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Media Is Yt Xp Fair

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by omgDjBannana, Jul 21, 2016.


Fair or not?

  1. Yes,its fair

    84 vote(s)
  2. No,its not fair

    131 vote(s)
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  1. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    I treat them for both, pvp reflection and thorns don't make any sense and in pve I saw too many people afk grinding in toa. it feels bad watching someone afk grind and knowing you cant report them for it.
  2. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    YT Xp is COMPLETLY FAIR Imo. First off, I think you are just jealous and lazy. If you don't like grinding, don't grind! Get a new class up and running or completely quit! If you can get a class up to 100 in 3 hours good for you! I don't understand why you are jealous! It took Heep over 16 months to get to 100. Even after he got yt he took several weeks. They get triple exp because they deserve it.

    Getting 10k subs is actually quite hard. i want to see you try to get to 10k in under 1 or even 2 years, @Glitchedslayer, @Hippie, @SoloSnuggles and all the other wynncraft youtubers have worked really hard to get to where they are right now. Getting triple xp is a reward for making great content, dedicating there time to wynncraft and bringing in new players.

    They will never remove or even lower this bonus, even with 100 people voting otherwise.

    So yeah, go get a youtube channel with 10k subs and then think about how silly you where when you thought it sucked ;)

    Also, if you want good arguments get some grammar! Geez!
    Glitchedslayer and bloww like this.
  3. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    "3. Do not abuse bugs, glitches or exploits."
    I can't believe this is not report-able, but using colors in Shouts and Guild Chat is bannable.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  4. Terunalix

    Terunalix The Noob

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    Yea im so jealous. https://wynncraft.com/stats/player/Terunalix I just can't get to 100 without youtuber xp :/ Sux m8
    StarDraco123 likes this.
  5. Gogeta

    Gogeta Super Saiyan HERO

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    I get that the XP boost compensates for the time youtubers spend not playing (which is because of recording, editing, uploading and stuff), but 3x is still kinda crazy.

    IMO, double xp would be less insane (or triple but just for mob kills and not quests I guess).
  6. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Ok, it honestly feels like this discussion is going nowhere and may spark into a flame war if it doesn't get any sort of closure.

    It seems that the general opinion of Youtuber XP is very split within the community, with the side feeling YT XP is unfair being the slightly bigger side of things.

    While I do feel the Triple XP is a little overboard for a YT rank, people don't need to act so rude towards the people who have the YT rank in the first place, case in point, it seems @SoloSnuggles having the YT rank due to being a partner of Hippie seems to have caused more negatives than positives for her due to the hate she's gotten for having the YT rank and it's TXP, even though Salted stated why she got it in the first place on another thread:
    Although, strangely enough, Salted didn't mention the TXP at all in this case, which was pretty much the main reason SoloSnuggles got a lot of negative feedback, which brings me to question: Does the youtuber triple XP really affect Wynncraft positively as a whole? Many have argued that they need the TXP to nullify grinding to make content for Wynncraft. But others have argued that it's unfair to the general playerbase that these few people get a free pass essentially and skip the "repetitive parts" of the game everyone else has to deal with (except on DXP weekend), others even argued that the TXP fools the viewers into thinking you'll get more XP from say, a dungeon, when actually you'll get 3x less the amount of XP from a dungeon.

    This isn't the only time an argument about youtuber TXP popped up, in the early days of Gavel's release, a thread made by @TheHasax , a youtuber, popped up, showcasing that he was basically the first level 100 (before @Zuikaku_ , I think) due to the TXP, the argument was much more shortlived than this one. And now here we are again, questioning the fairness of the YT rank due to SoloSnuggles gaining it just because she's a partner of Hippie (which I have no problem with, I'm simply stating stuff)....

    Anyways, it is unknown to me when TXP was given to the YT rank as a feature, but to me, it simply doesn't fit in with the Wynncraft of today, as the aforementioned arguments of it's advantages along with the fact that the requirement of 10K subscribers was lowered to an average of 5K in a desperate move since the general playerbase was on a decline before Gavel, with Glitchedslayer having 6K, Hippie having almost 4K, Mrsebbelonian also having 5K, TheHasax having 5K, and SoloSnuggles having 200-something, all having YT rank without having the old requirement of 10K.
    And, we're pretty fine right now, and with a major update releasing soon, the playerbase will rise once again, and once that occurs, I think it would be wise to move the YT rank requirement back to 10K...
    And, about the TXP itself, simply making into a permanent DXP boost would not only make things more "fair" according to the general public, but it would also help the average viewer of these youtubers' channels grasp and create a more realistic mental hypothesis on how much XP they'll get from mobs/quests/dungeons...

    I feel @Ackro 's comment on the issue is similar to my issue as well:
    I do hope the admins will address the issues of this debate in a timely fashion....


    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
  7. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    Yeah but you dont like it, giving the intent that your jealous :P
    So are you voting yes or no? :P
  8. Terunalix

    Terunalix The Noob

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    I am not jealous. I find it dumb that they get it shoved up their asses for no fucking reason. Just do the level 100 run legit,not with this xp boost because it is op as hell. Or reduce it to 2xp at least,that would be fine imo. but 3xp is too much
  9. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    So you aren't jealous, you feel cheated?
    XavierEXE likes this.
  10. Terunalix

    Terunalix The Noob

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    Yep,because I have to work hard for what they get for free.
    StarDraco123 and XavierEXE like this.
  11. LeTommy

    LeTommy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Don't think you've noticed but gavel hasn't been out for more than ahead so your clearly lying about heep I think u men 16minutes
  12. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    Umm... They have to get 5-10k subs, thats a lot of work to get all those videos out in high quality while still having to edit, do to school/work and have a social life. All you need to do is do a 1-100 run.
    It took him 2 hours to get to 100 from 99 and a half, Teru got to 100 in 3 hours. His archer has been sitting there untouched for several moths so...
    Its true
  13. Terunalix

    Terunalix The Noob

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    you are always saying " blabla subs blaba" but we are talking about wynncraft,not about youtube. On wynncraft they dont do jackshit to get the buff
  14. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    Is it really that game breaking? Dxp week was much worse
  15. Terunalix

    Terunalix The Noob

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    You would understand if you worked on 5 level 100 classes and 2 level 90+s or even more. We put so much work and effort for our classes and seing youtubers getting what we worked hard for in less than 4 hours is so frustrating and makes alot of people angry and we feel betrayd by wynn content team because they just get what we work hard for for playing the game.

    Trust me,just get some classes to 100 and see some youtubers doing that while laughing at you because you did grind or worked on your class.
    StarDraco123 likes this.
  16. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    First off, youtubers don't make fun of us, next, Hippie grinded for 2 hours to get 20% to 98. So yeah.
    You have spent 180 hours to get almost 700 levels. Hippie has spent 500+ hours to get 550 levels.​
  17. Terunalix

    Terunalix The Noob

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    That is not my problem,it is his problem that hes bad at the game.
    Sorry but if you don't manage to get level 100 in 6 hours on txp youtuber rank then you dont deserve it anyways. Getting something for a game that you have no fucking idea about is stupid
  18. LeTommy

    LeTommy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    but then you dont see my point he said it took him 16months when gavel has only been out for just under 8months

    so @Pred do you think its fair how they would get like a 5x booster if they logged on to a server on a dxp weekend and the server had a xp booster on you think it would be fair if they they abused this to there advantage and left quest with high xp purposely just to get like a 5x.
  19. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    Now your the one bragging about getting to lvl 100 in such a short time. They deserve it, case closed.

    I just dont understand why you dont think they deserve it!
    It seems alot of the vips are mad at this. Your choice that you wasted 25-50 dollars on Vip! If you bought it for the x2 bonus when they came out, then you are no better than the youtubers. They have spent hundreds of dollars for there recording equipment!
    And yes, I do think it is fair that they spend hours upon hours filming, editing and socializing with there subs to get an advantage to pump out more, higher quality videos for there fans.
  20. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    Reading this thread was pure lmao.

    Doctors, governmental positions, administration positions and the stock exchange/banking jobs are often paid the highest in most countries. Regular jobs from the rough working class are paid the least. The people that worked hard to achieve those high-paying jobs no doubt succeeded, and they get a good salary for almost a lifetime, and THAT made their lives easier. Yet the rough working class also do get paid, but they don't get paid as much-which highlights the effects of Capitalist nations. People can get unhappy-which happens right here on this thread-and voice out their opinions asking for economic and governmental reform, although most of the time their voices were never heard.

    Really, the same applies for Wynncraft here. Youtubers no doubt worked hard to get the subscribers on their channel and the views on their videos. So like what most leaders do, they give them an easier way to advance through the game, in this case, YouTuber triple XP. They make more videos on our server, views will increase, our playercount and community will expand, and the revenue will hopefully skyrocket. All this being done for, mostly, the good of the entire server, so I do not see how YouTuber triple XP is unfair and should be highlighted as an issue.

    Case closed
    Mrs Sara, kioph, Moe_Ronickah and 2 others like this.
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