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Massive Quitting Giveaway: 36+ Stacks Of Le, Mythics, Max Xp Set, And Many Other Valuable Items

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Kriotus, Jul 30, 2016.


Do you dislike me (be honest)

Poll closed Aug 2, 2016.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Give me free stuff

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  1. GoldenTheMCGamer

    GoldenTheMCGamer I'm a nerd.

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    What is your ign?: ArabianDaddy
    What is your highest level class?: 81
    Do you know me?: (if you don't you don't, don't make some trivial shit up, I'll know if you know me): No I do not.
  2. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    I really wish people who do quitting giveaways wouldn't be so rude in their threads...
  3. CBbros

    CBbros the hash slaying shlasher HERO

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    In game name: CBbros
    Highest Level Class: Assasin 85
    Do I know you: no
  4. D Strider

    D Strider Prince of Heart || God of Wubs || \^3^/

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    It's more like "I'm never gonna see these people again so **** formalities"
    SoCool21 likes this.
  5. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    Which is funny, knowing he complained about the community but is just himself part of the problem by doing stuff like this.
  6. Kriotus

    Kriotus Professional Lurker CHAMPION

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    Maybe if Wynncraft was properly cared for people would be kinder and not want to quit.

    How do you let massive gamebreaking bugs stay in a game for 7+ months?
    How do you let a community become so degraded and segragaded that people just quit?

    How can you complain about people being "upset" or "rude" yet not even attempt to fix what is broken until things are so bad that people no longer want to play?

    Edit: One other thing, how am I being a part of the problem? Is it bad that I'm calling you out? Is it bad that people are noticing flaws/disconnection and want that to be changed?

    What if instead of calling me a "problem", you fixed or at least tried to change what caused me to become one?
    Rblin and Dank Rice like this.
  7. Qatalyst

    Qatalyst Skilled Adventurer

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    What is your ign?: Qatalyst
    What is your highest level class?: lvl 64 Mage
    Do you know me?: I do not.
    Can you produce a picture with me and you sitting in it?:
  8. PJoke1

    PJoke1 Wynncraft Veteran HERO

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    What is your ign?: PJoke1
    What is your highest level class?: Dark Wizard 91
    Do you know me?: No
    Can you produce a picture with me and you sitting in it?: (Double Entry for this)
  9. CrazyCookie

    CrazyCookie The Craziest Mage

    Likes Received:
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    What is your ign: xCrazy_Cookiex
    What is your highest level class: level 82 Mage
    Do you know me?: No I don't
    Can you produce a picture with me and you sitting in it?

  10. Rblin

    Rblin Well-Known Adventurer

    Likes Received:
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    What is your ign?: Rblin
    What is your highest level class?: 92 Mage
    Do you know me?: Talked to u once before about a trade
    Can you produce a picture with me and you sitting in it?: (Double Entry for this)If not just find me in game I hand around detlas a lot:https://gyazo.com/a5f487ed5d239b7ca125e4c3a9a96c78
  11. Glador

    Glador bro:76

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    Entry Form:

    What is your ign?: Glador
    What is your highest level class?: 56 Warrior
    Do you know me?: (if you don't you don't, don't make some trivial shit up, I'll know if you know me) Nope
    Can you produce a picture with me and you sitting in it?: (Double Entry for this) If not just find me in game I hand around detlas a lot. Cant get on right now but when I do ill edit this post
  12. ThePopeOfNope

    ThePopeOfNope Skilled Adventurer

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    Highest Level Class: 88
    Do I know you?: NOPE

    Attached Files:

  13. Goati

    Goati actually joeo HERO

    Likes Received:
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    What is your ign?: Goatii
    What is your highest level class?: 92
    Do you know me?: (if you don't you don't, don't make some trivial shit up, I'll know if you know me) : nope
  14. BobCaboose

    BobCaboose Well-Known Adventurer HERO

    Likes Received:
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    Ign: diligentbomber
    Highest class: 53 archer
    Do I know u? Nope
    Pic: how do I do zis ;-;-;-;-;-;
  15. SpaceGerm

    SpaceGerm TheOne&Only

    Likes Received:
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    Ign : JeremyE
    Class/Lvl : Lvl 78 Archer
    Do you know me : ....I STALK U.... (No)
    Picture : hahaahah.....
  16. Ganny

    Ganny Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    The fact that your calling staff lazy corrupt assholes, insulting every builder/gm/admin whos ever played this game is what Salted meant when he said your doing the same thing your critisizing people for.
    Just because you're leaving and giving away Le doesnt give you the right to go off on everyone.

    If your going to be so hostile and not even constructive then this thread may as well be locked like any possible flame war thread.
  17. Pastersnacks

    Pastersnacks Emperor of History HERO

    Likes Received:
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    Entry Form:

    IGN - Pastersnacks
    Highest class - 91 Assassin
    Do you know me?: I stalk you
    Pic - Nope I couldn't get a view of you from the bushes
    DETERMINATION likes this.
  18. Lord Pug

    Lord Pug Skilled Adventurer HERO

    Likes Received:
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    IGN: Madness_Combat
    Highest class - 38 Ninja

    could i just have 5 LE plz?
  19. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

    Likes Received:
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    IGN: xMC_Master11x
    Highest Class and Level: 93 Archer
    Do you know me: I have known you a bit on the forums, and seen you on threads a lot. I have not really seen you in game too much, but you seem to know a lot about wynncraft and are very helpful on the forums! It is happy to see people like you helping the community out in positive ways and making an impact on the Wynncraft community.
    Can You produce a picture of me and you sitting in it: I have not seen you online much but I have something here:

    :D-< :)-<

    Thank you for reading this! I will keep my fingers crossed. I really need some le right now (or that thrunda, I was gonns save for one), so I am really hoping!
  20. Kriotus

    Kriotus Professional Lurker CHAMPION

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    When did I call all staff lazy corrupt assholes? That's just straight up lying. I laid down why I am quitting, and that is my opinion. Quote me and I can prove you wrong ten times over.

    Instead of becoming defensive when someone challenges you, prove them wrong. I wan't you to prove me wrong so that you aren't just blindly swinging at me telling me I am bad for calling out staff/gm/admins who have mismanaged the game.

    Me leaving and giving away my Le doesn't give me the right to go off on everyone. I can do that whenever I want. I just have been holding back my opinions because of how horrible the community is. Horrible in the sense that me sharing my opinion leads to people like YOU telling me I am what is wrong for trying to make Wynncraft a better place.

    I will be as hostile as I want, but know that I am being constructive and if you want I'll post what I sent to salted about changing the game.

    As for trying to censor what someone is saying, it only makes it 10x louder:

    Strike down my opinions and they shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


    Damnit double post mechanic, why do you have to exist

    Here is what I sent to salted:

    So I saw you respond, and I responded, but I thought it wouldn't be fair for me to "fire back" without giving you some of the ideas I had on how to fix the problems that are causing more problems

    First off, player interaction aside from WC1 Detlas is minuscule, it was bad before gavel but now with x2 the area to be in, you just don't run into other people often. I have two ideas for improving this and they should both be implemented.

    1. Increase server size
    You probably have already thought about this, but there are just too few people in each server. I believe you should reduce the amount of servers and increase the cap, maybe to something around 240. This could get out of hand easily in places like WC1 Detlas, but my solution to that is implementing a trade server and a special trade shoutbox on the forums for people to actively trade in.

    2. Change the "flow" of player interaction.
    Right now, I see a large division in how people play/experience the game. There are the "top" players like me, and many others who know how to get to lvl 100 in 8 hours during txp, and then there are the newer players who don't know what the forums are, or how to play the game to the extent I do. This is caused by a lack of interaction between players like me and newer players, as well as a lack of anything past a super basic mechanics tutorial. I only got to where I am because on previous servers, I frequented the forums and knew how important for learning/progressing they are. Newer players usually never visit the forums or interact with experienced players. To fix this, I believe you need to more directly direct players to areas/places where they can meet higher level players/learn about the games, such as detlas, the forums, or maybe something new.

    Second, the economy is fucked as I said. Everyone has loads of le, mythics are basically legendaries with how many they are, and the way people receive this loot/le is also broken. This might cause backlash but in the long term it needs to be done.

    Decrease le rewards and all the le in the game

    Too many people have too much le for the economy to be balanced. I made 47ish stacks of le in under a month, without scamming lower level players who don't know what their items are worth because they don't know abou the trade market. Inflation is bad, and its taking place right now. To solve this you just need to decrease the amount of le people have and receive, as well as make mythics more "mythical". People can find mythics very easily and if you don't even have to find them yourselves. In one day I was able to buy a fully max xp set and then sell it to make ~8 stacks of profit, with which I could by any item aside from ninjas strati. What I am trying to say is decrease the actual le people have, while you may think it will cause problems, it won't, items will be worth the same amount its just that le is more spare so there is a smaller ratio of le:item.

    As for mythics, they are kinda the endgame incentive to why people trade/spend time on wynn, but they aren't really endgame. Everyone can find one super easily or buy one. My suggestion is to remove them from loot chests, or just remove loot chests as a whole. A popular WoW mechanic is raiding, and while wynncraft shouldn't copy it, I believe it is a good example of how the best gear should be obtained. You shouldn't bee given it for buying loot gear and opening chests, you should have to go through a difficult challenge, that requires planning and teamwork for a chance to receive it, and that is where I believe the new dungeons should come into place. Each elemental dungeon has a chance of dropping its elemental mythics (so the air dungeon has a chance of droping strati, archangel, weathered etc.). Obviously they will have to be more challenging than the current dungeons/bosses as I can solo the "hardest" boss qira. This should add an incentive to play at the endgame, a proper loot system, and more player interaction/enjoyment.

    There is more than just that, and I probably left out a lot of what I wanted to say (please inquire if something doesn't make sense or if something is missing), but those 2 big ones are my main concern. I also believe PvP needs a revamp, as well as swarms and the progression of quests.

    I'm going to end this part here because I want to do something else, but I'll write more eventually and I would be happy to debate needed changes/what I see from a non staff point of view.

    Well the double post mechanic has gotten me. after I put in my first comment there is a -------- dividng the two, just know I copy and pasted the second half straight from a conversation I made between me and Salted
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2016
    Rblin and Dank Rice like this.
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