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My Theoretical Map Of Wynncraft

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SPYROHAWK, Jul 18, 2016.

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    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Edit: since the gameplay update much of this has been proven wrong, mostly regarding Dern and Fruma. You may read this for the thought process, but I no longer go by what is written here. We now know Fruma has a problem with its monarch, not Time. And Dern... Well... I'm working on that.


    Note! This thread is about the location of the provinces as well as other things. I do talk about other provincial issues that are related near the end of the thread. If you just want to read about the province locations and why I say they are there, that's fine. But just be warned I talk about other stuff near the end.


    Hey! So today I will be going over the probably locations of the NYI provinces (Fruma and Dern), why I think they exist in those locations, and other info I believe is relevant. I am in no way saying this is 100% correct, but this is what I believe make sense.

    Since I am writing this on my Ipad there is no way to directly drag the images in, so I'm just gonna put all them in an imger and talk about what's going on one by one.

    And before I put the link in I want to thank @Yuno F Gasai and @Terunalix for brainstorming with me. I had this map going for a while and I recently talked with these 2 and they really helped me with some finishing details that I did not understand on my own. Big shout out to them! (And sorry Yuno if I call you "she" a lot, it's a habit due to your profile pic and name. I do know you are in fact a dude)

    Also there are 2 concepts that need to be understood as well as one assumption. The first concept is that when realms clash, new forces are created as a result. Second concept is the difference between the reality of the world and what we see. Before the ocean update the ocean was not physically built, yet in the lore the ocean always existed. So some things may change that are currently built in due to lore. And the last assumption that I want to go over is that the realm in fantastic voyage is Dern's realm. IDC if you agree or not, but this thread is working off of that assumption.

    I know, overly long intro is overly long. Let's get on with it, shall we? (Sorry, I watched too much cinema sins today)

    So here are the pictures:


    Ok so the first picture is what we know so far, Wynn and Gavel. I wanted to use a different picture for the base but I could not find it until I already made these maps, so let's go with it!


    The second picture (the orange outline) shows the general shape of the provinces. The blue marks possible extended areas if the original outline was too small. I also have Xs where the portals are located (I may be a bit off with the gavel one) and blue markings to where the gates are. Time to go in Depth!

    So let's start with Fruma. I believe Fruma's realm was the realm of time (I say was because it changed, I get into that later). The time magic could have easily leaked into Wynn making what is now called "time valley". Time is a very talked about theme in wynncraft, and it seems to fit with Fruma. Fruma can be translated to meaning something like "religious" but a direct translation to old English (I think that's the language) translated to "prime" or "beginning". Now this is usually thought to be due to the players coming from Fruma, but the time theme also fits! I marked the portal on the map to be right behind time valley due to the reason stated above.

    Now we know one enterance is in the Ragni Outskirts in Wynn, but there is another gate. One quest talks about a guy in Gavel running away from something (not important what, other than that he wanted to get out of there fast!) and he went to Fruma. This leads me to believe there is a gate connecting Fruma and Gavel. Because what's more realistic? Running from Gavel THROUGH the ocean AND Wynn, or there just being a gate in Gavel? I would place the gate in the swamp because of its eastern location and its level range. The recommended level range for gavel is around 30-100 and I would place Fruma therefor at around 60-150. The swamp being a level 50-60 area fits the bill for a Fruma-Gavel gate.

    That's pretty much all I have to say for Fruma in the first picture. Realistically it could continue to extend over the top of Gavel, but I will leave that there for now. Onto Dern.


    So Dern is interesting. Some people claim that it's a small province, but I have not seen any report of that. What we do know is that it's realm is darkness and its to the south of Wynn. I believe (and most others do too) that it's realm (darkness) became too strong due to an entity called "the eye" and attacked the province. The province quickly fell to ruin except for a small group that escaped into the Wynnic jungle, now known as "the ancients".

    Fallowing the assumption we had stated at the top, the realm has 2 portals (I will explain in a bit). But one of the portals spits you out of the abandoned mines. Know common sense states that the portal must be in the province, sticking the province south of the mines. Keeping in mind that the miners were digging there when they found Dern, I'm going to say that's a pretty safe bet.

    Now the province needs to extend over to the Dernel jungle. Now I do know the name of the jungle has nothing to do with Dern, I just say that the province extends that way because of the ancients being found there. But what's important is to the west. Dern is basically a backwards L shape. As @Yuno F Gasai will tell you VERY passionately (honestly, I got so annoyed of listining to that until I understood what she was saying made sense) a dev or builder (I forget which) said before the wipe that Dern was located behind the silverfish dungeon. But that's not what is the most important for knowing it's a _| shape, the important fact is that it touched the ocean.

    Remember our friend Gateway Island? It's an island... In the ocean... But not anywhere in the known ocean. I believe it's in part of the ocean that is part of Dern. Considering how close the johash docks are to the western mountain wall, seems probobal. But wait, I hear what you are saying (hey, get out of the room!) "oh, but there are mountains in the way of where you predicted Dern to be! How could a storm possibly bring the boat over the mountains during the quest". And to that I remind you of our second concept. Realistically there should not be and mountains there, but we need them right now in order for players to go out of the map. But in reality the ocean extends further west into Dern. The fact that gateway island exists proves that there must be more to the ocean than what we just see, and if we are to continue believing that the realm there is the realm of darkness, then we are able to use it as proof that Derns shape has it going up to the ocean.

    Make sense so far? Ok good, onto the next pictures.


    So the next picture has grey area markings, that basically is what I think the ocean boundaries are. I believe it touches all provinces, as I already stated why it touches Dern. It also touched Fruma due to the really strange curved shape around the edges (sorry I was messy with drawing the line, I was lazy)


    The second to last picture basically shows that the marked out lengths could be larger or smaller. I just tried to go with the basic shape, I had no idea how far back to draw them.


    Ok that's about it! The last picture was just to recap my reasons. Fruma touching Ragni outskirts and portal being near time valley, Dern touching the mines and the ocean, I think I covered everything.

    Sorry, no rectangle dream here...


    But wait! I am not done! I marked out the locations of the provinces and gave reasoning, but i still need to explain why I said time WAS Fruma's thing and why Dern has 2 portals!


    I want to start with Fruma. Some of you may have read this thread my @Devourer https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/desolation-what-it-is-and-other-related-stuff.110767/ but some may not have. Basically in the realm of light there are 3 seeds you fight. Corruption, Darkness, and Desolation. We already know corruption is what happened in Wynn when light and dark clashed. Darkness is, well, darkness. Desolation I believe is what happened when time and dark clashed. But unlike the corruption which happened in the middle of Gavel and Dern, Desolation actually took place of the tp realm of time that used to be there. What does this mean for enemies in the province? No clue. But time does not seem to be something the devs could make a enemy or problem of, whereas desolation is. But keep in mind that most players agree we have only been in Wynn for 3 years (about) before the Gavel gates opened. The corruption happened 1000 years before that! So how does desolation fit?


    Well many things in wynncraft happen on a 1000 year basis. Comets, portals, many different things. The first clash (1000 years ago) happened between light and dark. Fruma's Warriors were hired by Wynn to fight the corruption. But now (around 1000 years later) another clash happened causing the desolation. How do we know? Well the desolation was OBVIOUSLY not a problem when we first started, otherwise we would still be in Fruma fighting the desolation instead of running around Wynn and Gavel. Does that make sense? We have not heard to the desolation very much because it's so very new!

    Anyway, that's why I say that Fruma's realm WAS time, because it now is desolation.


    Dern time! So Dern obviously has 2 portals to it's realm, one on gateway island and one near the mines. But why the heck does it have 2 whiles other have 1? I will admit I had no firecrackin clue! Once again, my credit goes to @Yuno F Gasai for helping me crack this one. She mentioned how the mages first learned their teleportation skills from the people of Dern in the old lore. She basically figured that if they have that power, then a strong enough entity could theoretically create a portal. Strong enough entity? The "the eye"? Perhaps when the eye and the realm of darkness came out to attack Dern, they made a new portal closer to their target (the portal in the mines) as the other one was one some stupid remote island! (No offense @Tantibus @Lotem the island is really cool, I just had to make an effect).


    So yeah! I think that covers everything. Let's go over the checklist.

    -map of the provinces
    -darn having 2 portals


    Ok I'm gonna be honest. It's really late at night and I leave for Poland tomorrow morning. I have had to re-write this like 5 times due to it getting deleted. I am tired and I am willing to be there is something I forgot to explain and it make 0 sense due to that. Please tell me if I forgot anything.

    Anyway, sorry if this is kind of sloppy, I just wrote it WAY too many times. Well, until I finally figure out the loose ends concerning the devourers, I guess that's it for now!

    Feel free to tell me what you think! Do you agree with my reasoning of the province locations? Did I miss something? Is there a way to make this work and still keep the rectangle dream? Feel free to comment below!

    Al Simula

    Last edited: Sep 10, 2016
  2. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    I came here just to say that you're banned from Wynncraft for insulting a part of Fantastic Voyage. You're done here, kiddo. You're banned.
  3. Glitchedslayer

    Glitchedslayer Godly Horse Breeder and Memer HERO

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    The real question is, does it matter?
    Mistrise Mystic, DJBorbo and Bio like this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Noooo! What will I ever do without my theories!

    Banned by one of the only people who can actually confirm or deny this thread!

    Nooooooooooo (voice fades into the distance)


    No but legit I have not played the quest yet but I have seen MANY screenshots of all of it. I must say I really like it. Can't wait to play it (well concise ring I am only level 61, that may be a while)

    Click the imger link

    Look at pics

    That's where I think Fruma and Dern go

    The thread explains why (plus some other stuffs)
  5. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    Haha like I'd ever actually do that.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Well it's a theory. Some people will say theories don't matter, some people like them. It's up to the reader and the very tired writer
    I know :(

    That's why I made sure to confirm who made the quest on that other thread
  7. SpaceGerm

    SpaceGerm TheOne&Only

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    Uh huh... Nice theories! I think that you did a good job of taking the time of doing this with @Yuno F Gasai and @Terunalix
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Really I was trying to figure all this out for a while. Then we were in Detlas and someone said something remotely related to ??? And that reminded my to ask Yuno about something (not ??? Related, don't worry). Eventually all the market people in Detlas became too annoying and we moved to Olux and figured all the missing pieces.
  9. Cookiezzzzzzz

    Cookiezzzzzzz Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Oh my, it's the Great Wall of Text. Try to maybe add subtitles/use different colors to make it more easy to read.
  10. funnysillyman

    funnysillyman lil uzi fan VIP+ GM

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    Fits in so well.
    RemiDaYeen and Chino like this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I tried to split it up into sections with --- and subsections with -

    I would add spoilers but it's strange in an iPad and I'm too tired (honestly I should be asleep already, I need to wake up SUPER early)
    Omg that sounds so cool! Except at the beginning my stomach made a strange sound and for a second I thought it came from the video.
    Kaelan~ and funnysillyman like this.
  12. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    Heeeeeee's baaaaaaaaack!!

    Ooops! Spoke too soon.
  13. Cookiezzzzzzz

    Cookiezzzzzzz Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Oh god, yeah, typing in mobile sucks x.x
  14. Kraby

    Kraby *insert clever meme* VIP+

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    i honestly doubt fruma and dern are gonna be that huge
    i dont think we are gonna get any province bigger than gavel
    Bio likes this.
  15. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    You forgot about Corkus, and so did Spyrohawk. It's gonna be HUGE! Bigger than Gavel and Wynn, combined!
    Pretzule, XavierEXE and Bio like this.
  16. DirtyDoge

    DirtyDoge Master Procastinator HERO

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    What about Corkus?
    Moe_Ronickah and Bio like this.
  17. Bio

    Bio Father of Class Builds Section VIP+

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    Yea, I'm surprised Tantibus didn't point that out!
    Moe_Ronickah, XavierEXE and DirtyDoge like this.
  18. donda biblioteca

    donda biblioteca donda esta dond CHAMPION

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  19. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    I still don't think fruma has a gavel gate but I guess we'll have to wait and see for ourselves.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  20. Allen_R111

    Allen_R111 Quality Shitposter

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    After looking through this thread, all I can say is. How the fuck did you get a top down map of Wynncraft. I need that shit ASAP
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