuestStartNL Score becomes one, and the chance of you being given this dialogue drops to 0.

    Stage One:

    At Almuj:

    [1/3] NPC 1: Hey, D'you hear something earlier?
    [2/3] NPC 1: It's seems like the King is sick all the way back in Ragni.
    [3/3] NPC 1: I wonder why though...

    The player is free to treat it as a random piece of "gossip" or random dialogue option. However, if they player returns to Ragni and speaks to the king after recieving this "gossip", the King will answer. In addition, after recieving the "news" the quest book will update to feature this new possible quest (it won't be there before).

    At the King's Hall:

    [1/1] King: Oh- hello there.

    There will now be two options:

    Below Level 35:
    [1/3] King: It's been awhile since I've seen you. Few return after they exit these halls.
    [2/3] King: The rumors are true, I have not been in the best of health lately, and there is a thing that can help-
    [3/3] King: But I'm afraid I cannot give you this dangerous quest until you have matured sufficiently. Good day, my friend. **coughs**

    Above Level 35:
    [1/7] King: Greetings, my loyal liege. It is most impressive to see how you have grown since you left. **coughs**
    [2/7] King: I'm afraid that my ailment still persists, to no avail.
    [3/7] King: At this point, I won't be long in this world- unless you can help me.
    [4/7] King: Yes, yes. You have matured sufficiently. Can you hel;p me?
    [5/7] King: The medicine required is both complicated and extremely hard to find. They say that the potions master in Detlas also knows some of medicine. Go find him.
    [6/7] King: I hope he will be of use. **coughs** Now go.
    [7/7] King: Take this badge so they will know I sent you. I hope you succeed.

    **Gives player King's Ensign**
    **Quest started: Seek and ye shall Find**

    If talked to again:
    [1/1] King: I have nothing **cough** to say.

    The Original Thread didn't load fully. Here's try no. 2:
    (I don't know if a quest like this already exists, sorry if the answer is yes)
    Seek, and ye shall Find
    [Level 35 quest]
    In Almuj, clicking on a random citizen has a 25% chance of giving you this random dialogue. Once complete, your QuestStartNL Score becomes one, and the chance of you being given this dialogue drops to 0.

    Stage One:
    At Almuj:

    [1/3] NPC 1: Hey, D'you hear something earlier?
    [2/3] NPC 1: It's seems like the King is sick all the way back in Ragni.
    [3/3] NPC 1: I wonder why though...

    The player is free to treat it as a random piece of "gossip" or random dialogue option. However, if they player returns to Ragni and speaks to the king after recieving this "gossip", the King will answer. In addition, after recieving the "news" the quest book will update to feature this new possible quest (it won't be there before).

    Stage Two:

    At the King's Hall:

    [1/1] King: Oh- hello there.

    There will now be two options:

    1. Below Level 35:
    [1/3] King: It's been awhile since I've seen you. Few return after they exit these halls.
    [2/3] King: The rumors are true, I have not been in the best of health lately, and there is a thing that can help-
    [3/3] King: But I'm afraid I cannot give you this dangerous quest until you have matured sufficiently. Good day, my friend. **coughs**

    2. Above Level 35:
    [1/7] King: Greetings, my loyal liege. It is most impressive to see how you have grown since you left. **coughs**
    [2/7] King: I'm afraid that my ailment still persists, to no avail.
    [3/7] King: At this point, I won't be long in this world- unless you can help me.
    [4/7] King: Yes, yes. You have matured sufficiently. Can you hel;p me?
    [5/7] King: The medicine required is both complicated and extremely hard to find. They say that the potions master in Detlas also knows some of medicine. Go find him.
    [6/7] King: I hope he will be of use. **coughs** Now go.
    [7/7] King: Take this badge so they will know I sent you. I hope you succeed.

    **Gives player King's Ensign**
    **Quest started: Seek and ye shall Find**

    (3. If talked to again:)
    [1/1] King: I have nothing **cough** to say.

    The player should now head for Detlas. once there, look for the potions shop. Equip the Ensign and go in. This will initiate dialogue from the shop's potions brewer.
    [New Item:] King's Ensign
    Legendary Accessory
    +10 Defence
    +20 Health
    Lore: He who bears this bears the Power of the King of Wynn, bestowed upon he by the Law of the Ancients and the Order of man, unto eternity and forevermore. Let the heavens bear witness to he and his deeds, whether fortituous or scalding, in peace and war, for he who beareth this Ensign be as if a King himself, slave but to one, master to a thousand.

    Note: This item will need to be present for the entirety of this quest.
    Stage Three:
    At Detlas:

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/5] Potion Brewer: Hello there. Here to check out the- hey, isn't that the King's Ensign?
    [2/5] Potion Brewer: He's sick? What do you mean he's sick?
    [3/5] Potion Brewer: Medicine... Medicine... I suppose healing potions won't work, eh? They're pretty much omnipotent...
    [4/5] Potion Brewer: There is an ancient formula about healing powder... Tell you what, actually, can you bring me some Aerolia flowers? I know they're supposed to be for shoe-making, but I think I read about them having healing properties once.
    [5/5] Potion Brewer: Talk to Lacrona at the town square, I think she'll have some ideas on where to get the flowers. Bye!

    (2. If talked to again:)
    [1/1] Potion Brewer: I'm afraid I need those flowers to do more.

    The player should go to Lacrona at Detlas' town square.

    Stage Four:

    At Detlas:

    There will now be two options:

    1. If the player has completed "Suspended Flowers":
    [1/5] Lacrona: How have the boots- what's that?
    [2/5] Lacrona: Oh dear, if the King's sick, I better help out then...
    [3/5] Lacrona: Unfortunately I'm out of stock, but you know where to find 'em.
    [4/5] Lacrona: Tell Asher I said hello. He should wash the flowers for you. Good luck!

    2. If the player has not completed "Suspended Flowers":
    [1/5] Lacrona: Hello adventurer. You've happened to come at the perfect time.
    [2/5] Lacrona: You see- oh, that's bad. The King's ailing?
    [3/5] Lacrona: You need some Aerolia flowers... okay.
    [4/5] Lacrona: I use them to make armour, but I'm all out of stock. I was going to ask you to help me find some, but, well...
    [5/5] Lacrona: Here, talk to Asher, my student at Time Valley. He lives in a house in the ruins, and he'll be more than happy to help.

    (3. If talked to again:)
    [1/1] Lacrona: Well, what are you waiting for?

    The player should head to Time Valley and find Asher.

    Stage Five:
    At Time Valley:

    There will now be two options:

    1. If the player has completed "Suspended Flowers":
    [1/3] Asher: Well, hello again!
    [2/3] Asher: What- oh... okay. 4 Aerolias as usual, eh?
    [3/3] Asher: You know the drill. I'll help you wash them when you're done. Good luck!

    2. If the player has not completed "Suspended Flowers":

    [1/4] Asher: Hello! I never get visitors here, so you must be the person Lacrona notified me about!
    Hmm... the King's sick, you say? And you need them flowers. Okay...
    Asher: The 4 Aerolia flowers you need can be found in a cave nearby. The cave is, the cave is... let me think for a moment.
    Asher: Ah! It is in the side of a big cliff. In fact, you should have passed it on your way here. You should be careful though. This area has many unsolved mysteries about it.
    [4/4] Asher: Bring those flowers back to me once you get them, and I'll clean them for you!

    (3. If talked to again:)
    [1/1] Asher: I'm still waiting for the Aerolia Flowers...

    4. On Retrieval:
    [1/3] Asher: Good, good. Just hand me those flowers and I'll do my business.
    [2/3] Asher: I'd tell you my theories about this place, but I think you're in a hurry here- for example, I think that time... Oops, went off topic again.
    [3/3] Asher: Here you go!

    **Gives the player 4 Aerolia Flowers**

    The player should now return to the Potions Brewer.

    Stage Six:
    At Detlas:

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/4] Potion Brewer: Ah, I see you brought the flowers.
    [2/4] Potion Brewer: While you were gone, I've been reading up on how to activate the Aerolia Flower's healing abilities. Apparently, we need some kind of magical compound to activate it.
    [3/4] Potion Brewer: Unfortunately, mixing said magical compund is impossible. It's distilled from a highly complicated (not to mention illegal) potion that's beyond this brewery's ability- the Potion of Essential Essence.

    [4/4] Potion Brewer: Luckily, I know some folk who live right outside the city who do, er, this kind of stuff. The man you want to see is The Assistant, and he lives on the side of the Black Road. I'm sure he can help if you ask him nicely. Here's the recipe for the compund. As for the flowers, I'll begin the purification process so we can make the healing powder when you come back. I hope you succeed!

    **Gives player one Essence Potion Recipe**

    2. If talked to again:
    [1/1] Potion Brewer: I can only do so much. It's up to you to ask them.


    [New Item:] Essence Potion Recipe
    Misc. Item
    Lore: Filled with indecipherable text

    The player should now head to the site of the quest Potion Making.

    Stage Seven
    At the Black Road:

    1. If the player has completed "Potion Making":
    [1/6] The Assistant: Ah! Thank you for your help last time.
    [2/6] The Assistant: Something for my Master to brew? Interesting...
    [3/6] The Assistant: Potion of Essential Essence fot the King, I see.
    [4/6] The Assistant: Well, my Master can brew this for a small fee, but you'll have to supply some ingredients, I'm afraid. Let's see... Erhu traha yevkoh shokande erised... We will need to you provide one bucket of milk for essence distillation, 3 bone meal to enhance the development and consolidation of the potion, and 1 red powder to add raw energy.
    [5/6] The Assistant: The milk can be found at the ranches north of Ragni along the coast, the bone meal from wandering skeletons, and as for the red powder... if you have none, I can recommend someone. Now, who was he. Ah! Enzan. I recall him saying something about a brother.
    [6/6] The Assistant: And of course, we will require a ten-emerald fee. Now, fair travels!

    2. If the player has not completed "Potion Making":
    [1/5] The Assistant: Hello! I would ask you for help, but it seems like you have something for me.
    [2/5] The Assistant: I see... A little something for my Master to brew, eh?
    [3/5] The Assistant: Well, we can do this for a small fee, but we can't volunteer much except for some basic ingredients and our expertise.
    [4/5] The Assistant: For your ingredients, you need... Erhu traha yevkoh shokande erised... We will need to you provide one bucket of milk for essence distillation, 3 bone meal to enhance the development and consolidation of the potion, and 1 red powder to add raw energy.
    [5/5] The Assistant: The milk can be found at the ranches north of Ragni along the coast, the bone meal from wandering skeletons, and as for the red powder... if you have none, I can recommend someone. Now, who was he. Ah! Enzan. I recall him saying something about a brother. And, finally we need a ten emerald fee. Now, fair travels!

    (3. When spoken to again:)

    [1/1] The Assistant: We still need one red powder, three bone meal and one bucket of milk and the fee.

    4. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/4] The Assistant: Lovely! I'll just add this to the potion... I have it right here.
    [2/4] The Assistant: Here you go!
    [3/4] The Assistant: I certainly hope this helps make your cure.
    [4/4] The Assistant: I have taken the liberty to distill it for you while I was at it, this stuff evaporates quickly.

    **Gives player 1 distilled Essence Potion Compound**

    [New Item:] Essence Potion Compound
    Misc. Item

    Lore: Smouldering lightly
    The player should now return to the potions brewer with the Compound.

    Here I had to stop for now since my browser nearly crashed.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
  7. The Humbler

    The Humbler Well-Known Adventurer

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    Stage Eight
    At Detlas:

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/4] Potion Brewer: Good work! I wasn't wrong in choosing the Master, it seems. This compound is extremely pure and powerful, and will work just fine for our healing powder. Of course, what's really important are the flowers. Apparently they can heal any ailment or poison, if served quickly enough with the right formula- the one we're using right now, in fact. Can you believe they crush these flowers to make boots?
    [2/4] Potion Brewer: Anyways, the last step of this process is beyond my abilities- we need to release the hidden magic of some kind of "Lightsphere". Apparently it's made from fallen stars.
    [3/4] Potion Brewer: I know a wizard called Gundalf, he should help with that. He is extremely well read after all. Legends tell that he lives in a secret library near the Nether Portal, collecting information, guarded by his Book of Fundalg.

    [4/4] Potion Brewer: Well, the whole thing's beyond my ability now. I hope you succeed in your quest!

    (2. When spoken to again:)
    [1/1] Potion Brewer: I can't help you anymore. Good luck!

    **Gives player one Unfinished Healing Powder**
    The player should head to the Detlas Suburb. Anyone bearing the King's Ensign at this part of the quest will automatically trigger dialogue from Gundalf.
    [New Item:] Unfinished Healing Powder
    Misc. Item
    Lore: Gives off a sweet aroma
    Stage Nine
    At the Secret Library

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/3] Gundalf: Nice wristband! Is that- Is that the King's Ensign??
    [2/3] Gundalf: A quest to save the King, no doubt. Ah... a lightsphere?
    [3/3] Gundalf: I have heard of such a thing... once only. Legend tells that it resides within the underground halls of Ancient Nemract, guarded by a Rotting Necromancer.

    There will now be two options;

    2. If the player has completed the "Lost Tower" Quest:
    [1/4] Gundalf: You mean you've already beaten him?
    [2/4] Gundalf: Great, this is going to be complicated.
    [3/4] Gundalf: Hmm... There is indeed someone I can contact. He has lived in Nemract for years, and his name is Drucksh. Well, he calls himself Drucksh when he's not as drunk, god knows who his real name is.
    [4/4] Gundalf: Go find him, and tell him that you're looking for the Lightsphere. Maybe he can help.

    3. If the player has not completed the "Lost Tower" Quest:
    [1/3] Gundalf: I know an old resident from Ancient Nemract, Laen. He lives in Nemract now, of course, but he was alive during the olden days.
    [2/3] Gundalf: Ask him if he has any idea about this "Lightsphere", or where the Rotting Necromancer is.
    [3/3] Gundalf: If my sources are right, he should also have something of Laen's that he treasures dearly.

    (4. When spoken to again:)
    [1/1] Gundalf: Let's hope you find this Lightsphere!

    After the player finds Laes from option 3, he will instruct the player to kill the Rotting Necromancer and return the Book of Bones. However, the Necromancer will only drop a Broken Lightsphere shell, and after returning the book to Laes, the player will be instructed to return to the Gundalf. Drucksh will also give the player a broken lightsphere after being bribed with potions of drunkness, and instruct him to return to Gundalf, thus uniting the two branches.

    Stage Ten [Option 2]
    At Nemract:

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/5] Drucksh: Whuuhhhuhh? Whudduh- oh, hello.
    [2/5] Drucksh: What do yeh want?
    [3/5] Drucksh: L-Lightsphere? HAHAHA! The thing broke years ago.
    [4/5] Drucksh: Stole it off the Necromancer for a lark. Well, it was already broken, and I certainly ain't giving it to you.
    [5/5] Drucksh: Well, maybe if you had two potions of drunkness. Maybe.

    2. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/3] Drucksh: Ahhhhrgggg... So...guggood...
    [2/3] Drucksh: Jus...Ahhh whatgleverrrr.....
    [3/3] Drucksh: Takeit foralook. Take it backkk to Gundalf, or whatglever **burp** MaybEE he can fixit.

    **Gives player one Broken Lightsphere shell**

    Stage Ten [Option 3]
    At Nemract:

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/5] Laes: Who... hello there!

    [2/5] Laes: What brings you- ahh, the King's Ensign. Gundalf sent word already.
    [3/5] Laes: When a creature stole my family's Book of Bones, I felt dark energy flowing out of him in droves. It would be years later until I found out that it was a necromancer
    [4/5] Laes: Now, I ask you, defeat him and return my book to me. Perhaps he will hold the lightsphere as well- though what such a dark individual would do with it, I know not.

    [5/5] Laes: Let us hope for both of our sakes that you succeed.

    2. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/3] Laes: Thank you! This will do just fine for reading

    [2/3] Laes: However, for the Lightsphere...
    [3/3] Laes: Maybe Gundalf can fix it. I hope.

    The player should head back to the Secret Library. Players who were offered option three will automatically complete the "Lost Tower" Quest when they complete this quest.

    And here's Part Two.

  8. _Sxm

    _Sxm :L

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    Your dialogue >> of the charts creativity ;)
    However, the part where you have 2 options of other quest npcs from other quests won't work since It doesn't work like that but I'm not gonna care bout that, it's the creativity I need
  9. The Humbler

    The Humbler Well-Known Adventurer

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    Stage Eleven
    At the Secret Library:

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/5] Gundalf: Well, well well... what have we here?
    [2/5] Gundalf: Oh dear... It's broken? I was not expecting this!
    [3/5] Gundalf: This is going to be very, very bad, I'm afraid. In my years of collecting, I have come across legends surrounding this... Lightsphere. And this thing is expensive to make- trust me, you don't want to know how this is forged from liquid emerald. According to these tales, if one lightsphere is to be broken, you will need five legendary items to make it anew. This is quite the demoralising development, eh?
    [4/5] Gundalf: But anyways, what you require are five shards of fallen stars. You will know them by their fragmente, light blue-green appearance. It is quite strange, but I have never seen any except in one place- the top of the Nivia Woods. And I don't mean the spots where the sun shines in either. The shards are located at the tops of trees, and you'll need special assistance to walk on top of the leaves without falling through.
    [5/5] Gundalf: Here you go. I've found these boots awhile ago, they should support your weight without crushing the leaves. I've also made a potion to levitate you to the top of the trees Watch out for the guardian spirits though!

    **Gives player one pair of Leafwalker Boots.**
    **Gives player one potion of levitation (5 seconds)**

    (2. If spoken to again:)
    [1/1] Gundalf: Good luck!

    [New Item:] Leafwalker Boots
    Rare Boots
    +20% Walk Speed

    Stage Twelve (Final)

    The player should head to the Nivia Woods, drink the potion, float to the treetops, and run around collecting the shards present as items. Meanwhile, guardian spirits will chase them across the treetops. After collecting five the player should return to the Secret Library.

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/4] Gundalf: Yes! This is perfect!
    [2/4] Gundalf: Let's see... Good... Good... I'll just turn this into a potion...
    [3/4] Gundalf: Here we go! Just a little more and... done.
    [4/4] Gundalf: Here, take this to the King, that should solve all of our problems! Lovely!

    **Gives player two Elixir of Healing**

    The player should head back to Ragni and talk to the King.

    Stage Thirteen (Epilogue)

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/5] King: My dear man, how goes your quest? **coughs** I trust that you have...
    [2/5] King: **hacking cough** I'm afraid I don't have much time left. Did you succeed?
    [3/5] King: This potion is... perfect. Perfect indeed. I am certain that it will help.
    [4/5] King: Here's to nothing- **cough**
    [5/5] King: Ah... Yes... Thank you, thank you! I feel much better now. Truly, today is the greatest of days. For your good work, I hereby award you my Ensign- you get to keep it, of course, and one vial of this liquid emerald which my ministers assure me is quite valuable (though I don't quite see why), and... what can I give you... Ah. My old chestplate. It was a great thing, really. I'm sure you'd be able to find better ones, but this is your loyal servant now. Treat it well. As well as this second vial of healing elixir that I don't think I'll need, which you certainly deserve since you put in lots of hard work to make it, and finally, some bountiful experience I have collected from my travels. Good day to you!

    **Quest Complete: Seek, and ye shall Find**
    **+25,000 exp points**
    **+1 Elixir of Healing**
    **+1 Liquid Emerald**
    **+1 King's Old Chestplate**

    [New Item:] Elixir of Healing
    Lore: Heals all HP, mana, removes all debuffs, removes fire, gives you regeneration II, resistance I and absorption III for 5 minutes
    [New Item:] King's Old Chestplate
    Legendary Golden Chestplate
    +30 Defence
    +20 Intelligence
    +10 Strength
    +10 Dexterity
    +400 Health
    +30 Fire Defence
    +30 Water Defence
    +30 Air Defence
    +30 Earth Defence
    +30 Thunder Defence
    +200% Melee Damage
    +200% Spell Damage
    +50% Walk Speed

    Lvl Min: 40
    Int. Min: 20
    Def Min: 20
    Strn Min: 20
    Lore: A thousand lions may assault thee, but to life shall thine hold true. Entrusted only to the wisest and moste potente in the ars magica in defense and offense, he who bears this shall reign in eternal glory.

    And... done! Will consider adding more later, too tired for now. :)
    If I don't win this, I'll cy. JK. First time doing a quest tho, hope it's ok.
  10. Battleslay1000

    Battleslay1000 And another one bites the- wait what CHAMPION

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    This is probably a 1 or 2nd place winner, just please note a few things:
    If the kings ensign is needed to continue the quest, it should be a quest item, our current quest system doesn't allow us to combine quests like that(I don't think), Drucksh should not be telling the player to get him potions of drunkness, the player should figure it out themselves, and lastly, the quest reward needs to be tweaked(considerably). But nice job!
  11. _Sxm

    _Sxm :L

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    :3 if the guy who made Friend of a King he might win :3 (@Fluffy) but you never know, 3 days left!
  12. Battleslay1000

    Battleslay1000 And another one bites the- wait what CHAMPION

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    Yeah that one was definitely a good one
  13. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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  14. The Humbler

    The Humbler Well-Known Adventurer

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    Well, the ensign was meant to be both a quest item and a reward in and of itself- a unique badge saying that you undertook this difficult and dangerous quest, and (at least probably) succeeded. The quest was meant to be a "Final Hurrah" for the starting areas, especially Ragni and the surrounding farms and stuff, and as an especially grueling "coming of age" quest, with it's completion signifying that you've "beaten" the starting areas and are now in the "Big Leagues", which was why I made it tour as many areas as possible, and long, convoluted quest chains and stuff like that. It was also a way to "visit old friends" like Enzan who you probably ignored after collecting your one red powder from his quest. I'm still gonna add more custom lines and unique encounters, though, so it might get EVEN LONGER. (I know, I know). I'll also probably requote all of this into one post/thread. But anyways, yeah, the Ensign is meant as a "signifyer" of sorts, to activate unique dialogue from characters whom you might have done quests for, which was why I added all those options- it helps create a sense of history and worldbuilding, as in "I've done this" and "you remember me".
  15. Battleslay1000

    Battleslay1000 And another one bites the- wait what CHAMPION

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    Then you can make it a quest item during the quest, and a reward+untradeable item for after the quest.
  16. The Humbler

    The Humbler Well-Known Adventurer

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    It's not bad, just... random. As in "follow the blood! Pick a house!" and then BOOM NAGA
    Ah ok. :)
    Will do that in my compiliation thread
  17. The Humbler

    The Humbler Well-Known Adventurer

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    Seek, and ye shall Find
    [Level 35 quest]
    In Almuj, clicking on a random citizen has a 25% chance of giving you this random dialogue. Once complete, your QuestStartNL Score becomes one, and the chance of you being given this dialogue drops to 0.

    Stage One:
    At Almuj:

    [1/3] NPC 1: Hey, D'you hear something earlier?
    [2/3] NPC 1: It's seems like the King is sick all the way back in Ragni.
    [3/3] NPC 1: I wonder why though...

    The player is free to treat it as a random piece of "gossip" or random dialogue option. However, if they player returns to Ragni and speaks to the king after recieving this "gossip", the King will answer. In addition, after recieving the "news" the quest book will update to feature this new possible quest (it won't be there before).

    Stage Two:

    At the King's Hall:

    [1/1] King: Oh- hello there.

    There will now be two options:

    1. Below Level 35:
    [1/3] King: It's been awhile since I've seen you. Few return after they exit these halls.
    [2/3] King: The rumors are true, I have not been in the best of health lately, and there is a thing that can help-
    [3/3] King: But I'm afraid I cannot give you this dangerous quest until you have matured sufficiently. Good day, my friend. **coughs**

    2. Above Level 35:
    [1/7] King: Greetings, my loyal liege. It is most impressive to see how you have grown since you left. **coughs**
    [2/7] King: I'm afraid that my ailment still persists, to no avail.
    [3/7] King: At this point, I won't be long in this world- unless you can help me.
    [4/7] King: Yes, yes. You have matured sufficiently. Can you hel;p me?
    [5/7] King: The medicine required is both complicated and extremely hard to find. They say that the potions master in Detlas also knows some of medicine. Go find him.
    [6/7] King: I hope he will be of use. **coughs** Now go.
    [7/7] King: Take this badge so they will know I sent you. I hope you succeed.

    **Gives player King's Ensign**
    **Quest started: Seek and ye shall Find**

    (3. If talked to again:)
    [1/1] King: I have nothing **cough** to say.

    The player should now head for Detlas. once there, look for the potions shop. Equip the Ensign and go in. This will initiate dialogue from the shop's potions brewer.
    [New Item:] King's Ensign
    Legendary Accessory
    +10 Defence
    +20 Health
    Lore: He who bears this bears the Power of the King of Wynn, bestowed upon he by the Law of the Ancients and the Order of man, unto eternity and forevermore. Let the heavens bear witness to he and his deeds, whether fortituous or scalding, in peace and war, for he who beareth this Ensign be as if a King himself, slave but to one, master to a thousand.
    Quest Item
    Stage Three:
    At Detlas:

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/5] Potion Brewer: Hello there. Here to check out the- hey, isn't that the King's Ensign?
    [2/5] Potion Brewer: He's sick? What do you mean he's sick?
    [3/5] Potion Brewer: Medicine... Medicine... I suppose healing potions won't work, eh? They're pretty much omnipotent...
    [4/5] Potion Brewer: There is an ancient formula about healing powder... Tell you what, actually, can you bring me some Aerolia flowers? I know they're supposed to be for shoe-making, but I think I read about them having healing properties once.
    [5/5] Potion Brewer: Talk to Lacrona at the town square, I think she'll have some ideas on where to get the flowers. Bye!

    (2. If talked to again:)
    [1/1] Potion Brewer: I'm afraid I need those flowers to do more.

    The player should go to Lacrona at Detlas' town square.

    Stage Four:

    At Detlas:

    There will now be two options:

    1. If the player has completed "Suspended Flowers":
    [1/5] Lacrona: How have the boots- what's that?
    [2/5] Lacrona: Oh dear, if the King's sick, I better help out then...
    [3/5] Lacrona: Unfortunately I'm out of stock, but you know where to find 'em.
    [4/5] Lacrona: Tell Asher I said hello. He should wash the flowers for you. Good luck!

    2. If the player has not completed "Suspended Flowers":
    [1/5] Lacrona: Hello adventurer. You've happened to come at the perfect time.
    [2/5] Lacrona: You see- oh, that's bad. The King's ailing?
    [3/5] Lacrona: You need some Aerolia flowers... okay.
    [4/5] Lacrona: I use them to make armour, but I'm all out of stock. I was going to ask you to help me find some, but, well...
    [5/5] Lacrona: Here, talk to Asher, my student at Time Valley. He lives in a house in the ruins, and he'll be more than happy to help.

    (3. If talked to again:)
    [1/1] Lacrona: Well, what are you waiting for?

    The player should head to Time Valley and find Asher.

    Stage Five:
    At Time Valley:

    There will now be two options:

    1. If the player has completed "Suspended Flowers":
    [1/3] Asher: Well, hello again!
    [2/3] Asher: What- oh... okay. 4 Aerolias as usual, eh?
    [3/3] Asher: You know the drill. I'll help you wash them when you're done. Good luck!

    2. If the player has not completed "Suspended Flowers":

    [1/4] Asher: Hello! I never get visitors here, so you must be the person Lacrona notified me about!
    Hmm... the King's sick, you say? And you need them flowers. Okay...
    Asher: The 4 Aerolia flowers you need can be found in a cave nearby. The cave is, the cave is... let me think for a moment.
    Asher: Ah! It is in the side of a big cliff. In fact, you should have passed it on your way here. You should be careful though. This area has many unsolved mysteries about it.
    [4/4] Asher: Bring those flowers back to me once you get them, and I'll clean them for you!

    (3. If talked to again:)
    [1/1] Asher: I'm still waiting for the Aerolia Flowers...

    4. On Retrieval:
    [1/3] Asher: Good, good. Just hand me those flowers and I'll do my business.
    [2/3] Asher: I'd tell you my theories about this place, but I think you're in a hurry here- for example, I think that time... Oops, went off topic again.
    [3/3] Asher: Here you go!

    **Gives the player 4 Aerolia Flowers**

    The player should now return to the Potions Brewer.

    Stage Six:
    At Detlas:

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/4] Potion Brewer: Ah, I see you brought the flowers.
    [2/4] Potion Brewer: While you were gone, I've been reading up on how to activate the Aerolia Flower's healing abilities. Apparently, we need some kind of magical compound to activate it.
    [3/4] Potion Brewer: Unfortunately, mixing said magical compund is impossible. It's distilled from a highly complicated (not to mention illegal) potion that's beyond this brewery's ability- the Potion of Essential Essence.

    [4/4] Potion Brewer: Luckily, I know some folk who live right outside the city who do, er, this kind of stuff. The man you want to see is The Assistant, and he lives on the side of the Black Road. I'm sure he can help if you ask him nicely. Here's the recipe for the compund. As for the flowers, I'll begin the purification process so we can make the healing powder when you come back. I hope you succeed!

    **Gives player one Essence Potion Recipe**

    2. If talked to again:
    [1/1] Potion Brewer: I can only do so much. It's up to you to ask them.


    [New Item:] Essence Potion Recipe
    Misc. Item
    Lore: Filled with indecipherable text

    The player should now head to the site of the quest Potion Making.

    Stage Seven
    At the Black Road:

    1. If the player has completed "Potion Making":
    [1/6] The Assistant: Ah! Thank you for your help last time.
    [2/6] The Assistant: Something for my Master to brew? Interesting...
    [3/6] The Assistant: Potion of Essential Essence fot the King, I see.
    [4/6] The Assistant: Well, my Master can brew this for a small fee, but you'll have to supply some ingredients, I'm afraid. Let's see... Erhu traha yevkoh shokande erised... We will need to you provide one bucket of milk for essence distillation, 3 bone meal to enhance the development and consolidation of the potion, and 1 red powder to add raw energy.
    [5/6] The Assistant: The milk can be found at the ranches north of Ragni along the coast, the bone meal from wandering skeletons, and as for the red powder... if you have none, I can recommend someone. Now, who was he. Ah! Enzan. I recall him saying something about a brother.
    [6/6] The Assistant: And of course, we will require a ten-emerald fee. Now, fair travels!

    2. If the player has not completed "Potion Making":
    [1/5] The Assistant: Hello! I would ask you for help, but it seems like you have something for me.
    [2/5] The Assistant: I see... A little something for my Master to brew, eh?
    [3/5] The Assistant: Well, we can do this for a small fee, but we can't volunteer much except for some basic ingredients and our expertise.
    [4/5] The Assistant: For your ingredients, you need... Erhu traha yevkoh shokande erised... We will need to you provide one bucket of milk for essence distillation, 3 bone meal to enhance the development and consolidation of the potion, and 1 red powder to add raw energy.
    [5/5] The Assistant: The milk can be found at the ranches north of Ragni along the coast, the bone meal from wandering skeletons, and as for the red powder... if you have none, I can recommend someone. Now, who was he. Ah! Enzan. I recall him saying something about a brother. And, finally we need a ten emerald fee. Now, fair travels!

    (3. When spoken to again:)

    [1/1] The Assistant: We still need one red powder, three bone meal and one bucket of milk and the fee.

    4. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/4] The Assistant: Lovely! I'll just add this to the potion... I have it right here.
    [2/4] The Assistant: Here you go!
    [3/4] The Assistant: I certainly hope this helps make your cure.
    [4/4] The Assistant: I have taken the liberty to distill it for you while I was at it, this stuff evaporates quickly.

    **Gives player 1 distilled Essence Potion Compound**

    [New Item:] Essence Potion Compound

    Misc. Item
    Lore: Smouldering lightly
    Quest Item
    The player should now return to the potions brewer with the Compound.

    Stage Eight
    At Detlas:

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/4] Potion Brewer: Good work! I wasn't wrong in choosing the Master, it seems. This compound is extremely pure and powerful, and will work just fine for our healing powder. Of course, what's really important are the flowers. Apparently they can heal any ailment or poison, if served quickly enough with the right formula- the one we're using right now, in fact. Can you believe they crush these flowers to make boots?
    [2/4] Potion Brewer: Anyways, the last step of this process is beyond my abilities- we need to release the hidden magic of some kind of "Lightsphere". Apparently it's made from fallen stars.
    [3/4] Potion Brewer: I know a wizard called Gundalf, he should help with that. He is extremely well read after all. Legends tell that he lives in a secret library near the Nether Portal, collecting information, guarded by his Book of Fundalg.

    [4/4] Potion Brewer: Well, the whole thing's beyond my ability now. I hope you succeed in your quest!

    (2. When spoken to again:)
    [1/1] Potion Brewer: I can't help you anymore. Good luck!

    **Gives player one Unfinished Healing Powder**
    The player should head to the Detlas Suburb. Anyone bearing the King's Ensign at this part of the quest will automatically trigger dialogue from Gundalf.
    [New Item:] Unfinished Healing Powder
    Misc. Item
    Lore: Gives off a sweet aroma
    Quest Item
    Stage Nine
    At the Secret Library

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/3] Gundalf: Nice wristband! Is that- Is that the King's Ensign??
    [2/3] Gundalf: A quest to save the King, no doubt. Ah... a lightsphere?
    [3/3] Gundalf: I have heard of such a thing... once only. Legend tells that it resides within the underground halls of Ancient Nemract, guarded by a Rotting Necromancer.

    There will now be two options;

    2. If the player has completed the "Lost Tower" Quest:
    [1/4] Gundalf: You mean you've already beaten him?
    [2/4] Gundalf: Great, this is going to be complicated.
    [3/4] Gundalf: Hmm... There is indeed someone I can contact. He has lived in Nemract for years, and his name is Drucksh. Well, he calls himself Drucksh when he's not as drunk, god knows who his real name is.
    [4/4] Gundalf: Go find him, and tell him that you're looking for the Lightsphere. Maybe he can help.

    3. If the player has not completed the "Lost Tower" Quest:
    [1/3] Gundalf: I know an old resident from Ancient Nemract, Laen. He lives in Nemract now, of course, but he was alive during the olden days.
    [2/3] Gundalf: Ask him if he has any idea about this "Lightsphere", or where the Rotting Necromancer is.
    [3/3] Gundalf: If my sources are right, he should also have something of Laen's that he treasures dearly.

    (4. When spoken to again:)
    [1/1] Gundalf: Let's hope you find this Lightsphere!

    After the player finds Laes from option 3, he will instruct the player to kill the Rotting Necromancer and return the Book of Bones. However, the Necromancer will only drop a Broken Lightsphere shell, and after returning the book to Laes, the player will be instructed to return to the Gundalf. Drucksh will also give the player a broken lightsphere after being bribed with potions of drunkness, and instruct him to return to Gundalf, thus uniting the two branches.

    Stage Ten [Option 2]
    At Nemract:

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/5] Drucksh: Whuuhhhuhh? Whudduh- oh, hello.
    [2/5] Drucksh: What do yeh want?
    [3/5] Drucksh: L-Lightsphere? HAHAHA! The thing broke years ago.
    [4/5] Drucksh: Stole it off the Necromancer for a lark. Well, it was already broken, and I certainly ain't giving it to you.
    [5/5] Drucksh: Well, maybe if you had... **sniggers** you know what I'm talking about. Maybe.

    2. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/3] Drucksh: Ahhhhrgggg... So...guggood...
    [2/3] Drucksh: Jus...Ahhh whatgleverrrr.....
    [3/3] Drucksh: Takeit foralook. Take it backkk to Gundalf, or whatglever **burp** MaybEE he can fixit.

    **Gives player one Broken Lightsphere shell**

    Stage Ten [Option 3]
    At Nemract:

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/5] Laes: Who... hello there!
    [2/5] Laes: What brings you- ahh, the King's Ensign. Gundalf sent word already.
    [3/5] Laes: When a creature stole my family's Book of Bones, I felt dark energy flowing out of him in droves. It would be years later until I found out that it was a necromancer
    [4/5] Laes: Now, I ask you, defeat him and return my book to me. Perhaps he will hold the lightsphere as well- though what such a dark individual would do with it, I know not.
    [5/5] Laes: Let us hope for both of our sakes that you succeed.

    2. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/3] Laes: Thank you! This will do just fine for reading
    [2/3] Laes: However, for the Lightsphere...
    [3/3] Laes: Maybe Gundalf can fix it. I hope.

    [New Item:] Broken Lightsphere Shell
    Misc. Item
    Lore: Glows dimly in the dark
    Quest Item

    The player should head back to the Secret Library. Players who were offered option three will automatically complete the "Lost Tower" Quest when they complete this quest.

    Stage Eleven

    At the Secret Library:

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/5] Gundalf: Well, well well... what have we here?
    [2/5] Gundalf: Oh dear... It's broken? I was not expecting this!
    [3/5] Gundalf: This is going to be very, very bad, I'm afraid. In my years of collecting, I have come across legends surrounding this... Lightsphere. And this thing is expensive to make- trust me, you don't want to know how this is forged from liquid emerald. According to these tales, if one lightsphere is to be broken, you will need five legendary items to make it anew. This is quite the demoralising development, eh?
    [4/5] Gundalf: But anyways, what you require are five shards of fallen stars. You will know them by their fragmente, light blue-green appearance. It is quite strange, but I have never seen any except in one place- the top of the Nivia Woods. And I don't mean the spots where the sun shines in either. The shards are located at the tops of trees, and you'll need special assistance to walk on top of the leaves without falling through.
    [5/5] Gundalf: Here you go. I've found these boots awhile ago, they should support your weight without crushing the leaves. I've also made a potion to levitate you to the top of the trees Watch out for the guardian spirits though!

    **Gives player one pair of Leafwalker Boots.**
    **Gives player one potion of levitation (5 seconds)**

    (2. If spoken to again:)
    [1/1] Gundalf: Good luck!

    [New Item:] Leafwalker Boots
    Rare Boots
    +20% Walk Speed
    Quest Item

    Stage Twelve (Final)

    The player should head to the Nivia Woods, drink the potion, float to the treetops, and run around collecting the shards present as items. Meanwhile, guardian spirits will chase them across the treetops. After collecting five the player should return to the Secret Library.

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/4] Gundalf: Yes! This is perfect!
    [2/4] Gundalf: Let's see... Good... Good... I'll just turn this into a potion...
    [3/4] Gundalf: Here we go! Just a little more and... done.
    [4/4] Gundalf: Here, take this to the King, that should solve all of our problems! Lovely!

    **Gives player two Elixir of Healing**

    The player should head back to Ragni and talk to the King.

    Stage Thirteen (Epilogue)
    At Ragni:

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/5] King: My dear man, how goes your quest? **coughs** I trust that you have...
    [2/5] King: **hacking cough** I'm afraid I don't have much time left. Did you succeed?
    [3/5] King: This potion is... perfect. Perfect indeed. I am certain that it will help.
    [4/5] King: Here's to nothing- **cough**
    [5/5] King: Ah... Yes... Thank you, thank you! I feel much better now. Truly, today is the greatest of days. For your good work, I hereby award you my Ensign- you get to keep it, of course, and one vial of this liquid emerald which my ministers assure me is quite valuable (though I don't quite see why), and... what can I give you... Ah. My old chestplate. It was a great thing, really. I'm sure you'd be able to find better ones, but this is your loyal servant now. Treat it well. As well as this second vial of healing elixir that I don't think I'll need, which you certainly deserve since you put in lots of hard work to make it, and finally, some bountiful experience I have collected from my travels. Good day to you!

    **Quest Complete: Seek, and ye shall Find**
    **+25,000 exp points**
    **+1 Elixir of Healing**
    **+1 Liquid Emerald**
    **+1 King's Old Chestplate**

    [New Item:] Elixir of Healing
    Lore: Heals all HP, mana, removes all debuffs, removes fire, gives you regeneration II, resistance I and absorption III for 5 minutes
    [New Item:] King's Old Chestplate
    Legendary Golden Chestplate

    +30 Defence
    +20 Intelligence
    +10 Strength
    +10 Dexterity
    +400 Health
    +30 Fire Defence
    +30 Water Defence
    +30 Air Defence
    +30 Earth Defence
    +30 Thunder Defence
    +200% Melee Damage
    +200% Spell Damage
    +50% Walk Speed
    Lvl Min: 40
    Int. Min: 20
    Def Min: 20
    Strn Min: 20
    Lore: A thousand lions may assault thee, but to life shall thine hold true. Entrusted only to the wisest and moste potente in the ars magica in defense and offense, he who bears this shall reign in eternal glory.
    Compiliations Ahoy!
  18. Fluffy

    Fluffy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Things in [] are disclaimers for this forum post, and things in () are grey text in the chat that help explain what's going on. I put basically a whole day's worth of effort into this, so I hope you enjoy!

    My highest level character is 80, and I haven't played all of the quests yet. So hopefully I haven't copied any other quest formats.

    This quest is not intended to be the final quest, if it ever happens to get added. It is a quest that will give the players something to do with a reward that will help them in their journey. The rewards can always be changed. I'm merely creating the whole entire idea and scenario.

    Friend of a King (Lvl 95) (Hard)

    Speak to ??? in Dogovi's Prison.
    Dogovi's Prison is a new sub-area located in Dogovi.

    Speaking to ??? Below Level 95:

    [1/1] ???: I could use some help delivering a letter as the guards won't do it for me, but I don't think you're up to the task yet.

    Beginning the quest:

    [1/6] ???: Ah, a suitable soldier of Wynn!

    [2/6] ???: Ragni's King and I have been friends for ages, but, as you can see, I can't talk to him in person!

    [3/6] ???: I've been looking for a messenger to help me get in contact with him. You see, the guards allow prisoners to send out letters, but they won't do it themselves.

    [4/6] ???: If you do it, I can reward you at a later date.

    [5/6] ???: The guard will need to read the letter, but that's fine. Just talk to him at the exit.

    ??? gives you a piece of paper named "Mysterious Letter"

    [6/6] ???: What's that? My name? You'll find out later, that's not important.

    Quest Started: Friend of a King

    Quest book updated: Take the letter to the guards. [You cannot leave the prison without talking to them]

    [1/2] Exit Guard: Hey, hey, slow down bub. Let me see the letter.
    (How could he have known I have a letter?)

    (You hand over the letter, and he tears open the top.)

    [2/2] Exit Guard: Eh? Just a bunch of scribbles. You only get to send out one free letter here, ya know. And I doubt ya friend would waste it on some scribbles. Take it to the translator ovah to the right.

    Quest book updated: Take the letter to the translator to the right of the exit guard.

    [1/2] Translator: Alright alright, I ain't got all day. Hand it ovah.
    You hand him the letter, and he examines it for a while. He casts many spells on it, and the scribbles don't change.

    [2/2] Translator: Hmph, this scum really is going to use his only lettah on some scribbles. He mustah lost his mind in here, heheh...

    He hands you a piece of paper named "Unsealed Letter"

    Quest book updated: Take the letter to the King of Ragni. [The NPC that already exists at spawn]

    [1/14] Ragni's King: Greetings, soldier! I've been sent numerous letters as to your skill and help all throughout the province. Remembering where you started, I can't believe how far you've come.

    [2/14] Ragni's King: Come, sit down and help yourself to some wine.

    [3/14] Ragni's King: What? You have a letter? Well, who's it from?

    [4/14] Ragni's King: ...

    [5/14] Ragni's King: You don't know who, but they're in Dogovi's Prison? I don't like dealing with convicts.

    (You hand over the letter, and the king closely examines the paper.)

    [6/14] Ragni's King: Wait, I recognize these symbols... Only one other person could've known about this, and he went missing ages ago.

    [7/14] Ragni's King: You see, a group of traders being escorted by the royal guard went missing a long time ago. They were on their way to Ahmsord for a grand trading festival with the best of loot.

    [8/14] Ragni's King: They were assaulted on a bridge somewhere in the Sky Islands. All of the bodies were found, except for one. We just assumed that he was pushed off of the bridge by one of the bandits.

    [9/14] Ragni's King: He was, indeed, an old friend of mine like he told you. His name is Garham.

    [10/14] Ragni's King: Back to the letter. These symbols can only be read by a specific pair or spectacles that we made together, to tell secrets that could never fall into the wrong hands.

    [11/14] Ragni's King: Sadly, I no longer had a use for the spectacles since I thought Garham had died. We asked some of the knights at Ahmsord to bury the bodies at the island nearest to the bridge.

    [12/14] Ragni's King: I sent them the letter and the spectacles with instructions to mark one more grave without a body, and that's were the spectacles are buried.

    [13/14] Ragni's King: Give me a minute to find the document with the exact location...

    (The King goes into a room for a little while, then comes back with a piece of paper.)

    [14/14] Ragni's King: Here, I wrote the location in your quest book. Please return with [Garham's Spectacles] as soon as possible. (Near 1055, -4770)

    Quest book updated: Find the spectacles in the sky islands at 1055, -4770.

    At the coordinates listed, there will be a few patches of coarse dirt with gravestones. One will be slightly dug inwards, with a lvl 1 mob with no AI named Garham's Spectacles. The mob has a 100% chance to drop [Garham's Spectacles]. They are a lvl 95 quest item helmet, dyed a shade of purple.

    [1/8] Ragni's King: You found them! Well, what's left of them... Hopefully they still work.

    [2/8] Ragni's King: I want to go read the letter in peace, and we only have one pair of spectacles anyways.

    (The King goes into the same room with the documents and returns a few minutes later.)

    [3/8] Ragni's King: The spectacles must've been buried in the dirt for years, but the soil's magical properties have kept them intact. Those properties are the reason the islands float in the first place.

    [4/8] Ragni's King: Without the soil the spectacles would be completely destroyed, even with the charms I put on them before they were buried. But it looks like the soil has added a negative, yet intriguing,
    side effect.

    [5/8] Ragni's King: It looks like the soil's floating properties have rubbed off on them and they won't stay on my head! I tried forcing them downwards, but the upwards force was too strong. It's very odd, it's only forced upwards when I place them around my eyes.

    [6/8] Ragni's King: Out of all the things that could've gone wrong, I didn't expect this.

    [7/8] Ragni's King: Surely, the people of Ahmsord will know how to counter this. They've been dealing with the art of levitation since the construction of the city.

    [8/8] Ragni's King: You're probably tired of all of this travel by now, but it's our only chance.

    Ragni's King gives you the spectacles back.

    Quest book updated: Go to Ahmsord and try and find someone who can help.

    At the main building of Ahmsord, there will be a room off to the side near the entrance labeled "Professional Magic Supplies." There are 2 NPCs inside named Gred and Forge. [Play on words for Fred and George from Harry Potter ;)]

    Talking to them pre quest:
    [1/2] Gred: Welcome, welcome, to Gred and Forge's Professional Magic Business!
    [2/2] Forge: Come and stop by if you ever need help!

    Talking to them during quest:

    [1/17] Gred: Welcome, welcome, to Gred and Forge's Professional Magic Business!

    [2/17] Forge: How may we assist you today?

    [3/17] Gred: An Anti-Levitation spell? Everything here floats, it doesn't sink to the bottom! How would we know about that?

    [4/17] Forge: Just kidding! Of course we know, you always want a counter to when spells go wrong.

    [5/17] Gred: Don't worry about the price, we'll decide that later.

    [6/17] Forge: Yes, it shouldn't be much. Alright, hand them over and we'll take a look!

    [7/17] Gred: Give us a minute, we'll need a little while to look at them to see exactly what's wrong.

    (Gred and Forge turn around and get to work. Occasionally, mumbling could be heard between the two and some sparks flew past them.)

    [8/17] Forge: So, we believe we know the problem and the solution, but we can't do it at the moment.

    [9/17] Gred: You see, the magical properties of the spectacles have been bound to the levitation properties.

    [10/17] Forge: Whenever the magical properties of the spectacles are activated, by placing them on your head, it also activates the floating properties.

    [11/17] Gred: Simple, see?

    [12/17] Forge: What's not so simple is taking them apart. Magical bounds are hard to break.

    [13/17] Gred: But we're professional magicians for a reason!

    [14/17] Forge: We'll need some very strong and magical separators.

    [15/17] Gred: [Thesead's Hematite], located deep in the mines of Thesead.

    [In a random, medium sized cave near Thesead there will be a room that spawns [Thesead's Hematite] randomly around a center rock. The actual item is iron ore.]

    [16/17] Forge: We'll also need an [Airship Tome] which can be bought in Kandon-Beda.

    [There will be a new merchant at Kandon-Beda that sells an Airship Tome located at the bank, which will cost 32eb. The actual item is a book.]

    [17/17] Gred: The airship tome will be like our poison to the medicine, and the Hematite will bring the levitation and visionary properties of the spectacles apart!

    Quest book updated: Fetch the Hematite from Thesead's mines, and the tome from Kandon-Beda.

    [1/10] Gred: So, you're finally back!

    [2/10] Forge: C'mon, hand them over! This should be quick and easy!

    (Gred takes the Hematite, and Forge takes the Tome and they place them on a table.)

    [3/10] Gred: Muidragniw!

    [4/10] Forge: Asoivel!
    [They spell something backwards ;)]
    [5/10] Gred: Aaand...

    [6/10] Forge: It worked!

    [7/10] Gred: About the price, you brought a fairly large and rich chunk of Thesead Hematite!

    [8/10] Fred: That should completely cover it.

    [9/10] Gred: Well, I hope we were of use!

    [10/10] Forge: Yes, tell all of your friends about our professional magic!

    (They give you the [Restored Spectacles] back, which are now a pink color.)

    Quest book updated: Return to Ragni's King with the spectacles.

    [1/2] Ragni's King: I knew someone would have the answer!

    [2/2] Ragni's King: You're the one doing all the work so far, so I feel it's only right if you get to see the letter first.

    Quest book updated: Enter the documents room wearing the spectacles.

    [The documents room, as mentioned before, can only be accessed if the player is wearing the spectacles. When walked in, the player gets teleported to a duplicate of the room with a quest NPC inside. The NPC is a sheet of paper named Garham's Letter.]

    When you right click the letter, text is displayed in chat.

    (Old friend, it has been some time. At the site of the attack, they blocked off the bridge from both sides, and shot hundreds of arrows until no one was standing. Before the real waves of arrows had hit, I slowly lowered myself under the bridge and hung there for hours. They aren't dumb, though. They eventually figured out I was missing and decided I could be of more use alive than dead. You may have guessed it already, but the bandits were actually Dogovi Knights. In the prison, I offered one of the Dogovi Guards almost all of my money to scout out a path to the Dogovi Meeting Room. Thankfully, he accepted. This is where all of their plans are made, and where the King of Dogovi is. Please, send your best soldier to confront the king. Also, I couldn't tell the soldier delivering this letter in person because they have put a spell on the prison that records every word spoken. Something bigger is going on here, and I don't like it.)

    (The rest of the letter contains detailed plans on how to get to the meeting room.)

    Quest book updated: Return to the king.

    [1/8] Ragni's King: So, he managed to find the way into their meeting room. Garham always was the clever type, I should've known all along that he was alive...

    [2/8] Ragni's King: Nevertheless, you still have a mission. It says that the entrance can be activated through a button behind the house at the north-west corner.

    [3/8] Ragni's King: A door will open up beneath you, and a room with buttons requiring a 4 digit code awaits you.

    [4/8] Ragni's King: Here, we have some good news and bad news. The good news is that we know the code is 2305.

    [The code can be anything, really. I just used 2305 because it could be a reference to me if this somehow gets into the game.]

    [5/8] Ragni's King: Now for the bad news. All of the guards at Dogovi are given the code in case of an emergency, but the one Garham hired was not a high ranking guard, and was not permitted access.

    [6/8] Ragni's King: So all we know is that it leads to the meeting room, but we don't know of any other trials that lie in between.

    [7/8] Ragni's King. I believe it is time for you to head towards Dogovi, and confront the king.

    [8/8] Ragni's King: One last thing, I would like to give the spectacles back to Garham in person.

    (Ragni's King takes the [Restored Spectacles])

    Quest book updated: Enter the room behind the north-west house, and enter the code 2305.

    [At the moment, I do not have any ideas for the puzzles. I would like the bulk of it to be unique enemies such as Supreme Dwarven Guards. It could go in this order. Fight - Parkour - Fight - Puzzle - Mini boss. The mini boss section will have 5 Dwarven Legends. Each one will specialize in a specific element, having damage and defense in that element. Having every type of element effecting you at once is designed to do devastating damage, but they will be slightly weak with low health to not be an impossible challenge to conquer.]

    [The meeting room will be an enormous room, built in the heart of a volcano. There will be a large table down the center with dwarves along both sides. On a second layer overlooking the table, will be a throne with the Dogovi King on it. (Quest NPC)]

    Upon entering the Meeting Room:

    Quest book updated: Confront the Dogovi King.

    [1/11] Dogovi King: Welcome, human. We knew of your approach due to you murdering hundreds of innocent guards.

    [2/11] Dogovi King: I assume you are to here let out your villager friend.

    [3/11] Dogovi King: I must tell you first, though, there was reasoning behind our murders of the villagers.

    [4/11] Dogovi King: Did you ever stop to think how they acquired their precious loot?

    [5/11] Dogovi King: Deception, Thievery, and even brute force.

    [6/11] Dogovi King: While most villagers are typically greedy, these traders protected by the Royal Guard were especially terrible.

    [7/11] Dogovi King: Most of their loot was contraband, leading to them making more emeralds if they were to sell. Breaking the law already, completely driven by greed.

    [8/11] Dogovi King: I assume they didn't tell the Royal Guard what they were selling, or else the they wouldn't have protected them... Hopefully...

    [9/11] Dogovi King: We are merely trying to stop these outbursts, one by one. Now, I will give you a choice.

    [10/11] Dogovi King: To my right, you can join and support our cause. Maybe you will understand why we are doing this.

    [11/11] Dogovi King: To my left, leads back to the prison. We will let out your friend, but the town of Dogovi will gift you nothing.

    Quest book updated: Choose.


    Upon entering the vault, you will be teleported to a glamorous room, decorated with riches. On the right side there will be a banker. On the left will be an exit, and more decorations down the middle, floor, and roof.

    [1/2] Banker: I'm glad to see that you can finally see the bad in the villagers.

    [2/2] Banker: Hopefully, with other soldiers like you, we can meet an agreement with them.

    +1,200,000 XP
    +10 LE
    +1 Set of Legendary Dwarven Armor.


    Going through the door to the prison will give you a Dogovi Key, which is required to give to Garham [???] to end the quest. Upon giving him the key:

    (You tell Garham about your choice, and why the Dogovi Knights attacked the traders.)

    Garham: Ah, everything makes sense now.

    Garham: But still, you saved me... The loot would've been extraordinary from the dwarves I assume...

    Garham: Well, in the end, our greed comes out to situations like this. I said I'd reward you at the start of all this, so I'm keeping my promise.

    +1,400,000 XP
    +24 LE
    +1 Diamond Soldier's Badge

    At Ragni, there will be a merchant that accepts the Badge for a legendary weapon. (Shears, spear, bow, or spear.) This weapon is designed to be better than the weapon a player would have at the time.

    EDIT: Instead of the selfishness/selflessness choice at the end. I changed it so you either get a a weapon, or armor. You get this from either staying with the villagers, or joining the Dogovi Dwarves' cause.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
  19. Battleslay1000

    Battleslay1000 And another one bites the- wait what CHAMPION

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    One last thing about the chestplate...
    Decrease just about everything by 8x or so or this would be extremely op
  20. The Humbler

    The Humbler Well-Known Adventurer

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    Seek, and ye shall Find
    [Level 35 quest]
    This is a "prize" quest that can only be unlocked after accomplishing all quests under level 35 in Ragni, Detlas (and suburbs, Maltic, the Nirvia Woods, Katoa Ranch, Time Valley, Nemract, and Ancient Nemract.

    In Almuj, clicking on a random citizen has a 25% chance of giving you this random dialogue. Once complete, your QuestStartNL Score becomes one, and the chance of you being given this dialogue drops to 0.

    Stage One:
    At Almuj:

    [1/3] NPC 1: Hey, D'you hear something earlier?
    [2/3] NPC 1: It's seems like the King is sick all the way back in Ragni.
    [3/3] NPC 1: I wonder why though...

    The player is free to treat it as a random piece of "gossip" or random dialogue option. However, if they player returns to Ragni and speaks to the king after recieving this "gossip", the King will answer. In addition, after recieving the "news" the quest book will update to feature this new possible quest (it won't be there before).

    Stage Two:

    At the King's Hall:

    [1/1] King: Oh- hello there.

    There will now be two options:

    1. Below Level 35:
    [1/3] King: It's been awhile since I've seen you. Few return after they exit these halls.
    [2/3] King: The rumors are true, I have not been in the best of health lately, and there is a thing that can help-
    [3/3] King: But I'm afraid I cannot give you this dangerous quest until you have matured sufficiently. Good day, my friend. **coughs**

    2. Above Level 35:
    [1/7] King: Greetings, my loyal liege. It is most impressive to see how you have grown since you left. **coughs**
    [2/7] King: I'm afraid that my ailment still persists, to no avail.
    [3/7] King: At this point, I won't be long in this world- unless you can help me.
    [4/7] King: Yes, yes. You have matured sufficiently. Can you hel;p me?
    [5/7] King: The medicine required is both complicated and extremely hard to find. They say that the potions master in Detlas also knows some of medicine. Go find him.
    [6/7] King: I hope he will be of use. **coughs** Now go.
    [7/7] King: Take this badge so they will know I sent you. I hope you succeed.

    **Gives player King's Ensign**
    **Quest started: Seek and ye shall Find**

    (3. If talked to again:)
    [1/1] King: I have nothing **cough** to say.

    The player should now head for Detlas. once there, look for the potions shop. Equip the Ensign and go in. This will initiate dialogue from the shop's potions brewer.
    [New Item:] King's Ensign
    Legendary Accessory
    +10 Defence
    +20 Health
    Lore: He who bears this bears the Power of the King of Wynn, bestowed upon he by the Law of the Ancients and the Order of man, unto eternity and forevermore. Let the heavens bear witness to he and his deeds, whether fortituous or scalding, in peace and war, for he who beareth this Ensign be as if a King himself, slave but to one, master to a thousand.
    Quest Item
    Stage Three:
    At Detlas:

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/5] Potion Brewer: Hello there. Here to check out the- hey, isn't that the King's Ensign?
    [2/5] Potion Brewer: He's sick? What do you mean he's sick?
    [3/5] Potion Brewer: Medicine... Medicine... I suppose healing potions won't work, eh? They're pretty much omnipotent...
    [4/5] Potion Brewer: There is an ancient formula about healing powder... Tell you what, actually, can you bring me some Aerolia flowers? I know they're supposed to be for shoe-making, but I think I read about them having healing properties once.
    [5/5] Potion Brewer: Talk to Lacrona at the town square, I think she'll have some ideas on where to get the flowers. Bye!

    (2. If talked to again:)
    [1/1] Potion Brewer: I'm afraid I need those flowers to do more.

    The player should go to Lacrona at Detlas' town square.

    Stage Four:

    At Detlas:

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/5] Lacrona: How have the boots- what's that?
    [2/5] Lacrona: Oh dear, if the King's sick, I better help out then...
    [3/5] Lacrona: Unfortunately I'm out of stock, but you know where to find 'em.
    [4/5] Lacrona: Tell Asher I said hello. He should wash the flowers for you. Good luck!

    (2. If talked to again:)
    [1/1] Lacrona: Well, what are you waiting for?

    The player should head to Time Valley and find Asher.

    Stage Five:
    At Time Valley:

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/3] Asher: Well, hello again!
    [2/3] Asher: What- oh... okay. 4 Aerolias as usual, eh?
    [3/3] Asher: You know the drill. I'll help you wash them when you're done. Good luck!

    (2. If talked to again:)
    [1/1] Asher: I'm still waiting for the Aerolia Flowers...

    3. On Retrieval:
    [1/3] Asher: Good, good. Just hand me those flowers and I'll do my business.
    [2/3] Asher: I'd tell you my theories about this place, but I think you're in a hurry here- for example, I think that time... Oops, went off topic again.
    [3/3] Asher: Here you go!

    **Gives the player 4 Aerolia Flowers**

    The player should now return to the Potions Brewer.

    Stage Six:
    At Detlas:

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/4] Potion Brewer: Ah, I see you brought the flowers.
    [2/4] Potion Brewer: While you were gone, I've been reading up on how to activate the Aerolia Flower's healing abilities. Apparently, we need some kind of magical compound to activate it.
    [3/4] Potion Brewer: Unfortunately, mixing said magical compund is impossible. It's distilled from a highly complicated (not to mention illegal) potion that's beyond this brewery's ability- the Potion of Essential Essence.

    [4/4] Potion Brewer: Luckily, I know some folk who live right outside the city who do, er, this kind of stuff. The man you want to see is The Assistant, and he lives on the side of the Black Road. I'm sure he can help if you ask him nicely. Here's the recipe for the compund. As for the flowers, I'll begin the purification process so we can make the healing powder when you come back. I hope you succeed!

    **Gives player one Essence Potion Recipe**

    2. If talked to again:
    [1/1] Potion Brewer: I can only do so much. It's up to you to ask them.


    [New Item:] Essence Potion Recipe
    Misc. Item
    Lore: Filled with indecipherable text

    The player should now head to the site of the quest Potion Making.

    Stage Seven
    At the Black Road:

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/6] The Assistant: Ah! Thank you for your help last time.
    [2/6] The Assistant: Something for my Master to brew? Interesting...
    [3/6] The Assistant: Potion of Essential Essence fot the King, I see.
    [4/6] The Assistant: Well, my Master can brew this for a small fee, but you'll have to supply some ingredients, I'm afraid. Let's see... Erhu traha yevkoh shokande erised... We will need to you provide one bucket of milk for essence distillation, 3 bone meal to enhance the development and consolidation of the potion, and 1 red powder to add raw energy.
    [5/6] The Assistant: The milk can be found at the ranches north of Ragni along the coast, the bone meal from wandering skeletons, and as for the red powder... if you have none, I can recommend someone. Now, who was he. Ah! Enzan. I recall him saying something about a brother.
    [6/6] The Assistant: And of course, we will require a ten-emerald fee. Now, fair travels!

    (2. When spoken to again:)
    [1/1] The Assistant: We still need one red powder, three bone meal and one bucket of milk and the fee.

    3. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/4] The Assistant: Lovely! I'll just add this to the potion... I have it right here.
    [2/4] The Assistant: Here you go!
    [3/4] The Assistant: I certainly hope this helps make your cure.
    [4/4] The Assistant: I have taken the liberty to distill it for you while I was at it, this stuff evaporates quickly.

    **Gives player 1 distilled Essence Potion Compound**

    [New Item:] Essence Potion Compound

    Misc. Item
    Lore: Smouldering lightly
    Quest Item
    The player should now return to the potions brewer with the Compound.

    Stage Eight
    At Detlas:

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/4] Potion Brewer: Good work! I wasn't wrong in choosing the Master, it seems. This compound is extremely pure and powerful, and will work just fine for our healing powder. Of course, what's really important are the flowers. Apparently they can heal any ailment or poison, if served quickly enough with the right formula- the one we're using right now, in fact. Can you believe they crush these flowers to make boots?
    [2/4] Potion Brewer: Anyways, the last step of this process is beyond my abilities- we need to release the hidden magic of some kind of "Lightsphere". Apparently it's made from fallen stars.
    [3/4] Potion Brewer: I know a wizard called Gundalf, he should help with that. He is extremely well read after all. Legends tell that he lives in a secret library near the Nether Portal, collecting information, guarded by his Book of Fundalg.

    [4/4] Potion Brewer: Well, the whole thing's beyond my ability now. I hope you succeed in your quest!

    (2. When spoken to again:)
    [1/1] Potion Brewer: I can't help you anymore. Good luck!

    **Gives player one Unfinished Healing Powder**
    The player should head to the Detlas Suburb. Anyone bearing the King's Ensign at this part of the quest will automatically trigger dialogue from Gundalf.
    [New Item:] Unfinished Healing Powder
    Misc. Item
    Lore: Gives off a sweet aroma
    Quest Item
    Stage Nine
    At the Secret Library

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/7] Gundalf: Nice wristband! Is that- Is that the King's Ensign??
    [2/7] Gundalf: A quest to save the King, no doubt. Ah... a lightsphere?
    [3/7] Gundalf: I have heard of such a thing... once only. Legend tells that it resides within the underground halls of Ancient Nemract, guarded by a Rotting Necromancer.
    [4/7] Gundalf: You mean you've already beaten him?
    [5/7] Gundalf: Great, this is going to be complicated.
    [6/7] Gundalf: Hmm... There is indeed someone I can contact. He has lived in Nemract for years, and his name is Drucksh. Well, he calls himself Drucksh when he's not as drunk, god knows who his real name is.
    [7/7] Gundalf: Go find him, and tell him that you're looking for the Lightsphere. Maybe he can help.

    (2. When spoken to again:)
    [1/1] Gundalf: Let's hope you find this Lightsphere!

    The player should head to Nemract

    Stage Ten
    At Nemract:

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:
    [1/5] Drucksh: Whuuhhhuhh? Whudduh- oh, hello.
    [2/5] Drucksh: What do yeh want?
    [3/5] Drucksh: L-Lightsphere? HAHAHA! The thing broke years ago.
    [4/5] Drucksh: Stole it off the Necromancer for a lark. Well, it was already broken, and I certainly ain't giving it to you.
    [5/5] Drucksh: Well, maybe if you had... **sniggers** you know what I'm talking about. Maybe.

    2. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/3] Drucksh: Ahhhhrgggg... So...guggood...
    [2/3] Drucksh: Jus...Ahhh whatgleverrrr.....
    [3/3] Drucksh: Takeit foralook. Take it backkk to Gundalf, or whatglever **burp** MaybEE he can fixit.

    **Gives player one Broken Lightsphere shell**

    [New Item:] Broken Lightsphere Shell
    Misc. Item
    Lore: Glows dimly in the dark
    Quest Item

    The player should head back to the Secret Library. Players who were offered option three will automatically complete the "Lost Tower" Quest when they complete this quest.

    Stage Eleven

    At the Secret Library:

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/5] Gundalf: Well, well well... what have we here?
    [2/5] Gundalf: Oh dear... It's broken? I was not expecting this!
    [3/5] Gundalf: This is going to be very, very bad, I'm afraid. In my years of collecting, I have come across legends surrounding this... Lightsphere. And this thing is expensive to make- trust me, you don't want to know how this is forged from liquid emerald. According to these tales, if one lightsphere is to be broken, you will need five legendary items to make it anew. This is quite the demoralising development, eh?
    [4/5] Gundalf: But anyways, what you require are five shards of fallen stars. You will know them by their fragmente, light blue-green appearance. It is quite strange, but I have never seen any except in one place- the top of the Nivia Woods. And I don't mean the spots where the sun shines in either. The shards are located at the tops of trees, and you'll need special assistance to walk on top of the leaves without falling through.
    [5/5] Gundalf: Here you go. I've found these boots awhile ago, they should support your weight without crushing the leaves. I've also made a potion to levitate you to the top of the trees Watch out for the guardian spirits though!

    **Gives player one pair of Leafwalker Boots.**
    **Gives player one potion of levitation (5 seconds)**

    (2. If spoken to again:)
    [1/1] Gundalf: Good luck!

    [New Item:] Leafwalker Boots
    Rare Boots
    +20% Walk Speed
    Quest Item

    Stage Twelve (Final)

    The player should head to the Nivia Woods, drink the potion, float to the treetops, and run around collecting the shards present as items. Meanwhile, guardian spirits will chase them across the treetops. After collecting five the player should return to the Secret Library.

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/4] Gundalf: Yes! This is perfect!
    [2/4] Gundalf: Let's see... Good... Good... I'll just turn this into a potion...
    [3/4] Gundalf: Here we go! Just a little more and... done.
    [4/4] Gundalf: Here, take this to the King, that should solve all of our problems! Lovely!

    **Gives player two Elixir of Healing**

    The player should head back to Ragni and talk to the King.

    Stage Thirteen (Epilogue)
    At Ragni:

    1. Upon Retrieval:
    [1/5] King: My dear man, how goes your quest? **coughs** I trust that you have...
    [2/5] King: **hacking cough** I'm afraid I don't have much time left. Did you succeed?
    [3/5] King: This potion is... perfect. Perfect indeed. I am certain that it will help.
    [4/5] King: Here's to nothing- **cough**
    [5/5] King: Ah... Yes... Thank you, thank you! I feel much better now. Truly, today is the greatest of days. For your good work, I hereby award you my Ensign- you get to keep it, of course, and one vial of this liquid emerald which my ministers assure me is quite valuable (though I don't quite see why), and... what can I give you... Ah. My old chestplate. It was a great thing, really. I'm sure you'd be able to find better ones, but this is your loyal servant now. Treat it well. As well as this second vial of healing elixir that I don't think I'll need, which you certainly deserve since you put in lots of hard work to make it, and finally, some bountiful experience I have collected from my travels. Good day to you!

    **Quest Complete: Seek, and ye shall Find**
    **+25,000 exp points**
    **+1 Elixir of Healing**
    **+1 Liquid Emerald**
    **+1 King's Old Chestplate**

    [New Item:] Elixir of Healing
    Lore: Heals all HP, mana, removes all debuffs, removes fire, gives you regeneration II, resistance I and absorption III for 1 minute
    [New Item:] King's Old Chestplate
    Legendary Golden Chestplate

    +400 Health
    +20 Fire defense
    +20 Water defense
    +20 Air defense
    +20 Earth defense
    +20 thunder defense
    Int. Required: 6
    Def Required: 8
    Agi Required: 6
    Str Required: 6
    Dex Required: 6
    +3 Int
    +4 Def
    +3 Agi
    +3 Str
    +3 Dex
    1/4 Mana
    15% Melee dmg
    +15% walkspeed
    Lore: A thousand lions may assault thee, but to life shall thine hold true. Entrusted only to the wisest and moste potente in the ars magica in defense and offense, he who bears this shall reign in eternal glory.

    Extra Encounters: When bearing the Ensign during the quest, speaking to these characters will yield these new dialogue responses. (If this feature is implemented)
    1. Enzan:
    At Ragni:

    [1/4] Enzan: Hey there, old fellow. Boy, do you look spiffy with that- ah.
    [2/4] Enzan: I see, the King himself has appointed a quest for you, eh? I'd be proud if I were you. Boy do I miss the old wandering days... Too bad I'm retired.
    [3/4] Enzan: Anyways, if you ever need some red powder, you can go ask my brother again.
    [4/4] Enzan: Tell him it's a favour from me. Now, off you go!

    2. Therck:
    At the Emerald Trail:

    [1/4] Therck: You lot again! Why can't you leave me alone!
    [2/4] Therck: More red powder! You lot have boundless greed, mark my words.
    [3/4] Therck: As a favour- I see. Not that I agree, but...
    [4/4] Therck: In the name of that golden badge on yer arm. Just once. Don't come for refills.

    **Gives player one red powder**

    3. Ryend:
    At Maltic:

    [1/4] Ryend: Thanks for helping out last time. that witch was... erghhh
    [2/4] Ryend: Ooh, you have a new mission! Lovely!
    [3/4] Ryend: I'm sure you'd be able to save the King, after all, you saved us, didn't you?
    [4/4] Ryend: Sorry I can't be more of assistance. Here, take some of my milk. Now, don't let me bore you down.

    **Gives player one milk bucket**

    Unused Scripting: Scripting that was cut from the hypothetical final Quest.
    2. If the player has not completed "Suspended Flowers":
    [1/5] Lacrona: Hello adventurer. You've happened to come at the perfect time.
    [2/5] Lacrona: You see- oh, that's bad. The King's ailing?
    [3/5] Lacrona: You need some Aerolia flowers... okay.
    [4/5] Lacrona: I use them to make armour, but I'm all out of stock. I was going to ask you to help me find some, but, well...
    [5/5] Lacrona: Here, talk to Asher, my student at Time Valley. He lives in a house in the ruins, and he'll be more than happy to help.
    2. If the player has not completed "Suspended Flowers":
    [1/4] Asher: Hello! I never get visitors here, so you must be the person Lacrona notified me about!
    Hmm... the King's sick, you say? And you need them flowers. Okay...
    Asher: The 4 Aerolia flowers you need can be found in a cave nearby. The cave is, the cave is... let me think for a moment.
    Asher: Ah! It is in the side of a big cliff. In fact, you should have passed it on your way here. You should be careful though. This area has many unsolved mysteries about it.
    [4/4] Asher: Bring those flowers back to me once you get them, and I'll clean them for you!
    2. If the player has not completed "Potion Making":

    [1/5] The Assistant: Hello! I would ask you for help, but it seems like you have something for me.
    [2/5] The Assistant: I see... A little something for my Master to brew, eh?
    [3/5] The Assistant: Well, we can do this for a small fee, but we can't volunteer much except for some basic ingredients and our expertise.
    [4/5] The Assistant: For your ingredients, you need... Erhu traha yevkoh shokande erised... We will need to you provide one bucket of milk for essence distillation, 3 bone meal to enhance the development and consolidation of the potion, and 1 red powder to add raw energy.
    [5/5] The Assistant: The milk can be found at the ranches north of Ragni along the coast, the bone meal from wandering skeletons, and as for the red powder... if you have none, I can recommend someone. Now, who was he. Ah! Enzan. I recall him saying something about a brother. And, finally we need a ten emerald fee. Now, fair travels!
    3. If the player has not completed the "Lost Tower" Quest:

    [1/3] Gundalf: I know an old resident from Ancient Nemract, Laen. He lives in Nemract now, of course, but he was alive during the olden days.
    [2/3] Gundalf: Ask him if he has any idea about this "Lightsphere", or where the Rotting Necromancer is.
    [3/3] Gundalf: If my sources are right, he should also have something of Laen's that he treasures dearly.
    Stage Ten [Option 3]

    At Nemract:

    1. If bearing the King's Ensign:

    [1/5] Laes: Who... hello there!
    [2/5] Laes: What brings you- ahh, the King's Ensign. Gundalf sent word already.
    [3/5] Laes: When a creature stole my family's Book of Bones, I felt dark energy flowing out of him in droves. It would be years later until I found out that it was a necromancer
    [4/5] Laes: Now, I ask you, defeat him and return my book to me. Perhaps he will hold the lightsphere as well- though what such a dark individual would do with it, I know not.
    [5/5] Laes: Let us hope for both of our sakes that you succeed.

    2. Upon Retrieval:

    [1/3] Laes: Thank you! This will do just fine for reading
    [2/3] Laes: However, for the Lightsphere...
    [3/3] Laes: Maybe Gundalf can fix it. I hope.

    And even more compiliations! Now with thread!
    This is a ridiculously good quest. I'm extremely impressed, and wouldn'y be at all surprised if you got #1.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2016
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