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Yuno's Ama And Diary, Latest Entry 8.3.19

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Yuno F Gasai, Mar 15, 2016.


What do you think about my life?

  1. I want to be you!

  2. You have a great life!

  3. Sounds interesting

  4. Meh

  5. I'm not impressed

  6. Boring

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  1. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    to be honest these couple days are kinda boring, I'll skip to the interesting ones.
    Essendale, Aradia Megido and K_kki like this.
  2. Obito

    Obito Playing Wynncraft Theme Songs Since 2016

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  3. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    June 1st
    woke up and went to do a biotechnology lab exam
    one of the multiple choice questions was wrong
    wrote the correct answer
    finished early and turned it in
    around 15 minutes after I got out people start exiting and they all tell me how stupid I am because the teacher said there was a wrong question before I got out and that you were supposed to write the correct answer.
    bitch please.
    they are all in awe
    go home and bask in my own self gloriousness
    Essendale, Aradia Megido and K_kki like this.
  4. TheHipster

    TheHipster Famous Adventurer

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    still better than the Kardashians
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  5. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    June 12th
    woke up at 10am and ate breakfast
    studied one hour for my Hebrew final
    made myself a sandwich and decided to go out on a bicycle ride
    went out at 12
    rode all the way to the start of mt.Carmel (8km from my house)
    decided to visit my grandmother
    rode up the mountain (500meters elevation)
    got to her house after ~3 hours
    checked my phone
    I rode 20km up the mountain
    ate lunch and slept on the sofa for an hour
    at around 17 I started riding back
    20km down the mountain
    I held my break down all the way down
    got home at 19:30
    that's the most I've ever ridden (4okm total with the biggest elevation)
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2016
    Essendale and Aradia Megido like this.
  6. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    June 14th
    got unbanned!
    went through 16 pages of alerts and got filled in on what happened when I was gone.
    good to be back!
    Essendale and Aradia Megido like this.
  7. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    June 23rd
    woke up and ate breakfast
    we have no bread ;-;
    went out to recycle the papers at 10am
    run into my friend from school, he offers me a ride to school (we have the history final)
    get to school and start going over my notes
    final starts at 11am
    finish all 5 questions by 12
    stay for another half an hour and doodle on the notebook
    get out by 12:30
    go with friends to the nearby mall and buy a bread and mushrooms thingy
    go and sit with them in the park
    go home
    get home at ~13:30
    turns on the AC and starts surfing the web
    at 16 I go out and my grandpa drives me to a café out of town
    I meet with friends and colleges
    we are arranging a senior meet up for our gifted program
    get there at 17
    order a fancy pasta with shrooms
    we talk about things
    somehow agree about making a human clock
    I'm also going to de a presentation about time in different cultures
    finish at 19:45
    get on a bus with two friends (both ginger)
    get home at ~20:00
    start typing
    here I am
    Essendale and Aradia Megido like this.
  8. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    June 24th Pride Parade
    woke up at 7
    ate breakfast, yum yum
    had a shower.
    got dressed and made my bag.
    at 9:30 I met up with my youth movement and we got on a bus to Haifa
    we got to Haifa and started painting our signs.
    at around 12 we started marching at the pride parade (I looked sexy af)
    I met a couple of friends from other youth movements
    we marched for around an hour and then sat down in the shade and met with more people.
    we bumped into another friend of ours (which apparently is bi, I had no idea) who told us he isn't going home until he kisses someone.
    so I went around and asked people if they want to kiss him, suddenly everyone is straight.
    we found a cute boy, blue hair, Asian eyes, that was willing to kiss him.
    now I expected a peck on the lips.
    he frenched him for a solid 30 seconds before letting go.
    holy shit
    we took our things and started heading back home.
    while we were boarding the bus we met a cute boy, turns out its a girl.
    started talking with her.
    she went to the parade with her girlfriend (they are both cute)
    after she gets off the bus me and my fellow instructor (she's bi) start talking about her and we both agree she's cute and our type.
    we switch busses and bump into them again, turns out she lives pretty close to us.
    after she gets off the bus we make it our mission to find her again and flirt with her.
    get home at 16:30
    shower because someone decided to plan the parade in June.
    eat a bowl of pasta and meatballs.
    sleep for a bit.
    go out on my bike to a friend's house.
    he's having a pool party for his birthday (I forgot to buy a present ;-;)
    we are 10 people constantly switching between the pool and the jacuzzi.
    I'm dead tired so I lie down on some pillows to rest
    everyone thought its a good idea to play basket ball over my head.
    so I moved to a sofa where the girls were talking.
    the other instructor was also there and we talked and told everyone about the parade.
    at around 1am I escorted the girls home and rode home on my bike.
    got home, didn't have any power to shower.
    sleep sweet sleep
    Essendale and Aradia Megido like this.
  9. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    June 26th
    woke up at who cares the morning was boring.
    at 2pm my friends cam over.
    we ate lasagna and chicken stomachs .
    was delicious.
    at 2:45 my brother's piano instructor came over so we had to go away.
    so we went to the park across the street.
    when we go down another friend comes over and calls me so I will pick her up from the metro.
    so I run over to the metro station.
    she calls me again.
    she missed the station.
    no big deal, my neighborhood has 4 metro stations.
    run over to the one she got off on.
    I'm already sweaty.
    get her and go back to the park.
    by the time we get there the piano lesson is over so we go up to my apartment again.
    we eat honey cake I made and pistachio tart we bought somewhere.
    we start solving soduko's and other stuff
    two of the girls go to buy birthday presents for the third one.
    the third one stays at my place with 3 other boys.
    I put starwars on.
    one friend has to go mid way (no idea why).
    we keep watching the movie and eating popcorn and burkas.
    when the movie ends its around 19:30 so both of them have to go.
    they help me clean the apartment and go.
    was a wonderful day.
    Essendale and Aradia Megido like this.
  10. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    June 27th
    I woke up and ate breakfast
    told Arsene he's in charge of Imperial while I'm gone
    made my bags
    got on the 8:32 train to tel aviv
    got to tel aviv at 10:04
    met up with friends outside a mall
    we got on a bus to the center of the city
    got off god knows where and went into a music shop
    wasn't that interesting
    then we walked a bit to a clothing shop (it was amazing but expensive af)
    after that we got to an old bookstore and I bought an Isaac Asimov book (the final magic fantasy collection)
    we visited another bookstore (that one was lame)
    then we walked through the bazar (I bought a glass jar for 5 nis just coz) to the beach
    it was sandy and wet (like spongebob's first time)
    after the beach we went and ate
    I bought a dough thing with eggs mushrooms and onions on it, it had too much pepper.
    after that we took a bus to another mall to change our clothing back.
    there I went into a comic store and bought a graphic novel named DimensionW by Yuji Iwahara (because they didn't have ajin # or deadman wonderland #1)
    after the comic store we got on a bus back to the train station.
    I got on the 16:16 train back north
    got home at around 18:00
    took a shower
    told Arsene I'm back
    made some rice and mixed it with chicken stomachs (fucking delicious)
    don't remember what I did then
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  11. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    June 28th
    woke up at 8 and ate breakfast, an omelet butter ketchup sandwich.
    at 9:30 I got on the metro towards Haifa.
    there I met with 5 friends and we got on a bus that went up the mountain.
    we got to our station at around 11.
    we walked a bit and got to the start of the track.
    we started walking.
    at around 11:30 we got to the natural spring in the mountain.
    the water were cold and clear.
    the we walked to the end of the track.
    we got on a bus and took it all the way to the beach.
    then we played around in the water and sat in the shade.
    then we went to a restaurant and we ordered two plates of humus with fried meat, a plate of schnitzels and some beers.
    we sat there till god knows when then we got up and walked to the metro.
    the metro took us straight home (we got home at around 19).
    then I showered, ate pasta with Bolognese.
    Essendale and Aradia Megido like this.
  12. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    July 7th
    Woke up and did jack shit for a couple of hours
    At 12 my grandparents came and took us out for shawarma.
    Got home and put a tray of burekas in the oven.
    At 3:50 me amd my brother took the burekas and some drinks and got on our ride to the Oranim college.
    We got there and started getting the room ready for a joined dinner and a white night.
    After we ate we had a panel with a philosopher and a physicist that talked about time, went really well.
    After that we had a break and then divided everyone into four groups and held a discussion on time and about childhood.
    From there we started the first round of activities, I went to one about rhythm and rapping.
    After the first round we had a break and started the second round.
    Me and my brother did a hour and a half presentation about time keeping in different cultures around the globe. Got great reviews.
    After that we had another break and started the personal presentation, everyone gets three minutes and 20 seconds to talk about anything they'll like.
    We had around 10 presenters.
    After that we cleaned up the classroom and put everything back in its place.
    Then we went to the roof of the library to see the sunrise (we were just between the carmel mountain range and the northern hills so we had a beautiful view of the vally filled with mist).
    After that we went for a walk in the botanical garden and settled down for breakfast and a discussion about the white night itself.
    Then we each went to our own houses.
    As soon as I got home I went to sleep
    19:00 woke up
    19:40 write this diary entry.
    Got a party in a hour
    Essendale and Aradia Megido like this.
  13. Earthliving

    Earthliving Shitpost Plaza Lurker HERO

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    So much more eventful than my life
    Kaelan~ likes this.
  14. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Try to get out more, go camping with your friends! Arrange a sleep over! Go to a lecture on something that fascinates you! Go to the sea! Travel to the big city! Go hiking! If you have friends on the other side of the country ask them to stay over for a while!
    Nothing is going to happen if you don't do it.
    Don't count on other people to run your life for you.
    I know it seems like my life is eventful but look at my diary, I only make it seem that way. Every missing date is a date I didn't do anything important on, no cooking, no drawing, no talking to friends, just sitting at my computer doing nothing. I don't type those days in to keep the thread interesting, if I'll add them you'll be board out of your minds and never look at this thread again.
    Essendale, Aradia Megido and Grvphene like this.
  15. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    July 29th
    woke up and ate some fruits for breakfast
    forgot the rest
    fast forward to the evening
    Friday supper with my two grandparent, my grand grandmother and my little cousin
    we have burekas and red pepper cream pie and lasagna.
    for dessert we have grapes and mango.
    then I teach my cousin some origami.
    they leave at around 9pm.
    I get dressed and ready and nap for a bit.
    at 10pm I drive to my friends house, she's having her 17 birthday party (she's also my ex).
    we arrive and dance for a couple of hours.
    after everyone arrives we have the first shot of the night.
    we continue dancing eating and drinking until 6:30 am
    at 6:30 we went to see the sunrise from the balcony.
    the girls went to sleep at 8am (and the random boys who fell asleep along the night)
    the rest stayed up and watched T.V.
    got a bit board so I made pineapple shandy for everyone (using corona beer and pineapple bubbly water with some slices of lemon)
    at 9am we went to sleep.
    woke up at 12am and woke up the host.
    we watched television wate pizza and drank until 6pm
    then everybody went back to his house.
    the end.

    btw I teamed up with 3 friends and we bought her a mobile speaker with 10 hour battery life (her old one sucked)
    Essendale, Aradia Megido and Kaelan~ like this.
  16. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    Aww the feels ;---;
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  17. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    We're chill tho
    Also this is an ama, where is all the asking?
    Aradia Megido likes this.
  18. Kaelan~

    Kaelan~ RIP VIP

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    My question is Am I amazing?
    I hate this age where I try to arange stuff and no one listens to me...
    Must've been the chicked
  19. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Go out without them, make some new friends. Gaving more than one set of friends really eases up on arranging stuff. (Going to conventions and stuff also helps)
    Aradia Megido likes this.
  20. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    tbh I would love to keep uploading these but I cant keep them pg-13 anymore
    Aradia Megido likes this.
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