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SPOILER Cactus Is Hard To Form

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by icebreaker, Jun 21, 2016.

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  1. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Way ahead of you, I have been planning for a mage heal spam cactus build for a while and am gonna start it today, hopefully.
    How about we just limit the grinding more by adding more dungeons, like the ones coming in the follow-up update? Hopefully they give enough xp to not be too much better or too much worse than grinding.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
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  2. DirtyDoge

    DirtyDoge Master Procastinator HERO

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    Grinding is basically the same thing throughout all genres of games.
    It's the same every time.
    Do something for hours to get something special, or automate it, which may or may not take longer, but it's a heck of a lot less boring, because you can do something productive while also grinding in a game.
    Whatever, I don't even know why I'm here, I don't even use cactus, and I'm currently not playing Wynncraft.
    Smartest thing said in this whole thread.
    TwageTomato and XavierEXE like this.
  3. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    That isn't a bug, because, for instance, your regen isn't instantly activating any time Thorns does. Both identifications do not interact in unexpected ways, so that's perfectly fine for a cactus build.
    You mean, make more content? Yes, of course, why didn't we think of that!

    All sarcasm aside, we've been working really hard to get more and better content out to alleviate this grinding issue. Hopefully the next update will be very pleasing, in that regard.
  4. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Well I mean we all knew that was going to be added eventuallyâ„¢, which is why I didn't mention it, but yes, dungeons will be a nice way to break the mold of the grind, all I hope is that they offer they offer a very great challenge for both lone wolves and parties with 15+ players, with difficulty and loot based on the number of people in a dungeon.

    (I would shamelessly shoehorn my good ol' dungeon theory into here, but I'm just too lazy to do that right now.)

    I haven't played Wynn for a while, but I ain't quitting at all, I'm just waiting for the follow update. and for that skill point bug to squashed.
  5. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I could argue that standing still in frozen hights, spamming right-left-left nonstop (as a mage, i use meteor) is equally not "playing" a game. People (like me) are sick and tired of that boring, tedious squander of our time.

    One of my friends even resorted to buying a gaming mouse with macros, turning on "record keypresses" and grinded for about 16 hours. Wanna know what he did with the keybinding after he stopped it recording? He settled up in a corner where mobs couldnt get to him easily, and set the macro to run overnight.

    (Ofc it didnt work well because server restarts, but it still happened nonetheless)

    He paid 70 dollars or more for a mouse to counter the tedious, brainless, and pretty lazy design that is grinding.

    I wholeheartedly appreciate and love wynncraft, and approve of all the time and effort put into building the map and easter eggs.

    I know you likely can't just stuff quests everywhere to make the grinding more bearable, but..

    I'd honestly play wynncraft if the builds were like the first releases and updates, as long as the gameplay itself was more fun.

    I'd play it without horses, boats, or airships if there were passionately made, and well designed.

    I'd play it without the 3d weapons and medieval pack if it meant we'd get more intelligently made and team-based puzzles, like the sliding piston puzzle where you push an emerald block around until it was atop the diamond block

    Just add a fockin... "Weekly challenge", if you're gonna be lazy when it comes to the GAMEPLAY mechanics.

    like "Kill 1000 _____s"

    or "Visit the following places: (co-ords lists)"

    or even just "Locate a singular lone cherry blossom tree, Nearby a raging waterfall"

    Have a long randomized list like this, and set the plugins into place. bam, no more complaints about lack of XP sources
    -Signed, A very pissed off grinder
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
    Diabound likes this.
  6. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Then why not move around instead of just standing in one spot? Get a little bit of excitement in your grind instead of becoming an immobile grinding turret.

    Sounds more like their perogative to me. There are ways to make grinding bearable, and we're trying to add in more fun ways to handle grinding where it becomes necessary.

    You'd be shocked at how difficult that would actually be to code, and I assure you this would not end complaints. Again, we're trying to find ways to make grinding less necessary and also more fun, but one of the big issues I see is that a lot of good grind spots are dismissed because people don't want to bother putting in effort.

    "Oh, no we can't grind there, that place has ranged mobs."
    "Oh, there's no camping spot there! Grinding is impossible like that."
    "Oh, the mobs there drop a whole bunch of junk items, it's pointless trying to grind there."
    "Oh, that place is sort of off the path, it's too much effort going there and back, so grinding is useless."

    These complaints make me so annoyed, because people ignore any grind spot that doesn't just have a bunch of slow, weak mobs with an easy camp spot without bothering to look at the heightened XP bounties or extra challenges that have been put in to try and spice things up.
    Lord_He1mchen and XavierEXE like this.
  7. fasdfsadfwewf

    fasdfsadfwewf Deadpool CHAMPION

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    ;-; Hardest 3 weeks of my life.
  8. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Those are the bane of my existence, I need my knock back resistance.
    There are some low level camping grounds in wynn with level 5 nomads for company.
    So you find an afk dude and throw it on him.
    And then theres me who rides from detlas to cinfras coz I dont want to buy a scroll (and fast travel is for scrubs)
    Hell, if there was a grinding place in the back of dernel or canyon of the lost if rush my ass there and grind for the shiny xp orbs that make my world go round
    Shovel and Lord_He1mchen like this.
  9. Lemniscate

    Lemniscate ☞ ͠° ‿‿ ° ☞ HERO

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    You cant really blame the guy. It's a bug that you guys put there, and its not bannable so...
    Diabound and AetherArising like this.
  10. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Moving around just means you miss more hits, and it takes much longer.

    Ehhh....Making you have to run around ranged enemies swinging blindly isnt making more fun ways to grind

    It wouldnt end complaints, but it'd dampen them heavily. If you scaled it to level, like missions (where did those even go?) you'd get people of all levels doing it.

    Lemme take these down 1 by 1

    Ranged mobs: You have to run in circles, strafing nonstop, or get shredded within seconds (cough every ranged mob has fucking bullethell machinegun spray)

    No camp spot: This one depends on your build. If you're like me and poor as a peasant, you can't afford items with good IDs, so you die very very fast. This only effects archer and mage though, because they're not SUPPOSED TO BE in the front lines, bashing zombies with their staff or shooting at point-blank range. Warriors and assassins don't camp (unless you're scream/bomb builds)

    Junk items: Literal junk items are worthless and won't fetch you any more than a few emeralds, "Junk weapons and armor" are as stated above, nearly worthless. You'll get shredded.

    "Off the path" has no counterargument, other than if you happen to be a freakin statue and can't walk anywhere.


    "These complaints make me so annoyed, because people ignore any grind spot that doesn't just have a bunch of slow, weak mobs with an easy camp spot without bothering to look at the heightened XP bounties or extra challenges that have been put in to try and spice things up."

    That's what you guys kinda forced. I'm gonna be devils advocate here and say most of those people complaining have TERRIBLE items. The gavel update brought hundreds more. Pretty much every unique is worthless, rares are alright, and legendaries are so few and far between that you're lucky to ever see one. Don't get me started on mythics.

    Because they have terrible items, they struggle to kill anything BUT the slow, melee/weak mobs. If they get within their reach, the lagspikes from gavel's size, and the 3d animated models (most people who play that i've talked to, like me, run a shabby bottom of the barrel Acer PC from 2006 or so.) will force them to insta-die, and then they have to walk back. They can only do this like 7 times if they have max SP, because if they do any more they'll lose what crappy items they have, and be put back to having an OAK WOOD WEAPON

    I wish you'd at least get a better starter weapon as you levelled, because an oak wood stick wont kill anything above nemract level.

    These "extra challenges that have been put in to try and spice things up" are counterintuitive. People only like frozen heights, ToL, and Herb Cave because they won't die within milliseconds.

    That's all. Squabble and argue with me all you want, i'm not changing my opinion

    XavierEXE likes this.
  11. Pastersnacks

    Pastersnacks Emperor of History HERO

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    Having taken a coding program myself I can agree how intensely hard it would be to code that. Also will most of the follow up update quests be lvl 90+?
  12. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    yay go Selvut!
    TwageTomato likes this.
  13. FlamingPinecone

    FlamingPinecone infinite lava source VIP

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    I wouldn't even care if the dungeons were less efficient than actual grinding, it would still be better because it would actually be fun and require skill, unlike straight grinding.
  14. icebreaker

    icebreaker Retired YouTuber & Full Stack Web Developer Media HERO

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    Assassin ...idk why my defense is low :(
  15. HannahTheCat

    HannahTheCat Hannah / Scree VIP+

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    My friend (SizzlingBaconYT) and I had an idea.
    If a grinding "minigame" were to be implemented (kind of like the side missions) it might make it more bearable.
    The idea was to have something like "Make it to your next level in x amount of time and receive ___!" or maybe little challenges like "Bring me ___ in x amount of time to receive ___!"
    They could be daily challenges like how we currently get daily rewards. Maybe a streak multiplier similar to daily rewards that caps at a certain number.
    The reward could be something like emeralds, xp, or items. (Amount/item obviously varying with the difficulty of the challenge) Maybe something where you can choose what kind of challenge you want to do depending on what type of reward you want to receive (in this case, xp since we're talking grinding)
    This is just a little idea that miiiiiiiiiiiiight eliminate a bit of the grinding struggle, even though I personally enjoy grinding :b.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  16. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    This is bannable. To quote: "2. Macros.
    (Macros are allowed for spell combinations, as long as they are not on a loop.)"

    Macros are allowed for single-spell key combinations. Setting any macro to play, on its own, is a bannable offense. Why are macros allowed? We've had this discussion several times, in the past. Macros are allowed because some people, with hand injuries, need them, in order to NOT further their injuries with repetitive motions, and because they may not be able to click their mouse buttons fast enough, all of the time, or even part of the time. In the interest of fairness, everyone gets to use macros, but they are NOT to be on a loop. The loop makes them functionally the same as any aimbot. So, if I catch your friend, I'll record him, report him, and not have the slightest bit of care for his feelings about it.
  17. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    He's long since quit, to my knowledge, but if you ever see him, feel free.
  18. Chocolaty_Bear

    Chocolaty_Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    Why wynn has scrolls and btw I kinda quit cause of grinding. I like grinding but I don't have time anymore. Btw i luv u selvut
  19. Diabound

    Diabound Well-Known Adventurer

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    Rip basically getting no suggestions, every cactus thread feels your pain ;-;
  20. Cavay

    Cavay Well-Known Adventurer

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    I agree selvut the tree build is much better. Very off topic but selvut, is your profile picture a bunny or a sheep?
    You should use the new "tree" build it's quite good in my opinion... Or the flower
    Honestly anyone could use macros then because you will get carpal tunnel syndrome from using a mouse too much at some point...
    @XavierEXE the tree dream is alive! #makewynncraftgreenagain wait what it's a cactus nvm didn't read whole post.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
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