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My Opinion On The Server As It Is Now

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Violet Knight, Jul 14, 2016.

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  1. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    I’ve been away for a long time, playing other games, but not Wynn. Truth is that I’ve been holding off making this thread for a long time, but I’m gonna make it now. This is my opinion of the server in its current state.

    After the Gavel update, I was, like most people, extremely hyped for everything: over 1300 new items, an entire province added, all that stuff. I played till I was at lvl 48, but then I stopped. The thing is that I don’t entirely like the server anymore. Here’s why:

    Gavel itself

    I love the Wynn province. It has all kinds of interesting biomes and places, with so much detail, so much history and mystery, so many things to explore. I like Gavel a lot less: when I arrived at the Gavel Gate, I looked astounded at Llevigar, and after exploring the city for several hours, I set foot in the Llevigar plains. And then, things really got boring. I saw a lot new enemies, with all kinds of stats that Wynn mobs didn’t have, and I saw the big, open plains of Llevigar. Anyway, I grinded and went into the Swamp further north. It was also very empty, with one lonely city and a lot of meaningless hills. The thing that I don’t like about Gavel is that it’s a grid: all biomes are laid down in perfect rectangles, as if there was previously just a sign saying biome goes here. There’s so few interesting places, so little elevation, so, by a lack of a different word, produced. If I look at Wynn, I see an interesting mess of a world, as worlds should be, with ruins and addons and transitions and chaos, you can just see where there was a border before. I don’t like how Gavel is literally rectangular, but I love how Wynn is so chaotic, with so many shapes and little things. The fact that the biggest body of water in Gavel is one little lake compared to an ocean directly connected to Wynn, or the fact that the most interesting ruins in Gavel are absent as there are no ruins at all disappoints me.


    Combat got changed a lot with the latest major patch. Some will say this is an improvement, but this is my opinion and not theirs. The thing is that it got a lot more complicated: now enemies are more resistant to some elements, but weak to others, just like you. It’s a cool concept on paper, I admit, but I highly dislike playing this way. It used to be so much more simple: you got a weapon, it deals damage, that’s it. You don’t have to spend money on that weapon to use it, but you did get added stats, like more XP and stuff. Now when you get a weapon, I have to spend the little amount of money that I have on a weapon with a lot of stats, and I don’t even know if that item is better or not. One set is powerful against one enemy, but weak against another. That doesn’t bother me, because I don’t even know what weapons make a set anymore. I’m running around with lvl 40 armor because I don’t know if the armor I get now is good or not. It’s overly complicated, and when I’m playing an RPG I don’t want to ask on the forums if one item is good or not. I like the addition of rings and bracelets, but if they’re so rare, I’m not even going to use them. And with the whole element system added, you have to take even more care of your skill points. You probably know that it costs 1 LE to reset your skills. At the moment, I have 2 LE. In other words, I have no choice but to go with the skill points I have now, or I’ll be too broke to identify the weapons I have to use later.


    I’ll just get this out of the way as soon as possible: I hate grinding. It’s mindlessly killing hundreds of enemies to get one level. There are so many quests in Wynncraft, and I know you have to grind a lot less if you’re at lvl 60 or whatever, but I’ll never even get there because I have to grind. IgbarVonSquid made a video with his opinion, also stating that he hates grinding, but that video soon got removed and replaced by a video with him saying how he is sorry for hating on these things, that he shouldn’t be so harsh on the devs, because they are also just humans, and this is just Minecraft. Now I know a forced voice when I hear one, and my God was that forced, so I hope this thread isn’t going to be closed because it ‘caused a flame war’. Anyway, this is pretty much the gameplay for me. Grinding mobs. If they ever die at least, because I do almost no damage to them. Or if I even survive, because I have little defense even for a Warrior. The quests can also be hard: it’s mostly just ‘kill these guys (if you survive) to get this item’ or whatever.

    The uncategorizable things

    One thing that I don’t like about Gavel is the levels. Notice how Wynn is level 1-75, but Gavel is 45-100: why not begin Gavel at 75 and start from there? Instead you are given the choice between going to Gavel and missing out on biomes, but being able to completely finish the game, or going to Wynn, missing out on 30 levels of biomes, buildings and quests, and doing the final 25 levels in Gavel. Most people have already visited Wynn, so they choose the first option, meaning that Nesaak and both the Jungles are better off being wiped of the map, as they have no meaning anyway. It’s either ‘miss out on new things and explore the usual places’ or ‘embark on an adventure into lands your eyes have never seen before’. There’s also the texture pack: I like how we now have different skins for our weapons, but I don’t like how the “Minecraft” is taken out of “The Minecraft MMORPG”. I know it’s partly just nostalgia, but I don’t like how we have to look at all the custom textures. What I loved about Wynncraft is that a world was made beautiful just by combining blocks in a beautiful way. Now it’s combining block with unnatural textures in a beautiful way. I think we should at least have a choice: just tell us at the beginning of the game that we can download the TP we have to use now, and the oldschool textures, where every item’s beauty comes from its name, and building’s beauty comes from the skill of the builders.

    Those are all the things I didn’t like. Some people are probably pretty pissed off right now, so I’m devoting the next couple of lines to things I do like about the new update. I like how potions are more useful now: you drink them immediately and regain health. They’re a lot more vital now, to say it in other words. I also like the sheer amount of dedication: you can see the devs clearly care about the game, and about us.

    Please note that this is my opinion. You can like or dislike it, that’s up to you, but don’t say things like “grinding isn’t bad, you’re just lazy”. And if this thread causes a flame war of people arguing, I ask the moderators not to close the thread, and instead resolve the problem. We all have the freedom of speech, but if I can’t tell others my opinion, or others can tell theirs, you can expect a lot of anger. That said, this has been the thread. Thanks for reading!
  2. Soviet Union

    Soviet Union Sieze the means of production HERO

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    Well it seems some people have very different opinions then me :saltedhappy: also great job writing all of this

    Also are you only level 48?
  3. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Thanks for the compliment!
    Also, yes, I am only level 48. As I clearly stated in the thread, I hate grinding. So thanks for thoroughly reading all of it!
  4. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    I do agree about dat grinding. Horrible. :p It's the reason I quit (for now).
  5. Chocolaty_Bear

    Chocolaty_Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    I agree with some of this. Gavel would make the server a lot more fun if we had got level 75 in wynn province and then got to go to Gavel. Great thread man.
  6. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    If you're level 48, you've experienced barely anything of what Gavel has to offer, you've just dipped your toes into the elemental system, you don't even have all the spell upgrades yet! Of course you like Wynn better, you can't explore most of Gavel yet because you're too low level!

    The Llevigar plains are supposed to be, well, plain! I admit that they leave a little bit to be desired, but the sweeping hills are a joy to run across, killing orcs and speeding along with your movement spell. The swamp is SUPPOSED to be desolate, and if you look around there are plenty of landmarks and interesting things like ruins, villager camps taken over by the creatures of the swamp, etc.

    So few uninteresting places? Compare the cities of Llevigar and Cinfras to Detlas and Troms. See the difference? Also, the ocean is directly connected to Gavel as well, in both the Llevigar Plains and the Sky Islands.

    Combat before was lame, you found one set of gear that was 100% the best and used it. Everything was dull and felt the same because there was no variety at all! Now, almost every item has a use, and there are MANY different playstyles. Want to only use your basic attack and hit like a fucking truck? Go for it! Want to run circles around your foes? Sure! Want to reflect damage rather than attacking directly? That works! It gives much needed variety, and the skill point requirements prevent you from making game-breaking builds.

    Grinding Grinding Grinding.
    I don't have an xp set, and I have level 80 classes that haven't ever had to grind. Finish quests on dxp, I can't stress this enough. At level 49, you get a quest that WILL level you up if you beat it with dxp. Just be patient and play your other classes so you can finish multiple quests on each class once you find dxp, and you can bypass grinding until the early 90s!

    Wynn and Gavel overlap in level so you can explore more at once! That's why we hve teleportation scrolls, so you can teleport between the two provinces with ease!!

    Play the game more so you can actually experience the 80% of Gavel higher level than you and you'll see all the problems you mention be fixed, you just haven't experienced enough of the new systems and world to realize that it works extremely well.
    I got a class from level 1-81 recently, the only grinding I ever did was at level 12. I did not use an xp set, I just finished major quests with DXP and bypassed grinding comletely!

    Sorry if this sounds rude, I just feel really strongly about this topic.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2016
  7. Loggerhead

    Loggerhead Some Loggerhead

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    Er, level 70 to be exact. Lol. lots of grinding in your 60's... I'm having the time of my life in the 70's!! :D
  8. JMLG

    JMLG Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    For you to fully judge this server I would really ask you to play until a higher level.
    Yes, it's your opinion, but you cant really judge the server being a lvl 40 - 50 ish...
    On a second note, you really cant play without the "resource pack" cause wuthout it some weapons will look like, per example, a slab or a block.
    On another note, yes another, you cant just play with one class, try all the classes and see what suits your style, like archer for mad damage but bad defense (my fav in my opinion).
    Finally, myself, as a person with 5 classes (lvls: 84, 85, 83, 45 and 64) can say that stuff in the server is not that easy in some times like the grinding, but when you go in depth in the Wynn/Gavel lore you may just be in for a treat. #protectthegm
    Oh and, at level 63 is when you dont have to go here, kill there and give the thing back. Stuff really gets interresting and funny.
    P.S: Ma opinion
    T-Flex and XavierEXE like this.
  9. Loggerhead

    Loggerhead Some Loggerhead

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    I tell my friends this all the TIME!!! I tell them, the first 10 quests are boring. and show them a vid of the good quests. but they don't bother.. they just want me to leve lthem up to 20 ;-; WELL, I'M NOT DOING THAT!! My friends don't have a taste of adventure.. (I think I went to far...)
    AetherArising and XavierEXE like this.
  10. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    I only had to grind one level there, level 59-60, because IHII only got me halfway, but I had the GoH at that point so it wasn't bad, and I only had to grind because I bypassed Zhight Island and Beyond the Depths, and didn't perform ToA early.
    AetherArising likes this.
  11. Loggerhead

    Loggerhead Some Loggerhead

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    Can you help me with ToA anyways?
  12. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    You are completely right when you say that I haven't fully experienced Gavel, and that I should play more because it gets really interesting then. It's just that I don't know how to work with my armor, or how I can find the patience to grind this one extra level. I will probably try to get there though, it's just that I'm stupid and impatient when it comes to RPG. Also, I have tried other classes, and I'll admit that Warrior is my favorite, because It's just really fun to fly around with my charge and make enemies fly with uppercut :D
    So, I know I have only, to use your words, dipped my toes into the elemental system, but I just don't like how I have to customize it and I'm stupid when it comes to customizing these kinds of things. On the Llevigar plains being plain thing: I know they are supposed to be plain, but when I look at the map (yes, I did that only being at lvl 48) I saw the other biomes also just having a lot of roads, but it doesn't have watchtowers or underground ruins or uninhabited houses or all that. I remember Grian saying there will be no ruins in Gavel because prosperity or something. On the combat system: it's of course great that you like it, but, it may sound weird, I like the fact that it was lame. I honestly just don't like managing my skill points or stats, I just liked to get stronger as the game progressed. I also agree that you can explore more because the two provinces overlap in level, but I just kinda think Wynn isn't that... useful anymore.

    Also, thanks for the tip on the lvl 49 quest, I'll be sure to check it out!
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2016
    SeemsLegit, Triverr and XavierEXE like this.
  13. JMLG

    JMLG Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    RPG wasnt made to be easy. It was made to be hard and fun at the same time.
    I do get what you are saying, ive been there before, but i never gave hope on the server, keep in mind that i belong to this server for 2 years, or more i dont really know now...
    The good thing about grinding is that you can do what ever (ear music on youtube, talk to your Wynn friends if you converted some) and did someone tell you that being in a party gives you an extra xp bonus? #kindasponsor
    Dont worry about the armor stats, you just need to see if you need more health or more of the other thing, or if you need more loot bonus over more xp bonus. Once again, it all depends of your play style (mine is fast paced btw) .
    If you need help you can just /friend me and chat with me if you have any question

    P.S: This was the first time i wrote a lot on the forums xD
    Cruuk and XavierEXE like this.
  14. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    To be honest I'm not very good at making builds with the new system too, I just look for armour that matches my skill point build using wynnapps.tk/item instead of focusing on my damage and every stat and all that and I've managed just fine.
    AetherArising likes this.
  15. Enduh

    Enduh Uh, is it the End? HERO

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    The item system does seem very complicated at first to everyone, and was to me. You just need to put in the time to learn it, ask players Deltas, join a active guild, and read the forums for builds and help.

    Also, about grinding, I absolutely despise it too. That's we need more quests. Furthermore, like others have mentioned, you can get all the way to the last quest at level 90 from turning in all quests at dxp. I only needed to grind about 5 levels in total, and I sometimes turned quests in without dxp.

    One thing you also stated was IgbarVonSquid. He also mentioned in his video (Which I watched before it got taken down) is about so many dull quests. "Kill this to get this item" "Fight this boss with a insane amount of health" These I completely agree with. Even though he wasn't a GM, he made a excellent video on how to improve boss fights which seems the GM team ignored. Wynncraft can overall be improved and has a long way to go.
    All I can tell you and others who quit it; is to come back later, in a couple months, maybe a year or even two. It is an in-progress game afterall

    Thanks for your opinion, not many put this much effort and providing what they think!
    Cruuk likes this.
  16. Chocolaty_Bear

    Chocolaty_Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    Me too man, me too. My best friend hates the server because he's too lazy to get past level 48.
  17. Kaelan~

    Kaelan~ RIP VIP

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    I am reading NONE of this
  18. chaostitan

    chaostitan Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    You CANNOT criticize gavel at such a low level! If you are still in the 40s you have barely experienced gavel at all, by that I mean the quest and the builds and such. I suggest you play more, so you can experience the elemental builds and the new quests. Also grinding is not as bad as people make it to be it only really gets bad at around the 93-100 area.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  19. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Since you like spamming spells, I'd say you should go for Water Warrior, put most of your skill points into intelligence, and go find items that give mana regen, spell damage, water damage, etc. etc. It's not that complicated once you get used to it, if you want to get a better grasp of the item system, make another Warrior class to get yourself used to the item system, the system itself is very simple at lower levels and gets a bit more complicated as you rise in the levels.

    The content team knows of the grinding problem and are working on well-written quests as we speak.

    And as others have said, you can't critique the province itself at such a low level, The Canyon of The Lost (level 80 area) makes up for the lack of ruins, there is so many little things to explore there its absolutely insane, you'll be there for hours exploring all the places the Canyon has to offer.
    Violet Knight, Triverr and XavierEXE like this.
  20. SwampyWillis

    SwampyWillis yes. HERO

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    I agree completely im a level 84 archer and i have to grind a WHOLE FREAKING LEVEL. At the time I am posting this I am only about 1% in to getting to level 85. what i think would make the game even better is more quests less grinding. People will LOVE this I tell you. at 84 there is no quests I can do D: sad right. I think more quest will make the game better I know there are already a crap ton of quests but the thing is there all kinda simular. Like stated in the thread go kill something get the item bring it back. Now if your a high enough level to do the quest Memory Paranoia it has a real story to it. I am not trying to bring hate to me or any of the people who made the quests. I know you people put your time, skill, and your love into these quests and that is what makes wynn, wynn (there all great quests). The only thing wynn needs is less grinding more unique quests :D
    Great thread man I agree with some parts xD
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